The Four Seals of Buddhism | Day 02 | Language English

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so today at the beginning what I want to say is all this kind of reflection on the Buddhist practice should not just become a traditional thing because especially for us the Buddha stress this is you know our religion therefore we should do it not in their way so there so therefore what is really important is don't just do something because others are doing in our human life human society the problem is we are just fond of imitating others all human activities are imitations and whoever does the best imitation is called a scholar right we are in in a way in in a more negative sense we are all duplicates so we have to have some originality right and that originality will come only if you go within yourself and reflect and think in general and special on these teachings whether it makes sense or not whether it's useful in your life or not you need to really reflect and when you reflect in this way then you will be able to get many new insights and realizations yes it makes sense I must do that that kind of conviction will come and when there is conviction then there will move you to do the practice if there's no conviction you know you just just read the tales even you memorize the whole book you know it's good but it will not make much impact on your life even for a small thing you need to ask question and think like for example the study we are talking we have been talking about impermanence we got some sense what is impermanent we all know we are impermanent things like that but but what is the benefit of knowing biet what is the benefit of knowing that so therefore here what we need to know and there is normally how I begin my and these things by saying that we all want happiness that's for sure rate and happiness also not for one day or two days but as long as possible this is a natural thing with all of us and from Buddhist viewpoint we say this is good news good news in the sense the fact that you have this wish to get long lasting happiness actually indicates that if you make the effort you can achieve their long lasting happiness it's a really good news but the problem is we don't make effort we make effort just for a short time when you're listening to His Holiness teaching or when you have it a good spiritual Dharma friend then you may pay a little bit admission and after there's nothing near the same message to deserves edge over for one day you get so excited that you forget food and then you say I want to do my spiritual practice near mr. lammeter Anacapa come on as soon as you start studying something running something you want to become a good scholar that is your aim yes it's awesome news eg my English are up to three days you forget everything and you are carried away by distraction the ductility imagine with such a person will not get anything there are some thoughts on by choosing the thing here that therefore you should make sustained effort just like the running stream the running streams they will never say is night now I will halt and take rest it's day I will start running or like it will continue to flow so something like that why this is important this is important because we are our mind is conditioned very strongly by negative emotions why this is is under the question but we all know that our mind is really strong very strong we conditioned by negative emotions not by positive emotions because our mind is so strongly conditioned by negative emotions it is difficult to undo that conditioning it's like an iron kind of chain good easy to break die-hard habit as we call it we can give another example let us say chronic person as a person who has been you know suffering from particular disease for a long long time for such a person taking just one tablet or medicine or if you take Tibetan medicine few doses of medicine will not cure that illness you need to continuously take medicine for a long time take treatment continuously then there is hope to heal so therefore we are conditioned we are addicted professional and casual sorry this is just like somebody who is really really into drugs you know it's very difficult to stop it undo it because their person is already addicted into it now right so therefore now to come out out of this strong die hard habit you need to make effort and again the good news is if you make effort you can change it in many cases quite inspiring you know if you like now we have studied this little bit we will not get much just in few hours but now if you make a point that now no I will I will I will start moving if you make a point saying the day a potata today did they do are they happy yeah Omega D today on the channel here Nagar today oh wait I mean based on my own limited experience I'm not a good practitioner or anything I'm not saying that I'm special or unique nothing but and also busy you know doing this doing this stupid busy no no there's many thinkers they say it's not good to be busy it's not good to be busy because into this world we everybody says I'm busy I'm busy I'm busy I'm busy as if to be busy is important number one it is not important to be busy what's important is what are you busy about there's important not just being busy and then also the second - point is if you are too busy in many small useless things you will not get opportunity for doing the most important buildings just going within yourself right we are talking about getting happiness most of us are not getting much happiness because we are busy especially in useless things right and we cannot effort to do that because this human life is so precious and there's not much time so let us convert the meaning of concentration concentrate on what important things go within yourself make friendship with friendship with yourself most of us are not happy because you get bored with yourself as I said yesterday the modern problem is you don't know how to live alone and also don't know how to live with others so one of the core teaching in Buddhism is remaining in solitude when you are in solitude then you get time to reflect and think and go within yourself then get the new inside and you won't get that if you are always with people in the crowd and now people are like scared of going into the crowd because of this this virus see and things like that so to be with oneself is the source of getting happiness exploring your inner resources is the source of happiness understanding who you are understanding what is it that you are looking we always looking outside you know to get something from out that inside is hollow empty this way you suffer from depression there's there's where you suffer from loneliness all to some extent I can say all the modern diseases and unhappiness arise because you are not one piece you're not with yourself you always with address it distracted doing what others are doing just Epping and imitating what others are doing inside there's nothing so how can you be happy the most important thing that we have in our life is our mind and if that mind stupid mind is silly and stupid and distracted how can you be happy right right great teachers they go into solitude and spent you know years if you read the live studio Buddha read the level students on Kaabah read the lever stroke many great teachers even his holiness was so busy but on and off he goes to retreat then of course in the mornings he gets up around 3:30 for then until around 9:00 is doing Dharma study practice meditation prostration and we don't do these things the first thing we do is watch TV and the last thing we do when we go to sleep is watch TV and in many cases watching a horror movie and then sleeping here then you get the nightmare so we need to change our life stay a little bit I'm not saying you don't enjoy I'm not trying to you know give you a bleak picture saying that you should get a life which is lackluster and don't enjoy I'm not saying there of course enjoy be be we happy means happy in the true sense happy in the true sense true sense means on a smaller scale unit you need to be you need to get absorbed and lost in small things there's another small level of happiness how do you get happiness you get happiness just by opening yourself to happiness sometimes you just walking and see a beautiful flower and you get absorbed in you get lost into that flow how more cutting unity you immediately you're happy right so that that also indicates the more you loosen your grasping to yourself as I'm not saying making a contradictory statement one I said go within yourself that doesn't mean that you grasp onto yourself go within yourself in a conventional sense understand it but without grasping practice letting go that is a topic that we are going to discuss tomorrow one so therefore therefore whatever whatever you are doing whatever practice is you are doing you need to really make sure is this contributing to my long lasting happiness this is important whatever you are doing ask some question will this be useful for me for my if not permanent happiness but at least a little bit more durable long lasting happiness for me and for others this that should be the criteria of all your activities and this need to be told to yourself constantly because most of the time we run after pleasures we are pleasure seeking beings pleasure seeking means pleasing your senses the eye is something beautiful to see here's something you know listen to hear tongue something tasty to taste and the body is something soft to touch so we are slaved we are enslaved by the five senses so we'd run after sensual pleasures and in order to eat fill to the fire in order to add fuel to the fire the external facilities like the shopping complexes malls they are all coming because they know your weakness that you are you're prone you're susceptible to the decrease of the senses then they will come up with this wonderful display array of gadgets and things like that to enter view further - this is so good for you you know then you're already lost the more you run after sensual pleasures the more you chase external objects the more you will get tired there's the truth the more you go within yourself understand yourself and specially understand the law of nature including impermanence that we discussed yesterday the more you see the reality for example as I said yesterday the more you understand impermanence the more you will see the lack of essence in anything dushala no long to wealth relatives family name money we need that but from there we don't get there long lasting happiness know we'll get there long lasting happiness from them no these people will be with you all the time when our mind is not thinking then I'll be always with my brother always with my sister always be with my husband wife but the hell it is anything in ever any time you may be gone brother may be gone sister may be gone we have all those experiences and when you know that then this will help you number one not to develop grasping to anything because you you know their impermanence and not to develop grasping does not mean that you don't show concern and responsibility to your near and dear ones in fact the more you know the meaning of impermanence the more you will love them without grasping this is a very interesting thing related to the law of nature the more you understand the reality like impermanence like for example when you if you are somebody who has this wonderful understanding that all this beautiful all this you know brother sisters husband wife there they are supporting me loving me you know they'll all be gone very soon when I don't know I don't know whether I will go fast they will go fast but they will all be gone soon will all be separated because anything that comes together by the law of nature it has to be separated so once you have that understanding then you will you know develop this realization this being the case now be the right now because we have this opportunity to to be together I should be nice I should show my love I should show my compassion not last year the year before no to three years before when I was giving this public talk in Moscow I was saying something like this empowerment and things like that then there was a young man who asked me Sheila if everything is impermanent then how can I love my girlfriend this is our our thinking is he my girlfriend should be with me all the time my brother should be with me all the time so he asked me this question if everything is impermanent then how can I love my girlfriend I said wonderful this is a good question and I said if you know your girlfriend is impermanent you will love your girlfriend more because if your girlfriend is permanent no hurry love anytime because that person is impermanent now is the time to show up show compassion to help it's amazing you know if you understand this law of nature that is how it helps this understanding of impermanence on the on the one hand help you not to develop grasping to anything Wow Hillel rujuta lino louder episode angora we need to use wealth you know maintain that connection with friends relatives and so forth but we know that they are not the long-lasting source of happiness envy they will all be gone I know I need to learn how to go by myself alone at the end of the day whether you like it or not law of nature has actually taught you right from the beginning when you came into this world you came alone you did not commit a host of brothers sisters together even even in the case of twins there are some you know differences you don't come together you come alone without any position without even cloth naked raaah with your teeth with her here worse than me no really and then we go also we go in the same way again you lose your hair as I'm losing now your teeth will also go and things like that read one but we give some DNA kinases membra that this is my sister this is my husband why well then you develop obsessive attachment to some people you develop obsessive attachment to some people you develop hatred disliking I don't want to see this ugly fellow is the worst person I've ever seen in the world so you make this division unnecessary division friends enemy neutral sentient beings you categorize we are very fond of categorizing people in putting them in different boxes think it daddy me something to fight with something to love it in the true sense of the time it doesn't really make any sense because at the end of the day everybody is going to die whoever there everybody at the core of their being wants happiness nobody wants suffering even the case of a terrorist or a very mean person in the core of that person he doesn't want something doesn't one problem right so therefore understanding the law of nature like impermanence so important this reminds me of teaching by commenting below me who says naked on a yacht a tangy PG detest Lovgren monger that also very young slag or D naked on a yacht that dollars intuitive and ancillary all the sufferings that you see in the samsara Nakuru a Utah joke that Dawn's in 27 these are harms inflicted by the enemy self-grasping that the Doudna together the two millimeter salah pretended to give every two there for you my son who aspires liberation your job is to eradicate remove that self-grasping which is the root of samsara put on do you mean by body now Ranger colleges habituate engineering with Maroney however this is very subtle not easy to remove self-grasping and develop this DDOT to self-grasping so therefore you need to start with something a little bit easier to understand a little bit grosser tarantella cheese about something that however this is very subtle very profound and before you know that is very subtle a very profound meaning which is emptiness to Theni regret not only before you know that she repeated doneita if you'd know the more grosser level of impermanence with impermanence also there subtle impermanence cross and impermanence note the grosser level of impermanence and grosser level of suffering which we are studying right now share away madad she better dunya tomb dummy code then after death selflessness emptiness and so good to meet Obama so there are steps that you need to follow now when we talk about the grosser level of impermanence for example Rossa level of impermanence is something that you can even visually see for example for example collapsing of a house collapsing of a house Congaree da-da-da-da-da there are women I meet who accompanied Oh Misha Dawa we see people dying we see house collapsing so we are able to understand the grocery level of impermanence right so from there you should learn and then several impermanence means that that the very existence of anything and any condition thing the very existence is caused by another course it is produced in the nature of impermanence it is produced in the nature of disintegration now when when we talk about the very subtle impart - you know then then I mean this is if you use a powerful microscope you may be able to see what is happening in your body use some of this modern machines powerful machine to see your reality it's just like a bubbling energy hosting Oz - ah the miracle details - what I think the worst was the hips up with Martina bubbles with the spa go for this a long time a 2005 in years before put a spoke about this soon yada-yada physical form is like a bursting bubble so reduce your hand your feelings are like water bubbles things like that so now we can see that and when you see that you might get frightened way you get frightened you will get frightened why because you thought you are something concrete especially when you're angry how dare you say this to me not alumnus and I didn't who you don't believe as you do here Mayhew otherwise and with this stupidity we even jump in front of a cannon cannon machine gun and get killed stupidity memory majored in language even though the power is in the enormous major never hit the bottom so they're there for the more you see this this impermanent nature as I said the more physically also in terms of physical health also you'll be able to take care of yourself much better than before and then by seeing this impermanent nature of your body not knowing when you are going to die it should aspire you to seize the moment right now and do the good things spiritual practice Oh spiritual practice again when I say spiritual practice it's not so much about ritual and it should also it has its own benefits but not so much about ritual the real spiritual practice means what they call as in Tibetan we say human nature you know mature and in Hindi the quality sinatun sanatana dharma means practice that you are going to do like loving-kindness impermanence their everlasting truths it doesn't have to be confined in one place one guru these are everlasting truth impermanence impermanence everywhere usefulness of compassion is everywhere because it came from Buddhism even if you don't want to accept it it's your choice or your problem but these are everlasting truths so it's by doing this practices you can really get happiness like I'll give you an example and there is a prayer by a Buddhist teacher who says if I'm going to die today wonderful look at this that practitioner he says if I'm going to die today wonderful why because I'm not going to live long creating problems to others committing sins you know so it's good if I die today but don't think that he is pessimistic and then immediately after that he says if I am NOT going to write today but I'm going to live a long long healthy life wonderful then I do all the good things do Dharma practice you see for such a person with such a wonderful mental attitude anything is wonderful everything is wonderful so in our case also if I will change our attitude will be happy happiness is very much happiness means basically satisfaction genuine satisfaction and you won't get that genuine satisfaction by cheating others or bullying others or leading a life of publicity you might get fleeting pleasure as I said already but you are not going to get that genuine satisfaction the Indian city speaking will come when you lead the life where there is no diversity when you generally help somebody its but nothing but human nature nothing but human nature right so it's not like when we talk about doing Dharma practice practice in compassion we are not talking you know about like doing a philanthropic service helping others you know and nothing for your the noise at the end of the day best for you not to talk about compassion and loving kindness even the terms of giving you know scientific survey has been done who is who gets more happiness the giver and the receiver scientific test has been de they found that the receive that the giver gets more happiness than the receiver I mean to our ordinary way of thinking the receiver should get more happiness because he's get something the giver is losing something right but because if you had practiced that giving with genuine love genuine compassion you know an understanding just like you are giving something to your very very dear sister who you did not meet for a long long time and you give something you know you don't feel that loss you feel so happy I'm able to give this to my sister in mood or satisfaction is just like Mother's giving things to their kids see see so so what I'm saying is your your mental frame provoked of your mind how you think now with this this weather right now for example we can be happy we can be unhappy we can can be unhappy not because the weather is horrible but again in addition to that the situation of the weather your mind will start complaining saying that's how you do whether you know damn this weather visibly unending winter still raining you know it may be snow they are out there you know how can I go to mclogan to enjoy a nice food you know you know you start counting all the visitors that can happen with this rain and things like that you keep on complaining but you're completing the weather the weather will not change the weather will not say sorry made up I didn't realize you're feeling very cold I will stop raining the weather will never say that it will continue and you because of your own mental attitude you will suffer much more than that other person who is a positive attitude about the weather that person with the positive attitude will say it's good now I mean it did it is raining but from tomorrow on work tomorrow is raining then after there the Sun itself now we can see in our well phone and I've seen that this bright sunshine for many many days so you think more about the sunshine then about the darkness and everyone do someone do I change a dongle because you see what you want to see if you keep on saying wet is you won't think bad things therefore many of the Buddhist teachers they say you know there are many a times it's important that you you live as if you are completely blind and completely depth the many things you should not be hearing so you have body ears intact but pretend you are you you don't hear anything remain like a deaf the many things you should not be seeing the hairy should act as if you're blind non Cupido he said but the Lord Cooper there are many occasions you should not be saying anything Cooper dumb right so what I'm saying is basically whether you want that you will be happy or not is primarily in your head not in the hand of any external agent now in order to get that happiness it's not so much about how long you live it is how you live today now now you should be happy tomorrow call Phil de cachoeira you know tomorrow we'll see later on but right now I should be happy and how can you be happy now you might think how can I be happy this case in Lago stupido and when you sing APA is so cold here you know there's another way of you know thinking negatively you know you can be happy again as some of you must have heard again I when I was giving this talk in Moscow I was saying I'll give something like this then in the front row I remember very well in the front row there was a very elderly Russian lady sitting there he said Villa how can I be happy I have nothing to be happy about I'm all dragon lady living alone you know how can I be happy she asked me this question is a pertinent question then I told her yes I know you have problem but I see you have bought the ice intact and in then he said yes yes of course and the board hands intact yes of course that's the point how many people are there in the world who doesn't have I doesn't have hands by myself so people who are without both the legs both hands but very cheerful I saw it few years back in America there does this this man who has lost because of some disease lost both of his arms and legs and moving on a kind of wooden wheeled wooden plank carrying this mobile phone on the neck and using somehow you know his you know parts of body and then taking photos of other people smiling and I'm so happy he was really like shining out his face was a radiant and it was very happy now imagine if we are in that situation so how come you have everything and you're not able to remain happy Japan Beach Airport there's every reason to me once somebody came to me and asked Magilla teach me meditation I said you want meditation yes please teach me then I said go out if you want me to teach and go out and imitate like a cow act like a cow this whole morning you imagine you are not human being you're a cow and then do exactly how the cow will do where they where the cow will find the food where the cow will sleep do exactly like that that's the best meditation then after doing that you will realize what it means to be human being so it's important to you know Sheila said in bahama gonna don't judge Anisha if you don't know gold as gold it's very likely you'll just give a kick kick and go away so it's important to that's why in Buddhism we call this human life precious human life precious human life primarily because of your wonderful intelligence the capacity to think the capacity to analyze capacity to judge in terms of physical size there are many animals much more stronger more agile than us but because of their discrete human intelligence they were controlling all of these animals but lots of problems are created by human beings because this this human mental potential capacity is used in the wrong way you use it in the right way you become Buddha you become His Holiness Dalai Lama and so forth but if you use in the wrong way then it creates all kinds of problems problems which cannot be created by animals now this is this virus that everybody's alarmed right now its creation of human being to be honest creation of human beings because we have no ethics if we keep on eating animals alive all kind of animals if you read the story of the earth it came from monkey people living with monkey it's all about drinking misusing these human intelligence so it's important therefore to use this great human potential in the right direction so there's there's a point that I want to make right and then and the second topic we let us read this explanation of the four seals of Buddhism we read a little bit a study so where we left somewhere in the middle the moment it comes into existence the process of disintegration is already begun we finish reading that in other words the mechanism for cessation is built into the system itself not only ability we are born to die it is as if things and even scary the seed of their eventual demise the simple reason is that anything that is produced through causes is other power that on that anything that is produced by course means it's other power that means it is dependent on the other the course so you're helpless you have to go by the rule as it has been produced by their course and the course has produced you in such a way that you are fragile you are transient you're impermanence it's very existence comes about only in dependence upon other factors can litter gonna derail the motor you know Marwa this Buddhist view of phenomena as dynamic and of momentary nature which emerges is the consequence of the principle of universal impermanence is quite close to the view of a dynamic ever-changing physical universe as president by modern physics according to the modern physics also when they analyze things they find everything in a flux like with the particles one of the main focuses the particles you know they go down and down and then the scientist is hoped that one day they will find you know particle which they can say this is the small smallest particle this is the fundamental building block of the particle there cannot be subtler than this we found it there's what they wanted to say but with the improvement of the scientific technology device you know process of investigation the more and the more analyze the subtle particle the more and more they find something else now they are talking about wave particle duality when they thought this is particle looks like changes in the wave and they thought this is where it looks like particularly you know and the Buddha has two thousand five hundred years before said you will never find a particle s particle amazing is he right so therefore things dynamic produced by causes and conditions so let me read a little bit again from the topic on impermanence just few points so in the lamrim text they are saying that now since we have obtained this very precious human life we need to get the meaning out of this human life extract the meaning out of this human life so one of the best ways of extracting the essence of human life is meditation on impermanence so then therefore the text talks about the faults of not meditating or not remembering death and the benefits of meditating on death and what kind of mind you should generate by recollecting the death and the process of remembering death and then first he bravely talks about what are the faults of not remembering that the faults of lots of things can be said but the faults of not remembering death is the more you plan to live long the more you need many things right you're grasping you're clinging will increase multifold and then forget about doing any spiritual practice forget about thinking about transforming your mind and that's what we see in the rest of the world everywhere in the metric mystic world in big cities people are running hither and thither just for money just for money something to eat I should not say pathetic which is not good but really there's all they care about and then if this is how they spend just eating and going to the toilet sleeping then then how can we say human beings are special living in the Christian religion they say human beings a crown of creation how can we then become the crown of creation in Buddhism we call precious human life how can it be precious human life just eating and sleeping and going to the toilet such a wastage right so therefore if you don't remember that you will nothing about doing the right thing doing the spiritual practice and the advantages of meditation is contrary to they said you're grasping you're clinging to things to people to name and fame now for example if you reduce their grasping to name and fame especially in the case of leaders in the world if they have this little bit of understanding impermanence you know then all these wrongdoings like corruption will cease all the problems created by the world leaders and whoever people have power they do many wrong things because of their grasping to power to name and they are unable to see the hollowness the futility of the name name is what just just a word and if you really want a good name you will get good name by doing good things but many of the leaders I see in the wall especially the political leaders they want name but they try to get their name in the wrong way by dividing people by making different political parties in the name of this religion their religion unfortunately that is like a big problem in the world today this is all because of grasping to power name fame money and so forth then now this is if this is the case then what kind of recollection of death wants you to cultivate what kind of now here if you if you say that I fear death when we talk about remembering death if you say that I remember death I fear that because I don't want to get separated from my relatives and friends we are not talking about that kind of fear that kind of hair is useless and secondly also if you say I fear death because when I when the death comes I will be no more I will become non-existent that's also stupid way of thinking because whether you like it or not you are born to die as I said so here when we talk about fear of death means that having dan negative things and not having accumulated any positive things if I die then I will have to experience the consequences of the wrongdoings and then I will suffer for many lives to come with this kind of fear if you are able to develop this kind of here then that is the right fear that you need to develop now of course here the question comes who has seen future life many people do they think they don't believe in future life this is the life enjoy this is all for me this is almost like saying that who has seen my tomorrow I don't care about tomorrow I care only today if you say something like that isn't that stupid tomorrow's yet to come forget about future life even tomorrow is yet to come we have not seen tomorrow but do you plan for tomorrow and that tomorrow comes and what kind of tomorrow you will have dependent upon what kind of love you late yesterday similar is the case and one under that propably may be interesting indication is when we go to bed and sleep right then your body is more or more or less dead you may be snoring you are unable to see anything your nose also unable to smell anything you know you're more or less dead but your mind what happens with your mind your mind starts in many cases the deeper the syllabic the mind becomes very active and then the mind goes to new york shopping McClurg and shopping have you had that kind of dream there mind traveling from meeting your friends how are we talking and having dinner picnicking for me this shows the possibility of the mind separating from the body and experiencing the predispositions that is left on one's mind there's the indication because the dust that the the settler you go to the mind the mind becomes more free there's another important point that should know normally as I said that the more you depend on the grosser level of consciousness including the sense consciousness then you don't give an opportunity to the mental consciousness the main mind to reflect and to go within that's called destruction we get distracted to external things through the sensual objects and you this mind doesn't the most important thing doesn't get an opportunity so therefore we are constantly told meditate that means going within right and in fact when you drop when we talk about doing spiritual practice then the involvement of the mind is the most important spiritual practices cannot be done by the sense sense consciousness you know you see his holiness you feel happy you know but but the real you know happiness or blessing has to be obtained by the mental consciousness so any spiritual practice you do you should involve your mind and leave an imprint on your mind imprint living imprint on the mind means get your mind habituated with your practice because when you die it is not your senses that will go to the next world what goes to the next world is your mind just as you have seen your mind going to New York for shopping when you are sleeping similarly the mind will go and what kind of experience the mind will have it is dependent upon what in what area you are habituated if you are habituated with killing you will continue to do so and you will suffer you are habituated with compassion and love you will be happy does it make sense although it's very difficult to convince people regarding these things not only future life about the mind the problem arises from the mind we we all talk about the mind my mind is happy my mind is no TV but when you are asked to explain what where is this mind you hardly have any explanation right you had leave any explanation and that's the problem you know we're corporeal beings you know we we give credit only to the body the things that we can see what do you do some take some care you're not good again with your body or you're not good the food you give yourself you're not very good but at least you care you feed yourself you clothe yourself and then H of Judo with it you see or rather you take care as much as possible you're not perfect but at least you do something but with the mind what do you do what do you give to the mind there's the problem there's fat that's why spiritual practice is important it's important because your life is primarily controlled by not the body but your mind and when such question is asked then everybody says mind but normally there's not how we think we think I means body take care of the body you know for the body you you know give everything and then do your exercise and jogging and you know so many things for the mind what kind of food you are giving to the mind what kind of exercise you are giving to the mind and what kind of products are available in the market to facilitate your mind nothing it's the problem so there's why I summarized this problem by saying that many of the problems that we see in the world today is primarily due to starvation of the mind starvation similar cutting of money so therefore spiritual practice means feeding the mind and giving energy to the mind which is so so important I will take the example of great practitioners like like milarepa so happy with nothing and I had the great fortune of seeing the the followers of to hold corporal Buchi who was nicknamed as modern Milarepa I did not have the fortune to see him but I saw his brother and some of his you know followers five six of them in Dalhousie they virtually have nothing I visited their small places you know stone piles with some canvas top in the you go in nothing but they're happy and most of us have so many things but not happy you know still want more I still want more you know now especially with this online purchasing you know your grid is filled you know so many attractive things that I need this I need that there may be an element of truth but most of the time it is greed yes madam a Gandhi said there is enough for everybody's need but not enough for everybody's agreed and it is the grid that is destroying this planet truly right are we destroying the planet you should really be conscious about what is happening in the world today the melting of glaciers the globe you know global warming and things like that just horrifying it's horrifying and instead of taking care of this this environment will degrade the degradation and so forth we keep on fighting within ourselves what the tragedy hey Maria if there is if there is an environmental catastrophe like global warming or glacial melting or earthquake and things like that it will all suffer doesn't matter who you are rich or poor American or Chinese or Tibetan whoever you are will all suffer if there is a global climate catastrophe will all separate but pro but a problem of such magnitude we are not we're not doing much we are not showing much attention is we are fighting among ourselves so therefore sometimes I'm really a little bit thankful to the nature nature is unbiased human beings are biased you belong to this religion the religion from this family that family so nature will teach us the lesson see just by seeing that the nature the world in which we live we should we should know how to live harmoniously I mean I'm talking big and it's important to talk big because unless you really tell the bitter truth I don't think people will ever wake up now this epidemic viruses and other things come there people start little bit especially if there's it is near their door then they what should I do and many cases is too late when people like his whole is that Leila is teaching everybody be compassionate be loving don't hunt anymore things like that hardly anybody listens yeah now when there is a problem then didn't they say his holiness can you teach us a prayer in fact some of them contacted His Holiness what kind of prayer and he sold and suggested you do that Dhara mantra the mantra will help you if you have the faith but if you don't have the faith then what in the later our lives now this one well so so therefore with the meditation on the recollection of death what first you should think I'm going to die definitely never Shiva death is definite rawa not very good news second time of death is indefinite it can that means it can come any time I don't think there your LD young so you will not die you know can happen anytime and at the time of the death the only thing that is useful is Dharma Dharma here means not a particular dramatic religion but Dharma means if you have you know habitually with some positive practices that will help you to reduce fear and also to to take a good report it will help you and that kind of habit must be formed right now it cannot be done at the last moment of that you know death when you are dying it may be difficult unless you a bit you did it so you get habituated right now to such an extent that nothing there will be no fear at all because if you have the fear is dependent upon your understanding if you have the understanding knowledge of the the nature of the dead then as I said in the beginning of if you have time if you read that I think the first chapter of four hundred verses by Arya never talks about beautifully talks about how to you know understand and face death and things like that so the if you understand it as I said yesterday all this law of nature including death impermanence has to be understood nothing to be feared if you understand it there's no need to fear just like that when you go to bed tonight and see live do you get fear do you get fear because you used to use to it it's like dying but not only you have no fear but you will enjoy running in the kadachan and he do - - are you Sara - he is now I'm going to die peacefully same thing combo girl look because that that is like changing clot there's no dead through the mind do you do get fear when you change your clothes you don't get fear right you remove your coat you don't get fear similarly you die is diamonds living your body but mind there is no dead we only have here if you have done many negative things otherwise there's no need to fear so this is all question of understanding now with the first we need to convince you that the debt is definite that is definite because the lord of death means death will come and nobody can stop it you ask all the lovers to do the most important Pujols and prayers it may help you a little bit but but nobody can stop that there's not a single person in the world who can be a witness saying that this person never died right and secondly death is definite because you cannot add to your life whatever is the lifespan it is the lifespan you cannot add more to it but there are many things that will help in epping that your life out Wow if you eat wrong food life will be shortened if you don't do much exercise probably I will be shortened things like that then these days car accident aeroplane XD there you know so many things so there's no addition but there are many things that will you know reduce the life and then even while you're the third thing is even when you're alive you will you to die without getting time to do spiritual practice now presumably in our case how much spiritual practice you have done already not much rawa llamar wa Dunedin EDC rule come to teach imagine a few things she would say also many shootings much of modules and initiatives with the to possible number is not being able to do Dharma practice uu past twenty years that is when you are very young then in the next twenty years that is twenty to forty Jake whichever some decisions I'll do Dharma practice I will do Dharma barracks but not doing then you then us as early as now you're 40 and then forty to sixty or already growing old and then then you regret by saying I could not do that my practice I could not do practice and if when you get even older then your eyesight fails you if you want to read something you can't read you see things like it right so therefore it's really really important to reflect and study some of these things it can change your life and that is the best way of as I said they're the best way of investing in yourself best investment and also the best way of helping your younger generation you're all young but there will be people younger than you also and if you want to help them how are you going to help them just giving money that's what we do in the ordinary Society just building some if you're rich you make some building house in which how long their person is going to live nobody knows then food and the car maybe you know things like that but nobody not many people give the real thing education especially spiritual education so important education means human flourish met an unfortunate today even the meaning of education is misunderstood people think education means reading writing mathematics this is education but the real education means human flourish meant human personality development to produce people who are who are happy or calm who are relaxed you know that's what we worked through education but but the schools in universities are not producing there are the people you know we had producing bunch of people who who are running after money all the time who don't care about the dwindling natural resources so there's the problem right and then the second is indefiniteness of debt independent of debt because it is said that in some continents there is some definiteness of their lifespan but in the Boudewijn the bullying where we live there is no definiteness there was the time when people used to live immeasurable you know years then now maximum 100 years so there's no definite and then second indefiniteness of debt is true because there are many causes and conditions for debt but not many not much for life even the medicines that you eat medicines that you pop in your mouth all the time many of these medicines I'm very doubtful how good they are although they come in packets with many very nice illustrations and pictures in a saying that is good for your heart for your ear for things things like that but I really really don't know how good they are because these big companies they managed to advertise and you know supply things because they have the money power I'm really doubtful so therefore you should as much as possible try to lead a life where you don't have to depend on medicines according to Buddhist teaching the best medicine is food the best medicine is food and water for example in the case of water unfortunately today people are even selling water there's where we are now the so-called intelligent human beings not able to get free water before drinking right to it but still what is much better than coca-cola or any of the so-called soft drinks and I can proudly talk about this because I'm not interested in many of these soft drinks I don't take I've not taken an oath but I hardly touch them so it's not good for your health you pay money not good for health and then you just go by the label and the label the bottle looks a nice you know the packet looks nice and then for petting you need something nice a millennium Koopa really stupid we are really stupid I'm sorry to use this but what we are really including me we are Koopa very gullible never think what is good for oneself and then you drink water three-balled water so good for health come on but do not test if the more water you drink the more it becomes tasty but coca-cola how how much you can drink you know the more you drink then you will get collect some thickness on your tongues do associate a big headache when you're not with you giggle you till you pass a body this is your mother's so don't don't don't you know go for the book by the cover as we say you know and in Buddhism one very important topic is bridging the gap between appearance the reality which we're which I'm going to talk tomorrow we go after a period see the reality not not go for appearance however oh yeah so there are many causes factors for death but not not much for for example even those the Texas even those which are supposed to be you know factors for your health for your life they can also become horses for your debt for example not to die for not today we we drink we eat food but that food the drink might become hindrance for your health then the house did we build might collapse and kill you things like that and then with the food also if you eat too much you get problem if you get too little problem you need to have moderation and then taking food which is not which you cannot digest they do not have come under water a man this is heavy yes I am an engineer and then collapsing of houses cheated by so-called your friend relatives there were cheated by your husband wife boyfriend girlfriend you know for the first few days of the before the marriage it the honeymoon period they call later then walking on the cloud robot she has a vivid image inside yourselves in the DOOL DOOL unique article what did you read what occurred I'm not trying to give you a pessimistic picture but I am giving you warning you know be careful be careful the net the net initiative wrestler and at the time of the death the only thing that is beneficial is spiritual practice as I said because whether you like it or not at the end of the day you have to go alone no not go go alone means not when when you die even now when you're alive there many men there is there many times we need to go alone you have to you have to travel alone to Delhi you do table alone to America many times you have to go alone so in those times if you are if you're educated you are new compassionate it will help you if you are patient you know tolerant and but not stupid huh it will help you but if you are really stupid no love no compassion and angry you know then even if you have not made a lot of money you'll get a lot of roll so there did that bitter truth even when we are in life so the main point is so in this way we'll die that's that's for sure now when we die if it is like the extinction of a butter lamb at the end of the story there is a different thing we don't have to worry about it but as I said as they released the Buddhist teaching say that when you die you don't disappear into nothingness the mind will continue there's not problem the problem is if you had your mind has been habituated with negative things then there's a big problem the big problem is either you will be born in a happy migration or in a bed migration that means one is the animal or helping and things like that if you are born like that you will have lot of suffering so therefore the second point of the the second seal States let us read this together the second seal states that all contaminate phenomena are by nature unsatisfactory why and window generally collision daughter angry contaminate phenomena by nature unsatisfactory in this context contaminated phenomena refers to all things events underlying the events experience and so forth that the products of contaminated essence and the underlying delusions that give rise to them so here when we talk about suffering coming from impermanent nature methylate do me do million and amedeo from impermanence comes suffering now when we say suffering coming from impermanence we are not talking about suffering come coming from omniscience because omniscience is also permanent here we are talking about a particular impermanence particular impermanence means the causes which produced our body our life our negative emotions and contaminated actions so anything any product there is produced by a contaminated actions and delusions negative emotions cannot be happy will be suffering so therefore there's the meaning of understanding suffering from impermanence impermanence means changing through negative emotions negative emotions and contaminated actions so that kind of impermanent change will produce suffering well there's the meaning here anything that is produced is other power in the sense that it it is under the control of factors other than itself for example in general its causes and conditions and particularly here the causes and conditions are negative emotions and afflict noises here courses specifically difference to our own fundamental ignorance afflictive emotions and cognitive events and contaminate actions also ignorance must be perceived as a passive state of maryland not to be perceived as a passive state of mere non evidence rather it is a dilute disturbed mind a fundamental course a fundamental mission apprehension of the nature of reality so this we are going to discuss tomorrow but what he says is here when we talk about ignorance it's not just lack of knowledge this is what he is saying here ignorant here is not just lack of knowledge but misconception of reality misconception reality misconception of reality can bring lot of problem and understanding the reality a cities can bring lot of benefit but misconception misconceptions in a misconception means because you did not understand the reality you have some you know wrong ideas about it and that wrong idea brings a lot of problem for example if I look at you you know a little bit you know strange face and then I chant on 3232 this one but you can't hear cannot get away with it but just I move my mouth you will do no wrong conception actually I'm reciting Tara mantra but you judgement me because I may look you must start thinking is cursing me and then you get problem you get angry the clearest example that is given in the text is there's a story of a teacher in Indian story who are tracking his teaching asked one of his students to go to take the book and give it give it on the table in his living room so that the boy goes and comes big frightened by saying sir I cannot keep that book on your table because there was a snake lying at the foot of your table then the teachers okay no problem I'll give you some mantra charge that mantra and place the book on the table so he goes they are chanting the mantra but again comes back frightened by saying I chanted to your mantra but it didn't help still the snake is lying there then the teacher says take this lamp torch light take this lamp and put the book on the table he goes back with the lamp when he uses the lamb he was able to see things clearly what he saw was not a snake but a coil of rope you see a wonderful example a wonderful example you know there's no snake but you get so much fear as if there is a real snake there's the point you know many of your fiercest fish our because of your own conception misconception so therefore ignorance is here when we talk about ignorance is the root cause of samsara we're not talking about you know ignorance as mere absence of knowledge or lack of knowledge but misconception means the ignorance means misconception of reality my inviting Lee in button Laporte our disable this one what do say so so from from from negative emotions from impermanent causes like negative emotions and afflictive actions or contaminated actions can bring much problem and the problems many types of suffering that we get the suffering catherine de pinna there are countless sufferings headache stomach a the maengui or those those those dear friends you wanted to meet you are not meeting them you feel said those people you don't want to meet they seem to be standing at the corner and always waiting for you wake up what the way if you're looking for a job you're not getting job as it is in the posterior many women to vote I do miss ado then a suffering of sickness suffering of aging what any suffering of birth his birth suffering his birth suffering the Buddha said Bart is a brain aging suffering death is a bring sickness away but we are celebrating part happy birthday so birth is suffering or happy who is right are we right or Buddha's right happy birthday this is easy to know because the deep you look at the behavior of the child immediately after the birth what what is the first thing that the child does is crying or laughing Fuji's anatomically gotten very shaky megiddo if the child the first thing the child does is thing we will get frightened very unusual tibetans mites or maybe the booties are sick I'm gonna do this as a chaining error so that the usual thing is the first thing that the charges crying which means his is not happy he's suffering but I'm not saying don't celebrate you know there's a different way of doing things anyway so what you do what so basically all this different kind of sufferings are summarized in three main topics in Buddhism first is called suffering of suffering there means the obvious sufferings the headache stomachache that that that we all know there even the animals no obvious suffering that's cause suffering something we don't want that suffering of suffering or what we don't want at all any of these sufferings we don't want even the by Thomas kid or WA and then second is suffering of change suffering of change we don't understand suffering of changes suffering we normally think there is happiness for example you have been sitting here for an hour and half nearly now so because I did not like forced you to come you came voluntarily so I hope it's not not too much a problem too much suffering but but but your mind is determined to sit here an hour and half not more than that now if I speak a little bit more even ten minutes more you will start looking at this so-called energy doesn't stop here you know then that that original kind of happiness will change into immediately change into suffering and when you are hungry you really release the food first first chapati or first cup of soup or whatever you release it all that what you does biggie what the huh keep on keep on go on eating how much how many root is how many breasts you can eat as we have studied in economics the law of marginal marginal utility will come back then we start vomiting so this is basically saying this is saying a big thing the big is there with this ordinary contaminated human experiences it will not give you long lasting happiness the more you enjoyed it the more you will see the shortcoming the drawbacks things David humor a stinker and then finally there is a third level of suffering which is called condition pervasive condition suffering that means you have all these problems and difficulties because of the very nature of your psychophysical aggregate for example if you look at your body this body is not made of diamond or iron or things like that it's made of flesh and born very fragile and then then we can easily accept that this is prone to suffering when we suffer it's not shocking what else will you expect with such a body so the Buddhist teaching is saying if you don't want to experience all these sufferings then you purify your negative emotions they take a life where your body is not not susceptible to this kind of sufferings so there's the thing so there's the second this is clearly stated by various Indian masters such as Dharma charity deliver the design alone it is Aria okay we'll continue to read this tomorrow so today stop here before you start suffering of change let us stop here thank you
Channel: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
Views: 3,467
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Keywords: Geshe Lhakdor, Tibetan Library, dharamsala, kobe bryant, basketball, dead, about dead, ltwa, passang tsering
Id: YGexzwaOQYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 27sec (4887 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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