The Uzumaki Massacre EXPLAINED!

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today's video is sponsored by raid Shadow Legends I know in the Naruto Community it's contrived to say that danzo's the reason something bad happened because let's be real everything in Naruto ends up at danzo's feet eventually however today I feel very very Justified when I say danzo might have been responsible for more than we give him credit for and I'm not talking about good things that helped konohock no no today we're talking about how danzo was more likely than not the person responsible for the massacre of the Uzumaki Clan sounds insane I'm aware but stick with me for a little bit and it won't before I get to explaining to you how the worst guy in all of Naruto continued to be the worst guy in all of Naruto please guys for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and since we're talking about the worst guy don't be the worst guy go ahead and follow my other page the weeb commander or instead of talking Naruto I talk literally every other anime we just posted an hour and a half video explaining the entire plot of bleach so you can skip the entirety of bleach to watch those in your blood work it is the longest video I've ever made if you're are interested in me or my content go watch it before we get into all that guys today we're going to talk about our favorite reoccurring sponsor to the page raid Shadow Legends you guys already know that raid Shadow Legend has taken over Mobile gaming great Shadow Legends is truly the only game out there that brings a console level gaming experience to your phone great has set the bar so high nobody will ever be able to reach it and they're not looking back raid allows you to explore millions of champion combinations and endless tactics as you tackle PVP Arena's Dungeons and raid bosses with hundreds of different artifacts in over 600 Champions who all have unique talents you can raid your way no two teams are the same in raid today I want to get into the nitty-gritty of why I love raid today I'm 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we're talking a free epic Champion Terrell 200k silver one energy refill One XP boost and one ancient start so you can summon awesome Champions as soon as you get in game all of this treasure will be waiting for you here so what are you guys waiting for I'll see you in game so danzo our hide and sight King our plot training wheels that were able to blame everything that's ever happened that's bad on him or black setsu I guess he was responsible for the death of yahiko the uchihas and the person who leaked the information that Naruto was the genturiki of the nine tails so the entirety of the village would have something to be unified in he is one of my favorite characters in the entirety of Naruto because he is unabashedly evil what if I told you he's even worse than we give him credit for what if I told you Danza wiped out more than just one clan in his time as Shadow Hokage and that Clan was the uzumaki's see in order to talk about why Danza might have had his grubby fingers on the Uzumaki Massacre we kind of have to talk about well the Uzumaki Massacre what had happened why it happened and who benefited from it you see we don't know exactly when the Uzumaki Massacre happened but a couple of key plot points allow us to pin down when it might have happened in the timeline see obviously Kushina was sent to the hidden leap when she was very young she could have been older than five or six and we know she died at 24. so if we say that she existed within konoha for about 18 years that gives us about 18 years to whittle down when the Uzumaki Massacre happened because obviously the Uzumaki Clan Massacre couldn't happen before Kushina was sent to konoha otherwise she would be dead we can work backwards with this 18 years though you see during these 18 years eight of those years are consumed by the third grade Shinobi World War and we know that the third great Shinobi world war ends about two years before kushina's death so these eight years of the third grade Shinobi World War which kick off about eight years after Kushina gets to konawa or most likely when the Uzumaki Clan was massacred and when we think about the Uzumaki Clan masker and the fact that four of the five Great Shinobi Villages came together to attack the clan the third great snuber world war makes the most sense because the third great Shinobi World War outside of the fourth great Shinobi world war is canonically the only Shinobi Great War that had every single nation involved both the first and the second had people sitting out also when we think about the fact that konoha was allied with the uzumakis this would make sense for all of the other great Nations to attack the Uzumaki Clan during this time especially when we consider the fact that during the third great Shinobi world's war konohal was canonically fighting every other single nation we know this because isobu was sealed inside of Rin during the third grade Shinobi World War implying that the leaf in the water were warring at this time Minato came into battle with A and B implying the land of lightning in the land of fire were warring manato defeats a thousand nobody from the hidden stone to end of the third grade Shinobi World War and we know that sorcery was involved involved in the third grade Shinobi World War but we don't know who he was fighting so we kind of have to assume that's the hidden Leaf though it could also be the hidden stone and thus during the third grade Shinobi world's War there was a common enemy and said common enemy was the leaf and therefore it's not crazy to assume that any collaborative effort between warring nations would only happen during the third great Shinobi World War this idea is even further backed up by the fact that we never saw a military response from konoha after the defeat of the Uzumaki Clan because once again the Uzumaki Clan were allies to the leaf thus if all other for Shinobi Villages teamed up to destroy an ally of the leaf wouldn't it make sense if the leaf launched a counter-offensive against those other four nations however if the leaf was already currently engaged in war with those other four nations losing an ally would just be a product of war and konowa on the leaf would just continue their war against those four nations I'm going somewhere with all of this mind you but during the third grade Shinobi worlds War the power of jinchuriki begins to rear its ugly head in the hidden Cloud we have killer bee who's become a perfecting Cherokee of gyuki inability so strong that it seems to put him on par are with Minato in konoha we don't necessarily know kushina's relationship with Karama but the possibility of her power is obviously acknowledged to be quite High and the hidden stone Han is regarded as one of the best Hai Jutsu Masters on Earth and is steam-based ninjutsu is fearsome in the hidden sand they're attempting to make the perfect weapon with shukaku and the fact that jinchuriki's power was beginning to rear its ugly head was the reason that all of the Shinobi Villages outside of konohock decided to team up against the Uzumaki because the fu and Jutsu capabilities of the Uzumaki would allow them to capitalize and monopolize on the power of tailed beasts and thus if hypothetically the uzumakis were to mobilize against the other four major Villages or even just assist konwa they could once again control all of the tailed beasts and that's why they were killed by the four major Villages but how did they get to the land of whirlpools why didn't konoha stop them the land of whirlpools is an island off the eastern coast of the land of fire for everybody outside of the land of water you would have to go through konoha to get to the land of whirlpools so are you telling me the village that was absolutely winning the third great Shinobi World War just let soldiers from other countries March through their country in order to get to their allies or was it done intentionally see during the third grade Shinobi world war hashirama is long dead he died in the lead-up to the first great Shinobi World War however in the lead up to the first great Shinobi World War hashirama also handed out tailed beasts to every single Village and while hasharama was still alive handing out tail beats to the other Villages wasn't the biggest deal for konowa if they tried to use these tailed beasts against the hidden Leaf hasharama could just shut them down like that but then hashirama died and thus the only people that would be able to protect konoha and thus the only people that would be able to protect konohop from the tail beasts that they just handed out were the Uzumaki in donzo in the leaf are really really not big on depending on other people especially other people who technically don't even live in konoha and thus danzo realized something as the power of jinchuriki's grow konoha would have to become more and more dependent on the uzi the Marquis to control these outside threats and maybe one day the uzumakis would realize that konoha was so dependent on them that the uzumakis had no need for konoha and thus danzo formulated an idea of his own see danzo understood that the other villagers wanted the uzumaki's God but danzo had one small problem with the uzumaki's gone who was gonna control the tailed beasts for konoha for a very long time that had been hashirama he wasn't around anymore but what if he could be now obviously I'm not talking about hashirama himself we don't need hashirama himself it wasn't the man who was able to suppress tail beast it was his Jutsu wood release is what suppresses the chakra of tailed beasts so all donso would hypothetically need was somebody loyal to the leaf proficient in Wood release and danzo had somebody in his close ranks who he believes could recreate wood release you see you want to hear a nice little fun fact Orochimaru was a member of the root after the Second Great Shinobi World War Orochimaru joins the route and operates directly under danzo he knows because he saw rochimar join the Ambu where on the same time that it was training anko and you know what Orochimaru was doing when he was training anko well obviously he was testing things like the curse seal which obviously he placed on anko when she survived but orochimar was also trying to graft hashirama's cells onto children in order to recreate wood release and do you genuinely genuinely believe that rochimaru could operate under danzo in the root without donzo being keyed into what Orochimaru was doing tanzo's root members have their fingers in everything so what do you think is crazier to assume that danzo had no idea what orochimar was doing human experimentation wise or that Danza was not only keyed into it but he was actually funding it for Orochimaru because stick with me here one obviously there's the key aligned interest of making sure wood release stays in konoha but two you know what every single root member has a curse seal every single root member has a curse seal on their stomach that forbids them from talking about konoha's Secrets now obviously this is significantly different from the curse deal of heaven and or the curse of Earth but we don't see these curse seals used until Yamato himself joins the route obviously there's a cursive on mukai kokinada which we get to see activated but that's also years down the line long story short we don't see cursed seals used in the root until tell a rochimaru joints so what makes more sense to you that Orochimaru was doing research on cursed seals and that somehow got translated into the root or that danzo in Orochimaru were working together in order to create more powerful jutsus for the leaf now obviously their motivations might have been different Orochimaru was just doing it because he was interested and danzo obviously wanted the leaf to be stronger but they were still working towards a similar goal of finding more powerful jutsus and because donzo now has this possible out into making a new hashirama to control tail Beasts for the leaf he green lights the massacre of the Uzumaki Clan donzo understanding that through human experimentation they will eventually be able to graft hashirama's cells onto a child to have wood release in Kona hall now no longer needs the uzumakis who might one day feel as though konoha needs them more than they need Kona walk and thus Gonzo who was heavily involved in the third grade Shinobi World War mind you directs the land of fire Shinobi away from the Uzumaki Clan Village you don't think he has this kind of power Gonzo is quite literally the reason that he was in step down from his position as the third Hokage here is in upon basically defeating all of the other four nations wants to end the third great Shinobi World War but donzo feeling as though he has the other nations running for their lives and feels as though too much konoha blood has been shed in order for them to stop the war now basically screams at heroes in to not end the war and this is why he was in steps down as the third Hokage he takes the blame of all of the Bloodshed of the third gradation of the world war onto himself and retires because of it so do you think a man who was basically able to tell the third Hokage to resign was it heavily involved in the troop movement of konawa during the third grade Shinobi World War and maybe but this is a stretch because danzo was basically a sociopath Gonzo feeling as though he has the blood of the Uzumaki clan on his hands wanted to capitalize on their sacrifice and take control of all of the other four Ninja Villages who actually did the killing of the Uzumaki Clan and here's the thing if I haven't convinced you of this Theory quite yet let's consider what happens after the third grade Shinobi world war after the third World War obviously he was in steps down and Manito becomes the fourth Hokage and Orochimaru is still running all of the human experiments on these children to try and replicate wood release but Yamato who was taken as an infant and that is important one day comes to and sees the children around him dying by the way there's actually a couple of contradictions in here Yamato's backstory in the manga and the anime contradict each other in the anime he was taken as a child in the manga he was taken as an infant in the manga it's not until Orochimaru was discovered by heroes in that Yamato ever breaks out of the human experimentation but in the anime he wakes up and he breaks himself out depending which of these two backstories you take as Canon it shifts a timeline by a couple of years which is very annoying but in the face of contradicting timelines shoot down the middle so for the sake of this video once again Yamato was taken as an infant by Orochimaru but Yamato breaks himself out of orochimaru's lab using wood release and he flees from orochimaru's Lab at this point Yamato is six years old and he breaks out of orochimar's lab basically as the third great shinubi world war comes to a close implying that Yamato has probably been with orochimara for roughly six years which perfectly aligns the time line of donzo realizing they can do human experimentation in order to create a hashirama clone and therefore green lighting the Uzumaki Clan Massacre because that would align rochamar's human experimentation with the Uzumaki Clan massacre in a timeline moving forward after Yamato breaks out of orochimaru's lab he's wandering around lost and you know who finds him immediately Gonzo almost as though Danza was possibly at orochimar's lab and saw Yamato breakout and danzo took an immediate interest in him and recruited him to the root sounded like Danto was staring at the future of konoha's protection from tailed beasts this point is even further cooperated by the fact that danzo took Yamato under his wing that is to say that danzo personally trained Yamato going so far as the supply Yamato with the scroll with all of the secrets and techniques of wood release meaning that Danza was personally invested in making sure that Yamato's would release was as strong as possible once again making it seem like he was personally involved in making Yamato's existence a thing because Yamato is simply falling into danzo's lap and then donzo taking in a median interest than him seems a bit too convenient don't you think and as Yamato spends years in the root danzo keeps him very close but he also sends Yamato on highly important missions because he wanted Yamato to accrue as much battle experience as possible but unfortunately for donzo As Time progressed Yamato realized that his ideologies did not align with the root and ironically the ideology where Yamato and danzo differed was the root attacking konohashinobi which would be incredibly symbolic of danzo making sure the Uzumaki Clan who were konohoshinobis died and it's at this point that donzo scolds Yamato saying that the root exists outside of the confines of kona law meaning that the root operated on its own once again solidifying the ideology that Danza would have no qualms with killing the uzumakis because even though konoha considered them allies the root didn't but unfortunately for Danza they can't seem to rectify this difference in ideology and thus Yamato attempts to leave the root but danzo doesn't want this so he uses his Sharingan to knock out Yamato he then activates Yamato's curseel and it's at that point that danzo decides if he can't have Yamato well nobody can and Gonzo and the rest of the root prep Yamato for a surgery that would remove hashirama's cell from Yamato and more likely than not probably place it on donzo who at the time did not have a Sharingan arm and because he didn't have a Sharingan arm he also didn't have hashirama's cell however Kakashi breaks in and saves Yamato and everybody's happy but I'm not here to talk about the happy things you see because after Yamato slipped through danzo's hands danzo did something that corroborates my point even further Gonzo goes to Orochimaru and Danto has Orochimaru removed one of shin uchiha's arms which is covered in sharingans and graft it on to donzo but danzo has Orochimaru go a step further since danzo now has Shin uchiya's arm which can accept any kind of Flesh danzo also has Orochimaru implant hashirama's cell into the shin Uchiha arm which does a couple of things for our Theory one for Don Zoe guarantees that somebody within the hidden Leaf will be able to know would release and therefore defend the leaf from tailed beasts but it also shows us that Gonzo and rochimaru had a working relationship one that wasn't even deteriorated by Orochimaru becoming a missing nit because this was after he resented stumbled upon orochimara's human experiments and orochimar had fled the village meaning that more likely than not Danto had absolutely no qualms with the way that Orochimaru operated leading us to believe that danzo could have even been involved in said operations and he used the rochamar's research to eliminate the need for the Uzumaki Clan making sure for the first out of two times in his career that no Clan would become more powerful than konoha but what do I know I'm just a man yelling into the void what do you guys think about this Theory tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that note about listen I have done a lot of theories on this page but I gotta be real this might be my best one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 168,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, gaming, anime, anime explained, danzo, uzumaki, uzumaki massacre, itachi, sharingan, orochimaru, hiruzen, yamato, kakashi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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