APPLE's BEST vs WINDOWS BEST ➡ ULTIMATE Creator Laptop | M3 MAX vs i9 13980hx

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here are two of the best Creator laptops you can buy on this side we have the Apple M3 Max on the MacBook Pro 16-in model and on this side we have the Asus proad studi book 2023 model both of these are 16-in laptops and also one of my favorite laptops which one is better which one should you buy because one of these is half of the price of the other one let's go this video is not sponsored by anybody but if you do want to pick up any of the things we're talking about in this video I'm going to leave the link in the description below as well as the tech notice merch if you want to pick up some hat hoodies t-shirts you don't have to but I'm going to leave the link in the description below if you do want to check them out back to the video first of all the price this Windows laptop here you can pick up less than $25,000 this Apple MacBook Pro M3 Max chip you're going to have to cash out $4,000 I want to test out the weight firstly the Asus Pro art is about 2.4 kilos and now the MacBook Pro 2.1 kilos about 320 GS lighter before we go into the benchmarks I want to talk about the screen because as a creator that is one of the most important thing on a laptop because that's what you're interacting the most whatever you're doing you're looking at the screen so the screen is going to have to be good in terms of size they're both 16 in but the Mac diagonal is actually 16.2 in and interestingly the top corners on the Mac are curved the bottom corners are actual sharp Corners the resolution is actually higher on Mac as well as well as the brightness on Mac we get 600 nits SDR and, 1600 nits xdr or high dynamic range what Apple calls on proart we have 500 nits SDR and 550 on HDR the Windows laptop here does support touchcreen the Mac doesn't the windows also supports a pen and stylus support and it actually comes with Asus stylus or Asus pen 2.0 that you can use on the screen as well as on the trackpad the MacBook Pro doesn't support apple pen support now in terms of bit depth the Windows laptop can go up to 10 bits and what do I mean by that the 10bit is only supported when the laptop is plugged in when the laptop is not plugged in you're not really going to get 10 bit out of the display but the MacBook Pro does support 10 bit without any restrictions in terms of refresh rate both of them are 120 htz the Apple screen here can go down to 1 HZ whereas the windows one is fixed 120 HZ screen but that is really good for Apple because by reducing the screen refresh rate you actually save a ton of battery life and that is absolutely amazing Apple calls it the promotion display so when you're actually interacting with anything your screen is very very smooth but when you're just kind of looking at I don't know text or images or photos it reduces the refresh rate and saves your battery which is just amazing in terms of the technology apple is using LED backlit LCD panel here whereas Asus is using an OLED panel and in terms of user experience OLED looks much better than what Apple has in here especially when you're looking at content or something in the dark the blacks are much blacker on the all screen compared to the Apple screen in terms of the hinges Apple maxes out about this angle of the screen whereas the Windows laptop can go all the way down 280° so here are both of the webcams this is Apple webcam and this is the windows webcam both of them are 1080p cameras and you let me know which sounds and looks the best the Windows laptop also supports face in unlock because it's got an IR sensor there the Apple doesn't but the Apple does have a fingerprint unlock there which we don't have on the Windows laptop before we go into the benchmarks it's very important that I mention the process node that these chips are based on Apple is using tsmc's 3 nanometer process whereas this Windows laptop is using Intel's 10 nanom process which means that basically when Intel's one transistor is 10 NM Apple can fit three transistors in that same space which means that you can use so many more transistors on Apple device which means less power consumption and more performance bear in mind this Windows laptop is using the best mobile CPU you can get on Windows which is the Intel I9 13980 HX it's got 24 cores and 32 threads which is absolutely insane and let's take a look at that performance then in cinebench R23 CPU rendering benchmarks we can see that the proart oh is about 99.3% slower in the single course score and about 5.3% slower in the multi course score even though having a lot more C 24 course compared to the 16 course 12 performance course compared to the eight performance course and four e course compared to the 16 cuse the Windows laptop still loses out but I'll leave the best news to last in geek wge 6 we can see even bigger difference because it doesn't really utilize multi-threading or threads it only uses CA and that's why we can see proart is about 6% slower in the single course sces and about 20% slower in the multi course scor moving on to 3D rendering performance on the CPU in a moment you'll see the GPU as well the Pro laptop here is about 12.5% slower in the monster scene 25% slower in the Jun shop SC and almost 27% slower in the classroom scenes so Apple here gets another big win moving on to photoshop and photo editing if you're using the Windows laptop it's not as fast as this apple M3 Max here the Windows laptop is about 38% slower in the overall scores and up to 47% slower in the filter scores and I was using the puug bench Benchmark for Photoshop and again for photo edit the Mac gets another big win moving on to video editing and puug bench for premere pro we'll see very similar results here we're using Premier Pro 24 and puug bench 1.0 Benchmark and then proad is about 15 to 22% slower in the standard and extended overall scores the long GOP score interestingly is about the same and that's due to Intel's igpu on that CPU so if you do use Asia 264 and 5 cordex both of these laptops perform very similarly in encoding and decoding of the footage when moving on to int frame you can see that the apple is so much better the pro at is about 44% slower and that's because Apple has very nicely optimized encoders and decoders for prores format prores is one of those interframe codex where each frame is a separate picture rather than h264 or long GOP where we have a group of pictures and it's much harder to e Cod but now in raw seeing the extended and standard raw score the Windows laptop actually wins here compared to the apple and quite a bit is 35% faster and that's because the CPU has a lot of caruse and if you really utilize all of them playing back AR raw or red raw or something like that the Windows laptop does a better job and quite a bit better actually the GPU score whether extended or standard is about 30 to 31% slower on the pro even though we're using RTX 4070 laptop GPU but I also wanted to test the exporting of a real world project not just a single codec which you saw in this test here so if you are actually working with a certain codec a lot more like h264 or maybe more raw maybe a bit more intraframe cordex then the previous test is really for you pick out the one that you're using the most and that's the most relevant score for you but now let's say you use different cameras and mix all the cordex together like b-w h264 10bit H 264 8bit and then you're having different frame rates different speeds of it you're speeding up and slowing down footage zooming in zooming out layers on top color grading more complex thing how does this work in terms of exporting because now we're testing not just the CPU or GPU but everything of the whole laptop the CPU GPU Ram how it all works together as well as the hardware accelerators let's take a look firstly I wanted to test it on battery power so both of these laptops exactly the same test battery power and we can see oh my goodness how fast this M3 Max is 13 minutes 49 seconds compared to 51 minutes and 9 seconds on the proad the M3 Max is almost four times as fast as this proad but the prad has uh Tri pick up its sleeve when you plug the laptop in you're actually going to get more performance the previous tests all have been test tested on plugged in and the max performance so when you do plug in the Windows laptop it actually gives the CPU and GPU a lot more power and goes a lot faster but how much faster well we're shaving almost half the time off as you can see the pro at is now going 32 minutes and 57 seconds instead of 51 minutes but the Apple also can go a little bit faster the interesting thing about this M3 Max more the new M3 uh chips is that if you are using the chips when they're cold they boost a little bit higher so when you're doing this test the third fourth time when the chassis and everything else has been e up it's actually going to slow down and that's what the previous result you can see there 30 minutes 49 seconds but let's say you have had the laptop on the table all night in the morning you're going to plug it in and put the power mode to high power mode and they do the same test again the laptop is actually going to boost a bit higher and a little bit faster and as you can see the M3 Max chipped another minute of it's already super fast render time and you can see now we're doing it at 12 minutes and 50 seconds so when plugged in the M3 Max is still more than two and a half times faster than the Windows laptop here the blender and 3D rendering performance the Nvidia RTX 4070 with Studio drivers is very well optimized for that and performs very very well there as you can see monster scene about 12.9% faster than M3 Max the Jun shop scene interestingly about 6.5% slower which is very impressive about this 40 core c GPU that we have inside this M3 Max and classroom scene is about 2.2% faster on the proad again bear in mind these results are plugged in the only unplugged test I did in this video is the battery power export from Premier Pro moving on to Red shift the M3 Max supports red shift rendering performance and you can see that the pro art is actually about 177% slower with the RTX 4070 mobile GPU now that is just just extremely impressive about Apple's GPU in there because it uses less power and performs a lot faster now what about battery life and this is where Apple gets another big big win now the battery life performance on this 16in is absolutely incredible like if you have been using Windows laptop whichever laptop you have been using no matter how powerful or less powerful it's another League when we talking about this here the arm architecture really works wonders with this chip and just an example how good this is when I was doing the battery life tests on this Pro ad the Premier Pro xot I had the battery about 97% when I pressed go on the xot by the time it finished the xot in 51 minutes I had 12% battery left and the laptop was already on a battery saving mode that is insane if I did the same same test on this MacBook Pro I could do it multiple multiple multiple times before the battery runs empty I think I did it maybe five or six times and I still had 25% left or something like that I can't remember exactly but it's absolutely insane so there's no point in me giving you like 10 hours or 2 hours if you're using the laptop the pro you can get an hour or two out and then find the charger with this one you can work most of the day depending on your workflow maybe even more and some next day also if you do put the M3 Max on a power saving or low power mode it lasts even longer and you're not going to lose that much performance maxtech did a very good video about that so feel free to check that out to get even more performance the Windows laptop you can put on a power saving mode as well but honestly the performance is going to be a lot lot slower and you're still not going to save that much on battery life when talking about battery life we have to look at the max power cons consumption when looking at the M3 Max the on cinebench it uses roughly around 60 WS at Peak when we're utilizing all of the CPU now when we're looking at the package power of this M3 Max I'm seeing it roughly Max about 70 WTS this pro at here just CPU alone can pull 150 watts when doing cine bench so no wonder the battery drains a lot faster because we're using more than twice 2 and 1 half times more power than the M3 Max and remember the transistors it kind of makes sense so when we're calculating the CCH r24 score and points per Watts then we can see that the M3 Max is getting 28.2 points per watt whereas the pro is getting 10.7 points per watt which is almost three times more performance per watt on the Apple compared to this pro at laptop and as you can see the transistor race is very very important and apple is one of the only ones who uses the 3 nanometer process from tsmc and as you can see this chip does wonders now if intel really moved onto a similar process node I think the performance would be very very impressive and much more neck to neck but can Intel ever catch up with apple well that that's where AMD comes in and potentially AMD is the one who actually takes it closer to Apple so then in conclusion Which laptop should you be getting and I don't want you to get me wrong you might be looking at this review and thinking oh my goodness this Pro out is so rubbish we shouldn't buy this and that is absolutely not true both of these laptops are absolutely amazing bear in mind this Pro art is close to half the price as this M3 Max Mac MacBook Pro and also this Pro ad is upgradeable you can upgrade the RAM the SSD if you wanted to there's another M2 slot in there which for Apple takes the price even higher if you want to upgrade the RAM it's going to cost you 78 Grand and this laptop a lot less whereas when you upgrade the RAM and SSD you're not necessarily getting more performance out of this laptop because the CPU and GPU are exactly the same so this laptop here has a lot of other features that perhaps you don't need on the Mac and might be worth considering anyways another one of those is this Asos style here that actually is very nice for creators if you're doing a lot of Photoshop brushing or using creative applications in the Doby you can map this to do different things and it's a really cool feature the trackpads are both awesome on both these laptops they're using haptic trackpads which is one of the best that you can get on the market so if you're asking me which one to to buy then if money is no concern to you and you're just saying look I just woke up in diamonds let me know which laptop is the best one to get then this M3 Max is absolutely insane and if you want to know how this compares to some of the windows you know PCS a desktop size then go check out that video and it's absolutely insane if you're just looking for the laptop the best bank for book laptop then this Pro one actually gives you a lot more laptop per dollar the the price point for this is absolutely amazing and the build quality is not cheap like other Windows laptop it's absolutely insane the screen Flex is absolutely non-existent and I would argue the screen panels is and hinges are much better made than Apples Apple Flex is a lot more than this here it's absolutely solid it's insane also you're going to get a lot more ports when buying this Pro ad if you're looking on the left side the proart has a USB type a headphone and mic combo Jack and an SD card reader bear in mind this SD card reader goes up to 100 mbes per second on Mac we can see the Mac safe charging cable and two Thunderbolt four ports as well as the mac and headphone combo Jack bear in mind if you're using High impedance headphones then this headphone Jacks supports that and gives more power to them as well when we're looking at the back side of the laptops we're not going to get any port on on the Apple but we're going to get some port on the pro art HDMI DC power in and an RJ45 landport which is 1 gbit in speed on the right side of the laptop we have a Kensington lock on the pro art USB type A and two Thunderbolt four ports on Apple we have an SD card breeder which is actually very very fast 300 plus megabytes per second if you have one of those faster v90 cards another Thunderbolt 4p and an HDMI p and that's it if you want to check out these laptops I'm going to leave them links in the description below [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 99,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, best tech, proart studiobook vs macbook pro, 13980hx vs m3 max, ProArt laptop vs macbook pro, m3 max vs intel laptop, m3 max macbook pro, asus studiobook pro 16 vs macbook pro, best windows vs best apple laptop, best laptop comparison, best laptop for creators, Apple Macbook Pro 13 M3 MAX review, apple macbook pro 13 m3 MAX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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