The Fragrance of Worship | Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne

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the following broadcast is brought to you by the friends and partners of revival ministries international [Music] [Music] [Music] something hit me last night during the service and I've said along these lines I'm sure pastor Eric mentioned it I know dr. Debbie talked about it and briefly but I heard something my spirit last night as people were just coming and worshiping God people were bringing of these treasures a young lady came and she brought this this this bear which I knew she was attached to because the bear had had been with her for many many years and she put on the altar and I saw her weep and I begin a weep you know and I heard this in my spirit it was the words the fragrance of the perfume the fragrance of the perfume and so I said Lord you know I thought on this quite a bit he said look it's my word you know and you wake up in the morning you you eat eggs I'm eating eggs all my life you know when I was a kid they gave me scrambled eggs and shove it in your mouth you know so we I think they're all that's older I mean next four years need eggs who eats eggs yeah oh no not another egg in my mind it's nothing greater than egg you know I think it's a greatest fruit on the planet personally if you give me if you if you say you can only have one for just give me eggs I mean it's just I'm a simple person or complicated and when I read the word I always approach it like it's the first time and I never approach it like oh that's old hat you know and I know we we started earlier this today people you know that normally come in late that's fine you you know miss and I can't help it I just feel God is doing something and we're just gonna press in I know this some people's gonna come wandering in here another half an hour that's their business the as far as I'm concerned I'm right in the middle right now so you either jump in with me or you wait for another hour and then you show up later that's fine but I'm detached from whatever else is happening I I'm in the flow yeah I hallelujah so what's so imperative to realize is the way that God sees things the way that God sees things not the way that we we see things we see you know a 7 a meeting and and in it it's amazing to me how the religious people package that meeting so people come you know they do into account II into worship but it's very you know just kind of structured some people sing the words some people don't know the words is a new song because they're singing new songs because everybody wants to have a hit so they can get the royalty from the song you know what I mean so the songs are being written some of them are not even we're saying really to be honestly to use just a bunch of noise and bothers the new album you know sir everybody get my new song the song nobody knows you know get the song and dumb and so people unfortunately that's just the way that the the commercialized church is today because people do everything as a production they do it all as a production in there in the end it's not about a production you can have the finest of everything it's about worship and it's about worship the king we've not come here somebody said I'm going to church the fellowship we actually have him come your for fellowship the other times of fellowship we have with a charge as houses of joy for fellowship and these other meetings for fellowship this is not yeah well I've come to maybe believe God that I'm gonna meet my future wife this is not the place for you to meet your future wife or your future husband this is a place to come and worship the king so so right now our focus is not yeah our focus is not on the time forget the time throw your watch away God God's never ladies always on time but he doesn't run by your watch you throw it away we've come to worship Him and when we come to worship Him we've come to give everything about self to him and we actually you actually when you worship you you lose touch with time and you touch with who's even around you you're not saying yeah oh wow look at her hair she she looks like a muppet you know and you know what I'm saying sir people wish look around and they go yeah and then look what he's wearing it well hey I haven't seen them in a while I wonder what they doing you know so people take the longest of time to even get into the mode of worship and then you watch what they do and I watch this because you know obviously we go into governments and whatever I watch people come into the office of the president I've walked into the Oval Office and there people are focused on what's going on they're not distracted looking at the paintings and the war people don't even care about the paintings of the whirlwind when they are Vil offices you know there's the president you know they just dandy and what's so funny is the people that don't like the president and they're coming there to see the president when they brought there when they have been brought to come and see him well I'm gonna tell him this the moment they say okay tell him they go oh and and and and so the person when they leave they go you said you were gonna tell him this when they got there they couldn't say it worked so people say oh I'll tell god this yeah I tell God nothing I say the Lord should God should be doing this some people think they there to advise the Lord if this preachers who think they actually is Father Son Holy Spirit and then them and they actually advised the Godhead and what he should be doing and should be doing no no he's God the Great King creative heaven and earth can you say Amen mighty to save my teeth they he lighted to deliver and and and he's a eternal greater than meeting any other person on the face of the earth as people always want to meet somebody you know a superstar and what even a sports star how can you sign my Jersey can you shine a sign my hat you know and then they come to church and is like it's like sum-sum please don't gonna sign my shirt he'll do more than sign your shirt you put a fire in you that'll never that'll never go out how about save you heal you deliver you break every chain off of you how about how about give you directions for your life come on are you with me everything you need is in the presence everything you need is in the president everything you need is not Monday seeing a shrink everything you need is not Tuesday going to see some quack everything you need is in the presence of the Lord in his presence is fullness of joy at his right hand their pleasures forevermore so when we come obviously we're collectively but we have to come with the focus on him I've come to hear from him how many need direction for your life this week I've come to hear from him I need it who needs his help this week I've come to I need his help this week who needs his guidance this week you know I got my hands raised and my feet [Applause] so we worship worship we praise we'll give him honor we give Him glory and number one we bring and would come with our heart but come from the heart we worship and every fiber of our being every fiber of our being and it never changes I tell you when when I get to heaven they're gonna have a hard time showing me the midst of him at that I'll just say just leave me I'm gonna be on my face for about a million years just cuz you want you know that's the hobby of heart oh I want to see him look upon his face there to say forever of his saving grace on the streets of glory I will lift my voice tears or past home at last ever to rejoice on the earth I'm doing it I'm doing it in faith even though I don't see him I'm running the heavenly rays blessed are those that have not seen and yet they believed see I'm we practice I just made it up but we practice it we we are practicing here we we practicing here we practice in sums it would be great if Jesus was here on the platform well he is here minds and Holy Spirit he is here he is here the angels of heaven are here the Holy Spirit is here and then our brothers and sisters are here and we come together in unison when we come together and one Accord in one place he promises that he's gonna show up and then what happens is without even touching anybody miracles begin to pop like popcorn and people that came in with the press and suddenly that depression goes fears go bondages go addictions go marriages a heel lives are touched lives are changed people hope comes faith comes everything changes and when you leave you you're different you're different you don't leave the same way you came you should expect every service that God is going to move every single service if you can go to a restaurant inspector that you're gonna sit down with a menu and order something off the meal and the menu and they're gonna bring your meal you should expect I ain't leaving you until I get what I ordered can you say Amen I mean imagine you take people out to go eat and they you give them a menu and they just put them in your side hey well we actually came to eat I know are you hungry yes order what did you come believing gone for today who came believing gone for something yesterday then you tell the Lord what you ordered sir I'll tell pastor forget now I'm not the waiter the Holy Ghost is here and you tell him because here's the thing I can only meet one of two or three needs you know and if God serves me something I'll tell you but if you talk to him he'll find you you're sitting at the back you'll find you everyday you'll find you over there you'll find you over there you'll find you right back there you'll find you over here he'll find you over there you'll find you back in your home wherever you are and you'll touch and transform your life can you say Amen so we always come in that in a spirit of humility we always come in anticipation if we come with a heart jesus said thou is coming now is when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for the father seeketh such to worship Him some people just come and worship from the soul the soul each worship soul is worships oldest preaching so oldest teaching so Lee's prophetic utterances and then all that does is mess with your head but when it comes he said my words that I speak into you are spirit and life and when the word comes into you it's a time-release listen it's a time-release capsule you might think nothing's happening to you but a week from now suddenly it kicks in and you go where that come from where did that come from oh yeah oh yes the word of the Lord it's the word of the Lord it's the word of the Lord so I heard this the fragrance of worship the fragrance okay let me read this now in Matthew 26 and verse 6 talking about the woman that came to Jesus with alabaster box and I'm reading from the amplified verse 6 because if it comes amplified as louder amen a woman is said when Jesus came back to Bethany was in the house of Simon the leper leprosy represents sin and represent and it stinks leprosy smells if you've been around lepers you know that there's a stench - it's a sin stinks that people get away from a stink and a woman came to me with the alabaster flask a very precious perfume support his hand is reclined at the table now another you know one of the Gospels talks about said that this was equivalent to one year's salary so we're not talking about a cheap perfume bought down at you go through the shopping mall and they're selling these these perfumes and then you pick it up some some now I am at a shoe you know you think I'm getting the real article you're not that stops invitation and you put that on twenty minutes later there's no perfume you know you see how I'm gonna buy this for my wife and you bought her a cheap perfume or your border and imitation make sure you get the real stuff if you're gonna bless your wife don't stop down at the CBC and just pick some perfume off the you know I mean honey I just want to tell you I love you so much yeah I can see a lot of love when did this and a lot of thought went into this you'll get her some perfume that when she puts it on three days later it's you saw she's men I've showered y'all bathe I can still smell the perfume you see because you what you're doing at that juncture you are anointing perfume is about anointing worship is a perfume and if you understand anything about the Old Covenant when they when they laid the sacrifice on the altar and they put that fire then that sweet-smelling savour rose up into the nostrils of God and God's melted the Lord actually smells when you play your instruments the Lord smells the fragrance of it when you sing the Lord smells the fragrance from it when you worship he smells the fragrance when you open your mouth and you you begin to tell him how awesome he is he smells the fragrance and what's so crazy is the person that does this with all their heart the Lord always blesses them they're the ones that stand there's no fragrance coming from them you you understand I won't say I mean I so desperately want everybody to get blessed I don't know how to do it any other way than to preach like this sir you can encourage people come on stiffen give of yourself some sin I'm not a great singer poke it make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth can you say Amen I don't care if you sound like a bullfrog croak if don't don't just stand there play with your cell phone or think about other things put all of your attention on him and worship Him can you say Amen hallelujah hallelujah glory adios Fredo yeah when you come hungry when you come thirsty and you pressing him you focus you you you you focused in on him so he resolves another Sun no this could be a like a Sunday like no other Sunday this no you don't understand this could be a meeting like no other meeting you've ever been in your life because you came hungry and you worshipped him and if you worship Him something's gonna happen to you you can't come and bless him and not get blessed it's impossible to bless Jesus and not get blessed hallelujah I feel a cup for a convict Rhonda Arica paya to bring ding-ding I adore the rats ha ha ha roko paulista I feel it right now oh capacity under run Gong jeepers focus a paw hey I read the name I feel I feel that right now I feel that right now yeah Wow sure plum I've been in many of these meetings I've I've feel it right now hallelujah a better focus on here there was a home people share anything ok ok so she pours it on his head is reclined at the table and the disciples hit for what purpose is this waste yeah I mean they got mad the disciples of all people why would you get mad when you had to stop it of Jesus he said follow me and you followed him and now this woman comes in she paused this costly perfume expensive perfume why it's a waste people think what a waste 8 days of meetings two meetings a day hours and hours sell off to midnight what a waste it's not a waste it's worship when you look at people's lives out there in the world what a waste six weeks in a mental institution that's a waste four weeks and I see you that's a waste are you with me lawyers here lawyers they're everywhere a lawyer a lawyer oh MacDonald had a farm eiei hope trouble here trouble there trouble everywhere what a waste you cannot waste coming in worship it is impossible it is impossible what you do in worship counts for eternity if you do a lot better than that count for anything can you say Amen hallelujah glory to doc thank you Jesus and so they for this there was a way for we know who was behind that we know exactly who was pushing that narrative because he was a thief he is the guy in charge of Jesus finances of his ministry a total thief they most Judas so the only people that get upset about the extravagance of our worship are people that are the same bloodline and lineage if you check the DNA they Judas is offspring just what I throw that out oh that joy is so excessive yeah mm-hmm that's right well depressions excessive - and serves being on medication so you bombed out of your mind and you can't even think straight hello yeah that's excessive puffing on weed you know till you get goofed out that's excessive and then you get the munchies and you eat everything that's excessive but to each his own so he said so sir what for what purpose is all this rate the perfume might have been sold for a large sum money given to the poor so suddenly now they're concerned about the poor which let me tell you we we do that year we feed up to 900 families a weekly at buses running across the city we spend about seven thousand a week just on food and buses I mean so we reaching out the push so if somebody said well what about the foot well what about the poor I'll tell you what seeing you that concerned about come down here let me look at your bank account and I will see what you're doing for the poor and then we'll talk about what about the poor amen because this is this right now is not about the poor this is about Jesus are you with and sir says you for the proof you might have been sold for large sum and the money given to the poor you mean the perfume might have been sold for a large sum and the money put in there in the in the back and then I could help myself Ministries International like what Judas was doing that's why he went and sold cheese's for 33 piece 30 pieces of silver which is twenty one dollars and thirty cents because he had stolen money out the bag and he knew that there was going to be an accounting and he didn't want you know Peter or in one or two the other disciples to get ahold of it they would have throttled him had he been exposed for stealing and III don't think that he thought that they would ever take Jesus that's why he went unheard himself because he's been with Jesus way where Jesus walked through those that were coming to capture him and he and Jesus walk through and he's all okay okay I gotta replace the money what I'll do I'll sell him and then I'll get the money put it back in the back there come to get him and he'll just walk away and they'll be finding the money he'll be back and everything gonna be okay and no one will know that I took any money except he didn't walk away and then Judas felt sorry and when to try to get the money back and they wouldn't take the money and then he went and he went and killed himself I feel sorry for Judas I feel very sorry friend but obviously you just must have had an influence with the other disciples because said the disciple sort you know he probably Boca lized and then they yeah that's right let's say what the average annual income is you know 40 50 60 grand I don't know for some people who there's some people a pop with the liberal but they suspicious throw a number they serve 50 let's say 60,000 so if I came in here with $60,000 worth of one bottle of perfume and I poured it on somebody's head in the service who would think it was a waste don't be religious throw your hand up 50 grand blue blue blue blue blue blue come on be honest you get a hell for lying and for stealing come on blue blue blue blue who would think it was a waste lord have mercy it's not a trick question I mean I'm just talking about in the natural forget about church let's say we sit in somewhere and I walk along and say this is $50,000 blue blue blue blue who we think there was a weight okay thank you you know I can't see you try to interact with me this is one of those scratch and sniff services you know what I mean it's not just you sit there and read so now if what she was saying if what the disciples were saying had any validity to it then Jesus would never said what he was about to say because he said Jesus fully aware of this said why do you bother the woman she has done a noble praise for the abit of a thing to me for you always have the poor among you but you're not always having me so but if she if the disciples wrought up a valid argument Jesus would have corrected it said you know that's right the totally right woman stop pouring Judas take what's left and go down to the market and sell it and then go give it to the poor and everybody would said ah man hallelujah but he didn't he said why do you bother the woman leave woman alone leave her alone she knew what the past was it was hers so we said oh this is extravagant I can't I can't do that the person bringing it knows how extravagant it is because they had to pay for it at the bar they know but they don't care you see when you see Jesus you don't care anymore when you see him then everything else that oh my everything else becomes nothing when you see him in all of his glory as he really is then the things of the world grow dim like that song we used to sing turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim suddenly when you see him everything strangely dim the problems that you were facing the circumstances that you were facing suddenly fade away and he rose I don't have a problem I don't have a problem because I've found the solution and his name is Jesus hallelujah I thought I was going to die but I'm not going to die anymore I thought all was lost but it's not a bit lost anymore I thought there would be no way through but he came the way showed up he showed me the way he came he brought he brought me the truth he brought me the life I was thirsty but he was the living water I was hungry but he was the bread of life oh yes I was poor but he came and he gave me the pearl of price I was on shaky sinking sand but he became my rock of my salvation oh my hallelujah I was I was walking out and the night and couldn't find my way but he was there bright star the day star of my heart and he were gonna leave me and even in the morning was the bright morning star and when the world was stinking and stenting he was the Rose of Sharon he was he was the lily of the valley Oh hallelujah he was the honey in the rock he was the star of life I found him I found my greatest treasure I found the one that I love everything else is nothing it doesn't mean one thing to me I know this is costly I know this is precious I know I worked hard for it but it doesn't matter I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna worship Him and I'm gonna pour it on him and I'm gonna put it on him I'm gonna bless him I'm gonna bless it aren't going to church today and I'm gonna bless the Lord I'm a blessing I'm a bless his socks off I'm a blessing maybe wear socks even doesn't wear socks and ways of Santa I'm a bless the sandals off I'll tell you which somebody said oh that can't be right you can't bless Lord because religion makes you think that religion puts that in your head well you can't bless the Lord is impossible be either bless the Lord I was driving down the road and had worship in the car and I was just worshiping the Lord and I'm begin a weeping tears rolling down my cheeks you know and then and I'm just saying the Lord you're so awesome I just I just bless you and I worship you so great and I heard the voice of Lord and he and the Lord said you bless me son and and then in busy for me is reaction what let me bless you that's what no that can't be that's just the devil probably I mean how am I gonna bless God I know Lord how do I bless you hammy how's it possible for a little me to bless you he said you blessed me every time you go around the world telling people how awesome I am I wonder if I am and then I thought of the psalm I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth and then I I nearly drove off the road into bush I thought oh my god I can't bless the Lord I saw my bless you more now I'm gonna bless you if I'm a blessing I'm gonna bless you I will bless you I will bless you I'll bless your name I bless your name I bless your name worthy is your name great is your name greatly to be praised is your name I worship you my God my king my lord my everything I worship I praise you I praise a praise and then when I bring my treasure it's so little really when you think about it because you've come in and you saved me and you've washed me in your blood and then you you're gonna give me a new name I know because your word says you're gonna give me a name nobody else knows the name when I get on the other side you're gonna give me a stone a white stone with it's a name in it that no one knows only the Father and you've prepared a mansion for me because you said in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you that where I am there you may be also and you preparing the place from even now what do I have that I can give you what do I have that I can give you how can I say things how can I tell you how much I love you how awesome you are how wonderful that you are if you never do another thing for me eternally I shall be grateful so I want to ask the question what what has come in from you to him what's what it is a fragrance that comes from you to him forget about the person next to you year the you know as the praises go off the blessings come down the blessings come down to the place from where the praise is come see I said this yesterday God has didn't have free favorites God doesn't have favorites eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth God is look at the people that he can show himself strong in their behalf so he doesn't have favors but you get his attention Cornelius who was an Italian was praying and an angel showed up in his house an angel an angel showed up in the house of Cornelius and said your prayers and your worship you're giving have come up as a memorial before God and therefore the angel said that's why I've been sent what of all the people on the earth at that time the Hindu would come to an Italian is not a Jew and then tell him to send people to Joppa and tell him if there's a man there by the name of Peter and he will come and tell you everything and then God speaks to Peter in a vision on a house of his praying it falls into trance and the God tells him to go all because of his prayers in his giving parents because of your prayers and your worship and your giving is creating a situation whereby your children God will take care of your children and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren because David said I've been young and I'm old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken or they cease picking for prayer now I know that last night people brought shoes and stuff and all the stuff goes to the poor you and all the clothes and there but when I saw that young lady bring the bear I broke I broke because it was not just a fair this was not a bear that was in good condition this was a bear that was worn this bared being everywhere there's no telling in when she put it down she she touched it and she was weeping and I think in a weep because I realized that something was happening in her heart and I heard that in my spirit the fragrance of worship God is gonna bless that young lady let me tell you right now God is gonna bless that young lady in a powerful powerful way let me sit past it was just a bear no you don't understand you don't understand you do not understand it was not just a bear it was worship and that's what gets God's attention man doesn't hit me so strong I thought seasons helped be so sir Jesus Jesus wasn't concerned about the opinion about it should have been sold given to the poor he said don't bother the woman she's done a noble praise with him beautiful thing to me you always have the poor among you but me you'll not always have me in poorest of him my my body she's done something to prepare me for my burial truly I tell you and this is why I read this today as proof to you that I'm preaching the gospel because Jesus said wherever the good news the gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman has done will be told in memory of her so I am now fulfilling the words of Jesus by reading this to you and talking about it because he said wherever the gospel is preached what this woman has done will be told in memory of her why is this not told from every pulpit of the land why why this should be done every week every week we are in the meetings that we do week-long meetings once a week a shared work and I've done for years because he said everywhere the gospel is preached what the woman has done will be told in memory so I'm actually fulfilling the words of Jesus right here and I know in just a moment we're gonna receive the tithes and offerings number said were you doing to get an offer stick your money man you don't even understand what's going on take your money and stick it where the Sun don't shine I yes this is so much greater this is so much greater then your little money please this is so greater than your little money God y'all didn't need your money he needs your heart he don't need your body zinc cuts you think God's poor you think God's gonna go bankrupt you think God's gonna go out of business because you don't give we don't need your money they using you outsource God's outsource this is about worship it's about worship it's about worship it's about worship it's about worship it's about your heart it's about giving what's precious to you it's about coming to him we bring this sacrifice of praise the house of our God please bring something and throw it at God we know that a zoo were you feeding a bear over the wall hey there's some monkeys you throw them some peanuts give him a banana what God the Great King and so here's the thing when you're walking here on the earth and what you don't realize everything you're doing is gonna result in crowns that will be given to you on that day by Jesus that the judgment seat of Christ and the crown of life you know the son is crowned and there'll be a lot of crowns four or five once the crown everlasting so you could be four but I'll take the fifth one if there's I'm not gonna argue about how many can you say man I just want everybody who's members of the river to get every one of the crowns I don't want you to get there and got no crown sums I don't have no crown why cuz I never listen to Pastor and I got angry and I went outside and setting the toilet well we now said by the flagpole where were you at the river true I was by the flagpole we'll go do it now it's raining you'll enjoy yourself there because I didn't take it seriously and I have no treasure to show for my life here on earth because I never won souls I never let anybody to Jesus I want everybody to get it would be limiting you it would be my most embarrassing day we get to heaven and we get the judgment seat of Christ in the river church is there and you people pick up no trophies and then and then and then it's my fault because I'm a chicken pastor because I was afraid to tell you everything because I didn't want to offend you I'd rather you get offended now so when you stand there then you realize okay it's my fault I why do you think Jesus is gonna wipe away tears from people's eyes because they're gonna realize I didn't do anything I didn't do it I did nothing nada I did go to church but there was all I did I did nothing I've nothing to show for my life on the earth I spent 70 I spent 80 years on the earth but everything I did was from me everything was about me everything was about my world everything was about once I wanted everything was about my education my degrees my my income my investments my my house my land my car my wife my children it was all about me it was never about anything else and then I have nothing now then you got a little granny or a single mom it was just she worshiped God through the hard times she's sacrifice and she didn't have that much but what she had she gave him she worship and then she collects like five crowns and she's loaded up there and then you have to slip up and help carry to help her get the stuff in and there'll be some bishops go to heaven and and your apostles great apostle there through it pop the door the big apostle the mmw see the main runner what count you know the big God the big the boss of boss you'll get to hear but and he got nothing and then a little granny coming along if she's got angels carrying all the trophies somebody said who was that woman she must have been a great pass of it no she was just a prayer warrior and one souls to the Lord in a lot of churches didn't even like her she had to move several times they asked her to leave because she was embarrassing them and she while they won the earth they had riches when they get to heaven they they'll be in they'll be at the mansion but they'll be in the guardhouse of the mansion of the law somebody said they don't work at what you think you think that there's not gonna be degrees in heaven you think that doesn't work that way you think God practice socialism you think it's a redistribution of wealth huh huh come on you you think that God practiced communism and socialism and is just free distribute it don't work that way my friend there'll be people that would be closer to the throne and some people that'll be like you need heavenly binoculars what what listen you just be glad you there you'll just be glad that you there I want everybody there I want all River Church members I want you bless and I want you with eternal fruit can you say Amen it's important to me as a pastor God's gonna hold me responsible for that pastors will be held responsible because they didn't tell their people properly the full council of god these are holy things and it's not just about giving an offering give an offer he's not going to change your life because if your hearts don't involved in it something so that's why the whole thing to tell if you'd give a thousand dollars now and your miracle will happen not that God couldn't do that but most of the people don't see anything because they still living this sin they still serving the devil oh I'll throw a thousand and God will get me out of this now repent of your sin you ugly thing you amen so it's proof that I'm preaching the gospel here today and of course I can't just read this so you see the fulfillment of what I was talking about then one of the Twelve Apostles of scroll Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests and said what are you willing to give me if I give him if I hand him over to you and they weighed out for him thirty pieces of about $21.60 and from that moment he's sort of fitting opportunity of betraying this is this is Jesus disciple one of the twelve one of the twelve was a betrayer when they were sitting around at the Last Supper and Jesus said whatever you have to do you know do it everybody thought he was gonna go give to the poor yeah he was going to go up betray him that means if you if you eat with Middle Eastern people they eat a little differently they have a bowl and you all reach into the bowl you get whatever you you know you put your hand in there so if there's 12 around the table and Jesus and you're reaching in the bowl there's a likelihood that one of the twelve will be a betrayer so you put your hand in but that betray is also putting his hand in so people did you realize that we actually eating around the table here yesterday okay so there's a likelihood we do have a couple of betrayus but I don't think they're members of the river because we run them off but you know they'd betray us but this a likelihood wanted to slip in you know we and we understand that but here's what happened when people said well I'm not gonna go to church anymore because there's people that you know they do this to do that what you doing is saying okay that's fine I'm gonna starve myself to death because I can't put my hand into the ball and eat it listen I don't care how many people are betraying this food I'm getting me something I'm I'm gonna get me some food can you say Amen so I said well you should see who's coming to eat yeah I'm coming to eat I'm hungry give me some food so you have to ignore what other people are doing it otherwise you'll starve to death you'll starve to death around the food there's a banquet table that is set out here for you this is a seven-course meal this morning spiritually there's not some ministers luncheon with the chicken and the roll hmm anybody been to this prayer breakfast gag me with a spoon eat the plastic plate so now watch this now this perfume this costly problem anybody ever had costly perfume get on you three people okay you need to get out a little bit just the word of encouragement the costly perfume gets on you people can smell the fragrance people come say what is that what is that what is it that I smell what is that what's that fragrance jesus said in touring this perfume on my body she's done something to prepare me for my burial because when someone dies it's not like today where they take you in the embalmer gets you in bombs they had other ways of embalming and they did spices and they did all of these things and they would anoint the body for burial so Jesus was saying what she's doing is in preparation for my burial and this was costly perfume and she pulled it on his head you pour it on somebody's hit it's gonna run down it's gonna go all the way down and when you pour it on somebody's hit you're gonna get some on your hands and then the fragrance is gonna fill the room because now some of the leper leprosy has a smell with Lazarus they've been raised from the dead death has a smell so her worship blocked out the smell of sin and death of sin and death the the fragrance something happens when worship when worship when true worship comes into the place it blocks out everything blocks out everything Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know just like my wife shared the testimony lost not how God touched her how many were you last night okay and you know I counted her down to the very second of when the power of God was gonna fall something how did you know that I've heard hundreds of I know when she gets to that moment it's there you can't fabricate that she took a couple of journeys and and I said okay this a two minute delay on that because I knew where she was going I said there's another 90 second delay on that but I said it's going she's going in now and then I went five four three two boom and then it and it hit her because I know what I know what's happening I've heard it I've seen it because that's her perfume and what happened when that happened the perfume filled the room are you with me so the devil always wants to try to keep your worship from being on display the devil always wants to try to I'll shut him down don't give that away today nobody appreciates what you have he my god I don't care what you think I if you think I'm crazy already I'm gonna keep pouring on the perfume I'm gonna keep pouring it out I'm I'm gonna keep finding people I'm gonna anoint them with the oil that's what we do that's what our ministry does we come around and we pour the oil of the Holy Ghost we pour the fragrance of heaven on individuals and we and we anoint them you say what that's what the Lord is given to us and I'll never forget the very first week I ever said this was in February of 1991 the first week I shared along these lines and my mother was in the meeting and she was sitting on this on the second row and this was during the offering and I was sharing on the woman the alabaster box and as I was sharing my mother begin to bounce in the chair and she began to bounce with the feet and I looked and she kicked her shoes off and she was my mother yeah it was it was it was glorious and then I realized that the Lord was pouring perfume on her so the Lord said you know we come we pour perfume on him but it's not one-sided he pulls perfume on us so somebody said what happens when I give my offering you give to worship him and you give to help the ministry carry the perfume to more people so in other words from your gear the perfume of your giving goes out to Nations goes out to touch people they smell the fragrance of your sacrifice but the Lord always rewards you back are you with me it was comfort hazard Here I am meeting number 15 somebody said what's he on what is he on no because a normal individual would be wiped out of the tree and my god yeah I mean I had what three know about sleep last night so he said how can you be fired up it's that inner fire are you with me that sustains you there carries you not that I won't sleep I sleep the terms are going to hibernation like a bear and sleep for three days I mean there's nothing wrong with that you have to recoup we don't have a glorified body as of yet but it's the anointing that will sustain you through everything so watch this you ready for this so when they take Jesus those Roman soldiers took him and they fastened him to their post in the middle of the courtyard run up quickly bring me the cat of nine tails now I've never had one but I was preaching in church in California and they and I saw they said what they said that's a cannon I'll tell you I said I've talked about this all the time how did you get this if we had apply for license to have this thing I didn't know they in California everything's a lethal weapon huh there it is I mean the anyway let's leave California alone but so this cat-o'-nine-tails does he know where it is it's on the ledge yeah okay so this thing is dangerous so honored it says yup left handed this side up so if you're using your left hand you put it in like this which my instant I can but this end has got metal with spikes on it and lay like lid and nails and whatever and then if you right-handed you flip it this way because then you're gonna get you're gonna get this thing hooking into the flesh which I don't even want to hit this thing on anything because it'll damage this is a weapon so now you got two soldiers post us there pulls back the other one back he pulls back and the Bible says that he was beaten and marked that he did not even resemble a man not these pictures you see if Jesus hang on the cross a little bit of blood and one that ain't gonna happen that's not what happened but here's the thing that perfume was still on the woman I mean that the woman who put was still on him so as they pulled it back because blood has a metallic smell to it have you ever smelled blood news from El blood has a metallic smell but this blood smell too different these are and soldiers as they were ripping into the flesh of Jesus and pulling it back they were thinking this smells sweet this is the condemned I've never smelt this before what is this this reminds me of the Rose of Sharon this reminds me of the lily of the valley if you run your hand over on the bottom you can feel what I'm talking about so it's it's bad I mean I'm not gonna pass it around and take the whole day and everybody will be you know but trust me it's not good it's not like just being a couple of lashes with the cane or or a reed or his band so the blood and the flesh was flying through the air but there was a fragrance still days later of the ladies worship those soldiers were smelling the fragrance of the worship and Jesus said in doing this she's parked a few more me for my burial whoever the gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman have been done what the woman has done will be the only memory of her so when they came to put him on the cross there was a fragrance from the cross as the blood that flowed there was a fragrance that was intermingled with the blood and when they took him down and they came to to wrap him there was a fragrance there was a fragrance so they they realized that he had already been prepared and last night when that young lady came and put the bear down like ice melted I could see she was bringing what was precious to her and was worshiping the boys no monetary value to it at all just something that was precious to somebody and when they put it down and they wept God sees we tell you he sees and we really haven't in essence worshiped until we've broken everything we break it Sammy sir well I I worship but I didn't really and I'm not just relating this to an offering I'm talk about everything when you come did you really worship did you really lift your hand did you really open your mouth did you sing with every five of you you know your body did you worship that the air from your lungs go did you did did you really worship Him will you eyes on man something happens so if you've never entered into like what this woman did then I challenge you she has the church now promise me nothing will be lost they don't wait for you on the other side besides what he will reward you here on the earth can you say Amen holiday view how to do you thank you Jesus and she did that I thought of a donek and myself all those years ago as we took the little that we had if we put it on the altar and we grabbed ahold of the key that dr. Debbie was talking about last night and I said if you if you show me the key I promise you I won't ever keep it private I won't make duplicates give it away to everybody else and now I think 63 countries later the fragrance has been poured out and we're bout to pour it out now in another 35 cities in the next six weeks seven weeks are you with me that there's 35 other cities of the world that's gonna be smelling the fragrance and then this goes off and people say my life was changed because somebody came they came they didn't come cheap they came with great sacrifice you a year today because we came to this country with $300 didn't even know anybody this everything you see is a miracle we didn't have the ability that we bought this place with no money we just heard a word from God get that property we got the property you know the start the church taught the Bible School now 4,000 students are graduated they're going around the water around the world Amsterdam Holland has a river church today the fragrance been poured out across Holland Helsinki Finland has a church the fur the fragrance being poured out island we've been there and we'll be in for the cities the fragrance will be smelt in Ireland I mean and it goes on and it goes on and on and on I'm telling you you've got to understand how this thing's work we went and poured perfume out in the outback of Australia you know now they porn perfume out in the nation of Fiji I mean it goes on and on where do you want to go with this thing she come here as a 19 year old kid and and the five dog gets on the she's travel 33 countries the world now in the Indus cell sedan into Syria in a Serie of four cities of Syria the perfumes of importa she's been in 43 comes in the world because she was living in a broken trailer driving a car that went sideways down a highway but we went a port perfume on her head and then she rose up with the smell and the fragrance of heaven and said I'll go I'm gonna go to the nation of the earth I'm gonna carry this fire I'm gonna carry it I'm gonna carry it I'm gonna carry it and then you go out and you win souls and one on one advantage of them and you find somebody behind a dumpster you find somebody behind under a bridge you find somebody beaten and broken and torn by the storms of life and by the enemy and you come and you pull the gospel on them and then things begin to smell different everything changes and they rise up and their whole life is changed and then they get trained and cold in the ministry and then they go out with their sacrifice they bring their sacrifice they bring their sacrifice I think it is a sacrifice but here we watch you know act of kindness and sacrifice goes unnoticed by him somebody said I serve faithfully I'm helping with the bus ministry and I wake up early in the morning and then I'm winning souls and that don't fly neighborhoods in the mouth then when he close and I go to the schools and I go to the retirement homes but you get to heaven and some lady that was 82 years of age that you lived in the Lord should come to grab you because you sacrificed because you came and poured the perfume I'm not in Hell today you came you came you came and brought me in the word of life you came and brought what was precious to you and you brought your sacrifice we bring our sacrifice we worship Him we worship Him we're not doing this to be seen a man we're not doing this so that we can receive accolades a man we're doing it because we a brain we obeying the Great Commission because he has touched us we have been loved for him we want to love we want to freely we have received freely we give it away we're not gonna stop no matter what persecution may come he doesn't matter we've counted it all even if it means death then so be it [Music] [Applause] hallelujah glory at yours I mean I've got a lot of things to tell you I wanted to tell you about the online pre meeting Friday night the first Friday of February praying from 6:00 to 6:00 we are testing these yet I just thought I'm just gonna jump right into this thing right it's stuck by any rules regulations here at the river Church I'm the pastor take a chill how did you how they view you blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord has seen your sacrifice we live in a place here with some of the greatest soul winners we live in a place here with some of the greatest givers I'm telling you right now they are they are the greatest soul winners and the givers right here in this room right here right here right here fact effect you can you can you know you can little bit better than that and thousands that watched online and those that consider themselves rhythm members they live in places there is no church and remote places and they support what's going out and you're part of it you're part of it you're part of it the day will come when we'll all be united and you'll see your family in the nations of the earth of every tribe and every tongue somebody said I sacrifice but I'm not really appreciated I want you know the Lord appreciates you and he is gonna reward you you can mark it down because God is no man's debt God he's no man's debtor he shall reward you thank you Jesus I'm have heard this quite a number of times but today you heard it afresh that's why I can never speak to people to tell them what to give because that's between them and the Lord and then sometimes when people give be careful somebody should I say think twice about this you know because I get scared for the video to me get scared for them they're gonna pass I heard from God no no no you go pray for another two days before you give that either you know because I want them I don't want anybody giving on emotions I don't want anybody giving on some emotion they must know that the Lord is telling them to do that can you say Amen and that's what got me offended with preachers and television being on television cuz I saw preachers take this very scripture and abuse it so then I didn't want to teach on it I thought I'm not teaching all of it yeah yeah look at that guy butchering that scripture he's butchering the thing is doing it to manipulate to get something from people what a scumbag you know I big TV took my shoe off of the shoe people come to the house it what's just two marks on the television Kenneth was with me all night when I slam today my dad was watching a preacher there's you know that the TV without electric projection screen things that was marked I mean it was you know so you couldn't see when it was on but when it's off you see these two lines one of those two lines on the TV my dad got mad and the TV preacher for talking rubbish and he took his shoe in threw it Porsche I didn't have my 45 no because it hurt me because they took what was really precious and you know what if my mom was here now and I and I used to call her up and we'll pull the video footage from the archives then I'll play it and you'd hear my mom's testing because some of you've never heard my mom says to me but when my mom would get up she'd be get it talk and the moment she talked the same thing that happened to my wife happened to my mom and she couldn't speak and then the fragrance filled the place and that's the last thing I want to say here in relationship to this because you're the perfume that you have as a designer fragrance are you with me so even though they might be similarities to it it's it's a perfume that God has really use to touch people that we can touch for sometimes we always people always comparing I don't have what they have yeah but you have something the way the devil works he always works by intimidation put that away no one cares no one notices no one's interested and you have to go dif to the devil says shut up what I have I received from the Lord what I have I bring to him because I had ministers tell me he's nothing like being in a room with preachers who are rebuking you no no sir they're rebuking you because of joy and and and and and the oil of joy and they say you can't go around and do this in the church you you're troublemaker Rodney I brown you need to be quiet you're causing trouble you're causing trouble in the in the mid 90s I've got the reputation of being the most dangerous person in Christendom can imagine that meet the most dangerous person in Christendom he comes in he wrecks everything he wrecks the way people worship he said it worship in this normal you know 15 20 minutes sing a few hymns light a couple of candles he comes in their worship an hour he's getting people into altered you know all the states of mind you can't believe all the stuff can't believe us and then people get sure that can't be gone people come and get joy how can they be gone that Richt the whole service people sit there just laughing and that can't be God meanwhile what would they do when they went to Jesus meeting and people were walking and leaping the praise of God walking and leaping walking and leaping oh Jesus calm your crowd down you'll crowd out of hand yeah they're taking a coach they throwing it down in front of you they waving palm branches come on calmly don't they know this is a religious ceremony this is a religious procession come on and they make money off of it now you go to Jerusalem the Via Dolorosa down the V the literals that an enemy so that's all Catholicism these are Stations of the Cross what nonsense new station in the cross selling candles sending a cross so I walk a different way you sit here make money off of Jesus nobody's paying homage at the station economy holy water light a candle by a little trinket from that station she can go home and rub it when I go to Israel I didn't go to any of the holy religious shrines and stuff please are you kidding me kissing stones and all that kind of stuff he's not these risen anyway so I want to go anyway we get we get we get to Mount Carmel there's a big you know monastery I stand outside the thing are we just stand in the bush and talk about what happened when the fire fell during they pay homage to some saint I tell all the guys don't you take me into any religious site I'll tell you not interested in religion and I watch Christians going to the Western war putting a yarmulke on the head and praying that why cuz it's close to the Holy of Holies are you out of your mind we could feel the anointing this is no anointing thee I made them take me underground to where was close as there was nothing there it was a dank place I never felt any there's more 19 here just here the back wall here and if you went out there that's the lobby that's our Dollar Tree that is I that is idol worship he does not live in the tabernacle made with the hands of man he come to live in your path buh-burn some city you say bye-bye to people walking out hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more no more no more as if their religion is going to shake the world religion one shake the world because this way you have a monastery and then you have a mosque and then you have this thing and you have that thing people want religion Jesus wants to give you a relationship I'll rip religion to pieces I'll live with the pieces I'll rip it to shreds foul temple you can be circumcised seven times and split hell wide open you can have it chopped off and go to hell [Applause] you can have yourself spayed and neutered and split hell wide open you can pluck your eyes out and chop your hands off you can walk on your hands all the way to New York City and split hell wide open you can give everything you have away and split hell wide open you have to have Jesus in your heart hallelujah you know one more thing when when Lazarus was raised from the dead he come out and he was bound and wrapped in the bandages and you know Jesus said lucemon let him go that's what we do to people get raised from the dead but we have to go and get the bandages of religion off of them we have to get we have to wrap them off the only hope for Moldova is the power of the gospel and the fire of God religion if religion was going to shake Moldova would have already it would have already religion the Pentecostal religion the tradition of Moldova and of Romania is of such a demonic nature it is control of holding the people back from the fire of God it's only somebody full of the anointing that's gonna break that thing loose in Moldova I'm just telling you right now and you you they will not like you but you have to make a decision you'll serve God you'll serve Jesus you'll obey the Holy Ghost or you'll be accepted of man and that's the choice that you're gonna have somebody said pastor you seem a little radical here well it's been a week of fire power I said it's been a week of fire power this isn't been a week of light two candles and blow smoke you shall receive fire power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you I was watching television and the preacher said send your prayer requests in and I'm going to do Israel and I'll put it in the wall and then I'm a buried on the Mount of Olives so there when Jesus comes what what a load of nonsense your prayer requests buried on the Mount of Olives is not going to do anything and you send you back some stone from Jerusalem when you either your greatest need just rub the stone why don't you just get yourself a Buddha with a big belly and just rub the belly idolatry and you know what the Pentecostal charismatic movement has it much idols as the Catholic Church you say what you want to they all bowed to the people bowed to Mecca people bowed to Springfield Missouri people bound bowed to Cleveland Tennessee their ballot to Tulsa Oklahoma God don't live in any of those places he lives in the hearts of people I said he lives in the hearts of people these people go into the graves of saints lying on the graves trying to get anointing from the bones you know they even they use a call they use it a term called Chris grave sucking how bad can there be listen I'm not going to the did of any I'm not going to the bones of any did Saint to pick up any anointing I've got I've got under this fat where the glory comes out where the fire of God come let me tell you we don't seek Jesus amongst the dead he is not a monster did he is a monster living hallelujah hallelujah glory to God I feel it here this life [Applause] don't be restless don't be restless some people walk around the riskless all the time that they look like they plagued by a spirit because they the rest of us you can't find rest they wonder peace be still calm down if you have to go to toilet girl told her we don't want accidents somebody said I can't wait this long you waited longer in a hospital because let me tell you you might think that this is just a service let me tell you this is a matter of life and death it's a matter of life and death and just so you know we're gonna receive an offering but this is not how you take an offer I'm a little worried if advise you this is not how you take an offering take an offering with starving children with snot noses and flies and somebody's singing a country song [Music] somebody said what part of the services and what way is he gonna do it what part of the mania is it oh I wonder what part of the meeting this is the main part that's all you need to know the main part [Applause] funny thing is people go down to animal kingdom there's a there's a ride they put up and people will wait seven six and five hours to stand to get into that right and it lost about three minutes and they'll wait the Senate line ninjas tics comes where are you waiting and just when you think you're getting close and you come around the corner and you think it's right there you see the line going like this and you're going what but you don't leave now because you waited so long you bother to keep so you just stay I'll tell you this better be worth it [Laughter] where are you waiting yeah but you were an hour ago I know but we're getting closer and then and then you're like three hours in and somebody comes by I can't wait anymore hey you're really three hours in they're coming just stay just just hang on just a bit longer and then come to church in 90 minutes in but the Bible says they then wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint he meant praise gone hallelujah wait wait so that was the message I wanted to bring to you today that was the burning in my spirit can you say Amen and I want to encourage you because as you as you fall perfume it's impossible to pour it without getting in on yourself so that means even in services like this you leave with the fragrance of heaven and you go as somebody said what happened to you did you have a holiday of the weekend no I went down to the river and they've all touched me can you say Amen hallelujah so obviously we'll be a next Sunday but next Sunday night we leave for 10 cities across the United Kingdom will be in four cities in Ireland two in Scotland three in England and one in Wales and so we're gonna go up all perfume on England can you say Amen and we've been able to do that already I believe in 45 cities so let's play the clip of the 45 cities where we've been and you'll understand we're going to be pouring perfume in three hundred cities of the world can you say Amen our building will we'll get in the permits we'll begin to break ground come July but in the interim we're gonna build a big area here for the ones and twos and then the three two fives and then the nursing mothers and then we and uh knock that wall out there so we get extra CD it's gonna be over there so we'd be doing that yeah I believe we'll break ground I'm speaking by April for that and so Bob when people come they'll be able do we run out of place for Mother's you know they just ran out of place and we've lost families because there's no place for crying babies and we're gonna make it really it's going to be it's going to be great but did me tell you this I'm not gonna make the new building the focus we are making the pouring of the perfume on the cities the focus the Lord said to me run to three hundred cities in the next two years between now and to end of 2020 we're gonna run across America North and Central and South America are we gonna run across Europe Africa Asia as you saw that Korean contingency that came in we'll be doing four cities in South Korea come in the month of September are you with me we're gonna go to Japan for the 2020 world Olympics and he's the chaplain to the whole of the Olympics is sitting right here the chaplain to the whole Olympics so we're gonna do want to do cities across Japan and mobilize people put the fire on them and dr. Frank's gonna be working with us so we excited about that whole thing we will send teams who wants to go as a team to win souls in Japan amen and be mobilized on the streets sir there's some very big things that's gonna happen yeah in these next the next two years and I believe is we work to pour in the perfume on the heads of these cities God will build the house and we're not we don't even know worry about it's gonna be we're gonna dig a ditch we're gonna prophesied a hole in the ground it's gonna come up and as God is touching you and blessing you the Lord's gonna prosper you increase you we put our faith out that God would raise up 100 multi million is in this church in this church multiply you can you say meant God's gonna give people their own businesses and there's going to be increased there's gonna be multiplication so let's play the the cities where we've been and then this fighting out we're gonna be praying over the holy UK UK's in a desperate way this with me on the imagination with the light fires so let's roll it [Music] I can choose a voice stirring up [Music] the lovers conquered broke down [Music] every song go endless recess [Music] to the car [Music] until there open to laugh No chinnu [Music] see the seeds [Music] Marcie's [Music] you [Music] I choose you the stirring up a passion the loves conquered Oh Tommy for every song Bareilles graceless said to sleep to the car [Music] one two and yes [Music] No can you hear do you feel it [Music] Sears out [Applause] [Music] the series [Applause] the Sears this is a clear [Music] so these are Purim meetings we believe in God 400 liters in each city 300 cities 30 30 thousand liters there being neither two in the next two years with the power of Pentecost can you say men and then new churches are gonna be built Bible schools would be built and mission people be sent to the mission field and we're going to just see it sweep the nations hallelujah praise gone Lord it done how many are ready to worship God with your gimme pass Eric come give the instructions and get ready get ready get ready don't don't don't think normal get ready get ready hallelujah it's time to worship the Lord with our giving as pastor said uh sure's hand the offering envelopes out ask the Lord what do you have you do do what's precious to you do what's precious to him give him your best make your checks out to the river the river you can also give by credit card if you choose the envelopes are coming down and then those watching online right now you can go to revival Calm if you're not already on it go to revival calm and click invest now and you're a part of this service so do that now then also for those watching and those here you can give through mobile giving mobile giving simply text seven seven nine seven seven give River give River giv e RI ve are no spaces and of course the directions will be on the screen text seven seven nine seven seven give River you can give that way also hallelujah if you didn't get an envelope raise your hand we'll get you one then also the building fund we do have the building fund offering envelope you've heard all the great things that are coming up and what's happening with the children's Church the nursery and everything if you want a building fund envelope the ushers will hand one down the road to you just put your hand up for that and we'll get you one of those of course those watching that's rise and build it's called rise and build as a drop-down box for that and then Jubilee Jubilee that's where you make a four month commitment you say Lord I'm believing for X amount of dollars whatever it is or I'm gonna call an X amount of dollars four month pledge and as that comes in you stretch your faith for that you put that in that goes right to the principle paying off everything here and we're believing everything is paid off for you debt free in Jesus name Amen so if you want one of those Jubilee envelopes you can raise your hand on that we'll get you one of those of course that's on the drop-down box also to see if God if God speaks to you about the alabaster box then you do it do it a Bay guard watching by television or when you go home some said I have to free it up free it up it's like a hot air balloon for the thing to rise you have to throw off the ballast and as long as you hold onto it you can't go to the next level that's one this is a very personal thing very personal thing but if got speech you don't push it off you don't say I'll think about doing the next week no determine in your heart I'm gonna break my alabaster ball somebody said what is it God will show you somebody said I think I have trust me you haven't if you break it you'll know you broke it and just tell you that so be a meeting today the Holy Ghost because it's the fragrance of your worship and it's the fragrance of your worship that God smells that's why some houses are blessed some people are blessed others struggle it's not because God favors the one over the other there's nothing to do with that if camellias could give God's attention when an angel shows up then anyone in this room under the sound of my voice or those watching by television can get God's attention I'm serious if he can find me in Africa it take me to 63 comes to the world what will you do with you obviously Nani was called to do what I called her but what will he do with you in your business what will he do with you in your home what if he takes your children and launches them what if God takes your kids and make some passes a great trip well you come on you think that's not gonna transform your life your kid would go off and do nothing and then suddenly God's hand comes on your kid and god raises them up and and they did great and mighty things huh come on talk to me it's all it is your actions result in what's going to take place I'm blessed today because my mom and dad because they did total sold our commitment to the kingdom of heaven they were radical givers they didn't have much but they gave everything their pastors will come to town they've bought tires for the car filled up the tank of gas they were always going out their way helping homeless bringing homeless people into our house those people all got saved they over baptized in the Holy Ghost and they all ended the ministry it's my parents always going out of their way always helped in the past they helped in the church that we were the first people to show up at church and the last people to leave oh they were locked the door and the pastor will be locking the door now Howard Brown family belonged believing we were the first day I was fabi's off painting the walls of the church with varnish because I wanted to help daddy can I help all right well you can't ruin it because no paint is varnish there was brick all the way around the outside the tree I'm sitting out there with varnish and I'm painting five years old painting the wall of the church all this is this brick it's like a brick thing right around the church and I'm painting the wall can I help can I help those days we used to go hand out tracts I want to hand out tracts can I help that we do sing in the middle that of the streets and they give altar calls and can I help we go we go into the townships of southern Africa we we sing we do help the Puebla always doing something to help raise money to fund missions and always always thinking about the kingdom it was ingrained in me and it wasn't just something oh you know hey we're coming up on our annual missions thing every day was a mission there was leading people to Jesus we always end up going somewhere in taking longer because my dad get in a conversation and then he said if people about Jesus that they're getting saved always look nothing was this planned you know you always go he's on a holiday and you find the church you go on holiday and then they're leading people to Jesus we just sit there listen you know we hang around preachers you talk to to 3:00 in the morning about Jesus everything is about Jesus on that pre-meetings on that prayer is praying through the night as kids you go to sleep and you hear the sound all about touch on ribbing yes and you wake up and you feel this elders laying hands on you under the pew I mean you can't get away from that that's why though all that prayer who's gonna be at all night prayer meeting Friday night we're pray from 6:00 to 6:00 and whoever's left our feed your breakfast and a nice breakfast yeah not a role in a piece of chicken or hard-boiled egg come on and February Friday night this coming Friday night we're praying over the month of February and then March first Friday March we were praying over March we already prayed over the whole year we spent an hour for each month but this Friday will be for February we're sitting in the giant bulldozers and the earth moving equipment ahead of us can you say Amen praise God thank you Jesus so if God tells you to break something break it don't look at me I don't know what you have so it's none of my business God knows what you have amen and sometimes you think you have nothing but you always have something when even when we were in the ministry and my my wife would always hide something in you no not at the early stages there's nothing to hide but she would you would always have like a hundred bucks fold it alright small twenty but then they became a hundred year and a hundred fold it in reserve then we have nothing yeah I do what do you mean your head about a hundred bucks what give 100 bucks we've been putting there when you be putting that girlfriend give it them in there amen how to do you everybody ready to give say hallelujah who needs just another moment and online the drop-down box address text seven seven nine seven seven give River and send it in if you need it get a truck get a truck and bring it down whatever you need to do amen you said about rail UPS FedEx delivers here do it and even if you're watching from other countries obey obey how to do you all right ashes go ahead and receive the offering won't you welcome Edwin Sapulpa - what a blessing has been to us this whole week once you give him a break god bless as it comes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so powerful I want anybody hit badly behind closed because first we come with our mouth and we worship we come with our treasure and we worship but what he wants is our heart the number one thing that you can give him is your heart the Bible says the people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me and I want you to look at your heart right now if you in displays today and you've never ever given your life to Jesus and I want you to know that he stands at the arms right opening he says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden I'm gonna give you rest take my yoke upon okay take my yoke upon you learn to me my yoke is easy my burden is light he'll give you his yoke and take your burden he'll lift that heavy burden sin is a heavy burden that you don't have to carry because he carried it he bought a countering and you can't go and make yourself better and then come to him and the Lord said okay now you're in a better position I'll accept you now you come as you are and you said lord I give you my life I lay my everything on the altar it's a day I follow you Lord Jesus I've gone my own way and the Bible says it the way that seems right to remember the in there of his death I've got my own webcam unpause but today I make a decision on the following your plan and your purpose today I want to surrender to you because there's two worlds you can live in the natural world and go your own path in your own way or you can live in his world he's playing he's purpose somebody said I feel God has called me but they never they never listen then they never finally surrender because they want both worlds you can't have both life is very short even this very day that people here under the sound of my voice are those watching in your homes that your life could be required of you you could go home put your head on your pillow and fall asleep and never wake up and then it's over at that junction that's why Jesus calls if you watch him as he moved and he went to people said the rich young ruler sell only half gift the poor follow me couldn't somebody said my father's just died I have to go and bury him so he said I've just got married I need a spending here with my wife somebody said I gotta go get my cattle I gotta go get my cattle look this is a time where everything in life has to stop and you surrender you do not fit God into your busy schedule you adopt his schedule or shed your labor you want to call it that's surrender and say Lord Here I am will you come today will you surrender to Him he loves you doesn't condemn you if you're feeling something right now that's conviction but it's not condemnation it's just come says no man can come to me except the spirit draw him and says he that comes to me I will in no wise cast out say I'll never push you away if you come to him he says come will you surrender will you surrender maybe you in this place and you gave your life the Lord in days gone barbecue drunk old you've lost that first love you've lost their passion there was a time years ago you broke the alabaster box and you you serve the Lord in but then things came things came and robbed you robbed you of that that joy and that peace that first love that you had used to win souls you you on fire and then the storms of life came but when you look at it the root cause of the problem was the hidden things of the heart the hidden things pride everything starts with pride people get prideful they get offended and they fall away pride unforgiveness well you don't know what they did to me pastor you know what that preacher did to me you have to forgive you have to forgive you can walk in unforgiveness well God will deal with them yes that's why you can't harbor grudges you have to release them and let them go let God deal with them but you have to keep your heart free because if you don't you'll get bitter bitterness terrible thing because everywhere you go you make other people bitter anger lust people think when you mentioned luster they think you're talking about just with sexual things but lust is a pressure to do less for power less for money less for Fame less for fortune so it's it's an intense pressure that drives you away from God if you look at the scripture says that's the sea fullness of riches the cares of this world the lust of other things enter in and choke the Word of God but today when you surrender in full when you say Lord Here I am and he comes he said I will take out the stony heart and put in a heart of flesh he said a new spirit what I put within you you say but my life is broken embedded if God can take this woman sitting right here doctor Damien was living in a broken trailer in Alaska driving a car that would ride sideways down the road because it was hit by moose and take her to 43 country the world a single mom with no money if God can rescue her he can rescue you but you have to surrender you can't do it yourself you have to surrender maybe it's not hidden maybe something outward that everyone can see and so people remind you of it because when people have fallen or they've done something wrong then there's always that the religious people that pick on them well you remember what you did sometimes the worst place to be is religious people in the church they'd like a bunch of vultures and cannibals the the the the the the church is the only place that actually shoots it's the only army that shoots his wounded you know there's no different somebody who dying of cancer stage 4 cancer the rush to intensive care or that God got himself into trouble and committed adultery in rental it's the same thing he's still in intensive care you know but yet the one you treat with compassion and help the other one is just judgment cut him off you have to help people if to help people that's why the Bible says judge not lest you be judged people the religious world is ruthless ruthless but Jesus is not stands with the arms and says come come I'll make you whole again I'll give you a brand new heart I'll restore your joy I'll fill you to overflowing I'll take you I'll take that broken battered torn bruised life that no one wants that everyone thrown away come here let me show you I'm gonna do with that I'm gonna make something beautiful of that but in order for that to happen you have to surrender to him and say okay I'm I quit from this day trying to get myself any better I've gone through doctors I've gone through psychiatrists I've taken pills epic aren't there self-help books I've read everything and I can't get to the end of this but today I finally raised my hands and I surrendered to heaven and so can Lord I'm yours now and when you do that then he comes and he comes maybe it's not hidden outward maybe it's a storm that genuinely came against your life you were going along doing great I meet many ministers listen preachers passes the big churches they were doing great and and and they said I can't believe it but five years ago this thing hit me like a Mack truck from hell they came out of the blue and just slammed me up the side of the head well what happened pastor my wife just left me sudden divorce I found evangelist where their wife left and then the church kicked them out took their credentials away so you know what I do I put bombs around them company you're gonna be with me so then because because off the bomb around him nobody will touch them you know so I said you touch them to touch me you know stop Obama and come here my hug you this is my friend is my friend and their ministries have taken off again it's traveling all over the world we to help people we to help one another run the race so pastor says my wife just took off I never even saw it coming I didn't see it coming it was no telltale sign I even I didn't read it now they probably was but he didn't know what he was looking for and she left devastated sudden divorce bankruptcy I was going along my business was a success and then the markets changed and everything happened and I had contracts and people didn't pay me and then suddenly the whole thing collapsed like a house of cards I lost empathy took away my house my car everything and all the friends I had they left me too and I'm sitting with nothing loss of a loved one that'll grab you someone you love so close and then like that they're gone that can knock the wind out of anybody how do you come from how do you get back from that if the Lord doesn't come and heal the broken heart and a lot of Christians they don't want to take the time that it's gonna be okay should be okay you'll be fine well that's actually not the case they're going home they they're crying they're lying on their bed they're weeping they they don't know what to do they you'll be ok we know where they're all yeah but that's fine I was written a long long time and they're gone what do you mean we do know where they are but we miss them is it it's like when you feel the hurt they're hurting people when you feel the hurting people you when you feel the hurt then you feel the compassion of Jesus just say I have to stop what I'm doing here the times we stop what we're doing jump on a plane and go there to go help somebody drop everything to go help them drop everything is going to help there's nothing is more important all you're doing along healthy fitness workout at the gym and then a sudden illness come out of the blue and now you're best in this illness and then once people get that way they and the and its pain it just starts spiraling out of control they feel like there's no help Christians are hurried you'll be fine Lord just touch the pavement there you'll be fine meanwhile the pressures got pain you know ruthless ruthless compassion or betrayal of a close friend somebody that you brought in really close they stole half of your business well pastor says I had them really closely storm off the church and ran off and bad bout me and what you can't you must see the condition that we deal with and I'm just all about in the ministry now in some ways the Mafia's got more of his code of ethics at least they give you a meal before they take you for a ride in the car and this you eat at Vinnie's place and you have a bowl of pasta spaghetti you know and before they take in the car people lose everything they have lose their job lose their house that says that's a storm but Jesus comes in the middle of the storm he says I'll be with you and I'm gonna bring you out of it today and I'll restore you and I restore you I'm gonna restore you I'm gonna restore you but pastor what if I'm like the particle son and I took everything and I went away and I went to a foreign country and spent all my money on one woman and song it don't matter because he's been sitting there waiting for you to come anybody if I come home he's got a shot at being a screaming me action effect not he's gonna run you can grab you if you come home you fling his arms run you could kiss you you might be dirty you might be stinky he put his arms around you and then he's gonna turn these servants say bring the festive robe of honor put it on him get the ring the special ring that restores his authority put some shoes on his feet he's walked his own Park but he's gonna walk my applause now and they'd kill that we'd FATA confer we gonna have a party and called everybody in the neighborhood and we're gonna sing and dance because my son that was lost is now found and he's coming home so maybe maybe you like that prodigal son or maybe you like the elder brother who's working in the field serving God but you've never enjoyed the weed fatik off you didn't you you could have called the party but you never did never did and you come home now your brother your brothers they celebrating your brother what's that new what's it what's that noise what you don't know the sound of a party you it's that far since you've had a party you don't know what a party is my wife is singing and dancing oh then the servants get your brother mm-hmm you mean the one that took the inheritance a windfall country spend it on one woman and song yes he's back your father took the festive robe and put it on him and put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet and the weak fret of coffee you were feeling it's dead they eating it right now and then the older brother didn't want to go in the house I'll stand outside yeah so who was prodigal in that Junction now older brother was probably killed as well there's these the people inside the church that amend because the outside people are coming into the church Wow why you bring people on the buses from the inner city we wanted a nice church just with one group of people you've come to the wrong place the wrong place I tell the story but because it irritates me when the guy pulled up here multi-man in there in the Porsche 911 twin turbo and he liked the message and he takes me and he said I really like I might come back and he said are you still gonna bring those people I said you mean my people I said sir my people are yeah every Sunday the church is not for you go find another church somebody said you would talk to somebody that drove a Porsche 911 twin turbo and he's a multi-millionaire years I don't want him here I don't want his stinking attitude year I don't want his racist attitude here find another place what an insult my people are you bringing those people they're not those people they are my people please don't come back don't come back and so the father had to go outside the house so what's wrong with you your brothers come back leaving the party it's a celebration my son that was lost is found come come in let's celebrate I cannot believe that you did that I can't believe I've served you faithfully all these years I've served faithfully he comes back can you you put that robe of honor on him you put the ring on his finger you put the shoes on his feet and then you killed the weedfaded cause of all things you never even killed a chicken for me and the father said what's your problem everything I have is yours you could have called a party anytime you wanted to but he didn't know what he's right for he didn't know that he had that ability just to come in the field hey guys we gotta have a party tomorrow night we're killing that we fed korfball all the neighbors we're gonna celebrate what we separated we're just gonna celebrate so he's in the house but out the house he was actually in the outhouse that's where some people will be when God moves in the outhouse sitting on the Danny that's why the Lord throws meetings like this a banquet table only people think it irritated with these meetings are religious people which I don't want them here either I don't want religious people you get rid of your religion will rip it out of you Amen somebody said how do I know I have religion if you are set here today and through the service you started to get man and you started to fume and steam was coming out of your ears and you were sitting there saying I wish she was shut up I wish she would shut up then that was a manifestation of a religious devil some said yeah but you were causing that yes I was I was provoking it somebody said how do I know I don't have one of them when you're just sitting here and you just in the presence of Ward and and you know mad at the preacher because the preacher loves you that's what the preacher tells you the truth so this could be for prodigal sons or for the elder brother maybe you're not about to say that's it my older brother maybe you're an elder sister maybe an old cranky granny maybe you're a cranky preacher the angry prophet you always want to call lightning down on everybody you always prophesy and the ground will open up and swallow them up and you always running around in the bots of Egypt shall come on usually the fleas of a thousand camels shall infest you think everything's sorted with tomorrow if God wouldn't destroy something tomorrow for 50 people there were righteous and all the way down to five he's not gonna destroy America while I was living you just get that in your you just get that right now some say God's gonna destroy America not while I'm living here so relax take your chill you'll see it yeah you take that bony finger and stick it up your nostril we're gonna see a Great Awakening will you see the fire of God hit America can you say Amen that day will come but not right now this is the hour of grace the gangplank is down the ark is there the storm is coming but there's still time to get into the ark come down and all thy house into the ark somebody said when now the storm is coming I see the distant flashes of lightning on the horizon I can hear the distant Thunder it smell this moisture in the air the storm is coming but it's still time to get in somebody said why are you running to 300 cities to bring them in and to mobilize people to bring them in because of the urgency of the hour because he said don't compel the lost and dying to come in don't suggest it compel them you know what the compel is compel is from the inside that compel you to come in today today you will be saved today it will be free today you will surrender to him because of his life because what you feel here he's actually been pouring perfume on you this whole service this angels walk around pouring all on you so he said I feel something yeah that's the oil of the Holy Ghost la presencia the deals aqua vive vie non-web force real the deals buh-bah heya if you fit into any of this camera let me give one more category if you see and you're not sure of your salvation but you need to know if I said you're going home in ten seconds you said no no give me 30 seconds give me one minute if I if I said Jesus coming right now you're going service it for two minutes they need to make sure it so that's what I'm calling for okay so if you're not sure and you want to make sure like you're leaving in two seconds know what angel wait one second let me make sure okay I'm sure then we can go so if you're not sure I want to pray for you if you fit into any one of these three categories I won't pray for you quickly right where you are without any hesitation whatsoever put your hand up in the air and say pray for me pray for me I need Jesus you you you more quick quick quick step it up high another hindi come put it behind another hand another hand another hand another hand another hand put it up high say yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes today is your day today everything turns today today today I want everybody that raise your hand to stand all across the building Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan since that's that's that's a Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan Stan quickly stand everybody then raise your hand stamp we're gonna pray I want you to come from where you are and come Stanley - come come come now come come come right now come we're gonna pray come come now come brother come come come I just help the ones that are standing help them come quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly come [Applause] [Music] come deserve this quickly come this of this quickly come surrender humble yourself prodigal sons come elder brothers come come come he calls you Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp you feel him calling you you feel him calling you [Applause] because he calls him because he recalls [Applause] because who he calls you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Polson [Music] see a lot of a lot of American mission we should jump on a plane and fly overseas but they leave the mission field to go to a mission field God sent me here from Africa as a mission I couldn't get any further away from home than where I am right now this is my mission field this is the reason why the Lord called me the age of five when I got saved and baptized me in the Holy Ghost nice tool on my teddy bears to preach them and they all fall into power then I climb out the window and go to America these are the people that he was putting in my spirit I'm here because of them I'm here because of you you get all excited going some way to go be with some tribe I'm here with the tribe this is my truck right there hallelujah how to do halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah gracias gracias gracias don't everybody stretch your hand out towards them I want you to look at me right now today you've not come to men you've come to Lourdes I am just a messenger today if you mean business with God God means business with you he's standing here today is three groups of people those that don't know the Lord those that are coming to recommit your life and those that are coming to make sure or the other two are through in the prodigal son or the elder brother whichever one and we'll find a place for you but one prayer fits all and if you mean business with God God means business with youth and so we're gonna pray I want you to just close your eyes and raise your right hand to heaven that's where your help come from and pray this together with me right now believe it in your heart and say with your mouth say father I come to you pray it out say father I come to you in the precious name of your son Jesus Lord you said in your word if I could fence with my mouth jesus is my Lord and my Savior and I believe in my heart that God has raised you from the dead I will be saved it's a father right now I confess jesus is my lord and my savior coming in my heart right now take out the stony heart put in a heart of flesh wash me cleanse me change me fill me use me let me never be the same again I turned my back on the world I turned my back on sin and I follow your Lord Jesus thank you for dying for me thank you for sending your blood for me thank you that on the third day arose from me and thank you that you're coming back again for me from this day on I'll never be the same again I confess Jesus Christ that's come in the flesh he is my Lord and my Savior and right now by faith in the finished work of the cross and by the shed blood of Jesus I am saved thank you Lord for saving me now now lift both hands father I pray that you would come and seal them now seal them by your blood and by your spirit and on that day no one would be missing and raise them up to be mighty men a woman of God will not break every bondage every addiction break it up break every curse I send it back to its origin I send em recurse back now foul devil that's hindered these people you'll hinder them no more a sinner back to its origin right and I put the blood of Jesus on you and father I pray that you would use them on that day when we stand before you let not one be missing that not one of these precious people be missing because today we take them and put them in the hands of the Holy Ghost we put them in the hands of the Holy Ghost and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen amen amen hallelujah so look at me as a servant of the Most High God by the power of the blood of Jesus but the power of the name of Jesus by the power of the word have gone and by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit elevate every single one of you your sins are forgiven you right now and you'll normally there isn't a man thank you for watching today on YouTube please press the subscribe button and also the notification button and like and get the word out so this can watch
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 47,455
Rating: 4.8155341 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, Fire Power, Holy Ghost, revival, Evangelism, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Repentance, Pentecost, Jesus Christ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 8sec (8288 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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