The Final Days of EVGA's GPU Division: Building the Last Video Card

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I recently lost a screw from the shroud of my 3080 XC3 Ultra. I was deep cleaning and it popped out of my tweezers into the void. I sent them an email with an arrow pointing to the screw I wanted. I didn't even ask for the screw explicitly, just the specs and I'd suck it up and source some.

A few days later I had a package at my door. They sent me a bag with around 10 inside it. For free, they covered shipping too. They just asked me if my address on file was still accurate and off they went.

No idea what I'm going to do without them now. I've had bad experiences with so many other hardware companies at this point, I kind of dislike everyone else.

👍︎︎ 282 👤︎︎ u/PolarisX 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

One of their best videos ever, fine tribute to the Evga team from its fans.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/Electrical-Bobcat435 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

One of the most interesting vids I’ve seen in a long time especially the bit from the repair centre.

EVGA were a class act in the GPU department.

👍︎︎ 216 👤︎︎ u/stadiofriuli 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

I'm 28 minutes in right now, but I think this is one of Gamer's Nexus best videos ever. It's a fitting farewell to EVGA's GPU team.

👍︎︎ 193 👤︎︎ u/bizude 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

Such a shame. I RMA’d my psu and it was a few months past 5 year warranty. I had no clue where I bought it or if I had proof of purchase somewhere and they gave me what retailer it was from so that I could find proof of purchase. And they honored the warranty despite being out of warranty, gave me a 100W stronger GPU and extended warranty another 5 years. Actual American human beings in customer service. I should have known they would die off, felt too good to be true. Here’s to hoping they make intel gpus or something, but doubt they would have waited this long and lost all the talent/machinery if they were going to do that.

👍︎︎ 186 👤︎︎ u/trevormooresoul 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

RIP EVGA. I hope my 3080 FTW3 serves me for years to come, such a great card.

👍︎︎ 106 👤︎︎ u/RanaI_Ape 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

I’m only 5 minutes in but it’s really sad for consumers that EVGA have left the GPU market. They made the market much better.

👍︎︎ 119 👤︎︎ u/glenn1812 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

I only ever bought evga cards.

Not sure what to do now.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Hefty_Beat 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

Really leaves a void in the American market. No other company in the US offers a 5-7 year extended GPU warranty buy-in, a VERY forgiving RMA process (few things void an EVGA warranty), and a step-up program that saves you hundreds of dollars.

I’ve always used EVGA for the peace of mind considering a $1000 hardware is a steep investment. Was hoping to use my 3080 12gb FTW3 Ultra hybrid for the next 5 years before upgrading to another EVGA video card. I can only hope that EVGA comes under new management whom decide to reenter the video card business. Sad to see the Toyota/Lexus equivalent of the GPU world exit.

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/chrisggre 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2023 🗫︎ replies
In this special video, we flew out to Taiwan to  document the final days of EVGA's GPU division.   EVGA is revealing the last of its trade secrets  that it's kept under wraps for decades, and it's   one that's not easy to copy: its team. Behind the  scenes, what made EVGA great was its people - like   a pit crew and their driver - and we flew out  to document EVGA's attempts to make one last,   historic mark on the GPU industry before  this team is scattered. They only ever got   a few RTX 4090s from Nvidia, so they're  risking them all to hand-build their way   to a world record. No factories, no SMT lines,  no help from Nvidia. Just pure engineering and   overclocking talent. They're not going down  without a fight, but it hasn't been easy.  What are you down to? Uh, we're down to 1+0. It's hard to explain in English for me so...   yeah, let me try. Even at the final, final, one  mis-touch and F- everything. Yeah, this is real.   That English was pretty good! I learned some  English from Vince, so these are his words.   There was a flame - about yea high. When when does  the despair set in? But salvaging cards is one of   EVGA's secret talents that they never advertised.  So, what's the success rate of this, typically?   100%. This is EVGA's finale. We self-funded all  the international travel to make this special   documentary about EVGA's GPU division, so please  visit and grab one of our   new limited edition disappointment build 2022  t-shirts we're almost sold through the third and   final run these commemorate the worst Hardware of  last year and feature a special combined RGB GPU   graphic on the front the back even sadly features  EVGA's departure from gpus as a major upset but   one for which we fully understood their decision  these are available in comfortable 100 cotton or   in a lightweight tri-blend and use water-based  inks printed in the US for sustainability you can   also grab one of our 3D debug coaster packs which  have a soft rubber feel and PC components to rest   your drinks on this trip and related editing costs  us five figures with equipment flights travel and   staff time so we sincerely appreciate your support  on so we can do more of this our goal today is to do this team Justice and  give a final comprehensive look at how EVGA   operated its GPU division we traversed tunnels  under the offices some of us using more dangerous   modes of Transit than others you were right  here you bike down here yeah it's a good spot first before any world records are achieved on   evga's Final silicon we need  to build a video card foreign pen again from evj all these wires are basically  just going to the read points and the the voltage   controllers for each rail so the voltage can  be adjusted normally there's another team that   works on these right obviously Dan and myself  worked on Kingpin with 10 from the EVGA lab I   guess you know you look at like a Kingpin PC  when I knew that they had this card of course   hey let's start the process let's check it out  so we provisioned all the rails and stuff and   then I started overclocking it right away and  obviously I saw a lot of the power issues in   the stock miles yeah limitations yeah and um  so we're working through that right now and   I was just checking out the thermals with the  fluke gun you know looking at the car looking   at the hot spots this area is red hot man red  hot so like for me I don't understand like as a   vendor why you would want to put the input power  here it makes no sense like the end of the card   is what really where it should be I see you're  running the memory without any heat spreaders   it does just not need it or it's actually kind of  annoying man this RGB just blinds me right if you   stare at it long enough you start seeing colored  spots everywhere um other than being annoying no these are the steps evj has always gone  through when making a GPU but now we get   to see them and while there are some rules that  evja abides by out of 10 quarters wow no porn no porn and videos have rarely been among them  EVGA used to build higher quality cards by   hacking the V bios on the video card but having  been locked out of all of the developer tools   that Nvidia offers evga's only chance to build a  40 90 video card that can achieve world records   is to wire in their own voltage controls this is  the typical research and development approach to   building a video card too it's just we don't  normally get to see it because normally it's   a competitive secret Vince here opted to use the  engineer's choice of tools some knobs a breadboard   and a slice of cardboard all the rails on the car  the voltage rails are provisioned for over voltage   so we have NV vdd we have frame buffer  voltage we have PEX 1.2 and 1.8 volt   and this is sort of that that necessary step in  the evolution of our cards where sometimes it's   the FTW EVT sometimes it's a KP EVT we will  provision the car just like this I'll test   all the rails see what the card needs and then we  know you know how to how to build the retail card   and that's what Vince wanted to talk about where  Vince used to be the team's driver these days he's   more of the engineer but he's hand-picked three  successors to his overclocking domination Lumi   hitting world record memory overclocks with  the evj's brand new z790 classified and dark   motherboards sends the level-headed overclocker  Smashing leaderboards with whatever he's handed   and be so be so the Korean overclocker who came  out of nowhere I both filmed we pay 39 thinking in   ebj store I was pick pick up pick up piping number  one with a retail card Jay who's this guy he's   number one in the Hall of Fame Vince has finished  his work wiring up the card and re researching how   it operates and now it's time for bisobiso to  work his magic but without the help of Nvidia   bios and development tools EVGA has to resort to  other tricks and really put in the time to get   the results it wants and that's why now we get to  watch as be so risks it all and Sands down the die   he was just handed by Kane pin deploying a rarely  used technique known as GPU die lapping and in   this process sends will be joining to help explain  everything we've done it on many cores both of us   so we are confident but again we have like three  cards here so if anything goes wrong it is what it   is yeah so the shape of the dies usually with  a slight bow to it and that causes the card   basically all of the paste to crack once  you go below a certain degree so first off   we have this piece of glass that we can flip  the card around and move across so visual is   now preparing the glass obviously you don't  want to have any residue any dust particles   get it as flat and pristine as possible then  we apply a thin layer of safe adhesive like   double-sided blue it's very it has to be very thin  because even the glue has some compression to it   and we are when we're talking like micro level  of lapping that that actually makes a difference   it has a specific height to not collide with any  Parts on them on the PCB what is the purpose of   uh so this is kind of acts like a counterweight  okay obviously this the car is much longer on   this side and then he tries to balance it so it's  kind of the same weight on both sides pretty good   because because over time if your lab if your lap  an error into the card it's gonna get even worse   so there you can basically see where it Sands down  these how do you say slats or on the sides first and eventually we will start to touch the  diurnum center you mentioned how Malcolm   Gutenberg one of the thermal Engineers  from Nvidia he did a video with us he   made some commentary about the dye because he  was talking about expansion yeah exactly so it   we were like finding this four-part tracking issue  for a while and trying to figure out you know ways   to get around it but you know listening to this  interview uh kind of gave me an hint because he   said okay this the bow of the die is on purpose  because when the dye warms up it flattens the die   um and here we basically cool the dye down  but also push a thousand watts to it so   that's probably going to cause some  warping and one form or the other   so this is this is kind of what we think why  we see the cracking because it just snaps in   this contract everybody is going to see this and  be like we're never doing interviews ever again   yeah we also Focus to keep the perfect  perfect flatness but it's really easy to   make a mistake right so you know this GPU that  is so weak so at that time I left for more than   over eight hours so I was so [ __ ] tired all  right so I lose my concentrate at the end so   I tilt it a lot at very less touch so I [ __ ]  everything although we don't have footage of be so   uh [ __ ] everything you probably wouldn't allow  it anyway we do have footage of him doing this   for a while the process took a few hours we have  a 20 minute cut of the full interview uploaded as   a patreon exclusive over on Gamers  and access you can get access to all the minute   details and the knowledge of these experts want  to share while supporting us and the expense of   this trip at the same time to condense the rest  of it all of this is actually necessary EV Jake   can't just jump to the Top by bidding hundreds  of gpus anymore and using the custom v-bios they   have to use every retail technique that any of  us would use in the book instead the company's   gone full circle it's GPU division is closing  the same way that it began sweat and silicate after cycling through 600 grit sandpaper to wear  down the shim and then move into a thousand grit   for the die the team gets rid of the Nvidia text  and it's able to increase the core stability about   two hours of sanding later and they switched  to a specialized sandpaper that sends by is   in Germany this is this is something I brought  from Germany yeah this doesn't even feel like   anything it's like a gloss paper yeah exactly this  is three microns uh nine Micron 12 Micron wow okay   um so the way so I use it to check if it's really  flat because this will give a very dull finish   and it looks perfect to the eye really nice  but if you then use one of these that give a   shiny finish then you can see different areas  of the die will change basically the color or   appearance uh earlier than others okay so you  can see okay this side I need need to focus on   I see a little bit Yeah more the high point  in the die is revealed dead center with the   dye lapping done it's time for biso to start  overclocking we've spent today building this   video card and we only have one more day that  everyone's together at EVGA HQ so we have to   make it count biso is going to figure out the  clocks overnight and we'll come back in the   morning to film him setting the record  so should be pretty easy at this point so it's pretty early we're supposed to go over  to EVGA today and uh everyone's still asleep   in the Airbnb but I just got a text from Vince  that said be so be so accidentally blew up his   video card overnight talked to Vince I said  is there anything we can do he said be so we   stayed up all night trying to fix it he's if he  comes in at all it'll be very late today so he   said get over here as fast as you can I'm gonna  take you to the repair center and you can see   behind the scenes of how we fix these problems  for customers and how we built custom cards so   uh it's a good opportunity it's just that one  not one we were expecting right now we're gonna   try and get over there before bisobiso's awake and  try and recover this for EVGA um it's I mean it's   it's it's it if this can't be recovered then it's  pretty devastating because all this effort would   have been for nothing not on our end but I mean  on on their end this is more about them than us so   I'm gonna get Andrew and we're gonna get an early  start and head over there so let's go foreign there was an actual fire yep there was a flame  about yay high I wish we got that on video If   there's security cameras in there that's right  we might be able to get every coffee get that problem is this GPU core is actually really  good very good and he's already you can see   he's already spent a lot of time lapping it  so so we're going to try to pull it off and   put it on another PCB firm yeah this is gonna be a  really cool video Yeah and we've we've we've been   through this song and dance a few times actually  This Is How They customize a lot of your cards   for records yep you have to understand that this  isn't just overclocking to these guys it's their   legacy it's the summation of 15 years of work  for Kingpin at EVGA it's a final celebration   of the friendships formed through EVGA over  its engineering masterpieces over going rogue   and breaking nvidia's rules and the battles that  became personal with Nvidia Asus and Galax some   of Team EVGA May exit the industry entirely  after its departure from gpus and Others May   main but they'll never be able to achieve the same  level of recognition with an EVGA made product   but neither Glory nor Legacy come easily for the  guys in this room today this is about sending EVGA   out on a high note and they know this singular  unreleased evj RTX 4090 one of the only ones left   in existence was their only chance left to do it  with real EVGA made Hardware but there's one hope to go through the underground passageway okay  how many times have you done this Vince there   run to the repair center ready  those guys have saved me so many   times they can fix almost anything  dude they can even swap memory ICS like like if my memory I see if like  the card has one bad memory I see on   it or something I'll tell them try to find a  better memory I see it put it on there sort   the memory I see so I guess we're just walking  underground between the two buildings right now   cool evj's repair center is still online with  a now slimmed down skeleton group there was a   chance to make magic happen and see behind the  curtain of one of the most skilled repair teams   in the industry while the band is still  together what's the guy's name Nick Young that's my guy I kissed this guy's ass he's a good  dude it's been a while man he's been here for   since like 980 980 TI Kingpin  I think he's been here a while and he just knows what's up even we you  know he doesn't he doesn't speak English but   after doing this so many times I mean we know  what's up you can communicate with them yeah   absolutely so what do you have the one he  blew up oh no you got two other ones he's   got the one he blew up just in case that GPU  is shorted well you'll see what he'll do he'll   probably take you off and actually socket it  on board and they can check it and if that GB   is good I'd rather use that one because it's  a tampic we can put it on one of these boards okay here can we not not record this part at least  okay we're actually having a few different gpus   repaired here one is the 40 90 where we're taking  pieces from three different boards and recombining   them and the others will be 39 dtis because  biso is trying to set both dual and single GPU   records while evga's silicon is still modern  the reunion between Vince and his repair team   is Bittersweet but it's a unique opportunity to  meet the people who made it all possible we only   have 40 minutes until Visa arrives back at EVGA  yesterday's results were depressing for the team   especially for Vince and for biso I already tested  with two cars so I'm going to be nervous yeah stuff happens yeah stuff happens and Vince  and I both knew that viso felt it the most   and felt defeated after losing his cards our  goal is to get them done before he's back so   he can surprise him and give him the motivation  he needs to complete this storyline for EVGA   biso doesn't even know that the repair center is  still running so it should be a shock to him so   we're over here at the rework lab and uh we have  we have bisobisos board which we're not sure if   the GPU is good on it but we know there's three  burn phases so what we're going to do is we're   going to pull the GPU off we're going to re-ball  it and we're going to put it in a socket board   to check it to make sure the GPU is okay first  if the GPU is okay then we're going to mount it   on one of these boards so the first thing he's  going to do is he's going to remove the GPU okay 230 degrees five or six minutes 230 degrees yes  yes okay this is the nervous part why   because that's our like nice hand-picked perfect  GPU right so so you get nervous that it'll die in   this process or just that you'll find it's fine  that it's shorted okay right so not necessarily   that this kills it but that it's already there's  two two there's two stressful Parts there's   checking the GPU to make sure it's okay and then  there's after here he mounts it on the new board   did all the balls perfectly aligned you know okay  is there a short will it both so do you test for   the short as you just wait till you get it on new  board no we we have a socket board okay we have an   actual Kingpin is it Kingpin or is it FTW o board  I think it's Kingpin right yeah we have a Kingpin   socket board where we can actually Mount the GPU  loose not soldered in right check it all right   is do customer boards ever come through here or is  it like not worth it yeah definitely okay oh yeah   that's what this is mainly used for okay  but since this is here I'll take advantage   of it right right now you can only do this a  few times you can't keep you can't endlessly   keep re-balling okay so if you put this on  another one and it still works and he kills   the next one I'm pretty sure this has already been  remounted this GPU has been remounted once already   how have when did when does the despair  set in like at what point like around   the second or third remount okay things  just you can't get it to to line up but   okay so after the after that is it just that the  becomes something about the GPU becomes deformed   uh on the back of the GPU okay you never get a  claim he's shaking it's a team mil meltdown good and that beeping marks the beginning of  what Vince described as the nervous part as soon as it moves he'll snatch it with  the tweezers Nick Young's technician sees   that it's starting to move and then uses a  suction cup to extract it from the heated PCB before we realize what's happening he wordlessly  whisks it away to the next stage which is cleaning   like moving a patient from ER to or within one  minute of extraction the next technician starts   cleaning the GPU she first dunks it in a bath  of cleaning fluid to remove any thermal paste   then wipes it down carefully to remove liquefied  solder from the prior step after wiping it down   she moves the GPU to the hot plate that heats the  GPU through the Silicon it's not hot enough to   damage the GPU but it's enough to warm up the back  side of the substrate and help flow the flux that   she paints over the now blank ball grid array this  process takes some time because they need to make   sure the new solder balls connect perfectly with  each of the pads on the GPU next the technician's   socket the GPU into a custom fixture that EVGA  built the fixture is just to hold it in place   and protect the core but she needs to do this  while tinning the array of pads on the back the   processor only takes a couple minutes and then  they use a wick to carefully we go back through   and flatten the array as the GPU is prepared  to receive new solder balls and now for the   interesting part this process is called reballing  and it uses a mask sort of like a silk screen the   screen encases the GPU and exposes only the tinned  pads and then the technicians pour hundreds of   solder balls onto the screen which will eventually  re-secure the GPU to the PCB a little bit of light   shaking allows the solder balls to settle into  their new homes with the excess being reused for   the next one with at least six of these prepped  she puts them onto a tray and into a small oven   they bake in the oven for no more than a minute  or two this is how evj managed to keep its cross   ship in and its warranty programs so good they  could reclaim hundreds of dollars of cost the most   expensive part of the video card is the GPU and  they could repurpose a perfectly good GPU from a   PCB with a blown mosfet once the bake is finished  the GPU is taken to an ultrasonic cleaner to get   a deep cleanse where cavitation by levels are  used to help burst small pieces of debris off   the GPU core after this process just as soon as  the process began Nick Young the lab lead here   instructs the GPU to be taken away into a socket  board for test it while all of this was happening   simultaneously and just behind us the team had  split two separate ways the other technicians took   the old PCB into a Repair Station to see if they  could recover it but Vince interrupted well he   doesn't have to he the sports trash you don't have  to do anything with it yeah when you see flame   like that and it's spectacular it's the card's  done there's no way I can keep going it's garbage with that clarified it's time to get it done  the GPU repair team cranks it into high gear   and sets forth at a rapid Pace to pull a dead  GPU from a good PCB they plan to use this later   to mount Vince's best GPU on it after it's  done in the socket tester this team moves   Crazy Fast Vince is in a repair attack so he  explains to us that just being here makes him   anxious yeah usually when I'm here I'm just  nervous like kind of like pacing around this   is a stressful place but not for the repair  team they're used to it the team's efficiency   is genuinely inspiring they pull the GPU  and they start double checking the rails   on the PCB while they do that we're told to  rush back over to the GPU socket tester and   it's there that we're met with another heart  dropping Discovery for team EVGA all right   cross your fingers so I see a firmware check I  guess oh he's removing the u-prom I think he's   flashing it yeah come on baby if it's gonna  fail where where is it normally here yeah oh no he might kill the GPU maybe that's a contact um they clean again and try it again okay  and after that remount we had good news okay we're good I think I was going to be happy  yeah what's next oh next is yep we gotta pull it   out of there and then put it on a board mount it  to the PCV and then he's gonna check it he's got   still gotta check it no it still has to work right  yeah it still has to work sometimes you're not   fully out of the woods yet no sometimes that last  step is a little bit hairy right okay somebody   holla the team next stuck the GPU onto a good PCB  did a quick boot test and immediately found it to   be functional wait that's what I want to hear so a  good PCB maybe good GPU probably good GPU so we're   in business now yeah now you can breathe a little  that's what I want to hear I wait for this news also come down you feel relieved Vince okay 100  let's go surprise viso yeah awesome   yeah thank you okay man thank you this entire  process only took about 30 minutes that's crazy   impressive to reduce hundreds of dollars  of cost offer a better warranty program   and reduce E-Waste than the world evj even has  a library of its old coolers that it can use   to Frankenstein together cards to keep them  running we'll upload another video publicly   to our GN extras Channel we'll link it below in  the next few weeks sometime with a couple more   clips from the lab tour so subscribe to that  channel to catch it but for now it's time to   deliver a GPU to an unsuspecting overclocker  we should try and get his reaction when what huh all right so we're back with the board  and the repair center you guys saw how we got   it fixed and good to go uh I just went and  put a mic on B sub so I didn't tell them why   and uh I handed it to him and he said oh another  English time I said yeah and he said holy [ __ ]   English time decided to tell them why uh so I  I'll let you lead the way he's getting nervous   we're going to surprise him with this card he's  on his spot on stage so now we can binge again   he said he figured out his issue something  with the OS why the score was slightly off   so yeah he's like God I could get that record if  I just had the second card yeah but here it is up hey where are you going uh I'm looking  for my new card I was just a new car   just rendering because I had no what  the [ __ ] hahaha how did you do that   oh my God magic man can I kiss you oh you're  married okay I'm a married man okay wow what   happened so we took it to the repair center oh to  fix it next door and they took the your GPU oh is   this my GP your GPA that's your GPU it's it's  a lap it's left it's just that's great on oh my   gosh so it's your GPU but a new PCB actually  a better one wow a little higher memory card this is so fast uh it's 30 minutes  maybe to actually fix it 30 minutes   wow maybe an hour the fastest RMA  service yeah I'm thinking about   moved to Taiwan next to your house  I think so is it okay for you no thank you thank you so much yeah but you're  welcome looking forward to seeing the uh wow   seeing the world record run with it yeah see that  time's quite extreme right yeah let's go all right holy crap holy crap I didn't know you guys are  coming using this carefully crafted GPU be so   and sends need to hit 11 680 points to get first  place in 3D Mark Speedway we're about to witness   the send-off the last shining spark for evj's gpus  in a Bittersweet way but it's one hell of a middle   finger to the rest of the board partners and to  Nvidia yeah this is going to be the big big run   on an EVGA 4090 okay so you got Speedway running  so we are now at minus 90c probably uh 1.2 volts   on the core 1.4 volts on the memory the others  we don't even touch usually we would kind of   explore their impact but since we are down to  one sample yeah they crash or did it complete eleven six four six so what do we have  we got 34 points you need 34.34 points so we bumped it up another 60 megahertz on  the core and another 100 on the memory okay   you think you got a pizza probably yeah I need some machine for pouring   pouring machine yeah it's cracked oh no no it's  gone it's done yeah that's it there you go we need   more no no no that's it this first place that's  first place oh my gosh wow you guys got so much we can go more I think way more we want we want  our daily gaming card to be over engineered right   yeah that's a good thing you don't want it to be  under engineered right we learned that from KP being able to pull off a first on the last  the last board you have that's cool that's   pretty funny I like to see it keep going  there you go 11 755. tonight yeah wow I already got number one right there you go not  number one Speedway overclocker be Sobe yourself   on a completely hacked together 49 D EVGA card  that managed to kick the ass of whatever actual   production cards were on the leaderboard before  it what does that say about the engineering didn't even ship it the teamwork we witnessed  in this process is nothing short of incredible   remember this isn't some Galax Hall of Fame board  that comes out of the factory perfect built with   machines and with the help of the GPU manufacturer  EVGA didn't have hundreds of gpus to choose from   they didn't have months of engineering to build  the perfect PCB they didn't have the BIOS tools   to unlock the power Target then started with  5 gpus all of them pre-production whittled it   down to three and ultimately only one survived the  modding their wires handing off of his board it's   been lapped manually and be so spent days tuning  the overclock both before and after they had to go   through a repair center they had the source V bios  through back towels and they defeated a lot this   is dedication to a craft and as someone who's been  working with all of the board partners for around   or over a decade now I can tell you all firsthand  that this is genuinely what made EVGA different   it wasn't just a job for the individuals we  spoke with and worked with it was a team that   ran like clockwork every time we visited evj  is still making psus and motherboards namely   the z790 dark and the z790 classified boards  that Kingpin worked on personally so you can   grab those if you want some EVGA Hardware  but the gpus at least as we know now are   done this was a month-long effort from the GN  team to cut down days of footage plus all the   travel that we self-funded to support us head  over to and grab one of   our limited edition disappointment tour 2022  t-shirts sadly featuring The genuine upset of   EVGA leaving gpus or you can get a pack of our 3D  debug coasters that are PC themed for your drinks   or one of our mod mats for PC Building thank you  all for your support we want people to see this   video to get a glimpse into EVGA so please share  it far and wide and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 852,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, EVGA, EVGA gpus, evga nvidia, evga quits, evga leaves, evga terminates, last evga gpu, factory tour, gpu repair center
Id: Gc0YlQS3Rx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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