Penny Serenade (1941) IRENE DUNNE/CARY GRANT

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't play that out there I'm leaving you will you go down the station and get me a ticket on the 11 o'clock and cash that check for me Smiths they'll do it for you tonight like you drive me the Train Julie you better think this over I have been thinking thinking about it for days you and Roger have been married a long time we don't need each other anymore well that happens to two people there's nothing left [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for me [Music] for you for you for you for you for you for you for you for you your like a flame [Music] never me [Music] I'm contend the angels must have sent you [Music] what can I do for you Rebecca Department they're right here how about that one up there that book Beethoven yeah it's a fairly spicy it's number seven [Music] keep it down [Music] needles no no who plays the sheet music here I do all you do that would you mind playing there for anything certainly I'll be glad to [Music] your Judaism Thank You papa it's a new jewel I didn't hear yes it just came man would be nice to dance to it is what's on the other side it's another new one for me [Music] the Angels must have sent you [Music] goodnight nice buy a flower mister I'm going this way honest I'm going this way too honest what's the matter nothing I live here that's all oh nice good night Oh you mind if I ask you a personal question guess not have you got a Victrola inside why as a boy would you let me hear this one otherwise I'll have to take it home and imagine how it sounds how do you have a machine at home No why on earth did you buy 27 [Music] [Music] [Music] thinking about it's a song they're playing at least that's what you said a mordanting what do you think Inga just wishing wishing I can be with you every day like this I mean I wish every day could be a holiday like this have to go back home never have to go back to work it's silly oh no really silly all those things a lot of bunker never come true [Music] hey beat it [Music] you know like with kids very much dude I like to provide excel on their pest [Music] oh come on unromantic oh I thought you had the place to ourselves oh just the ocean the beach I couldn't get hey you're doing alright go three more lessons you have you ever swim you can almost float now when your arms are holding me up when you're with me you're safe I don't know whether it's safe or not I'm done if I do either must be getting late let's get to it there's plenty of time I thinking about our last train home [Music] [Music] the paper tube and uh there's no sentiment newspaper business just like any other night [Music] Joe Carter here yeah yes Joe [Music] [Applause] just off the boat Julie see falling jet cuz who phone besides it's none of your business well you don't have to bite my head off oh I'm sorry sorry you think that big lummox had fallen or something what he said he might have to go out on the story yeah Julie has he ever said anything you know what I mean said anything mm-hmm no not right out men never seen anything right out you got to drag it out of them the things a man will do to keep from getting engaged [Music] well of course you belong here didn't I invite you no is there a drink in the house you see what whoa well what vote would you like we have all the labels come on help yourself you know this party might turn out alright at there where's Roger I thought maybe you'd know pretty crazy about that reporter aren't you I'm sort of fond of him that's bad I hate to see a nice girl like you get mixed up in the newspaper man guys she never know what they're up to they can get away with anything and alibi they're working of course a lot of fun ducking around interviewing chorus girls and all that sort of thing you're singing swell you're married Applejack don't worry about me I don't need any advice I've never even thought about getting there no foolin no foolin I've been worried sick I've been telling him for six months if he didn't keep away from you he'd find himself married [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Julie I've got to talk to you right away [Applause] this is important dear where can we be alone I'm having fun you've been pushing me around all I don't be angry chilly I'd have been here sooner only a lots happened a fine time to come to a party just before midnight I'm sorry but I've had a million things to do now wait a minute darling I want to get this straight I want to tell you everything Julie I'm in a real break Flynn quit his job over in Tokyo he's our Japanese correspondent he got fed up with the assignment of the weather or something amazing a spot that left the paper in only my men the Orient he walked out on a job Oh Daria cold yeah you put this around just excited oh yeah you're gonna take his place well that's what they want me to do I got a ticket here for the train that leaves at 3:00 a.m. gets me into San Francisco just in time to catch the next Boat for Yokohama I can't believe it yeah Julie amazing them piggy me well you're able Roger you have ability anybody can see that you're going huh well that's what I want to talk to you about honey it's a good salary two-year contract and I'm more that's my own boss it's kind of opportunity I've always wanted it's a luck dear I was wondering listen little boy of course I want you to go that's what's worrying you please don't think no I wasn't worrying about that I knew you'd want me to take the job sure but Julie let's get married let's get my head right away tonight I'll be there to send for you in three months I'll have the money then three months why the rush to get married now well what do you think I'm gonna look a funny little redhead like you run around loose here I was a mother fella came along and I'm Julie I've got to have you [Music] until death do us part [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] in sickness and in health to love and to cherish [Music] keep it on Julie for me they sure will balloon so uh take the camera goodbye darling excuse me a minute Jack can say goodbye yeah Yasser just see you later anything I can do for you boss house it's a train people are about three minutes sir thank you was it Adams James something about a trainer I don't know why that it's the way it looks the way it smells or what it is always makes me feel I want to be off somewhere promise me never to take it off I'll never take it off no matter what happened the trains moving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are anything like something in a dream they live here I thought you didn't lie to me all right how do you like the place but it's so luxurious how do we afford it oh so bad to go when I'm being highly romantic nothing's too good for my little wife but I'd have been satisfied with anything just to be here Roger are we going to keep it I mean stay here right along I certainly it's yours I bought the least from an American who went back I got the lease the furniture to seven three kids a Ken and her kids all for 2,000 yen 2,000 yen how much is there Oh about a thousand dollars thousand dollars that's right how the world you do it I mean get the money to send for me and buy all this - well I got an advance an advance on my salary Oh everybody does out here only the other day a fellow down the office was saying he wished April was here and I said why and he said what so and I get an advance my December salary oh darling you're not gonna be one of those wise always worried about money I hmm no did you forget we still got the inheritance yes I know but well I sort of hate to start often dead especially don't cover not to learn about the Orient Roger remember piss shares none of those 14 things you got at the beach Oh fancy you're keeping that they're not always the bunk you said that did I say that well sometimes like wishes they come true why should we do [Music] well I need to tell me why don't you write me you don't like I don't like them well of course I do why would I have three of them or anyone and this would be our own an American kid our own gee that's great oh I'm so relieved funny little redhead very functional very expensive husband must be ditch man he's either richer hi [Music] today what makes you so beautiful how'd you get off so early come on let me see you well having babies me she looked like this we better keep on having them how do you like it today this is my birthday souvenirs a souvenir of your stay in Japan because darling we're leaving leaving Japan mmm brace yourself for good news mrs. Adams because good news is what I bring we now belong to that class of society known as the filthy rich believe me about it did you [Music] I'm teaching him to be a first baseman now paragraph 2 mr. and mrs. Roger Adam socially prominent young couple plan to take a trip around the world the paper sending you know I've quit the paper we're gonna have a last fling before we settle down and become good old American parents but Roger you just didn't give up your job on the paper for no reason at all oh darling this trips an inspiration do you remember the honeymoon I promised you while we're gonna have it the things are different now we've got to think about the baby well it's just ever since the baby comes we won't be able to go anywhere besides I want our baby boy in the USA let me get the work started little paper but a trip like this costs a fortune did you get more than or 20 thousand well no as a matter of fact we didn't get the 20 thousand we sold the property for cash and got 13,500 well can you take a trip and buy a paper and all that on 13 thousand 500 Fiat two steel lawyers fees and deductions stuff like that just how much did you get Roger I'm trying to tell you after the deductions we got ten thousand ten thousand mm-hmm I've still got a couple of thousand bills around here to pay then you really only got $8,000 yes but did you ever have that much money in your life no what are you squawking about I'm not squawking just think you're acting like a child we should be thinking about the future you rush in and pack up your things and give up a perfectly good job all right I thought the trip would be a lot of fun for you I know you're gonna feel like that I wasn't planned on it that's all right let's forget it we won't go I'll go in the wrench for the pack [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's all otherwise you'll enjoy perfect health we are playing tennis in a couple of months now I've got some good news for you I'm letting your husband see you today how's that pretty make you feel better I've had my hands full keeping that boy out of here too the last couple of days Oh [Music] do you have a miserable not fair to see I've had a chance to to do some serious thinking dear hobbies scouting around the nearby towns to trying to look that little newspaper you know [Music] no more silly ideas like traveling around you were absolutely right about that I think I found it honey it's a little town just north of here place called Rosalia did you ever hear [Music] what's bringing in me the kind of place we wanted as a fellow woman you expand kind of dating you got a Seidman we can make something of it the best of all going would have a home of our own something we can always call ours and if I can make it go that way probably to get you anything you want Albie I've gotta get your furniture car clothes everything you know it's strange Roger I can't get myself to have those things now they don't seem important anyone really wanted [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think of this one ski to get a job like this you're one oh it's kiddy if God wanted a permanent job too [Music] how's the old married man well you have me worried I thought you gonna let me down so this is the fastest-growing little newspaper in the past accrue a little time to win that's the bulletin for this what you gonna hear telling your make up what do you think of it will you bring it in cold cold no the Linotype machine is stuck why do you think I said for you applejack Miss Julie am I glad to see you come on up and help me fix the bathtub you just in time wait let me fix this first all right the newspaper always comes first around here come on we've been feeding it just what you on yeah [Music] you [Music] oh I didn't know you were busy I'm not busy I've just been thinking about fixing up this old store I just wanted to show you a new ad we got from the telephone company that helps doesn't sure it does no if we keep on be able to pay the paper bill next month Roger back yet oh he's still out running down subscriptions said he might not be home till late oh well come on then sit down Applejack we might as well have our dinner [Music] you know Miss Julie we ought to have a kid around this house I thought you knew about that Apple tax well sure I know about that but I'm talking about adopting one sure you can get some pretty good ones that way you know I wanted opted kidding myself I know that's not much of a recommendation but I didn't turn out some bad besides I know a lot of regular kids wound up in jail Miss Julie I wish you could have seen some of those little Sons of Guns I used to room with there was a cutest little rascal you'd ever want to look at I don't think Roger would want a child that way Applejack one that wasn't his own why not he's no sucker you don't want to gamble well how do you know what it's gonna be like if it's got to be your own this way you just walk in and help yourself to exactly what you want and there's no guesswork you know I've thought a lot about that I want one Roger was so disappointed when I just haven't had the courage to miss Julie do you want to know something he's all for the idea only a few days ago we were working together and I was talking with him and you were talking to him about this sure he's all for it well why didn't he say something to me look he was afraid to say anything you you you're afraid you might have some fool notions silly notions i if he only knew how many theory idea my own husband talking about things like this with a the printer press manager please alright the press manager are you gonna be the mother no I just thought I didn't want you to look at that new ad would you come downstairs Roger wait a minute Apple Jett why didn't you tell me hmm tell me why what do you and Applejack have been talking about Miss Julie I told you in confidence mm-hmm well we'll be talking about what you know about the you told me told you what well you know what we were talking about it well why are we talking about Roger if you wanted to adopt a baby why didn't you talk to me yes you should have told her by rights in the first place Roger not me I'm not gonna be the mother wait a minute did did you tell Julie I wanted to adopt a baby well I hid it in it I tried to break it to her gently oh you told that yeah Roger I'm so glad you feel that way yes she wants it even more than you around you well that's the way we all feel about it I like it too I suppose it's settled Oh Roger I'm so glad if it hadn't been for Applejack letting it slip out I don't suppose ever would have known guess I'd better go fix that press yeah you fix everything else don't you then do some bed of the bedroom Julie what I think of it when you get to this place don't get enthusiastic right off the bat you know don't don't just rush in and grab the first kid you see and go nuts about it what makes you think I'll grab the first one they show me I've been doing the shopping and my family for some time now I just don't bring home anything oh you came home with his tithe in there oh nice everybody's wearing bowties I have your letter here to your own child blue eyes curly hair dimpled chin sweet disposition we prefer a boy but we'd like to look at the girls - why not Julie you know we agreed on a boy but it won't hurt the look will it all right no no what can you show us well this is the administration building we don't have any children here at all mm-hmm everybody wants blue eyes curly hair dimples sweet everybody wants a two-year-old child will you tell me why well you see yeah in our case and it would have been the age of our own child oh I see anyway when the two years old they're they're more or less housebroken then aren't they well not always at the moment we haven't any children available at all there's a long waiting list there are three applications for every child if you get one within a year you'll be lucky well year what you mean to say we might have to wait a year well after all real parents wait almost a year yes you see we we've waited so long already I know my dear but you're both very young then too we have to have time to make our investigation investigation yes you see we're just as particular about you as prospective parents as you are about the child what is your business mr. Adams I'm a publisher I run the Rosalia courier I beg your pardon mrs. green is on the phone what shall I tell her Oh tell her that we're sorry but according to our investigators report we find that mr. green doesn't have a steady income later perhaps if he finds himself better situated we'll reconsider their application you see it's not our aim to place our children in homes of wealth but it's absolutely necessary for us to have the assurance that the adoptive parents are financially responsible I see in your letter that you live in the country good I presume that means then that you have a house and yard no we don't have a yard we live in an apartment but there's a nice park nearby oh yeah we got a swell roof too we've been putting a fence around it and I could I could build a slide the sandbox well as a matter of fact the roof is better than the benefit kickers then he can't get on the street you see look it doesn't have to be a yard does it no but you have a separate room for the child haven't you that's very important oh sure oh yes yes we have a lovely room it's practically fixed up now oh well that's fine now about income approximately how much do you make a week well I I couldn't tell the offhand I amazing about a hundred dollars a week because I'd have to look at the books well that's excellent if you'll just take that application home with you fill it out and mail it in do it so we'll have all the details then in due time one of our investigators will call on you good for you you'll call this before she comes on to know we just drop in that's our policy you see we want to find your house as it really is every day and not when it's fixed up for company well I see goodbye goodbye miss Oliver oh it doesn't matter if he hasn't got curly hair it doesn't really matter hey don't choose me if you ask me why do you have to be a big shot where you know we don't make $100 a week you want the baby don't you they can't prove it we don't keep books Hey quit stalling get over the cleaning look honey left on the earthquake Japan you better buy some more [Applause] excuse me lady give a fellow a warning does mrs. Adams live here yes upstairs I'll call don't bother I miss Oliver from the orphanage I'll find it I don't think she's home just now I I think she's in church in church this time of day well you see yeah she and mr. Adams go there quite a lot they just go there and see it find people he had well I'm sure that she won't mind I just look around a bit no sure [Music] how do you do them talk how do you do miss Adams oh I'm sorry sorry won't you sit down no thank you you've come to see the apartment that's right oh this is it it it's not very neat at the moment we're cleaning I see oh that's our little breakfast room out there and feel step right this way kitchen that brings us back to could I fix you a cup of tea no thank you you spoke of a child room a lovely room yes yes that's over here this is sweet really like it any child have been lucky to have a room like this but I want you to see our yard just finish making it all I tried out see if it was strong enough for that two-year-old I think I have a surprise for you a baby came in yesterday Sal have you me here come on sit down sit down that's the reason that we came around to see you sooner than we expected it's a little girl well we don't want a girl five weeks and three days old five weeks well we did speak of an older child you know you might have to wait a long time after all aren't you making too great a point of the child's age mr. Adams eventually this child will be two years old but we don't know anything about such little babies well no one does until they have them and this is such an unusual little baby actually there's another couple who has first choice well that's strictly off the record but somehow I feel she's exactly the child for you that's why I wanted you to see her first and I couldn't resist giving you the chance did you bring her with you oh no she's in the nursery you and mr. Adams will have to come over the city to see her what's he like Messala well I can't describe it exactly but she's well she's like no other child like no other child but she isn't a boy but look Roger there's no harm in looking at if you don't like where I won't say a word what's the use we don't want it [Music] all right we'll look oh that's fine you call me up and I'll make an appointment at the nursery I must go now if you change your mind you will call me a squatcher yes yes please don't you're to that other couple until we've seen her I want my dear [Music] [Music] [Music] she's like no other child that's why I wanted you to see her first like no other child [Music] how about him this is a Day Nursery all these youngsters have parents all except this lovely little girl [Music] what a grip for a girl I mean would you like to hold it [Music] [Music] a kid well you've had you look dear how about going back home she's yours I guess when do we get her now if you like she's yours on the years of probation no we can just walk out of here with her like this it sometimes happens that way if we make sure that the parents and the baby are just right for each other well such a little baby but Miss Morgan though take care of everything she'll give you the formula and so forth and then you who've go downtown and buy whatever is necessary thank you Miss Oliver for being so kind don't thank me it just happened so perhaps before you make up your minds fully to take the child you'd like to have me go into her history I can assure you it's an excellent one she will take a chance on us we'll take a chance on her she wakes up again you know what that means we wait for that baby while I turn on the light drop him I mean her [Music] [Music] I don't think I'll go to bed she eats again a half-hour direction say so please what's a minute with it is it breathing she's certainly a good little baby we were lucky together let's go to bed [Music] [Music] but do something quickly but what do something can't you see the baby suffering I don't know what to do oh oh no don't just stay there do something [Music] huh you do something [Music] [Applause] [Music] just wanted our daddy [Music] [Music] [Music] baby it's gone the babies in here with that don't ever do that to me again boy what are you trying to do what are we trying to do I'm trying to get you firmly paper out that's what I'm trying to do what's your ideal waking the baby up what baby my baby your baby yeah okay last night no fooling a baby can I help you don't want me to help no thanks nothing's a matter I can't do anything as long as you're sitting her honey or watching me I get drowning that much water here no your penis your uncle Applejack's gonna give you a nice bad boyfriend teach you to swim Oh Roger I'll never be able to do that we'll have to give it back sure you know all you got to do is decide who's boss you were in did you ever learn to do that Applejack sister had four kids she took two and I welcome think you can hold this minute loud Rumble forget one now watch this closely I'm a one peon man myself jump right in there be nothing your mom maybe write all that down because I might get a better offer [Music] [Music] your Smalley and baby makes three sorry she wasn't a boy you wanted a boy I didn't daddy's in a girl aren't you Trina hello come in thank you so much for letting us know you were coming this time it's your fairy godmother miss Oliver yes I can plainly see that she adores her father she means everything what are we gonna get to Owen right right you go before the judge the 2727 huh you'll want to see these charters yes one you can send back to us and the other you are filed with the court at the court with the final papers these are the same questions that you answered last year we just want to bring them up to date now let's see Oh same age when you're older I have that profession still publish it isn't it yes income income well is he miss Oliver No oh that's that's the way it is the newspaper gave miss Oliver especially when you're starting one of your own you have to go now watch before you really get going ah sunny temporary I'm having a jamming my wholesale paper mill first thing in I'll have it humming by the 27th I go for a while I'm sure you'll find a way mr. Adams but you and I have to prove to the judge that your income is enough to take care of Trina you know we'd give Trina everything she needed miss Oliver no matter who else had to suffer around here I realize that can I Drive into the train no thank you I really like to walk it's country airs so fish goodbye [Music] battle-ax she doesn't want us to have Trina [Music] yes she does [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give you an opportunity to better prepare your fast Adams case oh yes maybe the one or both of you gentlemen conduct yourselves like you've been doing today I'll hold you in contempt the both of you oh this is a charming question these adoption papers here I see this you have no income at present is that correct yes your honor this miss although you know this case you've never come before me well Your Honor I feel that this is a special case I kept hoping until the last minute that mr. Adams might be able to resume the operation of his paper or get a job but unfortunately he hasn't been able to do either so I thought these conditions I kind of grant the adoption this child will have to revert to the orphanage he would draw up a chair please while I prepare these release papers for the side it's just a matter of routine if you please your honor it can't just be a matter of routine for people to have their baby taken away from them this child is I ours judge those are the requirements of the law yes but you see we've had her since she was six weeks old it just doesn't seem reasonable that we should have to give her back now to two strangers mr. Adams had the regular opportunity to prove your fitness to provide we are fit judge if you just look at the record without any income I have no alternative didn't you make that clear miss Oliver yes your honor I did but I thought I'm sorry but that is the law look your honor she's not like an automobile or a nice puncture a piece of furniture is some of your buy own time and then when you thank you about the payments they take it away from him still and be a good girl anyone could give up those kinds of things but I ask you judge how can you give up your own child and she is our charge as much as if she'd been born to us no no daddy's not gonna go away dear look judge we've had her over a year now well we've walked the floor with her and she had the colic we've lost nights of sleep worrying every time she got a tooth we've gone through everything everything of real parents have was one of their own that's miss Oliver hear about the inspections we've had to have wait charge her vaccination certificates hood her toys interested a toothbrush they come around regularly and check up on all those things to see if we're taking care of her properly how many real pairs can keep one of their own it go through that and you sit there and say it's a matter of routine for you to take her away from us I'm sorry judge well you see we weren't as fortunate as most people we'd have had one of our own well you don't know how badly badly my wife wanted a child it wasn't so important to me I I don't know I suppose most men are like this but children never meant a great deal to me oh I like them all right I suppose me well what I'm trying to say is your honor the first time I saw her she looked so little and helpless I didn't know babies we're so so little and then when she took all of my finger and held on to it she she just sort of walked into my heart judging and she was there to stay I didn't know I could feel like that I'd always been well kind of careless and irresponsible I wanted to be a big-shot I couldn't work for anybody I had to be my own boss that sort of thing now Here I am standing in front of a judge pleading for just a little longer so that I can prove to you I can support a little child it doesn't wait quite 20 pounds it's not only for my wife or me I'm asking you to let us keep her judges it's for her say - she doesn't know any parents but I just she wouldn't know what had happened to her you see there's so many little things about her and nobody would understand her the way Julie and I do we love her judge please don't take her away from us God not a big shot now huh I'll do anything I'll work for anybody I'll Bank please judge I'll sell anything I've got until I get going again nice you never go home you should never be but I'm close now as long as I've got two good hands that help me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's yours dear [Music] [Music] [Music] hurry up daddy mommy I'll be home any minute now yeah well look dear you go and watch far let me know when she comes out how's it getting along Apple J beauty where is everybody Trina Trina everybody this time today is fun daddy daddy Roger I always wanted one like that and this is the merkel Applejack guess what this is I always figured first we can't have too many Hank excuse me thank you from you I got you record as you love records and cuz you and Daddy love each other so much Oh tree there's that sweet darling Thank You Dana granny come & get it or I'll throw in the creek in my own home and I didn't have to cook it they always sure change the complexion of that bird dad what you do in school today down well I almost forgot I was choose I'm gonna be in the Christmas play the Christmas play what are you gonna do that's one little he'll be fun making you a careless costume I don't need any costume nobody sees me nobody sees you I have to wears a cream dress and some sneakers I'm Yakko I'm away off behind the scenes you only hear my voice miss Hopkins says it gives a faraway sound like angels in heaven oh well why do you have to wear the sneakers sneakers you saw I'll be quiet I have to walk up the sky behind the cloud and take a big star with me then when I get over the manger I stop then the angel sing and when my turn comes I sing the echo then I sneak off quietly and next year when I'm big I get to be an angel and wear an angel suit I'll get singing then of course you'll get seen handling this is a long time until my dear daddy oh no darling I'll be here no time at all oh wow what happened to the lies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I spoiled everything now miss Hopkins won't let me be an angel next year yes she will yes I was talking to her she said you did fine sure why you were better than all the rest of them put together see he is honest see I don't know what people do without Christmas oh I don't know what we'd do without you honey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do please stop that door from banging [Music] I wish you wouldn't go I've gotta get out of here get some fresh air that's someone downstairs [Music] someone at the front door [Music] may I use your phone please our card so now I'd like to call the text it's right here on the desk or just walk around ten light burning in such a hard cabs are always busy on a night like this I do hope we can get one Tommy's in the Christmas play our cars right out in front I'll Drive you over if you like oh that's very kind of you if it wouldn't be too much trouble you can't stop the car the battery's dead I have to crank it [Music] I can't thank you enough if you only knew what these things mean to a child let's get out of here what's the matter [Music] take a car on home Roger I'm not coming home I don't ever want to see anything or anyone that reminds me all right [Music] we'll always be [Music] [Music] nature happened you and when she was done [Music] fool songs kind of take you back nothing yes they do take you back you decide which one's you're gonna keep which ones you're gonna leave for him funny Applejack I can't seem to divide them they belong to both of us guess I'll just leave them while I was listening downstairs there I could remember just as clear the first time I ever saw you Roger brought you into the bulletin I was cussing and pounding that old machine you didn't know he's all gonna get to know each other so well anything to get the rest of the things out of the bedroom for me please [Music] [Music] I don't blame you joining I don't blame you at all you should leave me why did you say it honey it's all true I haven't done any one of the big things I plan to do for you but right where we started I'm still struggling I've let you down all around honey well I needed to make it a hundred percent wish for you to leave me and I can't think of a reason in the world for you're not doing I'm licked chillin you're not elect Roger it's just us we're elect as far as our being together is concerned and something really came along that hit is hard enough we couldn't face it together I needed to an awful lot these last few days but you've been miles away I've been entirely alone right here in this room with you I wish I could do something to help you to just hasn't worked out God did workout Chile thanks for wonderful until this happened to us I don't know I just Hindi just have been able to think straight the last few days she was never sick before then then all of a sudden it was all over there was only some way that people could know a few days I had what was gonna happen the day before she was taking sick she asked me for a quarter and I I wouldn't let her have it she asked me to take it to the movies and I said no I'm too busy no it was the same with me I was trying on an angel cast woman she was so excited she couldn't stand still I scolded it I said I'll never try another dress on you again I never did yeah hello is all away it's a very strange thing mrs. Adams but we have a little boy who is just 2 years old well it's the oddest thing he's the exact image of the youngster you asked for when you first wrote to me you remember this is strictly off the record or really another couple has the right to see him first but he's such a remarkable baby that I thought perhaps you and mr. Adams might take a look please don't have that other calcium until we do we I won't my dear [Music] [Music] the kid again yes a little fella for he down the stairs and breaking his arm I guess we'd better get out of the crib every two years only you're sleeping next minute candy sure we don't have to put the chooser [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 865,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Penny Serenade (1941), Irene Dunne, Cary Grant, Beulah Bondi, HEARTBREAK, HUMOR, George Stevens, Academy Award nomination for Best Actor
Id: muSKveUgAuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 44sec (7184 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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