The Most Powerful Sith of "Star Wars: The Old Republic"

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within the era of Darth Vader and the reign of the Empire we see the rule of two in practice meaning there can be only one master and one Apprentice however during the era of the Old Republic nearly three thousand years before the Sith were Legion this video will explore and list the most powerful and Infamous Sith Lords of the Old Republic era to begin we have Darth malora she is a perfect example of a Sith who can unexpectedly rise through the ranks she is probably the weakest on this list but don't let that fool you their strengths came from her study and Research into scientific Dark Side advancement in fact malora was the head of this study as a sphere of the dark Council next we have whana vesh a Sith Lord who is less commonly known however she deserves full recognition here Barna is a rival Sith Lord that is encountered on the world of tariffs she proves to be a more than competent Warrior and and her ambition knows no abounds even at a young age she was capable of burning down an entire city block during a tantrum next on the list is Darth zash a human female Sith Lord who is temporarily the master for the Sith Inquisitor zash manages to fool many people into thinking she's a young woman however she was an old and hagged Sith who seeked a new body zash had transcribed and located many of tulakad's ancient artifacts which she eventually tried to use to steal the body of her Apprentice however that plan backfired when her Essence was merged with the dash aired learn more about that story with by Ken valak's blend video next is Darth vengeon a powerful male human Sith Lord and a dark council member benjen was hell-bent on Breaking the Treaty of Coruscant he was also the former master of Darth varus due to a power player from Darth varus benjen ended up being disgraced by the dark Council and Barris assumed his position after ordering his Apprentice to kill him on the list next we have Darth Decimus another male Sith Lord who served on the dark Council and was the head of military strategy Decimus was also responsible for the aggressive invasion of corellia however he was confronted by a republic Strike Team who was able to murder him his Apprentice Lord kravus became one of his successors next on the list is Darth gravis an aging human Sith Lord who was once a candidate to be on the dark Council however Grievous was betted into a space battle with another Sith Lord known as Darth carried despite grevis's power in the dark side and his connections with the Empire he lost the battle and was killed in the process next up we have a Sith Lord that preferred to Outsource their missions Darth torman a male Sith pureblood this Sith law would often hired the Bounty Hunter that won the great hunt however he met his demise from this same Bounty Hunter after he tried to clean up his own Loose Ends Tallman went up against one of the most competent hunters in the galaxy and paired the ultimate price next up we have Darth carried a female Fallen who was actually the former Apprentice of Darth Malgus and Jedi Master nostril this Sith Lord was heavily implanted with Imperial augments this was so she could cybernetically connect to hedge redknot the ascendant spear one of the most dangerous vessels to ever roam the Galaxy Darth carried meets her and when an almost naked Ferron shun Republic sis agent confronts her up next on the list we have Darth zorid who was The Apprentice and daughter of the powerful Darth Jadis zorad inherits her father's position after his fake death by the hands of the legal organization a terrorist Network it's already became a dark council member and head of Imperial intelligence she is later replaced with Lana benica next up is Dar fanaton a human male Sith Lord who inherited his master's position on the dark Council banaton's master was tortured in the presence of the dark Council and fanaton himself was made to watch eventually fanaton makes the same mistakes and believes he is able to flee a kagaf a decision that caused him to be disgraced in front of the dark Council by a former slave and murdered find out more about this story with my video this if Inquisitor explained next we have a male Sith Pia blood nern as da fauron vowron is one of the most recognized Sith Lords within the Old Republic and in a respect of many and having allies all across the Galaxy what he lacks in raw physical power he more than makes up for with his cunning and understanding of the dark side bauron can even become emperor of the Sith if the correct parameters are met next on the list we have another famous Sith Lord who was well known within the Empire Garth Barris Arris had become powerful indeed however his abilities were limited because of this he seeked to fool the empire into thinking he was the true voice of the emperor a role reserved for the Emperors chosen to relay his commands Darth Paris was almost successful and nearly assumed control of the entire Sif Empire Iris was even able to trick the emperor himself into trapping himself on the world of Voss subscribe to the channel now to learn more about that topic in an upcoming video the Voss explained next up is an aging female human Sith Lord known as Darth ekage this Sith Lord was imprisoned on the world of belsavis after being captured by the Republic in the war this safe Lord also happened to be the sister of Darth Paris and she was also a dark council member one of the more powerful members too more powerful than even her brother the defeat eckage it takes a fully trained Jedi Master along with another powerful Sith Warrior on the list next is an underrated Sith Lord by the name of Darth ravage he is also a dark council member ravage played an important role when it came to expanding the Empire not many dared to challenge him in battle as Whispers and rumors would say he is one of the most capable lightsaber combatants of their time a testament we did not get to see proved next up is a female Sif pior blood who once served as apprentice to Darth Decimus this is Darth krovers Kroger succeeds Decimus and assumes the position of head of military command on the dark Council Darth crowverse proves to be a competent and capable Sith Lord who is wary of their titles she prefers to be present rather than a wit update which is more than what can be said for some Sith Lords who lazily send their apprentices to do their bidding next on the list is Darth Cena also known as empressina after the emperor was banished Cena Rose to power and ruled over the Empire with a merciful Iron Fist she seeked to make new friends with the alliance faction however she would eventually become blinded by power she can meet her end on iocaf and have valron replace her or even vice versa either where asina plays a critical role in rebuilding the Empire after zakul next up is another female human Sith Lord nirn as Lana benico Lana chooses not to use a title and prefers to be called by her birth name Lana succeeds darf zorid as head of Imperial intelligence however Lana abdicates this role so she may find and Ally herself with the alliance Commander Lana is indefinitely one of the most powerful Sith Lords to date she practiced the dark side with a unique perspective perhaps similar to Darth Mah which made her much more powerful than your average Sith Lord next on the list we have the infamous and well-known dread Masters collectively this group of Sith were the most terrifying to ever encounter they had mastered the art of fear and depravity and were able to inflict it upon others the dreadmasters were responsible for a coup of the Empire that were staged on oricon they threatened the entire galaxy and wanted all people to submit to their bidding they were eventually defeated by a republic and Imperial Strike Team the effort was Monumental the Galaxy came close to falling into despair next we have the one and only Darth ma many speculate he is related to visas ma however we have no evidence to support this other than the name being the same the arthma was on the front lines during the early stages of the great Galactic War he was even able to retrieve the lightsaber of tulak horde and wield it Mao was commonly referred to as the unofficial leader of the dark Council he was never challenged by others nor could any of his peers best him in combat Mao was able to move in the blink of an eye and was able to cut down even the largest mechanical Contraptions it took the immortal Emperor valkarion to kill him next up is another Powerhouse sephlord known as the emperor's wrath a lord Scourge Scourge spent centuries becoming a legend within the Empire so many years had passed that he had almost become a myth scadge was granted immortality by the emperor and was his chosen wrath for 300 years no other individual was ever able to best Scourge in combat if they were ever unlucky enough to have sketch them a visit next on the list is another Sith Legend Darth Malgus this proven and capable Warrior has bested many Jedi Masters in battle Marcus personally slid a thousand Jedi or more in his time if the Jedi ever felt fear it was when the name Malgus was mentioned he spent most of his life feeling controlled by dishonorable tyrants by the time of the legacy of the Sith Malgus breaks free from the Empire and hits his Peak power level it takes the strongest in the galaxy to detain him next up we have a Sith Lord who was described as second only to the emperor in terms of power Darth Jedis this Sith Lord is the most cunning Sith to ever exist his current whereabouts are unearn and his return is anticipated Judas was able to use Darkseid powers that would put fear into other dark council members such as being able to teleport and summon grandiose storms of lightning that was leagues Beyond anyone else's next on the list is the Star Wars the Old Republic Sith classes so that's the Sith Warrior and the Sith Inquisitor I know some people would be interested on where I would put them on this sort of list and this is where it would be they are definitely more powerful than Jadis but these next two Sith Lords deserve second and fast players coming in at second place for the most strongest and famous in the Old Republic is the one and only Revan although he may not strictly BSF Lord we can agree he deserves this position revin is the chosen one of the Old Republic era and only one surpasses his power level first place the Sith Emperor you probably saw this coming but this is not a jerk darfish yet is the most powerful Sith Lord not only in the Old Republic but perhaps ever he was able to consume worlds for his earned power and feed off of the death during war he lived for well over a millennia and once kneeled before Marco ragnos himself there is no Contender for this Sith Lord he is the strongest period it took the collective effort of the most powerful individuals in the galaxy to get close to defeating him in the end the emperor was cut off from the force and his Essence burned into Ash Swept Away by the wind I hope you enjoyed this video if you did then please like And subscribe we always have more unaware let me know where you would rank these Sith Lords in the comments section thank you for watching and May the force be with you
Channel: Star Wars Central
Views: 10,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strongest sith, who is the strongest sith, darth vader, the old republic, darth vitiate, darth marr, ancient sith, the most powerful sith, who is the most powerful sith, the strongest sith of all time, top 25 sith lords, sith lords of the old republic, sith lords explained, star wars, history of the sith, most powerful sith, star wars the old republic, top 25 sith, sith lord, darth revan, darth malgus, sith lords
Id: ada4xwqhUHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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