Installing FreeBSD 14 on AMD64 Hardware: The Hidden Secrets

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so much stuff to do upgrade for my server Ain nobody got time for that so happy New Year everyone hope you're uh all doing well if I sound nasly I'm really sorry I'm I'm still getting over I don't know what it was it it wasn't flu It Wasn't Man flu it was somewhere in between it has taken me nearly two weeks to get over it but I'm still still got it a little bit we'll get on with it anyway I thought I'd just run through because I I did this in a video few months ago um how to install FreeBSD but that was inside hyperv so let's do it on real Hardware from beginning to end and and then have a look at what we can do after [Music] okay so the first thing we're going to do is select a USB disc because we're going to go off to freebsd's website we're going to download the image and we're going to install it so let's get on and do that I'm doing my image creation on Windows 11 it's the same process on any windows slightly different if you're doing it on 3sd or on Linux or on Mac OS look up how to burn a USB disc from an ISO image and you should be all right just follow the instructions I'm going to use Rufus because that's just how I've done it I think you can get Rufus on Mac OS and I think you can get it on Linux not sure don't quote me don't quote me but if not you could always use DD on any of those os's and that's pretty much independent uh just just find your command to do that make sure you choose the right dis so let's head off to FreeBSD and let's download the image now I I mentioned in a previous video that 14 is now out and that's the one we're going to concentrate on today if you notice here there are a few different images pick the one that is right for your Hardware I'm using just a standard tiny PC so it's going to be amd64 something relatively newish when I say newish I mean within 10 years so it's a 64-bit OS quick side note on that this is the last FreeBSD version that will support i386 everything else will be 64bit so please bear that in mind so there's also images there therefore for power PC armv7 and risk 5 64 and a arch 64 armv7 is what your your uh your Pi based PCS will be built on we're not using that we're using amd64 so if we click on that link it will start no it won't this is on me if we click on that link it will take you to the page on which one to get you can get a boot only or dis one that doesn't have any extras in because space is not an issue for me and my USB disc is a 16 gig disc I'm going to download the DVD which is usually 4.5 gig is there we go yeah so we're going to get that one you can get the compressed one if you want to save bandwidth or anything like that so we're just going to download that now with Rufus you can also use a mstick image but I'm not going to while that's downloading let's go off and get Rufus here it is there's a beta version that's good you can get it for arm 64 as well I have roof I wonder what version I have yeah I have 4.3 so I already have a newer version so I'm not going to download it but literally just click on which one you want portable is always good you can take it wherever you want I've just got the standard one let's see how long we got left 4 minutes we'll wait for that if you hear some funny noises today I do apologize our new kitten has decided to come in with me let me just get a quick shot of him just sat there what is it about kittens and boxes who's falling asleep I don't expect him to F to sudden I don't expect him to stay asleep he's absolutely crackers all right we have downloaded there it is so here is my ISO I'm going to move it cuz I don't keep isos in there I keep isos in here and I've already got it so let's get rid of that okay right so we've got our download there it is so let's find our rofus 4.3 now I always run it as administrator it will probably ask to be run as administrator anyway it's just the way I do it so there's my 16 gig USB disc let's select the iso so there you go you got your M stick it does use M sticks if you want it to and there's our release DVD so let's use that one today's date and let's start it now this will take a few minutes depending on the speed of your USB disc now this is only a USB 2 so it will be quite slow probably should have used a USB 3 disc but there we go so because I haven't done this for quite a while I haven't checked over my audio settings my audio interface I think the last video I recorded was the second week week of December and I recorded enough to get me through Christmas cuz historically I get sick over Christmas don't know why changing weather I guess and it's proven to be the case again this year so you will notice that there's some options there that are going on so it's chosen the iso it's chosen the petition scheme as GPT and it's chosen UA non CSM so we need to make sure that when we're booting into our PC that those options match and we'll do that once once we' got this USB burn actually I might just check that out while it's burning there we go so CSM is disabled and it's UF only and there's all the options that it can boot from and the other thing to check out is that secure boot is turned off because that's just a Microsoft tax that I'm assuming FreeBSD isn't willing to pay without getting political so we're about halfway through the uh burning the writing of the image to the disc we're way through half of our coffee and the cat is still asleep that's a good sign he may actually leave us alone coming up on 7 % 68.7 70.2 82 I think we'll look into setting up a USB stick that has got all these images on already I used to use something like that in my day job my old day job turns out this is my day job now that's mental 88.7 90.1 946 okay so it's finished writing and it's done so let's close that and close that we won't need that anymore let's plug in the USB so most of this will be done on our other PC now so let's come out of there let's hope it sees it there we go we picked the right one which was the USB stick and not the SK hyx which is the internal one and we're going to boot just going to probe the device and we're at our install screen now this is where things go a little different so let's install and pick our language whichever one you are more comfortable with is one you should pick mine is United Kingdom we're just going to call it setup that's the host name we don't want the kernel debug you don't need it unless you're debugging the konel now I am going to put the test Suite in I don't know why I've started doing that but I have been we're going to use Auto ZFS so let's probe the device it's already got 3 BSD installed on this from the masteron setup and it already sees that there's a z rout there so we're going to overwrite it by clicking okay and we're just going to change this one to UA and we're going to change the swap now this has got 16 Giga memory so I usually go half that I don't even know why I do that you can go the same if you want 16 but just bear in mind that the more swap space that you use the less you have on that disc the less us ible space you have on that disc you could technically run without swap space if you got tons and tons of memory again I'm not sure I'd recommend that either so there we go there's our options proceed with the install no redundancy because there's only one disc in this you can set up any of these if you want if you have more than one disc if you have enough to to do a ray zed 2 that is the one that I would always go with if resources allow so there's our dis 256 gig Ada Z and are we sure yes we are he's snoring ever heard a cat snore that's a funny sound just let it extract all of the archives so that's the base occurred on lib 32 and the tests and you'll notice that that marries up with the selection that I made I installed Li 32 and tests the base and the kernel always extracted otherwise there is no OS multiple entries in the E IFI boot entries would like to remove them all and add a new one yes I would select a root password now you don't have to pick a root password if you don't want to you could always pick it and and set it up next boot again I'm of the opinion that it's better to have one even if it's weak on that first boot just in case and then change it for somewhat stronger later or you can pick a strong one straight away that option is entirely up to you networking so there is two Nicks two network cards in this computer there there is the Intel i219v which is the ethernet pull and then there's the Intel dualband Wireless AC 3165 I hate Wi-Fi with an absolute passion so I'm not going to use it just going to pretend it's not there IPv6 yes DHCP yes it should pick it up from my PF sense box and it has now my network does have IPv6 so I'm going to say yes and yes and let it do its thing looks good to me is this machine's seos clock set to UTC now even if it's not doesn't really matter what you choose here you can always change this later but I always click yes I don't know why just how I've always done it uh time zone so select where you're from hopefully you know that I'm in Europe and I'm in the United Kingdom and GMT looks reasonable to me that's the correct date so I'm going to skip that that's the correct time skip that and local Services I always pick those and I always unpick that and for some reason I always put Mouse D on I don't know why if you're running a laptop power D is always a good option but this isn't a laptop although the hardware is based on laptop Hardware you'll notice there is no disable semil anymore because semil has gone it's now Dragon Flyers uh SMTP I believe I can't remember the name of it but anyway I'm going to disable D dce and then add a system user you can go through this and leave all the defaults or you can change them it's up to you bear in mind that if you leave the login group as the same as the username you won't be able to S you to Route you'll need to either pick staff or will I always pick will there's probably not a good practice probably better off picking staff I'm going to stick it into operator and video just in case might come in handy later default class love CSH as my shell home directory now also the home directories has changed slightly as well and I noticed this before when I tried to CD to home it might have been on 15 current that that link that symbolic link had gone and it was just use a local home now or user home I can't remember which one anyway besides the buy yes for password based no for an empty one no for a random pick your password and no to lock out the account you can lock it out and then unlock it later no other users for now and that's pretty much it that should be everything installed would I like to open a shell and make any final manual modifications no so let's reboot it while it's rebooting we'll pull out the USB uh syncing diss let's see what happens there we go FreeBSD installed and booting up you should see the host name as set up when it's uh got to its login prompt before I think it was um messed so that's how we know there we go set up so login as route and there we go we are now up and running with 3 BSD difficulty level it's probably a four out of 10 it's not it's not difficult it's not straightforward by any stretch of the imagination it's not just put in a USB and leave it but it's fairly self-explanatory so what can we do next the first thing I would do was to would be to install my text based editor cuz you're going to use that quite a lot now my personal favorite is Pico Alpine you install which one you you feel comfortable with you could also just use e easy editor that's built into FreeBSD you could use VI I think oh yeah I don't like VI cannot get on with it so I'm going to go package install picco Alpine package is not installed it's going to install itself very clever how it does that I'm not installed but I'm going to install myself probably not as clever as it seems but there we go so that's that next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to change my packages from quarterly CU that's what they normally are to latest uh so package probably not a good idea to change this particular file you should probably set it up and use a local Etc PKG repos but cuz if you make mistakes like that you could be wondering what's going on so let's upgrade everything there you go it's changed Pearl from 534 to 536 now I know that 536 is the default in the latest package repository so what can we do from there well we can do a lot of things we can install a graphic Fu called I can't speak today we can install a graphical interface if we want we can install services for running servers or we can install games whatever you want to do you can do it from here I'm not really going to do much of that right now because I've done videos on that before but you can certainly install KDE or or gnome or any the other environments that you want there are easier ones to use as well less heavy on system resources KD is my favorite just think it looks the best but there you go that is literally how you set up FreeBSD on a PC hope you find that useful um please do leave comments down below there will be a link to my Discord server down there as well don't forget to share like all of that subscribe if you want to doesn't cost you anything and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: GaryH Tech
Views: 6,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #FreeBSD, 5 reasons to use freebsd, FOSS, FreeBSD, FreeBSD Handbook, FreeBSD Networking, FreeBSD PKG, FreeBSD ports tree, Freebsd 13.1 changes, Freebsd 13.1 review, Freebsd 13.1 what's new, Freebsd kde, Freebsd review, GaryH Tech, NFS Server, NIX, OSS, Rdp, Unix, current, debugging, freebsd, freebsd desktop, freebsd install, freebsd que es, freebsd review, freebsd vs linux, how to freebsd, install freebsd, linux, linux vs freebsd, tutorial freebsd, FreeBSD14, FreeBSD Install
Id: NkRaYKP2Za4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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