The FreeBSD Project have released 14.1-RELEASE!

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the 3 BSD project has released a new release in fact they've released two we're going to concentrate on one today just have a quick look at it so that's FreeBSD 13.3 we're not looking at that we're looking at FreeBSD [Music] 14.1 all right so let's have a quick look at it let's have a look at the announcement and uh and go from there I guess so here's the announcement release engineering team is pleased to announce the availability of 14.1 release uh highlights are the C library now has simd implementations improvements in the sound subsystem that' be interesting to look at initial native Cloud init configuration drive support compatible with open stack and many hosters okay open ZFS is upgraded to 224 it' be interesting to look at as well open SSH upgraded clang and llvm have been upgraded too so this the thing to bear in mind with this is that it is just a point release but you know it's always nice to look at new releases there's a download links and there they all are releases whoosh loads of them amd64 dbd that's the one I would download all the Sha files so you can hash it and and check out if it's the right download load so yeah there we go released excellent stuff much of this I can't really test on this system because I'm not really running it for any of those purposes but you know here we go what's interesting is that the the package repo has also been updated and now KD6 is running much better so in my last video we found that a load of this stuff was all missing this has not really had much installed on it but there's a lot a lot more in here now and the icons are working be interesting to see if I can get Caden live installed did what' you reckon anything going to be removed no okay this all so yeah we got KD plasma version 604 framework is 620 and there's our kernel version 14.1 release lovely stuff on my Intel HD graphics you got to wonder why I'm trying to install Caden live then it's not going to run very well hey doesn't matter oh hello it's removing some what's it going to remove I guess it hasn't been ported over yet but that's no big e to be honest uh what else can I put on [Music] there couple of bits always seems to install more than just OBS studio so it's installed VC player as well which is fine I don't mind that there we go be nice if they actually come up with a proper Chrome desktop unless there's a Linux Chrome I'm not getting into Linux later I I just wonder if it's there [Music] though uh let's have a search for it should we l Chrome [Music] yeah it's not exactly a huge overhead 89 packages that's fine I can deal with that I'm almost done 60 70 89 cannot install package colel missing okay easy enough to solve just have to recompile but I I can't be dealing with that today um bye-bye so yeah this is much better much much better I know it was a matter of time just I'm a bit impatient huh interesting plasma style should really be on there shouldn't we go have me dark dark theme is the way this is the way this is the way yeah M the oxygen stuff login screen sddm oh I want to have a look at [Music] that need to change the keyboard in KDE reg region and language language okay interesting British English interesting logy outski see what we get yeah still that one okay so let's log back in and restart interesting that there's no restart on the on the desktop there but yeah that's fine this is kind of turned into a bit of a KD thing I didn't want it to really not what I wanted at all let's let it restart yes cuz dbus wasn't running oh there is a restart it's up in the top right corner just saw it right you can nap off oh H interesting it's KD for you uh what was I doing I can't remember oh keyboard no not keyboard languages no well that's a bit better right so let's have a look at that them and see what it's like hello the theme is not there stupid doesn't matter doesn't matter can you relaunch this as route I'm not sure you can oh you see what's happened there it's not using that one which is what I was using what did it just say I didn't say anything anyway doesn't matter still be the same yeah anyway it doesn't matter right so 14.1 is out KD6 is there now there are still some issues with that we knew that would have would happen but yeah FreeBSD running 14.1 and also using KD plasma 604 love it but it at least now looks more like a KD desktop no much better much better the FreeBSD project team work very hard on getting these releases out we should all go and try them if we can I'll be updating my server to 14.1 although I do run stable it might take me a little longer but I will be doing it for now that'll do just a quick look at it at least we know that things are moving in the right direction be interesting to look at these improvements to the sound system be very interesting to look at it yeah we keep we'll keep looking at that if you find this useful and you do have time please do just drop a thumbs up or thumbs down if you really want to don't forget to subscribe share like everything do it all and as uh as I'm thinking about it down in the description link to the Discord server and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye for now
Channel: GaryH Tech
Views: 2,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #FreeBSD, 5 reasons to use freebsd, FOSS, FreeBSD, FreeBSD Handbook, FreeBSD Networking, FreeBSD PKG, FreeBSD ports tree, Freebsd 13.1 changes, Freebsd 13.1 review, Freebsd 13.1 what's new, Freebsd kde, Freebsd review, GaryH Tech, NFS Server, NIX, OSS, Rdp, Unix, current, debugging, freebsd, freebsd 11, freebsd desktop, freebsd install, freebsd que es, freebsd review, freebsd vs linux, how to freebsd, install freebsd, linux, linux vs freebsd, 2024, technology
Id: D2uz9LS5aWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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