Believe, Speak, Receive! | Rodney Howard-Browne

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the following broadcast is brought to you by the friends and partners of revival ministries international [Music] [Music] i want you to take your bibles and go with me to ii corinthians chapter four and i want to share a couple of things with you before we give you the opportunity so see this morning with your tires and offerings how many have walked in some blessings this last week how many things you're going to walk in blessings this next week now i saw some people didn't raise their hand at all now that bugs me no end okay if i say if you walk in blessing and you don't raise your hand then that's like waving a flag at a bull then i'm gonna pick on you you can't come around you're not get blessed [Applause] why do you think there's a sign of the door welcome to the zone of extreme blessing if you don't want to get blessed you're going to have to run now [Applause] amen this passage is so powerful really the whole word of god is powerful and i've gone through the whole word three times in the last two weeks and we're underlining everything for the new bible that we're going to be bringing out which will i thought of just calling it a studio bible but you know what it's going to be about eternity because these things that we teach these are eternal truths that all the natural blessings will be gone in a hundred years because you're not taking them with you but the truths that we bring will be with you for millennia earth time and throughout eternity because how many know that jesus coming very soon and then there's the catching away the church on earth there'll be the seven year tribulation and then we come back with christ the battle of armageddon and then we rule and reign with him for thousand years on the earth so there's a lot of things that you need to know that your life's not limited to 70 80 years while you're here really you're going to live forever if you're a child of god you live forever with him if you're not it's not going to be good but we'll give you opportunity before the service to get right so you don't go to the wrong place there's only two places one's heaven the other one's hell and we sure don't want you to go into hell amen who doesn't want to go to hell good just checking i don't even know why they would be on the list of places that's an option who doesn't want any of your friends to go to hell who doesn't even want enemies to go to hell come on we've got to get them all saved but let's look at this here so chapter 4 if you go down verse 8 he's talking he's basically saying we are cast down but we're not destroyed he says we're troubled on every side but we're not not distressed we're not distressed ever say i'm not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted who's been persecuted but we're not forsaken we cast down who's ever been cast down but we're not destroyed always bearing about in the body the dying of the lord jesus christ that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our body that's his dream that his life would be made manifest in you to you and through you as you hear the testimonies of people that come up here and that's what you sing the life of christ that is coming through the lives of individuals and god is doing miraculous things and then verse 11 says for we which live are always delivered unto death for jesus sake because there's people the moment you preach the truth of the word they want to kill you [Applause] he was a little too overjoyed about that okay but he says here that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh so that's what he wants to do he wants to make his life manifest in you listen even when you're troubled on every side even when you are perplexed even when you persecuted even when you cast down anybody can have an anointing from the lord when it's all good and everything's wonderful and all your ducks are in a row and just they all quacking and tune and the worst thing is when there's just feathers and the ducks are gone and then you have to say i'm going to believe the word of god i want to believe the lie i just saw on television amen now watch this this is very important more important than what i'm about to tell you right now we having the same spirit of faith everybody say the same spirit of faith say it again according as it is written i believed therefore have i spoken that's what the spirit of faith does you believe according to the word of god and then you speak according to the word of god in the world people believe all the lies of the devil and they speak all the lies of the devil and what do they have all the lines of the devil but we believe god's word we speak his word and what do we have he does what he's famous for [Applause] he does what he is famous for and this week it's like the lord if you somebody said i just like to see jesus jesus won't tell you anything different what i'm telling you right now if you did see jesus jesus would say to you this week the final week of february between now and the 28th would you let me do in your life and through your life what you famous what i'm famous for well lord i would like that but you don't understand lord and then the lord go oh you know i know what was i thinking there's nothing about you or that you're going through that he doesn't already know he knows everything but it's when all of these things mount up to where they loom that they're over shadow that they supersede everything else in your life and you say i know the bible says that but you don't know my situation god's word is totally neutral god is no respecter of persons but he's a respecter of faith and his respect of the faith that believes that will speak because remember what we talked about last week and we talked about this week your tongue is the rudder to your ship you can either take your ship and wreck it or you can decide i don't care how many ships around me wreck my ship is gonna sail i'm gonna do what god's called me to do i'm gonna overcome everything that's in my path and then i'm going to help other people because it's very hard to help people it's hard to save drowning people when you drain drowning yourself are you with me so we want we want to get you to walk on the water and then you can help all the drowning people you want to amen the worst thing is you drowning and they drowning you go just give up just succumb and then you listen to the music of the [Laughter] titanic [Music] and going down everybody's crying and it's just terrible so we have the same spirit of faith according as written i believe therefore i have spoken we also believe therefore we speak how many have been speaking the word this last week i'm going to speak the word even more this next week [Applause] you speak the word over your circumstances you speak the word over your life over your wife over your children over your dog over your parrot over your goldfish over everything around you over your car whether you live near or far over your boat even if it's a dinghy he'll keep you afloat and that can rhyme and we can chime and we can throw anyway okay knowing this that was they knowing this that he which raised up the lord jesus shall raise up us also by jesus and will present us with you for all things are for your sakes that abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many red down to the glory of god that the abundance of grace in the middle of any storm when you lift your hands and you praise them like paul and silas in prison when they sang praises to god at midnight and they were in the innermost prison but god heard them from heaven and then the bible says heaven is his throne and the earth is his footstool and god began to tap his foot on the on the top of the jailhouse and there was the first jailhouse rock and it happened right there and then the bands were loosed and the chains fell off and the doors were open and paul and silas sprang up out of the prison and they praised him at the midnight hour at the darkest they praised him in a dungeon when your feet and your hands are in stocks and it's water and his dank and this rats running and [Laughter] you could silas could have said i should never have taken this mission trip they warned me about paul they said he was crazy but they're saying praises somebody said but i don't feel like singing open up your mouth and sing somebody said i'm out of tune i don't care if it croaks then the frogs and the crickets will join in with you as you praise him on your bed in your bath in the shower in the car [Applause] in the store in on an elevator this is so powerful i'm having a hard time even standing up here right now i'll tell you i'm not making this up this is so powerful this is so real that's why it goes on verse 16 says for for which cause we faint not so answers of the question how come some people faint and others don't faint even the young will faint even the old will grow weary but they that wait upon the lord that's what you're doing right now they that wade upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint you will not faint somebody said i feel very faith and that's going from you today you shall not faint and this then this is a truth which you have to realize though our outward man perish so i'm not telling you not to exercise and get fit and you can do all that until you're 100 years old but the day will come when you're out where man perishes you can have many facelifts to where they can't lift your face anymore they have to drop your chest you can have liposuction you can have them remake your whole body to where you look like somebody else but that day will come when whatever they produce will shrivel up and die someone said thanks pastor i needed that encouragement today but he says yeah yet the inward man is renewed day by day that even if you were 100 years old and the moment you stepped outside of your body and people could see you you would look just young because your spirit doesn't get old are you with me three of you your spirit does not get old [Applause] [Music] but you can't grow spiritually and you don't have to be a spiritual baby which we have many people that have been saved for 40 years and they're big babies i've been in the way for 40 years yeah yeah you bit it away blocked everybody else nobody else could get in now look what he says in verse 17 you need to you need to mark this down he says for our light affliction our light affliction how many been through some hard times he calls it a light affliction our line affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding eternal weight of glory if you do what i'm about to tell you while we look not at the things that are seen but of the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal [Applause] so this week focus on that which is not seen focus on that which is eternal and stop focusing on what is temporal all these other things as you know we taught you seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these other things that you need to be added to you what you're going to eat what you're going to drink what you're going to wear where you're going to live all of these things but those are only temporal when you get to heaven you're not gonna have to go shopping at a clothing store he's got clothes for you are you with me people think they get to heaven and there's a walmart i can tell you right now walmart will be in hell i'm sorry to tell you but that's just a fact these are all temple things this world's not our home we're just passing through but god knows what you have need off you need a house who needs a home who needs a place to stay who needs a transportation who needs vehicles who needs you know whatever a bus a train a car a plane a boat yeah no not who would just like one i mean somebody if god gives you a big boat you wouldn't even know where to put it all of these things must have the eternal purpose of god connected to it why don't you say this off to me if what i'm looking for is not attached to god's eternal purpose i don't want it i don't want things that are just temporary that have no impact in eternity [Applause] the truth so all of the things about fixing yourself the new hairstyle the wig the toupee the chiclet teeth that you could go get yourself in houston overnight where you look like jimmy carter all that might be fine but ultimately don't really matter your face is good just like it is very distinctly you amen why would you want to look like elvis anyway because there's always people that want to change you to suit their image of what they think that you should be but god wants to change you into the image of the lord jesus christ and he just wants you to be the best you that you can be there's only one you there is not another you the lord only made one meat and threw away the mold i'm very happy about that the world couldn't handle another one and there's only one you so let's not focus on the things that are temporal but let's focus on the things that are eternal now we're dealing with temporal things but when we attach eternity's purpose to those temple things it changes everything changes the way we walk it changes the way we work it changes the way we talk it changes what we do on a monday it changes what we do on a tuesday it changes our goals for the future because we are now focusing on eternal things and we think the ramifications what is this going to mean a hundred years from now is this thing a temporary thing that makes me feel good right now but it's going to cause devastation or is this going to cause blessing amen and if i wasn't a pastor and didn't love you i would tell you hey just go for it but i got to tell you what the word says amen praise god that's why i mean my wife i'm happy with her just like she is i don't want to you know she's actually a brunette she's not blonde she just changed the color of her hair but she's a brunette you know don't dumb blonde sorry if you are blondier but such a brilliant lady but i i told you i you i'm happy with you just like you are you didn't change nothing i like everything about you everything you're behind i mean everything no no well i gotta save it no because that's what always happens when they put a dress on does this make my butt look big look it's great [Applause] now i'm the one that she had to put up with because you know when i lost all the weight i actually had a double behind [Applause] which i'll leave that alone but the bottom line is she had to put up with my big butt and then the lord helped me shrink it amen so god can help you do all that stuff but [Applause] even though your butt shrinks and you know what i found out when your butt shrinks you can't sit long i couldn't believe the pain i thought oh my god what's happening to me [Applause] that's why i'm gonna put i'm not when we we're gonna do this place up listen listen listen when put balconies in here we have 1800 seats on the floor and the thousands here in the balcony and i'm gonna listen i'm gonna put here to see i'm gonna put proper seat back yeah and i might actually have some of them with electrical wires so i can press a button and wake some of you up so you don't go to sleep but i'm gonna make this place more comfortable not so you can fall asleep but just so you you don't get pains in the places that i found that you do get when you lose the weight because i'm considerate i feel for you maybe maybe we could have like a chair that just messages people who knows amen [Laughter] wouldn't be great to even have a shocking device that just wakes people up some people think it's the anointing they go ah i felt it so what god does in our life he helps us to overcome walking victory and then he helps us to help others so then your whole life is spent helping other people because you're not running the race by yourself it's very important i want to say this to the younger ministers be careful you know remember this whatever comes out of your mouth you'll be tested in every one of those things yes and be careful that you don't know all of the theory and everything's cut and dried and then you become legalistic every case is different every person is different you can just go through scripture from genesis to revelation to see how god dealt with certain people certain people he dealt differently and the nicest fire so the person you would love to or sapphire god doesn't are you with me just because you know the word doesn't mean to say you know everything you can know the letter of the law but don't understand the purpose of why it is even there so i want to encourage you be very careful be very careful judge not let you be judged and have compassion and if you don't have the compassion ask god say please obviously i don't have any compassion for people i'm cranky but i believe this is temporal in my life and i want it to go and i want to love people and i want to help people i want to spend my life helping broken people because i get around a lot of people and i've been doing this a long long time and i get a lot of ministers and they know everything but actual fact let me say this in there knowing everything they know absolutely nothing they know nothing so you might be right but you so right you're wrong you're wrong that's why i called that preacher out the other day which i never really do that ever but i called him out because he was rebuking joe biden for touching the ark and i said what do you mean you have authority to rebuke your bible all you've done is criticize the church for all of your ministry you criticized every minister you criticized but he grant me christians all those teams you criticized this one that one you don't even have a right to call out joe biden because if god does with joe what you want you better watch out because the ground will open up and swallow you you don't have the moral authority when you're attacking the church and you're attacking other preachers and you think you're better than them and you know all the doctrine and stuff i got news for you you smoking crack and you don't know anything because from your perspective things always look different until you actually go and put their shoes on and you stand in their shoes and then you walk in their shoes and you go oh my it's totally different than what i thought are you with me so let's have compassion to help people let's not walk around arrogantly with our nose in the air like we're better than anybody else because if god ever pulls his grace and mercy over you you're finished you'll be just like anybody else that doesn't have any grace and no mercy how many know the lord's been kind to you and so then you're going to be even more kind to them now somebody said well i don't understand pastor what's it got to do with the offering and and what's he's gonna do with me giving an order everything everything it's the difference between the temporal and the eternal are you with me notice how quiet it's getting here now i must really be scratching in somebody's kid out of the box let me say this just because you have money doesn't mean say you're better than somebody else and just because you have no money doesn't mean say you better than somebody else money is a temporal thing one day you have it and the next day you don't but what god gives you is what money cannot buy which is his joy and his peace and his grace and his mercy and his love his kindness amen and that's why we to love one another so let me do this i'm going to lead you in a confession here about love you you're going to leave this room today loving everybody you'll hug 40 people on the way out of the door let me just read this to you and then i'll lead you into confession love is a reasoning intentional spiritual devotion that is inspired by god's love for us and in us love sees all of us as valuable and precious even when we don't even appear to be so so when you begin to see the things the way god sees you see people as valuable and precious if you don't well they're just rubbish you know they they they don't really mean anything they just cheap you know throw them away and god never does that i've been to 85 countries of the world and i know how much he loves people because when you travel you see how much he loves people are you with me and i'm sorry you might drink coca-cola but i'm not going to apologize for being white i had nothing to do with the shade of my skin the polar bears are now done from the coca-cola advertiser because they're all white no i'm just saying i mean who saw that coca-cola at yeah coca-cola is teaching everybody if you want to please apologize to everybody how what do you do live in a suntan bed huh i'm from africa go figure that one out you can't help or you can argue with god for the shade of your skin if you want to be the happiest white person you ever saw if you black be the happiest black lord have mercy [Applause] i'm so sick and tired of these racial nonsense garbage that they want to push upon everybody else [Applause] woke morons then i woke up idiots he says here if i speak in tongues of men and even angels but i do not have love i'm only a noisy gong or clanging symbol a you get around some people it's just like a gong great to have the gong family with us today brother gong sister gong all the little gongs i grew up in church so i know all the gongs they were all on the deacon board [Applause] as a kid i'd walk out walking around and they're fighting in the parking lot and fighting in the parking lot they knew everybody else's business like a dog that goes around sniffs behinds that's all they do in the church every day they knew everybody's business you're not going to last long here at the river if you like that i'm telling right now take your nose somewhere else [Applause] because last time i checked everybody's behind stinks [Applause] okay not that i checked but then that's the way it is i thought i better clarify that if i have prophetic powers and understand all secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge and if i have faith so there can move mountains but i don't have any love i'm nothing i'm useless i'm a useless nobody even if i dole out everything i have to feed the poor and now surrender my body to be burned or give all your organs up so they can use them which if if some people get an organ donor and and comes from some of these cranky people they'll live their life in misery would be better for them to die than to have a heart of some of these people you know they but you don't understand put put somebody else's organs in your body you're getting some dna i heard people suddenly love mcdonald's they never did but they had the transplant and now they eat mcdonald's coming out of their ears because the person that they got the organ from love mcdonald's you think i'm making this up i ain't making it up god is love and his love is shed brought in our hearts by the holy spirit because he lives in us now let's say this together i endure long i am patient and i'm kind think about that for just a second i'm never envious nor do i boil over with jealousy i'm not boastful or vain glorious neither do i display myself haughtily i'm not conceited arrogant or inflated with pride i'm not rude or unmanly and i do not act unbecomingly do not insist on my own rights or my own way i am not self-seeking i am not touchy fretful or resentful i take no account of evil done to me that means all your little books of all the stuff people did to throw them away don't remember a thing it shocks me people talk to me about stuff that happened 23. i can't even remember it i i don't know anything you could tell me you did this that i believe you because i don't i have no recollection of it i remove all this stuff from my memory even what other people have done i just remove it sometimes people remind me what they did to go i don't remember you did that no you didn't do that come on you would never do that no i did that i don't remember i love you bless you pay no attention to something wrong i do not rejoice in injustice and unrighteousness but i rejoice when right and truth prevail [Applause] my hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and i endure everything without weakening because love never fails because i never fail i never god's loving me never fire faith out it never becomes obsolete or comes to an end as for prophecy it will be fulfilled in parts as for tongues they will come to an end as for knowledge it'll all pass away for our knowledge and our prophecy is fragmentary incomplete and imperfect but when the complete and perfect comes the incomplete and the imperfect will vanish away when i was a child i talk like a child i thought like a child i reason like a child now i become a man now for a lady a spiritually mature person okay you didn't just become somebody say i went to the river i was a lady and i became a man pastor rodney said i did so get it corrected i'm done with childish ways i put them aside for now we are looking in a mirror that gives us a dim and blurred reflection of a reality as in a riddle or an enigma but then when perfection comes we will see in reality face to face for now we only looking and i said that already for now i know in part imperfectly but then i shall know and understand fully and clearly even in the same manner as i've been fully and clearly known and understood by god and so faith hope and love abides faith is believing that god what god said he would do he will do hope is a joyful confident expectation love is a true affection for god and man growing out of god's love for us and in us the greatest of these three is love now what you don't realize you just quoted first corinthians 13 1-13 1 john 4 8 and 16 and romans 5 and verse 5. that's what you quoted and that's the way you speak and that's the way you're going to live that's why when i got arrested i didn't hate the sheriff he didn't know what he was doing somebody said well you really forgave him i didn't have to forgive him i didn't take offense that's why i didn't sue the city i haven't sued all the officials we have bigger things to do and to sue i didn't sue the media it doesn't matter what they say i'm not really impressed by anything they have to say i only care about what he says because what they say is temporal what he says is eternal who needed to do this to know on [Music] [Applause] so this week you might need to get on the phone and just forgive somebody amen when pastor eric and jennifer left their whole business they called people up and forgave them over half a million dollars worth of debt said you forgiven they lived in a mansion they told people just come take what you wanted people just walked out with paintings and pictures artifacts because they realize that those things mean nothing so all of those things which god will bless you with are temporal but what i just said to you is eternal this is the true riches this is what money cannot buy can you say amen hallelujah so god's going to use you in a great way to touch many people's lives to help many people however many years that you have left whether it's just 3 or 5 or 10 or 20 as the lord tarries and when you leave this earth it'll all reflect in eternity and then you're going to hear these words well done well done that good and faithful servant thou under the joy of the lord amen just close your eyes and lift your hands father even as we get ready to bring our tithe and offering and so see towards the kingdom today what we sow is not put into dead ground or cement what we sow today is put into good soil that's going to produce a harvest not only of lives touched and changed but people saved set free delivered the pound the enemy broken and we cooperating with the gospel being spread around the world even in the launch of the new network and just everything that you're doing around these parts and when we stand before you on that day we will all be co-laborers together with you we will all share together in the eternal harvest it shall not be one over the other but all of us together and father i thank you for that i pray that you bless the gift and the giver multiply the seed sown here today and lord you know what needs to be done on here the new balconies and the new chairs and the renovations and everything that's going to happen this year and the new youth center and just all of what's going to take place according to your plan are we not building some mausoleum here for somebody that 200 years from now nobody even knows who they are but we're building a place here for a family of people that are being raised up that will fulfill your eternal destiny that you have for their life everyone they're from this place pastors will go from this place evangelists will go from this place business people shall be raised up that will impact whole nations that while the enemy thinks he's got this whole thing wrapped up and he's going for the great reset on the one side and davos is making this decision and the heads of state and government are making that decision but you are the one that sits in the heavens and you are the one that laughs and you the one that will keep them in derision and we know that the day of the antichrist is coming but we know that this is the day of the church of the lord jesus christ and you said i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it and so you're raising up your people you're raising up with signs and wonders and miracles and you will make them a sign and a wonder and they shall be a testament unto many and you will bless your people that wherever they go there will be an oasis in a dry and a thirsty land that even their friends family loved ones that know them will stand back and hold their hand over their mouth and say i can't even believe what i'm seeing how is it possible and then lord our testimony shall be it is not us but it is you it is your hand and we will give you the glory and we will give you the praise and we'll give you the honor for you alone deserve the glory and the honor and the praise and i thank you that by your fire you come and you do a purifying work in us burn out all the trust burn out all the desire for what is temporal burn out the things that the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life take these things away from your people and lord that only that which remains is of you and then and then because our hearts are right bless them beyond measure bless their socks off flood them with blessing cause this next week to be weaker flooded blessings father in every way we call in all the natural things that the needs people that need homes that their house is being built even right now while they're sitting in church those that are needing vehicles and transportation father you have that available for them those that need land i call a land in i see people with acreage i call people in with land in the name of jesus that's going to be producing father what is needed and we thank you for it thank you for it and we promise as you bless us we will never forget you we will always put you first place and we will never say look what i have done we'll always say look what the lord has done and we give you praise and we give you honor and we give you glory today for you alone you alone are worthy you alone are worthy to receive o glory that those that have come today that are in poverty poverty is broken off of your life those that come in here that are bound by the government on government help government assistance in the name of jesus we break that off of you you will rise up within three years from this day you will not even recognize yourself god will put his blessing in your life you will have your own company father thank you for the 300 multi-millionaires that you're raising up in this church that you are blessing them and we give you praise and we give you glory and we give you honor and i know there's people watching me you don't like what i'm doing this is not for you and if you hear in the church you don't like what i'm saying go to the church that's close no no no we have a purpose we already know what the eternal purpose is and we're not stopping to listen to any mouth of any negativity if any gain sale and they say why because we on our face before god crying out to god and we look in his word and we look into the mirror of the word and we want what he's promised us and even things that i wrote down 25 years ago the days shall come when people will walk in and get all their financial needs met in this church in one service now you can say i don't even know how that's going to happen i don't care doesn't matter what you think god's not dead and i don't have to watch a movie to find her that he's not dead the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob the one that said light be hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah but we can't do this without his presence because without his presence you build all these other things and they'll end up being as wicked as what anything else is out there everything must come through the river not through our control but must come under the anointing of god because if it doesn't greed covetousness will grab ahold of people because if the devil would take jesus to a high mountain and offer him all the kings of the world every single one of you will get a visit and at that juncture you'll either sell your soul like esau sold his birthright you'll sell your soul and what shall the prophet abandon if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul it's very important i have to tell you that otherwise god's going to all be responsible and i don't want to be held responsible and when i tell you i tell myself when i preach to you i preach to me i'm not standing here telling you something that i don't preach to myself amen praise god you're gonna get you're gonna be so blessed i can see it already don't make little plans don't make little plans when you serve a pig [Applause] don't make little plans when you serve a big girl the eyes of the lord run to improv throughout the whole he's looking for people that he could show himself strong in their behalf is there somebody in hillsborough county is there somebody here at the river today that will say lord you don't have to look any further [Applause] i might do business with god some of you might wrestle with an angel you might limit the rest of your life but you'll get what you want from the lord that's how it works [Applause] hallelujah i just preached myself happy i could run around this room right now i'm telling you right now i'm i feel like the lady my god i feel it right now somebody jump up and down somebody [Applause] somebody [Applause] no i know these people think we're going to try to get the mushroom ahead this is something that has to come in your heart [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] you don't realize right now you're getting saturated you don't realize right now some of you came here but the lord connect you on our iv right now [Applause] you ain't leaving here like you came faith counts are done without any proof in the natural but you grab it in your spirit even if you don't see it in the natural that's what i wrote down 25 years ago and it's all happening now but i never saw it and everybody thought i was crazy and nuts what's happening so at the beginning you better get ready who's believing in god for big big big big thing you that are watching by television all the river members around the world who's believing god for big things don't just sit there watching on the street jump up run around the coffee table jump over the cat [Music] how would you react if the thing you were believing god for wasn't meant right now it's done it's done it's done it's done it's done it's done it's done it's done it's not it's done it's done [Applause] it first happens in here before it happens out there [Applause] thank you for watching today on youtube please press the subscribe button and also the notification button and like and get the word out so others can watch
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 6,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, River Church, River at Tampa Bay Church, Souls, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Christian, Revival, Healing, Salvation, spirit of faith, word of God, supernatural life, grace of God, Paul and Silas, sacrifice of praise, living for eternity, how to walk in victory, speak the Word of God, speaking the Word, keeping faith in hardship, keeping faith in struggle, faith
Id: 2zJxeaSvqvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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