The FASTEST way to grind every skill in Hypixel SkyBlock (Tutorial / Guide)

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welcome to another Hypixel Skyblock tutorial and today I have an update on an old video of mine it is the best ways to level every skill in Hypixel Skyblock so that video had its own problems back in the day and now it's especially wrong because everything's outdated so today we're gonna go over the best ways to level up every single skill in the game I'm not gonna waste any of your time let's go actually one detail before the video starts obviously having mayor Derpy active is the best way to get any type of skill XP because it's essentially you know 50 more skill XP and at the moment it's not tied into the wisdom system so it's multiplicative which is insane and uh obviously you're going to want to have cookie buff which is 20 skill XP God potions so that you get all the specific Skillets people's potions for another 20 and sometimes like actually right now Skyblock has celebrations for example for December or maybe they're trying to apologize because there was some down time time they'll give you an additional 10 so yeah you get a lot of bonuses from various things so I would pay attention to that before getting into any of these grinds all right so the first skill we're gonna go over is farming even with the upcoming Garden update it seems that there isn't a better way to do this I do believe though doing it on the actual Garden Island will award you more XP so I'm not 100 sure on that but until we figure that out as far as I know right now the best two ways to get XP is you have the lazy way and you have the fast way the lazy way is to Farm King so the way I form Kane is I put on Rancher boots ignore this other armor and then you have those Rancher boots set to 327 speed and then what you do is switch your pet to if you're gonna be skill grinding rabbits elephants the best for drops but that's not why you're here right I also take my Minecraft volume I set it to like two percent so it doesn't drive me insane I go to my controls and I swap button one and space bar I'm in BLC so it makes everything look the way it does and then what I'm doing is I'm actually facing right now Southwest I'm facing Southwest right now I always face towards the right I don't really know why I did that this Farm is set up in such a way that it's two blocks of dirt one block of water with slabs a block above that two blocks above that technically and then there's another two blocks of dirt block water two blocks of dirt and then I have a zigzag pattern for the slab so there's a gap here but not here is to get there but not there and you set it up so that's the opposite and the other side but anyway yeah so that's how the form is set up and then what you do with your Rancher boots rapid pets I have a turning sugar cane hoe with 87 million collection on it you could re-com it obviously blessed is the best but anyways and it has cultivating as well which gives you more farming XP which is great so what you do now is I'm gonna take my a key and my S key so I'm going to the left and backwards at the same time and you want to adjust your view until you stop moving while holding both A and S and so you completely stop moving there you go I've stopped moving I pressed e to hold that I actually moved a slight bit so now I'm moving a few pixels at a time but that's fine I usually press e and open the inventory so I can let go of the mouse and let it down and then you hold spacebar and a and as you can see I am now farming Caden now the cool thing about the Ford's backwards method as I call it is that also by the way the speed some people get away with 328 or 329 you will miss some game but you also break more this is the way to break all the canes so you know you could try 328 or 9 and see how that goes for you but I'm just going to do 327. so once I get to the end here I switch from s or from a to s so as you can see I'm now pressing s and going backwards so if done correctly you're literally just holding two buttons at the same time and swapping between two buttons every so often my inventory is full because I don't have personal compactor with Enchanted sugar in it but just for explanatory purposes I'm gonna keep going I missed one cane because my angle is slightly off and then I switch from pressing s to a and you could do it really fast so that was the lazy way you could do this for hours and I have frankly done it for hours I got myself to farming 60 of my solo doing that and I got myself to farming like 56 on this profile doing the same thing so now we have the we have the efficient method it's not as easy it's definitely a lot more active so this is a standard pumpkin farm ignore this layer here we don't talk about it so basically the way this is set up is that it's one two three four five six seven eight blocks of dirt and then water and then one two three four five six seven eight and then water again and the water is only technically every other row of pumpkin so anyways you set your Rancher boots to 270 speed this time and you keep your rabbit pet out and you use a pumpkin dicer and then I'm pressing W and D at the same time you could also Press A and W at the same time but that just feels weird so I'm gonna do it like this slide along the side of the slab while breaking in the corner here with the ax again this is technically faster for farming XP it's not gonna be great but it is what it is you know I mean it's better than Kane it's faster than Kane and then you switch around and just do it like this and that is the fastest way at the moment to farm or to get Farming XPS with pumpkins the thing about pumpkin as well is you don't make a lot of money so that's the other trade-off that you have okay the next skill is mining now technically there is a way to level up mining as fast as possible it's not practical but I'm gonna let Fearless describe it for you right now okay well then that's definitely uh mining crystals metal and the magma Fields with a silverfish pad and drinking water bottles when your heat gets high and then whenever there's a mining speed boost you rod swap into a battle pet the max gear so you can insta mine the prison moving blocks and then you switch back to back the cellar that that's kind of neat though it's the Mind measuring but anyway that's not realistic it's technically the fastest way to get XP but it's not going to help you in terms of progressing in the game because if you're able to do that then you already have mining60 let's be honest so what's the real way to level up mining as fast as possible if you're not already completely overpowered well I've discovered through talking with Fearless that the next best thing that is achievable for everybody is to head on over to the crystal Hollows so what you want to do is have a silverfish pet out and then you if you have it warp CN I would say that's a requirement for grinding a lot of these you want to do crystal Hollows commissions definitely you want to have a pigeon because the you know the three rings from the Abbey phone is annoying and having to talk to this guy's annoying but essentially you get 20 000 mining XP for redeeming a commission obviously you're going to want to do it with a refined pickaxe out I have a stonk protection you could recomm the stonk you could also get you know higher Rarities but you know I'm just gonna hold out the stonk so what you do is you just redeem a commission and I just got like 20 000 mining XP right there I'm gonna do it again 20 000. so there you go I've redeemed those two comms now what you need to do is set up essentially coordinates as you can see I have a sludge Slayer so now what I need to do is find a structure that spawns a lot of sludges I find in my experience that to be the jungle temple by the river and if you have a for example a goblin Slayer typically you want to find a big room with a lot of space campfires that sort of thing those type of structures usually spawn a decent amount of goblins the goblin Queen Den is actually awful for rates only like three or four spots see this room is actually pretty decent down in the crevices here if you need to do goblin Slayer team treasurite is probably the worst of them all your best bet for spawning rates with those is to find a Corleone spawn this structures decent it's not great you're gonna struggle to find Team Treasure Ice for the Slayer it's really annoying and then yoggs who want to find the Bell fight chamber oh see this room is yeah this is the room I was talking about this is the Corleone Swan with the water this is probably your best bet for finding team treasury members but anyway yeah so you want to set coordinates in your lobby to all these things I use Madeline client to do that you can make your own coordinates on the fly so warp CN is very very helpful once you've completed the commission either walk over to the guy or pressing the pigeon and swap to this and then click the commission while holding out a silverfish pet obviously the other ones are fairly easy Hearthstone Miner you can get just by digging into the wall and chest uh looter is also very easy if you have grand Explorer and all the different types of gemstones are extremely easy if you have a high level of pristine and Mining speed and Fortune which I do but even then it's not too bad it's fairly fast but yeah Crystal Hollows commissions with silverfish pet is really the short answer to that question the next skill is combat so the fastest way to level combat depends on your stage of the game if you are just starting out less than combat 24 your best bet by far beastiary slash be it will show you all the different mobs in the game how many of them you've killed as you can see I have quite a lot of collection that's the Private Island one those are all done except for which The Hub so yeah essentially you want to get I would say up to five of most of the ECB series as like a a quick run through of which ones I would go for first Private Island put a huge island platform kill all the mobs in your private island and then you're probably better off after that going for deep Caverns Redstone pigment the minor skeletons and zombies lapis zombies Emerald slimes so those are probably your best bet sneaky creepers I wouldn't recommend unless you have like an AOE weapon or something that autonomously kills things like a witch mask and then you can go to Crystal Hollows kill fists and all that but there's probably some easier kills like the howling spirit pack Souls whatever the end mobs aren't bad I would suggest the spiders then it's really good for bestiary actually there's a lot of them and the catacombs is by far the fastest amount of kills for bestiary but you need to be pretty strong if you're like just starting the game you have to at least have like combat like 15 or something so you know take that with the grain of salt but yeah so the fastest way to get to combat 24 to kill a bunch of mobs a variety of them and then eventually you start getting XP every 20 tiers and eventually that XP turns to a Mill and then once you get to that point then you can get to combat 24. now assuming you're already there then the next best way to get combat experience is gonna actually be doing rev t3s and then you start rev T3 or T4 but it costs a lot of money preferably during aatrox but yeah rev Slayers actually give a pretty decent amount of combat XP obviously you want to have a private hub there you go one player Lobby start the Slayer turn on auto Slayer if you have it would highly recommend head down here and I have a spirit scepter which is a great clearing weapon and then you just killed these zombies now obviously you can make the process faster if you were to have champion on your weapon cost bits though worth noting I suppose but you know it's probably worth it honestly same goes for the other skills actually yeah farming has uh cultivating mining has compact I forgot to mention compact having compact on your stonk helps increase the amount of experience as well so let's assume that you've gotten a decent amount of combat XP maybe you can handle some pretty far dungeons for example solo floor six if you can solo a floor 6 preferably with the juju short bow and a Yeti pet at a minimum uh I would say even better than that would be you know being a height Mage but yeah you if you can do solo floor sixes by yourself I would suggest making a run for it straight to the blood room kill all the mobs start the boss and then kill all of the terracottas and the golems and the and the Giants doing all of that should yield a ton of combat XP it's almost the best in the game technically M6 is better but you know you have to be even stronger to do that and if you really want to be efficient with XP you can drink a a combat exp boost 3 potion before the Run starts and then an experience potion with Vikings tier not worth it at all by the way it's a complete waste of money but you you could technically do that I'm not gonna run a catacombs right now because I don't I don't feel like it I probably could solo a floor 6 actually with my Juju short bow and Yeti pet but I'm not gonna do that so it would seem that 30 has forgotten to record the part where he explains how to do forging so I'm here to do that instead there are two methods you can use to level up your foraging XP within a reasonable amount of time and the first one is the public Island method this one will net you 400k to 800k per hour and you do it by chopping dark oak trees in the park and if it's too crowded you head over here and you Chomp jungle trees you're going to want to use haste 3 with an efficiency 5 toil tree capitator as well as young dragon armor which I am not wearing you should get 500 speed and with that use an annihilator cloak but that is pricey it's also recommended that you use an aotv maxed and lots of Mana to teleport from tree to tree while cutting you can also Auto pet Rod swapping between monkey and ocelot pet the next method is the Private Island method to do this you're going to need to prepare an entire inventory of Enchanted bone meal which each cost 64 bones in the trade menu here's some footage of me doing it really poorly essentially you're going to want to place a four dirt Square on the private island hover your mouse over the center which I didn't do really very well here place four saplings right click with the enchanted bone meal use the tree cap repeat this in a one two three pattern you can also use Auto pet rod swap with monkey and ocelot anyway back to the normal tutorial alright off to the next skill and that is fishing so probably this isn't a surprise to anybody you're going to want to do lava fishing for your maximum rate fishing XP so what I like to do is teleport over here there's a spot all the way in the Deep Caverns which is a little secluded unfortunately the spot's getting more known now probably because of people like me talking about it is actually people doing stuff right there but anyways what you want to do is exactly what that guy's doing actually I'll let him demonstrate he's laying in the lava oh I think he just DC huh you fish up a lava sea creature and kill it right away I would say Barn fishing is better but unfortunately there's so many people stealing kills with hyperions and stealing your XP that it's not worth it so keep in mind I'm using the wrong bait here and I don't have any good Mage weapons on me so you know if I had a Midas spoon at right now this would be much faster but if you want to have maximum rates obviously you're going to want to have a really high fishing speed you're going to want to have high sea creature chance there you go but yeah I actually swap between magma rod and Rod of the sea and that gives me a bit more fishing speed and more importantly sea creature chance and I'm wearing shark scale half and then the other half is the nether set if you wanted to go Max with this obviously you're gonna want magma Lord armor with bobbin scriptures on it I forgot what the enchantment's called bobbing time right yes bobbing time and all of that good stuff this is what the end game fishing XP method looks like I guess is technically jobless fishing but if you're not there yet don't worry you're not alone also there's an uh what's the enchantment called on these expertise gives you more fishing XP right also as far as pets go I'm using ammonite because my fishing is not good enough I don't have high enough of the sea creature chance even during Marina three perks by the way let's say you had enough sea creature chance you'd actually want to use a flying fish not an uh not a rare one you'd want a legendary one but you get the point oh and auto pet rolls obviously on broadcast equipped ammo Knight or flying fish if you can do that and then have a second one for when enter combat equip squid squid pet and then you could probably set up a third one as well for when you get phishing XP equipped squid because sometimes there's scenarios where it doesn't quite switch to squid when it's supposed to so that would guarantee it so there you go that's the best way to get fishing XP but let's say you're not quite there yet what I've done is Barn fishing in a private Hub with regular sea creatures that was before I can get to Crimson Isle Sea Creatures which I believe is fishing 27. so if you want to get the fishing 27 you're going to head to Barn fish during Marina especially shark festivals those get you a good amount of XP would recommend doing that for sure the next skill is enchanting this one's probably the easiest to describe so if you want to level your enchanting fast pretty much your only option is going to be the experimentation table once you enchant a few things and get to enchanting 10 you can put this down and as you can see I've already done it for today but essentially all you really need to do is make sure you have the proper conditions like you know god pushing XP boost potions whatever and then equip yourself a guardian pet if I can find it I have a legendary level 100 here the better the guardian the more XP you get as you can see it's perk here grants 30 enchanting wisdom so that's great you want to have that run the enchanting mini game you know you can use it up to three times daily cost bits and levels to do it more than the first time though so keep that in mind but that's really the only option you have it's the simplest skill to level up and I think I did the math it's something like 5.9 million Max XP per day from enchant table which is also not bad but are from experimentation table my bad not enchant table it's 500K mentioned table I believe don't bother but yeah it's like 5.9 million XP per day Max from experimentation table my mistake and you get to enchanting 60 from nothing in about 19 days without Derpy so not bad honestly it's going to cost you a lot of bits though Brewing is another one of those skills that you can only really do it one way at least for right now what I would say is when you're doing your farming skill with Kane keep that cane and then use it to brew speed potions so as you can see I have a bunch of them here A bunch of Brewing stands I would recommend a pattern similar to this because you're gonna have to fill water bottles fill the thing repeat fill water bottles fill the thing so you want all these Brewing stands to be full it's roughly 10 Stacks if you wait until Derpy so this is something people do they wait until Derpy prep all the cane prep the potions it's about 10 stacks of Enchanted cane which obviously is uh three stacks of Brewing stands nope I can't freaking speak it's 10 stacks of Brewing stands each ingredient makes three potions sorry I just had a 30 various moment there but uh anyways yeah so prep 10 stacks for Derpy wait until he's active brew potions with water bottles Another War ekane and then I would recommend Enchanted glowstone that way you actually get a lot of your money back from either buying the cane or not selling it in order to do this and then just redeem it during Derpy what I would also recommend you do is actually have an Alchemy pet with an oil skill XP boost that will actually help you with taming skill later so for example I did that with jellyfish I also did it with sheep and you can't see it but I also did it with parrot which is at cat right now operating the legendary it already has the XP but yeah so highly would recommend leveling your pets at the same time as you're Brewing now technically technically there is a faster way to level Brewing but you're never gonna want to do it and that's with blaze rods Enchanted blaze rods it's faster it's a ton it's very very expensive like one e cane is like 50k whereas like one of these is 240. so you know just a casual six times the price but you know if you're like a YouTuber that wants to do it for the memes there you go like I said before taming actually remember that clip of fearless talking about mining well here you go for a second time because it applies to taming as well okay well then it's definitely uh and the magma Fields with a silverfish pad and drinking water bottles when your heat gets high and then whenever there's a mining speed boost you rod swap into a bowel pad the max gear so you can install mine the prismarine blocks and then you switch back the back the cellar but for real though uh I wouldn't even bother with taming taming skill is just one of those throwaway things that you're gonna get it by accident pretty much as long as you have a pet equipped in your optimally grinding whatever skill that pet is associated with then you're fine Brewing is going to get you a ton of uh well not a ton it'll give you a decent amount of taming XP but it's massively nerfed because people used to use brewing to level all sorts of pets and it was way too fast so they nerfed it like eight times so I would say mining in general if you want a real answer again it's probably gonna be Crystal hollow's commissions with a silverfish that will get you the most mining XP but also the most taming XP at the same time because it makes sense they're tied you're leveling a pet anyways next up is dungeoneering this one I wish I had a more satisfying example for you but really all it boils down to is how high of a floor of the Catacombs can you run and how fast can you run it so in my case it would probably make the most sense for me to grind floor sevens because even though I can technically handle m1s it takes way too long to do because of how chunky uh Bonzo is hey so you have to take that into account if you're having like 10 20 minute runs of like you know Master mode and maybe it's a better idea to just you know do a weaker floor but much faster so in my case four seven but I should also point out the first five runs of dungeons you do every day have double XP which is great and on top of that during Derpy and the 10 boost that we got because it's December you're able to get literally over a million catacombs XP from One M7 that's insane that's ridiculous people are able to go from like nothing to cat of 50 in one Derby if they really sweat the game which I didn't and I regret that I really should have done that run the highest floor you can as fast as possible that's really it also I'd say you probably want to have a perm party which means a bunch of people that have agreed to play Dungeons with you for an extended period of time the last thing you need is every few runs to invite some new person and have extra downtime would recommend having some people in a roster next up is carpentry this skill used to not matter but now it gives Skyblock XP so now it does matter I would say crafting fine gemstones into Flawless so let's say you're Ruby mining like I would and I don't have enough to show it here but essentially if you take enough flaws you can make a fine enough fines you can make a Flawless and a Flawless it can make it perfect if you're on a regular profile that means you have access to bizarre so what you could do technically is buy a bunch of fine ruby gemstones craft them in into a Flawless and then sell it back to bizarre and then repeat you should be able to do it it might actually count as a craft flip so you might profit a little bit believe it or not but you'll at least Break Even unless you're being really stupid about it then there you go that's carpentry 50 right there but if you're on an Iron Man then I would just say wait it out you know keep crafting High tier gems that you might need for example I needed to make a ton of perfect gemstones in order to fully Max these out it's five perfects per piece of armor right there and then here another five so that's 25 perfect gemstones I crafted and at the moment I have carpentry 41. so not bad I'm gonna have to put more perfect gemstones in my other gear for example eventually when I get a claymore Hyperion I have one on my spirit scepter one of my aot but it could be better so you know that's really it and then finally Rune crafting I don't think runecrafting gives Sky a block XP because you only have it with MVP Plus I believe something like that with ranks but if you really wanted to know the fastest way to level it then it's either going to be dragons or Crimson Isle mini bosses and that's really it maybe killing runic mobs but they don't show up consistently so I would really just say probably doing Dragons or kudra minis or whatever they're called um Crimson Isle of minis well anyways that is it for the tutorial guys I hope you enjoyed and as a bonus technically right technically it's not a skill but maybe you want your Fame rank up you do that by buying cookies in the Hypixel store which you can do if you use code 30 virus that's the most Shameless plug I think I've ever recorded and I feel disgusting for it but you should use code 30 virus you should get your Fame rank up you don't get Skyblock XP for it but you do get more bits anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial I hope it was helpful for you and uh good luck out there grinding skills well anyways I guess that's it so I hope you guys enjoyed [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 339,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: yf71tsUnH6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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