The first blueprints you should make | Bite-sized Satisfactory

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hey hey CDA and welcome back to satisfactory last time around we built this pretty awesome looking power facility I think it's not the biggest one in the world but it's efficient it's easy to build which is very important and it provides us all the power that we need now in the meanwhile I have a problem because currently update seven the experimental branch that is is actually booked so if I get anywhere close to my trucks they are not driving however if I stay far enough away the game actually doesn't load in the actual vehicles but does simulate how they would be driving if they were actually in the game so as you can see the vehicles are actually driving around as long as I'm not too close to my pace so given the fact that I'm going to have to stay away for a while I figured why not take advantage of that and make ourselves some very nice basic blueprints that we can use all over the place now if you're not on Update 7 that means that this will only serve as inspiration for your own builds or as a future reference in case you do transfer to update 7 at some point but I do think it's kind of nice to see kind of the blueprint designer in practice how it works how you would design some basic stuff there is of course already people out there making complete malls hubs factories Etc with the tile for tile puzzle piece type of approach uh a type of blueprints um I'm definitely not going to do that for the simple reason that takes a lot of time I have a job so we'll have to keep it short and sweet but I also want to keep it practical because I want to make designs that you could easily make yourself as well or make your own variants of those designs based on your own preferences own playstyle so let's get to it now first of all you're going to want to make a couple of things that might not be the most original but are going to save you a massive amount of time and that is for example this array over here with a total of eight smelters which is going to be extremely useful for several reasons first of all eight smaller C is the exact amount that you can feed through a Mark III belt it's also designed in such a way that it is very compact it's designed in such a way that it's actually stackable which is really nice if you want to make kind of like smelting Towers or something like that and it's also just a really fun way to build it because because it so Compact and with the output belt going on top of the input belt it's just very convenient to make very closely build arrays of basic items so um you can of course make variants on this as well with different types of outputs maybe just a single line with outputs things like that but I think that's probably better safe for things like this simple Constructor builds like this are going to save you a lot of time as well for several reasons one there is actual already power included I know you're probably getting tired of me saying this but I hate doing all those power poles on power lines and this comes with power attach so you only need to connect maybe one or two power poles in order to actually make this all work of course there's also an input build and an output belt it has all the little tiny belts that you need to put in between the Splitters and the mergers and generally speaking this is just very functional now you could make a version of this for every single item you can make in the Constructor I don't recommend doing that but if you want to be um like very consistent about that and not have to fiddle at all with your builds then that's something you could do I just prefer making this once and then you're setting the recipe as needed now of course if you're going to make a single line build like this you're also going to want to make this now if you're wondering what the difference between this build and the last build is it's actually only the direction of the in and output belts the reason that you might want to do this is that if you want to make a symmetric layout with different Constructors making different items and you want to place them in such a way that they're kind of not all facing in the same direction you're going to need a completely mirrored build so just flipping the blueprint around doesn't work because then the belts will be moving in opposite directions from each other so just having the mirror built on hand is going to be very useful now once you get to the larger machines you might want to go for slightly more complex and smooth layouts and what I mean by that is that it's a very popular approach to kind of hide your belts under the floor and if you do that you're going to spend a lot of time with floor holes lifts um connecting all of that back up again on the the downside of the floor so generally speaking if you again if you want to just save yourself a lot of time this is where blueprints come in and very handy because once again you can kind of just copy paste this layout now you could make different versions of this I now have a version with three different assemblers that's probably a little bit much it might be smarter to just make a layout with just one or a variant or two of those where you have like one with one one with two one with three because of course it really depends on how many of these buildings that you need but the layout will be the same and the idea behind this is basically that you have all the belts hidden underneath the floor make sure you connect them up already and make sure you connect them with lifts which apparently I forgot over here because I'm currently having some issues with these lifts actually turning up correctly once you connect them so I'm gonna go put back in those lifts but also make sure you kind of test your blueprints after you make them because even if they are correct in the blueprint designer right now if you're on the experimental World your blueprints are apparently able to break because I've had that problem several times now and just in case you were wondering what it looks like with lifts we have a line of inputs over here that goes into a lift up here and then we have other lifts facing in the other direction beating off a belt that goes into this one and then that kind of like alternates as you can see in between it's a little hard to get around it below here with all these lifts getting in the way but you can still actually get around quite easily as long as you are not going through a belt which is again why usually it takes quite a long time to set this up I also recommend that if you use a build like this and every now and then you need bells to cross each other well you can either just have them clip straight through each other because they're below floor no one is ever going to be able to see that but if you want to be um more strict about that and actually not kind of go against the laws of nature physics Etc it's very easy to bring the belts up after I lift and just have them go on top of the floor for just a few meters and then go back down just so you can have something else crossed Below in the meanwhile now just keep in mind once again that would build like this because it's a single line you might also want to consider making a mirrored version of that just in case you want to make something symmetric although I do have to say it's probably less urgent that you do it with assemblers manufacturers etc for the simple reason that you're typically using a lot less of those and uh the chances that you're going to make a symmetric build with those is probably a lot lower than when it comes to things like Constructors and there is of course nothing stopping you from making similar builds for Constructors as well so by all means if you do like this type of layout make them for all the types of units that you might want to include in your factory do make sure that you don't include too many foundations because it makes it a lot more annoying to actually place them down make sure you have them all at the same height because of course otherwise it's going to mismatch between different parts of your Blueprints and generally speaking you can of course make them smaller than I just did over here you can make a Constructor type of build like this two five day foundations wide however I do like some walkways in between my facilities which you can manually make as well I just just figured well hey why not just have them be included in the build already so that I can remember to leave myself some space to move around now if you want to get really elaborate with your blueprints you could also make builds like this this is in fact the exact same smelter build that I just showed you at the beginning of this episode so it has the eight smelters in total and a Mark 3 build going in between but it's all hooked up in such a way that it's kind of like it's its own little building already just just a copy paste building that I can place anywhere in the world and just go and spell stuff um so there is one belt going in over here there's a power node only outside which if I connect this up the entire facility will already be powered and then I kind of like this though this how this looks so you will actually see some ore moving in the back here as well and then on the other side there's a lift that just drops everything back out now of course you can make a ton of variations on this as well I actually did do a little bit sneaky thing that you might not think of when you make this build initially but remember that I do make my builds in such a way that there's not actually a recipe included just yet so I left the um the roof open a little bit so it's very easy to just jump in there and set the recipe get out again and then just close up the roof since I'm gonna go in any way I figured why not just leave open the roof until we actually do that now of course you're not limited to just making um Factory parts from your blueprints you can also use it to basically Proclaim you're a big fan of the X-Men or if you want a very imposing type of entrance to your building I really like like the looks of this this type of entrance um and of course like variants on this you can easily make in the blueprint designer as well so you can basically start out your build fertility building a lot quicker because setting up things like this with these crosses and all these these triangle formations Etc takes a lot of time and once again if you're going to repeat the pattern over and over or at least use it multiple times it just make it the first time in the blueprint designer and then you can use it in different places in your facility so that's very convenient and I think a very good use case of the blueprint designer now if we're going to use the blueprint designer to make wall sections it's very important that you think about how they're going to interconnect so for example over here I have a bit of a basic wall but it looks more interesting than the average wall just because it has these diagonal beams so if if I want to repeat that pattern and I think it's this one actually there we go in order to actually make sure we don't have sections of walls sticking together we need to make sure we leave out the the pillar on one of the sides so we can interconnect it with this one and then for example if I want to have it go around the corner I can do it like this and that just makes sure we can have the pattern repeating over and over without having to spend too much time fiddling around with that now the problem with this is that it's it's a little bit weird looking when you have a diagonal build like this and the bars go in the same direction all the time so what you can actually do is make a second blueprint but using the other wall and then do it something like this apparently I am now out of concrete but I think you get the point now we actually have the diagonal bars running in the opposite direction and we can kind of make a waveform across our base if that's what we want to do so just think about the type of pattern that you want how you want it to repeat or not to repeat in this case and make sure you make your blueprints accordingly now last but not least there's two things that I notice while using the blueprint designer first of all it seems to kind of eat your resources somehow supposedly when you clear a blueprint it puts the resources in the blueprint designer storage which is this this tiny little box over here but it doesn't always seem to do that I definitely had like five or six stacks of concrete on me when I started doing all of this I switched a couple of twine times between Blueprints and I I lost a lot of resources while doing that so I'm entirely sure what's going on there it's also not necessarily a problem or anything like that but if you're going to make blueprints that use very like important resources or expensive resources you might just want to save make the blueprint and then reload because your blueprint will still be there but your resources will not be at risk of being lost and the final thing that I noticed was that the trucks or tractors as they are technically cold are actually moving once again even when I am close up and personal they're no longer dancing around in their places which was kind of cute to look at but not very functional so it seems the problem has been fixed very quickly by the developers as usual and that means that we can continue Building without any problem I do believe that they managed to break the trains instead which is causing a lot of trouble for a lot of other people but we don't have to range yet so good for us that we're not that far ahead if you're still here first of all you are awesome second of all let me know in the comments are you actually on the experimental build or not if not why not and if you are let me know are you actually using blueprints already how are you using them did I miss out on any obvious use cases that I should cover some sometime else in general just let me know what you think and how you play because of course that is very useful information for me to know for future episodes as well I hope you enjoyed this specific episode and got some inspiration on how to use the blueprint designer and make sure you join me in the next few episodes while we're going to be expanding our base significantly to get those heavy modular frames as well as computers up and running
Channel: The Dutch Actuary
Views: 21,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wQGKaAiIPg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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