The FASTEST Gaming PC You Can Build! 😍 RTX 4090, i9 14900k w/ Benchmarks | AD

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ladies and gentlemen Do you want to build the fastest gaming PC you can in 2023 because if you do you're in the right place and we've grabbed an RTX 490 the latest Intel 4900 kcpu and we're going to be putting together this pretty epic purple themed gaming PC I've been wanting to do this for ages I'm sure the whole thing is going to be beautiful when it's put together and of course we'll be putting this through its pieces so you can see exactly how this performs in the latest titles and actually a massive thank you to Nvidia for helpfully reaching out and wanting to sponsor this video because I'm so privileged that they actually wanted to do a sponsored video around the release of Alan Wake 2 and we're going to be testing path tracing in it and this is big for me because Alan Wake was one of my favorite games ever on the Xbox 360 so I can't wait to see what 2023 will bring to one of my favorite titles let's get our build on shall we and we're going to Kickstart our build here today by doing the most important thing which is clearing ourselves a nice amount of space and we're going to start with the graphics card itself your because obviously if you are going to build the most powerful gaming PC that you can most of your money really should be allocated towards the GPU and this is the artix 490 it is the most powerful graphics card you can currently buy for gaming and it is insane what this thing can do it's not just like being able to play at 4K in even higher resolutions is not just being able to run them at skyh high frame rates but it's also the capabilities that you get with software so things like the brand new dlss 3.5 with Ray reconstruction and full path tracing in titles like cyber Punk and and weight 2 if you're looking for the best experience across the board then clearly you are going to want to have all of the latest and greatest features and this is going to be the hard to do it yes it is not an inexpensive product by any stretch to the imagination but if you want the best it is quite literally sitting here on its desk this is the founders Edition as well by the way obviously you can buy other cards like the gigabyte aorus Master which is quite a lot bigger than what is already a very big card but it's up to you and it's up to the style and availability I guess of each Q when you check out and while the graphics card is always going to be the most important component for gaming you do also need to grab yourself a processor that can keep up with it and it's a bit of a difficult SL complex equation really because you pretty much got two main options at this price point which is this the brand new one from Intel the 14900 K this is actually the better all round CPU despite the fact that it uses an insane amount of power but then actually in games you can get slightly better performance in certain titles with the 7800 x3d but that is only an 8 core CPU but it's not necessarily a clear cut one way or the other as I say it's going to come down to personal preference and what it is that you actually need from your PC just gaming performance or I guess a bit more of an allrounder best thing to do is check my Amazon affiliate links that are listed down below and I'll give you the best options at the best price points pretty much for both Intel and AMD so you can pick whatever one works best for you and then the other thing that I alluded to at the start of this video and something I'm really excited to do cuz I don't think I've actually done this before is to build ourselves a perfect themed gaming PC and sadly we're not doing Hardline cuz that really would look sick but we do have a brand new case from a company I've not worked with before this is called the apx that's the brand C1 and this is not a cheap chassis this is around about £150 but this purple color is a little bit more it's not quite pearlescent it's more of like a glossy matte finish at the same time I know it's a little bit weird and that finish is a little bit more expensive but as you can see this is purple and we're also going for this purple motherboard to match it but as I will cave yet when we're using this this doesn't actually have USB bias flashback so if you are going to go for a 14th gen CPU you will need an older chip in order to update the BIOS on this so again I'll leave some other options down in the description below cuz I'm not really too keen on that to be honest for most people completely tallest though which is nice with a very large temper glass side panel on the inside we also don't have that much in the way of cable management it's a little bit disappointing I think for £165 you're pretty much paying for the Finish and for these more premium RGB fans that you do get as standard but I can't help but think that this has got a lot of making up to do with the build process in order for this to be a very easy recommendation but we've got this almost like sub split side panel construction which is pretty cool and then this is just one curved piece of metal and I imagine that's one of the things that does bring the price of this up the top should come off nice and easily and this is a good opportunity to show you that finish I mean it a very nice paint job on this you're definitely paying for that paint but it's very nice and then I guess it's just a case of sliding this out yeah there you go that is something I've not really seen before on a chassis that is a curved metal mesh panel but if you look at the top here once we've removed this there is actually a full hub for both RGB and fan speed which is great especially when we have some decent fans that are pre-mounted cuz we're not really going to have to do any faffing about with wiring up later so that's the first look at our chassis but now it's time to actually get our motherboard outside of the box and this is definitely ASRock being a little bit different but I do wish that they had put that USB bio flashback utility on it because it clearly does mean that longevity of this board isn't going to be quite so good for new Builders if you're upgrading as we mentioned earlier it's not a problem just make sure to update and flash your bios before proceeding to put your new CPU in there but for someone like me that's Now using this and wanting to use 14th gen it's just going to make it a lot harder than it needs to be because when you actually look at just how attractive this board is and how different it is I can really see the appeal and I can see why loads of people are going to sort of go towards this it's not for everybody this is very much love it or hate it but you've kind of made it a lot harder for people to buy it now as rock which frankly I think is a bit silly bit short cited let's drop this down on top of our motherboard box and then instead of grabbing our top end i 94900 k we're going to do something a little bit backwards just for now which is to grab my 1200f that I have l around just so we can use this so that the whole thing will boot up and we can actually get into the BIOS and then we can Flash the newer bios onto it and then swap over to our 14th gen which will then be recognized and received if we don't do this then chances are the motherboard is not going to be up to date enough and it won't know what a 14900 K is and it'll say no I'm not booting I'm not booting is bad and that is the exact reason that I say if you are going for I guess any other case or color combination I will leave an alternative motherboard down in the description down below that will have USB bios capability so you won't have to have an existing CPU cuz frankly I'm doing this for the color and that's about it in terms of RGB memory we're going for some ddr5 cuz this is a ddr5 compatible motherboard and I would go as far to say actually that this is probably my favorite kit of memory at the moment it's from gskill it is their Trident Z5 this is an XMP kit rather than AMD Expo that's going to be more suitable for AMD motherboards but this is a 30 kit of memory 32 GB and it's running at a speed of 6,000 MHz you can go faster but it doesn't always translate into more gaming performance so it's not necessarily something I would say I would personally do but it all comes down to price and performance at the time of checkout we are also going for an SSD of course this is an m.2 Gen 4 drive one of the fastest Gen 4 drives you can get some motherboards will support PCI Gen 5 we're doing a test on that next week I think get subscribed if you're not already so we can see the head-to-head gaming performance and whether they're worth it but to be honest spoiler alert the drives are almost or in some cases are double the price and frankly most people would want to spend a bit extra and get double of the capacity rather than extra speeds that don't really translate into any difference for gaming at least at the time of filming make sure you've removed the little sticker from the back of this then you can just drop this on top fit this into position and then we can proceed to grab our cooler because of course if you're going for an air cooler you're going to want to fit this now it's a lot easier to do this on the board than when it's inside our chassis but the same does actually apply for the back PL especially on Intel to get this thing mounted and yes we have pulled out all the stops I haven't used this since I first tested it not because I don't like it but because this is absurdly expensive this is the brand new IQ link 360 mil cooler they do actually do one with an LCD now as well and this is simultaneously the best cooler I've ever used but also the one I don't know in terms of value for money let's just say it's not really there but you have these brand new interlocking fans and you only need one cable to actually connect everything together both fan speed RGB and because they sort of connect together almost magnetically they're really easy to expand and the fans themselves are of ridiculously high quality and even have these temperature sensors inside them as well that does go into your system and you can log it all with software so if you want like the craziest fans and the best calling systems really out there then I would strongly consider this but do be aware it does get very expensive so we grab our little Intel retention back plate we flip our motherboard over and then we just line this up with the screw holes then you grab these little Intel screws plop those on to the motherboard then we can move this to one side grab our case lay it down flat and do our live transplant screw and fit it down but now we can press on and actually install our radiator and at this point I'd love to tell you that there's a quick release bracket for this removable radiator slfan Mount that you have at the top but sadly it's six screws which kind of defeats the whole point cuz I could just hold this up and then actually screw into it I I want the process to be easy not just more steps for the sake of it I'm more doing this just to test it out rather because I think it's going to make my life simpler and easier do be advised with the way that you can get a 280 fan here but it's kind of going to be more offset one way round than the other so I've actually turned this 180° and then I'm going to fit this down into position I'm not sure whether to be annoyed or not because they've gone for Less flexibility but then better quality holes and by that I mean you don't need a washer for this to actually properly grip the top of this plate which is nice then it does give you less flexibility about positioning and things so it's kind of swings and roundabouts here let's then proceed to drop this down into position just like that I mean to be fair it is easier to drop it like that means you don't need to have three hands which let's be honest most of us well don't let's screw this back down double check that the top actually will fit yeah looks good to me cool no issues there grab our Intel fixing plate and then attach this to the cooler but because I've used this cooler before we will need to grab ourselves some thermal paste and I'm going to do a very small amount here cuz I am of course only using this CPU for mere minutes whilst we Flash the BIOS and then we swap it over for our I9 place that on top grab our big thumb screws and then just screw them down now comes the more fiddly bits of actually getting everything else connected we do of course have all of our front panel connections and these are tied up neatly around the back we all have to connect these to the main board but then for our Coler we have this little junction box here that will handle the rest essentially we do have this little dummy connection here that we'll just plug in at the top alongside our power and our USB I think we can just plop this on the side like that as it's magnetic start rooting all of our cables through that actually isn't going to be that easy because once again we don't really have any cable grommets or anything we've got some potential tie down points but that's it 165 for no cable grommets so we're going to see these from the other side and no tie down points really I mean the whole thing is so weird as well because you can actually remove this Cable Management plate and then have fans here which is nice and they've even gone as far to actually give you these little tie down points here for those fan cables so why have you thought about it here but they're not here you got to do everything yourself these days don't you but then that actually is about it really we just need to add the graphics card card and the power supply and because I'm in charge around here we're going to go for the most exciting bit first which is to remove three PCI slot covers and then grab our 490 Fe and just drop this down into position you just line it up with the slot give it a good push home to get a bit of a click and then just screw it down with the hex screws and with that then the excitement continues to the final component and it's definitely not one I've just swapped out from finding that there wasn't a atx3 p Gen 5 connection on the Paras that I originally had and I went to quickly swap it out oh no this was the original plan all along this is from thermal this is the tough power pf3 1200 WS it's Platinum rated which is pretty insane but then obviously the iron is you're spending more money for a more efficient one in the first place but the main reason you're going to go for this is because I would recommend 1,000 Watts or more for this cuz the 4900 K is going to use a lot of power and so is that 490 but fundamentally unless you're going to swap out the cable with something third party I don't want to have to use the adapter that comes with this so I want a power supply that will actually give you a Gen 5 connection straight at the Box just like this this one delivers up to 600 WS over a single cable so let's plug this in alongside all of our other connections we screw this down into position grab our trailing Messa cables feed all of that through and then just line that up get that nice and secure and then you can start plugging in all of your cables I mean we've got this p connection that delivers power to the Corsair Hub we've then got a SATA connection for our RGB Hub and then everything else is of course on the inside starting with our CPU up here at the top left hi it's me future markers here don't look at that that's cheating I realized that I only plugged one eight pin in whereas for this cuz it's a very high power CPU make sure you plug two eight pins into motherboard our large ATX is then on the right hand side and then last but certainly not least we have our single PCI Gen 5 connection and then make sure that is properly pushed in until it clicks and then there you go that is our completed is rig obviously we need to put our side panels back on the cable management actually wasn't too bad in the end especially once we put this other plate here that's going to cover everything up nicely you've got loads of room down the bottom where you could Stow some cables or of course you could populate this with extra fans if you want to do something a little bit different but I want to see what this is going to look like once it is fully purple side piece yeah okay there we go the purple color has emerged and we can now take a proper look at our rig I mean it works it definitely does work I mean the system might not but that's a problem for future me but I don't know do I like this case enough to recommend it just for that purple color I'm not convinced to be honest with you it's not that there's necessarily anything really wrong with it it was easy enough to build in despite the fact that there were things that could be improved but I mean if you told me this was £100 I'd say that's a decent case for 100 for 165 I think that's quite steep but then again that is the RRP and I imagine the price of this will come down so don't discount this wait until it is discounted so let's see if it works and if it passes stage one which of course means grabbing our keyboard and mouse and of course the PC Centric mouse mat if you want to grab one of these link to this is down below cool so power is in power switch is on we have some RGB are we going to get any fans though doesn't actually look like it what have I done wrong I've probably not connected this properly have I whoops yep let's go again yes well I see fan speed that's always a good start I hear a pump yes there we go look at that I mean clearly we are going to have to make all of these fans purple later to properly complete the theme and we do also have a little azrock loading screen which is nice and we're in except we still need to update the BIOS even the BIOS is purple let's grab our new BIOS on a USB head over to instant Flash and just hit update I've never had a purple bios update screen before that is commitment and with our I3 removed we can then upgrade our chip to the full fat I9 4900 K this is why you should do it facing downwards cuz frankly this is a stupid thing to do more thermal paste CPU head block back on flip the switch back on and hope for the best we should now Boot well as we were before really it will come up a new CPU installed if after all this it doesn't work I'm going to be livid yes yes yes and something I have already noticed is that this rig is already a lot louder than it was before unsurprisingly I3 versus I9 so just give me a little bit of time to get all of the games installed we'll get XMP enabled on this to make sure Ram is running at its full speed we get it tuned and then we can test out some gaming performance and through the power of editing we are all set up and ready to go I have made a couple of adjustments we have added that extra cable for the CPU power the fans actually were set to intake rather than exhaust so I've swapped those around and those can now go out the top and I have noticed something that has quite annoyed me actually about this chassis is that you have so much space at the top for your radiator but if you are using a 240 or a 360 the fans are quite pushed that way but there is loads of room here but you don't actually have the grooves to push them outwards which means that the cables at the top here are very close to the fans that's really quite frustrating and to be honest completely unnecessary but other than that I really do love the look of this system it is nice to go for something a little bit different I mean granted if you are going to put purple RGB over the whole thing you can't quite see the purple motherboard which was kind of the whole point in the first place but still the whole thing honestly does look great it does stand out it does look different but again don't want to sound like a broken record 16065 for this case I still think is a little bit steep but let's jump into the game and of course we're going to begin with the star Russia show some Allen wake 2 and I actually played this for an hour or so earlier just to make sure we can get into the game properly and to familiarize myself with all of the settings and this is the default and as you can see we're currently getting about 150 frames a second I mean this is an absolutely stunning looking game and it does it with not just high quality assets but it is all about the lighting and the RTX effects that you get here so let's actually go over into the settings and show you what we have on offer so this is currently running at 4K with DSS set to Performance that's the super resolution but this is running the full DSS 3.5 package so we have everything here including deals frame generation and then if we scroll all the way down we do also have all of our Ray tracing settings as well so what we're going to do is set everything to Max going to Max this one out baby including the raay tracing at the highest quality preset with the brand new feature actually that's called DSS Ray reconstruction and essentially this is an aid noiser that works a little bit more efficiently and it does a better job of cleaning up the image after you've done your path tracing runs and it actually does make a quite dramatic difference you can see my full video on this in the top round corner of your screen when we actually had a look at this in cyberpunk but it worked really well there just to give you a better looking image with less artifacts so I'm sure this will do the same here today and yes here we are 4K dealss performance and let's have a look I mean just look at this it is an absolutely stunning game and this is the sort of title as well that one second it's going to be like this very light very I don't know you've got all of these Reflections and things going on it's just a very visual scene it's very scenic but then a little bit later in the game once we start actually uh getting some baddies coming at us then we are going to have some very low light scenes where all of that local Reflections and I guess more of the diffused lighting that you're going to get from the path tracing it's just going to give you a much more immersive experience and it's going to be a lot more true to life but before we move on let's have a look at this in 1440p look at that about 150 160 FPS and loads of you are going to be playing on a 1440p monitor with a 490 that is pretty insane and the latency has jumped down a lot as well to around about 40 milliseconds or so so it does feel a little bit snappier but if we turn frame generation off you will now see that we're actually now under 100 frames a second still around about 30 maybe 35 milliseconds of latency but that is quite a big difference to the overall smoothness of the image obviously if you're playing on a 60 Herz monitor or TV this probably wouldn't matter so much but anyone that's got a high resolution and high refresh rate monitor this is going to be very very beneficial and then we're going to set the resolution to 2560 x440 using nvidia's deep learning antialising so this is actually very similar to dlss whereas it doesn't actually downscale the image and then upscale it it renders natively and then does the same sharpening technique so it's a really good way of getting yourself a really high quality image actually I mean you can tell that this is probably the best 1440p image we've seen but then again the frame rate has now dropped down quite dramatically as we're currently only getting about 70 frames a second or so which don't get me wrong is still very good but you do have all of these additional Technologies on offer that you can utilize so I think it's definitely worth having play around with the settings to find the right settings for you but I personally would either run this or DSS set to Quality and then use DSS 3 frame generation for best results but whoa whoa whoa everybody hang on a second because this is very much a game of two halves and I think showing you just the lighting from one scene wouldn't really do this justice so we're a little bit further ahead now we're playing in some dark tunnels we have our flashlight that we can toggle on and off and as you can see the game mod does really dramatically change depending on well the lighting of the scene really which is what path tracing is all about really so you not only get like the really cool screenshots from all of the reflections but it's all about the way the light actually reflects and refracts off the different surfaces and that's what really helps to make this game world come alive actually I mean the frame rate has been pretty consistent throughout the game actually there are definitely some stronger areas and some weaker areas but I haven't actually had to change the settings once and it's felt very fluid throughout I mean I'm going to show you something pretty cool now we can watch the lighting dynamically changed to red and you can see what that does to the room it's really really quite cool stuff actually and you have loads of effects like this throughout the game actually and again it just makes the game world look a whole lot more real and immersive but anyway didn't want you to miss out on that back to past Marcus let's have a look how it works over in cyberpunk now but I do need to put this side panel on so we can get some proper thermal testing done and we can do our peel other than hitting the mouse I'd say that was a 10 out of 10 let's jump straight into our shall we and this is actually running at 4K with DSS set to Quality but rracing entirely disabled and you can see that again the assets here are very very good and I mean I still think this is a fantastic looking game but especially coming from Alan Wake you can tell that the lighting here is just a little bit flat just something about the image just doesn't quite look right and it is the lack of any advanced lighting so what we will do is have a look at our frame rate which is 165 FPS we then go into our settings so what did we have frame generation was on super resolution was set to Auto but let's now scroll down and turn our R tracing to ultra or psycho I should say but let's leave path tracing off for now so here you can see we still have a very very stable image and frame rate we're getting about 140 frames a second still way under that 55 60 milliseconds of latency I'd say for it to be properly noticeable and yeah you can already tell that the lighting here does make a huge difference I mean it's not quite for path tracing but again everything just looks a lot more realistic and you do just have a scene that is just a lot more alive I'd say but let's go into the settings and activate the dream setting the full path tracing and as you'd expect the frame rate does now drop down we do lose a fair bit of performance with path tracing but we're still getting over 100 frames a second at the moment which is pretty insane and yet the whole city has just now come alive and this is a brilliant example actually of how you have so many different light sources and the game is able to sort of intelligently work out exactly what color each picture should be and it just gives you a lot more realistic lighting as we drive throughout the city it's it's quite something it really is something to behold but of course we do also have one more setting which is that Ray reconstruction we will turn that on I would expect our frame rate probably to jump up by a couple of FPS but obviously it's going to be so variable when you're driving throughout the city but what this does again is just essentially clears up some of those Reflections really just to make them a little bit more realistic and in some cases they look a bit more high resolution as well I don't really see any reason not to enable it it does actually make quite a big dramatic difference when you're doing a side by side but let's press on now to some more multiplayer titles with one that I know is a lot of you guys favorite from Call of Duty war zone and while we're waiting for the lobby to fill we can go over to the settings and show you what we're going to be using I mean it's actually pretty straightforward we've got 4K everything is set to Max and we also have DSS set to Performance so now is the moment of truth no Lobby this is real frame rate what are we going to get in game we're actually going to get close to the 200 FPS Mark 200 FPS in Call of Duty war zone and this is a title that is traditionally very CPU bottleneck especially when you have a very highend GPU so it is actually quite nice to see that the 14900 K is doing a decent job I mean you are going to get different results again depending on whether you go for the AMD 7800 x3d or if you go for Intel's 14900 K but it is going to vary from game to game so the absolute fastest gaming PC is technically going to vary right but I'm very pleased with how it's doing at the moment I mean as I say we are ever so slightly bottleneck on the CPU not really by a huge margin I mean what we can do is to actually turn the dlss up a little bit too balanced cuz I don't think we're going to lose a huge amount of frame rate here let's do that and have a look I mean it's dipped ever so slightly we're now under the 200 FPS Mark but we are going to see less CPU botel necking so it's almost like we've got a bit extra performance on tap here really so yeah I mean if you want to play Call of Duty war zone clearly this is a very good rig to do it on it does also support nvidia's reflex technology as well which aims to reduce the latency that you'll see in your game I mean we're currently getting about 14 milliseconds of latency right now not too shabby especially bear in mind we're playing this at a 4K dlss resolution and in terms of our noise test actually really really impressed with this for what is a ridiculously high in system it is actually one of the quietest we've built as well I mean in terms of temperatures we're currently looking at just 60° on that GPU 74 75 on the CPU obviously that will go up if you doing something that is more intensive using all of the CES but yeah this is a pretty slick little system for gaming but let's press on to the game that was my favorite I was playing this day in day out for hours and yes I'm clearly filming this on Halloween if you can't uh work that one out this is Apex Legends this is running absolute Max settings 4K resolution and I wouldn't be surprised if when we get down to the floor we get close to 300 FPS I'm going to guess about 260 let's have a look yes there it is is I know my game 260 FPS I mean again this is obviously going to vary quite a lot depending on when and where you are in the game but look at that look pretty much right on the money 260 270 FPS that is pretty darn cool don't forget by the way that this doesn't have dealss or any upscaling techniques or anything this is actually running at Native resolution which is pretty T core isn't it oh come on come on oh blow I'm back in I'm back in ah well I tried I tried but actually that is probably a good time to actually wrap this up and I have to say that this is a ridiculously good PC that I think everyone watching would love to have cuz it's among the fastest you can buy I mean you know it's going to be up for debate should you go for the AMD CPU or you go for Intel you know it's going to be up to you will vary depending on the game but the fact that it is so quiet as well when it uses quite a lot of power I think is very impressive it looks absolutely Divine and the temperatures of everything are well within the limit for gaming I mean it's fantastic really i' love to hear your thoughts on this though what do you make of it what do you like what do you dislike and of course if you do want to check out current pricing on anything featuring this video including the AMD ryzen alternative to this and obviously the different motherboard that doesn't need flashing I'll leave Amazon affiliate links to everything featured alongside my suggestions with my Amazon affiliate links listed down below but thank you so much for watching this video smash the like button if you've enjoyed it and we'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 139,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, gaming pc build, rtx 4090, rtx 4090 build, rtx 4090 gaming pc, i9, i9 13900k, 13900k rtx 4090, rx 4090 13900k, fastest gaming pc, most powerful gaming pc, pc build guide, 4k gaming pc
Id: jjZCtW5DBsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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