The secret behind FreeBSD VS Linux and how are they different?

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a while ago I did a video about FreeBSD versus Linux this is kind of one of those videos but it's not this is going to be a hot take this is my opinion of what the difference between FreeBSD and Linux is let's talk about [Music] it so in my view what really is the difference between Linux and 3 BSD well honestly not a lot philosophy is mainly the difference I mean there are some nuanced differences for instance FreeBSD is very minimal on setup Linux comes with loads of stuff out of the box depending on distribution but if you say something like I don't know a really popular distribution Fedora let's say that let's say it is out of the box Fedora comes with tons of stuff and they they put a package manager in so you can add stuff and you can customize it it's not really that much difference most of the tools the same now what I mean by the same is they're not written the same but they do the same thing so for instance CD it will be a different CD on Linux to what's on 3 BSD they'll be written differently but they do the same thing and and this happens all over the operating system so you'll have different kinds of make to to build stuff different kinds of config to configure stuff but they do the same thing and of course if you can use one onone generally you can use it on the other so what do I mean by philosophy well the way that FreeBSD runs is that they design the whole operating system the kernel the user space it's all built in one go and see a little catp come up from underneath the door in a minute on Linux there is a team that develops the kernel away from the rest of the the distribution to the operating system and they put in other bits as they see fit depending on the distribution depending on what the goal of that distribution is so for instance if it's we'll use my my same analogy if it's Fedora they're going for a general purpose all round kind of operating system so they'll bundle in the tools that fit that purpose the tools that are used on that will be similar to the ones that are in 3 BSD but they've designed it with that in mind as well so you've got the entire operating system as opposed to separate teams doing separate bits now where it gets slightly confusing is kind of what 3 BSD does as well so you'll have a a separate team that works on on the the kernel you'll have a separate team that works on the user space you'll have a separate team that works on packages separate team that works on documentation but they're all part of the same organization whereas in Linux that it doesn't quite work they're not I'm not going to tell you which approach is better because frankly they're probably much of a muchness neither approach is better they're just simply different the other thing the other major thing that is is different is licensing and I'm not going to get into that because that is a a political Hot Potato I I don't want to touch that politics not my thing got away from politics years ago don't want to go back to it so it's really down to to you and I mean this is the end user or the administrator of a server or or whatever your use case is to go with the the OS the operating system that is suitable for you not for what somebody else tells you I can sit here and I can say I like FreeBSD I like the way it does this I like the way it does that I'm so used to using FreeBSD that figuring and and setting it up and for want of a better word hacking it to do what I want it to do is is second knowledge is is second knowledge is it's like a second language to me I find it much easier than looking up documentation to do it with Linux I can accomplish both things with both operating systems with bar a few exceptions to that rule both operated systems will do both things so if I wanted to set up a gaming computer I can do it on 3 BSD I can do it on Linux the tools are there to get both jobs done be honest I'm not actually liking this they may be slightly different tools but they will do the same thing roughly speaking if I wanted to set up a video editing workstation I can do it on either both tools will accomplish the same thing in a different way but they'll do the same thing so going back to my point it's down to you to choose the one that you prefer to use or suits you best there will inevitably be projects that do one thing better than the other for instance FreeBSD is highly geared to providing Services providing servers providing a service serving web pages or serving uh files as a as a file server I'm not saying you can't do that with Linux cuz you can in my humble opinion FreeBSD does it better it's easier to configure that doesn't mean that it's better for you doesn't mean that it's easier to configure for you you may be used to using Linux and find it easier to do it on that the best way of putting this is M it's like driving cars you may prefer a Volkswagen over a fold but they both do the same thing they both get you from A to B they implement it in different ways but they both do the same thing they both accomplish the same thing it's exactly the same with FreeBSD and Linux neither is really better there will be people that tell you that they are but it it's down to you as I say to use the one that you feel more comfortable with that you feel will do the job better for you and nobody can knock you for that decision that's your decision you make it nobody else you don't have to tell them you don't have to answer to them it's your choice this whole FreeBSD verse Linux verse Mac OS verse Windows verse any other operating system really is a misnomer it really is a nonsense as much as I would all like as much as I would like you all to to try out through BSD and and learn about it and and and adopt it that's down to you if you want to and if you're willing to and you want to learn something different that you haven't used before do it and again the same applies to if you're using FreeBSD and you haven't used Linux and you want to try it try it why not what have you got to lose as long as you don't corrupt any data you keep backups what's the issue I don't it always has made me chuckle when people pop up in comments and say oh yeah but open BSD is better or or net BSD is better or Arch is better is it really they all do the same thing they do it and accomplish it in different ways but they do the same thing this is almost starting to sound like a rant it's not supposed to it's it's just a hot take from my point of view on FreeBSD versus Linux it's not it's it's not competition you know there is plenty of variety out there use what you are comfortable with I say it time and time again and I'll probably say it more and more often in the future you do you so that's my fre BD vers Linux in 2024 you probably won't find this useful it's more of a more of a a do what you like video take care I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: GaryH Tech
Views: 16,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #FreeBSD, 5 reasons to use freebsd, FOSS, FreeBSD, FreeBSD Handbook, FreeBSD Networking, FreeBSD PKG, FreeBSD ports tree, Freebsd 13.1 changes, Freebsd 13.1 review, Freebsd 13.1 what's new, Freebsd kde, Freebsd review, GaryH Tech, NFS Server, NIX, OSS, Rdp, Unix, current, debugging, freebsd, freebsd 11, freebsd desktop, freebsd install, freebsd que es, freebsd review, freebsd vs linux, how to freebsd, install freebsd, linux, linux vs freebsd, nas, storage, truenas, FreeBSD vs Linux
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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