Difference Between the Fear of God and the Fear of Man - Apostle Renny McLean | December 5, 2017

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well blessed be the name of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord well good morning everyone it's good to see you here it's good to be in Miami Florida it's good to be here amen love you never good to see you I've got a lot to share with you in a short space of time so I want you to listen I want you to to forget the person next to you not by way of being rude but circumcised you're thinking because I have a very powerful subject matter that I must teach every let me just give you some wisdom on church on the church and I want you to say Amen to this if you all if you everything you hear me say if you believe it and you agree agree with it I want you to say Amen how many of you believe in the love of God how many of you here believe in the peace of God how many of you here believe in the glory of God how many of you believe in the power of God how many of you believe in Redemption how do you believe in forgiveness okay let me just say something to you to make you think you have to understand how to balance God because in church and this is very common people will sometimes say well the church isn't balanced because they emphasize a particular thing and the truth is no church is balanced if it doesn't teach the whole Council of God so if you hear faith I'm gonna tell you right now after a while your faith is gonna wear thin if you don't have the other things that's associated with that faith what makes sense to you and so it would be like if I'm just preaching to you I'd better watch my words it would be like if I'm preaching to you prophecy and I really don't have much insight if you notice and I don't mean to be a little I bet I better tone my words if you notice on Christian television in general you seldomly hear people preach from the Book of Revelations seldomly I've heard very few people speak on it where there's actually a genuine anointing on it there's a lot of information on it but there's very little anointing on them because they're known incomes on what you know so if you don't know there's nothing for God to anoint and so what's very very very interesting is there's certain things in your life that's in my life that's in everybody's life that for us to become who we are for us to become whole we have to have the complete counsel of God case in point let me give an example now if you hang around prophets hadö words I'm saying if you hang around prophets everybody else is excluded you're always gonna be waiting for a word you never learn to hear God for yourself nothing wrong but we have to understand it and so you have to preach the whole counsel of God I am I making sense to you so periodically in the church world at in church history there are some messages that get that gets misconstrued and seasonally God has to bring those messages back to the church so you could argue right now that in the church there are certain things that is missing now let me tell you what immaturity does in the church lots of us will abandon a truth for another truth we don't understand how to marry a truth so in other words if I'm preaching to you prosperity prosperity now you've got it you don't abandon it you join it to the other truths that you don't fully walk in what make sense to you and so until the church does that you're gonna find out that you are not whole and so in one of the messages that has always been misconstrued and I would say it's not taught anymore because it somehow identifies who really the believer is anybody here that's been in church for about thirty years or more will really appreciate this message most of you who are below that timeline in church this is a message that makes you back away from church and it's the message of the fear of the Lord and it's very very very interesting you know it's very very very interesting first of all let me I'm taking my time because I've got three sessions and I and I have to preach this message to you then to the next session and then in the night service I have to bring the second piece of it even though it's like twenty twenty segments of it so let me just redefine this let me just redefine this now first of all there are different types of fears amen there are different types of fears everybody here has a fear that is nothing to do with God there are times there are fears in our lives that we have that is associated with people and some of you confuse the fear of God for the fear of man now you have to understand the difference between the fear of God and the fear of land the fear of God brings you in or of God or let me back up the fear of God the fear of God is because of the or of God okay the fear of man is not because of an or it's because of an intimidation factor so anything that makes you not feel who you're supposed to who you're supposed to really be in God that is a fear that is unholy and is not of God that's why a lot of us in our Christian walk we lack genuine boldness because we are intimidated by men so if you are intimidated by men you have made men greater than God they fought therefore that's your Idol so you're actually saying that man is greater than God now let me tell you let me give you the perspective of when we say fear because to fear something you've got you've got one service to fear something you got to believe it that was an exciting a man I'm gonna say it to you again to fear something you've got to believe it i'ma say to you one more time I said to fear something it means you must believe it is that correct so then it can't work or affect you unless you believe it so it's something that you've been it's something you've misplaced your faith in and it's now become fear so it is something that you believe job said it like this and the thing I feared now I want you to notice er a double crochet I better be careful cuz I'm supposed to teach not for each a job said it like this the thing I feared jobs of fear miss is two good jobs fear was a thing you gotta hear but you heard but you didn't hear me you gotta hear the difference you've got to discern if you fear a thing hear me most of us fear a thing not God a hurricane is a thing not a person I hear me right now so you have to understand now that there are all different kinds of fears there are phobias like I choked only said to the young people on Friday night I said let me give you an idea how many of you know there are some fears that are universal everybody has certain fears I mean don't look at me in that tone of voice we all have fears that's just reality let me just give an example right now if if a tiger came running here right now I promise you nobody would be going i sing glory to your name the reason mean because it's not universal as anointed as I am unless God speaks to me it is the natural reaction do I make sense to you now is it now this is good isn't this interesting that there's a natural fear that lets you know to run from something you heard but you didn't hear it if a natural fear can cause you to run from something oh oh we haven't even got to the fear of God yet so there are some fears that are universal it would that be true to say there are some fears that we all have but yet the most powerful let me just hit this right here quickly if you're a mentor this is something you should pick up and teach because people are never free till you deliver them from their fear case of what let me give you this simple illustration because we could have a deliverance just on this alone case in point case one case one you know the reason why some of you don't succeed you fear it you know the reason why most of you have problems in relationships you know why you're insecure you fear you know why some of you don't go into business you feel loss you've got your Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam it'll be Aldi associated to a fear you know why let me give me up let me give you a funny fear associated with you let me give you a money fear oh this is my last so you know what that means it's the enemy's way of conditioning you not to give so by way of you not given it is your last you go oh no no no no no no no so so we understand fear you want something so fear is that how many know fear is a very powerful thing is that correct and so we understand that fear is powerful and we understand fear is universal I never saw let me just make you laugh about how fear is universal and how some fears are common you know what's the name of that hurricane that came by here Irma whatever you do never name your child Irma whatever you do don't give them that name because they'll be trouble they'll bring trouble into your life every time what's what you call your seed I never saw anybody I never saw anybody do this when the hurricane came I never saw anybody rejoice because no matter what you want to say no matter who you are it was associated with a fear now isn't it very interesting that man the carnal man associates the fear of God almost in every instant they associate the fear of God with the judgment so then the question then that we bring is this that I'm gonna put you as one of this does God have to bring judgment for you to fear Him the reason why God will bring judgment for you to fear him is because he doesn't have your attention well praise him a little early that's just the in that that's just the introduction to where we are heading
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 26,129
Rating: 4.8429751 out of 5
Keywords: guillermo maldonado, ana maldonado, king jesus ministry, el rey jesus, the supernatural now, supernatural encounters, erj, kjm, what is the fear of god, the fear of god, what does the fear of god mean, difference between fear and fear of god, meaning of fear of god, apostle guillermo maldonado english, apostle guillermo maldonado in english, guillermo maldonado english, guillermo maldonado english books
Id: cSdxbXJauLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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