The Curse of Clayface

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it has recently come to my attention that Clayface is going to be a part of the Batman 2. now whether he's the big pile of [ __ ] monster or he's just the regular guy who wears face putty who knows but either way I'm excited to see it and I remember like two years ago I posted like a thing where I thought that Nicholas Cage would be the perfect clay face and I still believe that to this day so here's a little test reel [ __ ] you're going to happen this [ __ ] door anyways now that you enjoyed that nonsense I kind of want to talk about one of my favorite Clayface stories ever because it's just so good and I want you guys to know about it before the Batman 2 comes out as we start the story we find a young basil Carlo stumbling upon his father's old horror mask his father then enters his office to find his son looking at all the masks and he asks his son if the masks are terrifying to him to which the kid says that the masks feel like they're staring right back into his soul and the father says that that's the trick isn't it telling basil that that's half the trick the other part of the trick is the man under the mask the man under the mask creates the monster and once the actor is able to trick the audience into believing that this monster is somewhat real that's when the true Terror begins and after telling his son the true secret to Terror in film he starts to turn around and use this industrial chemical to mold his face in a sense oh my God that's [ __ ] terrifying after scaring the Daylights out of his son he starts to rub off the chemicals on his face and starts to break down a little bit saying to his son that all of those monsters on the wall that he sees are a part of him in a sense he put his all into each and every single Monster on that wall but the studio the studio didn't believe in him and once the studio saw his father's true monster within the studio blacklisted him from Hollywood forever as Basil's father tells his son to never let anyone see the true monster within Because deep down nobody loves a monster cut to 20 years later basil Carlo was on the top of his career and everybody knows basil Carlo he's a household name and what basil Carla wants more than ever is to land a villain role in a horror movie as he argues with his agent to make it happen the next day overlooking Hollywood with his girlfriend basil Carlo can't shake off the feeling about this audition he needs to land this part it means something to him he begins to say how nervous he is about Landing this role and his girlfriend then asks what's so special about this role with basil saying that he relates this role to his dad how his dad had anger and guilt and let it all run his life and how this role is very similar to that and to him he has to prove something to his father that you can be a monster and still be accepted and what do you know the audition rolls around and basil lands the part after a phone call with his agent and with all the good news he's looking forward to calling his father to tell him that he'll be the villain in a horror movie but while on the phone with his agent he gets another call coming in while speeding on the highway and with basil Carlo picking up the phone while speeding he would hear from a doctor on the other end that his father was found dead and with him not paying attention to the road he would crash into another car [Music] God he's trying to say something basil can you hear us like that we're just so happy to see her alive basil you almost didn't make it a lot Rock why are you giving her that look oh God listen to me it's okay that one can see me like this this isn't who I am please don't look and that's my cue basil I'm not gonna sugarcoat it nobody's going to pay money to look at that face on the big screen ever again now after that somewhat jarring scene basil Carlo would be checked out of the hospital and immediately go to his father's apartment to collect his things and while basil would Shuffle around his father's old things in his apartment he would find the very same chemical that his father would use to distort his face called renew seeing this as his shot to become his old self again he would mix the materials and start rubbing it on his face the next day would roll around and Basil's agent would try to convince the director that basil was no longer an actor however what his agent couldn't anticipate was basil walking in completely healed of all injuries after appearing to the set and shooting a couple of scenes basil would fire his manager and while his girlfriend would look at him and be in total shock that he was completely healed they would essentially break up because basil didn't want to be reminded of his disfigured face and after days and days of using this same chemical to repair his face he would start running out of the material and wonder where his father was actually getting this after basil would figure out what company would create renew Batman and Commissioner Gordon would figure out that there's the same man that keeps coming to the company every night and stealing the same chemicals so with Batman being Batman he decides to take this new Criminal down on the next night while basil would run his regular routine he would find more renew than usual and get excited because he could finally finish the movie production however that wouldn't be the case as Batman would drop down telling him to step away from the boxes but bazel would refuse saying he won't give it up that's his whole life at stake so Batman would punch basil in the face and wear his face used to be is a massive hole leaving Batman in total shock the next night basil Carlo would wake up in a hospital bed handcuffed and demanding for a mirror from the nurse basil then requests the nurse that nobody sees his true face but it's a little late for that as the director of the movie handsome a newspaper with Basil's true face on the front page as she tells basil that basil could have still been in the movie regardless of his disfigured face and that she would have fought tooth and nail to the studio to keep him in because that part was his and basal Carlo blew it as she basically says that he could have literally showed the world what he truly was but now she doesn't care if he walks out of here tonight he's not going to be in the movie anymore and right as his director leaves Batman appears right beside his bed telling basil that he has a choice to make basil Carlo then starts to yell at Batman that he has no choice anymore he's a monster and Society doesn't love a monster no matter what choice he makes however Batman tells him that he's not a monster he's just a man a man that is sad alone and lashing out at everyone because he feels trapped and alone as Batman tells basil Carlo that the chemicals he's been putting on his face every day have been destabilizing his neurons in his brain causing basil to not truly be himself anymore as Batman tells basil that if he testifies against this company that makes renew he could redeem himself so he can either be the monster that Society sees him as or bazel can work with Harvey Dent at the District Attorney's office and be something more so the following day basil Carlo shows up to the district attorney's office only basil Carlo doesn't decide to work with Harvey Dent instead showing up to the district attorney's office with a gun trying to find Renew yelling at officers to show him where the chemical is but while bazel runs for the chemicals the police officers open fire on basil and in turn basil Carlo drowns in renew becoming a clay monster and with the police officers thinking they just killed basil Carlo they don't even pay attention to what's behind them as Clayface starts to emerge oh wait do you hear that cut to the film production of Second Skin Basil's old agent is showing off their new actor replacing basil until they get a visitor and that visitors Batman as he shouts to the whole cast and crew to run as the ground starts to shake with a thump growing nearer and nearer as complete chaos breaks out as basil Carlos smashes through a building telling Batman that he's made his choice as Clayface Roars at the cast and crew that they see him now don't they don't they and as Clayface grabs his replacement threatening to kill him in the second act of the movie basil Carlo's ex-girlfriend tries to tell him that she doesn't know how this happened to him but he's not like this inside he's not a monster but basil refuses as he instead wants to show everyone their true monster within as he throws chemicals on his ex-girlfriend shouting to the hilltops that he'll show everyone their true monster within as we then cut to Basil Carlo as a kid again sitting with his father watching an old horror movie [Music] get back you idiot Beast do you promise me boy promise to never let them see yeah Dad promise and with that I really hope you guys like this video me personally Clayface has always been my favorite villain ever since like Arkham City in that final boss fight he's just always been like one of those kind of surreal villains that's just always been cool to me I also just like a very deranged villain that can also shapeshift it just opens so many possibilities for storytelling but anyways I hope you guys like this video and don't forget to leave a like And subscribe and as always I'll catch you all on the flip side
Channel: Mullet-Man Comics
Views: 578,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fVhFYblvryQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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