The Fear of the Lord with Dr. Renny Mclean | King Jesus Youth

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yes across the air Jesus stop see I just saw right now I saw all these just kind of being this passionate army for God how many passionate lovers of Jesus are in this place see God is lifting up a generation that is tired of religion a generation that is tired of the same old routine he's already done a lot of stuff before but he's about to do something new in you so tonight why don't we proclaim that like the army of Jesus we are His Word says that we are going to go around the world around the world proclaiming the name of Jesus until every stop stop oh sure we won't be going to worship Allah to do prophetic duck with you right man okay so as we begin to declare we're gonna go into the bridge for the projector so that you guys can follow along we're gonna go ahead and begin to declare God's name and as you begin to declare God's name you begin to think areas in your life that maybe you're still struggling with areas in your life that you still say God I need you to pull me out of this I need you to do something we need a corresponding action our action to God is sinka I declare that you are greater than my circumstance a man get out with us I want you to lift up your hands there you are and if you're still in your seat I'm gonna I'm gonna give you one more cause to come to the front so lift up your hands on high as the lights help us to just set up the atmosphere so just lifting up your eyes lifting up your hands and your eyes towards Jesus come on really high like you're saying daddy I'm here grab me embrace me I want to get lost in your presence so many of you are discouraged and overwhelmed by circumstances in your life but in his peace it's in his presence that you find fullness and peace and the answers that you've been seeking out so just with your hands lift it on high just press into his presence tonight come on lift it up lift it up lift your hands away we will in fellowship you come every time come on discipline 30 where she lived to be aware 69 with the pricing a new songs in in fellowship and come oh Union in the hole and come the boy come on come on come on just romance it tonight something's happening oh I want to be with you in fellowship in call me you Jesus never call you mommy I can live without you Jesus come on lift it up lift it up young people lift up your hands close your eyes the holy spirits in this place lift up your hands close your eyes what is your expectation tonight let the waves of the Spirit hit you tonight Jesus will worship you Jesus we worship you yes God psalm 62:5 says my soul's way for the spirit and my expectations they say me heaven if you are expecting on the Spirit of God tonight I want to lift up your hands that I want you to close your eyes and I want you to begin to pray in the spirit something is about to happen tonight come on something I my left something is happening that emotion ciao three Oh in spirit how many of you believe that the Spirit of God is here tonight I want you to shout Holy Ghost Holy Ghost holy God Cheetara baccata take a seat welcome tonight tonight is gonna be a powerful service the Holy Ghost is already moving here how many of you are grateful for uncle how many of you say I love Ankur any well I want you to stand on your feet and I want you to welcome our uncle dr. Renny come on people come on y'all people give it a cup are you ready for tonight I'm gonna come down here thank you thank you you may be seated thank you very much it's Friday I love you all - thank you thank you very much you're very kind I'm glad to be here to be a part of you I want you to lift your hands open your heart before the Lord say it after me Lord I'm your child I'm in your presence this is where I'm most comfortable as in your presence I will always give you your rightful place in Jesus name Amen now thank you that's the Lord for that I I'm gonna be speaking to you today tonight rather wherever you're listening this I must be speaking to you on the fear of the Lord and I'm gonna take my time I'm not gonna hurry anything and I don't say this by way of a word filler or anything but this is a subject matter of it is not simple the reason why I say it's not a simple subject is because it's not a simple subject it really really really really isn't and so you're gonna learn a lot of things about the fear of the Lord and I promise you it's gonna change your life and it's gonna change the way you see God and so if you have your Bibles with you now if you can take notes I'm gonna encourage you to take notes I don't want you to let other people hear God for you but I want you to hear God for yourself whatever the Lord brings to you through this teaching what you understand of it that's what God is saying to you that's one of the ways that you learn to understand what God is saying to you see you're going to hear something that somebody else didn't hear I think it's what God revealed to you and then what the Lord be means to do is to show you how to unpack that word and so I want you to follow me here tonight now we're gonna read I'm gonna warn you we're gonna read a lot of scriptures and I want you to follow me now remember now we're speaking now on the fear of the Lord go with me first to Deuteronomy chapter 6 Deuteronomy chapter 6 first of all let's define the fear of the Lord let's define it there are certain words that are synonymous with other words like if I say faith you would say trust you might say confidence but when you say the fear of the Lord there's not too many other words that go with the fear of the Lord and so when there were when the words are fewer it's almost easy to understand so when we say now the fear of the Lord what is the other word that would be the equivalent and then what would that word mean well the equivalent to the word that represents the fear of the Lord it is the word reverence say the word now reverence now you have to understand now when we're talking about the fear of the Lord you must really understand this because to me this is important there are many different types of fears many different types of fears and I mean I could if I wanted to just spin this service into something else I could very easily do it because it's I could say this one statement now that would open up a world of truth to you tell me how this strikes you let me just let me unpack some words before you there are different types of fears different types of fears there are fears that are universal there are fears that we all have in common let me just give you proof of that so you see where I'm heading how many of you here if a lion if a lion was turned loose from bazoo and came in this church I think he would be true to say that there would be a corporate fear would that be true that was an exciting Amen is that true yes or no so there are some fears that are universal there are some fears what are common do I make sense to you but then there are personal fears so let me give an example and some personal fears they can be like full beers you know there are different types of fears but one of the most powerful Universal fears that man has is the unknown the stock market is driven by confidence that's why when something happens that takes the confidence to start market just starts to drop because confidence that breeds it so there is the fear of the unknown that's another universal fear and you have to understand now all of these fears are powerful and sometimes fear can shape your life now let me tell you why the fear of God is different to any other fear that you can name listen to this the Bible says perfect love no let me see let me see if I'm in the right house I'm still in the right house did I say the white house what happened I say no don't be in that house now whatever you do if let me say that to you again the Bible says perfect love casts out no no no somebody said the word before it's not fear it says what all hang on a second that right there that right there would be a major revelation if I was preaching in a huge conference you say why because it simply says perfect love casts out all fear now but in what context does it mean all because God does not want you to be absent of the fear of God so that means the all we fear that should be left in your life is the fear of God so that simply means the greatest fear that you as a believer what you're supposed to have it is the fear of the Lord you should not have a fear of failure you shouldn't have a let me just tell you how powerful the fear of God is why this fear is so powerful tell me how this strikes you yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of it says I will so then there has to be another fear ok let me just keep it simple so there has to be another fear that is greater than the fear of death is that correct so when we now unpack this it's not a simple subject you say why because you can be bound by fear and the reason why you can be bound by fear is because fear is the prerequisite to what hell is hell is hell is a place of permanent torment where there is no break or pause in between so the secret of it is if you love God if you love God what does the love of God do it drives out every fear that is not of God leaving the fear of God to reign supreme in my life now we're gonna begin to unpack some things and I want you to begin to think let's know what the scripture says now Deuteronomy chapter 2 I'm sorry Deuteronomy chapter what that I just want to see if you're there Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 2 this is what it says now that thou mightest fear the Lord thy God to keep all the hansik and stop right there listening us now that Val might what come on I want to hear you that thou mightest what and to keep some hang on a second now so that means you know to what degree a person fears God by how much of the word you believe I know to video see that's why in some areas you don't see the hand of God if you're not ready for this that's why it's do I make sense to you that's why in some areas you see God moving all the time you know the reason why because those are the areas where you fear the areas where you fear is where you're submitted to God the areas where you are not submitted to God is the evidence that you are in rebellion to God so if I fear God I'm not gonna keep 10% of the word that was an exciting amen I said if I I said if I fear God I'm not gonna pick and choose which part of the Word of God is the word of God if I fear God I'm going to keep all of it you say why because God is his word from the beginning to the end he's the Alpha and he geometer and you as so that means when you start to compromise it is because the fear of God has lessened in your life now here what it goes on to say thou that thou mightest fear the Lord thy God to keep all of these statues now what is this statue does anybody you know what a statue means what does the statue what is the statute say it again I can't hear you but I'm sure you're saying something good I'm gonna take your word huh okay not that that's good well let me tell you what it simply means in a simple nutshell in layman's terms that wasn't bad that was good the simplest definition of a statue it's nothing more than a written than a written document a written law that is legislated by a governmental body that's what the definition of a statute is now thinking with a redemptive mindset and not being under the law we understand that the written document to us as believers is the word that's why we haven't if you know God's Word is what spoken and it is also and the Bible says man shall not live by but by but somebody died over there something everybody everything okay so this is so this is very very very powerful I want to stop there and I want to I want to push into that put that scripture back up there for me please because it's very important that out - fit you've got to hear this now see that's why we're we're living in a day right now where the spirit of the age it's causing many of you to compromise with the Word of God because the spirit of the age is compromised and because the spirit of the age is compromised to you you don't have to keep the word anymore that's the perversion of grace you don't have to keep it anymore that's the twisted definition of it because people genuinely don't know most of what they're saying but a word is very very very very very clear you could you could all understand this any time I see somebody trying to wriggle out of doing the Word of God and they give an excuse that's the evidence that that in that area they don't fear God so you know what that simply means now let me just let me just put it now in everyday life now for you to say you don't need to tithe so you just say now that that's not the word for you to say that's not the Word of God for you to say that it is past for you to say the word has past is to say God has passed because God is his word so anytime you stop tie them it is the evidence that the fear of God has lifted because when the fear of God is present in your life you do not need to be told what to do it's very important it's very important now listen to what the scripture says about what goes on says now that thou shalt fear the name of the LORD thy God to keep some of these statues he statues and his commandments which I command thee that thou and thy son and thy sons Sons here is there all the days of thy life that by that thy days may be prolonged so what does the fear of the Lord do the fear of the Lord prolongs your life it is the guarantee of a long life so where there is no fear of God you have no guarantee nor no certainty of long life hear this now and write this down now your service your service to God your service to God is birthed I better be careful you're you're gonna listen to this I want you to process this your service to God is birthed out of your fear and reverence to God your service now you're gonna swear you're gonna hear this because I I want us to be very clear I want you to really see this your service to God is birthed out of your fear or reverence for God now listen what it says now deuteronomy 613 he what the thirteen first says now and thou shalt fear you know that know that ones too early let me go a little further in fact there you go go with me please to Joshua 24 let me let me just show you this because to me this is real good Joshua 24 Joshua 24 verse 14 let me just prove that statement to you now therefore fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth hello-hello not hear it again could you put it on the screen and now therefore fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity so hear this now where the fear of the Lord is my God where the fear of the Lord is truth is a reality hear it again this is very important very important now I said where the fear of the Lord is truth is a living reality so that's why for you you know God in a way that most people talk about God but I've never really experienced God you say why because where there is no am I gonna sign in other words the fear of the Lord empowers you to walk in truth important now therefore fear the Lord and serve him and serve Him in sincerity and truth' and put away the gods which your father's served on the other side of the flood and in Egypt and serve ye the Lord say Amen if you believe that okay so right this number is let me finish the sentence cuz I hadn't finished it there's nevis now your service to God your service to go now it is now your service your service your service yes my goodness Romans 12:1 and 2 brethren I beseech you by the mercies of God that you are quoting scripture that you want present your bodies as a lot then sacrifice which is your wad now God calls that reasonable didn't listen to this now he calls that reasonable very interesting so he is now so your service to God is birthed out of your fear or reverence for God the fear of the Lord this is what it does the fear of the Lord conditions your conduct and your outlook now here is now this is this is a it's one of the things I teach about the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord watch this is also the constraint against evil so when you don't have the fear of God honestly you will do anything I do not I do not believe a person can hear the way I must say you can't fall into sin we've all fallen sentences we've all done things as wrong I do not believe a person can practice sin practice sin and you have to understand anything you practice you will perfect that's the purpose why you do think you're gonna perfect it I'm gonna say you're gonna be surprised at what you're gonna put think oh I better shut my mouth right there see that's why some of you now can I be now here's now now here uncle now now yeah you hear my heart and you know I'm not talking to you personally I'm talking in general can you understand why some of you I don't mean you I'm talking to the old you and Sully some people who you know who say they're Christian can you understand why could you understand he's now because you might want to nudge the person next you when I say this one can you understand why do you give me permission to say it simply can you understand what can you understand why some of you are perfect liars you do it so much but now you don't even realize when you're doing it it's perfected it's not second nature it's in your nature it's normal to you so to get truth out of somebody that is practicing it is hard appraisal they live alone so that's why you cannot practice sin while professing the fear of God the absence of the fear of God means that there is no constraint Hemme when you go in the car what do you do when you sit in the car oh say it again say it again what's the purpose of the seatbelt constraint say in other words where there is no constraint you will fall into anything you will do anything when you have the fear of the Lord in your mind you will understand why the scripture says be careful for nothing let me give an example of something one day I did what was it I didn't see anything wrong with it but of course we never do because to us it's never right in our own eyes I go to a very nice gym a very very nice gym if you went to if you come to Dallas where God lives I mean where I live you probably would want to go to this gym it's a very nice gym and I have a very good relationship with the gym because I've been going there for years a very nice gym and one day I wanted to take the towel with me because you know I just need to take the towel with me home because it was just pouring hot and I needed to take to take the towel home with me and I wanted to and I just took it up because it's one of those places where you lay your hand back the towel you put it in the basket afterwards and him you know I didn't see anything wrong with it you know why cause it's an innocence to me it's not a sin I was gonna take it home because that you know until I get on to whiteness and whatever okay and then the Lord said to me you don't assume anything just something that simple put me in check even though I am a member there and I pay all kinds of stuff and I paint stuff there by hear me it's mines to use while I'm there Don extensity for me to assume on the strength of my relationship with the people I know that it was riped didn't make it right now that's how some of you in life take advantage of people because you are soon let me talk what's the meter well oh it's just her Shane goes say nothing don't make sense to you she's not gonna say anything oh it doesn't mean anything I know it happens you do it once you do it twice you do it three times you do it four times so in other words it's normal for you to steal and not even realize you're a thief so when are we telling the truth I mean I mean I mean let me just upset some of you here right now in a simple way in a good way because you can't correct what you don't what's not ball before you let me tell you what we do if something is wrong let me say what let me tell what most of you do hi do you speak English good now that was by the spirit because if you notice I asked if you spoke English first so alright Reverend Stephanie how you doing okay how you doing how you doing how you doing how you doing now listen to this right now I'm just gonna give you some example right now you know most of you do you've gone through all kinds of things silently suffering but yet we still say we are I have I have a I have a I have a simple phrase I say sometimes the masks that we wear is more real than the face do you know why do you know why your mask is more real than your face because you can change the face the mask is a fixed moment that captures your pain whatever you're going through that's what that mask is it doesn't change but the face can change all the time so that's why we wear the mask before people so that's why people never really see you that's why people don't know you they only know the you you show them so that's why the fear of the Lord it alters and it modifies your conduct now that's why let me just give you something about how it modifies joke your condom do I make sense to you if I say to you that's why I do not believe if you are saved you can cuss like a sailor can I tell you something you know what the fear of God does the fear of God causes you to watch your words what did you pass away you hear me am I making sense to you with this station I want to make it very practical for you see that's why until you understand the fear of the Lord you will never be transparent that's why genuine it's why I say the people see when you're naked before God why would we wear a mask before God and he already knows you there's no need to hide anything is it this powerful God sees you for who you are what you are and still loves you anyway Hey my gardener see so the fear of the Lord so the fear of the Lord conditions your conduct and your outlook we serve the Lord we serve the Lord in a spirit of servanthood but yet the fear of the Lord is that the core of our being it's that the core of what we do now some listen to me well well well that's the Old Testament well I can show you a lot in the New Testament let me let me show you something that that's gonna make you think go with me please to Philippines too this is the scripture most of the times that is quoted out of context have you ever read that scripture where it says sorry Philippines - Philippines - verse 14 put it up on the screen from me please Philippines 213 it's in that a wonderful scripture for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure isn't that a powerful Scripture it's guarding us all the time doing it well that's real good that's wonderful but for that to come alive you better read the verse before it put up the verse before it please wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence and then he says something if he says now work out your own salvation so the working out of your salvation is not from your faith the working out of your salvation is what from the fear of the Lord so the question is can a person be saved and grow in the Lord when the fear of God is absent let me tell you something when the fear of God is absent fornication is a sin to you it's a weakness when the fear of the Lord is absent lion is a lion is a weakness it's not a sin so hear me now so remove so you don't happens right now so when you remove the fear of the Lord from the church and I'm gonna upset you with something you've got to understand this now mmm I love to cook I'm a very good cook you ask apostle he'll tell you I'm a very good cook and if you know anything about cooking you'll understand no meat will taste good O'Neal will tell you I can cook good hear me clearly uniquely right now anybody that cooks will tell you no meat is good with one spice don't I see you've never to put a multi you don't have to put a good amount and you're gonna have to know which one balance is which there's a difference between how you do red meat and how you do white meat there's a real bit of this particular things I've put on red me I wouldn't put on on what's the other one called red meat whatever wouldn't do it it's not comparable to it well can I tell you something listeners now is there such a thing as pure faith would the absence of the fear see somebody preaching to you faith faith faith faith faith faith faith you know what it's done with you it's made you positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive and it's become positive thinking but nothing is happening you say why because there's a lot of other components that you've got to mix that faith with for that faith to work so hearing that so put that scripture back up there you're gonna so working out your salvation working it working it out working it out working it out with fear and trembling now that's why do I make sense soon as I'm sorry there's some things that for you it might be okay to do that make sense to you for me it's not okay to do something Suze you now some of you might hide behind your culture because to your culture it's alright to me when you're born again you're not Spanish when you're born again Hemme when you're born again you're not Jamaican when you're born again nice to work Jamaican out there you do when you're born again hey listen to this when you're born again you're not Irish we're the only people that bring the baggage of our culture into our faith so it becomes the excuse for us to do what we do because we're trying to keep our own identity and ethnicity we've not changed into who we're supposed to be so the word says now to hear enough work out your salvation now well perhaps I can't say that here no no no no no this one I can't say because if this can be misconstrued no I better not say that well no no no no no you have to understand you have to understand see you don't know what I'm gonna say but I know what I'm gonna say and I know I'm not gonna say it because it could it could be you know if something could be misunderstood don't say it don't make sense you see where you are where you are where you are even though we believe the same where you are is not where I am so there's some things for you you're not free you've not found that Liberty in God what make sense to you example what's your name who Jeffrey alright Reverend Jeffrey years ago in church let me just say something real funny years ago in church I'm supposed to have where the church was years ago in church unless I was married to this beautiful girl here the old mindset I was supposed to sit next to a woman in church that's how dumb the church I mean back I mean that's how slow that's as well they were now let's do this now now what's wrong my Center now let me apply it to you now do I make this myself because your weakness might have been women don't put that on me that's your mess if you still have you still have the fear of something that you claim you're delivered from you're not free you're not free so let's so let me take my time again so hear it again now work out yours doesn't work it out work it out and the way how you work it out is what in fear so there's no such thing as a loose salvation well you do anything it just doesn't fly it just does not work so hear it again thank you praise the Lord to say it so to put that scripture back on the screen because this to me is powerful wherefore my beloved as she have always always obeyed not as in my presence only so it oh my goodness oh this is sexy this is funny now so in other words it's not supposed to be a performance you know that means what you are in church is what your to be in your house what you are in your house that's how you are supposed to be at your job there is supposed to be no mask that's why Paul said in my absence and I was I'm not there and I know you're gonna live right Eve away there was an exciting amen so in that now heap now here mister his name is now go with me now please to Deuteronomy 6 Deuteronomy 6 go back to me to do to run I love that book Deuteronomy 6 hmm there are me 624 Deuteronomy 624 are you there I'm gonna read it anyway and the Lord God gives now and the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes want you to notice the first thing that he names Oh what does the fear of God let me see if you can tell me could anybody here tell me five things that the fear of God will cause you to do and this is how you're gonna really know if you feel your God tell me what now you what's your name young man Michael your I liked your air so you're intelligent young man I'm gonna someone to pick on you tell me no you're good I like you that's what I'm thinking on you in a good sense tell me one just tell me one of the five things that the fear of God will do to you excellent excellent perfect I love that give me somebody else give me another thing that the fear of a little do I want five things makes you humble that's good repair okay that'll work I'll be all go well you smart obedient that's right must be that blond hair I'll tell you got working there all right over here come on now I got all the good answers some over here but what about over here tell me what will the fear of a lord do holiness very good excellent very good give me some more come on come come come righteousness is this God speaking or what all right okay give me another one obedience good but you kept very good it sounded forget good excellent I'm playing with you that's good over here trust good all right give me one more give me one more give me one more let me I want to hear this one that's good very good okay are you you're all too smart for me so I gotta stop you all I praise the Lord are so let me help you let me help you let me know we can have fun in learning come on let's have fun and learn all right good okay okay one of the signs I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you this it's very powerful one of the signs of when the fear of God and I never saw this till today when I studying it one of the signs when the fear of the Lord is established in your heart want me to tell you okay this is not one of the signs when the fear of God is established in your heart listen to this the fear of God listen to this God will always be first Sikhi why would you look to another if you fear God the idea that we look to another it means we are saying he is not first which means there's something else in the place of God what made sense to you okay okay okay praise the Lord praise the Lord I want to hear you praise the Lord alright now I want you to go with me to this scripture I wasn't gonna read it tonight but I'm gonna read it to you Deuteronomy 10 Deuteronomy Tim verse 12 now I'm gonna ask you this question is the fear of the Lord an option oh hang on a second or is it a command isn't what it says now Deuteronomy 10 12 and now Israel what does the Lord thy God require of thee I want you to look at this and now Israel what does the Lord thy God require of thee notice the first thing he says don't make sense to you the first thing he says to fear the Lord number one to fear the Lord and then to to walk in he's oh stop right there say that word say that word again how much of these ways are we to walk him okay listen us now now do you know that in Hebrew in the Hebraic way of thinking do you know that God's God's ways are his names yeah in Hebrew that's what's understood the ways of God a representation of the names of God now because of that oh my goodness stop Riley now hear this now can a person walk can a person now hey mister what's the process is now can a person walk in the name of God and the ways of God because the names of God are associated with the fear of God now you have to understand this how powerful this is the fear of the Lord is not the end the Bible says the fear of the Lord is what it's the beginning so in other words you haven't began yet you are going to keep repeating what you repeat until you understand that the fear of the Lord is what it's the beginning we can go further the fear of the Lord is the access to wisdom so where there is no fear there's no access so when I say fear now what do I mean reverence say the word reverence and sometimes you go a little further now hitting up this will be Donna's that you cannot fear God by the letter that's very interesting less legalism you say why the fear as God is realized in the person of God so that simply means the fear of the Lord it's based on your relationship with God that means you know God you don't just read about him you know who he is that make sense you so because you know who he is the reality of God is there hello there good hear this now hear this now keep that suit here we go and now Israel what does the Lord like God require of thee but to fever Lord number one to fear the Lord like a number two to walk in his ways now let's back up a second to what say the word say the word stop right there what you know the word walk means very simple word the word walk means to advance Oh so what does that imply it implies where there is no fear this stagnation are they sincere that's why some of you feel like you're not getting anywhere that's like something you feel like nothing is happening you're stagnated I always say to people no matter where you are no matter what you're going through find your center core find it find it there's a lot of stuff going on around you there's a lot of things going on in your life but you know what you're gonna do pull yourself from what everybody is saying forget everything that everybody says get back to what this says find your center core as you know the sense of core is should be in your life if God says it believe it amen let God be true and all right sailor man but to fear the Lord our God to walk in all his ways now this is profound do you know the reason why this to me is profound because that means for it to say to walk in all his ways but this is powerful fearless if you can take this I perhaps something giving you too much let me give this is almost too much to tell people this is just really too much a temple you know the reason why I said it's almost too much to tell people the scripture says in the book of Romans let me finally she's one of my favorite scriptures oh my god do you know that scripture where it says but when I have it in a second I sleep I speak it to myself every day it'll promise you it'll come back to me it's gone for a walk but I promise it'll come back there you go here we go I found it it only says now it's Romans 11 Romans 11 verse 33 now you're gonna listen to this because to me this is powerful romans 11:33 keep this in your mind now because to me this is profound all the depth of the riches both of wisdom and of knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways finish that's with sentence and he's walk and he's won Oh what oh he's weights come on say it again he's ways or what but it doesn't make sense because we've just read before where it says we'll go back to the scripture before but to feed the Lord by God and to walk in all of these ways hello so that implies that all of God's ways are not known let me prove it to you how all the ways of God I don't know has anything ever happened to you and then you become very Jewish afterwards you say to me what do you mean by you become very Jewish afterwards because this is what you say you say why why for a while I don't know how many but said yourself why me hit me these ways or what but yet you walked in the ways but you know but now God's opening up to you another way that you don't know can you understand why Jesus is the way man hasn't seen but hear me for him in out the human I'm human ah you can't walk in this without the fear of God it will get back to the root the fear of God hear this now let me move on now here's now but to fear the Lord by God to walk in all his ways and then go what is he gonna say - what Oh say it again say it again that's the message to itself I don't have time to it and to what with how much oh hang on a second now so that means you can't fear God and only have half your heart it's not possible praise the Lord I've got this one I'm still cold Jesus but I guess you're all conditioned to this now write this down now the fear of the Lord will let me just let me just finish all times the fear of the Lord will cause you to live in reality in reality the fear of the Lord because it's you the fear of all or cannot be realized outside of the person of God the truth is any man that knows God will figure out if you know the way that's why I don't understand you could autumn last June I came up here you can always tell when somebody is starting to backslide you say why because you find an excuse for the word you don't want to believe scary isn't it yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna be very good I'm gonna close in five minutes because I know you got listen to this this is no no listen to this proverbs not proverbs it's another book that begins with P I'm sure I'll find it oh there you go Psalms 22 Psalms 22 Psalms 22 and now Psalms 22 verse 23 now hear this now put it up on the screen for me please thank you ye that fear so God's not speaking to everybody he's identifying a group of people you that fear the Lord praise him all ye the seed of Jacob glorify Him and fear him all ye the seed of Israel now that sounds good but that's not the scripture verse I don't know where that came about but I'll find it for you I promise you oh you will love this scripture I promise you you will love the scriptures I promise you I'll give it to you later but there's I promise you I got about I've got about 15 here but I'm not given but the result of it is there's a scripture now this well I'll find it I'll give it to you later but the scripture says the scripture says this is the analogy of it forgive me for not giving the full scripture but I'm going to give you but this is the scripture there's a scripture that says to fear the Lord and listen to this and then it says and trust him the killer today is this you've heard so much faith but the prerequisite fear the Lord and then it says and trust him now you know what that means when you fear God can I tell you something if you get an evil report from the doctor the fear of the Lord would make me rather believe God then what the doctor just spoke the fear of the Lord will make me more believe because to me because of the fear of the Lord God is a reality to me a bigger reality to me than my circumstance so I can so that's right so he is not sorry that was now I fear not fear in God because there's a consequence I didn't hear it's up there there you go thank you very much actually that's not the one but it will work Evette fear the Lord trust in the Lord he is their help and their watch shield in other words he's your defense amen so it could it be that your could it be that you believe but your faith isn't balanced because there is no fear you know what the fear of God you know why the fear of God is different to faith there's when you talk about the fear you're talking about the condition the respect similarly you believe God and you want to and you want stuff out of God but listen to this but there is no respect you want the thing but you don't respect God so because of that a lot of what you're believing for has been held up God's not saying to you but you don't have faith what God is saying is there's no fear there is no evidence of your respect of God so as a result of that your faith never comes to a climax because nothing ends wrong it starts wrong if you came to God first of all in humility in the fear of the Lord reverence in him for who he is things would happen a whole lot quicker well I hope you enjoyed this session you're young I'm gonna go sleep a man but listen this is what I want to do this is what I want to do two things huh does any of you here have your cell phone so if you pick up your cell phone let me just look at this goodness your new age everybody's gonna cell phone Lord of mercy okay now listen how many of you here follow me on social media now I really want to encourage you to follow me on social media for two reasons one because if you want to get to heaven you're gonna have to do this I gotta be honest with you now I'm just jokin up just playin yeah the reason I want you to follow me on social media is because I have a very very powerful announcements to release January 1st I'm not gonna tell you because if I do it's not gonna be a surprise so whatever you do January 1st is what we want you to so whatever you do I want if you if you if you've not downloaded downloaded what we do download us go to running McLean follow me Facebook there's a lot of things we put out that's very powerful I mean like life-changing you'll get a lot of prophetic events you'll get sometimes a word for the day but I want you to follow me because we're gonna announce something in January Jenna it's gonna be January to 1st January the first it's gonna be a major announcement so I want you to just follow us running McLean our socially just follow us there but in closing tonight there's many of you here under the sound of my voice where what is very clear is let me back up I just heard this your fear of God your appreciation for God sometimes is revealed through the fear for God I want you to check in your life in the areas you possibly might be slipping check it if oh let me just check test this right now how many of you believe Jesus is coming I see about 20 people's hands raised I mean I mean how many of you believe Jesus is coming okay well well well let me say something to you if you believe Jesus is coming why would you be praying less you waver - it's not cents remember the parable of the ten virgins the five wise the Bible says made themselves ready blah make sense you what we're saying is the total opposite that proves we don't fear God you know what my greatest fear is you know what what let me tell you a holy fear but every preacher should have is you've preached to other people you've watched them change the holy fear but every man a woman of God should have is Jesus will come now and the congregation is taken while I'm standing there pressure Paul said you better be careful as you become a castaway he may not watch this right you know let me just put these things into perspective now watch what I'm gonna do right now I believe God but certain things haven't happened yet oh let me get back perhaps my approach was wrong I didn't fear him so because I didn't fear God hey let me just give you a reference I didn't want to say this but I'm gonna say with you when the fear of God is absolute faith is perverted I'm telling you what I know I've seen it the perversion of faith is when the fear of God is missing hallelujah there's some of you here under the sound of my voice you love God but watch this he's not first he's second so that means anything you've given a higher priority to that's your god you say how do you know it because that's the one you cherish the one you cherish is the one you serve so to get everything back into place again we have to check our hearts and be aware that when the heart is right your heart affects how you see a thing I don't forget one day I was in a church preaching and as I was just you know I'm very the way you see me is very much the way I am that's why some people could misunderstand me there's no performance the way I am I don't rehearse a humor what you see is what you get I don't rehearse anything that's what you see it's very much what you get he'll tell you he knows me they asked what I'm gonna do I say I don't know I did when I get there that's just the way I am I that's just where I like to be spontaneous I can't work in them that's just the way I am as a person that made sense to you but listening this because this is gonna really help you I was in a church one day where I was ministering and this woman she was she was a little excessive she was out of order I mean she was really out of order the ashes didn't do nothing to us has just watched her do it and I said to him I said sit down I said ma'am sit down she'd get on and I said ma'am ain't gonna tell you again I said sit down they could tell by my tone I was not joking I made every bit of what I said and that said to me Rennie he calls me that he said to me running she was out of order and I said I know that's why I felt it but he said to be a ward I'll never forget but he said to me ready for one moment you didn't see her the way I saw her and it caused me to back in the fear of the Lord will I know it sounds hard these are things we don't look at the fear of God we'll check you even if you're rash with a word you can be a little bit harsh to people not letting your being bad or anything but you just don't care what they feel you don't know what they're going through you don't even know what's happening you get what I'm trying to say and like in church today we can offend it very quickly because of the tone somebody said something in and the Lord pulled me in real quick he simply said to me said to me son he said I know said she was out or to basically do not lose sight of how I see her I learned I learned something that quick if you could hear God and not be caught up in who you're trying to be you're gonna always see people the way cuz that's why even if I don't like a lot there's some people I've worked with I don't like a lot of what they do I don't even believe her for what they do but you know what I do I help i bless and I love you say why love is transparent love doesn't have an agenda I've watched God will do other things let me sense you got all do other things he'll straighten that errors in your life but watch what I'm saying as we close right now this is what I'm saying right now anything you practice you're gonna perfect I want you to do this tonight the next time somebody says to you how are you don't be hypocritical say the truth break the cycle don't wear a mask before people you know there is one because by the time yours yourself they say I never knew him you're right because now but you they never saw that made sense to you bu the cart doesn't there's days you're not gonna always have a good day let me give you let me give an example of Jesus not having a good day here class example she's not having a good day he's with his disciples who's been with him for a while he just has a glorious experience in the glory he came into glory he left behind to come to the earth he recaptures it for a moment on the Mount of Transfiguration in that glorious moment the Mount of Transfiguration and Moses and Elijah appeared to confirm who he was in that glory he had an encounter but Jesus the man came out and went down Hani's disciples came and said how Lord this woman's got a child possess and we couldn't deliver us he didn't say okay guys he went you faithless people you know what that translates today you mean after all the times you've seen me do this I've sent you to do this and now you come to me that's really the attitude because we forget who we are we're spiritual but we're human and that's what's been perfected in us is our humanity amen so you know what I'm gonna do tonight I'm gonna do two things two things I want to do tonight to get you even kill turd I want you tonight to prepare an offering listen to me now here is done listen to uncle now don't prepare an offering because you can that's not always a good reason this is so simple yes this is so simple here is now the word says if you so what does it say well why now listen now look uncle now why then would you ever allow the devil to sow the seed in you of not having so you know what happens people don't give for fear of nothing coming back so what what's happened you've made that fear greater than the fear ago tonight I want you to understand as a child of God it's your duty to give to the Lord your increase your favor is tied to your given to the Lord yes you give by faith but there's a missing ingredient that has to return to your life can I tell you something and I practice this I I can't race if I'm to be transparent before you I can't race four times in my life when my finances crash and it's not often it happens I can trace where my finances slow down you know why because I'm not giving at the rate I know I should sow the seed doesn't yield I learned a long time ago that what I give in the spirit I give it in if I'm to expect change number one I've got to give I've got to have the right attitude I've got to reverence God holiness the fear of God I want you tonight to prepare a seed in the fear of the Lord and be aware but anytime you give to God it's never your last you say why the seeds you've just given is where your new beginning begins again father in the name of Jesus I thank you for these young people they're special people Lord as they obey you as they obey you tonight show them something in their life from the seed they give tonight let them give in the spirit of faith and expectation but let them give with the fear of the Lord Lord we know that it belongs to you not us in Jesus name bless them as they give tonight bless them bless them in Jesus name hallelujah God trusts you to give your offer he trusts you to believe in him prepare your offering tonight hallelujah hallelujah if you're watching me online I will encourage you to be aware that when we give to the Lord it is the command of the Lord and it must always be given in the spirit of humility and in the fear of the Lord I want you tonight to believe that I'll use this camera I want you tonight to believe for the increase I want you to believe for a new beginning in your finances check right now I don't have everyone of you here as well as the studio as well as you watching this by the internet I want you to check in your heart if you've become casual and given you know what happens when you become casual and given it doesn't mean anything anymore doesn't mean anything that happens when it doesn't mean anything to you it doesn't do anything anymore because you're giving it in the wrong spirit I want you to check your heart and prepare an offering unto the Lord and watch what happens when you let the fear of God return to your life he'll bless you and increase you in Jesus name I release you to sow your seed online today in Jesus name hallelujah amen hallelu halleluya can you can I have this pulpit removed that's you thank you sunpapers I want you tonight who because of what you I'm sorry please everybody give unto the Lord ashes amen I can see people down here still with their offer wave your envelopes so we can get somebody to pick it up god bless you amen amen I want to do something very simple tonight it's something very simple tonight we couldn't teach this without giving you a chance to come to the altar to come to that when I tell you to to come to the altar and really check your heart to see if the fear of God has lifted from your life if you've become casual I want to check that nobody can do that but you I'm gonna give you two minutes not just to think about it but I want you to think God wants to be first in your life first now you say how do you know when he's there first because the fear of the Lord becomes the fountain from which everything flows I want to open up these altars right now in the name of Allah - wherever you are if you need God to do something in your heart whatever God does in your heart it comes into your life I can still see envelopes people people praise the Lord Amen you know something there you go if you want a complete at the altar you can pray to the altar because I could see an old offering was collected all right I want you to want to make a new commitment to the law because you understand now what the fear of the Lord is check in the air is where you've been disrespecting God as opposed to respecting God and be aware of that your whole life is ahead of you father thank you for this for this house thank you for these young people I speak that your fear becomes a reality and that they walk in truth in Jesus name right now I want you to come to the altar you don't want that you don't want that that place with the Lord hallelujah halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah Oh open up your heart I just heard this just play the disc player display follow what I did tell you to do just play that to mother open up your heart open up yours open up your heart let the line of his glory call me Oh Oh let that be a crime you got to change wicker No laughs there of those of you we are living in the base whereas heaven draws nearer to the earth things are going to become clearer because in his presence his total transparency bvu he created you to be do not wear the mask anymore don't perform be who he's made you to be I want you to lift your hands and say Lord forgive me for any pretense that I've held in my heart in your name right now do a deep work in my heart wash me in your blood I'm tired of wearing this mask I want to walk in the reality of your presence so Lord right now I humble myself in your presence I see you as God and I give you not the second place but the first place I fear you not man now I want to speak this over your life now father right now in the name of Jesus I break the spirit of fear the fear of man the fear of failure the fear of loss in the name of Jesus I rebuke every fear at this altar that is not of God I refuse any spirit that has caused them to compromise with the truth in Jesus name Lord we bow to you and none other we submit to your word in Jesus name I declare from this night on in your life that the presence of God becomes a greater reality to you in the name of Jesus now lift your hands up but do do this and put do mr. put your hands on your heart you're gonna open your heart before God and whatever's in your heart that needs to be removed is gonna come out I want you to just when I tell you 1 2 3 just simply do is I want you just to throw it when you throw your arms out open like that it's a sign that weapon that represents abandonment you are abandoning anything that it's contrary to God that is in your heart that is in your life anything that's caused you to fear man over the Word of God that's an idol in your heart that God is gonna destroy I want you to get ready when I say 1 2 I just literally want you to do this when I try to put your hands there right now father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus right now I speak a deliverance right now to every heart in the name of Jesus father we let out anything that's in our heart that is preventing us from walking more in the light of your presence in the name of Jesus get ready put your hand there when I say 1 when I get to three I want you to literally just throw your hands up and it's gonna be like a bird coming out of the cage get ready 1 true Oh Rebecca Shaba one two three really quick just stay in your seats do not get distracted very quickly and if the church can buy your heads and begin to pray please it's the one of the most important things that we want to do in church especially for those people who are visit us for the first or second time this moment is for you take a seat don't leave I promise you only take five minutes of your time and that's it if you can help me with the piano please please I want to speak I want everybody to bow your heads and close your eyes God is here in this place and this the fear of God is already in this place but I want to speak to those who have come for the first second or third time and you tell me Lena you know what what a pasta was saying that really touched me and I really understand what he's saying I know that I've been away from God I know that sin has separated me from God but sometimes guilt and shame doesn't allow us to act and express ourselves before God but before you live tonight I want to reach out to you as a friend I want to reach out to you and be transparent you know what one day I was sitting in that chair like you are today right now and you saw all these people come to the front and say God I'm free I'm free and you're still battling in your chair saying god I desire to be free today and this snipe God brought you not only to hear the preaching but you feel something inside of you that is called the fear of God the love of God that is reaching out to you to tell your son and daughter I don't need you to be okay I don't need you to be perfect to come to me and be set free just how your posture was sane and asked how are you today you can come and tell me I'm okay but deep inside you're depressed you're lonely you're crying out for help you're crying out for the freedom that people were receiving just now but the canoe says that everything that we have done bad the Bible says the sin every error has separate us from Jesus but tonight God promised him night to remind you that the gift of life is the gift that Jesus give to us it's Jesus Christ they gave us Christ Jesus he died on the cross so you can be forgiven for your sins do not let the devil deceive you and tell you that you have to be perfect to come to Christ if that was the case then what was the purpose of the sacrifice of Jesus at the cross Jesus died for you and he's been waiting for you I don't know what you're struggling with I don't know what is the hard thing that you've been dealing with the one that is speaking to you was abused one was eight years old my image of a father my image of a protector my image of a man was corrupted I hate a man I hated everyone around me I feel so much shame and guilt for one night like today I made a decision to be set free like the Apostle said one day like today I made the decision to say do you know why God no matter how hard this is no matter what I've been going through no matter the problems I'm gonna run to you God is calling out to you there's people here today that even before you came to the service you had an argument with your parents you know what the pasta was saying that you know the only one you died there's only two ways that you can go heaven or hell but sometimes in reality you're living a hell here on earth and you wanted to get out of it but there's no way well God approaches Annette to tell you there is a way to heaven who told you you cannot experience heaven here on earth God has called you tonight to bring you out of darkness to bring into the shame out of the loneliness out of the depression and bring you into his arms if you're here today you tell me Lena I need that when they apostolate the calling I didn't go because I was ashamed oh I didn't know really what to do tonight if you have never see Jesus in your heart I want you to come to the front but before that I want you to raise your hand I want you to show God first then you are ready to make that decision to go to him and to let go of everything that you have for me to let go of all the system I go with the hates at the count of three I want you to quickly don't think about it lift up your hands one two three lift up your hand sit down here there it is thank you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you come on lift up your hands little yes also let's say you were walking with God but one way you walked away one way you lost the fear of God and you tell me Lena you know what tonight he'll be apostle praying prophesied and declared the word I don't want to feel it I want to be sure that I'm going to heaven at the count of three if you want to reconcile with Jesus I want you to lift up your hands one two three lift up your hands if WS tyrannous god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you I want you to do me one more favor if you lift it up your hand in the first and second call I want you to stand up quickly I personally want to pray for you cook super come to the front of the front you go man there it is there it is come on come on come on the church the church rejoices come to the front there sir come on rejoice be afraid god bless you bless you there's people cry right here come to God you don't need to be perfect God wants you hard come on come on yes Jesus put the fear in you there's no need to flout it come on come on come on there's people crying here come on yes Jesus they're coming I want you guys to look at me right here one day I was in your place and I was so afraid but there was something inside of me that was telling me to run to God and like I told you I was full of hate I hate him I dad I couldn't have a good relationship with my father because I was hurt I was in pain and many of you right now are feeling that but the good news is that God brought you tonight to change and transform all that amen young lady in the blue shirt you've been struggling with so many insecurities and it's so lack of identity that sometimes you try to find it in other men but God says today I set you free and it's a new beginning for your life you never have to look back in fact I feel that your family has been praying for you God your mother you you know God but you walked away because you were hurt by a man but God says I renew and I restore the image of a father in you we thank you Jesus I want all of you to do me a favor close your eyes and lift up your hands close your eyes a little bit and those who are watching the line I want you to join us if you want to set Jesus in your heart and make this decision you will not regret it everybody here in the front and in the back help me out say with me Heavenly Father tonight I recognize that I am a sinner and that my sins separate me from you I ask you yes now you come into my heart and that you cleanse me I recognize that you died for me that you turn and on the third day God the Father resurrect the you from the dead I break every covenant that I made with the devil with the world and with my Jesus to give you the bus hug of your life turn around turn around there's something right every there's someone there for you come on come on you guys father yes Jesus and a chance and I want your shy to say I am free and my father-god lift under hands we're gonna dismiss the service father we thank you for tonight Heavenly Father we thank you for the word that you brought tonight we thank you Lord Jesus for bringing back the fear of God into our lives lord I bless every single person here tonight I buy a rebuke and his spirit of vengeance against him I find a reputed spirit of accident sickness father God and I declare up up tonight all they are blessed I declare up tonight on their knees no walk in obedience and in fear with God so at me I am the ruminant the walks of fear and obeys God in Jesus name we pray he exists in three persons God the Father who no man has seen God the Son who lived among us and God the Holy Spirit who is his transformative presence here on earth since the beginning of creation to the baptism of Christ to the birth of the church at Pentecost the Holy Spirit continues to minister today establishing the will of the Father who sent him yet his person has been overlooked quenched by years of sing tradition religion and structures of men still his ministry is essential to our development as believers and he longs to have a divine encounter with all of us in a puzzle Biermann Maldonado's brand-new book divine encounter with the Holy Spirit you will come to understand the many essential aspects of the Holy Spirit and your relationship to be ready to experience a personal intimate and transformative encounter with the Holy Spirit divine encounter with the Holy Spirit available now the greatest power that the world has ever seen is love in the last year we have seen many of the 14 signs for the end times mentioned in the book of mark this has set an urgency to spread the supernatural realm and power of God like never before today's world is crying out for help even nature is showing signs of distress there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friend your seed will reach remote places in the world where you might not be able to go taking the supernatural power of God to those are desperately needed apostle six months ago this precious lady got injured because of that injury she ended up and sent in this wheelchair for six months one of the team members walks by brace for her and she is standing dancing walking so you can do everything again for your soul I had a profuse bleeding from my nose and we rushed to the hospital and they said that they diagnosed it as a critical part of hemophilia where there is no permanent cure my father used to donate blood with both of his hands and they had hemophilia factors but last year there were no hemophilia factors available and I was completely bedridden for two months and I didn't do I I was not aware of what to do and I called every one of my friends and she said that I island-wide fuses just to your home they will pay for you and the moment she started talking to me I she would and within a 15 minutes of play prayer I got up and the next day I was able to run and I was able to eat Apostle C had multiple sclerosis for the last five years C it's good to hardly move her legs and she had pressure behind her eyes sometimes he would lose vision completely but today she can feel there's no more pressure on your eyes so you can move her legs and the MS is gone tell me the symptoms I might have pressure behind my eyes my knees but here I would end up to put myself up trying to walk getting in and out of a car would be really straight how's that your walk I would walk normally but like every so often if I get tired I just my foot would leg behind and I'll just end up tripping myself up I'm always falling over or falling
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 44,024
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Keywords: guillermo maldonado, ana maldonado, king jesus ministry, el rey jesus, the supernatural now, supernatural encounters, erj, kjm, live sunday service, live sunday sermon, sunday sermon live, sunday service live, live christian service, live christian sermon, king jesus ministry live, el rey jesus en vivo, servicio en vivo el rey jesus, live service king jesus ministry
Id: i_CjIHmMito
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 32sec (9152 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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