How to beat Hypixel SkyBlock AS FAST AS POSSIBLE

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hey guys I'm back for another video and welcome to Hypixel Sky Block for another tutorial and today I'm going to be showing you guys the seven fastest ways to progress in Hypixel Sky Block so what do I mean by fastest ways to progress well I decided to choose the grinds where you accomplish the most stuff at the same time the ultimate multitask there are certain things in this game that are just big brain to do you accomplish a dozen things at once and that's how you get to Sky Block level 366 on an Iron Man after a year and four months when getting to I would say 75% of that progression on a regular profile took me nearly 3 times as long uh so yeah let's get right into it oh yeah and as a quick little thank you for doing all the research for this video you should use code 30 virus if you decide to buy anything in the Hypixel store especially gems that would be much appreciated all right the first grind brings us to the end island in the Zealot Bruiser Hideout this is one of the best places in the game to grind because you could just do so much here first of all Zealot bruises have an increased chance to drop summoning eyes versus regular zealots which if you're on an Iron Man profile is great for just getting dragons in general and if you're on a normal profile makes a lot of money so not only can you kill zela bruisers but you can also have a Slayer Quest going at the same time you could do void Gloom serifs in the Bruiser Hideout which is just another thing to add to the list right as you're spawning your Slayer you have an increased chance to get summoning eyes you get to do the Slayer progress get some combat XP level a pet perhaps I'm using an Enderman right now I'm actually smacking things with a Hyperion I'd suggest if you're not as far in the game as I am you can use your Katana I'm actually not even wearing armor right now which is hilarious uh of course if I really wanted to be annoying about it I could do this hype Mage but you know you don't have to do that also while you're down here doing Slayers you should pay attention in the chat to notifications of a Golem spawning endstone Defenders have a really annoying beastiary at the moment it's 400 kills I believe or 500 I don't remember but yeah you're going to want to attend every single fight that you can and killing your zeld bruis is actually counts towards the progress towards spawning this guy which means if you place highly in the fight with like werewolf armor then you actually get a chance for a Golem pet or a tear boost core which would be kind of sick and on top of that if you have a bow in your inventory while you're doing your Zealot bruisers and Enderman Slayers down there you can also pop up here get a few shots off on any dragons that spawn and then go back down you also get credit for the Beast and finally of course while you're down here you're probably going to want to wear Final Destination armor like that guy and it will increase the kill count on your armor set and on top of all of that if Jerry's M killing mobs will spawn a Jerry or have a chance to spawn a Jerry every 6 minutes and the same goes for the great spook mobs the Primal fears so there's a lot you could do all at the same time this is one of the best grinds in the entirety of Sky Block all right now we're on to the next grind welcome to the crystal Hollows and here is where we do some good old powder mining so powder mining is a concept that's been around ever since the crystal Hollows has and it works like this you start breaking some he stone blocks and then you reveal chests and you open those chests so if you go up here you will see a perk called great Explorer it is unlocked at Heart of the mountain tier six and once it's maxed out you actually get to just open a chest without unlocking it which is ridiculously overpowered as you can see in my chat right now I'm getting gemstone powder I'm getting mithil powder I'm getting gold Essence Diamond Essence and I'm getting a rare chance to spawn gold or Diamond goblins which I could then kill to get even more Essence and more importantly credit towards their beastiaries for more sky blocking XP on top of that I'm doing this currently in the precursor remnants which gives me a chance to drop robot Parts which I could then use for nucleus runs as you can see right there I just got a Robotron reflector now if I were to do this in the goblin Hideout then I would get a chance to get certain Goblin eggs including the blue cheese Goblin omelets main component the the blue blue egg blue goblin egg very rare very annoying to get although if you're powder mining like this then you have a have a decent chance you'd probably get like two or three of them an hour if you were Max efficiency also I should probably mention mole's perk uh the mole perk is really useful for this I have it all the way maxed out at level 190 this grind is called powder grinding for a reason it's because you get a ton of powder I mean a few days of this in your heart of the mountain tree is pretty much maxed it's that good or at least it used to be before the essence update now your drops are kind of mixed between Essence and powder but it is still very very good now not only can you get eggs from this process if you're on Iron Man it's one of the only ways to get Blue Cheese Goblin unless you hope for a lucky ping in the Iron Man sweats Discord but otherwise if you want to grind it out yourself this is it but on top of that if you decide you need some sludge again Iron Man profiles will especially need this you can use instead instead of a a drill you can use a jungle pick and then you will get sludge so long as you break hardstone blocks within the jungle biome and you might notice my speed is pretty bad that's because I'm using a snail pet right now which is another thing you're accomplishing while you do this and that is getting tons and tons of he Stone so snail pets perk works on he Stone and it's the only way to get fortune on hearstone and as you can see my slow moving perk is not quite maxed out because I hav inspect into speed but uh currently three fors light young dragon armor with ranchers boots you could also set your power at Maxwell do something that gives speed I believe sweet is one of the best ones you can put all your tuning points into speed make sure your Fortune's 400 before you do this grind like for real like for hours and hours and hours obviously and I guess some other benefits of doing this grind you might get lucky and accidentally find a grotto a Fair's Grotto and if it's a big one you can actually go on well I don't know if Iron Man sweats does it but there are some discords where you can sell these Gros for some actual coin because people need to get their Jasper so and they're out there buying lobbies so you could find one of those which is great oh and if you're in the jungle as well you can get oil barrels which is a nice little item to have it's more convenient than using biofuel but yeah this is again one of the most goated grinds in the entirety of Sky Block it's not even that boring there's lot of stuff to find if you reveal enough gemstones then I guess you have yourself a little mini route where you can break gemstones wouldn't officially recommend that as a money-making method but you know if you need some quick flawlessness to unlock a gemstone slot why not right this next grind also could be done in the Crystal holos but not just Crystal holos uh Frozen Blaze fishing it's the best way to fish in the entirety of the game and I do find it kind of funny that the best fishing armor in the game is frozen Blaze it's a combat armor said I actually made a whole dedicated video to this grind if you want to check it out it's in the top right hand corner click the card but yeah Frozen Blaze fishing is a clever little trick that takes advantage of the loot chair system so I'm going to be showing on screen what's happening instead of doing it in person because you need six people for this well maximum six people so the way loot share works is let's say you spawn a sea creature or any mob for that matter and then five other people attack that mob and do more than like 10% of its Health as damage then all six people the person that spawned it and the five others that damaged it all get credit for the kill now what does that mean well that means that the person that originally spawned it or the person that actually killed it uh depending on the scenario will get a chance for the RNG drops that that mob drops and all five of the other people will get an 80% reduction in the chance to get the drop but they all do get a chance to get that drop so so let's say I were to spawn a sea creature all five of the other people were to damage some other mob then those five people each have a chance to get one of the drops from the loophole just five times less common but when you take that concept and apply to fishing everybody is in the same spot all fishing together and the Frozen Blaze passive ability so long as they moving will damage every single sea creature that spawns which means all six people automatic Ally not only get credit for the sea creatures they do kill but they also get the loot share for all the sea creatures that all the other five players have spawned that means all of you are getting chances for RNG all of you are getting bcer credit which is the main reason people do this by the way you get a good amount of money actually not only in drops if you're on a normal profile but just coins in general if every now and again you don't get a seea creature the one downside to this strateg stry is you're going to struggle to get 100% sea creature chance I would suggest bobing time three on a full set of Frozen Blaze I have submerged on this helmet but it gives like .9% sea creature chance so honestly your best bet is getting a ton of talismans with enrichment set to sea creature chance your beacon set to sea creature chance and if you can do the grind during Marina then you have another 15% SE creature chance right there during Jerry's a plus 10% on your stats especially when it's it's imitating Marine a perks then you have even better sea creature chance and of course fishing speed matters a lot too so get yourself some mushy glowy tonics if you're lucky someone in the party will Splash it for all of you if not there is a mix in you can get for your God potion but yeah if you can manage to have a 100% sea creature chance and Max fishing speed on five players all six players all with frozen Blaze you're going to be basically progressing five times faster than normal when it comes to fishing progress just don't even bother with thunder magma Lord it doesn't matter Frozen Blaze is where it's at not only for Crystal holos if you wanted to do any type of worm for worm membranes but you can also do it on Jerry Island to get yetis to get uh you could do it in the Crimson aisle you could do it with lava sea creatures if you wanted you could do it in the crystal hollow's lava fishing if you wanted to get magma Pigmen and the blazes for Beast y it is an absolutely goated grind and on top of all of that you can multitask even more by placing down a totem of corruption which will corrupt all your sea creatures and then they will still die because they're pretty weak overall unless they legendary and even then they still if everyone has frozen Blaze they will die then you can also get offy skated one fish alongside everything else which you could then use to spawn uh you could use as bait to get offy skated to with trophy fishing it's an amazing grind I've said that three times in a row but genuinely this video contains some of the best knowledge there is to be had in the entirety of Sky Block all right here is the next grind welcome back to the crystal holos we are underneath a mind of Devon right now now this is not a perfect Lobby I'm going to preface this this is for example purposes only but in your case you want to be here one block below the layer of gold so what is this grind it is M of Devon insta mining Gold Blocks so how does this work well there was an update recently that made it so that the gold blocks and the Crystal Hollows the gold blocks in the M of Devon respawn after a few minutes so now a new meta has emerged now this meod has actually been around but it wasn't really a money-making method per se it was more so for other reasons we'll get into but gold is now a plentiful resource the problem is it takes a a little bit to mine it right one block at a time not very efficient so M of Devon gold grinding involves 34s mineral armor with a chest plate of Devon or any piece really so you go from breaking one block to Breaking several which is nice it's better more efficient but there's another step on top of that you might notice I have two drills in my inventory obviously there's my goated one the x65 5 with all the all the fixing except for the fortune 4 that I overr this is a gemstone drill the type of drill really doesn't matter what does matter is right here the blue cheese Goblin omelet which grants one level to all unlocked perks in your heart of the Mountain Tree including mining speed boost so as you can see down here mining speed boost gives you 300% mining speed for 20 seconds the upgraded version as you can see here is 400% mining speed for 25 seconds so you can actually get that really good mining speed boost while using your main drill it just involves a little bit of um pressing buttons in the right order also I'm using B pet for the record the way this works is that while you're in the magma Fields if it says heat immune that means you're good but I'm standing one block higher than it says precursor Remnant no good you need to be in the magma Fields again ideally um as you can see here here right my y level 64 that's where you want to be standing right this is 63 that's to uh it's a little low but it will work for example purposes so the way this works is have your fingers on the buttons for the main drill and the secondary one for me is three and four so as you can see I'm on three and I go four right click three and just like that I have the insane mining speed boo boost on my main drill and I can instantly mine gold blocks this is an incredible grind it's one of the best money-making methods in the game granted you have to not skill issue you have to be moving around constantly breaking the most blocks possible and you have to have a blue cheese Goblin onet which is very very expensive alongside not to mention all fully gemstone chambered and recomed and everything Devon armor not easy to get so the benefits of this grind is with a Max setup you're making about 40 million coins an hour during Fiesta 20 million an hour off Fiesta which is slightly worse than Ruby mining but you're accomplishing a lot at the same time so I would say it's worth it because on top of the money you also get this little thing in your Sky Block XP menu maxed out extremely quickly mining Fiesta or is broken if you attend one Fiesta no if you attend two fiestas one May's worth and only do mine of Devon gold I personally manag to Max this out in one coal May term by just doing this just breaking the gold it counts as breaking an ore and you're breaking like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them per mining speed boost so you're maxing out that Sky Block XP source which is great you're also having an increased chance to spawn golden and diamond goblins even more so than powder grinding I would say they're very very common I almost maxed out my diamond uh Goblin beastiary in just two fiestas again it's very efficient for that and there's a certain pet in the game called the Golden Dragon which has a perk called uh which one is it actually shining scales it grants plus 10 strength and two magic find per digit in your gold collection which means most players are going to want to shoot for an absolute minimum of 10 million gold collection mine is over 100 million which means I get another 10 strength and I'm actually intending on getting to a billion collection for another 10 uh that's going to be a lot of it's going to be a lot of gold mining but yeah you get a a lot of extra strength on your golden dragon pet which by the way is the best pet in the game for damage and the best pet in the game for magic find both of which you get more of with the a billion gold collection or I'd say at least 100 million if you're taking this game seriously 10 mil if you just want to get by um minimum is what I would say and then of course you can actually use the gold for stuff if you're on an Iron Man profile you could spend it on Bank upgrades golden teeth whatever you sell to NPC by the way that's where all this gold is going very very good grind this one's one of my recent favorites upon getting a Hyperion with all three three wither Scrolls like having wither impact on a necron blade it changes the way this game plays almost entirely and I absolutely love it so one of the best grinds for multitasking in this game is killing magma riders with a Hyperion now I'm using a black cat pet right now because it actually gives you like 15% more uh collection item drops which in this case is magma chunks or if I'm killing gas over there then that's a 15% increase in the drop rate for tentacle meat which I can use to make gas cloaks but yeah hype maging around killing all the mobs boom boom boom one tapping everything and if there's sulfur break the sulfur obviously this grind is great especially for Iron Man players now I'm not specked into Mage right now I actually probably should do that but just as an example imagine I'm one tapping everything nearly infinite uh Mana yeah I'm specting to farming right now so this is kind of bad but imagine me one-shotting everything right stats tuning into intelligence and I actually have a set of brilliant vanquished Gear with Mana pole Mana regen and then I have this uh this implosion belt with Mana regen one on it uh I'm not sure if I'm really going to bother with the attributes on that to be honest very very expensive uh but anyways there we go now I'm speced into Mage so now you can actually see what this grind is supposed to look like there it is look at that but anyways yeah killing these magma Riders is great because you get magma chunks which you can use to craft magma necklaces and if you're on an Iron Man profile that's your only way to get high attribute gear really is to grind out the materials and craft a million of them I mean there's a reason I have a Mana pool 6 Mana Regen Gen 6 magma necklace on an Iron Man profile same here veteran 6 Vitality 7 on that one and I have a 10 starred one and a five starred one which by the way 10 staring a magma necklace is nearly 1,000 magma chunks very stupid and not worth it by the way don't bother but I already I Sun costed myself into finishing starring it when I already added some but anyways yeah this grind's great for that reason you get a a bunch of combat XP and you get coins from scavenger like I get at least like a mil to 2 mil an hour just for doing this on top of what I'm really here for which is the magma chunks but you can also go into let's see you can go to madox and start a Spider Slayer uh here so I can do this for example T4 tarantula brood father you spawn them pretty much by accident as you're going around doing this and dead and that's that's a Spider Slayer done so if you haven't already gotten to spider 9 you can do that pretty much by accident you barely have to pay attention like just boop boop boop you're dead could you could just ignore your bosses your mini bosses they'll eventually die like you could just completely ignore it yeah so you're getting your spider Slayers done you're collecting materials for your equipment for good attributes you're getting scavenger you're getting a lot of vanquishers by the way the common knowledge right now is to actually beat Sky Block technically you need a thous Inferno cudra runs because of just the sheer amount of gear that you need to get right look at my nether stores getting a th000 infernal CRA keys cost 2,000 nether stars and I'm halfway there by accident I never did flare grinding I never went out of my way to get vanquishers but like nearly half of those I got within only a couple of days of doing this not even a couple of days like if you were to take all my little grinding sessions put together it's probably like a day so it's great for getting nether stars and vanquishers it's great for getting magma chunks and once it turns night then you can actually just teleport over here and start killing Ghasts midair which is something I've also been doing and I got really lucky I look at this dude I got a Mana pool Mana regen gas cloak on an Iron Man that's a flex but yeah very very good grind highly recommended this next one might look a bit boring on the surface but there's a lot going on here so welcome to the Garden this is my five plot long uh crop Farm here this one specifically is for carrot so if I were to warp garden and then turn my sounds down because it's very loud obviously I've swapped my space bar and my left click I switched my pet to mushroom cow I have my power set to strength I have my tuning points set to strength and I'm getting roughly what appears to be what is that 1,700 farming Fortune I guess 1,900 if you count the um turning in pest bonus I suppose and then there's the potion then there's the an's artifact so if it got everything all together you could probably get over 2,000 fortune on specific crops but anyways carrot farming is great it's probably the best crop to farm in the garden because various reasons right so let's say you're trying to max out your visitors right most of them are going to be asking for enchanted golden carrots most of them I'd say at least half actually are asking for carrots you're going to max out your carrot Milestone long before every other crop so that's one benefit is that if you have the optimal setup which by the way 34s Mossy fermento Recon with a Mossy ranchers boots I got pest Terminator on my set as well I'm working on that I have this carrot ho here with cultivating 10 and it's got what is the counter on it 250 mil on it right now with Bountiful Bountiful is good because you get coins alongside crops and the overall value you get is higher with Bountiful so it's technically the best to use but yeah car farming is great not just for visitors also it's technically the way to level a p with the least amount of play time it is not the fastest because you have a coold down on the katus feeder or the caducus feeder whatever you want to call it honestly underrated item the kadas feeder is great because it basically gives you just a huge chunk of XP all at once and it consumes a car candy but it does not put the car candy on the pet it doesn't change the lore in any way but yeah so imagine 2 .2 million pet XP every single day if you farmed carrots for long enough you can get all of your pets to level 100 legendary fairly quickly well quickly is a relative term with a small amount of playtime hours again that daily limit means technically you have to wait this is how I got my golden dragon to level 200 in a reasonable amount of time within like a month it's because most of that XP I was using the feeder for so you can get enchanted golden carrots craft them into ultim carrot candies and then use the kaduka feeder which is great you can serve more than half I'd say at least half of all visitors just from farming carrots you're leveling up your crop Milestone you're leveling up your garden level farming XP you're spawning pests which are also very important obviously speaking a pest I got a few of them uh here's a moth actually I got to get my vacuum and then finally of course if you just so happen to be farming carrots during a carrot contest then you can get some medals and some Jacob's tickets and it's just good I would say yeah prioritize carrot I mean all the crops are needed obviously but carrot is the one you're going to be farming the most and it is quite a it just quite a lot of accomplishments all at the same time which fits the theme of the video quite well I guess this last one oh boy you ready for 30 virus to start lecturing you on how to play Dungeons here it is so the last item on this list the last of the most efficient grinds in Hypixel Sky Block the most multitasking accomplishing the most at the same time is Master mode catacombs during Derpy yes so the catacombs in general is actually quite good for multitasking because you're getting floor completions boss collections if you're doing Master mode you get it twice as fast you get two per run you're also getting every essence type in the game except for Crimson Essence uh from secrets you don't get dragon Essence from Secrets but you do get it from killing lost Adventures so there is that so you're getting pretty much every essence in the game except for one you're getting floor completions you're getting loot chests which could contain Recs or any I don't know floor 6 giant sword floor 7 necron handle whatever whatever and you would profit massively from any of the RNG drops you got meter which you can be building up to guarantee an RNG drop you can get treasure artifacts you can get oh a ton of beastiary by the way there's a whole category just for the catacombs and I believe oh I don't know if I can say this in full confidence I know this is the case of cudra if anybody kills the mob everybody gets credit I know that's how it works with Essence in dungeons I just I'm not sure about the Beast jur don't quote me on that but you are going to be getting a ton of kills like there's so much Sky Block XP like imagine this right my Angry archaeologist right now is at Beast are level 19 almost 20 that's 19 Sky Block XP this one is bat and that's at 13 that's 13 Sky Block XP so the level of the Beast here is the amount of XP that you get so like just from sell spiders 13 XP 22 XP or 21 XP 20 2 XP 20 XP 22 XP like there's so many Sky Block levels just sitting there waiting it's ridiculous and then obviously on top of all of that if you were to do your dungeon runs during Derpy then you're going to be getting double the catacombs XP as well and I've seen certain sweats start from nothing looking at you 158 starts at nothing and then gets all the way to cata 50 in one Derpy 5 days in 5 days going from nothing to C of 50 just because they were doing their runs during Derpy and didn't skill issue am I capable of doing that probably not if you can survive a floor and you can run it during Derpy you're getting double cata XP and that logic extends to master mode you get all the benefits of Master mode plus the double XP and again doing a Derpy M7 grants over a million catacombs experience in one run one run that means in 12 runs you can go from C 39 to 40 which by the way you would never do because m7s are way too difficult to be entering a cata 39 that is just a theoretical example but yeah anyways guys thank you for watching the video hopefully you learned something today if you do all of these then you'll probably progress at least twice as fast as your average play no let's be honest it's like five times faster than your average player maybe twice as fast as your typical sweat that just doesn't stay informed on The Meta but anyways I hope you enjoyed use code 30 virus if you are going to purchase anything in the Hypixel store even the Skins um it helps me out a lot more than you know anyways I guess that's it so I hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you guys later [Music] bye [Music] we
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 117,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: O8ongAujocI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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