I finally fixed the possessed PC! Here's what went wrong...

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you guys remember this computer Satan's PC the one that we did a whole video about trying to figure out what the heck was going on with this well we're going to continue because now we've got a brand new replacement graphics card to test with it but stay tuned this this is still a weird story so this is basically a new in box uh 3070 for the win three lhr so the lhr if you guys don't recall it's the low hash rate which was the Nvidia is like let's combat you know the mining crowd or whatever to try and keep things from getting bought up for cryptocurrency mining if you guys don't recall the first video we did a lot of testing Apex Legends is a title where it was consistently crashing and he had a few titles where would crash on him was Apex Warzone um Squad like there were certain games that would crash guaranteed now almost like clockwork at the same moment in time every time but leading to the chaos is the fact that there were other games that it would work just fine so just to sort of recap what we went through in our previous video If you guys don't want to go watch out I highly recommend it though we changed the ram we changed the um Motherboard BIOS we changed the graphics card bios we made sure we were fully updated this is a brand new installation of windows and the area that we get um it's basically like a dxi error which basically the the API is saying yo the graphics card disconnected and it's like that's a weird error to try and Trace down and since doing that video I have had I can't even count how many people have reached out to me saying I've got the very same issues on the very same games did you come to a conclusion of what the issue was we still think the issue is going to drill down to the GPU and the reason for that is the fact that I put a different 3070 graphics card in here and it ran perfectly fine I took this graphics card which is crashing and put it in my test rig and it doesn't crash in the same game so that's when we're like whoa is it something to do with the lhr or what now I'm only doing this again for sanity testing here because I should be able to get to the same part of the um training room oh we didn't even make it in there that time dxgi error device hung what I'm going to do right now is I there are significant driver updates since this driver since I did this video and I want to send this computer back to him hopefully working yeah this is 531.18 we're like 542 or something like that now I don't think this is going to be an issue because one of the things that we also tested that day and so did the owner of the PC was just trying he tried like 10 different drivers or something like that this was also like Jacob's I want to feel feel like this was his last gesture for the channel before he left EVGA because he sent this to us a little while back and uh yeah if you guys haven't heard Jacob unfortunately has left EVGA to move on to greener pastures so new opportunity I have no idea what he's doing why people keep asking me like do you know I'm like I swear to God I don't know but let's take a look at this card here while the driver is updating and also too he has tried uh ddu the whole deal and in fact what we've got going on right here is a completely fresh install of Windows prior to us doing all this testing so it's not even like there were previous driver versions to have to deal with look at this it's not every day you get to Freshly unbox the 30 series card two years later [Applause] but it's not a refurb it is a brand new card and the reason why you can tell is because all the reverbs come in brown box this is retail box so I feel like this was one of the last retail 3070s that were still available and they were sent to us for this purpose of this video and this testing and it was not like a loner if this works I'll just leave it in there and off we go he'll be fixed otherwise if it doesn't I am debating putting one of my working cards in there that we know don't have an issue and then hanging on to the lhr card and maybe doing some further testing with it you know realistically one of the uh easy fixes is just don't play Apex Legend I mean that is a fix but it's crashing before it even launches like the engine all right I'm just gonna go ahead and swap out the card Nick screw me it just sounds like PC Building simulator Linus give me money so we didn't get this far last time remember I would go sliding down the thing and it would crash it's the card but there's nothing wrong with that card the other card there's nothing wrong with it in my system like putting it in another system it works perfectly fine so what I want to look at right now first is see exactly what BIOS version you're on so right 94044640.7f so I'm going to take a quick photo of this just to compare only because I'm not 100 sure that they didn't maybe make some sort of revision on the card itself so I have now extracted this bios now I need to shut the system off again and I'm going to load the other card in here and I'm going to compare what GPZ is showing me versus this card both bios revision of the die all of that achieve cable mod Nirvana with cable mods 12 volt high power angled adapters these low profile adapters plug into your graphics card 16 pin 12 volt high power port and enable the power cable to be plugged in at either a 90 degree or 180 degree angle featuring a multi-pcb design and a Sleek profile this adapter helps increase clearance between the GPU and the side panel perfect for today's wide gpus and is available in a wide range of colors allowing for a perfect match with your custom color profiles to learn more follow the link in the description below okay it is running the exact same bios both are running nine four zero four four six forty dot sevenf so there's no point in trying to flash the BIOS everything's exactly the same between these cards so okay so for those that are like oh you didn't mention okay he did change the motherboard this is a second motherboard the only thing he didn't change was like the drive but the drive wouldn't act this way with two different graphics cards causing it to crash Not Crash we tried different Ram we tried everything we I just didn't change the motherboard he did it himself we didn't change the CPU either what is his CPU in here I'm not I don't think I'm gonna change it but it's a 5600x6 core Nick we got one of those so no unfortunately I do not have a 5600x or 5600 or 5700 or 5700x or anything in that range out of 5950x which I would not recommend with that motherboard um I could have thrown it in for just the purpose of testing but at this point I absolutely positively do not believe that that will have anything to do with it so I am going to now take this CPU back or this GPU back out I am going to throw the known working one back in there and I need to do like a one hour kind of a burn test here where I'm just going to load up Apex Legends again and then I'm going to put it into the firing range which we know is where it was crashing as you guys just saw again and just let it sit there for like an hour or something while we kind of fart around and get some other stuff done in the office here just to see if it's going to crash or not because if it doesn't then we know now the graphics card was that was that fault but cannot pinpoint exactly what it is about the graphics card that is at fault which is extremely frustrating because I do not like this not knowing what like the problem is now narrowed down to the component vote why is it about that component in just that one title that's causing the problem and this doesn't help a lot of you because many of your cards are out of warranty at this point and you can't just swap it you know I I don't I can't figure out a fix for this particular problem I've I've done a ton of Googling a ton of research both before getting this card and after having the errors and stuff boots so fast when you don't have am5 AMD CPUs going let me remember the memory every time you start up a system even with context on or off all right moving on we know the problem exists here I just don't know what I was really hoping the BIOS with vision was going to be different that way I could have narrowed it down to hey updating the BIOS will fix it but nope because this is the same bios for all intents and purposes these two cards are perfectly identical so it has not crashed one time Nick has played with it Phil has played with it I'm still playing with it and it doesn't crash ironically if you look over here the bad card on the 12th gen test rig has crashed and we tested it on that rig sitting on the table over there which is our 7800 X 3D rig crashed so I can't explain why in the previous video it did not crash on our 10th gen 10900k rig so I thought maybe it was an AMD thing because this is an AMD system and that's an AMD system so we tried it on there for sanity check so now this card is crashing on other systems so anyway I guess Satan's PC is finally figured out um it was the card you know this is an exact model of that card that one it feels pretty convinced it just has to have some sort of a defect in it that's only showing in these certain API draw call instructions from certain game engines anyway I'm glad that I can get Charles's PC back to him uh that way you know he can be up and running and have another gaming PC on hand that he built and hasn't been able to use since the day he built it anyway thanks for watching guys you guys are asking for some sort of a conclusion to this there you go it's the graphics card as we thought all along but it's just weird it's like you would think good or bad it's going to work in all situations or not work in all situations where something is only in certain scenarios causes that DirectX crash alright guys thanks for watching and see you in the next one I'm not going to play this game no
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 330,310
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Keywords: jayztwocents, msi preroll, laptop repair, how to fix a laptop, laptop fix, laptop, old laptop, how to fix an old laptop, harddrive repair, how to fix a harddrive, harddrive, hard drive, hard drive repair, best video ever, tech talk, jays two cents, jay2cents, pc building simulator, jay z two cents, budget build, water cooling, pc build, pc, budget buildoverclock, pc repair, computer repair, how to repair a pc
Id: xLlmjPhhkx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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