"The Fourth Man" Part 1 Jerry Savelle

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are you ready I want us to read from Daniel chapter 3 and I want us to begin reading in verse 13 now before we read there let me give you a little bit of history Nebuchadnezzar is king and he has made a decree in fact you'll find this decree in verse 5 he had commanded now you remember he has gone into Israel and taken captive some of Israel's young men mightiest men he's taken them captive and Nebuchadnezzar had published a decree that whenever you hear the sound of the instruments of music that you are to fall down and worship the image which Nebuchadnezzar had erected but there are three Hebrew children and another fellow by the name of Daniel that refused to bow and the theme of what I'm going to tell you and what I want to share with you is simply this I'm going to say it just like oil Robert said it if you don't bow you don't burn the law of compromise is if you bow you burn I remember a number of years ago brother Copeland said something to me as we were driving down the road going to a meeting and he had a habit of turning around and saying things to you just a phrase or two and then he'd hush and just give you thought for food a food for thought and I remember one day he turned around point his finger at me and said Jerry anything you compromise to get you'll ultimately lose that's all he said well I didn't understand that fully but as I began to understand the principles of faith and standing on God's Word and once you receive a revelation from God you make up your mind that you're going to live by it if you compromise it whatever you compromise to get you'll ultimately lose the devil loves to cause people to compromise the devil would love to cause the body of Christ to get under enough pressure to where she backs off the devil loves to get you in a situation to where when you're standing for your healing is to create enough symptoms to where you'll compromise and agree with the rest of the Christian world that healing has passed away compromise is probably the number one sin that the body of Christ is involved in and the Apostle Paul said if you awake to righteousness you send not you'll wait to righteousness you sin not when you get a revelation of who you are in Christ and you're right standing with God then compromise is out of the question why compromise if God's on your side amen why compromise if you know how it's going to turn out you see people who know and have awakened to righteousness know how it's going to turn out so I said you know how it's going to turn out I know how every situation in my life is going to turn out I didn't say I know how God's going to do it I didn't say I know the avenues that God would use but I know what God is going to do the Bible says he's going to deliver me from them all why wouldn't he I'm his child why wouldn't he deliver me I'm the righteousness of God why wouldn't he deliver me I'm just as much a son of God as Jesus is why would he leave me in a jam and deliver Jesus I don't want Jesus said father show him that you love him as much as you love me and if I can see God delivering Jesus out of hard places then I can expect him to deliver Jerry out of hard places hallelujah amen and since I know I have right standing with God there's no need to compromise you know if somebody came in here and said brother Jerry the Lord has dealt with me about giving you a million dollars and at the end of the month I'm going to send you 1 million dollars well in the meantime all hell could break loose in my finances I mean it could look like dear God everything's falling apart I hadn't got a dime and it looks like that there's absolutely no way to ever get a dime but if this man that told me that is a man that shall not lies a man of truth is faithful that promised then I know how this is going to turn out why compromise just because the Heat's on Amen why compromise because of the present circumstances why fold up and quit and somebody'd come by about that time and say you know you ought to just quit it looks bad and I'd say no I'm not going to quit because he is faithful who promised at the end of this month I'm going to have a million dollars there's no need me quitting because I know how this thing is going to turn out amen well let me tell you something the Bible does say many are the afflictions of the righteous but don't you dare stop reading there the Bible goes on to say but the Lord shall deliver them out of them all that's how it's going to turn out hallelujah if you don't compromise in fact you'll find in the amplified version of the Bible most of the time every time you see the word righteous it's prefaced with a word uncompromisingly we need to become the uncompromising ly righteous Nebuchadnezzar had made a decree and he told the inhabitants of the land he said if you don't bow down when you hear the instruments of music then you will burn there's three Hebrew children that absolutely refused to bow refused to compromise and some folks are quitting on a hangnail these guys were facing a firing furnace I want us to read it you'll notice here that it says in verse 13 then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abednego then they brought these wise men before the king are these men before the King Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them is it true Oh Cedric Meshach and Abednego do not ye serve my God's nor worship the golden image which I have set up now if you be ready that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet the flute the harp the sack but the psaltery the dulcimer and all kinds of music ye shall fall down and worship the image which I have made well if you do this it'll be well with you he said but if you worship not ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a fiery furnace and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands now I want you to notice this is a perfect example of the way the devil challenges the child of God today God has promised you you're standing on his word and the devil will challenge it it's exactly what he did with Eve why you won't surely die that's what he's tried to do with everybody that's made a decision to stand on God's Word some of you get to ideas sometimes that that fellas like myself brother Copeland brother Hagin men they're out before the public and preaching the Word of God and perhaps our ministries have become established and known around the country because of our ministries that we never have an opportunity to compromise that we never have an opportunity to fold up or quit some of you that did that saw these people standing here think well bless God brother Jerry would do that you don't know that times that thought has crossed my mind I've had to cast it down the devil don't play fair and what he loves to do is create enough pressure to get you to back off now I want to tell you something about him he don't like for me to reveal this so listen closely he just soon I don't bring this up I can't help it I like to tell it I've learned something about him by nature he is a compromiser now he don't want you knowing that but by nature he is a compromiser he has no choice he has to back off the same God that said let there be light and there was light also proclaim resist the devil and he will flee from you the same powerful Word of God that greeted the universe has already been spoken over the devil and God has told the devil when they resist you you will flee do you understand in other words God as much as said light be devil flee amen and so by by nature Satan has to compromise when pressure is applied and the pressure that you applied to him it is written it is written it is written it is written it is written it is written it is written and you keep that word slammed up against him and that creates pressure and God is already told him when you sits that pressure coming on you devil that is your cue to exit stage right flee amen somebody said what if he don't he don't have a choice sometimes I wish he wouldn't just see what God do to him but he has to did you notice when God said light beat light did an Arkansan I want to be light had no choice did you notice when Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves and said peace be still the wind and the waves said in about an hour did you notice when Jesus said go down there and you the first fish you catch Peter taking money out of his mouth did you notice the fish didn't jump up about that time and say I'm tired of supplying these guys with money why don't you talk to the birds they have no choice did you notice when God told the Prophet to go down there to the brook cherith and the Ravens will feed thee the raven didn't say i did it last week talk to the sparrow they have no choice did you notice when God anointed the mute to preach the Mew preached he had no choice did you notice when God anointed a man to tell the moon and the Sun to stand still the moon and the Sun had to stand still it had no choice and when God said devil when my people come against you with the Word of the Living God the same word that raised Jesus from the dead the same word that created a universe when they stand in your face and create pressure in your midst by saying my word I want you to know devil that is your cue to flee you will not argue you will flee amen now see when we get a hold of that standings not nearly as hard as you thought it was some I said I'm tired of standing how long you have to stand brother Jerry till you win how long does it take to win till you don't have to stand no more amen see a lot of times we don't realize that when we're standing on God's Word the same pressure that you're experiencing the or should me this the other day and I'm telling you I'd like to come undone when I saw it you remember the Bible said that God turned the captivity of Job he didn't say set him free it said it turned the captivity and that phrase kept sticking out to me and I started doing some researching and going through every translation I could find and and and my Strong's Concordance and went through everything I could find about that phrase God turned the captivity of Joel that's one thing to set a guy free but it's something else to turn the captivity and I begin to study it and what I found out I'll tell y'all I tore my office up what it literally means when you turn the captivity that's and then we drop it use this modern-day vernacular we turned the tables turn the time in other words what happens is it's one thing to get a guy free from some pressure situation but it's something else to not only get him free but put the pressure on the enemy that the guy that is now free once had turn the captivity in other words that's what God did he delivered Joel and put the pressure that was on Joel on the devil when you have your captivity turned I mean if you've ever been under pressure it's not fun is it it's not fun laying in bed in your mind beginning to think thoughts of failure and the devil straddled you and every time you over your eye he's telling you you're gonna lose you're gonna lose you're gonna lose you're gonna lose and you try your best to go to sleep through that pillow over your head and get up walk around and go turn the TV on and do all those things you do when you get under pressure it's not comfortable there's times I've had to get up go get in a car and drive down the road and turn my New Testament on because my head was trying to run away with me times I got up in the mid of the night and go walk out in the yard and just scream at the devil pressure is not fun it's not comfortable I don't like it but then I found out praise God that when I have done all that stand stand and I found out that God is on my side and God promised by His Holy Word that he would not allow the devil to put anything on me that I was not able to bear and with the dictation God would provide a way of escape then I want you to know the pressure wasn't near what I thought it was and God started turning the captivity and this thing got a little bit different in its in its outlook instead of me being the one under pressure I just kept tightening up on the devil the word I just kept screwing that word down on him praise God just like a vise around his head and just kept confessing the word and confessing the word until he just couldn't take it anymore he had to get out of that vise and flee amen put the pressure on him I'd be just like if somebody tied you up and bound you and then the captivity was turned that means you get free and they get roped I saw I like the devil wrote paralyzed and his wits in don't know what to do next you ever heard this I don't know anything else to do I love to hear the devil saying that about me I don't know nothing else to do with him only problem has he got anybody turned to I do God don't hear the devil's cried amen hallelujah here's three Hebrew children made up their mind they wasn't gonna bow now I've been talking about in these services that I've been ministering about knowing God knowing God not just heard of him but knowing God the reason these three Hebrew children wouldn't bounce because they knew their God they knew how God operates they knew his delivering power they knew God and I want you to notice how they responded when the King said I'm gonna give you one more chance boys in other words he's saying I'll tell you what I have set up this image and the decree is you must fall down and worship when you hear the sounds of music and if you will worship then it'll be well with thee if you don't you're gonna burn and then he added this as you know as an insult and who is the God that is going to deliver you I'd like to know his name in fact he even made a comment about this in these in Daniel he said I've been to your country I couldn't see your God he has no physical form like a man who is your God where is your God he never can Ayres it was one of the proudest men that ever lived he thought of himself as a god he had built a city that was second to none he had built a fortress that was magnificent he had wall
Channel: TheMcgruder4
Views: 29,382
Rating: 4.9179487 out of 5
Keywords: Preaching, Jerry Savelle
Id: -4jAxGdWX7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2013
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