The Fixies' Chess Battle: Who Will Win? | The Fixies | Animation for Kids

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chess [Music] how about that then I'll play my pawn and I'll play my part grandpas we need our spool and it's missing oh congratulations Professor have you seen it anywhere the spool I haven't seen it we're playing chess can't you see do you like board games like dominoes for instance just about everybody has played it but do you know where it came from Domino's was invented by the ancient Chinese they made tiles and decorated them with dots like on a pair of dice and this is a game that looks a lot like Checkers but it's a lot more challenging it's called backgammon backgammon originated in Persia and from there it's red all over the world but the most challenging game of them all is the game of chess this was invented in India and today the game of chess is loved in every country it's played by adults by children and even by computers chess is a real sport but the most important thing for playing chess is not the power in your arms but the power in your brain foreign [Music] hey what's going on that's our spool please let us take it back there's something we have to do with it but we're using it can't you wait it's a replacement for the missing Pawn uh oh no that can work for a while as the Pawn's replacement yeah I can do it all right you can take it and you stand right over here one two three up we go class so how do we play you're going to play for the whites and now I'm going to capture your knight [Music] whoa young men it goes back here [Music] get back to your Square what for pawns don't move like that and how do they move only one square per move and only forward of all of the pieces the little Pawn is the weakest what a mess so which one's strongest huh this it's the queen she's the most dangerous threat to the other king ah how come I couldn't be Queen then that black king would have to deal with me oh yes in chess each player has a black or white army with eight pawns two knights two Bishops two castles and a queen all of them work together for their King trying to protect him while attacking the enemy's King if the king finds himself in a position where he can be captured the attacking player says check and if the king finds himself with nowhere to run from the attack it's called Checkmate whoever checkmates the other players King first is the winner [Music] move my queen yeah yeah me my queen then I'll just capture your queen really then I'll just capture yours should I go now not yet do you feel like surrendering you're kidding do you know it Forward hooray we'll step aside forward he got away all right Juan and once more go forward where do I go now don't you see the edge don't go anywhere now you're the queen what the rules of Chess say that if a pawn makes it all the way to the other side he can become anything that was captured earlier hooray be the queen and I'll be the strongest piece in the whole game hey Queen get back here in case you don't know this isn't over yet we capture the pawn with the queen queen this is your new place [Music] now come to here mate my colleague of course it is oh it is mate yeah I lost hooray perfume so that means Nola can live with us I'm not going anywhere with you which is the greatest game you'll ever play in your life all you should have seen are put Professor eugenius into Checkmate really well Grandpa's helped me a little actually it was Grandpa's telling me where to move [Music] flexis add this to that now what do you get ah three don't you remember bark bark bark all you have to do is bark three times that's too hard a trick for two Saka maybe you could teach you to jump through a hoop I already tried she just sits there come on chusaka give it a try [Music] showing her this sugar come on jump Thomas it's time for us to go to school see you later animal tamer great job chusaka [Music] our lesson for today is on the subject of reflexes write it here for you R what's the lesson someone's late again ah colleague my glasses are gone are they here they're right there on your forehead how about that forgive me for interrupting continue our class [Music] so you turned in this Cruise again does anyone know why that is because we have to hide ourselves from humans but you don't have to hide yourself from Professor eugenius but we didn't know it was him at the door all right you are you had already transformed before you had time to think and that's what we call a reflex to explain it in simple words a reflex is when our body reacts to something automatically without needing any time at all to think about it When We Touch something very hot we instantly jerk our hand back when we're about to fall we swing our arms and legs to try to keep our balance and just imagine what would happen if we started thinking how and in which direction to move them so it's fair to say that our reflexes help to protect us [Music] us no kidding they protect us my nose itches excuse me I didn't mean it Professor uh sneeze is that also a reflex it most certainly is one fire didn't want to but then his nose tickled and achoo bless you too thank you and do dogs also have uh reflexes of course dogs have reflexes all animals do yeah it's something all good animal trainers know they use the animal's reflexes to teach them tricks foreign s teach their pets lots of commands like to bring a ball to count or even to dance but to train a pet you gotta know what to do a good trainer always has plenty of treats handy as an animal follows a command correctly standing on its hind legs or jumping over a hurdle the animal gets a treat and then the trainer makes a unique signal right away like clicking his fingers or blowing a whistle after repeating this training over and over the animal develops her reflex once it gets the signal it carries out the command and then gets a treat but the most important thing about animal training is to love your trainee and never hurt it otherwise no treat will work [Music] yeah with the help of reflexes with what where's true Saka call her she's Saka come here give her a math problem a nice simple one [Music] add this to that now what do you get it's a miracle three you got it no it's not a miracle science is what it is you know how to suck a barks whenever she sees a fixie around that's what we call a reflex you know I understand and do you know how I can teach in jumping well we didn't figure that out yet wait a sec I know how chasing fixies isn't that one of two saka's reflexes probably although great so let's go and train the dog ah nothing's ever too much for a good friend shusaka [Music] tough work being a dog trainer the fire extinguisher so who can tell me in the home what is the greatest danger of them all well dogs are dangerous for us but one is very scary for us and for humans fire where I was just answering what you asked us although your joke was awful fire your answer was actually correct nothing can be worse than getting caught inside a house on fire don't know much about chemistry but I can handle certificate that's an interesting idea I have to try it out [Music] and that's why every pacamat has a fire extinguisher inside of it and how you turn them on well I'll show you at the end of the lesson listen yell fire how come I just want to find out how the professor turns on a fire extinguisher environment I won't do for you fire [Music] you a kid I was joking it's a stupid kind of joke and I want you to leave right now truly I should call your parents to discuss this terrible Behavior fire is no joke at all remember never fool with fire I'll never play with matches or with lighters everybody knows that but those aren't the only things that can cause a fire inside of a house so can a stove or a fireplace and don't forget electrical appliances like electric burners space heaters and irons if you act carelessly around any of these appliances they can cause a fire and we should never forget to take extra special care with sparklers handles and fireworks bars can jump off of them and set fire to highly flammable things like paper wood or cloth so what do you do if a fire suddenly breaks out that's right you call the fire department by dialing the number for all emergencies 9-1-1 [Music] huh what's going on no way no way fire it's burning for real fire what do I do oh yeah I need a fire extinguisher oh where are you and that's how a Pokemon can become a fire extinguisher do you understand we understand there's a fire it's over there enough you don't know when to stop fire I'm not joking this time please believe me it's there nice try fire oh even use smoke this time no Simca that smokes from a fire uh-huh I'm sure that this time it's for real it's it's like I swear I'm not lying this time I think it's true he's not joking we've got ourselves a real fire here Tula Simca turn off the soldering iron uh-huh I got it be careful kids you have to stay back here away from the fire and what can I do to help take extinguisher [Music] Lana go people used to put out fires with just water or sand today people also use fire extinguishers fire extinguishers are cylinders with hoses they're usually painted red so they're easy to see the cylinder is filled up with a special powder or foam if someone needs to put out a fire they point the hose at the fire pull out the safety pin and squeeze the handle the foam or powder shoots out of the extinguisher and puts out the fire our fire extinguishers are just too small for this fire we have to find Professor eugenius to put it out I already did all right where's the fire huh [Music] new fixies are just the greatest thank you you saved the whole Laboratory not at all colleague if not for you fixies I can't even fathom how this could have ended and what I'm wondering is how the fire got started at all fire I had nothing to do with that yes yes sure then who is yelling fire fire you know what maybe it was you that set the fire well if that's what happened don't even think about coming back to school without your parents colleague colleague wait it's all my fault I didn't turn off the soldering iron forgive me now we know whose parents the school should be calling GPS [Music] and three four stop who goes next I'm next five one two three three and wait I gotta choose a root should I go here or there choose already no like what are you doing over there nothing at all just waiting at my place good and don't get off it well fire what was that the alarm on my fixie tab oh our lesson's about to start hurry what about the game later as soon as young fixies enter their first year of fixie School everyone gets their own pixie time it's a little computer that can do anything at all well almost anything at all studying with a fixie tap is fantastic you can read it just like a book and write it just like writing in a notebook you can use a fixie tab to listen to music watch movies find your way around and talk text and send letters to your friends and if you want you can use a fixie tab to go on to the internet that humans use or you can visit the secret fixie internet where you can find news about the world of the fixies and fixie tabs have games on them too of course these games can be a lot of fun but you shouldn't play games until your homework is all done [Music] [Music] I know a shortcut we can use this way [Music] now which way do we go I need to remember the route I think it's this way or it could be that way well which is it this or that I have no clue uh-huh so what's our plan we'll go back and start again we flew in from there right no I think it was there that's not how we flew in it was there ah I think we're lost in here uh-oh no like stop the panicking I only went uh oh I'm not panicking yet it's your fault fire I know a shortcut go this way how are we gonna get out of here how do I know all I know is that we're late for our lesson thanks to someone it wasn't on purpose I swear now grandpa should punish us what's going on well I think I found a way to get out which way right here I see tab is a GPS navigator glass uh what's a navigator [Music] a GPS navigator is an interactive electronic map that can help you find your way around the Navigator can figure out where you are by using signals that are sent to it from satellites all you have to do is type the address of the place you want to go into it and the GPS can figure out a route to get you there and then it helps you as you go by telling you where and when you need to turn so you can easily get to your destination [Music] let's see right now we're here and where do we need to go you know where to school but where is that are you joking in the laboratory of Professor eugenius can you be quiet where do you want to go the laboratory of Professor eugenius please wait while I chart out the route it did it the navigator says to go there over there come on [Music] and if you happen to go off Route the Navigator will give you a different way to well you finally made it unfortunately you missed an important lesson today we got lost forgive us in case you're wondering we were studying Navigators and you know what we just used a navigator to get here yeah it showed us the way we had to go well that's certainly quite lucky for you because now you don't get an F but from now on kids you have to get here on time I promise you that cause now we know where to get our shortcuts from [Music] ready or not here we come I heard him he ran into the hallway [Music] the kitchen no look and I'll check the living room [Music] well I just don't get it where could he be hiding the office we forgot to check in there [Music] there's nowhere in here for him to hide inside the shark [Music] no like Tom Thomas couldn't even fit half of himself inside of that shark yeah then in that huge vase uh-huh he's all scrunched up in there and laughing at us oh look up there did you hear that he is in there there's no one but I know that I heard it you imagined it let's go take a look in the bathroom I imagined it oh it's so stuffy inside this armor [Music] the arms got stuck [Music] where else could it be who is that he came to life into light well how much longer are you gonna look for me [Music] Arbor is very hard clothing board by Warriors to protect them against swords and arrows people started making armor in ancient times but the full body armor that Knights wore didn't start until the Middle Ages the armor worn by nights on horses was Heavy it could weigh a hundred pounds and if a knight got knocked off of his horse he'd need help to get back up again by the way the knights horses they wore their own heavy set of armor for protection hey did you turn into statues Tom Thomas is that you in there who else lift up his visor I can barely breathe and how come we should do it cause I can't don't you see my arms got stuck we see you look funny funny to you but now I'm stuck and I can't get out of here come on help me out please oh great two soccer's just what we need right now chusaka what's wrong with you it's me stop it [Music] help I can't get up come on let's undo the latches Nola quickly [Music] thanks for helping me it was nothing I couldn't have done it without you let's put the night back together uh-huh before Dad gets back protective clothing isn't just for people who are fighting in battles Travelers put on special Nets to protect themselves against mosquitoes and gnats and beekeepers wear protective clothes too if they had nothing to protect them from bee stings their job would be quite painful without their protective clothing it would be impossible for firefighters to go into burning buildings and save people and how could astronauts go into outer space without special clothing it's freezing up there and there's no air to breathe at all and that's why they wear a special costume called the spacesuit when they travel the spacesuit not only protects astronauts from the cold but supplies them with air so they can breathe by the way the fixies also wear protective clothing so they can stay safe while they work well there did we get it right it looks like we got it right only where's the helmet Nola went to get it Tom Thomas helmet delivery thanks there shusaka whoa there war horse calm yourself down there we go it's all back in place again too bad that your knight looks like a ballerina twirling around you see his arm ah I can't move it it's stuck here's what we'll do give him something to hold [Music] well how's that look perfect now we can paddle into battle [Music] the bee Tom Thomas hello how come you're eating jams straight from out of the jar because it tastes so good oh B [Music] shoot get out of here leave it alone it's just a plain old bee well I was bitten by one of those plain old bees once don't go away you pissed flies are pests these are very helpful and useful how can a bee ever help us out bees are hard workers they are constantly collecting nectar from flowers flying from flower to flower bees transport pollen on their bellies thanks to this process of pollination flowers produce fruit and seeds in other words bees help plants reproduce the bees use the nectar they collect to make that delicious sweet honey loved by kids of all ages and bee honey is not only delicious it's also nutritious laughs so I'm still afraid of it what if it bites me bees don't bite by the way they sting you [Music] foreign [Music] yeah you let it go Tyron why are you calling me names who's stopping her she can fly away if she wants we need to show her the way out well how here little bee fly this way why don't you try going then what can I say [Music] shoe socket don't move it'll sting you it doesn't want to sting both of you like to eat sweets you like eating jam and so does the B why don't you carry two socket to the window go on fly no that's not gonna work you need to go and get more Jam [Music] here little bee yum yum go on and fly you're free let her eat first don't be greedy I'm not being greedy sheets she can make honey out of your jam long ago people could only collect Honey by destroying the nests of wild bees and that went on until someone came up with the idea of taming those insects they started by leaving enough honey for the bees to survive through the winter people took care of bees in these Hollows until they learned to build small houses for them called beehives and a town made of these bee houses is called an apiary bees live and work together in the beehives making honey while beekeepers take care of the bees and collect the honey these are real team players they tell each other where the best flowers grow do you know how they do it one of the bees does a dance and then the rest of the bees watch the dance and learn where they need to fly foreign thing Tom Thomas tired you out I told you there's nothing to be afraid of you see she's just so nice and kind I'm not afraid of her she wouldn't let me eat my jam that's all well now it's time for you to fly away whoa she's playing rough here I want to try uh no look you're too little you'll have to grow to do this job whoa whoa whoa calm down now now let's fly I think of a Windows back there I can see that without you so how can I get you to turn around cool hooray she's listening to me don't miss the window [Music] now so long honeybee titties Tom Thomas do you have any more of that jam left yeah what for bring it here we'll get more bees to fly it how come what do you mean how come ride the kaleidoscope [Music] Oh Thomas when are you gonna give me a Pikachu new ball I just can't wait I told you you can see it as soon as I hang it up you're not peeking are you no I'm not oh so can I look at it now sure take a look which one this one get it's okay don't be sad [Music] I know what to do [Music] Thomas look inside the Kaleidoscope what for I looked already come on there's something I've never seen [Music] well isn't it what is it it's my own invention a pirate Kaleidoscope brass right uh-huh it's great I really like it Tom Thomas hi there I heard that you got a pretty ball to hang on the tree can I see it it's right there where there come on now I just cheered him up how tell me with the Kaleidoscope remember what Grandpa's taught us no one makes a kaleidoscope have such beautiful patterns ah it's because pieces of multi-colored glass are tumbling around in there and it's also because it has Mirrors inside usually there are three of them and they are arranged facing each other that way each piece of glass makes many many Reflections that create the kaleidoscope's beautiful symmetrical patterns away you can put just about anything you want inside a kaleidoscope and a different thing makes its own special pattern there are all kinds of kaleidoscopes some with buttons inside some with flowers and even some that are filled with insects once a very rich man had a kaleidoscope made with precious stones inside yeah it probably wouldn't have been nearly as beautiful if he had just filled it up with money [Music] [Applause] scope I already saw it it's Pirates nah it's not about pirate we changed it go on look and see wow you like it a lot hey what did you put in there a few pieces of the ball that you smashed it's even better for Christmas isn't it [Music] oh that didn't work at all Merry Christmas we can't we can't take a look at that Splendid new Christmas oh what's wrong don't even ask us that I've got it [Music] Tom Thomas what look inside the Kaleidoscope again I don't want to I'm telling you you've got to fine cool yeah thanks so much yeah it's really something and you're the first human in the world that's ever seen it how about that turn it it's great isn't it wondrous designs [Music] [Applause] shimmering sings gingerbread trees [Music] of Dreams [Music] hi everybody Tom Thomas I came to look for myself at that beautiful Christmas it's okay what's more important having such awesome friends or some ball hanging from a tree [Music] the video call [Applause] turn on the camera right away it's me Simca [Music] first as I expected no look why aren't you in school it's cool it started no but you'll be late if you don't hurry I'm on my way is that really your fixie School um well actually it's the laboratory where Professor eugenius works at he lets us have our school here who's that some good luck is that the professor oh come on Tom Thomas that's that's the manipulator who not who what it's a mechanical arm for real oh please show me some of the other things you've got but how can I show you come on with the camera computers and tablets are able to connect with one another through the internet that's why you can talk to another person on your computer like you're talking on the phone and if the computer has a video camera then it's possible to send not only sound through the internet but video as well that's why it's called a video call with video calls it's possible to talk to your friends to see them and to show them all the things you can see yourself all right take a look over here we have chemistry equipment and over here hey Tom Thomas it's good to see you wow you flew there so fast Noah get out of the way you're blocking the view of the lab stop watching The View stop go away Tom Thomas what are you watching uh returning to screws too late he already spotted us what's the cartoon about these funny little guys can I watch with you nah it's boring dad and I've already seen it next that blue guy he starts jumping watch now what I say Run start jumping make it cartoony [Music] now that red-headed character will sing watch then she starts dancing [Music] these guys really are funny and hear the super fast moves [Applause] that was funny I gotta get going that's all you can rest my dad went out [Music] I'll get you Tom Thomas what are you doing over there huh watching a movie but why on my computer sorry Professor yeah will you forgive us so how is it any good uh-huh super funny one really yeah you see that boy there he's gonna start waving his arms around like a maniac he also crows like a chicken [Music] cock-a-doodle-doo and now the boy's gonna go in and chew paper [Music] I can't do this all at once hmm [Music] a movie that's what we're watching here right people have always been interested in seeing what's going on outside of where they are and with the invention of video transmission it's now possible to see what's going on almost anywhere now without leaving your home you can see what's happening on another Street or even in some Far corner of the world with the help of video calls doctors can help their colleagues perform complicated surgeries teachers can give lessons by video and scientists can take part in video conferences with video you can watch a live theater performance in another country and even in outer space an astronaut can feel right at home just chatting away with friends and family and it's not just for astronauts either now almost every tablet and phone here on Earth has video in it introducing Tom Thomas nice to meet you there son and I'm Professor eugenius so I guess you're also a friend of the Pixies yeah only it's a seat my friend that's a secret the two of us share and you know keeping secrets is what friends do [Music] the key card well professor eugenius your kettle's back in Action titties oh why thank you I've been longing for a cup of tea yes there's no tea left in destiny look so you genius you forgot the key [Music] the key don't close the door Simca you must be joking that's the key this is nothing but a plastic card but it is a cube a special kind it's called a key card open up a combination lock you need to enter a code in the correct order that means if you can't remember the code you can't open the lock but if the lock uses a key card there isn't any code to memorize because the code is held inside the card's memory and the Loft can read the code from the card of course key cards don't work with any lock they have to be smart locks that are able to read electronic codes when the Smart Lock reads the correct code it opens right up [Music] Elisa do we have any tea here of course because you're a genius wonderful I'll take one bag then oh I left my key inside the lab can I borrow yours just don't forget to give it back of course I'll give it back come on Elisa I got myself a tea bag the water's boiling fantastic wait a second ah oh no I was supposed to give something back to Elisa why don't you go and ask her right I'll be right back professor eugenius card number two now [Music] Elisa I promised you something didn't I yes the key you said you'd return it yeah sure let me get it just a sec oh I locked it in the lab it's terrible how will you ever get back into the laboratory now you see there is one way but it's a secret would you mind leaving for a couple of minutes colleague Professor can you do me a little favor the key I think I left it on the table Yeah right it's true so how do we solve this I need to think about it what's there to think about we just have to go and push it under the door you think you can do it yeah yeah time to get to work hey what's going on oh were you just calling for me yeah uh no Lisa not for you so heavy do you know where digit ran off too just thinking he's always time to work hard to Port hard to starboard way to go then who were you talking to actually oh what's that what that look do you see that ah that it's a telekinesis it's the power to transport things with your mind you are just astounding was that done with your mind too the door yeah sure you are a genius Professor eugenius is a very talented scientist and a dear old friend of the Pixies he he always helps the fixies and the fixies are happy to help him too Professor eugenius let the Fitzy set up their school right here at his laboratory in it's hard to imagine a better place for a fixie school people from all over the city bring all sorts of things to the laboratory to be tested from computers phones and Furniture to food and toys Professor eugenius uses his expertise to check the quality of all these different things to help him carry out his experiment his laboratory is filled with a variety of tools and machines yes Professor eugenius is a very smart man but he can be absent-minded lucky for him he's got us Pixies around thanks for everything sliding the key card under the door that was simka's awesome idea but the door opened wide while the card was still on the floor that's strange there's nothing strange about it I'm the one who opened it how I climbed in the lock that's all figured out how it worked and titties very clever that's a real tadish I guess that thinking before you go and fix something ought to be what we all study next [Music] the clocks go around left side that's crazy you'll crash no I won't [Music] [Applause] see I told you what huh nothing now you talk with your computer like it's your friend listen that's enough playing for today oh Mom just a little more I'll give you half an hour while I cook dinner and that'll be enough for today with a computer uh ah this stinks I'll never get through all of these levels in half an hour no way hey but what if we could stretch out the half hour how will you take the hands on the clock and move them back a little mom will catch us flying then let's slow down the speed of the clock yeah but now she gotta knows things like that since olden times many clocks run with the help of a pendulum the pendulum controls how fast the hands of the clock turn if you make it longer the pendulum will start to swing slower and the clock's hands will slow down if you make a pendulum shorter the clock will tick faster most clocks that are made today don't use pendulums they run with the help of Springs or with an electronic chip instead but even so there are ways to change the speed of these clocks too yeah push it wow you did it it's amazing how much slower it is that'll give you lots of time to play but now you gotta slow down the clocks in the kitchen yeah and every other clock you got [Music] I just have to turn this to make the pendulum longer uh-huh and now the clock will go slower [Music] um over there let's go do it this we slowed down every clock and your mom didn't see a thing that's great yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] Tom Thomas you're cool [Music] amazing he got another one awesome you're unbelievable way to go huh that's strange hooray incredible yay I did every level oh thanks you're both just the time Masters of the Universe yeah but I'm getting really hungry and mom hasn't called me for dinner because a half hour hasn't passed on the clock hey do you smell that something is burning what happened a fire I don't get it I was just waiting for 30 minutes like I always do but everything burned this time maybe the clock stopped no take a look they're working oh I'll make you some oatmeal oatmeal for dinner Mom I need to uh I'll be right back see what you've done Time Masters of the Universe you gotta go speed those clocks back up okay okay we'll speed them up they'll be caught up in no time come up with lots of different ways to measure time for example if you stand a stick in the ground you can measure the time of day by watching where it's Shadow Falls that's a very simple clock called a sundial another simple and ancient clock is a water clock it keeps track of time by measuring how much water has poured out of it and if the clock uses sand instead of water it's called an hourglass but humans weren't able to accurately keep track of the time until they invented mechanical clocks they come in all sorts of sizes from grandfather clocks to watches Ward around the wrist today we also have easy to read and accurate electronic watches and clocks but the most accurate clock of them all is the atomic clock it tells the entire world the exact time [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tom Thomas why is your alarm clock ringing in the middle of the night huh really is it still night out look Tom Thomas uh but the clock says that it's morning interesting yes yesterday fire and I sped up all the clocks so that's the reason the alarm went off that Em Up the crazy time Thomas asked us so what do we have to do now don't you know get to school it's joking go back to sleep don't worry I'll get all the clocks working right again can I go and fix them with you huh fix them you boys are the ones that always make the problems Eco tester are you ready to see my new invention I just can't wait to show you what it does what is it an Eco tester and what is it for this device lets you check vegetables or fruit so you'll know if they're safe to eat [Music] to grow apples Tomatoes or melons faster and bigger people add chemical fertilizers to the soil but there's a problem if too much of these chemical fertilizers is used when there's too much of them the harmful chemicals get inside the fruits and vegetables and that makes them very dangerous to eat an Eco tester is a special device that quickly shows how much of these harmful chemicals have gotten inside of the food and if the reading is too high that means you shouldn't eat it as you can see the Eco tester shows that this apple is good well let's see this one is safe too it's not interesting this way these apples are all safe now let me take this delicious apple and um make it bad [Music] we will inject this apple with a harmful amount of nitrates what do you mean how come so we can see how the ecotest room works [Music] so you see the Eco tester clearly shows this apple is poisonous and can't be eaten is it only for apples or for any kind of fruit any fruit or vegetable I can get a watermelon to show you could it really be true that watermelons can have nitrites too of course they can have nitrates humans often Act without any concern for nature the waste from factories airplanes cars and cities causes tremendous damage to Nature species of plants and animals disappear air water and soil become polluted and many other kinds of ecological problems appear and humans shouldn't think that ecological problems are just Nature's problems because when humans harm nature they are also harming themselves people breathe in the dirty air drink polluted water and eat food grown in soil contaminated with chemicals if humans don't want to drink milk filled with poisons and they want to eat ecologically clean fruits and veggies then they must learn to treat nature as their friend just these apples ourselves nolik help me out [Music] oh it's away I don't care that Apple's Poisoned With nitrate oh apples foreign [Music] there's no poison in that Apple she ate my assistant oh no I've poisoned her oh Lisa please what should I do I know how to make him here hello it's an emergency it's a case of of poisoning not me I poisoned someone yes with an apple fire I mean poison oh sir this Apple has no poison in it the bad one rolled away onto the floor did it really this is just fantastic news can you see me Elisa I can't see anything how's that you I can see you I can see again I have great news there's no poison at all in this apple are you sure it's perfectly fine here take a look the ecotester shows that there are no harmful chemicals inside it's wonderful news this is one excellent apple and nutritious this Appliance of yours is simply wonderful and also say he's a genius Professor you are a genius thank you for saving my life oh it was nothing actually it was Nordic he saved her life I did dropping the watermelon was your idea wasn't it ah you're right I I saved her life the manipulator [Music] well what do you say Professor it couldn't be any more accurate our manipulator works just perfectly good so that means that we're free to go great see you later all right finally now it's our turn to experiment with that manipulator and you know how to operate this manipulator why do you think we were spying a manipulator is a kind of mechanical arm that people use for difficult or dangerous work to control a manipulator humans use a remote control or a joystick the operator gives the command and the mechanical arm grabs and moves the load some robotic manipulators don't even need to be steered by an operator they're controlled by computers and can work without people being there at all even on the moon and what is this button for uh-huh how about this one [Music] would you like to take a ride right now huh you're scared scared that one bit off we go they're cool hang on this is gonna get even awesomer professor [Music] strange what made this ladder just fall over am I crazy or is someone here oh calm down calm down now for Elisa yeah you're completely overworked [Music] oh no like I'll get you out of there my comeback's gone oh dear what's going on stop this nonsense right now or I'll call the police on you I don't believe in ghosts I don't believe in ghosts I don't believe in where are you pulling me I'm going to faint I'm warning you that's all goodbye throughout the world humans use manipulators for all sorts of work in factories manipulators are used to lift and move heavy loads they can also hand out the parts needed for assembly or even attach these parts themselves in hospitals more precise manipulators are used by doctors to help perform operations manipulators are also used in places where the work is simply too dangerous for people for instance where there are deadly chemicals or places where humans can't get too easily like somewhere underground where there isn't enough space to move or deep under the water or an outer space where there's absolutely no air to breathe so you see mechanical arms are helpful in all sorts of places where humans are unable to reach things with their own arms hang on how can I get that thing open oh I got it [Music] yes who's there [Music] ah what's going on No No Lick what are you doing in there we just took a little test flight is this yours [Music] Elisa Lisa [Music] Professor eugenius I was attacked by a crazy arm the manipulator it's your imagination stop stop I'm telling you Professor eugenius it heard what you just said calm down it's okay it was a little malfunction but I took care of it you are just astounding and don't think that I'm through with you oh with me with you no the manipulator let's go Elisa yeah let's go Professor great job fire and why fire the instructions [Music] it doesn't work try putting it in the other way did you read the instructions why would I instructions are for dummies yeah instructions are for dummies all right oh what's going on wow my battery [Music] instructions teach us how to do things right instructions for a piece of furniture explain how to put it together with the instructions for a television we can adjust the picture and sound the way we like them printed on a box of oatmeal are the instructions for how to cook it the instructions for medicines tell us what the medicine is for and how to safely use it so always read the instructions if you want to do things right and avoid a lot of problems found it here it is here you go Tom Thomas whoa we got your new chair but it has to be assembled and I'm afraid it'll be a little bit difficult for you no it won't don't worry dad I'll do it finish before dinner and we'll get ice cream tonight A creamsicle two okay first assemble the chair [Music] can I help you put the chair together come on hey first you two need to read the instructions for like I haven't seen a chair [Music] thank you [Music] well Tom Thomas you done dinner's ready let's go oh Dad no I need another two minutes hmm help me how what does it say I have to do in the instructions ah I thought you could do it without them ah all right I'll help you let's see take this part over here and that one over there no look get a screw come on it's over there the very first stools and benches appear as far back as ancient Egypt the Pharaoh stool was special because it had a back it is thought that the pharaoh's stool was actually the first chair for a long time a chair was considered a luxury Rich noblemen would bring their own chairs to parties and the more important the man the higher the back of his chair it wasn't until the 19th century that chairs became part of every house today there are just so many different kinds of chairs there are wooden chairs plastic chairs metal chairs chairs with legs chairs with wheels folding chairs baby chairs just all sorts of chairs well well how could people sit down at the table with no chairs oh I think we'll make it screw it in quickly no look we need one more screw but there are there aren't any there is you gotta find it I already looked everywhere Tom Thomas time's up no look you have to help just for a minute that's all turn into a screw if it's only a minute I'll do it for you [Music] I'm done you built it huh great job son mom see how I won the BET can you believe it he put the chair together you're so brilliant go on have a seat [Music] ah now I see you missed a screw but I screwed it in it must have must have what must have what look here it is now this screw's not going anywhere and that ice cream you won well you just lost it well then Mr chair builder time for dinner yeah in a sec where is that note he ran away what a traitor no he's not he promised you he'd become a screw for just a minute and the minute was up well where is he then over there he's studying the instructions for the clock hey Tom Thomas it says that we put the wrong kind of battery into the clock we should have used that kind you see Tom Thomas if you don't want to be a dummy instructions are for you [Music] now here he is our justifying acrobat ore I'm not knowing I'm an acrobat you're going to fall I'm not going to mm-hmm I see every single time with him it's the same old story he gets himself into trouble and I've gotta get him out of there no no I'm falling [Music] I'm just joking no look you're a knucklehead we're down down here look who's in trouble this time this isn't funny at all need some help we can manage this ourselves right well all right then see you later we gotta get out of here Tom Thomas's mom is coming hi [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] are you up for a ride because this Train's leaving the station [Music] nice place it's the oven it's beautiful in here and not hot at all Splendid it isn't hot right now because it only started warming up [Applause] an oven is a cabinet with a heater can get so hot inside that it'll roast whatever's in there as a matter of fact that's what ovens are for people roast meat inside of them and bake things too some ovens burn gas for heat and others use electricity they have special electric coils that get red hot and heat everything that's inside the oven so be careful around ovens a hot oven can burn you very badly [Music] it really is getting so hot we gotta get out of this oven right away [Music] we're about to get roasted in here yeah inside of a fresh baked fixie cake I don't want to it's [Music] [Music] okay [Music] this way [Music] be careful and you'll fall off you're just like Simca she told me the same thing and then she was the one who fell right into the batter together with Tula what they both fell in the dough oh yeah and they're probably still stuck in there too Tom Thomas the cakes fresh out of the oven do you want to try some where could they be huh I don't know maybe they're inside the cake they could have turned into screws we gotta find them hey what are you doing eat stop playing hey watch out you could break your teeth the first ovens in ancient homes were nothing more than simple fire pits where people cooked on hot coals later on the stove was invented every house had a stove made out of stone clay or cast iron people would burn wood or coal in them stoves produced enough heat to make super bake a cake and then in the 19th century the gas stove was invented get stoves are much more practical than wood burning stoves one second and the gas is burning a few more minutes and the water's boiling they're very convenient but they can also be dangerous because if the pipes aren't in good condition there can be an explosion today there are also stoves and Ovens that run with electricity they use electric heating elements for frying boiling or baking foods without fire at all [Music] Tom Thomas I think you'll explode what did so incredibly good I just can't stop eating it hmm keep chewing Tom Thomas that's as much as I can chew you guys have two up two we're trying to save you you're not in the cake then how come I was eating all of this I hate cake um maybe it's because that's what good friends do yeah he's a good friend who's got a really good appetite the airbag gonna be late thank you [Music] oh wow hey slow down there I'm a super duper racer again risking your life and super Racers like me can always count on luck you know fire counting on Good Luck is stupid it would be better if you would keep your mind on safety actually today Professor eugenius has something really special to show us he's going to be testing an airbag uh what's that digit explain it [Music] everybody riding in a car has to wear their seatbelt because if the car has to stop quickly the belt will hold the person back but there are times when even seat belts don't give enough protection like when a fast moving car crashes into something when that happens the driver and passengers can be protected by an airbag you can't see them when they're folded up because they're hidden but if the car is in a crash the airbags blow up very quickly and the person bumps into the bag instead of bagging it to the steering wheel or flying through the windshield [Music] here I come and once again when something dangerous must be tested Professor eugenius tested on himself but grampus aren't you scared that it won't blow up with air don't worry about the air three and a two and a one [Music] the airbag filled up in an instant did you notice yeah but how does it do it there is a chemical inside of there that quickly Burns and instantly turns into a gas the moment the crash takes place the gas fills the airbag and there you go did I explain that right professor [Music] he's gotta get him out stop we'd better call for help [Music] Professor do you need some help sorry to take you from your work you are free to go Professor how did you manage to press the button from way over there uh I managed to hit it on the Fly you are just astounding small children safe while they're riding in a car they must be buckled up with a seat belt inside of a special booster chair but kids also need to be careful when they're riding a bicycle skateboarding roller skating riding a scooter first of all it's that's to keep off of roads where there's too much traffic I can put your protective gear on or your arms and legs wear elbow pads gloves and knee pads for your head we're a helmet that way if you fall down you won't get badly hurt third make sure that people can see you if you're out riding in the evening your closing bike must have safety reflectors on them they let drivers see where you are by reflecting the light from their headlights back at them remember better safe than sorry oh here we go well I hope this time I've got it should we call his assistant right now just in case let's just wait and see Ready Set Go grab boost he needs to be rescued no need I made a change to it now the back not only inflates automatically it deflates itself as well as you fixie say today's lesson is done hooray bored I've I've got your fixie board fire here you go I just went and equipped it with an airbag really how come you know I'm a super racer see that's why I installed it super Racers don't need airbags we never never ever ever oh wow is that airbed cool or what it's a very original design to use there that design is my own and fire ran the test Professor will you make an airbag for each one of us you all will get them real soon but even so I shouldn't care made acid is rare the dog it's about me Pixies it sounds like she's angry with us I wish I knew that mad dog was thinking about and thinking about you you better hide where people will see you I'm leaving see you later soaked Tom Thomas I'm off don't be late she's Saka that's enough no I need to go to school he's got a smart class today and he's leaving his math book trying to serve like a good dog but no one understands me dogs have been serving people since ancient times along with cows horses chickens and other domestic animals but of all of these animals the dog was the very first the beginning domesticated dogs looked like wolves over time they started changing and were developed into dogs of many different breeds from Big Shepherds to tiny chihuahuas so a dog is not only a human's best friend but his very first friend as well please [Applause] stop snail oh same cook come on out I see you [Music] oh no we're trapped in here all right something's burning over there why won't they listen I think she's going to eat us together with the Box [Music] we're done for oh come on look the outlet is oh no something must have broken in there are we going to fix it kids should never touch outlets and you know it too it's forbidden then how do we fix it go find Papa's and I'll stay here and wait for you but where's papa where he is I don't know what she's barking about but I think tusaka wants to help us then come on jusaka help us oh [Music] yeah [Music] is that you there's an outlet sparking over there and it smells like it's burning are you sure yeah shusaka found it really great job there are many kinds of service dogs dogs that help people by carrying out a wide variety of different jobs like protecting a house or a flock of sheep if the dogs are Shepherds some working dogs help guards protect their importers While others work for the police there are sled dogs that transport people and loads in the north where there's only snow and no roads some service dogs help blind people by helping them get to the places they need to go and there are dogs that save people trapped on mountains and that's not all dogs went up into space before humans but don't think that dogs are just given these jobs oh no like humans dogs study for a long time before they're allowed to take on serious work yeah that's all there won't be a fire not today well done choose soccer you're a real service dog no doubt about it [Music] go away I've had enough of you already today don't say that because this working dog just saved your house from burning down what do you mean she smelled smoke coming from the outlet it could be that chusaka means well and wants to do the right thing but nobody owns answer what that's a bit hard to believe then what's this book this book book that's where I left it remember how to help you you're right I had a girl choose soccer well done what a rain my feet got wet to the Bone but this morning shusaka tried to get you to wear a different pair of shoes that's something I should listen more closely to the smart little dog of ours [Music] they understand me
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 608,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: w7vb3GFFaiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 6sec (4986 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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