👿 BSD is SO much better than Linux! But ...

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uh somebody asked me the question about BSD uh open BSD free BSD uh Berkeley systems development um and the answer is yes I absolutely love it um the problem is is that I just don't use it because you know Linux is kind of one the the Enterprise space um except for um BSD you probably know is used for you know Network networking software I mean there's pretty strong rumor that it's some BSD variant that's inside of uh most of the Cisco stuff um you probably know also that BSD is well known for its reliability uh the team behind BSD is less likely to make changes and therefore BSD remains much much much more secure and stable um it is a form of BSD that is running inside of Mac so Darwin some people may not know this but um Mac which is officially they paid millions of dollars to get this title Mac is officially the largest Unix distribution in the world and that is BSD BSD Unix um I really love it there's a lot of people who stream about it a lot uh Dennis last miles on Twitch um I would run BSD if I could the problem is is that b the biggest problem with BSD um is honestly if you want containers most of the time when people say containers in you know 2024 the term container is synonymous with lxc otherwise known as Linux containers uh FreeBSD has a thing called jails but nobody uses it I mean in comparison the statement nobody uses it is literally not hyperbole it is very accurate so um there's a bunch of bloat in the Linux project and in the Linux kernel uh that I don't like I really do wish BSC had a better foothold um but as you know I'm a very practical guy and I just want to use things that are going to get me what I want which is usually a job or some sort of application that I need to make so I don't like screwing around with random os's that unless I'm going to get something out of it and as cool as BD is I don't have anything to get out of it I don't I don't there's no way to even you know test it without installing it on Hardware if I were going to do some sort of like build some sort of Hardware device up and I was going to like maybe build up my own kernel or something I would really strongly consider BSD over um over Linux not just for the licensing issues it would be you know just just because it's it's a better OS I think I think it's it's way better I think it's important to note too that um many of the commands that come with BSD are not um they're posix so for example um last I checked and they may have updated it since then but the BSD comes with um it used to come with a version of VI that is not Vim you know and that's one of the reason I have people learn VI instead because I you be productive on both systems uh last time I checked it didn't have said- o-i uh so you couldn't um you know things like maker-p which will create a bunch of you know directories the parent directories those are those are things that were added by the Linux project uh specifically the G project yeah that's the place where stalman does deserve credit um and you know that's that's annoying it's annoying to have to go to to that to go back and forth and I used to have to do that with Solaris back in the day sonest when we use that um so that's that's the answer um I suggest you learn it if you want to it's it's you know you need to not just stay with Linux but if you're trying to focus on 1os that's Unix e um you know Linux and and particularly you buntu a red hat are probably going to be your Best Bets for you know employment which is the focus of the beginner boost
Channel: rwxrob
Views: 5,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZxEmeekhnPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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