The FULL STORY of MONARKY in ARK Survival Evolved

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monarchy season five AKA grid Wars is coming soon real soon so to catch you up on the last four seasons and go even a little further back to how our story played out into joining the monarchy we've got a story to tell which kicked us off four years ago thrusted onto aberration by an ominous tentacle talking Professor from the depths challenging us and portaling us through to a closed Tech casket locked away until an uncanny Duo discovered our Slumber awakening us just in time to escape a booby trapped platform and recruiting me into their tribe okay who are you man Ras Clark ah the guy who annoys me on Twitter after a brief cringeworthy serenation to race for rock Drake eggs on foot and Sample the reaper Flav Delights of the aberant underworld no time was wasted as we pushed down quickly to face the big pink meanie himself more vocally challenged than his later self would see us Ascend out to land on extinction or so we thought Dave departed to remain on the Titan Wasteland whilst our green head Survivor was denied deployment and instead loaded into the Genesis simulation to tackle each and every Mission offered to be worthy of the final test and so we prepared our army questionably reading hour tames and traveled through each generated biome running every Mission offered to progress to the gravity voided Luna and prepare to face the corrupted controller head on though the final test turned out to be very much won and in a moment of Despair was interrupted by a radio signal tapping through to unveil not just my aberration companions but a small army of survivors already to tackle the VR Guardian once again with a few casualties left behind we once again got separated to awaken from the simulation and be guided through by hlna to our life vessel with a set course to our finale but as twists would deem a countdown would instruct us to evacuate into space before our ship exploded and launch us through hyperspace as we encountered a new ship a ship it would seem we weren't alone on as a stranger would begin to tease us with their existence and begin tormenting us as we attempted to survive this new surrounding but in some sheer luck in searching for our last Reaper we discovered their base and after even more trolling and finally beating every Mission offered we gave Chase on an Astro delphus and Barrel rolled our way through to confirm their home of which we offered some retaliation after a laborious battle finally entering Hunter stronghold we reached our Nemesis just in time to witness him phase off the map and leave me little else choice but blow it all in spite leaving us the ever mutating Rockwell to face off in his final form though unlike most survivors it turned out Rockwell offered our Bob a choice and unwittingly played on to expect a continuation into Santiago's footsteps but our viny friend had other plans and propelled us in a different direction back to the many arcs undiscovered to fall through to and land in a mysterious Nordic offering filled with other budding survivors collectively we dubbed ourselves the monarchy a collection of players all yearning for companionship adventuring but most important importantly at least for me competition and how exactly it would play out we were yet to figure out but opted to all congregate in a neutral location for an introduction and then race to our favorite base locations and prepare to raid each other for haircuts who knew which kicked off quickly enough offering some return back to my first Raider who then retaliated once again and offer a gift Wyn that I'd ventually spit back by flying into his turrets and then raid them back again with raid and defense ideas cooking up we began to form alliances with our new Companions and went adventuring foda to meet some unexpected demise and a lot of antics faced off against the ark's first mini Guardian itsy bitsy before meeting back up with our friendly Nemesis to agree a ceas fire only to be double crushed once again with a pocket gigger so in prepar ation for the next raid when looking for other bases with some sneaky not so sneaky tracking devices swashed a beef temporarily to initiate a PVP event formerly known as the pineapple Wars and then raided our opponent again with tensions High we all adventured the remaining artifact caves with some chilling encounters on route but throughout worked on defenses in preparation for any other would be Raider and before a sneaky visit to caps floating base for a cheeky haircut all grouped up once again to take on the latest addition to Fior with our me Squad which we battled through well enough until the Saga continued with another double cross so in Anger returned with my own pocket Giga perhaps taking out a few Innocents on Route so it was time to quickly unlock as many Tech GRS as possible facing off against the main Guardians just in time to defend my grains from everyone that had teamed up for Revenge following that Giga Escapade conceding in a truce following a lengthy standoff we Face the remaining mini Guardians Stein beond hatti and skull and celebrated Terror fire reaching 100,000 subscribers yay before our party was rudely interrupted by a familiar Genesis 2 Nemesis un crying a King Titan to leave us no choice but to race through a close by portal air dropping us into a lost island with no way back to Fior we agreed on the same rules with a small twist and raced to our new chosen base locations encountering the new unfamiliar creatures attempted to tame all which took 20 actual hours and then got shamed by the most elaborate trap design cap had built yet thanks for that in progression discovered our new haircut rewards had been replaced with bounties to claim in taking wanted monarchs dead or alive and with the incentive driving up raided a y double crer and almost everyone else I could to rack up a nice tidy score no terara had other ideas which got a bit awkward as he began to bargain a deal and in some blind sense of Pride I quit and left the ark left the monarchy nah I didn't really I just spent a month lucked in my room attempting to beat a 100 days challenge eating cheese dips and gaining weight until K and Krabby found me and worked me back into shape dude h Hello uh we thought you quit I've been a bit busy yeah how long have you been playing Ark for well I thought I'd do the 100th day challenge I've been living on a diet of uh donuts and cookies cake you got to promise US you're going to get fit and back into it right man all right all right it's time for a workout plan so with some new found confidence went back to riding and some cheeky rude paintings thrown in for good measure with every everyone now turning their attention to ASG to attempt to raid before hitting cap and Terror once again with raiding out my system after a long break it was time for more Adventures as we explored the map obtaining the cave artifacts to prepare us for a showdown against the king dinopithecus and felling the swinger zo VIP turned out to be just what we needed to open a transfer terminal back to Fior and well the King Titan he'd been busy what was once a pleasant Nordic landscape had been corrupted Into Darkness and filled with zombies bra and all that J with a new take on Survival for our Champions tooling up our boom sticks and plenty of brain targeting knowledge to defend ourselves with mysterious packages dropping down from unknown aircrafts offered some knowledge and now able to transfer to and from Lost Island I traveled back to my fortified Winterhold to be raided by a 100K block of chocolate accompanied by most of the monarchs as we played Castle Defense until we kissed a made up and agreed it was time to slay the giant walking corruption King Titan preparing for the battle we tamed the ice forest and desert Titans and made a stand in the Realms of Asgard on knowing a countdown timer was ticking to launch a nuke from space of which sure enough launched as we slay the Giant connecting with foda and blowing everything to Smither reshaping foda as we knew it but little did we know there were new monarchs hiding deep within an awaiting bunker turns out taking shelter in a king titans's thick skinned dead carcass was all we needed to survive the nuclear blast as we emerged and met with our new monarchs to realize cranes were really up for grabs now generated by cran vaults to store and raid from each other so the competition began again this time racing fa te's base location knowing now how difficult it was to raid previously amassed a new Army of raid worthy creatures farmed grinded and built a serious plethora of defenses before feeling satisfied enough to begin raiding for crowns myself with an agreement whoever owns the most crowns by the end of the season the race was on as attempts were made as often as possible pausing for a while to agree a team up to face off the new reformed map guardians but upon our third and final kill of the original lineup as the dragon's head hit the dirt the volcano became disrupted Awakening a new catalog of dinosaurs and a new menace to defeat with the grind back on distractions were delivered with a bit more trolling encouraging an army to breed and after a more fun than it should be have been sheep picking event teamed up to fight Alpha F sulfur with our battle pigs still on Battle preparations Dave had other plans as him and cap had plotted to raid me which turned into a longer night than we all expected but an inevitable success as we pretended to forget over a stunt performing hover skiff race before hitting back at cap with his own gravity defying methods and then learning titanosaurs could breed so with everyone who'd agreed our bit more friend would receive a full compliment show executed a well-prepared plan to attack Helms Deep from all angles saving the secret breeding weapons until the time was [Music] right oh oh oh my oh my God oh my [Music] God with only a few days left till the end of the season and the crown count close our green fro Survivor raced through every single Monarch on the map collecting up crowns just in time for our winner announcement the before we could party a group of savage acros gate crashed to Warrant a race to supply everything we had and throw it all at them with almost everything prepared lost and gone celebrations were passed overdue as a familiar red telephone box warped into Fior Landing in front of our survivors and in curiosity grappled us through and warp out just as quick as it arrived flying through wormholes and some definite motion sickness arcs ceased to exist as we traveled back through creation to wind up right back to the very first Arc in its underdeveloped 2015 state where new monarchs were discovered on our arrival but quickly bent into shape as my new power hungry winner gun truly to my head and whipped them all into shaping a statue built in my honor though was quickly poo pooed literally by crabby initiating a brand new war for crones but this time halted two primitive tools with new creatures loaded into the ark each week and our new spin wheel picking base locations as we saw the world evolve around them fitting in some early Bob level raiding I settled some differences with a tamed qus flying us to a nearby battle arena themed version of the YK and Upon returning discovered the island had grown redwoods and snow had lit the north with stronger survivors now there was no time to waste in defenses and tames as onslaughts continued with Siege parisers before evolving yet again to another year in the future equipping us the tools to build the Tower of Soros after some once again by gun settled with adventuring the hardest caves on foot they truly were and an inevitable return Veno with a measuring stick Siege contest we headed on to the brewed mother megapithecus and dragon with some unlikely times before tallying up the season event winners and raided cranes to claim cap as the champion and then proceeded to destroy my lovely ceramic statue oh the no I just my down the hill Tech cave up next went swimmingly well as we ventured down to teleport through and beat the overseer sending us onwards to an expected scorched Earth though and not quite a vacant scorched Earth as others were revealed to be already settled here so with some nervous anticipation the monarchs decided we tribe up together with their new leader cap deciding their best base location to be hidden from View and upgrading our questionable Hilltop Cove taming the Paleo and Evo creatures wandering the ark placing our Crown Vault down and building a mini Village discovered the others are all spread across this Ark and plotting to raid us so not a moment too soon we built a stronghold for a chrome Vault tamed as many defense creatures as possible and headed on to fight the Manticore for an ascending Escape but no Ascension was rewarded beckoning us to gather every resource course including a long winded titano tame and plans dictated by cap for the best defense which turned out to be just in time surrounded by wyvn from all angles the seemingly Last Stand of the monarchs concluded with an inevitable loss overwhelmed and outnumbered but with so many around celebrating allowed us to blend in and sneak and Escape parachuting to our plan B as we mounted our Primal steeds and gallop to the Coliseum revealing a door to the original scorched Earth Tech cave and Ascension to glide through space once again but Landon an aberration still back in time just as it was due a demolition as Doom approached savior came in the form of a spaceship with its crew introducing us to our new monarchs and hope to escape bought from solo sacrificing themselves as we hypers speeded into into the pinkness of space before long and a poor pilot I'm sure flew us into a meteor shower spiraling our spacecraft towards a meteor infecting Ark needing everyone to abandon ship and slowly meet back up with each other to find the crash site and a note left from CID ventured North to place a crown Vault down thinking it might help to find a way off the ark who know with one final Captain's l to order us build in specific locations and prepare to meet him in the north and so the adventures began again traveling TNI Stella discovering new creatures and fighting through dungeons to beat Alpha variants until eventually we tamed strong enough creatures to venture within the cold harsh climates with cap nowhere to be seen and a vault placed without any cranes generated Our Heroes were informed cap had some other ideas up his sleeve but may be the last we hear from him so we focused on obtaining artifacts in some of the most punishing Gauntlet caves we'd faced yet preparing to face the ark's guardians but I got a little bored of all this friendly fun time so ploted a bit of trolling and obviously they retaliated yeah cuz you do that when troll someone they troll you back adventuring our artifact CES further upon discovering the fena summoning terminal turned out Miola had been falling this entire time to hit the deck with a deathly thud but completing all monarchs on the ark now seemed to spawn Just One Singular Crown which we all race to grab turning on each other to form a split Alliance in civil war with one event to decide who began with the crown launched a giant snail battle in the desert but with no time to build defenses naturally found the crown already snagged by the opposing team raid preparations began once again beating the arc's Guardians femry sulfur and the ultimate Stella gamma mutilated Dragon parasite what the hell is that thing kill it with fire but all he did was unveil gestating rinoa's birthing out of this unsightly beast but hey at least it allowed us breeding rhinos which we did and after trying almost everything and almost giving up to time the underwater Hazard filled Ice Titan yes it sounds as hard as it is Revenge to get over crown back had finally turned its tide more elaborate planning from both sides staged a thrilling Chase and destruction as the alliance finally claimed the crown sitting firmly on Bay's golden locks and just as our monarchs finally decided to truce cap who'd been watching everything from a surveillance Camp informed us a way to finally leave the parasite infested map or or so we thought we heard it's very important that you kill Al Stella Our Lives depend on it beating Alpha Stella Guardian caused the metor to become unstable urging us to jump on rho's reach cap secret hideout within the meteor sliding out to reveal a Stargate portal he'd been working on this entire time needing one last ingredient power activation from our Crown allowing a Doorway to open and sending the monarchy through to a familiar looking checkerboard world and that's it look out for the season 5 trailer dropping very very soon I'd love to know if you've enjoyed this and or if you've been watching monarchy do the comment thing and do the like thing too my name's Ras Clark don't forget to like share and subscribe and as always so
Channel: Raasclark
Views: 11,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark raasclark, ark monarky, monarky, monarky season recap, The FULL STORY of MONARKY in ARK Survival Evolved, ark story explained, ark lore, monarky lore, monarky season 5, ark youtuber collab, story recapped
Id: 9XT-lLllkDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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