The Most Overpowered Weapons in Video Games

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in the gaming World some weapons Stand Out Above the Rest as they simply decimate the competition and strike fear into the hearts of opponents these overpowered weapons from legendary swords to Straight Up Room clearing Firearms have become iconic in The Gaming Community join us as we explore some of Gaming's most overpowered weapons and uncover their ultimate power kicking off the list is ucl's cfinder from The Fallout series it's possible that many players may have overlooked a seemingly humble Gadget while playing the game when it's first shown to the player it is described as a simple toy and as such it may not seem all that important reach for the sky Mister this is the best gun in the whole galaxy I paid a million caps for it and it wasn't even brand new oh man it's Stacy's fault she pretends like she didn't get hit that's still a lot of money I guess I'll however if you complete a specific Quest and acquire this toy-like weapon you'll gain access to a powerful laser targeting system that's linked to a satellite mounted orbital laser weapon called Archimedes 2 essentially you become a walking laser pointer of Doom that rins down a devastating laser beam from orbit at the pull of the trigger there's nothing quite like wiping out an enemy with a space laser it's the ultimate ey win button granted the weapon can only be fired while once every 24 in-game hours but it's still a force to be reckoned with in the claustrophobic corridors of Dead Space Isaac clar our engineering protagonist doesn't carry a traditional Arsenal instead he wields the plasma cutter a multi-purpose tool designed for mining however in the face of the Necromorph horde it becomes Isaac's only defense and a surprisingly effective weapon the plasma cutter fires a focused beam of superheated plasma in three narrow strips creating a powerful tool for strategic dismemberment as Necromorphs aren't easily put down with a single shot this tool is so ingrained in dead space's identity that there's even an achievement for completing the entire game using only this weapon this testifies to the plasma Cutter's versatility and deadly potential in the right hands or should I say the right Engineering Suit taking a step back from Close Quarters combat we can dive into the art of longrange sniping with the farsight xr20 the farsight xr20 isn't your typical longrange weapon this beauty boasts a revolutionary targeting system that lets you see heat signatures through walls and obstacles imagine identifying and eliminating hidden enemies before they know you're there the farsight xr20 doesn't stop at wall hacking here's the real kicker its bullets can also Pierce through walls and objects in this the environment line up a shot where your target is obscured behind cover no problem the farsight xr20 lets you reain destruction through walls making strategically placed enemies vulnerable from unexpected angles however if pinpoint precision and stealth are not your approach then let's take a massive leap from surgical strikes to ground scorching radiant with the weapon that embodies the Glorious chaos of the Fallout series [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fat man is a mini nuke launcher a pre-war destruction Relic repurposed for the wastelands harsh realities this isn't your everyday firearm even though it's based on a real life weapon named the DAV Crockett firing a fat man feels exactly like carrying a a walking nuclear bomb launcher on your shoulder one well-placed shot can obliterate entire enemy outposts leaving behind a smoldering crater and a satisfying sense of apocalyptic power it's the ultimate Problem Solver for those moments when subtlety just won't cut it on the topic of total nuclear Annihilation players in a different game also have access to a weapon that effectively clears out the entire map the Armageddon introduced in in worms Armageddon perhaps not so subtly named after the weapon itself reign supreme as the king of chaotic Devastation at least in the miniature world of worms Armageddon is a super weapon that literally reshapes the battlefield when activated a barrage of meteors rains down from the sky transforming the one slush landscape into a collection of tiny Islands imagine your opponents blissfully lobbing grenades at each other one moment only to find themselves clinging desperately to a fragile piece of of Earth the next talk about a strategic shift surely you might say there's no weapon more Grand than the one that creates a barrage of meteors that covers the entire map that's where the Halo array comes in a galactic super weapon that transcends mere battlefields was called Halo an array of weapons scattered throughout the Galaxy its effect would spread throughout known space destroying the flood and every thinking creature in the galaxy the Halo array isn't a single weapon it's a network of colossal ring-shaped installations built by the ancient Forerunner species while they appear as artificial planets at first glance their true purpose is far more Sinister the systematic eradication of the flood a parasitic force that consumes all sensient life the Halo Aras existence Sparks endless debate among fans while it effectively contains the flood it comes at the cost of wiping out entire civilizations with Untold potential is it is it a necessary evil or a horrifying Act of Galactic genocide whole civilizations are wiped out with the push of a button a stark reminder of the responsibility that comes with such Godlike control but what if a weapon's power lies not in destruction but in Creative problem solving before I get demonetized let's step away from Galactic genocide and explore a more light-hearted weapon of choice the portal gun from the game portal a weapon that revolutionize how we approach challenges the portal gun in Portal might seem like an innocent puzzle solving tool sure it lets you manipulate Space by creating portals but how much real Combat potential could it possibly have well buckle up because the portal gun becomes a surprisingly overpowered weapon in the wrong hands or the right depending on your perspective imagine you're at an impass with a disgruntled opponent forcing you to do something but suddenly you disappear into a mysterious Vortex only to reappear behind them that's the power of the portal gun in a combat scenario by strategically placing portals you can outsmart your enemies with impossible teleportation flanking them with ease and leaving them open to devastating attacks the portal gun's deadliness goes beyond surprise attacks imagine opening a portal under your enemy's feet and dropping them into an infinite Loop the environmental manipulation possibilities are endless the portal gun becomes a tactical chameleon adapting to any combat situation but what if your Ultimate Weapon wasn't a nuke launcher a high-tech rifle or a last resort doomsday device what if it was a fluffy pink unicorn with a secret yes you read that right Red Faction Armageddon throws a hilarious curveball with Mr Toots a weapon that's as powerful as it is bizarre this unassuming plushy unicorn boasts a hidden talent firing devastating rainbow lasers from its rear end don't let the cuddly exterior fool you Mr Toots specs serious punch disintegrating enemies with its vibrant beams enemies unfortunate enough to be caught in Mr Toot's wrath don't simply die they explode in a shower of rainbows and butterflies it's a Strangely Beautiful and slightly disturbing death animation that adds to the weapon overall absurdity if you're not after the absurdity of farting unicorns then the rocket launcher jell horn from Destiny 1 might be something you're after however the jell horn wasn't just a rocket launcher it was a legend this weapon fired a singular projectile that split into multiple Wolfpack rounds upon impact seeking out nearby enemies and inflicting devastating damage imagine a single shot turning into a heat seeking missile swarm that's the Galer Horn's power in a nutshell the gon's impact went beyond its destructive capabilities it also became a status symbol a sign that you conquered challenging content and earned the right to wield this Powerhouse or bought it from sure many highlevel activities in Destiny one practically required the jalah horn leading to the phrase jalah horn wreck in online communities meaning that if a player joined without a weapon they would be kicked out among other status symbols is the iconic and legendary Chism also known as valmanway from Castlevania Symphony of the Night and its successors and this weapon isn't about raw Earth shattering power it's about unleashing a whirlwind of Destruction that leaves enemies breathless and probably limbless unlike most swords the chrysm allows alar to attack while moving imagine a constant flurry of slashes a whirlwind of Steel that tears through enemies with Incredible speed this Mobility makes the chrim a dream for aggressive players who favor a Relentless offensive Onslaught the chism's power also comes from its unique attack animation as the rapid strikes create the illusion of multiple blades hitting the enemy simultaneously while it doesn't deal the absolute highest damage per hit the sheer number of attacks within a single combo makes it incredible L effective at racking up damage quickly on the topic of racking up damage quickly we have the rivers of blood Katana from Elden ring the rivers of blood isn't just another sharp piece of metal this Katana is imbued with a cursed power that unleashes a flurry of blood red attacks inflicting physical damage and a debilitating blood loss effect imagine weaving through enemies leaving a trail of crimson rain in your wake as their health steadily drains with each cut the rivers of blood's true power lies in its unique weapon skill the corpse piler this isn't a single powerful strike it's a devastating combo that embodies the weapon's Essence the user unleashes a flurry of Rapid slashes each one imbued with the Blade's cursed power enemies caught in this Dance of Death are left staggering and bleeding easy prey for a final brutal blow if you're more of a fan of dealing a single blow to end your enemies then the golden gun from Golden Eye 07 might be more up your sleeve a weapon that embodies luxury and lethality the gold gun isn't about a hail of bullets or Earth shattering explosions it's about Precision a single golden bullet that guarantees elimination imagine being James Bond facing down a villain and knowing that one well-placed shot could settle the entire Affair the Golden Gun is for the sophisticated a deadly tool fit for a secret agent of the highest caliber missing your target means scrambling to find cover and reload a moment of vulnerability that could cost you dearly the Golden Gun forces players to strategic carefully plan their approach and ensure that their one shot is a kill shot while we are on the topic of single shot devastating weapons it goes without saying that the BFG 9000 had to be on this list The BFG 9000 is the embodiment of excessive Firepower it's a weapon that doesn't mess around with fancy golden bullets it throws entire green Globs of plasma that explode with devastating Force leaving behind a crater and a satisfied Doom Slayer the body self-destruct we should move ahead danger picture yourself facing down hordes of demonic creatures then unleashing the bfg9000 and watching the Carnage unfold that's the power fantasy The BFG delivers The BFG 9000 isn't about Precision it's about obliteration a single blast can clear entire rooms of enemies leaving behind a smoldering Wasteland it's a weapon built for those who Revel in the chaos of battle and want to experience the sheer thrill of overwhelming their enemies with raw power I feel like the gaming world without the bfg9000 would have been such a bore boar you heard me right as the cerebral boar from trro is the next weapon on our list imagine a weapon that looks like a giant handheld [ __ ] screw now imagine shoving it into the head of a screaming Velociraptor that my friends is the cerebral boar in all its ridiculous Glory this weapon doesn't just kill enemies it literally drills into their brains a method of termination that's both strangely effective and undeniably comical the cerebral boore isn't for everyone or everything on the prehistoric menu it only works on enemies with well brains so while it might turn a velociraptor into a drooling mess it won't do much good against politicians this Quirk adds to the weapon charm making it a specialist tool for specific situations talking of specialist tools the Zero Point Energy field manipulator commonly known as the gravity gun was also meant to be used primarily for heavy lifting it's designed for handling hazardous materials but we mainly use it for heavy lifting give it a try if we're counting heavy lifting as carrying our protagonist Gordon Freeman Through the events of halflife the gravity gun isn't your typical firearm it doesn't fire bullets or unleash energy blasts instead it utilizes a mysterious energy field to precisely manipulate objects imagine lifting a car flinging a helpless combined Soldier through the air or solving environmental puzzles all with the flick of your wrist or a trigger pull to be more precise the gravity gun unlocks a world of possibilities transforming the environment into your weapon it evolves from a simple lifting device to a weapon of surprising versatility need to clear a path yank a heavy object and smash it through a barricade are you out of ammo but facing an enemy shoot a saw blade at them at a lightning fast speed the gravity gun rewards creativity and improvisation turning problem solving into a lethal flying Hazard playground and who can forget the ravenol level which to this day gives me nightmares so there you have it a glimpse into some of Gaming's most overpowered weapons these armaments range from the elegant Precision of the Golden Gun to the gloriously messy Mayhem of the bfg9000 they've shaped our in-game experiences leaving Unforgettable memories of domination and destruction but remember a weapon's true power lies not just in its destructive capabilities but also in the way it allows us to interact with the game World whether it's the Strategic manipulation of the gravity gun or the physics bending chaos of the portal gun these overpowered tools of for a unique kind of agency letting us bend the rules of the game and rewrite our definition of victory what are your favorite overpowered weapons what makes them so unique let us know in the comments below and until next time happy [Music] gaming
Channel: Pointcut
Views: 1,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, weapons, overpowered, legendary swords, room-clearing, firearms, fallout, c-finder, iconic, community, euclid, competition, ultimate power, opponents, fear, decimate
Id: Gh5Jw1qu6mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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