This Faked Minecraft Speedrun Is Controversial...

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as one of the biggest speed running games of all time minecraft has had its fair share of faked world records and top runs a lot more than its fair share to be honest when you search minecraft speedrun into youtube and sort by view count after you get past the dozens of dream videos dream rip-offs and animated shorts you see five videos about fake minecraft speedruns before you get to a single real minecraft speedrun the six biggest videos on this channel all have fake in the title people love seeing fake runs exposed so naturally more and more people start faking runs most of these fake runs are completely unserious designed solely to get views on youtube and never even submitted to the actual leaderboard but every once in a while someone fakes a run not for the attention they'll get when it's exposed as fake but in the hopes that they'll get away with it on june 6th that's exactly what a runner called bottas did probably this is an interesting case because while the run was never conclusively proven fake it's pretty much guaranteed to be both by a variety of small pieces of evidence and by the runner's behavior when faced with scrutiny normally i might try to hide the identity of a cheater in this kind of video but after being called out badass deleted their entire channel so they're not going to gain much from this anyway before we get started i want to shout out sopol who re-uploaded this run making this video much easier to create i also want to shout out chi-123 and feinberg for helping me out with this video and allowing me to make it as accurate as possible without further ado let's break down this faked world record in minecraft speedrunning there are countless categories and goals that people compete to be the fastest for but one of the most prevalent is the blind travel world record in 1.16 rsg speedruns a landmark of every top run is the runner blind traveling to the overworld which is when they build another portal in the nether to return to the overworld after acquiring their ender pearls and blaze rods the blind travel world record is 4 minutes and 49 seconds by crooks arguably the best runner in the category this time is incredibly optimized and while it's definitely beatable it would take a crazy combination of luck and skill to pull off but on june 6th some surprising messages appeared in the minecraft java speedrunning discord badas was an interesting player because while he had the repertoire to plausibly beat crooks record with a 5 minute 39 second blind travel personal best there had already been some suspicion around him long time strat developer and community member cg123 had brought up a few times suspicion at badez's runs simply because the skill of his gameplay didn't match the times he was getting but tsiichi had kept these speculations in private servers while the blind travel world record isn't an official category on it's a highly competitive category and the world record was always going to have some scrutiny given that suspicion had been quietly raised against badass before this run was going to have even more again an interesting component of this fake run is that it wasn't proven fake from the run alone but from what badass did after the run's legitimacy came into question before we get to that though we should talk about what caused the suspicion in the first place so let's get into the run bottas's video starts on the previous run where he's looting a shipwreck a normal beginning to a run with nothing looking off so far you can see a smaller window of minecraft in the corner which means he's running two instances of the game at once allowing him to reset to a new world without waiting for the process of creating and generating that world to happen however the first thing that's a little off in this run is that he doesn't show the loading screen from when he generates the world granted there would be a long pause between the world loading and the run starting since he spends a while in the previous world but it is standard to show the loading screen of a run in order for it to be taken seriously since this isn't being submitted to a leaderboard it isn't necessary for bottas to show the loading screen but it's an easy way to prove the legitimacy of the run that badas chooses to forego this isn't damning evidence but it's definitely a little strange badass loads into the world and immediately spots a ruined portal he loots it getting enough iron for 4 ingots then runs an overworld that doesn't really have anything suspicious about it he makes himself tools grabs a bit of food gathers wood kills the iron golem to make a bucket and builds his nether portal entering another at a minute and 44 seconds when he loads into the nether he finds himself inside the lower half of a treasure bastion and immediately starts building up to reach the upper half which is usually the more optimal part of the bastion to loot his bastion looting is very standard but as several people quickly pointed out his movement and gameplay is a little bit strange his mechanics are generally a little shaky and imprecise he has plenty of minuscule time losses from bumping into blocks and his aim is good enough but not very impressive looking it probably sounds like i'm nitpicking and these things are in no way evidence of a cheater but they're definitely not signs of a top level runner either given that these same concerns had been raised on some of his past runs by cg123 it's definitely something to take note of what's a little more suspicious is that right after getting all the materials he needs from the piglen trades in the bastion badas pearls once seemingly randomly and ends up being exactly right about the location of the fortress it's very close by but it wasn't visible to him at any point meaning he must have just gotten lucky which in theory is a hundred percent possible and not a reason for suspicion but the little things are starting to add up bottas reaches the fortress at 327 quickly finds a blaze spawner and kills three blazes all of which drop blaze rods he heads to a different room to kill a stray blaze which also drops a rod and then makes a somewhat odd decision every nether fortress has two blaze spawners and because you have to wait a randomized amount of time in between blaze spawns at each spawner runners will often kill blazes at one spawner then run to find the other one however given the time it already took him to kill the fourth blaze and given that the fortress's second blade spawner is nowhere in sight bottas's best bet in this case for getting the rest of his blaze rods quickly is definitely to wait at this blaze spawner for the next round of blazes to spawn it could happen at literally any second for some reason though he instead chooses to go searching for the second blaze spawner and immediately finds it right around the corner where two more blazes spawn right away they both drop blaze rods giving him six for six raids which have a one in 64 chance of happening and making him ready to blind travel bottas even does the signature shake of excitement upon getting his sixth blaze rod which is obviously not incriminating but which real runners almost never do and which cheaters almost always do at least that's what it feels like anyway bottas just has to travel to optimal blind travel coordinates which he does and boom he's blind traveled at 4 minutes and 30 seconds beating the record by 19 seconds and just like that the video's over bottas claims he didn't show the rest of the run because he was so frustrated with how it ended and because such a great pace ended up going to waste as he didn't complete the run that's plausible but it's also sus because it means badass never gave us the seed of the run the two best ways that runners show evidence of a run being real in its recording are showing the world's loading screen and using the slash seed command at the end of the run badas has done neither of these things this caught people's attention and once the pressure was on it all went downhill from there for bottas first many people raised suspicion about the run in the minecraft job of speedrunning discord or java core so the moderator team made a ticket asking bottas to send in his full vote of the session he had the run in and the world files for the run two standard requirements for a run that gets submitted to the actual leaderboard these wouldn't usually be required for an unofficial world record like the blind travel world record but badas had no reason not to send these things in except he didn't he never provided his world files or his full speedrunning session which suddenly made the moderate suspicion against him look a lot more legit then the mods dove in a little deeper none of the previous runs bottas had posted had shown loading screens or seeds either making those also more suspicious since they didn't have the seeds for the runs a seed finder called dillon dc 14 cracked the seeds after a couple days of searching for them which is a very complicated process that i'm not going to pretend to understand technically these seeds couldn't be completely confirmed to be the exact same seeds but they were identical to what badas had played in the run what they found on these seeds is that both bottas's former blind travel pb of 539 and his new one of 430 had fsg c regions fsg stands for filtered seed glitchless and it's a popular category extension of minecraft speedrunning where seeds are generated that fit a certain list of components that make the seed very optimal to play because of the way these seeds are found a lot of things in them always generate the same way certain structures like ruined portals bastions and nether fortresses will always generate in certain quadrants of the coordinate axis both of bottas's top level runs followed fsg seed generation on top of that badas was a former fsg player who claimed to have thousands of resets in that category it would make sense for him to turn around and try to use filtered seeds to fake a top time in the random seed category so while there's a very strong wall of evidence against bottas here there's no single thing that can conclusively prove that he cheated except why if the run was real why wouldn't bottas complete the basic task of sending proof to the mods when asked for it why when faced with scrutiny would he delete his entire channel and stop speedrunning for the near future it's technically technically possible that he really did delete all his evidence in a fit of rage after failing the run then delete his channel when the suspicion and even hate messages started pouring in from some parts of the community there is something to be said here about the way a community can pile onto someone at the first sign of something wrong before the case is closed and before we can really take a closer look and even when people do cheat hate messages don't accomplish anything but in any case this run has come about as close as possible to being proven fake given the circumstances not sending in the files is all the mods need to determine bottis run fake and invalidate all his former runs so looking at where badas is now the moral of the story is pretty obvious not that it's gonna surprise you just don't cheat it's really not worth it if you made it to the end of the video and want to see more like it please let us know down in the comments as always we appreciate all the support and for more minecraft speedrunning videos be sure to subscribe and ring the notification bell thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Weekly Thing
Views: 318,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrun world record, speedrun world record, minecraft world record, minecraft 1.16, 1.16 world record, speedrunning, speedrun, world record, analysis, reaction, commentary, the weekly thing, twt, the weekly thing minecraft, the weekly thing speedrun, fake speedrun, fake minecraft speedrun, funny fake speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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