The Final War and The Brutal Machines Involved. (ULTRAKILL Lore)

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Envision a world draped in the fog of War of captivating tapestry woven by destructive machines fueled by the very blood of the Rome creators driven by an unending quest for Supremacy mankind tirelessly evolved their Creations unwittingly entangling themselves in an arms raised to their own Extinction Humanity relentlessly pursued Victory employing any strategy no matter how vile or inhumane this Relentless Pursuit begun with the introduction of advanced Weaponry such as electric and heat utilizing guns rendering standard bullets obsolete however even these cuttingedge weapons in the hands of a highly skilled human Soldier proved feudal against the first automated machines created by mankind this inaugural creation tailored for an era of trench warfare wielded a massive Gatling gun and a virtually impenetrable shield and boding brutality in its truest form the Gutterman the gutter Stands Tall and imposing boasting a robust stature its distinctive features include a dome-shaped head with small openings capped by lenses giving it an ominous appearance the battle hard nature of the Gutterman becomes unmistakable as weathered metal and blood stains decorate its mechanical body on the gutterman's right shoulder are red markings which according to multiple sources are abbreviations in Russian and when these abbreviated words are translated to English they translate to man tank 01 making many believe the Gutterman is of Russian origin with a sense of seasoned brutality the Gutterman used its massive shield and Gatling gun to be a Relentless Force pushing into the depths of enemy trenches its imposing figure marked by the signs of combat strike fear into the hearts of those who stand against it solidifying its role as a merciless instrument of Destruction in the ultra kill universe forged in the early days of the final war their government stood as a pioneering experiment being the first Automated machine to utilize blood as a fuel source and be deployed on a large scale in the initial phase of the final war marked by trench warfare these indomitable Giants were air dropped into enemy trenches with the task to methodically clear out opposition soldiers faced a grim Choice confront the Relentless force of the Gutterman or risk running into the hail storm of bullets flying over the trench at the time researchers were struggling to maintain a fresh blood source for the government so as a makeshift solution a live fuel source was strapped inside sustained by minimal life support and sealed away in a steel coffin carried by the Gutterman while officially described as volunteer Patriots many of these fuel sources were actually deserters battle fatigue rures or prisoners of war the brutality witnessed during these times did not go unnoticed by forces from afar the suffering of these human blood supplies served as a haunting inspiration for an arguably more horrifying creation the Gutterman although pioneering blood fueled Machinery that revolutionized the dynamic of War marked just the beginning of a transformative era the revelation of blood as a viable fuel source triggered a Cascade of technological breakthroughs in machine engineering sparking an intense arms race opposing forces engaged in a Relentless exchange of destructive Creations each designed to counter the capabilities of the previous one in response to the formidable Gutterman a machine was crafted specifically to counter its dominance armed with a weapon capable of penetrating the gutterman's thick armor this destructive New Creation brought an in the era of trench warfare entirely this powerful bright red machine was aptly named the gutter tank the gutter tank much like its predecessor the gutter men shares a bulky build but stands out with a vibrant and angular design colored in a bright red Hue with striking yellow highlights alongside Central components being shades of black and gray the right arm of the tank boasts a massive rocket launcher firmly attached to a cylindrical tank on its back presumably serving as either its ammo supply or fuel storage in a unique touch the left arm takes the form of a metal fist featuring a German inscription in according in multiple sources when translated to English says fist tank hinting at the Tank's Origins and adding a clever twist to the machine's capabilities it is not a mere tank enduring punches but a tank that can deliver powerful punches as well this playful pun reflects both the serious nature of warfare and the Ingenuity and design that emerged during this era of technological arms race derived from the very foundations of the Gutterman for efficiency gutter tanks are equipped with a highly effective explosive in arms capable of inflicting damage to thick armor rendering the once dominant Gutterman obsolete human soldiers rapidly lost relevance in the face of machines that outclassed them they were nearly entirely phased out marking the onset of the second era of the final war this era witnessed a Relentless exchange of machine Warfare with designs rapidly introduced and retired in response to each other while celebrations greeted soldiers returning home they soon discovered the harsh reality of this senseless and Perpetual arms race all resources were devoted to war efforts leaving civilizations struggling for survival homes transformed into battlefields plunging Society into a war of all against all the survivors of the war sought refuge on the backs of the very machines that had epitomize the Pinnacle of the arms race colossal mobile monuments of Destruction arguably embodying the very Horsemen of the Apocalypse these colossal machines brought the human race to the brink of Extinction with their unparalleled Effectiveness and causing havoc in destruction however their reign of terror met an unexpected end thwarted by an unforeseen climate catastrophy these colossal machines once considered the Pinnacle of the arms race are known as Earth movers formerly 1000 th Earth movers resembling an extraordinarily tall structure with the vague resemblance of giraffe the earth mover features an elongated neck-like structure leading to a six-eyed head with shoulder joints on each side the right shoulder joint of the earth mover proudly supports a spear-like lightning rod enabling the machine to unleash electric projectiles beneath its neck four heavily armored legs also spear-like and shaped provide both mobility and a cold industrial likee appearance however in Hell these powerful legs are locked into position by the very roots of the tree of life the earth mover is embellished with living quds and even a control center indicating that humans once inhabited the backs of these devastating machines exploring the interior reveals additional living quarters staircases facilitating access to different parts of the earth mover and instructions written in Japanese possibly marking the Earth mover's origin many other features showcase Innovations possibly designed to withstand Siege including a lethal security system a self-destruct protocol and what appears to be energy Shields safeguarding vital components of the machine these defensive measures highlight the Earth mover's role as both a weapon and refuge for Humanity during the end days of the Final War as the final era reached its apex engulfing the world in cleansing fire surviving civilizations faced a grim reality evacuate onto the backs of Earth movers or perish the surface turned into an inhospitable Wasteland devote of all life the unrelenting global war saturated the atmosphere was s smoke in Decay blotting out the Sun and plunging the world into the long night Earth movers required two sources of energy to function their massive components properly the long night made it impossible for them to feed on sunlight and because they killed most of mankind finding new sources of blood became more and more difficult ultimately they succumb one by one signaling the end of an era when large scale conflict was entirely dependent on these colossal machines with the end of the war Humanity still found itself at the mercy of a desolate planet in the midst of Despair a collective effort emerged to reverse the effects of what is now known as the long night climate catastrophe marking the beginning of the new peace era two centuries of War concluded not with a bang but an utter silence these final days of the final war were documented by presumably a Survivor on the back of one of the Earth Earth movers their documentation said the following this is the only way it could have ended war no longer needed its ultimate practitioner it had become a self- sustaining system man was crushed under the wheels of a machine created to create the machine created to crush the machine samsar of kutsu in crushed bone death without life null Orab boros all that remained is war without reason a magnum opus a cold Tower of Steel a machine built to end war is always a machine built to continue War you were beautiful outstretched like antennas to the heaven you were beyond your creators you reached out for God and you fell none were left to speak your eulogy no final words no concluding statement no point perfect closure this is the only way Way it Should Have Ended as the planet slowly began to heal and breathe again and Mankind work to reverse the damages they cause these Titans stood as a reminder of how close mankind came to their own self-inflicted Apocalypse in the Altra kill Universe Humanity learned a harsh lesson through Relentless and unending conflict understanding that the only resolution to Perpetual Strife lies within addressing its root cause Humanity itself surprisingly mankind survived the consequences of their Creations however the creators of these murderous machines that did not survive the final war presumably face damnation in the violence layer of Hell there they become victims of their own Creations once again but this time for [Music] eternity [Music] he
Channel: Chroma Prime
Views: 71,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chromasky, gaming, streaming
Id: O0aQg2-1LcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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