The Four Seals of Buddhism | Day 03 | Language English

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so just to do a small review of the four seals the first seal says anything that is conditioned is impermanent which is true in the sense anything condition means anything that is produces by causes and conditions are impermanent is that clear anything that is produced by causes and conditions impermanent because you are dependent on others causes and conditions you have you have in that sense you have no freedom and especially in this context when we talk about all conditions things the impermanent we are not just saying any kind of impermanence produced by causes conditions but here we are primarily talking about impermanent psychophysical aggregate in permanent self which is produced by causes in causes and conditions which are none other than none other than destructive emotions and contaminated actions legitimately do me see it legitimately Mehta was a know Zulu davechowie it decorum Etowah see Tara's Madhava see you Marta Tandon of the metal body goo lead on your mobile a teenage who today is attacking is changing reso the means that admittedly Dunas therefore there is a statement saying therefore from impermanence you understand suffering meaning that your impermanent nature is such that it is a product of contaminated actions and afflictive emotions therefore it is suffering see which are Samadhi the every discipline just to give an example for example if you develop very strong anger will you be happy or will you suffer suffering oh this one there's nobody who write in the morning makes a motivation saying I'll get angry is there anybody who makes a motivation right in the morning saying I'll get angry no because you have some idea anger is not good but however in the course of the day when you work with people especially with annoying strange disturbing people then you get angry and sometimes so much so that you pick a fight with that person but then again in the end of the day when you recollect what you've done again there will be nobody who will say that today I was angry fought with somebody so I really enjoyed the day and Waddy so that's what he's saying that you're mentally Dooney impermanent nature produced by negative emotions and coordinated actions are liable to suffering sickness aging death whatever all kind of sufferings are possible because the cause by which you are produced is unhealthy negative actions in a way it is saying therefore you should not engage in negative actions therefore you should not cultivate negative emotions because if you do so you will suffer 100% guaranteed many a times we think that I got angry and said something so I did my job you know this this fellow was always bling me but today I really challenged him I was good I was angry and I said the thing that I wanted to say so then you feel you almost in a Warren the garage tops of somebody your malady but but the true thing is that you're upset you're angry you're blind when you get angry you become blind until the do you so therefore now here what is really important is you need to sit down not just reading the book use your brain common sense and count the names of all these so-called negative emotions anger for example yeah what do mundo so some load on the country design in general where we are all experienced people in terms of getting angry we be getting angry frequently what Testament is not London basically the dunya mundo a new detonate the do our Tucson Colorado what did you really get this some Gerda let us let us not make it like confusing or irrelevant you know based on your own experience if anger is really good it's really helpful then you've every right to get angry all the time juergen in segunda parte Congress and in the European doe unit this is that any to the tiny Mouton if you yourself judge it and find it then you will be able to see how destructive it is similar leadership the chocolate utilitarian and the military utility nee-nee-nee digital you know they always charger and Kostich amateur double encourage voloshina Nutella each other do tell another challenge everybody is saying I'm busy do tell a chunk did on the Doberman he Maggie he an open-toe a ten-dollar shogunate imaginative name pseudo Medora yes the symbol do cetera you can hear Tibetan not specially using to visit it so that you will be inspired to learn more tip it so what what I was saying is you if you look at carefully why people are running everywhere people are not running with altruistic motivation compassionate motivation loving motivation to help others no there may be few stray guesses but generally not people are running forward for job or work for money and why they why they run for money and job because of desire I want this I need this for that I need money till it I don't deliver so with with all this running after desire if we are to get happiness by by this time we should be much much happier which is not with all the scientific technological inventions we can travel from one country to another country within few hours speed increased whether it's writing a letter or traveling whatever with the help of science and technology speed has really really increased multifold and we are still running running so by running are you are you getting more rest are you happier I don't think so running forward in fact so many of the things that you want to achieve in life he will achieve not just by running but sitting and exploring within yourself there is what Buddha did not only put all the great inventions that we are enjoying today benefit of which is we are enjoying today are done by people who who who started thinking who did research and unfortunately many times it is external research is no related to external things but when you talk about peace and happiness this is kind of inequalities achieved by reflecting within right so therefore therefore it is important because at the end of the day as I repeatedly said at the end of the day whether you like it or not nobody can give you long lasting happiness if there's somebody who can give you long lasting happiness tell me I want why I want to follow that secret the Association Dickey goes love you everybody wants happiness there's no question about that everybody want peace and especially long last increase in happiness so is going to give you will God give you forget about God God we have no idea also even Buddha we have not much idea Buddhist we should have more idea but we don't have much idea and Buddha himself clearly said I cannot give you near one I can ever give you peace I can only show you the part you need to practice turkey over the ham the suit on your best friend your best father mother whoever you know they can help you to an extent but not not the long-lasting peace they will also go they will also die I think maybe remarry so therefore there is no other choice there is if there's a better choice of course you every right to go for that there's no no better choice on the one hand with this science and technology it looks like things are things are improving you know you visit a market then you see all these glamorous things and shiny cages you know and it looks like the world is at the tip of your finger you just roll these things in the screen and you have all the information of the world so what so what what how how did this information that you are getting improved your well-being and happiness with the scientific invention and this Koree will will did that contributed to harmony among people seriously please tell me you need to think there are many things invented to see no to waste your money spend your money whatever some facilities are there there is true certain medicines or you know facilities for quicker communication yes there are wonderful things discovered by by by science the technology but what I'm saying is when we talk about the real peace real happiness how much science integrity has contributed is questionable or even if their sum is very very limited still we are fighting still we are experiencing so many problems and many problems are unnecessary problem unnecessary in the sense many of these problems are created by our stupid human mind Chetan Berta Sam Jupiter and democracy and however we are hearing all kinds of diseases which you've never heard before because you don't have a sense of how you should live your life and you do all kind of things and then then you get all these diseases so therefore that but but I'm not trying to give you a bleak picture what I'm saying is these are truth is a bitter truth but I'm not saying there is no solution there is solution provided if we change our way of thinking our way of life if we become more compassionate more loving things can change there will be dramatic change there will be dramatic change right let me read this piece a scientist is view of transformation a new approach for a new world in this time of powerful change as many of our systems appear to be collapsing and the intricate elements of the web of life seem to hang in the balance there is a new story emerging don't don't get pessimistic he is saying all the things are collapsing but there is a new story emerging the beginning of a true transformation that is possible the true transformation takes place when you really encounter huge problem when you don't see any other alternative then finally you know you start doing better things so that's why he's saying the beginning of a true transform according to this cellular biologist and author of the biology of belief Bruce Lipton he says you know for an enemy exploration of the extraordinary evolutionary opportunity the evolution that we are talking about for a long time we have all been talking about evolution comes gradually systematically it takes a long time things change after millions we are things like that but with this new discovery he says what does conscious evolution mean to you and he says as a biological scientist I'm frequently asked about the concept of spontaneous evolution which is very near and dear to my heart what it means to me is this that we have all been programmed with a belief that they know that she does not know but that evolution occurs over millions and millions of years with imperceptible changes occurring that ultimately lead to great evolutionary advances take the long long time there's what our thinking know he says this belief turns out now this belief turns out not to be necessarily correct and what is correct is in fact there are two scientists Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge who realized that when they went over the evolutionary history there were long periods when things were in status in stasis that means when you think about the long evolution process there are long periods when nothing happens things remain in a static form rawa where things were just in steady state sees means where things were just in equilibrium and balance and then there were these upheavals someone making hops it in India today after an upheaval it would shake everything all off and then it would start all over again they called it punctuated equilibrium well the concept of this long continuous process now recognized to be abbreviated with this punctuation marks where something I don't want to read all this so he gives an example by saying he gives an example by saying the relevance of that is the human behavior within this change what what is really relevant is the relevance of that is the human behavior can that the human behavior can change overnight in a way you cannot change it takes a long time you need practice there's what we are saying in Buddhism but sometimes it can change overnight how for example the falling of the Berlin Wall was an overnight event is a huge change and in fact just before the Berlin Wall fell I was there I was with His Holiness and we we were put up in a hotel well we can see the Berlin Wall right spontaneous evolution to me says don't look and say oh my god in hundreds and thousands of years changes will occur the Mallove's don't say that recognize their changes can occur tomorrow that's quite encouraging for the two billions who struggle for our freedom our right with this opponent which really looks like overwhelming you know but it can change overnight right and we we should be prepared to seize that moment when changes take place so the changes will happen but but the real question is are we prepared to seize that moment and take our rightful place that is the point and that these changes in our world because of our global interconnection with each other really reflect to us that evolution can take place in ours on our planet this is really wonderful because it gives us great hope that we can make worse changes and survive through the crisis and a yoona through the crisis we have created just 1x mall examples based on scientific finding all right anyway without beating about the bush let us come to the topic so the first two sales more or less you have understood all conditioned things impermanent that primarily refers in this context to our psychophysical aggregate which is impermanent due to the unfortunate causes of negative emotions and polluted nations therefore we are suffering suffering we don't have to explain headache is there right now we are suffering little bit because of you know cold things like that right monkey or that's among we are anemic we are suffering then the third seal second seal is sodium jet do me over all contaminated in the suffering contaminate means anything that is a product of contaminated means negative emotions and polluted actions Association no multisig also tell lieutenant ambien don't assume but the third seal is children getting here now a third seal says therefore there is this all phenomena selfless and empty selfless and empty means now this is the philosophical viewpoint which can be explained in accordance with all the for Buddhist schools of thought but primarily saying that normally when you think about yourself but an olive grove either you call yourself I owe me so where is this I know this is the topic we are discussing now where is this I ordinarily we think that the eye is there from its own side independently self-supporting substantially existent from its own side today some goodness it on your huge are touching a security you the yerevan of course there is an eye but not in the way we think that's the point I'm not saying the Buddhist teachings are not saying there's no I there is i but when we say selfless we are saying there is no I which you think the way you think the way we think about is an i existing from its own side without dependent on causes and conditions without dependent on names and designations permanent unchanging is there such a self no even if you look at your own body it has changed so much during the last many years if you if you compare your photo today with the photo when you are like three month baby it's difficult to recognize it's beyond recognition but but the same continually same person as we normally say conventionally we say this is the same person but from the ultimate strength ultimate point of view if you think the continuity's there but because of that if you think there is an eye which is unchanging concrete absolute existing from its side then you are wrong this this concept this wrong idea must be negative why because when you think you are something that has independent existence then you develop all this other negative emotions anger jealousy hatred what huge someday the basic simple you do not run one determine I exist improve it its own said if you have this tight grassman right hold on such a false I then because of this tight grasping to the eye you become nasty you become negative and for this I which you thought this absolute you need to fight with summary you know develop attachment with somebody there's enemy to fight there is a friend to look after and things like that and then you don't think about death of course Kamala love means you got to do not the Huey order corridor how dare he say these things to me me here existing from its own site huge your dojo forgotten about this I wear this I tell me where is this I what I'm seeing right now is your body you are seeing my body seeing with your eye means seeing something physical body you can see me technically speaking you cannot see me and might be what you are seeing is my body my body is not me my mind is not me my body in my mind these are my edibles these are what I possess what I own that's why I say my body my mind my mind is not happy my body I'm feeling cold right now there means you made a distinction between possessor and position so possessor the question is where is this I the possessor how da da da da search their eye from the top of your head down to the sole of your feet near sinhala I disagree and then you come to know vegetal where is where is dead I did a question tell me we do i I'm you some loot that one I'm not saying still the I don't know whether you'll understand you're not I mean this is not easy but but try to understand this this is very very important very very important so not only I anything anything existing exist is just through designation for example this microphone is this microphone the way huh is this microphone now if I say I will speak through the microphone you'll not get surprised because somebody give the name microphone everybody yes we can call it microphone there is no disagreement that's it there is no microphone existing from its own site there's my point if right in the beginning somebody instead of giving the name microphone is if somebody had given the name elephant there today if I say I'm now speaking through the elephant he'll not you will not laugh now if I say I will speak through the elephant you you will you will you might say that case you loved or is now gone crazy but there's no microphone right from the beginning somebody give the name that the instrument is there but it's dependent on the name designation radio module so there's the main point your know if this is difficult to understand then what I am saying is how you perceive things is very much dependent upon how you want to see things so your mind plays a huge role in determining your likes and dislikes for example I'll make this very very clear then you will get some sense if you if you fancy somebody you want to marry somebody then because of your desire attachment and other conditions you might see this person Wow wonderful I want to marry this person so so wonderful it's you who is saying that not everybody will say that to this person missing someone yeah Aladin 'i'm the chancellor good mood or leg mood wha that means it is dependent upon your perspective you see this person wonderful another will say soso third will say horrible who is Right who is wrong it's not so much about who's right who's wrong is really about how you see things when you see things in a positive limelight you'll get benefit you get you happy oh this is wonderful will you see it see the same thing in negative way you get problem that's what I'm saying this way understanding this philosophical point is so important things are designated there's nothing from it's all side means things come into being by many things coming together for example have you ever seen a New Delhi or somewhere people assembling cars or vehicles or bicycle or things like that first you you will see only the pieces separated you don't see by second there then gradually the expert the technician you know he will he will fix everything then then you did that that you can call it a car or you know takes your bicycle or whatever Cora bicycles that I'm going from when he came and what would you ruin the mentality that deal huge a budget that the hue doesn't and especially in the case of a car you know not only the the parts put together but you can see it inside then specially if the the outside you know the pending is beautiful according to your test how Carnegie alarm oh the Nigerian man we have deluded Yamaha Selassie got the midi cooling of the java the toner came under attack you didn't you hear the deep dignity not Han sang nor did things are like that so I'm again I'm not saying there is nothing good nothing bad things that think there are things which we say good things which we say bad we talk about you we talk about me I'm not saying this nor there but what I'm saying is these are based on conventional designations there's not not much substance there there's not much essence there to run after these things because if you do that you'll get into problem now here you can recall you're going for shopping in a mall when you go inside the mall the people there they arrange things beautifully because they already know you you you you will you will come to see the appearances lump-sum go chorus of the 32nd very big here in india in the case of fruit juice you know it's inside maybe like many months old but outside it looks nice some flowers some colors chalo donezo pseudo I think it not Google figure then under that they put a label saying buy one one three another way to fool you they are already hallucinate it but on top of their today they'll use all their tricks to draw your father into that quagmire of hallucination so what what I'm trying to say is that things are there you can enjoy the head good things are there bad things there but not in the way we ordinarily think if you understand that then this will help you lessen your grasping clinging the God we're in a Gordon who denied the credit sotto voce al-nimr Charles Amador's Roy Chappel children then then the attachment and negative emotions will not be there and when these things are not there you'll feel much happier when you accept grasping then if you for example buy a new watch and you're very very obsessed with it that suddenly you misplace and you lose if you feel saucier don't need 30 subs or to be careful because is already already all these things are fragile La Sirena rotten but you're wrong epidermis of the channel and it loves oh now okay came a new CD grow did the team with huge huge difference so therefore the third seal talks about Lavina let's continue where we left yesterday so we start reading from the last two lines of page two also ignorance must be near ignorance must not be perceived as a passive state of mirror non awareness rather it is a deluded state of mind fundamental miss apprehension of nature of reality or Delta in the third scene what we are talking about is all phenomenon empty and selfless meaning that all phenomena including conditioned unconditioned permanent empowerment and phenomena whatever type of phenomena it is none of this has inherent independent absolute existence empty or selfless basically same according to the Sangha comedy marriages basically same without self means without independent existence empty means empty of independent existence in the lower schools they make some differentiation which I'm not going to talk about we have not much time this one any phenomena permanent impermanent phenomena because at the end of the day these are all designations they're dependent on something so they don't have they don't have inherent independent existence but if you when you if when you think of anything that has independent inherent existent that is called ignorance Marie was aged one Mareeba ignorance so therefore what he is saying is ignorance than that the ignorance ad ignorance must not be perceived as a passive state of mere none awareness into Marie passing and Eve establish Sigma res passive state of mere none awareness means so it means ignorance is not just lack of knowledge it's not just lack of knowledge if it is just lack of knowledge then it's more excusable for example small kids if they make a mistake then we know it's because of lack of knowledge because of innocence excusable but if somebody who has the knowledge and the intention is there something let me say he is the knowledge he knows it cannot be excused so therefore ignorance must not be perceived as a passive state of mere and an awareness merely go for knowledge but it is diluted state of mind a fundamental miss approach attention of the nature of reality what is nature of reality of anything what is nature of reality nature of reality of anything men women whoever you know nature of reality is that nothing has independent existence robot they say which and so on but this stupid ignorant mind sees things as having independent existence so it's not just lack of knowledge but misconception of reality and which is more dangerous Mahim but Serena Cameron Indian the age of general Kohinoor Nicola Murray the Machine bitola law dose a misconception Union ticket and Mahima GT Concord you think a town in the pickup where Mukesh attended Warren and Rita and enormous Andrew Jade in the kingdom Pekka wada wa what is your disdain juris and this kind of Miss misapprehension misconception of reality comes through study unfortunately India with the gentleman what is jaw any tip to gdq and then take the US alone beccaboyer Rita this is clearly stated by various Indian masters such as Dharma cutie and was a bundle was one of for example tells us in his abhidharma kasha treasury of knowledge that ignorance is not simply the absence of knowledge tightening elevator but rather it is the antithesis of knowledge now here when we say knowledge means knowledge of reality the things have done things they don't have independent existence this is this ignorance is being the antithesis of knowledge it says things kept independent existence dr. Chiba it is Miss knowledge of force actively opposing knowledge today using some reason although it is wrong but using some reason as hostility opposites friendliness but rather crop initial right that data meeting in a good did not sha'ban mu'azzama image in a pejorative damage italiana in a collision occurred in a hurry and fault and falsehood opposites truth as long as being surrounded the control of this forces ignorant tinnie suffering will be there and unsatisfactoriness will always remain integral parts of their mode of peeing machine Mohini Mishima umura bottom it is because of the fact that ignorance brings all the problem that's why we go to school to get knowledge universities or to attend Dharma teachings to gain more knowledge about the reality and it's through knowledge that we are able to invent and produce so many things and especially those productions are based on right motivation then it can bring lot of benefit to human beings and we should not think they're suffering or dukkha refers only to manifest now here dukkha suffering it's not referring only to manifest physical and mental sufferings like on the level of emotion or if you have a pair not the head and things like that it's not talking just about that it is extremely important that we remember that the underlying experience of discomfort and disability session are also do cut deep down and maybe then not the manifest one but deep down there is an experience of discomfort in this inspection then there's two car and especially here we talk about achieving near one or liberation we are talking about the condition suffering the fact that your psychophysical aggregate itself is conditioned by negative emotions and kinetic contaminant actions and therefore this sack of physical aggregate itself is susceptible to sufferings and problems our mind is very sensitive if people say slightly you know negative thing to you you get so unhappy red Domino catch of the do solid or somebody I give you an example convincing example the same buddy got a touch of the Heritage over for example this this curse a DC corner react or no virus way corner away see this are way corner WA the score no virus you know this is happening primarily in Wuhan in China and people are cost terrified there and then few stray cases in some other countries and then this has been made into such a big issue and unnecessarily people are getting here here here in terms of people started going to medical center by that to Akhenaten ancient world that the ramudu's another fear manic touch anemia Samuel so Dora because of the strong grasping to yourself if there's a thunder and lightning okay governor then you start thinking it that the lightning will first fall hit on your head a gaggle of all people giggles oh this is called unnecessary suffering because of strong grasp into yours just before coming here I was I was you know watching the latest news about this corn corn Oh virus Australian you know group still in physicians they have isolated their virus from a patient and now they're there they are studying on it so there there was a big achievement you know now now they can watch that virus and then use some injections and then see how how to control it it's only did manage to do it's a big success so when you hear that thank god this is emerging and the most important things not just this virus you know what daily love you need to protect yourself you know having a good sense of health you know it's not like that I mean there are so many people just right in front then this year when the Hingham and one once once when ever starts leading for its Ole Miss group of newcomers from TV came to see soreness many elderly people were there so they're all listening with great faith with soreness and then suddenly one very elderly person in front of his home they feel this is happy you know so we need to like change this kind of a habit to protect ourselves she's nice chain up resemble detail go do their things you know so sometimes unnecessarily we need to protect our Cellini to be careful but there's no point to develop unnecessary fear figure monkey assembly server condom Kumasi as your say little low pass on Yoda's condom Kumasi the convertible aquemini some longer you do come up Chavez individual if you are sitting alone in your room if you're fearful of ghost ghost is not there but because you have dead fear and when when suddenly a cup Falls or something or ghost is there it through the cup down to the Mooney user as if they're a bunch of ghost is unemployed and looking for somebody to name our what to denote you in currently agam everything also nobody around good intended una llamada some looks like he'll do adi right so do cut refers only not only to manifest physically mental suffering it is extremely important that we remember that the underlying experience of discomfort and this is dissatisfaction and also dukkha by contemplating these two marks of conditioned existence impermanence dukkha one can develop genuine renunciation do me a valium Messner unless you have a very good understanding of suffering the three types of ring of sufferings have not changed condition suffering the ships of Wadena then you will develop some you you will make an effort you develop some wish to come out of their suffering doing no materna Maria Divine is famous text for adversity says : did you hear me but Alicia gajala rajim landonation didn't watch a vodka so there there in its foreign reverses he says one who is not tired of this cycle of existence will never develop respect to Nirvana liberation and it gives example by saying if you are very happy with your present house or home why should you think about moving to America or Canada well but in your particular home if there's a conflict among the family members or other problems they re then you starting Kercheval cordova naka cousin and then day and night you thing about moving somewhere live good one similarly if you get some sense of the rampant kind of many layers of suffering that is afflicting us the more you recognize that the more you will find the cure the more you will long to Egypt that complete liberation complete freedom if that is not there it will not be there so this two thing understanding impermanence suffering it's so so important to make the true journey to Buddhahood general initiation in aggressed wa one can develop general region and renunciation renunciation means not only Jusuru renunciation basically means this English word renunciation I don't know how much it conveys the meaning but Tibetan word for renunciation is in angel which means definite literally translated which means definite emergence that means definite wish to come out of this quagmire of samsara or softening don't increase means Oh so therefore the renunciation is really something that must be developed from within your mind with the proper understanding of the suffering renunciation is not just living home and becoming a monk or thrown throwing away all your possessions no and somebody did it actually at the time of Milarepa when he stole malaria but he got so inspired malaria pays nothing nothing he was very inspired and he said I should also be like malaria but then he start through throwing over all his positions tell us am i you and you may need somebody Jellico mentally after two three days is not mentally ready like Milarepa so after two three days tattoo lawyer America Telemar was started suffering Nicola then he said this fellow Milarepa not only he is a beggar he made me a beggar malaria the crumpled wave amassing upon who syllabus so it's not throwing everything's when you are metal it already if you are mentally ready if you have no attachment then having possessions is not problem but the suttas need all the positions in the world to help others we share classically McGorry do telepathy Network and Colonel dowdy avoids all four people it's not so much about the positions it's really about your mind your stingy mind right so general initiation renunciation audibly felt spontaneous wish to be free from the bondages spontaneous means human Kaduna but another Commission budget Ummah if we if we get you know a lot of suffering you know then you continuously thing about their suffering some good one didn't he if you develop this longing to get away from samsara day and night effortlessly continuously then that is the measure that you have developed general renunciation well that's what you see the question then arises is it buddy then the question arise is it possible for an individual to end in such a state of freedom that did this is a very important question we talk about Nero honestly speaking it almost looks like unapproachable right originally speaking because when we talk about liberation we are talking about a state where you have none of these negative emotions is it possible almost like impossible and especially in today to the science they don't talk about negative emotion and in fact there's all these emotions are necessary too much of anger is maybe bad but some element of anger is good that's what they are saying even scientist is supposed to be thinking the famous statement fight and flight response came from their fight and flight response means if you have some of this you know fear and other emotions then there is a risk there is a danger you can run away run away so this emotions the help of their necessary love good one and then of course those of us who don't think we think this negative image has the necessary attachment is important I'll bring closer to this person anger is necessary I'll kick away this enemy things like that some good one so the question arises is it necessary and then is it possible but but don't worry about near on don't worry about near on that thing that you need to understand right now is a very special unique quality of the mind which is different from the physical body is that the mind can be trained to a limitless state unlike the body in the case of the body how much our training exercise you give there is a limit beyond which it will not be able to go for example you may be today the Vols number one gold medalist in long jump the world's number one in addition to that you do more practice but it will never happen that used you will be able to jump from one mountain to another mountain have you seen one like that doubling honky-tonk chorus the Reaper is due to be or Cindy pineal body because and likewise water you boil and boil it become hot and or then 100 degree after that what changes into vapor till it's a dream though the numerous semla the interesting thing with this mind is it has like many many countless terabytes gigabytes whatever you know you can put inside it and the mind will never say I'm come little fool bring bring another pen drive the leg Marva kumoi it's very interesting so that shows the capacity to develop all these positive qualities and the capacity to remove negative emotions for the time being don't worry about nero and enlightenment but one thing that you can clearly see is if you make an attempt you will become more calm less angry and happier start from there start from there so this is where the significance of the third seal becomes evident that that I have already explained that things do not have independent existence things are dependent so therefore you can develop the positive qualities remove the negative qualities because negative emotions sufferings they are also dependent on causes and conditions if you remove the questions of conditions they will not arise similarly with the positive emotions positive practices they are also dependent on causes and conditions and if you cultivated the course in conditions you can develop these positive emotions so the path from impermanence and unsatisfactoriness to selflessness is quite clear we already discuss you will learnt from the principle of dependent origination their things and even do not come into being with or kosis we also noted their suffering and unsatisfactory conditions are caused by our own delusions not just by any course but our own delusions and contaminated actions induced by them the underlying root of all delusions is the fundamental ignorance what is ignorance now ignorant means the kojiki Horsa ignorance means seeing things as having that they have got a border right the underlying root of all delusions is fundamental ignorance mishap rending the nature of reality what is the nature reality huh what natural realities that things are interconnected interrelated but this ignorant mind says things have independent inherent existence Murray posit this ignorance is a state of misconception we already read that since it miss apprehends the nature of reality it has no valid grounding Malita the mind the wisdom mind that sees things as having dependent existence that has valid grounding because things exist by depend on each other and the mind perceives that reality whereas in the case of ignorance it has no valid grounding because the reality is there things dependent but this stupid mind sees things as having independent existence there's the meaning this one in fact it efference reality in a manner contradicted to the way things actually are things actually armies in actuality things are in the nature of depending on each other depending on question conditions this one hence it is an error nurse erroneous and distorted state of mind this is so it opens up for us the real possibility of eradicating it anything there is mistaken wrong can be removed just like the misc opposite perception of the coil coil of rope as a snake as I explained yesterday remember that that's very helpful right and when you remove this misconception you remove your fear in the beginning when you have this misconception seeing the coil of rope as a snake there's no no's name but you develop an equal amount of fear as if there is a real snake you would not want them I mean you would want so when you eradicate that ignorance then you achieve the fourth seal which is liberation there are we can accomplish this by generating the insight they can penetrate the illusion created by this misconception so we need to develop based on true cessation to cessation means of negative emotions negative emotions come to an end that true cessation is the state that's free from the distorted way of perceiving the world it is an actuality that you can bring about within your own mental container so we are not talking in Hindi we say how am i but can occur AHA this is something that you can actually if that's what they say it's not a mere ideal the nature of cessation is true peace in the one s peace this is the fourth sale because this is a piece because you have removed all the negative emotions it's this negative emotions that makes your life agitated turbulent now you are turbulent free the peaceful hence the fourth principle neuron is true peace is also directly relevant to your practice da da da new Buddha to summarize to summarize what we are saying is we all agreed that we all want not only peace not only happiness but long lasting happiness that is some low-key world many people you know some people in fact from long distance you know called me and asked me if you'll I'm very interested in studying Buddhism but how to start can I go to her still Dawa so my simple view is or answer is there first you need to ask this question to yourself whether I want happiness or not whether I want longest happiness or more start from there be realistic be practical and once you develop this clear understanding that I want long lasting happiness then you ask the next question from where this long lasting happiness will come there long lasting happiness will come by understanding the reality the way things are because much of this problem is we already discussed arises from misconception ignorance which produces all the negative emotions when you develop all these negative emotions your mind becomes distorted for example when you get angry when you get angry you're not able to analyze what is right what is wrong wha when you get angry you become made new much avoir yourselves Anakin did you see all those people who are called as med what what is the definition why wait do we call them mad we call those people mad because that person is unable to make a discrimination better what he's saying what he's thinking consume we don't love can you meet assembly your negativity making it eligible akuto so you become exactly that when you get angry a clear indication is that when you angry you say almost so many things when when the anger has cooled down didn't you realize your mistake not appear nor chef defuse the most honest anima the pal used in accordance algo y similarly attachment all the syndicate emotions when when they arise then it confuses your mind it clouds your mind you are not able to see the reality raah and when you are not able to see the reality you become little bit of crazy you will become a little bit mad and you make stupid decisions and enojado then an armadillo human if you are somebody who is very fond of sweets and if you don't take time to judge how it's good for you not good for you to eat too much sweet or not just because of this temptation you know if you don't analyze don't think just keep on eating the next days now cousin or mozarta go human you do mundo so what what what I'm saying is even on these small things whatever you drink as much as possible analyze it analyze it and this is a common sight these days because in the internet and computers so many informations available you know you eat banana this is so good for your health this is you know these their support then people start thinking all I have to do is just keep on eating banana you do one another I mean there's no not one thing which will solve all your problems there may be some good things there in banana and other good things and some other things but but you should use all this in a measured state you know then it will be useful great right so therefore the key question is I want happiness I want a long lasting happiness and everyone near one means long lasting happiness so you're basically saying I want long lasting happiness from where I will get it from the wisdom understanding the reality why do I have to develop this wisdom understanding emptiness or reality because I suffer because of not knowing the reality there's the point these four seals are really really important I think I've just scratched the surface and you need to spend more time read more book and then you'll get some sense not just difficult to these books sometimes these days there are some easy-to-understand explanations also start from there and then go little bit deeper slowly slowly the main thing that he this text is saying is there is a gap between appearance and reality there is a gap between appearance and reality appearances are deceptive youngja both homes in the Raymond wad hollow silver appearances the deceptive appearances deceptive number-one appearances themselves the deceptive and secondly according to the brain science the brain itself is deceptive the brain makes stories what you see from there the brain makes stories and yesterday I spoke about this this word cognitive shortcut there I said that in in in a short time relatively short of you we are bombarded with so many information that your mind simply can't handle all of this information then what you do you pick and choose something that is relevant to you that you think may be not necessarily relevant good but you think is relevant and then then you you play with it cognitive shortcut and the information that you normally collect is something that may be something that you think is good but actually these are good maybe temporarily at the best not more than that right so therefore as much as possible it is important to use your common sense although common sense is not very common but we did as much as possible to I was reading a book where he says yes we all need common sense but what we get is common sense there are common sense but that should not discourage us we should really take time reflect and read and think about some of these teachings and if you really want to make your life meaningful and then then of course when we talk about you know becoming happy you are making our life meaningful what is the way what is the way to make your life meaningful what do you think is the way to make your life meaningful many people think my life will be meaningful if I live long I will be happy if I live long there's again grasping of permanence if I don't live long now since you already heard about this the first seal which spoke lot about death you might have started thinking all life is meaningless I'm going to die that's wrong you can make your life meaningful today if you live properly nicely harmoniously today dead today is part of your life apart from today apart from this hour there is no separate thing called your life so there's how you make your life meaningful and if you don't do that even if you're long live long very very long you will not be able to make your life meaningful I have repeatedly told this all the Indian story of this father you know didn't I tell the story this time father who a man gentleman who lived for 1,000 years did I tell this story this time no so there's that there was a gentleman who lived for 1,000 years and drink this course of 1000 years he married one hundred women so then with this marriage he had one hundred sons so when he when he was one thousand years old the Lord of the Dead came the messenger of the Lord of the Dead came and he said you live very long now you are one thousand years old it's your time to go then you know what he said yes I know I 1,000 years old but I don't want to die I want to live long still you can take one of my son's in place of me so we are like that we want to live live live live and then the the messenger death goes to the eldest son and he says the same thing he said no no I don't want to go talk to my younger brother who gives them keeps on going down and down down and finally he meets that youngest son who was only 15 years old then he said are you ready to go I said yes yes I want to go and he was shocked how come did your father who lived 1,000 years then your all your elder sons they lived elder brothers they lived so low nobody wants to go and while you're so excited he said no my reason is that if my father and all my elders as they lived so long it didn't get anything I don't think I will get anything by living long so I am excited to go it's a very very beautiful story so the point is it's not by living long but it's living properly nicely each moment each day each hour that you you can make your life meaningful just by showing a small gesture of smiling to somebody extending a helping hand you know bringing more harmony where there is no harmony more unity where there's no unity these are the ways to bring happiness and make your life meaningful robot there's important it was very important life may be short but it will be wonderful if we know how to live it properly and I will be like heaven and I will be heaven if you know how to live properly I get this one this is somewhere I don't know whether I can find it but he basically says basically he said somewhere that we talk about heaven going to heaven but I said heaven will be here right with us if you are able to live a life full of love full of compassion full of harmony there's an there's really heaven and it's possible heaven is not a separate place where you go and then you stretch out and relax know heaven is a state of your mind you can be happy right it's very important all right and then there is a peace from Einstein we shall read for you but you should next time but what I'm trying to do is use some of these Buddhist teachings related to thoughts of some eminent scientists and philosophers of the world to make sense right so here Albert Einstein on the interconnectedness of our faiths and our mightiest counter force against injustice and he says there is a human right which is infrequently mentioned but which seems to be distrained to become very important this is the right or the duty of the individual to abstain from cooperating in activities which he considers wrong or pernicious see important even if we are not able to go out in the thick of the problem and fight and challenge but we should not be an accomplice of the wrongdoers Gandhi too spoke about non-cooperation is very important and he says we must meant what has been torn apart there's our job our job is not to divide clear things apart break things apart which crazy people do all the time our our our our job is we must amend what has been torn apart what is following we must raise it up make justice imaginable again in a world so obviously unjust don't say everybody in just unjust therefore I should also join them no in fact justice is needed where there is no justice and give happiness a meaning once more but that mending is patient steadfast often unglamorous world it is the work of choosing now the work the real work is choosing kindness over fear again and again never get discouraged again and again in the smallest of everyday ways those tiny triumphs of the human spirit which converge if you do that you'll get happiness and I'm sure if you just try to recall you all have this this experience and a small thing that I did once in which I can never forget is when I was in Delhi there was a little girl maybe seven six seven years old with beggar not disabled here with little you know and whenever I see this little handsome people you know boys and girls begging and I feel very sad so this little hand you know stretching out I give ten rupees imagine 10 rupees is nothing and then she took that ten rupee and then I went on the other side of the road to go to some other place in a three-wheeler so when I just wrote in the three-wheeler this little girl still standing there and when I looked to her hand that's what I'm saying small things you can make others happy but I don't need big things small things there are many people who have nothing small things Chimbote egg is a Malta this is what is saying in the work of choosing kindness over fear again again in the smallest of everyday ways those tiny terms of human spirit which converge in the current of courage there is the only force by which this world has ever changed if you live in a society live in a world where nobody shows kindness what will you expect from the Amina there's so many people who had nobody to talk to lot of problems you know I have so many stories like that when I was working with His Holiness in his office so very often you know the office asked me to meet those people who come to see so less because you know all of these people can't see his holiness so they did just throw me down and Cielo go down and try to answer them you know take care of them so once I went down there was a black woman with her with her son very young sir the she started saying all our problems I just listened and then after that I started when I started opening my mouth and started saying something you know what he said I don't need any answer from you you're the first person who listened to me so patiently thank you so much and she cried you know touched my hand and left with happiness I'm not saying I have any special power nothing but sometimes you know what I'm saying is there are people who want to say something but nobody to tell to know but you can't fight true and this is one example I have many stories like this right so it's important you need to bring bring hope in the mind of people that's what I'm saying that's why I'm reading this there's what Albert Einstein examined in a beautiful autobiography piece titled the world as I see it the world as I see it I've circulated this to many many places you remember you got it last time two of my students are here you you were also probably there so I did this exactly like Buddha's teaching so all people understand in this piece the world as I see it originally published in the 1930 issue of the magazine forum and century and later included in ideas and opinions in the public library the invaluable compendium there give us our instance reflection on the secret to his thought process the common language of science and his increasingly timely message to posterity merav German Sallah three centuries after Newton popularized his famous standing on the shoulders of giants metaphor an instant right so this is what he say so Einstein says how strange is the lot of us mortals meta Wahiawa how strange is the lot of us mortals each of us he is here for a brief sojourn how did the human madaba King Ghidorah for what purpose he knows not though he sometimes thinks he sends his it but we thought you know and he thinks about dog mundo but without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people I was older than me and OCD here Madoka Demarest mission de su listen first of all for those upon who smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent Sylvania in a Korean are one and then for the many unknown to us to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy there for instances a hundred times every day I mean he's a great thinker a hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life were based on the labor of other men Correa who though living in debt and that therefore I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure I have received and I'm still receiving candy owatta I am strongly drawn to a frugal life Missy gave which I don't try to live a luxurious life to what I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and I'm often oppressively aware that I'm engrossing an undue amount of labour for my fellow man I regard class distinctions Tamarack eh eh da I regard class decisions as unjustified in the end in the last resort based on force they what I also believed that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody there Thomas a change in our way or support a physically and mentally simple life so beautiful reflecting on the a replicable subjectivity of the notion of the meaning of life instant considers his own and he says to inquire about the meaning or objects of one's own existence or that of all creatures has always simply to me absurd from an objective point of view and yet everybody has certain ideas which determine the direction of his endeavors and his judgments in this sense but the in distance I have never looked upon ease and happiness as in ends in themselves so subtest de Jenna Jenna Jenna did the Dragons of the dreamers they think this is tickle bases I call the idol of a pigsty the ideals Takanawa naked two notches that the idols which have lighted my way and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness energy summoning the salawa never the beauty beauty city karina yahwah chatter to it mm determined each rotation if Beauty means I mean if you if you have the way to see I mean all this beautiful the mountains the rivers that people you know really beautiful Miller took stand immediately chelated were beautiful Beauty kindness beauty and truth now in the case of kindness he says without the sense of kinship with men of like mind chicks yet the beauty individual without the occupation with the objective world and then the truth the eternally unattainable in the field of art scientific endeavors - Ximena life would have seemed to me empty I miss it - Mauricio dinamarca he do what he did so so what what I'm trying to drive it is that the more and more you see the truth the reality then the more and more you will be able to appreciate beauty and [Music] your your relation with other human beings and the need to take your part and responsibility to make this life or make this world a better place to live in right - did you say thank you don't use image or import image upon a majority opinion Bernabeu Kunekune - Thomas M giant I'm jaded on danger rating and autumn he thought Obama dr. Joseph O'Connor Isuzu tadakuni Melampo urology oh yeah - Gigi
Channel: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
Views: 2,579
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Geshe Lhakdor, Tibetan Library, dharamsala, kobe bryant, basketball, dead, about dead, ltwa, passang tsering
Id: nwJj_Pu3t_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 44sec (4724 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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