18 quick tips and tricks for Hypixel SkyBlock

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hey guys I'm back for another video and welcome to Hypixel Skyblock for yet another tutorial a long awaited one it's been a few months anyways today I have 18 tips for Hypixel Skyblock progression and these are really good tips clever ones that I learned along the way in my Iron Man series now of course these tips apply to everybody not just Iron Man but I guess keep that in mind as we go along oh and I've got some news Hypixel Creator codes recently updated and now they are a genuine discount so now you can use code 30 virus in the Hypixel store to get five percent off of any purchase including gems ranks boosters whatever so not only does it help me out a lot but now it helps you you can use code 30 virus for selfish reasons now it's awesome anyways you should do that well anyway let's get on with the video the first tip has to do with the crystal Hollows some of you might struggle to find structures for example the minds of Devon the lost city the king and queen that's sort of thing well as it turns out there is a consistent and repeatable way to find these structures extremely quickly now I have a theory and it's that the crystal Hollows were developed with the travel scroll to the nucleus in mind so if I were to slash warp CN which is Crystal nucleus I will appear in the middle now I know this isn't something everybody has access to but I would highly recommend that if you're going to be efficient at anything in Crystal Hollows that you get your commissions out of the way and get the warp scroll anyways let's say I wanted to find a mind of Devon let's say I need to do some Jade mining get some quick coin or maybe do some nucleus runs well I'm gonna walk through here until on the scoreboard it says Metro deposits and then I use my wishing Compass now it shows that I actually have a mind of Devon in that direction now the reason why this is more consistent and repeatable than just using a wishing compass in general is because some lobbies don't get some of these structures actually I would say probably half of the lobbies don't even have mines of Devon but there you go boom right away I'm in the minds of Devon so let's say that was the fluke uh maybe I want to find a lost city so let's go into the precursor remnants here as you can see it's that way using a wishing Compass the normal way up is right here so yeah another thing is that almost all important structures are actually directly connected to the middle so like I said I think that the crystal Hollows was designed with the intention that you spawn here because everything is just so easily accessible from the middle let's say I need to find a jungle temple this is just a random Lobby by the way I didn't plan this out or pre-record it most of the time there is a direct path to the structure but sometimes you know you have to dig it yourself oh actually that that brings up a good point I found the village just now because I didn't have a jungle key in my inventory if I had a jungle key in my inventory then the compass would Point towards that I forgot about that little detail so let's try it uh one last time okay so the temple is actually this way and sure enough I think it's right here just gotta find the actual entrance there you go so I actually got lucky this Lobby has all the structures unless there's no king or queen uh usually there are I think the only one that really consistently goes missing is the minds of Devon but anyways yeah so use a wish Encompass from Crystal nucleus just outside the entrance now actually I'm going to demonstrate real quick what it looks like when there is not a structure okay every Lobby I've entered so far has a minor Devon but if it doesn't and you're standing right here the compass is going to point either backwards or like to the corner if it's pointing like anywhere here then there is not a uh mine of Devon in the lobby speaking of the mithril deposits there's actually a strategy for leveling up pets extremely quickly and it involves mining mithril so as you run up from nucleus into the mithril deposits there's a consistent pattern of mithril there's a chunk here there's another one here here there's another one behind the wall right here there's one over okay the minor Devon's kind of blocking it but there's usually one right there and there's one over here and a bunch in this area right here there's one here but there's also more if you dig this way anyways the point is you can level up mining pets extremely quickly by mining these veins of mithril for example I'll get my under my pet at level 54 with a 40 mining XP boost you can do this with any pet in the game technically and also to make the grind more efficient I would suggest going into heart of the mountain and leveling up your efficient Miner as high as possible mine is disgustingly low right now because I dumped all my points into mining fortunate speed for Ruby mining but just imagine getting efficient Miner as high as possible and obviously seasoned mine man get as high as possible as well so then what you do is literally you're just mine the mithril with efficient Miner so I mean as you're about to see here I was at 30 of the way to level 55. I got myself a level 100 epic Enderman pet doing this and it took a little while but that's because I did not have a high level of efficient Miner or uh she's in mind man there you go level 55 Ender might now I find that each vein again with my bad efficiency was giving something like 60 000 mining XP It's very effective You Can level pretty much any pet in the game this way just make sure you give it a mining XP boost item obviously and once you're finished with the van you just move on to the next one I've done this grind for hours and I guess an added benefit too is obviously you get mithril you get the materials which you could then either sell to NPC or refine in the Forge or if you're on a regular profile not Iron Man it's on bizarre but as you're about to see the endermite's gonna get to level 56 very soon here there it is so yeah it's a very fast way to level pets I used it to get my wither skele to level 100 I used it uh I guess I'll use it to get undermine to level 100 soon mythragalum I haven't done it with yet but it's a good strategy this next one is a bit technical goals so let's say you need to do some Enderman Slayer for example right you have your final destination armor you have your Katana right here you need attack speed ideally 82 percent attack speed that's the effective bonus for swords right if you're trying to get your attack speed up the ways in which you get attack speed are actually unbalanced and how effective they are so the most effective way to get attack speed is through a beacon so uh T5 beacon on my Island right here if you fuel the beacon which mine has four hours left and look I get five bonus attack speed now keep in mind the alternatives for stats right I can get five bonus attack speed or 10 crit damage or 10 strength so it's half right so five bonus attack speed versus 10 strength believe it or not that is the most effective way to get strength you only get plus five but it is the best value five attack speed you're gonna get because if you were to look over here Maxwell let's say I'm doing stats tuning I have the option to go all in on attack speed and get uh plus 18 using 60 points versus if I were to go into again strength I can get 60 strength so 60 strength versus 18 bonus attack speed that is less than half so it's less effective than the beacon but it is still pretty decently well I guess but there is a better way to get bonus attack speed a better value for bonus attack speed and that is Talisman enrichments not all of them but a decent number of these talismans are enriched with bonus attack speed which gives half a point versus if you were to say get the enrichment for some other stats you get one crit damage one strength problem probably one strength 0.5 bonus attack speed so just like the beacon enrichments give half versus the other stats so in other words if you're trying to optimize your stats and get the most bonus attack speed with the least detriment to your other stats you go with the beacon and enrichments first and then you do your stats tuning now an alternative as well is you can actually go the route I did if you want I have an epic Enderman pet with a crochet tiger plushie now this item is actually insane if you think about it because plus 35 bonus attack speed and if it's in line with the enrichments and the beacon that's the equivalent of plus 70 strength or crit damage that is insane so yeah if you're trying to get at least Enderman T3 kills this is more than enough with a vorpal katana I even did it with the previous tier Katana and 25k kill on half of the Final Destination 10K kills on the rest this just hit 25 okay but I was killing t3's far before then but yeah so anyways bonus attack speed just make sure you do your beacons and Talisman enrichments first and if you are not currently using a pet item or you're using I don't know I I would recommend not bothering with a Shelmet if you're fighting Enderman at least but yeah the consider a crochet tiger plushie and then finally as your final Resort go to Stats tuning because then you can put more points into some other stat and have you know an easier time killing mobs here's a simple one that a lot of people probably already know but just in case you don't fishing speed is halved if you are not underneath the sky you want to make sure that the sky is directly above you I believe leaves don't count as an opaque block but anyway your speed is halved when underneath the structure this was recently confirmed by the admins in the description for the ammo night pet which obviously for those that have been playing the game already know this amazonipet has an ability that offsets that speed reduction from being quote underground or underneath a block so if you're gonna mine underground let's say you need to get worm membranes make sure you're using an ammo Knight otherwise then just stay you know facing the sky I guess if you have ammoni pet and level 100 then you don't need to worry about this this is a strategy that a lot of sweats use when they're either Barn fishing or I guess just normal fishing for XP there's a way to swap your fishing rod from Rod of the sea or any water fishing rod to a lava Rod just by clicking over it like that while having the rod casted I'm using a magma rod to fish on water now why is this helpful well it's because the magma Rod or any lava Rod has attributes there we go and one of them is double hook which grants a my level double hook four grants a two percent chance to catch two sea creatures at the same time so if you're born and fishing and you want to get let's say a higher chance to you know get sea creatures then you can get double hook now keep in mind when you rod swap like this you do inherit the sea creature chance and fishing speed of the new fishing rod if you swap fast enough the fishing speed otherwise you're always inheriting the sea creature chance so if you are suffering for sea creature chance this might not be a good tip for you but anyways there you go alternatively you can actually do the exact same strategy but in reverse on the or when lava fishing so I'm gonna demonstrate it on the Crimson aisles but of course this also works with uh magma fishing in the crystal Hollows if again worm fishing for membranes so here's a cool little thing let's cast with the magma rod and then swap to ride of the sea so now I inherit the sea creature chance of the rod of the sea as well as the fishing speed if I swap fast enough as you can see I am catching stuff with a uh Rod of the sea foreign there you go got myself a mugma there's an interesting bug in the game where you can actually level expertise on a fishing rod by using a different fishing rod so the way this works is that expertise applies to the fishing rod all the way on the left side so I spawned a sea creature there as you can see I actually don't have expertise on that fishing rod so we're gonna keep note of the expertise okay 14139 kill his Spirit scepter see just one up by one so the mob with the rod of the sea I killed it with a spirit scepter and just because the rod of the sea was the leftmost in my hot bar that's what got the expertise so you could abuse this to level up expertise on a fishing rod that's bad by just leaving it in the first lot let's say I put expertise on this magma Rod I could leave it there while fishing with this Rod kill all the mobs and then expertise will apply to this so that's a good strategy to quickly increase your expertise level without actually using a crappy fishing rod where am I this last fishing tip is probably only helpful for those in the early game of Skyblock fishing or I guess the earliest of magma fishing if you Cast Your Rod right up against the wall like I did here when you spawn a sea creature they get shoved forward instead of up into the air so that slug is not flying in the air attacking me now obviously I would have killed it if I cared but I'm just here for demonstration purposes so it'll suffocate in the wall there now shove it forward so that it's not annoying and flying up in your face see just did a second time oh actually I do have one more tip this one makes a lot of sense if you think about it when you're lava fishing you're only fishing up lava sea creatures and uh I guess magma fish treasure you're not actually getting any raw fish which is a problem because the best bait in the game by far is fish bait which which is crafted with I believe it's two fish and a salmon so the issue here is that you're not getting any fish back when you're using it up now obviously this isn't a problem if you're on a normal profile just buy more fish but if you're on an Iron Man you need to preserve as much raw fish as possible I would suggest you do this by daily buying fish from the merchant over here because you know this will just grant you a whole bunch of fish bait whenever you collect your Minions on the private island don't automatically Compact and enchant everything just keep whatever raw fish you obtain and if it becomes a really big problem then you just have very very very short supply of fish let's say you've been trying to get double hook 10 uh fishing speed 10 on a Inferno Rod or Hellfire Rod whatever and you've been doing so much fishing that you're just completely out of raw fish you could again Double Or you could NPC buy but then instead of getting fish bait you can make yourself spooky bait which requires one fish and one pumpkin obviously I could farm for that one pumpkin butt demonstration so one fish instead of two makes spooky bait which isn't as good as fish bait it's 25 fishing speed versus 45 but it's still good it's better than nothing I'll obviously make sure you're taking advantage of tonics as well I mean if you're not using a tonic then you should be doing that before you worry about running out of fish but but yeah spooky bait works independently of spooky festival or night it still works any other time of the Sky Block year so it's very helpful if you're just running completely like dry on fish this one's a classic if there's a double powder running and you're about to do some powder grinding which essentially is just digging out a bunch of hard Stone waiting for a chest to appear and then you do the puzzle whatever hope you get a whole bunch of powder you obviously want to do this during double powder because you'll get a whole bunch of I see that would be like 500 powder almost but on top of that if you get double pattern intend on powder grinding do it with a jungle pickaxe in the jungle biome because you're going to get a ton of sludge juice this way incidentally so not only are you going to be powder grinding not only are you going to be finding oars if you choose to mine them which you know whatever but you're also going to be collecting sludge juice which again if you're on Iron Man this is something you're gonna need a ton of and it's so annoying to manually grind otherwise but I guess you could just ignore that if you're a regular player or maybe you could still do it and then sell the sludge juice for a little bit of extra profit so as opposed to those chests that I just exposed while quote powder grinding there are chests that are always there they're permanent chests they're for everybody I think the best example is the two chests at the end of a jungle temple run those chests are there for everybody and can be opened by everybody individually same with structures like this one there's I'm pretty sure chest somewhere down here no it's not down here but there's one somewhere here we go this chest is accessible by everybody so I could find this chest I could look at the coordinates send those coordinates to the rest of the lobby everybody can come by and open the chest now why does that matter well the loot is consistent as well every person who opens that chest is gonna get the exact amount of mithril and gemstone powder rough amethyst gemstones and this oil barrel now this is crazy because sometimes very rarely you will find a Flawless gemstone or robot Parts in chess this is huge there's a community known as Iron Man sweats that does this they have a Discord you can go and join that if you like not officially endorsing them it's just the resource I know of but yeah so that's a thing so let's say I'm running around I find this chest oh my God there's a robot part in it I could tell everybody I could get people to warp in they could pick up that part that wasn't part but let's say you get a 6 000 mithril powder drop maybe people are gonna want that especially during double powder so yeah Chest locations and their loot is consistent for everybody in pre-generated structures not the ones that you just dig up yourself so I guess keep note of that if you see people talking about it in chats maybe you're doing Bingo and you need to do a nucleus run because that's one of the tasks sometimes which is awful that's one of the only ways to get the robot Parts in a reasonable amount of time is by communicating with other people and getting warped into a Lobby or seeing someone randomly shout one out in chat and you should do that by the way if you find a robot part or a Flawless gemstone tell your lobby about it maybe say it on Discord I don't know there was actually a pet added to the game recently that's super helpful for all sorts of things including if you want to get Heartstone quickly and that is the snail pet this is a pet that gives you essentially mining fortune on blocks that are not affected by mining Fortune like hard stuff on or I believe n Stone gravel worth noting that gravel has mining fortune on it uh End Stone that sort of thing right so blocks that are not affected by mining fortune or a few that are for some reason I'd look up on the wiki honestly the snail pet essentially converts your excess speed into that pseudo-mining fortune so I actually have a setup for this I use an obsidian chest plate Rancher boots I guess any other armor pieces that gives you give you speed you can do this as well um young dragon leggings I guess would work uh but I can't because I'm wearing that but just imagine I'm going all in on speed the weird thing about snail is oh and Rancher boots as well you want to set these to the max speed you can which I guess is 400. if you were to set your Rancher boost to 400 speed fill your inventory with obsidian uh put all of your tuning points and uh reforges like power stones into speed then you can actually achieve the maximum amount of pseudo mining Fortune is what I'm going to call it so yeah I guess the best for this is sweet because it gives you 31 speed at 601 magical power and then I can put on my tuning points into speed and of course you can get the snail the level 100 mine's level 85 whatever um I could film my inventory with obsidian I actually don't have that much obsidian so again just imagine uh maximum speed on leggings and helmet which I would assume is young dragon I could be wrong about that shadow assassin might give more speed it doesn't look like it no okay it's probably young dragon armor then for the remaining two pieces so imagine a full inventory of Bobby and then get yourself a shovel unfortunately there is not a shovel with high Fortune if you're gonna do that on uh sand or red sand or mycelium obviously or if you're in the crystal Hollows then you can use whatever mining tool you want on Hearthstone and Rogue sword also works on this it's annoying to do but obviously it'll work so for example right now if I were to go into the snail pet it actually tells you I'm getting 277.5 pseudo money Fortune I believe the maximum is 400 it could be 300 I'm not a hundred percent certain but what I do know is that speeds that would be over the speed cap do contribute more to snails so try to get the most speed you possibly can for the most efficiency with snail pet and obviously if you were to be doing it for Hearthstone collection you want your mold to be maxed out maybe have a escape the pet legendary which unfortunately conflicts with the mole perk so it doesn't quite work as it's supposed to but that'll probably get fixed at some point but yeah if you're struggling with the dungeon Hub races there's actually a way to cheese it which is quite funny so what you could do is let's say oh my time is too bad I'm not going to be able to finish the race in time whatever you could chuck a pearl in the air cancel the race step on the pressure plate again and then once the Pearl lands did they fix that I was about to show you the Pearl cheese in the dungeon Hub races but unfortunately it appears that they fixed it I think they fixed it because when the Pearl lands it tells you you can't use ender pearls in the race I believe previously it would do that when you threw the Pearl so that strategy is dead you can't Pro cheese anymore unless I'm being extremely stupid which is possible but in the meantime if you are struggling with the dungeon Hub races you can actually still use jump boost potions I'm using a god potion so I can jump despite being on nothing at all also certain pets work including the horse pet so let's try this out start the race then I can get on the horse and use that to jump extremely high so even though Pearl cheesing might be gone unless I'm extremely stupid which is possible you could still get around fairly easily by using a high level horse pet with a saddle on it or a jump boost potion or both so with the Crimson aisle update we got a bunch of kudra armor sets Aurora Terror fervor and Crimson I believe and then there's a four a fifth one I don't remember what it's called anyways there's a way to actually fix the attributes after you've added your recoms your hot potato books your fumings your gemstones enchantments whatever so for example this Aurora chest plate has manifold 3 blazing resistance one not ideal obviously I would want to have Mana pool and Mana regeneration on the Aurora chestplate issue is this piece already has blazing resistance on it well as it turns out you can actually transfer attributes if you were to have two pieces of armor of the same type and they have I believe it's one matching attribute then you can combine that attribute and then transfer the other one it's a little confusing it's going to require a little bit of effort but you it is possible is all I can say I can't demonstrate it here because I'm using two I tried doing it with two different chest plates two different leggings the problem is the stats are completely different the attributes are completely different the order in which I'm transferring attributes is weird but just know that you can transfer attributes between different pieces of armor it is possible and it's um it don't be too scared to actually upgrade your bad attribute gear it is well known that bomb OBS permanently wreck gemstones when they blow up boom as you can see everything in a radius gone and it's never going to respawn which in my opinion is not a great game mechanic I do think Hypixel should fix that and make it so that they do respawn but at least for the moment there is a little trick that you can do to take advantage of this mechanic so let's say you set up a ruby route and and you're mining gemstones right really quickly and you want to have maximum efficiency let's say you have 25 to 30 different veins of Ruby in this route and you only want to mine blocks you want to avoid pains because they actually have less of a base gemstone reward which means that even with pristine you actually get less than if you were just to break the block so what you could do to take advantage of this actually is break the block I know I'm demonstrating this on topaz but that's just because that's what I have you can break the topaz blocks manually and then you can use a bomb arm on the remaining panes so what that's going to do is permanently break the panes but then given however long it takes it's probably a couple of minutes then the gemstones will respawn but only as a collection of blocks this could be extremely powerful again if you have a ruby vein or a ruby route that has like 30 veins in it because then you will have nothing but blocks to break extremely powerful this could probably up your rates for example I get 22.6 million coins an hour while trying to avoid pains but I still break some if I were to upgrade to a larger Ruby route and uh only be breaking panes I could probably up it to 25 to 27 million coins an hour very worthwhile I guess it's also worth noting you can take advantage of this trick to clear out a route because it does take a lot of digging to make a ruby route so maybe what you could do is dig out whatever blocks you want to respawn use a bomb bomb it blows up a radius repeat for every single vein and you'll have a nice cleared out uh Ruby route and then of course put Cobblestone underneath so that you can still walk around and that leads me into my last mining suggestion it is quite a good one I have some footage of extremely sweaty Ruby mining as you can see in this past footage here I was doing my Ruby mining route this is what you should be doing with Ruby routes except you probably should ignore the panes this is me trying to demonstrate how to do it I was also very distracted watching YouTube videos as I did this as you can see a fully mined out Ruby route is a whole area that's been blown up or otherwise dug out Cobblestone platforms underneath aspects of the Void with ether work conduit is awesome especially with a mod that shows you which block you're going to appear on top of so that you can precisely teleport from one vein to the next what I'm doing I would say is maybe 75 percent of the way to max level Ruby mining so there's still definitely some room for improvement here but this is the general idea is that you have every single spot in your Ruby route with Cobblestone underneath and you leave topaz as well now the reason for that is that topaz has the same effective speed cap as Ruby does during a mining speed boost I'm actually repairing some of the platform here as I'm recording this clip I must have been very distracted see there's the speed boost and I'm able to break Ruby at the same speed as topaz so this is the this is another really good suggestion it's super effective because now what you could do because of this right Ruby again Ruby and topaz have the same soft cap during mining speed boost if your mining speed is high enough it's four ticks so what you do is you mine topaz during mining speed boost and then Ruby otherwise if you want to maintain a small Ruby route a secretive one that is not exposed to the public yet then this is how you maintain getting good rates in a small Ruby route is you compensate by adding topaz only during mining speed boost the final suggestion has to do with Bingo which unfortunately is not active right now but I would suggest that if you're gonna run Bingo which I suggest you do they're going to make it much more worthwhile in future updates According to some people I've been talking to and there's actually the extreme Bingo happening very soon in about uh two weeks as of recording this video but yeah so when it comes to bingo if you want to go for a Talisman on Iron Man obviously you have to play Bingo you can't just buy it but even if you are on a regular profile it is still worth doing Bingo you're going to make a lot of coins apparently is what I'm being told but anyway you should probably dump all of your bingo points straight into upgrading your bingo rank before you buy buy anything else I could be proven Wrong by this when they update Bingo perhaps they will release items that make progression easier but the goal should be to dump all of your bingo points into making future bingos easier that should be your only goal until you have maximum efficiency Bingo and the reason why I'm saying that is because once you have maximum efficiency at least for now you get a super compactor a personal compactor Talisman which means you can go to the end you can kill the Enderman get the full set bonus get 500 000 coins from neander mites spend those coins on a stonk get yourself Rock pets 14 million coins worth of rock pets you can get uh using the suggestion from my fastest progression guide in Skyblock video on Bingo you can make a ton of coins which will help um either progress your bingo profile or I would say more likely you use the transfer system to give yourself the rare epic and legendary rock pets on your main profile to make either some coin or to get back a rock that you sold on that profile but yeah you should definitely put all of your points first into Bingo rank or any items that make future bingos faster and there's also a few cheeses to make Bingo easier for example you can find yourself in a splash there are some guilds that do splashes for Bingo which means Max potions essentially for like an hour or two super helpful if you need to get to one shot Enderman but you don't really need them once you get to bingo rank like three because then you could get alexar elixir whatever his name is who stands right here the cat to NPC he will Splash you with a pretty decent quote God Splash which you can use to survive in places like the end it's very helpful unfortunately it doesn't give haste three at the moment but I think Bingo Rank 4 probably will give haste three a few quick ones actually a few quick suggestions if you're doing Bingo and you need to hit 40c creatures chance for that task you can actually just get an angular 5 Rod which costs nothing um and then you could just visit an island that has the beacon activated for a sea creature chance that's a little broken um you can also get the strength one cheesed by having someone hit you with a wand of strength orbs weird tuba that sort of thing but it might not even be necessary now because it's so easy to progress maybe even with God splashes uh anyways and pet collector you can choose pretty easily if you count Bingo pet you buy a b you go to Grandma wolf and get that Talisman from the spider's Den uh if Diana's mayor you can actually get a griffin Enderman pets are fairly rare but common enough that if you're desperate enough to get the task done you can kill Enderman for that pet but anyways that is it for 18 tips for progression in high pixel Skyblock this is a 54 minute long recording holy well anyways I hope you guys liked it please be sure to use code 30 buyers it helps me out a lot and now it helps you and giving a five percent discount so kill you in it well anyways I guess that's it so I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 163,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: rpLfskdl1eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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