The FINAL! IFMAR Large Scale Touring Car World Championship 2019

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hello and welcome to historic Villarreal in the middle of Portugal for the if ma large-scale Touring Car World Championships brought to you by a main hobbies and sambar exhaust it's been a fantastic week of action here and we've still got the main final to come count them nine rounds a qualified only one one fast is counted remark all and the only scale that still does is it was a three-way battle started with him angrily D'Amico obviously who took the fastest on him round one and held it all the way through to round number seven in round eight mighty mark has felled them from Germany the 2013 world champion snuck in with a fantastic fours want to take FTD but suddenly in the final round on the final afternoon we saw a lesser Masayo the interloper from nitro racing almost take the pole position but he has made a mistake on the penultimate lap of his run went on for an FTD nevermind because after that we had the fantastic super pole and it was once again the Italian lesson Missouri who came through by for thousands of a second from D'Amico say the second automatic entry into the main final everyone else is there to fight their way through the Christmas tree finals now I have to be honest we talked about the top drivers but this is actually a very very difficult track to drive maybe defiers leaving this one man oh oh [Music] part an upside-down car for what he's gone big style straighten things I think they're pushing a bit further whoa what are you saying Oh simple striping want to do that did he [Music] what's not gone well oh really awesome oh oh and that's not able to say that's a disaster so let's have a look at these be a moss first for you to chart see how big they are this is me this is the car that's massive now the body shells actually very important on the large scale cars exactly what is a homologated as such so yes and underneath this is a mechanical marvel this is really is a racing car in miniature you start with the engine the engine is a 2133 CC four or five horsepower most similar to a kart racing engine so we see the racing karts it's mostly militarized version of that and then the bits I particularly am interested in so you have a proper full-on hydraulic brakes it's the same as you would say that the disc brake isn't as discs in there hydraulically powered through the servos so a proper braking system now like every other RC car you've also got double wishbone suspension you've got proper very heavy shocks because I can move them of course these are 11 kilograms these cards were quite stiff and this is really where the cars are so different from other RC cars they've got the weight they've got momentum they've got the ability and therefore you effectively if you look at this this is a very much more a full-scale racing car in miniature than any other RC class they are mechanical you've got a proper limited slip differential really advanced and of course the key thing about those is it we forget and these are the tires they come with grooves not to remove grip but actually that enables them to throw away the detritus they pick on the track and they are solid but insider ties we've got while the cut-open from earlier what you do see is a little internal foam padding there which provides the that's the fake air for the tire but the basic thing about these cars is they're massive they're heavy they behave like real cars and more importantly they are just fantastic to lean on no they are really amazing pieces of kit and certainly the most similar to a full-size racing car you'll find in the miniature world of RC so next up is the race to crown the 2019 world champion but a couple of days ago we sat down for breakfast some former world champions for a cracking bit of chat and he's a sneak preview of some of the things I had to say our second breakfast of champions and I must offer you all a cross on anyone anyone frequently know just that it's some interesting much ah Masami Mesabi needs the food and we also have some lovely nectar press I think it's well known you are the racing dentists Marcus I mean have you ever used any of your dentist drills to do some work on your RC car my dad always saw me there is a very famous picture of you in front of all your cars and all your trophies how long did it take to set that picture up how long and have to just get all those cars and trophies together you means uh four only four take picture yeah how many days yeah okay one day take off from box and second a display and so they take photo fourth day in the box because you can actually use a real hammer I'm very funny it's the size the tools really Elementary I think it's like you could hit things you can it looks like we are all like farmers with big hammers and big wrenches and but it's it's quite actually quite sophisticated we actually use quite a lot of the same tools on a 110 car only we have like an allen key three you know that's an ax for maybe a lot of people think large scale is just relaxing and for old people and but it came so special and it powdered it splitted so much from the original low-speed easy to drive cars and I've seen a lot of good really good drivers from other categories trying here and fail so I think this is what what could be done to make make large-scale grow a and what do you think it's a fun thing to make the large scale because everyone comes is have a good time and it's great to watch but it's still more niche than the other classes the competition is in the modern day is Xboxes and Playstations and that's what you're against in the 1980s none of that existed if people wanted to go out and have fun RC racing was a good Avenue I'm thinking very important to show RC race so it depends on your side so down to me I say I'm fine so here's the grid for the if my logical Touring Car World Championship 2019 here in Villarreal imp old it's mighty Markus Feldman of Germany sorry number two Alessio Messiah of Italy and third on the grid is Bernard Allen arnoldii of France and while the repetitive Italy starts fought with marco courage of croatia in fifth Maxon horny from germany starts sixth and andrea Catalan it if Lea 7 it's Portuguese homeboy Nuno Pinto starting eight is Marco Vicodin of Germany in 9th and the 10th and last starter is giovanni verga of belgium and they're white and it's a clean start in the first yep they're all the way cleaning the put it straight in the lead that was gone moszer all would have immediately problems were Feldman Feldman sister her body tuck he's got clipped by an Audi away has gone mazaya I don't want unclip it at the moment it's a terrible start for fell but with the back of his car they a massive body tuck which was in to gate wig when they just back themselves up in the first corner but oye goes unless you a man's a oh the Italian but it's Feldman's got the problem with a big big body tuck on the rear of the car and both these affecting anything too much fencing is rubbing on the tire chance after half for now to get rid of it again but it's certainly not fitting his speaks he's now right up behind Missouri go and look at the inside our gnarly there his repertory Petty's in third are now that he dropped down to fifth Citra petty in third Hornick in fourth are now Liam fist serving to the one car of Feldman in second place in third place is the 4 car of repent see if they sweep down in front of her through the I think another problem for for now they are getting beaten up in these first few corners a long way to go and that tightness that tuck undone itself yep so but it's also a useful bit of riding over a rough shot and that buddy Tucker's now God and so Feldman's back into performance again he started slowly and let's hear me say oh the number 2 comp just hit him in that orange tail got past him but now battle is joined and the third car there is the white and the yellow machine of Eduardo Repetto so it is Italy Germany Italy and looking at the inside there is film of our chance it was chuffing left shuffling right looking for a chance the problem that got is it unless they get a particularly clean run the end of the dirty part of the circuit and then they can't get you try this is a one line circuit because this new tarmac has opened up it's released sand rather than grip so if you off that black line it's very very hard to get any grip and of course these cars are over and she repented as he turned in now and Roy can see Lonnie is joining repenting for making a four-way run I'm actually horny fans were afraid he's had an accident mean dropped way back so he's one two three and four they're closely convinced to go underneath his downsweep down through the sand RS Hornick he's at the back but leading it is Alessio Museo with the rs5 behind no I suppose chassis behind is a MEK attack of the 2013 world champion Marcos Feldman the race settles down to 35 in fact what's happening now is it suddenly fell burrs on a huge challenge from repetitive way of it so fell Byrne have lost a bit pace coming out the corner after timing and scoring they sweep way in front the bottom through the a main in and the a main out suddenly little bit of driving indeed over petty gossipy to drive there this for a petty in the fork are now running third he's pulling he's getting under pressure from catalana the seven car now they're trying to recover from issues no second and third but Repetto pushing hard as the a final ticks three now then as a Oh Alessio crossed another line is lead is 0.8 of a second then we're Petty we're with is back a further point eighth of a second and then further point eight behind that is Catalani so it's all about the Evan the flow of cattle I see the drop off repent yeah bit yes Reggie's now got speckle ami has dropped off in this one I mean you might might almost be replaced by an elder yeah I know they were Petty's dropped why officer Petty's fallen out out of favor somewhere Laura petty sorry Catalan is falling out fair Catalan we've got a missing button so Catalan he's a problem anywhere he's gone repetitive remains in thir go the first and second please - so yeah problem for Catalan e38 second lap had a big issue so he's dropped out so we're now left with the leaders here it's a two of I say a masayo and then it's the leader which each other said the one in the second place of Feldman so getting through to five minutes gone still fifty five to go so we're going to feeling their way to cars already in trouble Catalan Ian hornik two thirds of a lap down after individual mistakes with petit third are now the end of fourth now 5000 ordinary he nibbled up the inside there did young mr. Feldman so Feldman the similar looking cars with a car with a massive mouth orange on it and more White's the card no blue basically that is the leader and this here is a on the car with the blue flashing all over it that is mighty Marcus Feldman the racing dentist from Germany Feldman stalking Zaire they've been coming ever inflamed as a city's elite this one very confidently and we've seen love in the other race we've seen the leaders kind of a little bit confused and upset about things at the moment it's all going well from Isaiah he hasn't broken fell but now if Elvin himself hasn't really dropped repenting either he's still only about a second half back how now they're coming back to the field as his Grich and then you have a brilliant six of the top from first to sixth the gap is about six seconds so still those six cards very much in contention it's a long way to go so who knows what happened next Pinter has got a problem and a pintos good is the one the Portuguese local drivers easy fact about the elapsed so he's just coming with a slight issue spun in front of us I think he's suffering somewhere and his next problem is going to be how to let Alessio masayo and Marcus Feldman past and you can see that repenting is sort of catching up now I wonder whether Messiah now is controlling the pace we're all racing towards that sort of 25 minutes to 35 minute mark when the mandatory pit stops start for 90 seconds you stop and you wait oh wait what's up there we'll just get the end of that yet Vizio just just drove off the track no idea what that was all about the rs5 replays dropped back into seventh into sixth place but that's remarkable I have no idea why that happened he just just lost gots the brakes lock made a mistake and for known for that put Center our leader now very much moved forward to our leader so that's underneath now car number two no no the one you want ash there we go now is Feldman leading he is now free and clear ever the first time since about the first two corners of the race but he's now got repetitive just absolutely drifted the car in so drop back to the Green number three car behind the blue car this is the battle for third place now between Bernard Allen an Aldi and Marco Grich the winners of both the two semi-finals riches surprising win Arnoldi not a surprise at all so I'll now be how we've got beaten up over the first half of labs and dropped down as low as seventh Lee's got myself back up now to third at one point seven seconds behind a [Music] second-place repeat in between them is a flash you'll see there of the blue car Vanunu pintos a lap down they same as they are trying to come from that really weird mistake is sitting in faith Pinto kind of confusing the issue that moment by not actually being involved but actually being in that third place and now letting f1 through and Grich didn't see if he could make it with an advantage out of that so nothing there some hit the family it's quite hard in front of me about three and six Feldman still bleed a petty second no fatties know but what have you happened there was a lap with lead change completely repaired he got through on 42 someone's standing in front of me at that point and what a beautiful it was it was the bang I heard was Marcus Feldman coming off the track and what's happened now his repent he's taken the lead it's another battle for second fell burns dropped to six he came off the track before T our view was blocked temporary there and this is now the battle for second and third Feldman is behind as AO in fifth says repent lead this is second and third and Grich is absolutely carrying the number two car on the 3 car of the French champion but now Grich has lost all Drive there now he's gonna fall into the clutches of Masayo there's now let's Emma's oh he's now back ahead of Feldman out of Feldman's uncharacteristic error so Feldman and Fisher Petty's lead is about two seconds they've repented got to secondly on our now a that was the song flashing undefended into an Audi flushing underneath as well now you see Museo Feldman has dropped back again so Feldman's got a problem somewhere Feldman has dropped back for a second time and he's now down into seventh place after another bad lap so Feldman suffering quite severely at the moment I can't even seemed he comes around out if Feldman's got a problem and he's made two mistakes in cost in ten seconds so ten minutes down and the early favorite is suffering the only outsider if while the repent he is leading so they wrote the leader is car number four then we just knock car number 4 the leaves now arnelle do Nadia's got for your pet he's made a mistake so this is now the leader said face it was happening off camera everyone's making mistakes but they're not being shown with Petty's just thrown it off the track as well in the 28th second lap so sometimes you get all the action on Canberra sometimes it can surprise not to be uncommon what we did see though was this man but not our now they take the lead is we didn't realize we've seen tows anybody is now in the lead so arnoldii leads marco produces second this is first and second on the camera right now it's one of those days where the leaders are just going to throw themselves often and not going to care about what happens for us just not fair but we have the leaders with you now in the world championship if mylar Scott all at the insight goes rich aggressive mal Mazzio's also begin to bridge the gap back towards ba so I'm 90 from France leads with a multicolored car then you've got the red and white machine among a bunch of Croatia then you have the orange and white machine valetti Airman's AO then repair t trying to cover from an issue he had and in fifth place it's mark hope vomiting but he's a little bit further back so second and first as cribbage from Croatia tries to then find a way past our nouns I'm not either this in the sent me find it strolled around the why don't think right now that was about half an hour he ran out of tire so you don't want to do that towards the back end of this will Harper to this race if you see was done to change the car weather will change ties and look at the inside there goes great but not quite this time so Grichuk gang that's a huge amount of speed this gets a very very fast car so in as a oh he's been so he dropped by both of these guys at the moment and Feldman seems to have managed to settle himself off those two mistakes threw him down the track and he's currently eight seconds off the lead you still have 47 minutes to go unless there is a oh he's keeping himself keeping himself to himself with the watching brief this is the battle for the lead and if one of them does crush now we would like to catch this one I heard Feldman scratch I didn't even see what happened to Repetto so you know you can see what you can see I only have one pair of eyes it's what many people think about me chanting as a thank you to samba and a mainly sponsoring this coverage this is our 11:00 to third day here I think our fifth day isn't it and we have an arrow there and Grich drops slightly off we're not an owl now all the MS a oh I'm not really being dropped either but not really catching up and then you've got repent see who's kind of in no-man's land as well vibing a couple seconds behind that and then a battle vibing is having with verb Ruger but the death of the 56 is only not important but with first and second as we get close to quarter distance and be interested to see ones get a 25 28 minutes when people start thinking about making these 90 second fuel stops they all stand a stop time so theoretically there should be no game I've yet to see anything implemented into a racing series where there's no game so Grich stays nailed to the back of our now Andy's car but it's fact about this track is you see that black line we can alter that black line that's where the grip is if you get off the black line there is no grip which makes trying a lunge up the inside or a lunge around the outside incredibly risky all you can do is try and pressurize the man in front of you to a mistake which is when it's Bernard and nowadays unlikely to point out the repetitive just made another mistake and drop back and he's now headed Feldman's repented a bad moment and he's dropped down now to sick Felber the seventh the bruegger is fifth vital is for Mazzio is in third just out shot here and first and second are on camera he's half minute to a quarter the way so there's a first and second nailed together unless there goes around and he is just under a second behind these two you'll see him there the orange and white we took out the insides they come around the corner in front of the rottens sweep by in today main in and then get the trifle game main out and trying a wider wind up there was Marco Grich the Croatian looking to try and gain the speed and he's going so thorough look at that what a fantastic move there for the lead just suddenly saw the door opened and screeched inside are now they are now and he just length didn't fight too much so it's Grich lady now and now one two and three right together Chris of course of the lost momentum has meant that now is the chance mazaya to have a go at the Frenchman but the certainly not the the rank outsider in many ways which is marker courage has been superb today brilliant that sent in fire now taking the lead in the world champion final at quarter distance long way to go coach but he is pulling away and this is the point where I would think that unless I'm Isaiah in the two-car the orange white cars beginning to wonder whether he needs also to start pushing his way past be a arnoldii the Frenchman behind them vital link fair bruger repeat and Feldman or was in a line all and then another problem for Moses he just misses the drive in some way same as a Oh two mistakes now we've seen him make the problem is that there's a there aren't such a fine line between grip and no grip that it just turns on a knife-edge and you suddenly where you think you've been there several laps before you're there again and what happens you fall off the track let's move forward to Arnold if reward I think Missouri and everything interesting for a bit so our Nardi it running in a second and in fact let's move forward to our leader the Allred Grich because he's got some traffic to start fighting with if he comes down the Samba you see how he gets through those [Music] firstly a traffic his pintos and get his second big lap for the second time in 17 minutes and then you can hear Carlos asking him to be they move out the way and I need to hit quite well and rich confuses Mary white leading now arnoldii by 1.8 seconds Zao a further 1.3 back vitalink 2.3 Verbruggen another one repeating few hundreds and then you have Feldman behind repenting in Castellani Horning and Pinto thinking and hauling and pimps are out of this so far as the tenkara petty yet set think odds the burger so I guess another it punted outs and that's going to give a position back up to Feldman repenting and vital and they were moving forward one two three all have a nice bit of one two three four I have a nice bit of a gap the battle at moment is felled with fell banners with nice as you get past a bit of filming up to fifth again ten seconds off the lead of this car here they come under start/finish now all of them now turning laps in the mid to low 23 drop back to Feldman his going through the Samba rest now of the orange blue car number one because he's having a bit of a battle of repetitive the to have fought our closest on the track at the moment battling over fourth through fifth and sixth Feldman currently in fifth repent see in six bubblin fools didn't Lee they led for a bit then he fell off a track and then had a second error in terms of the seven now isn't a recovery Drive he is taking some risks in I'm just what he's just riding those curbs his first target to try to get back up to vital in to get fourth 25 looking for market Greece but I'm just like that last lap which is interesting it so much so that he's still in the lead but not by much so Grich you have you've got quite a long way away had a slow lap that time round it still has a reasonable lead over I think actually may have been just getting past traffic it may have slowed him down so with the battle between Feldman and the petty seemingly over see you in the wondering now how quickly Feldman can pull up to the backside of rivaling and the arms is quite quickly in the Battle of fifth for the riding is that blue car flashing off the screen now and then you have said well that's I quickly can get in getting about three corners so Felber now bit between his teeth looking to move up into fourth place as one that two and three now mazaya is beginning to close in on our knowledge I'll keep an eye on that one as we also keeping an eye on what Feldman can do about vibrating it's a deafening German battle development vitalink battle zukar there of labelling and we are now at a belt he's got three well there you go you look at the way and just punch them through so into fourth place goes Feldman widely made that quite common mistake now drifting wide at the a main in and getting past and it's them moved what may be the next bit of excitement that's going down the main straight now which is Museo and be a arnoldii who write together now at start/finish so right this is second and third now beginning to heat up a bit no interesting just as we said that and say I lost a bit of time to Arnold he going through that staff than that 21 minutes down 39 minutes to go there's a oh I need to try and get himself a bit close because the problem he's got now is he's got Feldman how much he gained is amazing how much he gained in just one corner then Maya hiko mistake one even peanut just kicked off lighter than he look at the inside and that didn't happen that time out of the way gets Catalan in the seventh card he's annoyingly kögel miss exactly the same from a distance as the PA arnoldi machine but lucky these two of the multicolored splat of are now this car and the orange and white oval SEM is Oh in France versus Italy rs5 vs. genius chassis analogy they were setting up the run at the inside about 55 miles now they hit the endless straight that's quite a heavy braking point there because the tractor says he isn't giving out enough to lap the flight through that the left-hander at the end of the main straight then I why's that you've seen this lap after a lap after lap now interestingly what is happening is that rich is getting awake which now has a lead of about almost six seconds because he is faster than now now they whether he's faster than an Isaiah remains to be seen - Marco Creech leads this man our gnarly in second Alessi my seller to the outside now I think you can look at the Switchback scene you can find a gap coming in no absolutely and that's not happening now you say no thank you I'll take the the curb siding you want getting past a young man Feldman's still in fourth but seven seconds behind these guys so it's spread out quite we've got a lot of race to go and a lot of movement to go but he's got a long way to make up film and 12 seconds off the lead better lap around now the Imagi pull a bit of a gap on versão there lead-up was four tenths faster than al-mal be in that last lap so Marco Grich on the verge of becoming a very surprising champion the verge you still face admits away on a pit stop [Music] [Music] his last time around 23 8 and now the ghost 123 7 and 23 from Isaiah and they move at all their papers Feldman to complete his lap and his lap is a 24 for sir Feldman's lost a bit of pace and it's fly the ring repetitive air brewed up who are still the lead lap and the rest have been lapped the Catalani Horning and you know Pinto have all been lapped at least once and the lead is 5 seconds so this man is in 3rd as head there is the second place man is interested in the slope I know this is fun a little bit more pace now he seems to manage to break and what Missouri can do in this position yourself just taking a bit of a brief respite 25 minutes down so entering the realm of when the pit stop maybe remember it's a timed pit stop that nothing theoretically nothing to be gained or lost by the pit stop 90 seconds which you take the body shell off you fill up carefully with petrol or two-stroke you put the body shell back on and you carry on going and it's designed to be fair everyone got it nice and you're not now to change tires at the same time you want to change tires and well welcome tube is a separate pit stop but and again that's about again as they adjust the risk up but there was a brake fade or finger fade because it's two or three times now just not managed to get the thing stopped so Feldman won't know that's happened but if you please me finds out and his first second and third of really really split up let's find our leader red and white Grich he's currently hunting down max Rooney in that Hornick for it to map him for the second time he's done that so this man I'm fancy when we came here and fancied after qualifying but has found rocket pace qualified about 12 or 13 and has found an amazing pace in both the semi final and the final but then again this the day you need to do it you can be as fast you like during qualifying but you know it's finals daily accounts and the Croatian at the moment has the world in his hands at the moment 34 minutes to run put anything's going on he's about to try and put a lap on Android Catalani and giovanni verga mistake by I'll now see he's lost some time there as well so this is the thing you're on watching other cars at the same time and they're all making look mistakes I'm not seeing these little mistakes from from Marco San Marco in the fires red and white car well be they're kind of blue stripe is looking and he's what's going on there so Grich though yes he got confused there around the kind of compensate yet imagine get past two drivers who got started they proved lost a couple of tenths there being got past two drivers so it's a kind of a lap two drivers kind of in even Stephens really a bit of concealer on bit around not each other through and it just back down seven seconds in six and a half seconds he leads by now if you turn laps Febby now what we're doing we're waiting for the pit stops we're having a kind of a cup that kind of a middle period where everyone just driving around where a pit stop like a second the third a right back together again - so let's go to the to the camp out in front of you in a second so it's around now they're making a couple of small mistakes and suddenly Miz a who's also a couple missing white on him leads out at he's six seconds behind on now of a mezzo is eight seconds ahead of Feldman in fourth so that's your spread at the top for everyone up to repair has been lapped now by the leader repent he is in sixth so they are now coming up to Maximian Hornig in the multicolored touring car painted car very lucky charm for her LS yes it's become an acquittal on squeeze dropping back off a way off her L now the heavy concentration needed for this because you have to keep the cars on that narrow black line if you want to get anywhere near a lap time they're gonna take you near the world chairman team just saw their let's say just slightly missed the now as you get stuck behind Horning on the main straight with a household anything out of the way should go wide here it doesn't say almost have lean zone for an extra bit of turning force the left-hand side going cuz the time in scoring corners rich still turning out twenty-fourth ultimate paces dropped a little bit in the last section these cars off he's got past him so well there we are so Alan only made a mistake just lost drive and suddenly into second place goes the Italian so now in second place in fact knows that proton Owen has dropped off it entirely now nowadays I know that exactly is actually in problems here but he's just lost a fortune of time Alan Alvey there's thirty he had one mistake and then he just had another mistake and he's dropped seven seconds in that laps are now these challenge easy and he gave a start finished now the three car I'm not sure that he just made a mistake tires with dirt he made a second mistake but or whether he's actually suffering and whether and now he's got a problem at this point in the race he can't make a pit stop for a few up soon near 24 four after that problem that we need a 30 and now Bernard Allen on all he comes up and relatively nothing he's being hunted down quite dramatically now by Marcus Feldman's well now be slapped that time around was a twenty five nine so he lost two more seconds to Feldman they'll see that's forbidden flashing in the background we are getting close to pit stop time though so I'm not sure what they can do about whether I don't fellas made mistakes if Feldman's made a mistake somewhere he just seemed to disappear at the back of him it's like misty ah has Feldman when in for fuel it's filled making you stop think we have the stop first stop for Feldman's and Feldman's and the pits as far as I can tell Oh get a Big M mazayas in the pits as well some Isaiah Feldman of both pitting bridge has got a confused round for a broker then take them off the pit lane to to pit and go a bit wider ash so then just sit around well Carol game with our leader there is pick up our leader no work it's a 90 second pit stop where they just put in taking pulley off and putting fuel on it's not exactly an action-packed for second nitro stop so will will let them do their thing and just remember the stagger is unwinding hour now these in the pits as well so we've got three of the cars in the pits at the moment they'll actually on the screen the the pretty sure of you're watching on our CML think they've retired but they are in fact now is vital in also ease it looks like aging the pits as well the one car that stayed out so far and now as a many lap lead as the others are doing their 90 second pit stops is Marco Grich who's now just trying to get past Pinto say about three cars going around the mat there's very quiet now as most cars are stopped at the same time don't worry if you're watching arts in these cars haven't retired they are doing their mandatory ninety or one grich's thrown this thing off the track he's thrown this thing off the track just just got a massive tanky on there and that's no be basically that's just time he's thrown away got away is slightly at that point but I'm not sure that was just a mistake whether he got a call which he missed he does need to come in with fuel we've been going 31 minutes for getting a crowd in front of our window man I think these more difficult the grit is running very very long still waiting for the other drivers start reimagining they are now reemerging from their pit stops cattle are knees back out I'll now these back out my surprise that the film is not coming back out rich hasn't stopped hence reason go three lap lead for brothers back out Feldman's back out you see where they all line up now felon they have stayed longer than most all another mistake for the Croatian as he now comes in for his 92nd pitstop well just take the first half of this in lifting up body out and it does mean in second place at the moment it's Alessio Manzo so I don't know where the car to is you know so the leader now will not be the running car that front is Misano in the two car about to go over start/finish now so there's a Oh leading at the moment we've got leading now catch up the lap see lost two greens wild British with them having a few pit stops soap in turn ours in the pits as well most people back out the pits again it's like it's like confused a timing system to be honest now I'm not quite sure how long before Greenwich comes out again as a Oh we'll still isn't on the same lap as British was he's doing fronting it means got Giovanni furburger who's also up Andrea fell Ben definitely I think had a longer pit stop than the others he's still looking a lot further down so I think they'll burn out he couldn't get his pits done in 90 seconds so Messiah goes the path still waiting secrets reimburse Feldman yeah fell indefinitely actually had a longer pit something he should have done so I think that made that pit stop was supposed to not bother anybody may actually have never effectively stymied the German now Grich is out and running and I think he's still leading by about three or four seconds so Mizell go around the core now can see liquid she's up and running again which is up and running again he's just coming into this and he's now crossing the line now and Missouri across the line now so is Creech from Isaiah Misano has got to get Pinter out the way and Pinter is out the way Missouri seconds of idling has come out of that in third hour now diem fourth fell been a massive loser out of this petrol stop situation and now this car looks like a pack of spanners on the track Feldman lost a whole lap in the pit stop environment safer burrs a lap down behind forever Heinrich petty behind there now see behind vitally and and as you can see he's become a bit of a two horse race between MS IO and Grich and all bridges often misses in the lead as they as taking the lead so British has come back out again and they're just lost that loss that did track entirely so he's come back out again the cars not doing what he wanted to do and he's now dropped down into second place so finally we've got a change of league on the camera fantastic so this is gritty gotta try working back up again I think he's just not sure whether what happened with the ties I got cold they hadn't they're all the same sets they've done half an hour I thought 35 minutes nearly so the fuel stop didn't do what it's supposed to do it's supposed to be a neutral eyes it's both looking you know everyone come in do the same thing what basically happened is he was absolutely right form Isaiah and this man here ingredient made two mistakes whilst he was doing his laps on his own and his big league went down to two seconds is about right and now he's made not mistake warming tires up and messiahs in the lead however Feldman lost a lap and he's not gonna come back from that in 25 minutes that's for sure the Grinch is second third place is on the same lap but they are thriving and he is back by about 12 seconds so you've got a two horse race this man trying to catch up Alessio Isaiah and at the moment Mzee o is about 4/10 of a second a lap quicker so grid she was very very very quickly it's brain back in gear he has got the ground speed you can replicate the car in fact if you look at now he's now right getting close back to Messiah again so there now there's only a bit of a less good lap this time and Isaiah himself been inclined for the odd error so 24 minutes to go this first in a second in the world championship finally if ma large-scale touring car fire brought to you by RC racing TV in association with sambar exhaust and a main hobbies my name's Nick Daman to my side is Matt McCallum and just on the camerawork is Ashley and I'm looking at the inside there and if you are joining us at first time this weekend and watching on YouTube can I ask you very kindly to subscribe to our Channel and press a bell to get notifications because anyone know whenever we go live and that's not always when you think it's gonna be so subscribe principled they've helped keep this free your watching is for free and what are you free because of our reach convince your sponsors to back us and to get a bigger reach we need to have more subscribers that's my plea to our viewers over let's look at the action again and in that time and I'm British made a move loss out a little bit with why the first and second now nailed together coming into the a main in then the a main out you can sleep witness really has got a either he's driving that way or he's got a more active front end as he tightens it right up 5min still third an ally for for petty fifth the burger six seven seven but Feldman lost a lap in the petrol stop there now how and look at that quit as close as he can be and after came out after the pit stop Carl took a while to get his head back round how the car was feeling with an extra 600 or 700 grams worth of fuel in it and also the tires had cooled down and probably picked up some gunk as they came into the pits so he's now running he came in later than Mazzio and so came in pretty much on the half hour whereas Creech ran to about 32 minutes and now we are at 38 minutes 22 to go so Isaiah Italian the former European 110th nitro champ a comment when he won it was about five years ago in Italy no Olly was commentating us about it really and greets now obviously everyone's what the whole world is watching this battle so the last thing you can do is make a lung you can make it affair whatever he does in Messiah himself and was driven very very well apart from night there two or three times he's just not missed his breaking point the brakes haven't done what he expected in the dimming just overshot most of the bottom corner which is the one at the end of this short s-band is Sam Buress this corner here Lazare has overshot it on two occasions Warne got a nasty glitch there didn't either heard of the cart which dawei from the nose wipe slightly out none of that completed and the pressure on Mazzio's is intense I'm proud but but think that probably the level the pressure is it's high but because you're still quite a long way from the end of the race you can still sit yourself in a rhythm and think I'm defending I'm defending it's just between the two of us now no one else is reading it as arnoldi by the way has picked up as just picked up the third from repetitive idling has dropped down to fifth so I was hoping but yeah the gnarly third 54 idling is fit but there's a huge gap you know now there are only 16 seconds behind mark Oakridge whose ma are and I'll screen some reason because the way that they loaded the name in his system fortunately so now now the is not really gonna get him forward and critics there's looking at the inside there and thinking about it they are running about the same speed 23:6 these guys did last lap and another 23 seven this time it's 23 8 24 1 grit just dropped off a little bit as you can see but you'll catch that right up in a couple of lamps as Alessio just I would think this concentrates on right of the line and the lines really easy to see it's that black line that black line is really easy to see that's where you need to stay if you want to be the European we all try the bullet your European time it's not with a world champion as rich now gets back up closer to the rear end of mezame as a with the orange and white cottage with the red and white you can carry a beam be heard both cars in frame ash which made oh that's not going to get lets that won't get you have to wait obviously it's what again so British just made an absolute pagaron attack on that one he's getting applauded for waiting why wouldn't I think if he hadn't wait he would have got to stop and go so I'm not sure why that's necessary applaud that move of waiting he had no choice but he went for it and really got it quite badly wrong but no harm no foul but the good news will be for var Naldi as they've dropped three or four seconds even I only can make up three or four seconds he'll be able to close the gap and this is his chance really at least to can slow themselves up enough for him to make up the nine seconds he's now behind it's a chance for our now D to perhaps get himself back into play great obviou seizing the pot instead of the podium moment bellezza you know former European champion he wants been the toxins of world's podium and that's going to take a bit of help but can take help from these two guys both names which two months ago would not have featured on anyone's prediction for leading this race Alessia Mercer because no one knew he did large-scale mark agrees because of all the Europeans he's not one of the ones who particularly things have happened oh right back together again now camera top corner it is a universal truth in racing that is easier to follow them to lead and it's got through we've got through them and just that fourth time now that massage had just not got the breaking point of that corner right and almost sent out some balloons and an invitation to let cruise through so this is the key thing concrete now pull away into a good two or three secondly because we're after Missouri went offline and a dirty tide to clean them back up again so that was a three second loss in that range from Isaiah Simon zone now news five's mmus bigger this happened a Greek language in the first half of the race once he got ahead he was never hand it was never headed again he was able to pull away from everybody but he was pulling away from all Naldi and Ozzy was kind of slowing up and there's a meze is gonna need to start pushing and when you start pushing on this track things can often go wrong that time around 23 eight plays 24 ones at three tenths more of a gain for the Croatian in the red and white car this is the second place man the gap down to owl now these two hasn't been clicked through gazelle no he's a long way back and it's actually now 12 seconds now now he's had his own errors he's 12 seconds back so Museo is very up that's the red car of the leader so they've all been sort of in the same trip at some point cuz they I picked two tents back up but he's got a try and make up almost exactly two seconds that's how far off is that's about a third of a mistake or half a mistake at most so that's what we've got with 16 and half minutes to go so he sixty two sides just shy of seventeen minutes to go Grich goes round that time in a 2360 lazy motivated 24 for not quite sure where eight tenths of a second disappeared too but mosaic at this point really really needs to concentrate on trying to find the speed but it's looking like he thought we'd he's 2.6 back grit looks confident now he's got the car up and running again that time around the grid to the 24 one he's stupid occluded by 24 one as well from Isaiah so which is a little bit traffic is just gone past Horning and as I own two or three corners back we'll also meet Horning soon on all these in third he's got two second lead over a petty or a petty is then right next to vitalink and then you have their programme Feldman Feldman who was doing okay not brilliantly until the pit stops where he appears to have lost a whole lap sweep through that time round a tenth of a second was gained by Miz AO it's not 15 and a half minutes ago which is still about 14 laps there's plenty more roundy roundy circulation to try and catch up that time you may point seven in a second so Grich got a little bit squirrelly on one the corners and the lead has gone down to 1.8 seconds let's just see misere is now really going for it he just rode up on the top of the corner in an attempt to try and make up the gap and it looks like Marc Rich Beem I'll be absolutely honest you I've never met and I don't know he looks like sorry I'll be so he wins is I'll have to go the person's got the trophy because unsnap Marco did a fairy tale story unknown man great chance between the worlds matéo now looking to deal with Horning he has gained no loss a tenth of a second there so Messiah whose Achilles heel has been that corner at the bottom of the sambar ass which he's three times overshot and it's always cost him dearly so unless he oh he's doing this for a bit of thumb but I think at this point with 15 minutes to go he's doing it cuz he won't become world champion in an out everything to play for gap still just 2.4 seconds as I am let's pick up with our leader ash the 5 car who's actually lost some time in this now that's noticeable and a gap yep it's gone down by 0.8 of a second so I'm not quite sure what happened to Creech they I mean maybe you've got there I'm running on quite old tires now so who the heck knows what may happen on lap 2 lap as you can see Miz there now who just lost at I bit time they actually just bent on that corner suddenly pinged in and the gap went down to 1.4 seconds so it's a mezzo definitely now obviously could be stop focusing on he was now able to do you know moon self to wors bridge so Mazzone greedy cheap ack in the same frame again [Music] [Music] so if I get past Pinto Pinto stops nice if I think you may slightly have blocked Grich more than he blocked Messiah as they both run together just running up the main straight now the lead was last time round just point nine of a second I think it's maybe even less now the drive off the line 23:16 outs just got up my tents actually just looked a bit less at that point it's a couple but he's got a cybereye sit always change again other than masago a tank-slapper Wow so they both made a mistake in the excitement of getting past grid G then overshot the corner and himself in fact was anything happens miss area still had more than that his tires got dirtier than British ties so was that the chances 12 mates I'm sure will be another one but with 12 minutes to go for I would say about a yard there's a meter in metric terms Messiah was in the lead and then it all went wrong again so it's back the grittiest again so Marco paying 6/10 for second that lap and then I think it's really case now with a messiah as managed to get his tires back clean again they both shoot at the top of the straight there turn round and back and that time round it's 2/10 back to miss Harris in Isaiah now he's able to take a couple of tenths out every now and again but Marcos got a comfortable lead now that you know he's got more than a screw a moment of lead it's one point three seconds as there needs to try and find three or four more tents I think just to start with the fresh back on and there is some pressure come in because they about to catch up some more traffic the petty now is in third hour now these drop the fifth of idling fourth in the less interesting battle behind these two good that might think so father great I think Richards definitely gained a little bit here just tip the edge they're not so able to get full drive they can you tip of the Year at the curb pretty certainly skating this lap on been wrong before but now he's gained by two tenths of a second and instead a bit of a wobble coming out of the inner thing but I think is a bit away that double snap on the front end for cars is a four-car train in front of them one of those cars is already falling off the track that was Catalani and now they're coming up to the one and Colour so the leader is coming up to lap Giovanni fair bruger finished now has a burger in front of him he's managed to get away from quite nice from Isaiah made a big gain in Isaiah in that last lap the burger Oh Sonny realized there's a person he needs to not get in front of behind him this traffic so far working well for Marco Grich of Croatia it wasn't white car definitely finding his way through traffic way better than Messiah he dropped a little bit off and always says two cars to get past bad lap from Isaiah very bad lap between 49 and the lead goes out to just shy of three seconds since the best ladies had in this second half of the race since the pit stops 10 minutes to go this is a difficult team it's in outputting 50 minutes on these tires they've never had to be put more in half an hour on them 23 7 please 20 and a half second look upon the same and say as Peyton's melted away at the moment unknown territory for Mossad I think they'd never done an hour final in a large girl car [Music] and market reach the unoffensive croatian and looking like you might do something special as we've lost a few tents there around that corner Oh exactly seven is a lady behind him is a lasat about not bad like Messiah is suffering the moment at exactly the wrong moment so Museo is now dropping off by five seconds so the Museo attack is disappearing and now at night midst he goes very much about camp market we just keep it on the island as a Oh slowly fades away 925 now 1.3 seconds I've said it Mateos tires is shot looks like the bid of the Italian is falling apart as well and losing a second and lap time as they OH to sort marker grid overtaking as alien himself back in back in the the pack again there but he's had a couple of bad laps miss ironing just dropping away whereas British has managed to keep this up despite going through a huge amount of traffic some other action going on here as well but it's not now being annoyed by the car behind him she's out now they are now being lapped Amala go so Britain has always had a bit of a dodgy what's going on area and nowadays suddenly got way more spending courage if he's a lap down so uh odd not 24/7 never changing air bits gone back the other way by eight tenths of a second so they a couple of now is driving the cars it's really aunty what they're supposed to be doing but are now the it's kind of getting involved in this one each by that he shouldn't be annoying it unlike himself who knows it may be that president nightmare he can make the whole lap round in the remaining seven means the tires go right off you are in the strife of epic proportions so systematically this is not actually a battle for anything apart from pride in many ways to sour notes and lap down British has been struggling a little bit on these old tires the gap is now three point nine he's come back from its maximum gap to miss IO of five seconds vital links third now knives at he fought there's not even third so I suppose in many ways he does want to get past Fuji wasn't a chance to get it sir vitalink as the for car of her petty has a major problem I think there were a number of cars now have run out of Tyre and they are all what was a knife edge to begin with on this track is now a double knife edge so it's like a slicing knife edge the knife edge of knife edges the sort of Damocles and a knife edge as it turns in you've been left alone by a bi at the moment and that's a bird lap again so magic settle it down get the thing on the island and the lead goes out to four point two seconds so Marco almost turns it on itself there this point which is his own the only enemy he's got is himself if we can keep it going and point the way wants to do I don't think that Alessi has got the basic ground speed to catch him up Museo there is pretty comfortable in second he's almost a lap ahead of third I'm sure you'll take second as a good result for a bit of fun event but Marco cribbage is about to come all has the charts becoming world channels saying that he was backing that thing in you are literally one missed finger pulse of Breaking Away for disaster on this channel he has now got itself a five-second four and a half second lead which is enough for one minor error bit other one he made early and got way because he then stymied Museo himself it's coming under the darkness of the Shadow the shadows lengthy now at 18 minutes past four Portuguese time here five-and-a-half minutes ago in the if ma large-scale touring car world final from Villarreal in Portugal brought to you by sandwich sauce and I main hobbies were RC racing TV subscribe to our YouTube channel and press the bell because that keeps us going and we've got a lot more for you next year we may if everything goes well we could be traveling covering for world championships but who knows that'll depend on the support we get from you guys we don't want your money we just want your subscriptions and your bail pressing so Bridget now is under five minutes and he is 4.2 seconds ahead just taken vitalink adjust laptop the third so in that the third place man a second ago it's got more traffic Nuno Pinto there's really enjoying himself in the fire but he's not really had the pace of the rest of the pack providing four and a half minutes from a world championship to a bit too much curb there got away with it and in for one user comes across in a twenty three nine the gap is four point three seconds it's you know it's the same as their made a little mistake there as well it's it's not like you know you've been hunted down by someone who's nailed to the track they're both fighting the constantly changing and reducing amount of grip as the cars sweep round in front of our position then go down to where ashes at the far end that picks them up and they drive all the way through so Marco Grich 4.4 seconds ahead with three point four to three minutes for five and forty deterrents forty to go just me today picks not a major thing twenty four flat so they can't have settled into the twenty four flat level in fact unless it was faster there by seven hundredths of a second and up on two wheels goes melissia and that's you know this is the problem I can tell you what Alessi has doing it's just he's doing the best he can he's doing a great job he's gonna come second but it's very much a case unless it gets thrown at the boondocks in the next three minutes 15 seconds by this man Martin bridge of Croatia he is gonna be a surprise world champion which is always a nice thing to have no one like to predictability I'm sure there's gonna be some some after sounds Marcus fell particular didn't want to know how he lost to lap in the pit stops if I'm honest I don't think marks had the pace in the second half the race to win it anyway but he's pretty annoyed that he's something's gone wrong he lost and lap there British now has to come past for progressive program yeah for the second another time and Masayo had a problem a problem himself a lap ago so 232 to go the lead is five seconds as Marco Brigitte comes up and around and takes another lap so it's got about six or seven laps left so when the world turns and ship or when he's got to be sitting up to throw it away but mazaya now dropping a little bit back off him can't can't keep up with the pace of the Croatian again just to say he didn't show anything in qualifying he qualified 12 and 13th and there's six in the qualifying position before his semi final but he just has had blistering pace today showed what he had won that final started I think fourth and this one is leather now now the other half an hour but he just carried on moving forward just found that pace the whole time starting to threaten he bit the corners but then the a probably running on canvas now at the tire 5.6 seconds ahead last time round another twenty four seven it was a slightly slower lap but Hosea is not really going much better 2444 three so four tents but it's still a five second plus lead for the Croatian a minute and 16 to go [Music] and we are getting right down to the business end of this last few seconds it's a minute left so with a five-second leader 5.2 second leaf and marker British the red and white machine with a sambar exhaust good to know as he comes around the corner we are now getting close in the last minute he's got this slap and he's gonna start his last lap now but this is less than 25 seconds before 33 it is last lap so unless he throws it off this time marker greed would become the 2019 large scale Touring Car World Champion the zero starts the last lap as well they've both been caught but this is going to be just a few more corners he's just got to go just not throw it off at the final corner coming out italy goes slowly as you like Marco because you are going to become the world champion Marco gergich is going to be the world champion grid it takes it a great victory for British he's taken it what a victory for the man that is some fantastic staff he takes the plaudits he takes the congratulations and marco courage it is German there's a trophy [Music] with Malkovich the new world champion Marco we're very surprised you Juan are you surprised you won a bit because sincerely analysis speaking I had confidence about the race but I knew that I'm competing against European champion I'm a competing against ex world X European champions and top drivers from 10 years ago but I had confidence that I can do something and I waited for my opportunity and it came and I'm really really happy to be first it was noticeable that in qualifying he weren't very high up you're 12 but we got the longer races the car was super quick was what was that what you were always working towards yes the same thing happen in a GP in Zagreb I knew that after qualifying my race pace should be among the top unfortunately I was very nervous in qualifying yes it was my mistakes and I could not qualify up more but then when the semi-final came I just knew I had the chance and I go for it maximum and this was it how difficult was the race for now as I'm looking at the tires now and they are completely coned I take it the car must be very different at the end of the race and it was at the start the first first time I felt the car changing was about 20 25 minutes into the race but I learned how to accommodate to the conditions and it was ok but the tires lasted perfectly and the grip was pretty much constant everywhere each corner and I think we we we want the jackpot with with tire choice so the world champion has been decided and the top step has Marco greens on it thank you for watching and thank you to Samba and Amen for sponsoring this event here for the if Mar large-scale touring car world champion Portugal we've had a great time hope you enjoyed watching look at the lovely weather we're back next year with more.if bar World Championships [Music]
Channel: CTRL SPORT // RC Racing TV
Views: 108,665
Rating: 4.8528829 out of 5
Keywords: A Main Hobbies, Samba, LSTC
Id: CF8jDeJmmmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 22sec (4222 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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