The Four Seals of Buddhism | Day 01 | Language English

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so the text we are going to read this time I mean not much to read but the texture we are going to discuss today will be quite interesting as well as challenging so kind of background I will read something that I wrote before these days what I try to do is not only talking but I collect some really really important relevant points and just read them which is more impactful than my trying to say something on the spot right to that give 84,000 teachings during the course of his life than to deny America zina this very large number aloo states the idea that the Buddhist teachings are so extensive the people in all kinds of different situations can find within them something that meets their particular need Kodama not faster in fact he gave various levels of teachings to suit the various needs and mental dispositions of his followers his teachings are based on the idea that all beings experience life as a cycle of birth and death and rebirth samsara he taught that the aim is to escape from this cycle of suffering and that there is nothing about us or about what we experience that is eternal and unchanging there's nothing that is eternal and unchanging although there's what we think flux is pervasive flux means change is pervasive today Ivana Gillian Cho robotics record share one primarily the Dharma he taught was essentially in accordance to the law of natural decay Emery the Dharma that he taught was in accordance with the law of nature jarasandha and ramadasu young men but in accordance with the law of nature and hence a historical with the speaks of universal truths and addresses the universal human situation out of which one of the most important is our desire to have lasting happiness and to shun suffering so the key question is how to obtain long lasting happiness when yeah the key question is how to obtain long lasting happiness in an impermanent and changing world things are changing things are impermanent there's what we are going to talk and then to try to achieve the long lasting happiness in a changing world there's the challenge he taught the wonderful part of finding happiness in our daily life and also to find lasting happiness in the form of achieving neuron Harbor or complete enlightenment for this it is important to first understand the some of the salient features of law of nature like nature of causality and interconnected reality and these are the topics that he taught right after his enlightenment therefore the foundational view of philosophical we tended systems of Buddhism which distinguishes it from others is the view of for promulgations or exams or for sills that we are going to read charge' he's charged a husana just like king putting a seal and then asking his citizens that you should not violate it you should follow it so if you are Buddhist on the one hand you had to follow the Buddhist on another is to follow the Buddhist philosophy the summary of Buddhist philosophy is the for since this for sins talks about the Buddhist philosophy which you should not violate if you are Buddhist philosophically you must understand this accept this and follow this and in terms of your conduct behavior you should take refuge to Buddha Dharma and Sangha and if you violate it again you are violating the needed conduct that must be followed by a Buddhist have a change to base any direction charge ahead and Dawa Jabez any camera zoom zoom Gita challenge I demand of us this award so what are these for since all conditioned things are impermanent all contaminated things are suffering all phenomenal selfless or without self and transcendence of suffering his peace this for are also referred to as force summaries that the minimum will to Dom he to jindo he chuji chuji he any pyranometers each other he does the minimum without WA for summaries it give this is called for summaries as it gives a summary explanation about the condition phenomena and unconditioned phenomena so maneuver so given the inexhaustible nature and right of conditioned and in conditioned unconditioned phenomena in exhaustible nature and right of the conditioned an unconditioned phenomena means if you are to count the number of conditioned phenomena and unconditioned phenomena its countless you can't count it right so this his teaching is basically summarized into the four points this one how coati dear osteology ah let me say a little bit about these four sins falses as I said summary just as in the water a and a part that is in the tantric part the meaning of the two later a one a once a jury dinner now somebody do you see or just as in the water a and a part the meaning of the two later a one is a sealed promulgation of the great Dharma King that summarizes the principle meaning covering the whole of 84,000 classes of teachings similarly not shown it in a similarly in the wisdom perfection purge it all in the wisdom perfection vehicle also this presentation of the four seals is also the seal of the great Dharma King that covers the 84,000 classes of teaching dough journey Chuck the he knows how many others not only a WOM CSC not hasn't addressed the coaching with you'd what among the Sutra teachings of the Buddha on the fossils that Rob's 16 on the hinted among the Sutra teachings of the Buddha on the fossils there's the shortest form of form of questions of area sub area circle Nagaraju pretenama Mahayana sutras which have distributed the do so Gigi did or a logic so what these top with a capital K bazooka villager and the local community ninja colony during body similarly area Tata cottage in Telugu way in addition Mahayana Sutra Loretta nourishes Sutra the ligament wheel which explains more of the fossils comparing to other sutras in the cases of that engine Allah in the cases of Shastras treat rises by Indian scholars explaining the fossils there is the Sutra commentary of area Shia medina de sutra the root and commentary of sutra al-ankara the root and commentary bodhisattva Bumi and so forth man we are the pelvic cavity were likewise division scholars also written commentaries like the one by freedom among chamber rendang she jacuzzi Juma firm and so on ha any the latest one by the gain lab remember no weapon saw in Tibet on the four seals which the library has published both in Tibet in English if you want to do further reading I recommend to buy and read it so that way you're also helping library I'm also doing the business now see buy our books ok innumerable teachings of various length and content from the 100,000 verses visit on perfection sutra to the one letter of wisdom perfection sutra are given by the Buddha Hasini charity democracy ready to better serve the varied mental dispositions of followers let me submit a job and I mean the cheeky finger matter here and somebody among this very teachings the teachings of the fossils is well-known to all Buddhist scholars be capable so much arduous the onerous Scott and winkeny are you listening for this fossils for the first time now I make it a point tava cottagey charge' here poor still taking your elevated core data the fossils or the for promulgated seals of Buddhist view refers callate la cocina refer to those essential and concise points of the sublime teachings of buddha that are tightly bound by the promulgations of the buddha and thus are not to be trespassed or go beyond the boundary if you are Buddhist you must follow and exhibit this Buddhist philosophy if you cross this boundary then you naturally lose from belonging to the class of those accepting the Buddhist view and philosophy direction the gerbera it is because of this crucial point and to ensure that his followers do not trespass this demarcation the compassionate Buddha in many of his sutras taught the forces Tanjung a loss aid a legitimate Amanda was aged what or did that the loss sorry this one then let us let us kind of start by doing a prayer together the diction arsenal your refuge in Buddha Cheeta prayer before we read the actual text let us do this prayer together so he showed us all sha na na city ready in the Buddha Dharma and excellent assembly I take refuge until i attain enlightenment through the accumulation of practicing giving and so on May 18 Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings then we read this text together here are some poor Indian Doris Angela assume this is the for since the noble Mahayana sutra the question of the Naga King suited media justice even though she didn't name the inda prostration to all Buddha's and Bodhisattvas thus I did here at one time the Bhagawan was dwelling at the place of the Naga King Sagara together with a great assembly of 1250 big shoes as well as a multitude of Bodhisattvas and Maha siddhis at that time the Bachmann said to the Naga King Sagara Lord of the Nagas if one utters this for aphorisms of the dharma in uttering them one is expressing all 84,000 articles of the dharma what are the four they are as follows what the nature is each other hid the determiner in the sanjay kapoor did he do de medici ways yahuwah what are the four they are as follows in the to fully engage in understanding the inexhaustible doctrine of the Bodhisattvas and mossad was that all compounded phenomena are impermanent to fully engage in understanding the inexhaustible doctrine of the Bodhisattvas and Mozart was that all contaminated Fino are suffering to fully engage in understanding the inexhaustible doctrine of the Bodhisattvas and masa was that all phenomena without self to fully engage in understanding the inexhaustible erosion of the Bodhisattvas and masa was the neuro nice piece Lord of the nagas he one addressed this for aphorisms of Dharma in uttering them one is expressing all 84,000 articles of the Dharma when the Bhagwan has spoken in this way the big shoes and Bodhisattvas rejoiced and greatly oppressed the teachings of the Buddha this completes the noble - Sutra the question of the naga king sutra changed or ditchin also those who can read ribbit and most of the Tibetans you should get the Tibetan copy of this and read it what what does race ha that they develop the chief signa Rama not the Lord and King Rama do do Jerry children Hindi deduce explanation of the four seals of Buddhism the four seals axioms NGK say axioms an extreme the aphorism said didn't you new seeker one unity under David Haden unity the four seals axioms that are common to all schools of Buddhism have a profound significance for the practitioner the entire civil today the phenomena the discursive or WA the first seal career as silk array all conditioned things that impermanent that is the first scene the first seal states that all composing phenomena impermanent what does that mean the nature of impermanence is explored to its fullest extent in the tenets of the certainty school today bar according to this view all composite phenomena in permanent impermanent correlation in that they are momentary madaba City litigating in you don't see auras the very conditions that brought them into being also caused their disintegration that means normally when you are born then you think the course that made you born is good then we think the cause for the death should be a separate course some good one the numerous the very course which produced you is also the cause for your death there's what he's saying the very condition that brought them into being anything you or three or any impermanent thing that the very condition that brought any condition thing into being also is the cause for their disintegration for their passing away for their death for their demise anything or event that comes into being as a result of other factors that they looked at I like this very much anything or in any event that comes into being as a result of other factors here today Yoona does not record a secondary condition for it is disintegration him body gamma rays gentle rocky core amoeba sweetie the moment it comes into existence the process of disintegration is already begun the moment that means when you were born the first moment you're born you're already subjected to old age who are already subjected to disintegration in an in fact from the very second moment aging has started Kapoor shall go - oh sorry give him go - that give us again I mean a given constant sorry normally we think aging means when you're over 60 or something when you hair becomes white and you your forehead gathers her wrinkles and things like the but no from the very second moment so aging means changing the state from one to another that's aging and the good thing with aging is it comes slowly and unknowingly the legal union of the Sergio Mora you already changed from yesterday to today and even from the time when you've entered and until now you already changed the only thing good thing is you have not good or bad I don't know is you don't notice it you don't notice it now science is proving there and the change is so much there in our human life that it said after every seven years after seven years your whole body's completely changed completely so order you may or may not believe this that is the reality and there is therefore there's this story of a convict who was imprisoned for certain criminal deeds but he had learnt about this scientific finding so after seven years he said now I'm completely different person police released me from the prison Wow so conditioned for it is the moment it comes in to exist in the process of disintegrations already begun in other words the mechanism for cessation is built into the system itself the mechanism for cessation means mechanism for demise mechanism for death mechanism for aging is built into our system itself now look at this so don't thing you know you're you're not going to die you're not going to that's what we unfortunately what we normally think it is as if things and even scary the seed of their eventual demise so they never say this is a kindred your unique hundred Aoyama if you still don't understand it then try to watch a documentary on the internals of human body how the lungs breathe how the cells function how the heart bombs and things like that you will be shocked to do that very fragile now why we need to discuss things like this weh-weh do we need to discuss things like this some people who don't miss don't understand Buddhism they say Buddhism is a very pessimistic religion it talks about that it talks about impermanence it talks about suffering no Buddhism is not pessimistic Buddhism is realistic Buddhism never tries to fool you by saying everything's good everything's perfect you're not going to die it's not saying that it's talking both about the day and the night we all like sunshine right but imagine if there is just light and no darkness you will all get crazy why because it's because of the night that in the day you may had a lot of problem but after a nice sleep then you you do away all your problems difficulties next morning you come out as well and neck as kind of nice new person new energy that is the advantage I mean we need to do a lot of research on these things so before I forget one thing that I want to explain to you is and ask you this question ask you this question and then later on for your understanding I'll read some interesting articles there's one article which says which talks about our yearning for immortality the day some Okuda was that what our yearning for immortality and why we long for permanence in a universe of constant change he made some budget poor poor look Gupta colonists were lifting a hero using a tiller Paul I give you read or if you even ask a very elderly person say 95 years old and who is sick who will day at any moment if you go to that old man had asked about his death imminent that when are you when are you going to die are you going to die soon he will say yes I'm going to die soon but not today what the car needed he the he'll be three humanity humanity he was there's the problem so why we long for permanence in a universe of constant change what is it this this one saying that everything's in the flux everything is changing you know the famous statement which says you cannot step into the same river twice come questionology to ERT Turner should Reserva next time you put your feet in the water it's a it's a different water what so what what what are we trying to discuss by saying this all our negative emotions come from grasping seeing things as permanent permanent grasping whatever you fancy whatever you like I want to have this I want to enjoy I want to live with this person forever I want to live in this house forever you know it is because of this grasping you get all the problems so it is for the purpose of relaxing this grasping that we need to understand impermanence and we should not be frightened by impermanence we shouldn't really should not one of the writer he says you should not be frightened by thinking about short life and this this article says I am tempted to read this he says we suffer from a hallucination hallucination means from a false and distorted sensation of our own existence as living organism we don't know about our our life it is almost abandoned to say so yet it needs to be stressed continually continually unless you are told you are impermanent you're going to die unless you you are you're you know told about this continuously you forget I used to do this myself when I was not translating for His Holiness the Dalai Lama when I was a student in the Institute of Buddhist dialectics and yet in his teachings I get so inspired and moved then I said I will now do some practice I'm determined to do some practice but that the determination you know how long it lasts I until to the gate of the temple because inside the temple when you are listening you get so inspired now I'll do practice as soon as you step out of that threshold of the temple and mingle with this sea of human beings it really looks like saying welcome back to the familiar world radiometer and then we forget again so that's why it is important to to talk about these things repeatedly related to your life's experience count the number of people you know who's that you have seen you experience not to unnecessarily frighten you but to really remember and the teachings text is they say that even if you see the death of a fly you should say I'm not different from this one so what is the benefit again of thinking like that that I'm going to die I mean parent what is the benefit one as I said you're grasping two things will loosen the more you loosen your tight hold grasping two things the more you will be free like for example - see this I like this and I didn't hold on to it it looks like I got it but look at the situation of my hand my hands are not free do tell meaning the or solution jaded top Susan guilty but the moment they relax it I'm free I can sing I can dance oh did I raise your peasant Asuna she has not there therefore he is saying yet this is not a Buddhist text written by a very famous Western scholar but comes to the same point yet it needs to be stressed continually all is creation always changed all these flags all this metamorphosis but then LS it maybe it is also intolerably discomfort discomfiting to accept here is it you feel uncomfortable right Hingham yelling maybe baggage assembles a lovely method rushing to dig into looks Larry seen a millimeter which is a woman's you are the wild human being who never thinks about that shiney Ahuja symbol but the realities realities meter rushing to some oxygen dilute the demarcation between a person is living and person that is dead is just this bread when you breathe out and candle breathing that is called death there is called dead this is called death there's way in the in the poster that I put there so that in the poster advertisement I put this one from some other source one day we will we all will depart on a journey free of cost ordinarily you have to buy your train to get here to get it's not free but one day we all will depart on a journey free of cost don't worry about seat reservation it's confirmed ordinary journey you need to do a lot of confirmation right don't worry about seat reservation it is confirmed the flight is always on time Delana Mejia Dukes here at the camera flight is on time and he got a locker key to earn our good deeds will be our luggage now today even when we are alive you know when you travel you are not allowed to carry too much then they will call it excess baggage and they will charge you know but at that time you can't carry anything our good deeds will be our luggage and humanity will be our passport if you helped if you had while alive serve human beings or sentient beings then you have the passport not the ordinary passport love will be our visa make sure we do our best to travel safely in the business class that is the hint women that used a garden it is also intolerably discomfiting to accept which is why we retreat into our hallucination yeah hemming and karate in Tibet way I was saying if you see somebody engaging in many destructive activities then we say meaty here everything is do like though yeah worried OCD then we say this person never thinks about that meaning if you really think about that your whole life will change if you really think not just talking if you really think if you talk about near one it's good if you talk about enlightenment it is good but it would not make much impact to you because near one is far you don't have any experience enlightenment is for you do not have any experience you are so just talking us you know you can see you talk about something good it will not make much change but if you talk something about you your debt your imminent death that is the it for everybody bad news another bad news is not only the time of death is not only death is definite but the time of death is indefinite the time of death is indefinite this morning or yesterday I was reading this Kobe Bryant the famous basketball player he was killed in a helicopter crash with his young daughter nine people all of them got killed see Kobe Bryant one of the greatest NBA players of all time and the superstar who transcended sports was killed and he was a very special skillful player according to TMZ sports in the New York Times Brown's daughter Gianna was also killed in the crash but he's dead but he has shown something in his life for 20 seasons Koba showed us what is possible when remarkable talent blends with an absolute devotion to winning whatever good thing you are doing he was one of the most extraordinary players in the history of our game with accomplishment that a legendary five NBA championship and NBA MVP award 18 NBA all-star selection and two Olympic gold medals till Allah but he will be remembered most for inspiring people around the world there's my point we are all going to die sooner later but if you live and do something then that good good deed that you do will last for a long long time but he will be remembered most for inspiring people around the world to pick up a basketball and compete to the very best of their leti he was generous with wisdom he acquired and saw it as his mission to share with future generation of players taking special delight in passing down his love and the game to Janna and so forth there is life we can go any time so what you still might think so what one day everybody's going today so well so while I'm not there right now so I will enjoy the here a keyboard key match it and see what you do so we are going today to enjoy life that's what we normally think there's a little bit stupid little bit stupid because many of the destructive things that we do ego is because we don't realize the importance of our human life hopefully ting it is right so therefore it is important to not to misuse this human life but rather to use it for benefiting many others so let me continue this one I'm reading all these articles and explaining things to you so that you are able to understand these things much more clearly not just reading a traditional Buddhist textbook which sometimes may be difficult to understand but the content is really similar it is also intolerably dis competing to accept which is why we retreat into our hallucination yeah episode or we resist to change yatta-ankou human do electro summary we long for immortality and we cling to the notion of the self despite its ever-changing essence in Ignacio did you thought was a day over a is changing all the time but still we hold on to it and ensures assurance of our own permanence in an impermanent universe meta well not what the incident the GG immediate annuity which again there's some load on us that when we talk about death and impermanence we can always read this Holy Scriptures which is very good but what is even more convincing will be thing about those impermanent including death that you had experienced in your own life for example this gentleman light man Ellen Lightman is named he tells his own story Lightman begins with the bittersweet beauty of a deeply human right of passage his own experience bittersweet as he walked his eldest daughter down the aisle Puma Quixote and some lutein that's all radiant in her white dress a white the halia inner air she asked to hold his hand and something else and he asked to hold his hand watch on saladna stop imoogi medical power watch Angela something else something heavy yet in Esquibel gripped Lightman's heart you know if you are somebody who's aware and thinking then every moment every relation every touch you feel and you see it with awareness then you realize what is it now he raised this for example something else something heavy yet in escapable press I am I gripped Lightman's heart and he writes it was a perfect picture of utter joy because he's holding the hand of his daughter and also utter tragedy named Anita because I I wanted my daughter back as she was at age 10 or 20 right now she is now more than their age so as soon as he touches the hand he remembers the incidences when he was much younger much more beautiful much more tender or things like that because I wanted my daughter back as she was at age 10 or 20 capita some local guru as he moved together toward that lovely urge that would swallow us all other sins flashed through my mind my daughter in first grade holding a starfish as big as herself her smile missing a tooth my daughter on the back of my bicycle as we wrote to a river to drop stones in the water my daughter telling me the day after she had her first period all this came back to his mind but now now she was 30 that's how machines are norm of the song I could see lines on her face so impermanence is there all the time we only need that eye of wisdom to observe and see these things and you observe it there will be transformation in your life for example on the Buddhist teachers they say you don't have to kill people they will die if you know if you have that knowledge then you realize why should I think kill someone he is going to die similarly why should I create problem to someone else because they already have the problem you know the ninja a regime Adam and watch a ninja yellow tossing tongue says you know his mother came and oh I do mundo they were a team of were angry there were traitors even though everybody wants happiness but the because of ignorance they destroy the source of their happiness nobody wants suffering but we keep on chasing the causes for more suffering when I am adamant wot cuz they don't watch on huahine however much you try to be clever extract lever you know you pretend and show that you are clever but look at the situation where we are we are religious in suffering problem and no that's bad news in wuhan the carnal virus you know it's all human doing because we keep on torturing animals it eating already no they say it comes from animal 7jz the mission also within this to xalapa unis I saw someone Jessa Jerome go to City delay that's why his holiness and putting everybody says be ethical if you are ethical everybody people are ethical you know little bit more compassionate treat other sentient beings more nicely all these problems will not be there now how many troubles human beings have experienced Calgary or mad cow disease bird flu swine flu and then what was there other in Africa Ebola I mean these are some of the names we names that become famous they are so many other things AIDS cancer and so many other things which are all basically our own creation what the majority of the problems that we are having in the wall today's not created by Tigers not created by lions or snakes they are created by the so-called intelligent human beings dadada where is your intelligence so this is really important for us to think carefully if you use these human intelligence in the right way we can bring so much peace and happiness just like His Holiness and the Buddha and many great thinkers do just one person can bring so much happiness so much peace but if you use this human potential in the wrong way source of great destruction suffering misery problem unnecessary problem great work because of lack of knowledge of the reality including impermanence impermanence is reality so what we should know and what I would like to discuss which should know how happy you will be or how much suffering you will experience is dependent upon how we are able to relate to the nature as simple as dead now if you look at nature nature is not biased if you look at Sun the Sun will never say I will shine only in America and not in China or Tibet if there's an earthquake will never say I will shake only three buildings and not the Chinese or things like that it's not biased nature is not there to torture us but we suffer because we don't know how to handle nature like for example fire if you know how to relate to fire you will enjoy especially these days when it's very cold if you if you have a nice heart with fire and then from a distance make sure that the distance is not too far nor too close then you get the warmth you get you get that happiness if you touch it because you are getting heat because you are getting warmed therefore I like fire and if you hug and touch it will be destroyed that's what we are doing with nature today so similarly many of these nature's benefit stations including impermanence not to be something not true to be afraid of but something that must be understood language this way in Buddhism repeatedly we say you are suffering because of having no knowledge ignorant science also says the same thing the world science means knowledge science science the word science comes from the Latin word Sandia which means knowledge that means it's saying because you don't have the knowledge if you don't have the knowledge of producing electricity you will have to sit in darkness you will suffer so with this understanding the invented so many things and brought many good things also but then when the human mind used it in the wrong side then many of the scientific in mean inventions like nuclear bomb I've become now source of threat source of destruction so it's important to understand the law of nature and know how to relate to it so impermanence is one very important thing now here especially when in these fossils when we are talk about talking about impermanence we are not talking about impermanence of everything we can't talk about all those things but we are talking primarily about our own impermanence because you want happiness do not run suffering therefore you need to know impermanence now if you know impermanence then you will be able to see the importance of time because time is fleeting time is going time and tide wait for none as we say in English time is time is moving right this reminded me a story of Tibetan teacher who asked his students are you studying Dharma he says yes sir I am studying Dharma then the teacher says no no you don't tell me lie I saw you sleeping the whole night and I saw you getting distracted the day in the day so when do you find time to practice there's the thing and ordinarily we say life is short life is not so not necessarily short but you did you're wasting your time you're wasting your time whatever time you have you're wasting it we are not investing in ourselves we are investing in a bank we are investing with a corporate businessman we're investing in things which is outside of you you are not investing yours in yourself the best investment is to invest within yourself that means understanding your emotions your reality and then strengthening the positive emotions and reducing and weakening the negative emotions this is real investment because at the end of the day unless you help yourself nobody can help you remedy does it make sense does it make sense especially when you see this impermanent transient nature of your body and your mind then you will take better care of your health also when you don't understand that fragile transient nature of your your body you throw everything into your mouth normal human Karina sweet this all salty sweet bitter whatever you do eat a dog pee Medusa receive a generous add you don't normally see when the Emily commodity Mongoose and alumina so know knowing that it is ruining your health not knowing the fragile things inside you I'm Jennifer - I'm Jessica did not deserve that document I didn't have other things a honeymoon delusion is a memory Lord an English embodied into the log the signal Oh things are changing danira teaching I'm sorry - Simon what's up my hindi because we don't know therefore we don't take care I mean this is a really wonderful thing and especially if you one very good thing gaining knowledge about the realities the more you know about the reality the more it will help you strengthen your positive emotions straining your good qualities but it will destroy the negative emotions I mean it looks funny but this is the way it is if you understand the law of nature it will help you strengthen your compassion strengthen your love staying strengthened strengthening your you know how many are like with other people for example when we understand the law of nature there everything is interconnected interdependent we are interdependent interconnected that will help you extend your cooperation that will help you live in harmony there will help you develop compassion when you understand that people empowerment they are going to die any time you develop compassion positive emotions will come and negative emotions will not come it doesn't make sense to harm somebody because there somebody is already suffering already going to die it doesn't make sense see something we need to hear this some geeky sandwich about the sushi chef Tyler pinkier image about the karela and one very almost like struck example there I always give which I thought is a good example from my own site for example if there is a say a very old person 97 years old and also very sick wounds all over the body passes boozing out if there is a such an Oldman here when all of us see this old man there's the reality you are seeing the reality of that old man negative emotions will not come positive emotions will come meaning that when you see this old man I think none of us will think about giving a kick to this old man none of us will think about marrying this old man also attachment will not come for two hidden joy with you the Dean of the channel will agree to achievement wha don't like even though I don't yet if you like La Gomera instead he will say how poor will develop some concern give him some water given medicine take him to medicine give him some food the positive things will come there's the beauty of understanding the law of nature the reality and what the Buddha taught is nothing but law of nature Buddhist teachings are written in the found in the rocks in the trees in the earth in the everywhere in the water he's talking about the way things are impermanence is not something that's invented by Buddha before the Buddha came impermanence was there interdependence or Sunita or emptiness was not invented by Buddha and in fact one of the Sutra the Buddha says whether the Buddha's come or not the nature of all thing is important in cleanness in the dependent origination then why he has to teach it he has to teach it because even though the ultimate nature of everything is Juniata impermanence and so forth but people don't see it why people don't see it because people normally see what they want to see not what they should be seeing and in fact the question arises why we are more fond of doing negative things than positive things why canary why not the Laguna momosuke or a give a super generate curse in a way there's a scientific finding called cognitive shortcut cognitive shortcuts is your cognitive shortcut means within a very short moment of time your brain and your mind is a bumper they're bombarded with 100,000 informations will you be able to retain all of these hundred thousand informations kei-chan reminder that you cut some 11-year - ray - great so you just--just--just among this 100,000 informations you will select and keep only those things which you thought is important for me there's called cognitive shortcut if you if you in the Christian tradition they talk about seven deadly sins then of the me give a jewel agree to attend or seven deadly sins why seven because at one point of the time human brain can remember seven or eight or something like that not more than that so therefore did they came up with this idea of seven they did not talk much more than seven seven deadly sins and then the reason that we engaged we are real fond of doing more kind of negative things like attachment anger and not positive things because if you look at the theory of evolution I think in the process of evolution the evolution of trees and evolution of human beings are more or less same the main purpose of evolution is to pass the gene to the next generation is not for enlightenment of buddhahood and for passing the gene to the next generation you have to fight with somebody of the develop attachment to produce a child and things like that so you end up with that process of evolution but the good news is you don't have to get stuck there if you make a little bit more effort and use your human potential you can come out from that cycle into this veto over coming out from the cycle of existence so in the same vein we can come out from this cycle and cultivate loving kindness compassion bodhichitta and get enlightened the possibilities are there it's not that there's no possibility but it really looks like if there's no possibility because the majority of other just into this mundane thing you know taking birth and then getting married and then dying and all this process sums are recycling recycling right and then he further he says I don't know why we long so for permanence why'd the fleeting nature of things so disturbs you do Reseda cannot eat one of the killed Oh what did he do you're alive not the Heinicke Wiggy grow if you hear that you're having cancer you're going to die you will be very very frightened we obvious being scared of the fleeting nature the day but but the main thing is even if you live very very long what are you going to do the question is not about how long you live the question is how you live the question is not how many years you live the question is how you will live today the question is not how you live today the question is how you live now that's important because most of the time we waste our time either thinking about something that has happened in the past or planning something for the future so we don't live we simply exist there's a difference between existence in living so you'd you're you're planning for the future I mean you have to do some planning but don't waste your time just thinking about the future future is here to come Hindi mapleton amo calc is not Eva who is in the future live now leave no miss very short moment now means the the the the demarcation boundary that line between the past and future is very thin you to be really alert to be huge in the Medina you can't live and it's always kind of inspiration to see small kids who really enjoyed the moment so we have that potential easy but gradually when we get grow up our mind is the mummy boosts up doraleous inside lucious when we grow up we get the so called education from a school or from university we imitate what other people tell you to do we don't think for ourselves we don't think about our real-life situation so therefore we don't know how to live we don't live within ourselves so what is important is through understanding the meaning of impermanence you need to go within yourself live know don't just exist but live live don't waste your time for many many unnecessary things especially unnecessary things and that's not easy because because we are fond of going out see anything seeing things there is outside there and outside there are so many things now today we are intentionally creating so many things to distract you more this morning I was reading our text which says people who invite you repeatedly to give talk they're actually doing more harm than help they are wasting your time and I I am invited by many people to give talks I said this is really true actually you know because there they are not letting you be with you you see so learn learnt to be with you at least to start with here and there learn to be just yourself and I repeatedly say one of the modern problem is we don't know how to live with others and also don't know how to live alone there's a modern disease and people have repeatedly asked me this question Gila do you live alone I said yes sir then they say don't you feel loneliness that is the thinking so stupid they're not the cognitive women received or they super gory you need to learn to know be if you if you need to learn to live alone and think they use your mind and and then take the resources within you out use your human brain to think not just reading books but also think then every day they you will find so much wisdom that you don't have to run after other people or the resources to get happiness real happiness will just come out inside the main ceremony today we are living in such a strange world there when we talk about happiness we immediately thing about getting something from outside happiness from the shop from the market from the people from the money from the name and fame what what you get from outside is always dependent on those things that is outside so therefore you really don't have control so let us cultivate some inner qualities over which you have control change your perspective and I repeatedly tell people just don't keep on updating your mobile phone but update yourself somebody recently touched my phone Sushila you always say don't update your phone it looks like you have three or four we keep on changing updating the phone we give on also changing the furniture you know rearranging the furniture not rearranging our internals because at the end of the day whether you like it or not the real source of happiness will has to come from within oneself and not from outside and our grasping to permanence is so much he gives some example we visit and revisit the old neighborhood where we grew up because of permanence Hugo se setting searching for the remembered grove of trees no Marie Lu the Beatrice and the little fence we clutch our old photographs now see in our churches and synagogues and mosques and what we cling to the old wallet long after it has fallen apart new who Ningbo gennaker Edwina so say India we are sending Bastian sutematsu to Genesis Adina guru Boozer near a mission beginner surgery Natasha do love you to someone yet in every nook and cry look and cranny natural screams at the top of her lungs that nothing lasts nothing last nothing lasts Nutella shouting how as I started by saying count the people who you know that during the last few years in the newspaper in the television we repeatedly read but when you hear this news what do you think you think okay he is gone normy indoctrinated and questioning yes Ajay so the he meetings there was a story of a human being making friendship with a ghost that ghosts don't be there go said some kind of clairvoyance so the human friend said I'm little bit scared of death but also want to enjoy life because you have clairvoyance so therefore tell me a little bit before I die so that I start doing my practice then the ghost friend said yes okay that's fine then after a while the ghost friend came and said one member of the family living up died last night and then he said now Ning Xia caca so sorry but he carried his business as usual time passed then after a while the ghost came again I said my dear friend one member of the family down past last night passed away last night is it also solace or money pay me he did then one day the ghost came and said my dear friend it is your turn to go then the human friend scared leg estate shattered knee said I requested you tell me a little bit in it was how come you're just telling me now then the ghost said have never seen a person so stupid like you I told you two times the member of the family uptight member of the family down died you should have that common sense that your turn will soon come I told you so that is the truth there is real story and we see so many people even our very close friends relatives dying but you always thing my turn will not come and because of that you keep on amassing things you know so many things I'm not saying you don't need anything but we are we are accumulating more than necessary because of greed and there's way to remind this I tell people how many feet you have how many legs you have - how many shoes you have most of us may not have much but there are people who have like 30 pairs of shoes 40 pairs of shoes this is because of greed go ahead and walk corner or about a roller or chickadee seasonal jealous or whatnot yourselves also good yep it's all because of grid shows from Doherty so so if you understand this impermanent nature you will be able to live a more happier cheerful simpler life more compassionate to others who are suffering who are having problems and there will be no grasping especially grasping to self is the source of all the problems which we are going to explain later and what no this is we're not talking about this just just philosophically but physicists call it the second law of thermodynamics it is also called the arrow of time oblivious to our human earnings for permanence the universe is relentlessly wearing down you know you know falling apart driving itself toward the condition of maximum disorder it is a question of probabilities you start from a situation of improbable order like a deck of cards all arranged according to a number and suit or like a solar system with several planets orbiting nicely about a central star and then you drop the deck of cars on the floor over and over again order has yielded to disorder repeated patterns to change in the end you cannot defeat the odds you might beat the house for a while but the universe has an infinite infinite supply of time and can outlast any player universes time but your time you also have time it's not not so much about shortage of time but because of as I said misuse of time shanty they were right in the beginning of his Bodhisattva way of life he says send a unit on hidden among life is short there are too many things to know especially today in the so called edge of information there are too many things to know even your mobile phone has so much information if you just keep on keep on looking at it you I I said will fall it's happening now in the case of many young people and then you know nothing meaningful death and most most of the information you get is young information and you don't have if you recall you how precious your human life is you have no time to waste your precious eye precious brain for such stupid junk messages right does it make sense if it makes sense then you have to change a little bit if you continue the same heavier than normal right so use this precious human life for something that is meaningful and do something that outlast is your life don't do those things which will die when you die also do something that will live longer than your life right just import that's called spiritual practice that's called spiritual practice and then look at your own body he says with aged muscles like in the wooden enjoy the shadows to start imagining the origin a low resolution to the lucha lucha lucha muscles lacking and grow loose loose mass and strength I can't be early support our weight ratio so the key motto our weight as we total across the room controls a room not and why must we suffer such indignities because our muscles like all living tissues must be repaired from time to time due to normal wear and tear to lodge in a connoisseur door what if I met this dog Rover recently I was reading a small piece where it says almost like talking about the cycle of existence not not only in terms of samsara but in terms of our own life he was explaining this from the point of view of success but what do we mean by success then he says when your toddler if you are able to you know lift your head that is a success you'll be able to crawl quickly it's a success then you were able to stand on your feet it's a success if you don't urinate it's a success depending upon your age then you go about it again finally you reach around 90 something then if you don't using it in your pants it's a success but the same cycle right because our muscles like all living tissues must be repaired from time to time due to normal wear and tear this repairs are made by the mission no growth factor hormone which in turn is regulated by the igf-1 gene when that gene inevitably lost some time muscles to flap we go to decrepitude dust to dust what among would Nina beautifully written article I don't want to read everything but giving you the hint how goes on number one you need to understand impermanence so that you are able to see your reality that means time is flying your death can be anytime live your life meaningfully do something that is beneficial and don't harm others does it make sense don't create suffering upon others doesn't make sense there all this suffering the Cordelia door for example for example if you are on your deathbed if you are on your deathbed let us say will you hang her too much after money if you sure that you're going to die today or tomorrow you'll worry so much about money you'll do what is believed what is so much about you handsomeness or beauty things like that Pingree way the thing Marwa you'll be more concerned about what you have done how you've lived your life when you're on your deathbed nobody thinks I wish I mean the office working no people will think I wish I have done something good to that person he when he or she you know came to seek my help I wish I had helped that person because of having not helped now you regret yep and Amador do tell our COO that he Dermalogica don't you do anything about the cassini artichoke are you managing to take her summarize the wealth that you've accumulated over the years with so much effort not being able to use not being able to give it to others now you are not able to use it then you regret I wish I had used it I wish I had given to somebody and brought smile on the face of that person she Telugu see this was if you therefore that is this thinking on impermanence is really the most important teaching at least for me that's what the first teaching that the Buddha gave was all watch over the nor impermanence because the first teaching that the Buddha gave us the four noble truth out of which the first teaching the rigorous truth of suffering out of which the first feature first four features of the truth of samplings impermanence and one of the last teaching that the Buddha gave us on impermanence and he said he just removed this upper you know clothes and he said even the Buddha is passing away look at this everything is impermanent and we are lied on to yourself that was his parting teaching be a light onto yourself he did not say go out and find a teacher he said be a light onto yourself so if you really think about impermanence repeatedly there will be quantum leap in your spiritual practice timís Amla Matata Madonna and cover it not in Husum give Sigma de then this whole group I'm not saying I'm a great practitioner impermanence but this is what I'm feeling after reading so many of these textures and boosts it's really important and when you think about impermanence then you will be able to imagine you're like one of the people you know moving in a board in the turbulent sea imagine yourself in a board with other people in the turbulent sea will you be nice to those other fellow travelers will you be nice you are traveling in a board with group of people in a rough sea turbulent sea will you be nice huh you don't need Dharma teaching at that of evil by nature you will be nice everybody will try to help each other look at each other smile or whatever you know found a mantra do do a lot halassi got aboard the cloud game MRC does the Tibetan I don't know how to translate it properly there is a Tibetan thing which says when you are when you are travelling through a wide open plane area then you will you will sing the song la la la that kind of song got opal if they when you pass through our a beasts or cliff then you remember guru Pema Simone was a good person you see why so if you don't practice now when you have time when you have facilities when you have opportunity then at the time when you pass through that cliff when you travel to through this turbulent tea even if you remember you may be too late whatever thing is at the end of the day when you get this problem the only solution help that will come is if you have spent time thinking about this truths and conditioned your mind with this positive emotions that will help you no one else can help you memory when your purses are jingling with money you have many friends around but when you are suffering not many friends only few true friends maybe even they can't do much with you when you're internally bleeding or suffering even your friends can't do much remarried this is the you car was such a bitter truth this is the bitter truth so therefore is this teaching on impermanence is really right mind blowing okay any questions before I stop five minutes there any questions in in the Buddhists process of practice you can ask questions to others and also you can ask questions to yourself right now I'm saying if you have any questions to me you can ask otherwise you ask questions to yourself and find answers not just a reading book but use your copy brain use your copy use your brain then you'll find answer by yourself then you will be a very intelligent person just thinking and asking and questioning you know it's very very important any questions no question we are such a group of discipline people don't ask any question no question okay then we stop here to DC thank you you
Channel: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
Views: 11,996
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: Geshe Lhakdor, Tibetan Library, dharamsala, kobe bryant, basketball, dead, about dead, ltwa, passang tsering
Id: Q2pKLgtsN7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 14sec (4814 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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