The Final Shape Is The BEST Destiny DLC || GG Over EZ 231

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yo wait a second yo do those plug in yeah like I can plug this out if I wanted to yeah but that you don't have audio I mean mine aren't Wireless Mo just about every wireless headset has a plugin big guy mine AR Wireless mine aren't Wireless and and I swore it was like hardwired like headphones so I went and bought a whole new set of headphones maybe I could have just taken the wire out Jesus [ __ ] Christ Rob I thought these were like hardwire you've got to be you've got to beid it's hard in there like it's like I feel like it is though it's like in there like huh a lot of them have like locking mechanisms Twi it maybe yours can't I maybe yours are just I don't know it's just it's kind of in there I want you to include this as a bonus part of the podcast cuz my God that was one of the worst things I've ever witnessed that being said here we go ready all right quick silence welcome back to the GG over easy podcast with your boys you got a warlock a Titan and a hunter talking about the final shape and we'll just keep it we'll just keep it a buck 50 lungy cooked and we talk about how they cooked uh we we talk about the future of Destiny talk about how much we enjoyed the game how much we enjoyed the final shape uh the raid race um the story yada yada yada and we just kind of go over how much we really enjoyed the final shape um and how much we hope no cap either this is no cap we liked it this is hey this we're often doomers but there's no Doom here we talked about how much we enjoyed the game uh talk about how much we want Bungie to keep this going and how much we believe the game has to go in relation to other you know MMO type games uh but how much how impressed we are really uh this is this is a podcast where we're going to be glazing on that Gizzy so yeah this is Destiny strictly so if you guys want all that and more also uh we're going to be talking spoilers a lot then spoiler yeah hard spoiler like warning and maybe stick around ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the GG over ezy podcast episode 20 31 and it is the destiny episode for many reasons I mean final shape just released so I imagine that's majority what we're going to talk about as well as some Q&A at the end uh but no secret as well we're recording this on Sunday so a little less than a week ago the final shape came out which is the uh conclusion to the light and dark Saga as we know it the story Destiny has been telling over the last 10 years since it came out out we grinded we also tried to day one raid we're here now where do you guys want to start um we could just start from maybe just like the story like legendary um let's talk about the's let's start with the legendary campaign you the first and foremost and what in my opinion is always the best part of Destiny expansions now are we talking spoilers yet we need to give a spoiler warning somewhere you haven't uh this entire I don't think we can talk about it this whole this I don't think you should be watching a podcast saying talking about the final shape unless you played it so this entire podcast is is going to be spoilers I agree this whole this whole podcast section go to the Q&A yeah go to the Q&A because we're we're gonna be we're going to be going it fut Rob will be like hey hour 15 is when we stopped talking about this so enjoy your Five Minute Podcast yeah enjoy your five minute podcast Rob you're welcome uh I was just talking about the campaign I think [Music] um how do I describe this um Destiny's story has wildly oscillated from like really bad to good oscillate what the hell does that mean oscillate like uh yeah es and flows Destiny's story has always wildly oscillated between like really just dog [ __ ] to pretty pretty good um and the oscillating definitely the oscillating definitely oscillated a little more toward bad uh for much of the game's life um but right around witch Queen the game really started finding its footing of Storytelling I foren or was that part of the that's part of the that's part of the ebb and flow of of of it but I think witch Queen is where they started really funing their footing and having a little you know the stocks were going up and uh like you know The Season's leading up to witch Queen and then witch Queen itself and witch Queen Seasons I started I started genuinely caring about the story um and so I guess the best way to describe it is Destiny somehow managed to pull a reverse Game of Thrones now I'm going to bring it around to the station here yeah let him land Game of Thrones so one of incredible storytelling for for the start and the first four arguably five seasons are Peak television Peak storytelling just so smart so good the highs were so high the lows were so low in the in the best way possible like you felt everything that happened you know six and six and was seven the last season or eight seven eight no eight eight six and seven you're saying like is like lightfall almost or like well we we'll get around the station so six and seven six and seven had their problems but it was still great TV it just wasn't as Peak as like wow Peak you know what I mean like like six and seven were still compared to most TV like not even close like but because the comparisons were there like it was just it was it was Peak you know what I mean it was still Peak ate so bad and made me forget about seasons 1 through 7 it made me forget in that moment story is more fitting than it made me so quickly forget all the good things about Game of Thrones because of how bad the ending was because of how badly they did not stick that Landing Destiny 2 um the story started from I can't explain why I can't explain that I don't I can't explain I don't have explain why I don't have time to explain what man um it's it the story going from vague guys the darkness is bad to the next expansion here's character Exposition also the darkness is bad you had you know you had a couple of moments where it was like oh we are we going somewhere and then no we're we're not going anywhere and I'm sure this is you just saying this about like the cut scene stories not so much like the lore or the grimore like all that kind of but well theame wasn't a thing until the let's be real here the lore is nice and the lore is a great part of Destiny but the lore has rarely ever made an appearance in game stories let's it sucks um and the moments it does it's great which continuing on you have these moments where like the lore and the game finally intersect like deep Stone Crypt um like um the the the dungeon um uh isar Collective um uh The Stranger uh The Stranger finally coming back um Zero Hour uh not not not isar Collective um black Armory um it was the Mars dungeon um oh um prophecy no we're warlord's ruin no we're Osirus what's the Yeehaw one yeah the yho one yes the yho one can't remember what that one was called I forgot but that was a big lore but that was a big lore uh big one for Loree heads um you know you start getting all this lore about a garden of Salvation and you know when it really hits it it finally is like oh we're going to get somewhere and then we rarely get anywhere um so the game oscillates and and then you have finally stuff like forsaken where it's like finally we get some good in-game story maybe it's not high art maybe it's not even by most storytelling standards great but in Destiny it's like finally something coherent let's go just something and then we get Shadow keep but then we get stuff like witch Queen then we get uh savathon and all of her lore finally coming together and they do this character they've been hyping up in the lore and the game so long Justice and she's a total [ __ ] and you love to hate her and then we get lightfall where we're right back to square one where it's like man all that storytelling everything that we were getting to all that lore and we're right back to hey guys I farted like ah cool I hated that part and so despite all of that despite the game having such a rocky road of Storytelling of never really finding its footing sometimes getting something cool and then nope back to back to not caring they somehow managed to stick the landing of a story so Rocky so often incoherent they somehow manage to make me care about this villain that they had been building up for the past 3 four years that I wasn't really sure about but finally started to come together uh they they somehow managed to to make it feel like we had never lost Cade and that Kade had been part of the game for all these years and he was getting these character arcs that we' been waiting for and hoping for we finally get this progression of crow uh you know not only getting to see his and bond with the person he murdered but also realize like hey maybe there's stuff I have to teach to Cade in the same way Cade has things to learn from me we finally get eora and zala really fleshing out their hopes and fears we finally get zala breaking down and really realizing wow you know what like maybe my faith has been shaken and maybe I am going to get a little a little over the top and kind of act like a baby and maybe I am going to hit rock bottom finally and and our H it's just with what they had they didn't have much going in to the final shave I'm going to be real story-wise they did not have much going in but they somehow managed to stick the landing so good it made me forget about how bad Destiny story has been the past seven years overall so the it's the inverse Game of Thrones where the ending of Game of Thrones was so bad I forgot everything good about Game of Thrones but with Destiny 2 the ending was so good I forgot everything bad about Destiny 2 so it just goes to show how good an ending despite every despite the leadup to it being ass how good an ending can really change how you feel about a game plus it also helps that the legendary campaign slapped mechanics were sick I thought the final boss of the legendary campaign was so hot and then uh I mean just the gameplay was just really Peak Prismatic was really fun to work with I don't it's going to be hard to go back to older classes how the way I can mix and match things um it's just uh the the the zones having all these cool things to them I I almost had a level of exploration that came back in the same way that I had from like taking King and dreaming City I don't think the exploration uh type beat is quite as uh expansive as those but also you know the zone is made to be like one story you go through so I can forgive that but like the campaign was really really really really really genuinely good and I was so impressed and like with the hands that they had I didn't think they were going to do it that good so legendary camp pain like n and a half out of 10 for me it's great almost sounds like Destiny story is back for you don't disappoint me again but I I hope I hope going forward they they they decide sooner on what they want their story to be cuz in D1 they never figured it out and then it took until shadowkeep for them to finally be like we should probably have like an overarching villain for this after like five years six years of Destiny so if they can get to that point sooner so they can start building sooner that would be nice well I'm interested to think what they thought the end of the story was when they made like D1 because it definitely wasn't this I don't even think they maybe had an end there just like when did we first see like the pyramid thing was that the end of Destiny 1 story like it was uh technically right at the end of D2 it was after the red War there was like a tiny little cut scene where yeah like yeah and like ped yeah he we took off the chain or the pulse The Traveler took off like the chain thing that Gaul had on him um and was like screw you guys and then did the big pulse to destroy Gaul when he was in his big form and then that pulse went out throughout the whole universe and then it awakened or like alerted the black Fleet and then when you see the ships just like turn on and start to like make their way to Earth and then so that was the first time we actually knew of like where it was going or like what to look forward to I think for me if D1 story had actually been good like the vanilla campaign I think I would have been more invested in the story yeah totally but because it was dog water um I just didn't buy in and then subsequently most of the stuff I'm just like cool I'm playing it but like I don't really understand the implications whatever I get cool guns yeah it wasn't until the witch Queen when I was like wait a second this kind of cool yes what's going on then I started looking more into the war and then I'm like oh lifefall is gonna be sick man and life was like huh well now I'm kind of out again what was that about and then grinding the last few seasons turbo mode right before expansion seeing all that story and then the amount of stuff I've learned is like 100 fold in B's 10-hour video he made it's like the entire story of Destiny up until this point I'm only like six out of the 10 hours in I've learned more than those six hours l in that thing than I have in the 10 years of playing Destiny and most of that isn't in game it's it's yeah it's so cool and I'm like wait a second this is way cool um but unfortunately a lot of it is hidden behind either like grimore on a website or Lord tabs on armor and weapons all that sort of stuff so like the normal Joe Schmo myself included was just blind to all that so I'm like I don't know and then somebody'd be like whoa that's so and so I'm like how do you know how do you know that what we didn't see that before cuz we never saw it in like stories or campaigns would just be like well if you know this grimor I'm like well I don't actually um so being able to hear that and listen it is cool and it was cool knowing more going into uh the final shape looking out for that sort of stuff um so for me it wasn't toward it wasn't until towards the end I started caring about the story because it also felt like like I mentioned with D1 that like they didn't even know where they were going so I it's like why should I care I just enjoy gameplay I get cool guns I shoot pew pew um and then yeah it wasn't until taken king or witch Queen where it felt like like as a whole I like wow that there's a real narrative here and that was really interesting and now I wonder the implications and then we got to fight rol which was really cool and then learned all about that and I'm like that's sick um so yeah it was like for me it was like seven years of Destiny where I I kind of cared about war in little places like B King forsaken but for the most part whatever and then the last like two or two and a half whatever witch Queen like oh we're back this is interesting life fall sort of dipped Mech final shape and then yeah the ending was uh I don't know I don't know how they could have done it better I don't know you've actually played the end blue and I have not at this point have the final mission blue have you seen the final or like the cut scenes after anything okay so I have not seen like the final final cuz we're going to do I haven't either cuz we're going to do it after the podcast but um I am a man who likes to peruse spoilers so I know everything already um I haven't seen it but I don't really give a [ __ ] so like if you wantan to for Rob talk about it go for it that it's a my understanding is it's it's a more of a gameplay ending that really sets the tone and makes makes it feel strong obviously the end ending but I already know everything because I'm a little sick little freak who likes looking up spoilers ahead of time yeah the to end it all so the campaign legendary campaign normal campaign whatever the final boss is the witness but we just like weaken him we kill a couple or we free like some of the denters he's calcified and then we sort of just wound him and then he gets pissed and we got to get out and then narratively the raid comes in and one fire team you know goes into his Spire or whatever to try and um buy time for everybody else to get through the darkness and to finally get the witness in like a spot to be able to actually which is which is canonically our Guardian yeah canonically it's our guardian and the Spire um so wait I got worlds first yes technically we all got World technically in the lore yes you did get to worlds first um so uh the raid at the end of The Raid you obviously fight the witness but you don't kill him uh at this point you like send him off and he's so like beater and fractured that now like okay this is it he's on his final stand essentially send everybody in yeah call everybody we're going in and then that's where the last mission called excision that's available to all players unlocked after somebody beat the raid was a 12 player matchmade activity which they've never never done before sick and you go in and the gist of it is you show up there's a cut scene before it's real cool um zal is rallying the troops giving a speech and literally like everybody's there all the Allies we've ever seen uh we even got Saun The Hive we got the cabal with kidle uh we got the Lix we got obviously other Guardians and humans like Hawthorne everybody pretty much everybody showed up drifter's there cuz whatever he just shows them like oh right ratman's doing his thing um and we got to and that that's when they're saying it was cool because they're like currently like as we speak we have a a fire team and they're weakening the guard or the witness to buas this time now let's storm the castle essentially and then it was cool because then Zavala uses stasis um because spor was in the story and everything uh zal ends up losing his ghost targe and so he loses his light I know rob it was really hard for you I forgot about that [ __ ] um so then there's a little radio message after the story where uh we hear a little excert of zal asking atora if she will show him how to use stasis which famously he's always been against the darkness or whatever um so then we see him use stasis and like launch and everybody which is super cool then you get into the mission and the 12 of the players and then all the Allies like with you and you're all like rushing the thing Avengers thing blah blah blah yeah the cut scene with like everyone shut it was very Avengers like um and then you push into the final room uh and it's the witness do a whole bunch of stuff blah blah blah I will say it was really cool you guys will see but it felt very Canon like the most Cannon any fight has ever felt because cut scene story type of thing almost like or well like literally according to like the war about how our Guardians work because like they talk about and like whenever we fight gods and stuff they're like these are puny but then they realize our true powers that we're just like we're just like never ending cuz you kill us and we just get back up we res and then we just wear him down and in this case yeah we were dying left and right I mean I probably di like 10 20 times but then after like two three seconds and you just see everybody dying and respawning and then just going back in the witness and the witness killing them and then boop boop boop and you just go like it literally felt like how our Guardians War biblically accurate Guardians yeah that like act that's like you it felt like we were literally seeing how Guardians actually wear down an enemy yeah yeah not so much like oh my God I died because this is too hard someone resed me you get resed yeah morren said it was just like like sheep to the the slaughter and it was really cool um cuz yeah that was the first moment where it's like this literally shows me why Guardians are op wow we're terrifying it um it it it almost um is reminiscent of like hell divers right where like imagine how ter imagine how terrifying that is set another one in boys but with guardians it's like we just killed him what the [ __ ] loses to Goku loses to Guardians you're saying Goku clears Guardians pretty easily but well we'd have to have paracausal energy to destroy the ghost not necessarily that no not necessarily cuz in forsaken just some random ass scorn was like sniper rifle to the ghost dead well no that's the cannon he they used a paracausal weapon to destroy Kate's ghost I'm pretty sure Goku and a Kamehameha Bulma Bulma could figure out Bulma could probably fig figure some Ultra Instinct isn't if Ultra Instinct isn't paralal I don't know what the [ __ ] is so true that's true um so yeah you go through that mission spoilers whoa you beat the witness yeah um and then it launches a whole bunch of cut scenes like he's actually defeated like you you like it's not like the ra you see him go into the thing you see him like yeah he's done he's done for this time and then it launches into a cut scene and it's like I mean I mean there's like uh like actual cinematic cut scene and then game engine cut scene whole bunch of like the story art cutcenes and then a really poignant ending uh that we'll see uh hopefully I'll see I guess it kind of bugs out sometimes if you've already done it and if I miss that part I'm going to be bummed but you go through and then it pretty much shows how it all ends wraps everything up um and surprisingly in a really like well done way um you see the aftermath and then sort of what everyone comes and like you finally see uh Crow take on the hunter Vanguard role he's got a new man bun thing um because in a previous Mission they made fun of how stupid his haircut was he took it personally um so yeah you see all the characters interact as well as with our Guardian um as far as at the very end of the mission though it starts really sad um because certain thing even though we're trying not to talk spoilers I won't explicitly say but uh something sad happens and then something even sadder happens um and then it goes into the cut scene to show the aftermath of all of that and it was good Stakes good setup good payoff and then the very end you've probably seen like screenshots Rob or something yeah I've seen pictures yeah I've seen pictures but it's your guardian if you're in a fire team the three of you sitting on the edge of like a spaceship or something looking out into orbit over Earth with the traveler out there or now like energy and at the beginning it's like last few audio messages of like what's happening and then also like trying to say like although we killed the witness you know like there's a power vacuum and what's going to take it and who knows where we'll go because at this this current juncture we don't know like yeah it didn't end like every other Destiny expansion going like but the real badie is this is like the first time it sounds like so now we don't know um they led to a couple things which I think are just going to set up the episodes they currently have um like some piece fell from the traveler like three pieces blew out one of them fell on seemingly nessus uh and then I believe Tuesday we'll find out with the whole season one that it has to do with uh nessus and Vex and uh the AI there but it like it sets that up and then something else with like Pro looking out for the scorn um and then the third one with a zeu wrath and like trying to grab a sword and stuff so who knows so I think those will probably be the three episodes um but then after all that's done just some calm music playing and it's just your fire team sitting there looking out uh and it's very poignant after like 10 years just sitting there soaking it all in I saw you got quite a little emotional after it if afterwards it wasn't even so much the story just kind of what Destiny has done for us as a whole almost type of thing yeah I've seen it all wrap up after 10 years um thinking about where I was 10 years ago and yeah what it's done for me and it was it was very well Desy a ton of [ __ ] but literally without Destiny this would not exist like none like what we are doing right now all that kind of stuff uh wouldn't exist so uh your score on the final shape uh campaign if I had to if we're talking out of all Destiny campaigns I pull like nine and a half for 10 now if we're talking all video games ever like seven and a half or an eight I saw some people say game of the year does this not even touch your game of the year okay let's calm down I think for Destiny so early I don't know it's way too early we don't have the full scope of the oh one I can't even do the like right now think about it like we're in June we're halfway through the year we are halfway through the year technically guess I damn the thing is I need to see how the rest plays out like what else there is like episodes all that kind of stuff because it'll also have to do with episodes for me like are episodes just a fancy way of saying New Seasons like is anything going to change what is it going to look like um as of the time we recording this actually tomorrow at 88: a.m. I believe they're having a live stream where they mention they'll talk about the future of Destiny 2 in the next year or whatever uh my prediction is not much I'm going to assume it's these episodes I don't think we're getting a DLC or anything yeah and in fact my spin foil hat is there's nothing and then towards the end of like the second or third episode when especially the community is probably down bad again um they'll do another live stream announcing Destiny 3 and then that'll be a way out question okay go do they take the three off do they take the three off and just call it destiny they keep the three I would but I I would be surpris it's just easy marketing because Destiny 2 specifically nd1 people don't come back for like the expansions when for reference right it took Final Fantasy 14 like like six seven years of consistently getting better to get old players back in you know what I mean and like even for me I was like oh isn't final isn't 14 ass like I saw how stupid it looked and it wasn't until like the end of storm blood where everyone's like no this game is amazing and then I play it I'm like yeah holy [ __ ] this this game's amazing uh shadowbringers was one of the best games i' ever played and then end Walker even more so and I was like wow like I I wish I got into this sooner cuz it's incredible and Destiny is like its Peaks are great but the problem is like it's always like it's es and flows it's never like steady wow this is getting better and better and so it's harder for people to come back and knowing that because if you ask Destiny players they'd be like maybe don't come back right now or hey maybe come back in a couple months you know what I mean and whereas with other Gam that it's like oh dude it's just getting better like get it now so yeah so when you add like a new when it's a new game a new like oh it's the next one it's a lot easier for people who maybe already wrote it off to be like you know what maybe I'll come back all my friends are going to try it it's three sure so um I think they keep the three I I also definitely think they do a I also definitely think they do a destiny 3 I didn't think they would but I think especially with Prismatic it's really hard for me to see the game as ever going back to this level of customization I think for a lot of us we've kind of been waiting to be able to mix and match things that we love the most about our characters but we never got to because of the way sub classes worked so I I wouldn't be I wouldn't be surprised if we got a destiny 3 and I think it mostly comes down to the game play it's if yeah going forward I can definitely see Prismatic being like the way we we do things so you want to hear a hot take what's a hot take this is hot take spin foil hat Destiny 3 everyone has a new Guardian our guardian's either dead or Sunset like thousands of years now Legend yeah they'll now talk about our Guardian as a legend and like some mythical creature but then that also gives them a very easy way to be like this is why you have no weapons again instead of being like and finally and finally it's also finally Ro kill the Vault though like it makes way more sense also finally an opportunity for them to just Fresh Start on a real story versus making it up on the way because I mean that's most the destiny most of Destiny feel is like yeah we're just kind of and I know most stories are making it up along the way but at least you have like a guy like a rough like this is what I want to do whereas not even that but gameplay wise like what they thought G2 was seven years ago versus what it is now is completely different so if they finally honed in on what they want or their Vision keeps changing so the story keeps changing and you never get anywhere but now I feel like the I feel like especially with final shape they know what Destiny is and so now a three would be a amazing time to just be like this is what Destiny is this is what we want the story to be this is what we want the gamepl to be because if the game play is more like final shape I mean they're going to knock it out of the park and I feel like there's I never felt like there's moments in Destiny where like they finally realize their potential of the Perfect Blend of like gameplay MMO light um but also like visceral action and I feel like there in final shape there's these moments especially during that last legendary campaign fight where I'm like yes this is what this is Destiny like this is what I've been waiting for Destiny to be so yeah Destiny 3 is a good opportunity for them to really like pick all the things they've learned from D1 and two because man they made a lot of the same mistakes in D2 they made in D1 so third times's a charm and hopefully they take take it all and realize this is what Destiny is and bring back a lot of people to the franchise who maybe already WR it off cuz as as good as the game is doing there there really was nothing quite like the cultural and and just like the singularity that Destiny 1 had when it launched of just everyone was playing Destiny everyone tried it out I felt like kind of had that sort of pull as well and I wish and I wish T King had that pull but so many people had already left by then yeah and so I say that was the first time I had seen people like actually go back for sure for sure I don't see normies going back to final shape like I did taking King oh no 100% like final final shape is definitely like if you aren't already like close to Destiny at this point you probably weren't coming back um and that's kind of like The overarching Narrative of Destiny like right like they never really managed to to bring back the people that they lost even from you know from 10 years ago right so and D2 was that chance and that did not go well so I think a three could I think a three would be awesome I would love a three well and then yeah the last bit of speculation is I'm hoping with D3 it's not just like oh they've figured out a new story and they know how we want to collect guns now blah blah I want to see like fundamental Evolutions in the same way that 10 years ago Destiny one was groundbreaking for what we had then yeah and was doing a whole bunch of stuff games weren't I thought you see Destiny 3 push that even further of like evolving on itself and delivering on things that we don't yet know to the things of like not even I think I mentioned before like no more loading zones like it's if you're on a world it's all persistent or like more people in the zone or bigger activities or like pushing things Beyond just the narrative and uh luten abilities all stuff that like the core gameplay itself really has to evolve and and the world has to feel more like a world cuz I think that's definitely my biggest gripe is so often the world just kind of feels like it's there it's unchanging like imagine if your ship wasn't just a loading screen what if in between things you could actually interact with your ship or like there's so many different things UPG your ship we were gonna get a we were gonna get a ship mission that was my hot take for the we still don't have space combat in the space shooter get it true I thought that was going to be like the one thing that was going to be like the cool like we finally get to do this like and I hate to bring it to Warframe but I can customize my ship in Warframe I get to customize the inside I get to like o like it's so cozy in here because I Decor Le into those more MMO type lean into the cool things because it's it really feels like the past 10 years has been okay what's Destiny's core gameplay and it's like hey I'm so happy that the core gameplay is finally getting there but there's got to be more than just you know there's got to be there's got to be something that makes the world feel alive there's got to be parts to the game that make me feel like wow like I'm really playing the RPG part of this of this of of this shooter RPG you know what I mean and I could see them doing it but you know but realistically I'm expecting D2 plus it better be D it should but I really want D3 especially if they're like cuz I think right now part of it too is Bungie's panicking because they're like wait we put a lot of marathon and marathon is not the hype that we thought it was going to get yeah I I thought they were like this is going to bang and now they're like we should put so many eggs in the basket something so then they're like they've been leaning off Destiny and they're like ah and they always just assume well whatever this will just keep making us money and now they're like wait that's not the case and we actually have to like deliver and now I think they're generally too like okay well we got to do D3 or whatever comes next and so I'm hoping yeah that it isn't just completely more of the same but like a fresh start which really an evolution cuz like they've already pioneered this looter shooter space MMO light sort of thing and so I'd love for them to continue pioneering and actually evolving that space But I would love for them to like you know Halo 2 in my opinion had one of the best clan systems to ever be in any sort of video game ever where you could break people down down to like CEO or like lieutenant or Captain and stuff like that I would really like to see like the clan syst Clan system has just been a thr yeah it's like a second friends list yeah the social aspect needs needs a complete overhaul the social aspect has been the weakest part of Destiny over these past I mean well the story was the weakest part for a long time but the social aspect for what is a very social game that is trying to be like an MMO the social aspects are dire um and like the lfg was a great step in the right direction of having a basically party finder awesome but you know where's the the social part where's the wow I could see other Guardians doing this and that but like in a meaningful way instead of like oh yeah they're in the zone you see him shooting at things oh yeah the tower uh yeah they just kind of run around and go pick up bounties and stuff like there's no like I don't know there's no there's no there's not like a lot of joy in the social part of the game versus like in obviously other games like tons of MMOs where wow that title is so cool uh yeah titles are sparrow that Sparrow is so rare like yeah it's all kind of handed to you um but even then it's like I can't really describe what I want from it but I can describe what other games do for right because like you can like in I'm bring back to Final Fantasy 14 again I'm sorry guys like fin 14 is hot I go to other people's houses and see their homes and be like wow that's amazing you worked on this and the creative aspect of this was so sick I could see other people's plates that they custom designed and it's like whoa your character looks so sick in this portrait that you designed um I go to other people's islands like wow you spent so many months in this cool ass Island look at all your little Minions doing this cool [ __ ] um I can uh like these all these weapons that I have literally no idea how to get from uh wow where did you get that and in Destiny 2 it's like I don't get that feeling because it's like where'd you get that oh it's not in the game anymore oh okay uh oh where'd you get that oh uh it was from like uh it was from like B D2 you can't play it anymore oh yeah hopefully they sort out how to keep almost everything in the game where'd you get that oh it's from this raid that's not in the game anymore oh uh okay you know like all these things that really make the game feel alive and feel like there's so much to explore there's so much to do so much to see so much to do could said it better myself you never know if you don't go but in Destiny 2 it's like uh sorry you weren't there three years ago that content's not in the game anymore so it's um it's it's like a it's like a like the core game is so good and it feels like they spent so much time working on the C game but I would really like to see it be pushed to a level that really promotes the social aspect that really promotes the Wonder and lore of new things that really promotes us being in a living breathing world that is moving without us you know what I mean CU Destiny the my my one of my biggest chrism Destiny is like the world never feels like it's moving without us the world World always feels like oh uh cool uh new content came out go do it done well see you in six months like it's and that's pretty much it like there's no there's nothing else to do when the game's slow there's nothing to do it's like oh go play Crucible uh H go grind this title but it's all kind of I don't I don't describe I I I I I know where I'm getting but I haven't slept very good so my apologies but you know what I mean where there's just I think part of the problem is they want us to continue interacting with the core playlists like Gambit theyard Crucible but they're the same they've been since yeah so God almost like launch it feels like they get so much like the only thing that's changed now is the new Pathfinder for them instead of bounties which fundamentally it doesn't really change much like you're still just doing the same thing so I think that's the part of the issue um it's like a okay best way to describe it it's like a really nice piece of cooked chicken but there's no seasonings it wasn't cooked in like some it wasn't baked it wasn't you know you just kind of put it on a pan and cooked it till it got cooked uh you know there's no like sides there's no there's no uh you know there's not nice little side s wrong with it it's just like it's good it's finally it's finally a nicely cooked piece of chicken after you doing some really weird [ __ ] to it over the past 10 years but like there's no like it's not a full course meal there's no there's no fries on the side you don't have your drink with it you know what I mean so that's what I'd really like to see with Destiny 3 cuz right now it is really good chicken I'm not going to lie it's really good chicken and I think final shape is like I I think final shape is like a clear n out of 10 expansion for me I I would say it's the best expansion Destiny the entire franchise has ever had um uh but I know but I know Destiny 2 can I know Destiny the franchise still isn't caught up to so many other games that are doing it really well and I know it could be now because they finally really nailed what they want Destiny to be so I'm excited and Rob hit me with it uh so to get my thoughts who really gives a [ __ ] things are fun to shoot you guys had fun and you guys enjoyed it enjoy it like nine it was fun you guys like the story give me your real rating I want the hater like it's not I'm like not hating I had fun it's fun you guys are enjoying it I follow you guys you guys tell me what to do and I'm enjoying what I'm doing I get good roles I go oh this gun looks tell me how you really feel story is like like the story like I don't care I don't care I think after the destiny 1 story and how ass that was it set my whole tone for every story ever going after that I don't [ __ ] care I don't know what's happening that's why I don't care I just shoot things like we've always said shooting things in Destiny's fun that'll never not be fun that'll never not be fun so it's hard to [ __ ] that up because you already have it in the game but like the game is like the the shooting and what they have you doing you guys enjoy makes me enjoy it so I follow and just do what you guys do let's talk about what I really like though and what gets me go into the thing the raids all right the raid uh the raid came out this Friday because of some story [ __ ] which I ended up thinking was dumb but I at the end of it thought was kind of sick with how it all worked out and how it all came together I think it was really sick I hope they continue to kind of do that and got your wish yeah uh we got the day one raid that I think day one raid should be like it was hard it was a extremely difficult I don't know what the final count is after today about how many people have cleared it I'm going to see if I out um by the time I had stopped watching I think it was around like 15 or something like that 14 or something like that I could be wrong that's what D I think by at this point it's a couple hundred um but um no way it's a couple take a guess is it take guess I think somebody just put it in the chat someone said 592 593 wow well that's 593 teams no that's 593 teams teams yeah that's way more than I thought it was going to end up being now a couple of these not many are people doing repeats the world's first team half of their team did three clears they're okay wild um a lot of these though especially uh like let me see uh pretty much starting from like 350 these last 200 clearers have been in the past like two hours okay so a lot of these are coming in literally it could be like Sherpas of other people like bringing in friends or like maybe I don't know but pretty hard to sh but there's clearly Gamers out there um uh that's a lot more than I thought it was going to be though and a lot of these people I mean took small sleeps and then you know essentially the 48 Hours have at least been raing for like 30 38 of them or something I mean they're wild uh but yeah to your point if this was a 24-hour raid like it was before yeah Not only was it the longest to get a world's first clear beating out the Last Wish in 24 hours only one team beat it so if it was the old 24hour world race like last wish there's only one team to beat it and it would have taken even longer which is wild um and then there was still even like four hours of separation between world's first and second yeah uh but but in my opinion like I think this is exact I think they heard it what everybody was talking [ __ ] and said the last raid was Boo Boo keys and like [ __ ] you like how dare you do this but this raid makes me think the last raid was even more so just shoved into the the story just shut especially after the legendary campaign I was like they definitely took a dungeon from what was supposed to be in the final shape and turned into a raid and Ru in the planet's encounter then yeah so but this raid so awesome like and especially with like Conta like I I always say this there's no there's no gaming experience I mean there probably for some but like a day one contest like is just so much fun it is but like it's also like the worst thing ever to happen in the world ever in your in those moments too like but that's the moments that I also enjoy because it's just fun what I really liked about this R it wasn't like a first DPS check it was more so like a team execution check which what is what I enjoy the most as a first kind of encounter because then you know it like trims the fat it really shows like if your team is one able to execute Under Pressure which I think is the most important thing to like like show off in a raid not do you have the weapons and can you go five Hunter and stuff like that like I think it's really cool to kind of have execution pressure all those sorts of things come into it it's so funny that you say that because the last encounter most I think most groups by the end of it just ended up going six Hunters with the new golden gun say that is that's what like s and think about how much that would have sucked that's and think about how much that would have sucked if that was like the first encounter as a DPS check to the point where it's like well [ __ ] I gotta be like six Hunters instead of what we're we've been doing but instead it's like this kind of intricate puzzle that like seems really confusing at first but once you really like break it down it's actually pretty simple uh and it's basically like can you just get like the perfect run which is like what I really liked and we were on that for what six eight hours we were on that for eight hours eight long hours yeah which was a little longer than it should have been um a lot longer than it should have been and by the time uh we had finished that I think we all kind of understood because we saw at that point everybody was either at the encounter we were on and I think salta grepo was maybe the only team that was on like the weird fourth on least that yeah that nobody could had figured out so uh we knew we were in for it uh boy oh boy like that is another reason why I like this raid like the raid is meant for like the datos the salta gpos like to actually complete it and it's meant for us like normies to be like we're gonna try our like best like and to actually like make a little bit of progress but then to be like yo like go away losers like this a I like that well I think I think with 48 hour con mode normies like us definitely do it right like that's kind of the whole point of 40 hours and I know we could have but it's like it is definitely also like that filter of like are people ready Under Pressure are people like is your group does your group have the Vibes together you know what I mean like I think it's less about being so impossible and more so like hey this is not like the type of thing you just do if you like picked up a random group anymore it's more so like hey do you guys know how each other play can you guys play together well can you guys like have you guys been like grinding out all the potential meta weapons that happened to like drop over the past couple months it's like this is for the people who' have been playing Destiny and I of know what to look out for with these raids coming up right so you see I me opinion sorry it's mechanically right not like the most complex thing in the world it's really not but it's a matter of hey like can you play like you every second you could die and I like that about contest a lot um what I don't like is that contest mode is not a permanent fixture and that you can't essentially do a contest mode version of The Raid year round and really test yourself a huge fumble uh and say like oh like I did contest mode I did this raid contest mode that would be awesome it's once again 14 and even wow right you have like these raids that are a different level and you could do them all the time and the only time I ever feel that is during these contest modes where it's like wow this is a different level like this is a different level of of something that I've never played before uh and mechanics start become the way you in interact with mechan exchanges because of how weak you are um so the fact that contest mode is not like something you could toggle on at all times and be like wow obviously like a limited time contest mode emblem for like the first couple people is sick but like why not there be a different like contest mode for the rest of the year it's yeah I don't know I I I just I just feel like contest mode not being a toggleable option for the rest of the year is still a big fumble Mr I just think about it like from perspective like real quick just like a perspective from like us is like we could like if contest was like a a toggle thing it's like hey guys like we let's do the normal race for now and let's work our way up to try to contest like and it could be like something for like your normal player base to like work towards and stuff like that I think that would be so cool and it's like hey guys we're finally gonna go after contest after like three weeks of grinding like you know we have some we have some raid items now and it's like and now we can go in there and guess what there's armor variants in there that are like you can get a shiny from this like I thought that's what I thought when I thought shiny were introduced I was like oh I hope they have like almost something with like a contest mode for the raid where it's like if you do that you still get your normal drops for that raid but you have like a chance of getting like some sort of like shiny variant or something like that think that's so cool and like being so for real nobody cares about master the people who play this game constantly don't even care about master [ __ ] Master toggleable contest mode that has those rewards baby let's do it yeah M go ahead Mr fruit um well to your point I mean with this raid they at least introduced as people found out uh a momento that you can put on crafted guns that makes an appearance change that you only get if you do a Flawless normal run or Masters so at least it's like something to add to like essentially if you do a master run there's a different cosmetic thing to get um but it's not for like everything so it's at least something but um oh yeah I had like two points one I think individually we probably could have got through contest I do not think our team was capable no which is why I called it cuz like if I genuinely thought our team could do it I'd but yeah all right let's keep going but I don't think it's like realistically I don't think mechanics are that much more complex than V at all our team [ __ ] vow up we are so good but if the we're a lot we're not as we're not as strong as we were in v and yeah the mechanics were a little harder than V and all that adds up to you know it just takes a little bit more than something that's already really hard to start filtering out what the group is ready for you know what I mean so well I think it is harder than vow in the sense that uh there's not just like every encounter doesn't have just two add clear duties in the first somebody could carry weight I guess and then ad yeah there's definitely more six yeah all six people are doing something yeah I think in V I was literally the Adar guy for almost every room it was sick so that makes it easier for certain teams to be able to put people certain ways but when everyone has to execute on something obviously that's also going to make it harder um and then the only other thing my only gripe with the raid is yeah the there has to be some sort of fundamental design flaw or something and this is contest mode specifically not just contest mode specifically if the the last boss the top 30 teams so what is that 180 people it might have even been top 50 I don't know one and I repeat One Titan did it one I wonder if like do you have a hunter they're like he's like no like this Titan main swapped a hunter where like in order to get through it it's like if you don't have Celestial still hunt Hunter and like four or five of them like I think that's a flaw in the contest design no it's I think that's less a flaw in the contest design and more flaw and this game is not balanced remotely good yeah I think it's more so a balancing issue than a witness balancing and that is that's kind of an issue I've always had with Destiny where I don't think you can have tight DPS checks without having a good balancing system because I think it is a really bad design flaw that some classes in almost every single time a contest mode happens there are some classes during contest mode that straight up don't get played or get excluded because they're so bad in that specific encounter or so bad in this in the rate as an entire ho so I just imagine how bad I would have felt if we get through that whole thing and then we get to the fifth encounter and I could mechanically be doing everything and I'm still a daddy because I can't get us through DPS like that would just be the worst um so that was my only complaint I'm sure there's been a couple more Titans but like it was by far in a way very obvious um cuz even warlocks were relegated to like well div if you're on the team um otherwise Hunters so it is what it is as a whole though yeah contest mode I mean you know the your dat and them got the dick punch they wanted and even D's like this is great even when he was like 28 hours deep didn't finish and went to sleep he's like this is exactly what I asked for um so I'm happy for them um obviously I would have liked to complete it maybe the thing is now we don't know when or if it'll happen again because currently well we're talking about like D3 that's all speculation we don't know about another raid so when that day will come I don't know yeah um but it's always the most fun and for me I think also it's why playing Destiny is fun because up until that raid day when it's approaching everything you're doing is for a goal of like grinding and prepping and making sure I have everything possible for day one raid because we don't know what you're going to need but then after day one raid you no longer have to Min Maxes like nearly as much so it's you're the for me the goals and carrots I have to like Chase are a lot more ambiguous because it's no longer like well I need to min max this like it just doesn't work for my brain um but I will say grinding for it the last week before I finally had time and I hopped on and tried to grind as much as possible with into the light and I can see why people are like into the light with sick because I wish I had more time to play because you had again it's the best time to play at the end of the cycle you have all three seasons you have all those activities you have all the stories you have all the quests then you had the end of the light Onslaught bangs you had the shiny stuff um there were so many things to chase yeah I think they like really nailed that they even added Pantheon um and it was all look and sick and then which is like still something I want to try is Pantheon back or is it ever coming back or well that's the problem they release uh the new DLC all the three seasons go away you can't access that stuff aside from the dungeons if there were and then or in the reprised raid onslot stayed at least but the Hall of Champions left so you can't get shinies or a tune pantham went away which I don't know why um so we end up just like losing a lot of it but a lot of that was like wait this like you actually got something here what do we do yeah I think probably they took Pantheon away too like this will be another emergency like towards the end of whatever this year cycle is or something like another one of those like into the light V2 this rid did have something that I didn't have from previous raids uh after we uh after we quit and put in the towel uh I was able to get where they didn't want me uh that is one of the my favorite Parts about the raids is uh you know I know we're never getting world's first so everyone's always kind of like running through to get to the next counter I'm always the guy like kind of jumping around looking for puzzles and then going hey guys where did you guys go so like and so that's why at the beginning I found the the secret chest yeah it is fun but yeah it's cool and uh I know so you know how you go on an elevator like shoots you up so I found that elevator you can like still get up there to where you go to the next encounter um and it still has like the the the physics I guess to like pull you up so uh and everything else doesn't have like uh what's what I'm looking for uh Collision so you can kind of like work your way up the tube all the way up to the top but then like you got to get kind of fancy with the grapples and stuff but I was able to glitch inside the third room uh which was really cool and fun the first night kind of fun to [ __ ] around do that wasn't able to finally get in the fourth room I was literally such a loser I was literally Googling like how to go through doors and Des too I was L watching like a 2017 video of somebody like this is how you get through like and it's like parentheses patched and it's like like patched it seven years ago uh but that was really cool uh to F to get like do those little secrets and like just the raid like room itself or just kind of the sky box and the atmosphere of it easily probably one of my favorite raids uh we didn't get to the final boss or the fourth room uh but the fourth room has one of my favorite I don't know what you do in there okay I don't know what you do counter I don't know a single people were confused forever though I know that I think the aesthetic of it looks really sick I think the aesthetic of it is so cool um and I like the idea of having like another puzzle check so it's like oh you thought that puzzle was like tough like here's the even harder one so like it almost trims the fat of fire teams again and nearly would have I'm sure um and then the final boss the witness I think Christian kind of said it best like we haven't had like a daunting raid boss kind of sense like oric or like something that felt like I don't know doom and pending I guess gu and uh the witness looks sick uh I again don't know what you do uh but looks really cool yeah I like tried to piece together I was watching data for a while so I'm like I kind of get it uh and also still don't still end up seeing but uh they got what they wish for so they got technically I mean at this point at least going by raid race the hardest raid to date so yeah I mean they gave everything I would want in a contest mode and like just in the raid in general um I think the raid is cool uh I want to play it um I'm excited to try and do it I know we talked about maybe playing it with like d Danielle and uh jez um I just don't think that'll be for a while though yeah well yeah uh but I think uh I just I just want to beat it I just think it looks really fun yeah well I I mean is about to end as we're talking we'll yeah get a team and ideally at least get one clear um I have to figure out if I can even get my other characters high enough um and yeah and I will say if you're going to make a raid this hard got to have like a story endpoint that made it feel like it's still like everyone's still part of something which obviously the last encounter uh like last mission so I think they did a great job I think it's cool if you have that are [Music] easier um I think it's good for the player base but I also think like they did really good Capstone of being like yeah this is a dick punching raid but just because this dick punching raid not everyone can do at the very start does mean you're not you know still important to the game and still important to the story you know what I mean so they cooked I would say Christian and I Christian and I talked about this yesterday blue I'd be interested to hear what you have to say um wait before you mention that because I know what you're about to say okay go ahead in terms of like the story ending what I also appreciated when I watched like one of the clears is you like almost kill the witness and on the podium where they were as soon as they got their loot it was literally boot the next mission like the excision 12 player Mission it wasn't even like oh go back to orbit hey you can do this now it's Lally like it would feel like hey you did this now go finish him like boom you get to the cut scene then you get to the mission yeah and it made it feel much more cohesive but yeah uh so there was a very hot topic on uh the contest day one raids uh especially with the top streamers uh your salta gpos your D I know where you're gonna get y I already know where you're going blue what is your opinion on people hiding their screens hiding strats muting CS uh as a whole like what is your kind of take on it because Christian and I talked about a little bit we'll kind of touch our on our takes but I'd be interested to hear what you have to say about it so the reality is this was always eventually going to happen as raid RAC has become more more competitive and obviously in vog and croos end the very first two it was kind of like a you know it was it it was like a little buddy system and everyone was nice and everyone's like let's just focus on our raade and then obviously Kings fall fall where you have the stream sniping incidents where you have that final stand and then suddenly everyone starts like oh guys Final Stand oh guys guys there's a final stand everyone starts telling everyone else everyone starts telling their team and suddenly you just lost an advantage of being the farthest ahead because you were streaming and so you know all that um all that Goodwill of like oh just focus on our own raid suddenly out the window cuz the floodgates open everyone's like oh dude this happens after this oh dude this happens everyone's telling them everyone's telling their team and I mean if you want to get worlds first like that's you got to take every Advantage you can so I don't think it's I'm not really um I'm not I'm not upset by it because I understand it because the reality is unless there's a big incentive to stream which I mean in D too as a streamer right like those gift sub bounties are pretty nice but unless there's a big incentive to stream then people aren't going to stream if they're really focus on being the world's first in WoW for a long time time most of the top most of the world Racers didn't stream obviously now it's different because there's so many int incentives for streaming to wow they have like a competition though it's kind of weird how exact they like fly out teams because like they know only like five teams are going to be able to do it or something it's weird yeah so they so they so they make it a bit they really incentivize the [ __ ] out of it so that it can be streamed and so it can be viewership obviously why is the king of of raid races you know viewership wise so um and in Destiny right like they they do incentivize it and they learn from wow where it's like hey give people a reason to stream it but even then like uh the world's first team for Destiny they didn't stream it uh for a lot of world's first teams they weren't streaming it and it's only getting rare and rare for people for world's first teams to stream it and I'm used to this because in 14 the uh the best teams don't stream just just straight up like if they're going for worlds first they don't stream it's actually detrimental to stream because of how of how mechanically complex final fantasies mechanics are so like someone can the be someone can quite as I don't say on the beam but like if people see like if people see like a if people see like a symbol if people see like oh like people look at your screen and they something or a buff they notice something you don't then it's suddenly like they're caught up to you and now your world's first lead is a lot shorter than it once was so so I'm I'm I'm used to it because I'm so used to world's like serious world's first teams not streaming at all um and I think this was such a I mean I think this was such a big race like people aren't going to to be taking that risk like this is the yeah this is the Capstone like this is the world's first race and this is the most important world's first race that's going to happen in years so I I I I I know a lot of people are upset at it and I know a lot of people think man this is lame but the at the end of the day like all those world's first people there's there's a lot of people who are just doing the contest movie cuz they want to have fun right like and they they're like we'll eventuality they don't know they know they're not getting like top yeah they know they're not getting worlds first but they're like I want to be one of the teams to beat this right and that's their point like I want to be one of the teams who beat this in contest but that's different for like that's the 1% and the0 one% is like this is all about getting that number one title this is about getting that belt this is about me saying in 20 years when I I'm yapping to my wife babe 20 years ago I beat this video game thing first that's what it's all about baby and every Advantage is an advantage so I I'm like I said I'm used to it I don't think it's a bad thing I think people are streaming because it's obviously right great publicity uh free money poggers but if you start if you start potentially putting your your place in a race in danger yeah you're going to you're going to start taking away little bits and pieces so uh I'm I think it's I I think unless it starts getting incentivized for you like you need to be streaming then it's going to keep happening for a good reason a very valid reasons and it's very it's a very logical thing to do to say well like I don't want other people getting info for my stream so I'm going to do this and this well I I I think this is kind of the first time in a long time in the raid that like there was clearly a roadblock and that was the fourth encounter so it's like if you were there and you had any sort of information it was like you definitely had an advantage so I think like just kind of the roadblock that was room for kind of even like heightened the don't share your Strat type of thing um which I'm totally fine with like that's a spirit of competition that's why we love sports like you people love seeing the agony of defeat and love seeing the Euphoria Victory and that's what that's what the world's first rate is so they're people are going to do anything to feel that Euphoria so they hide their strats and you know which is all fair and game All is fair and Love and War and day one Raiden I'm gonna say that now um I think I think it's I think I think some people downplay where it's like is it really that big of a deal when they fail to realize that all almost every competitive team that's genuinely for world's first literally has a quote unquote coach or seventh player yeah that watches other streams among theirs collects all information that they possibly can like y they hide the information because that's literally What teams do and in wow and FF that's called their ninth and they consider them a part of the team like they genuinely it's not like it's not it's not a meme like they literally consider them like our 9th is one of our team members they gather info they um they relook at footage while we're rating they uh they're Gathering info from other people's streams they um they're browsing like Reddit they're for theories and like people saying like hey we had success with this uh like that's it's that's part of raid races um it wasn't if I'm not mistaken the world's first team got a second clear because that was I think one of them dropped that and they brought their coach back in to get them a c too yeah exactly so that's that's um for for a long time that wasn't how Destiny races were but that's how Evolution that's how that's how every MMO race has been for a long time so Destiny was was going to get there eventually I think it's cool I think I look at it half full I don't look at it half be like I don't get to watch like people's perspectives no I think it's sick but if if they you know that's just the nature of competition and that's just the nature of worlds first if you your only two options or make the raids easy enough so that everyone's a part of it or you incentivize it so much that you obviously have people needing to stream for it to be valid but I don't think it's a problem as it is it's like if if Bungie has a problem with it they have Avenues to fix it but at the end of the day it's it's a competition and people are going to take any advantage they can get and so it's always valid you said Christian that like the team that got worlds first ended up figuring out the fourth room before everybody else did yeah so the stories are to be believed apparently what happened is the world's first team was still stuck on the second encounter when everybody was at Fourth like the people leading they were behind a good bit but what they ended up doing is clearing second third getting to Fourth and being apparently the first team on their own to figure out the fourth room before everybody else so they caught up figured out even faster and got to the witness which is pretty Chad energy um so kudos to them now again part of it too though is I'm sure they got to the fourth encounter and their person's like here's what we know already yeah 100% now we just have to try the yeah things they haven't done um but still pretty cool that they did that um and my perspective is I totally understand why anybody competitive does it and I understand as a viewer why it's a bummer because you want to see the people like you want to see D in the lead cheer him on and then all you have is pton Manning in the corner black screen no coms and you're like see like the only way you'd be able to that achieve that is if like bung flew out D's team to be in a studio or something like that and flew out the other teams and they knew they weren't looking at their chats or something like that and yeah it was an isolated event but like and then people would be upset because normies can't compete um so I don't think there's any winning I don't know if we'll ever like I agree find a solution cuz yeah if if you're competitive not doing that is not competitive at this point like while dat was doing the fourth room I literally had dat stream on like the bottom fourth of mine and then I was just jumping around seeing if I could like where I could get in the raid and stuff like I I like it because I I really think it's people who are in that mode taking it very seriously and doing whatever they can to get a leg up on the competition I'm a big sports fan I love competition I love seeing St strs I love seeing those type of things uh so when I see people taking it that seriously to the point they're hiding strats people are literally like d had Payton Manning and like a face mask all over his thing others had like literally like fruit little videos like the little stim videos going across like I think that stuff is funny and cool because people are in there behind the scenes taking it very seriously and trying really really hard and then as soon as they do get that clear you're you're seeing something like you know that is really cool I I think it's awesome I can get why from a viewer perspective it does suck though yeah I get both I just don't think there's an easy fix it's I think it's unfair to say that the people competing could not do it because competitively that's what they have to do and I get why um it's unfair to tell the viewers like well just suck it up because they want to watch the world's first here's the question blue if we were at that fourth room and everyone else was at the fourth room would you have hid your screen fu yeah I would have yeah see I would have too well actually I probably wouldn't have well okay if yeah no no no no if if if we were the first there yes I would have a hypothetical scenario yeah if we were the first there if I was a world's first racer I would have I would have straight up said turn off your like yeah obscure screen somehow yeah but I'm just a dude who's like yeah let's get some contest clears yeah let's do uh let's do some dick punching [ __ ] have done that hyper cam yeah ham quality see imagine the Chad energy if a team ends up winning who doesn't because like I know like glads team they were pretty competitive never once obscured though it' be some pretty Chad energy if they ended up winning so it is Chad energy for sure I mean for a long time yeah that's that definitely Chad energy for a long time Destiny Destiny raids had Chad energy but don't think hiding your screen is beta energy like a lot of people say a lot of people give Sal a ton of [ __ ] for it I don't get it it's competition that's what it's gonna happen I I I'm a big fan of Salter grao because if I was as good as smart as him I would not have the patience for the [ __ ] tweets and [ __ ] he gets I'd literally be like you're [ __ ] [ __ ] don't talk to me like I would literally not have the patience he has he's not done that one time so I'm a big fan of his but to that counter point I just want him to go ape wild cuz I want him true so why but and that's why I'm a DAT stand because data is just goes ape Wild on people on Twitter see you have someone that is that SM turn he used to not and then at some point he just said I'm doing this D is that smart and D still says [ __ ] you buddy WR on Twitter it's awesome he still doesn't know how to dodge on his Hunter though to reload so like he does need to up on he does need a St and I could not blame him because like if I was same situation it's like I got to switch to Hunter I memory yeah like I don't D if I play warlock or Titan I'd have no idea what i' would be doing all right boys so consensus here I think I think final shape is is the best Destiny has been since taken King for me I I forsaken was the bar for me and I would say this is the best it's been since Forsaken and I would say this for me is probably the best Destiny DLC content wise I don't love Destiny like I used to but I can be objective and know there's so much to this DLC there's so much to um to like I can finally make builds again um there's the story was genuinely so much deeper than like this oneoff story it's it's deep it's Rich characters really finally get their arcs that they've been waiting for obviously gameplay wise Banger best legendary campaign I've played so far and raid Peak uh perfect Capstone to a franchise that has been so Rocky for so long and somehow manag to stick an ending Landing yeah there's there there's a lot of plot holes that got that like started and then got left into the [ __ ] Wasteland yeah there's a lot of characters that are probably never going to get their you know the riding that they deserve yeah there's a lot of things that have being left up in the air that maybe they come back to later but probably not but despite all that the ending for the main characters up to this point and the overall just like feeling of finality they nailed so this this is a this is a n out of 10 this is a n out of 10 for me I think not just as Destiny but as like an overall game this is this is a n out of 10 game for me yeah I think uh for me I think it's uh for me taking King was like the the example uh just because the amount of like just kind of the normal base I saw it kind of come back uh I think it's I don't think you will see that base kind of come back because at this point I think like blue said if you're a destiny player you'll come back if you're not it's kind of already over with uh but if you're one of those people that are like I don't know if I'm going to play final shape but I've played Destiny in the past you got to get this it's it's awesome it's a lot of fun the raid's amazing if you have especially if you have friends that play that are like you and were like or like me like play Destiny like once a month or like never I haven't played since November I I think it's time to to get it I think it's awesome it's a lot of fun like the raid is super fun um yeah I I would probably say a nine nine and a half maybe even uh I I'm going to take what you guys said for the story as face value you know I don't really know uh and so like the story doesn't hinder it except the yapping when you get the the when you find Destiny little cubes on the and they just talk in your ear for eight and a half hours and I get I get dialog fors gets the most War we've known about the traveler ever and he's like why they happened man like shout out to the m stories so good so good the [ __ ] is that like that's the end of the dark ghost stor I get that like who is this and why are they here now like like they were one of the original six coyotes uh one of the like initial uh Scouts for and now they're in a robot oh my God they're always yes the point okay also so before we get into goofy questions some of the best voice acting I've heard in Destiny franchise uh was those M quest lines goated so good also I didn't have a problem with Keith David Keith David okay we need a whole mini part of this I think with the with the things that happens obviously right Lance rtic isala yeah but I think I think Keith did as good of a job as anyone could have possibly done with the circumstances I I I will follow Keith David into battle as zala because we talked about it like Keith David sounds like Keith David but like do I want Keith David trying to sound like Savala because like you know what I mean like so it's like I don't know what I wanted but I just know I didn't like what I got he he he gets close enough to the vibe of Zavala that I think it works so so I'm I I think Keith David cooked I think uh I think given the circumstances let him cook yeah it it didn't because like would I be more would I hate it more if it was Keith David trying to be like saalo rather than just like Keith David knowing what he is and like knowing what his like what he was going for uh I didn't like hate it I just didn't love it I was like very like n like I just felt like it could have been better but it could have been way worse too like um well we actually hit pretty much our hour and a half yeah the destiny episode yeah so we'll save my bachelor party stories uh because I have a lot and I'm not going to try and squeeze them here in a three minute thing uh so next week uh we will come back with Q&A uh and also uh some bachelor party stories uh from last week which why which was why I was missing uh so thank you guys all for chilling and hanging out and listening uh to the GG over easy podcast uh check out the final shape we are not sponsored it's just a lot of fun well I am a hash bung Creator though oh there you go Blue is a hashtag bunge Creator so not sponsored but thanks for the free final shape code I love you yeah that was sick I got one too um check it out uh please also check out our patreon check out the YouTube check out all the other places you listen to podcasts uh we will catch you guys all next week with some more stories peace out e e e e e
Channel: GG over EZ Podcast
Views: 29,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YrrgnKaSGvE
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Length: 93min 41sec (5621 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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