The Fastest Minecraft World Record Ever Was ON A PHONE

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the first Minecraft speedruns took place over a decade ago with players competing to dig to bedrock as fast as humanly possible if you think that sounds boring you'd be right and so luckily as the game evolved speedrunning did too experienced Runners now play out world after randomly generated world in the hopes of finally pulling off that perfect Ender Dragon kill and it's that constant variety and action which has made Minecraft one of the most popular Speed games on the planet thanks to the rapid development of new strategies the game has been pushed to limits once thought impossible and on July 9 2022 the records were shattered once again as the fastest run in Minecraft history was recorded of course as you'd expect in a Speed game as precise and competitive as Minecraft it was played on a touch screen when you play Minecraft on any of its countless platforms what you're really playing is one of two games Minecraft Java Edition is coded in wealth Java and it works on Macs and PCs Minecraft Bedrock on the other hand is coded in C plus plus and is compatible with pretty much everything the two are so similar that when playing casually you might not notice any difference but in a speed run any little change is going to have a huge impact Java for one is less glitchy but Bedrock does have its advantages since it was designed to run comfortably on less powerful devices like smartphones the gameplay is very smooth overall with minimal lag the main difference between the two when it comes to speedrunning is in the stronghold generation in Java as you might be familiar with strongholds generate in a series of rings centered on zero zero the absolute closest any stronghold can be to the center of the world is 1280 blocks out which even with the help of nether travel one block in the nether corresponds to eight in the Overworld is quite a ways that's in stark contrast to bedrock where you can actually spawn right on top of the strongholds let me explain Bedrock strongholds do actually generate really far from zero zero on average about 800 blocks away at the closest but the thing is nothing in Bedrock says you actually have to spawn anywhere near zero zero it'll try to put you there at first somewhere around x44z4 but Bedrock will only let you spawn there if that point is part of a forest plains tiger or jungle biome if 44 4 happens to be say a swamp biome the game will just move your spawn in the X Direction four blocks at a time until you hit one of those spawnable bios nothing but swamps for a thousand blocks out looks like you're going to be spawning a thousand blocks from the center of the world and more importantly you could be spawning zero blocks from the stronghold Eng opens up the run in a forest biome and the first thing he'll do is check his coordinates Z coordinate 4 and x coordinate 1016. that's Prime stronghold finding range at this point you might be wondering why everyone doesn't just play Bedrock if you can get this close to the stronghold right at spawn but what we have to understand is just how uncommon a seed like this is resetting over and over again to find a world where you spawn in stronghold range is a long and grueling task and keep in mind that the strategy of multi-instancing that is opening up multiple Worlds at once in order to increase your chances of finding favorable seed isn't really an option when you're playing on a mobile device like EMG is knowing this it's not hard to see why so many top speedrunners opt to play Java Edition where it's a lot easier to find a decent seed Java's opening strategy of looting shipwrecks and building an underwater nether portal works pretty much anywhere close to an ocean an option Bedrock players don't have the luxury of thanks to the lack of underwater lava for portal building in their version that said on the tiny chance you roll a great seat on Bedrock you've got a shot at a record with a time that would be close to Impossible on Java unfortunately for Ian it's his lucky day Eng's first move is to Sprint over to a nearby ruined portal not because he's headed to the nether but because of the loot it contains opening the chest he finds out he's hit the jackpot again a looting three gold sword as we'll see this can speed up the Run immensely but it's not the only good thing to come out of this chest there's gold armor which as we'll see is essential in the nether as well the gold ax and two golden hoes but which golden hoe to choose the first one with efficiency one or put that back and use the other one with efficiency three but time is of the essence Ian anytime you save breaking hay bales with efficiency 3 might be wasted by the time it takes to get it out of the chest think Ian think there we go now if you ever decide to try to play this world yourself you're probably not going to find a looting three sword in the portal chest does that mean the run is fake well that'd make a great click bait title but no unlike in Java where chess loot is the exact same every time on any given seed ruined portal chests on Bedrock are actually randomized anyway that golden ax is pretty helpful because it allows Ian to start chopping down trees quickly right away unfortunately he still has to go mind Stone to make the rest of the tools he needs Ian makes it all look easy despite the limitations of touch screen controls using a key mapper app to assign some more finicky tasks like toggling perspective to his volume buttons okay so Ian's got all his tools at this point so next step is to head to the stronghold right judging by the coordinates from earlier there should be one nearby but with no ender eyes how is he gonna figure out the exact location well what makes this whole Bedrock strategy work is the tendency of strongholds in this version the three closest ones to the origin that is to generate underneath villages we know the closest strongholds to the origin usually fall roughly in the 800 to 1000 x coordinate range which again is why Ian wanted to find a world where he could spawn this far out we also know that villages in Bedrock are spaced out in a grid system only being able to generate in certain areas of the world putting these two together we can deduce that Village is generating in the section of the grid from 868 to 1140 are the most likely to have a stronghold underneath the desert village Ian fines Falls right within that range with just over a 15 chance to have a stronghold compared to as little as three or four percent in surrounding grids a 3 and 20 chance might not seem great but if there is a stronghold here Ian has to be ready and so he begins Gathering supplies from the village he takes three iron and gets from a chest and then starts killing the Iron Golem to get the rest he needs interestingly pillaring up to get out of its reach rather than digging down there's no real difference between the two strats but Bedrock Runners including Ian himself in the past have the tendency to dig a hole to get out of the Golem's reach just to minimize any possibility of bedrock's Infamous glitches ruining the run again there's no major impact here in terms of risk reward it's just interesting if there is a stronghold here Eng is going to be able to pinpoint its location down to the exact to block and it's all thanks to one Strat developer Springs before Springs came along you should definitely check out his channel by the way Bedrock Runners had a problem there was no way to tell exactly where the stronghold was underneath a village even though they knew that stronghold staircases generated at four or four chunk coordinates in the center of the village that didn't change the fact that chunk coordinates weren't viewable on Bedrock Edition just your overall coordinates you could always dig down and hope for the best but if you didn't hit the stronghold right away you'd either have to spend valuable time searching or just reset in the assumption that like in most Villages there was no stronghold at all Springs knew that if there was a way to quickly figure out where the chunk borders were on a Bedrock world the 16 by 16 areas all Minecraft terrain is divided into Runners could find four or four coordinates within those chunks and locate strongholds with ease that's when he realized something big the positioning of Village Bells actually corresponds with the edges of chunks thanks to springs's Observation Runners were finally able to consistently realize the massive Time Savings that came with Village strongholds now being able to locate them with ease based on the way the Bell is positioned on the village well Eng aligns himself above the stronghold and starts digging down sure enough he falls right into the stronghold staircase at this point in the run Ian's hit pretty much the bare minimum requirements to even dream of getting a world record on bedrock and even at this point it's taken some insane RNG first off he was lucky enough to spawn in an area that was Far Enough from the origin for strongholds to generate nearby second The Village he found actually had a stronghold underneath it which remember only has about a 15 chance of happening it's no secret that Runners have to play through world after world just to find one that gives them a chance at a decent time particularly on Bedrock Edition but this really puts it in perspective it takes a little while through no fault of his own but after a long search Eng finally comes across the end portal all he needs now is 12 eyes to fill it with and to get those he's gonna have to head to the nether using a water bucket and the lava pool beneath the frame he builds the nether portal right there in the portal room being able to tap all over the touchscreen to place blocks rather than having to physically turn makes the portal building process quicker than it would be on any other platform he hasn't got flint and steel to light it with but that's not a problem since he can just use lava to start a fire which spreads to the portal this strategy called wood lighting is much faster and more reliable on average in Bedrock than in Java and so most Bedrock Runners will never touch Flint over the course of their run in a Speed game where every second counts it's a decent Advantage not to have to break gravel over and over or get that extra piece of iron from the village with that Eng is into The Nether at how many minutes I don't know and neither did Ian at the time incredibly heat doesn't run with a timer Ian has two goals before he leaves the nether acquire ender pearls and acquire blaze rods with those items he'll be able to craft ender eyes and activate the end portal to get ender eyes he'll need to barter with piglets most of which are found in bastions on Java Edition players use the entity count feature on the F3 screen to locate bastions beyond their field of view since the huge concentrations of piglens cause a notable increase in entities when you're facing a Bastion Bedrock players have no such luxury as the F3 screen so Eng has no choice but to play at Old School just get to an open space and see what he can find lucky for him he spots a Bastion not too far away this is the point where that gold armor from the ruined portal chest earlier really comes in handy as you probably know piglets will act aggressively towards any player not wearing gold however on bedrock and on most treasure Bastion routes in particular it's even more risky than usual not to wear gold armor when one Bedrock piglet gets angry at a player every single other one will too and in the scramble to attack you they'll inevitably end up accidentally shooting each other with their crossbows which messes up their ability to trade with the help of the gold armor Ian's able to get to the center of the Bastion with no trouble at all he then breaks a gold block to aggro all the piglets who then funnel into a small trading area he built and start picking up goals to barter on Bedrock Edition piglens will instantly trade whenever a gold block is broken nearby allowing Eng to speed up the trading process immensely by mining out the treasure room as the piglens barter before long he's gathered all the pearls he needs and it's time to get the next item up on the list blaze rods from another Fortress finding another Fortress is another process that's a lot more up to chance on Bedrock than on Java there's no F3 screen to speak of on Bedrock so you can't use the pie chart to locate a blaze spawner all Eng really knows is that the Fortress will have generated in a different quadrant of the nether than the Bastion but fortunately luck is on his side yet again he encounters another Fortress looming over a lava lake not too far away and so he purls over making a block clutch worthy of one of those old dream videos time to bust out that looting three sword and take down some blazes Ian crafts an iron sword to do the bulk of the damage using the more fragile looting gold sword to deal the final blows he gets four rods from the first Blaze and then nothing from the second before getting four more from the third he kills all stray blazes getting all the rods he needs from just three blazes is pretty fortunate because even with Looting 3 Bedrock blazes still have a 50 chance not to drop as shown in this helpful graphic from our old friend Springs in any case the process goes pretty fast because there's no attack cooldown on Bedrock meaning Ian can do heavy damage just by spam clicking all Ian has to do now before entering the end is make the long Trek Back to the portal he crafts His Eyes of Ender heads back into the Overworld and fills the frame as fast as he can with that he's into the end Ian's on great pace and he knows that but without a timer on the screen he has no idea just how well he's played to this point all he can do now is give this dragon fight his all and hope for the best the dragon swoops down to the exit portal right away and so the first thing he does is throw an ender pearl at its neck to activate a bug which causes increased damage with the dragon perched he quickly starts building up a tower with a lava flow on top in order to slow down the dragon if it tries to fly away and then starts blowing up the beds to take it down with just three beds and a few swipes of a sword the dragon's dead and the runs over remember with no timer Eng has no idea of the magnitude of what he's just accomplished he thinks he's just completed a solid run and nothing more but when he returns to the Overworld it hits him it's still daytime the sun hasn't set yet he's completed not only a sub 10-minute Bedrock run 9 minutes and 9 seconds officially but also if you exclude loading times which most Runners would agree is only fair the fastest random seed run in Minecraft history on any version all of it was nothing more than his two thumbs and a touch screen because well in a game all about doing what you want to do that's the way he's always liked to play it's been a while since this run happened but it's a story that needed to be told a massive congratulations to Eng on the record and a big thank you to both him and springs for their help in analyzing the Run both their channels are in the description and you should absolutely check them out as always thank you so much for watching don't forget to like subscribe and comment if you feel so moved and we'll see you in the next video [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: The Weekly Thing
Views: 420,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrun world record, speedrun world record, minecraft world record, minecraft 1.16, 1.16 world record, speedrunning, speedrun, world record, analysis, reaction, commentary, the weekly thing, twt, the weekly thing minecraft, the weekly thing speedrun
Id: B4KQA8pW8co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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