We need to talk about Fantasy Rogues | FANTASY RE-ARMED - The Rogue

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[Music] the shadow vest greetings I'm shad and in this episode of fantasy rearmed I want to take a look at how practical and realistic certain skills would be in real life specifically Rogue seals I can see you Tyrant and I can see you see this is the thing about these skills in real life your peripheral vision I can see you I can see you if I don't move you can't see me anymore we'll test it so I could look I saw it I saw it right there so this is the thing sneaking real life is a lot harder than what role-playing games might imply try again maybe you'll get there so we want to test that Ike Rogue and thieving skills I can see you in real life and to help us out we have Kramer who's going to be testing this to find out the Practical reality of Rogue and thieves skills so you're actively looking it doesn't count I'm just throwing your word so I can see you let's see what Kramer can do yeah I saw you already you're cheating no I just have very good peripheral vision hey hey hi my name is Kramer welcome to Rogue school that makes sense right Rogues are a class classes go in school yep that makes sense welcome to Rogue school now Rogues when we're talking about a game like DND their most important uh job is to be dexterous they strike fast and then they disappear into the Shadows again the consent and disarm traps and the game has us believe that's the most important ability scores for a rogue are actually dexterity and intelligence now I'd like to quickly argue that Charisma is actually the most important thing that there should almost be a passive deception score all of the time now d d is a game where players have complete agencies so there's lots of different types of Rogues that we can play so we're just gonna have to focus in on like the generic Rogue and that is in order for us to avoid uh the common Skyrim Trope where you just sort of like crouching around and nobody sees you that who goes there must have been the wind foreign I may not be dressed like you would anticipate a normal Rogue to be I'm not wearing all black I'm not wearing like a ton of leather armor I don't have a mask over my face and that's because nothing says I'm a rogue and I'm gonna rob you like dressing like a rogue and saying that I kind of look a little piratey at the moment um but this is where the passive Deception comes in because I think the more Charisma that you have the more likely you are to get away with stuff and the more that people like you the more they're not going to feel threatened by you which is kind of exactly what you want if you're a rogue but I just wanna I'm gonna take this off right now to just sort of show you a little bit what the rest of the kit looks like I've got knives all over my body let's see I've got a knife hidden back here I've got a knife right here I've got another knife here I've got this main dagger I've got another dagger back here locked in it's sheath so it doesn't fall out I've got a knife in my boot too so I think knives and daggers are the most concealable weapons and therefore the most effective weapons for a rogue and this is why I think that a passive deception score is kind of a necessity for a rogue type character it relies very heavily on Charisma and it's ironic because you kind of need a high intelligence in order to know that Charisma is more important for a rogue because you can't just rely on your wizard your wizard has high intelligence they can spot the traps and you can just disarm them or whatever but deception is very important and I almost think that it makes persuasion kind of irrelevant because it doesn't matter how persuasive you are If someone knows that you're lying then it doesn't really matter but if you are presenting yourself and people believe that you're telling them the truth then that kind of covers persuasion entirely just with a deception check and the art of deception is really about understanding what Charisma is getting people to like you getting people to trust you and building that trust so say I'm up here in the upstairs level of a Tavern right and I come upstairs because I'm about to have a secret meeting with them my rogue buddies and we're gonna be pulling off some sort of heist and then I go back downstairs and all of a sudden the bar keeps like what the heck are you doing on the upstairs part of my barn is it a persuasion Jack or is it deception check especially uh given the way I'm dressed I'm very non-threatening I kind of look like a nice young gentleman I'm not I'm speaking in a way that hopefully makes me a likable person and I go up to this person and say hey I just I heard that there was uh there was like some scratching coming up from upstairs I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't some sort of creature it ended up just being a cat so um I go I I went ahead and let that out of the end for you I took care of that for you buddy that's a deception Shack not persuasion and maybe you don't buy it maybe you don't but that's when you sort of have to use your cunning as a rogue to pick your targets carefully you have to pick someone that has a low passive Insight or a low passive perception because you're gonna just get away with a lot more stuff the faster you talk the less people are really going to understand what you're saying but if you're doing it in a very nice manner you might get away with a lot more than you think that you would and really what I was doing up here was just like looking around the town using this upstairs window though and trying to spot my next Target hopefully one that has easy coin purse to access and low passive perception which brings us very neatly to the next skill which is important for I think probably all Rogues and that is sleight of hand and that might bring to mind uh pickpockets of say the 18th century but what we have to remember is that in the medieval period people didn't have pockets they had pouches very much like this one and within that pouch generally there is a small coin purse something very much like this if you're lucky someone will be wearing this just attached to their belt right there so it's easier for them to access which means it's easier for you to access when it comes to sleight of hand I think that the thing I would try to work on is essentially what magicians do for card tricks where say you're taking a knife right and you want to try to just conceal this as much as possible there are some very simple things that you can do in order to carry this in a way that it's it just appears more natural as it gets caught on my sleeve right there um you you're going to want to start putting stuff more in the palm of your hand and then just using the line of your arm in order to hide it and if you're lucky you're gonna slowly eventually learn how to act as if you're completely normal you want to direct what it is that they're looking at so that they're not focusing on the saw stagger that is in your hand and they are making direct eye contact with you eye contact is very important it means that you can psychologically direct people's attention and focus towards what it is that you want them to be looking at and they're less likely to notice the other things that you are doing so the key for sleight of hand I think very similarly to stealth is not that people don't see you doing it it's just that people don't notice you doing it sort of distract in a way that's why a lot of times you see pickpockets in movies at least they'll bump into people first because that initial contact is going to mask the actual sensation of the purse being cut off of their body I think this would be it's hard for me to test because I'm just one person but maybe Tyrant and Nate can do a little thing and PC I need something I hate these scripted lines where is the weaponsmith please you be that way thanks safe travels foreign I actually wanted to quickly say is that sleight of hand doesn't always mean sneakily stealing something from your Target because if you are able to get your target to give you their coin purse because you're looking for some particular item say and then you rummage through it and oh Darren I don't see what it is that I'm looking for sorry about that here's your coin purse back and then you walk away and you've got one of their coins in your hand that's sleight of hand and it's much easier to get someone to give you the thing that you want than it is to try to take it from them without them noticing so stealth is also a very important skill for a rogue it allows you to sneak up on an enemy and get a backstab it allows you to disappear if a fight is breaking out that you don't want to be a part of maybe to reappear later maybe not but it kind of depends on what type of stealth that we're talking about whether or not it's going to be effective because Rangers are kind of like the Rogues of the natural world I don't have a city near me unfortunately that is on purpose um so I'm out here in the woods but sneaking around the city is very difficult because lots of times there are lots of witnesses and there are a lot of people that can see you and that makes disappearing into the night very very difficult if you're actually trying to like hide right we're talking about Dungeons and Dragons in a dungeon it would also be on the more difficult side as well because wherever you are you don't really know the terrain but whatever's living down there that you're fighting does so it probably knows all of the good hiding spots and wherever you're going whether it's behind a barrel or something stealth is more than just breaking line of sight it can be but very similar to sleight of hand stealth is oftentimes not not being seen but just not being noticed and that is where I think that gray man theory has a little bit of of Merit here at least when it comes to Rogues and when it comes to City Rogues and there's a lot of subtlety and Nuance to the entire idea of gray man Theory I'm definitely not proficient in that either but it's this idea that people are going to see you they're just not really going to notice or care about what it is that you're doing or better yet remember you later if they're asked about you later you got to be careful because this is why I'm saying subtlety is important because if you're trying too hard not to be noticed that's weird and people are going to notice how unnoticeable you are so it turns out dragons hate the smell of elderberries well me too elderberries yeah because I was wondering you right there mate good good so uh what are you doing I am holding up this uh this this butcher no no no I um do you have a reason for just standing there suspiciously behind us no but uh the sun got in my eyes and I had to like fix everything's a little you know I'm just fixing we can still see her face the hood doesn't know if I do this all right um you're a fee fighter no are you assassin no look at all the dead you have on you and the cloak what clothes assassin you have to tell people right when they ask you you're drawing that no you're drawing they got rid of that more attention to yourself than like what all which is look look at you you're a thief no really yeah true are you a peasant beggar sure okay is that a gold coin isn't it let's go ah so you have to really find that balance blend in act like you are one of the people that are living in that City dressed like the people in that City and you are going to blend in with them far more and it's much better if you have a high Charisma and you make a lot of friends that are around because then you don't necessarily need to hide if you're being chased you can just go stand and act as if you're having a completely normal conversation with these people that are now your friends and they're going to just to talk to you not really knowing whether or not you're being chased and a little bit like Altier just like walking in a crowd of people the only difference is that you are dressed like everyone else so you don't stand out like a sore thumb assassin so if we were to just talk about like base basic stuff the stuff that we're all used to in video games where you're sort of like crouching around and and trying not to be seen and breaking line of sight um that can work in the right circumstances if there's enough um you know barrels or crates or whatever it is that's around for you to actually utilize but again if someone's looking at you and then you duck there's still more than that you have to do you have to not only break line of sight but also get into a different location if someone watches you duck behind a barrel you then have to get away from that Barrel in a way that they can't follow that's really the only way that you're going to escape but it's not really stealth it's not really hiding it's just getting from point A to point B in a way that other people don't perceive so City stealth is very different than Ranger stealth out here in the woods here there's a lot of ways to break line of sight you have to walk very quietly in order to not wrestle leaves but in the city walking quietly is more or less easy because all of the ground is paved and it's much more about not being noticed or only being noticed when you want to and being again able to control the mass perception of everyone that's around you and direct their focus on various things now getting from point A to point B of course brings us to what everyone knew was coming at some point and that is parkour and the idea of climbing over rooftops and jumping over various things to get from point A to point B in a very sort of roguish fashion and I think there is some Merit to that and I think it doesn't quite work and the skill I'm referring to is acrobatics and so a sec in a second I'm going to want to do a little test because we've all harped on combat rules and whether or not they're useful and what they're useful for and I actually think going from cover to cover at distance is maybe where the Dodge roll is going to shine the best and the reason I think that parkour like Assassin's Creed style stuff doesn't really work for a rogue is not only because it's not necessary the thing that you're going to want to do most often is just not be noticed rather than running through the whole city if you can help it but even if you had to parkour doesn't work for the very simple reason that medieval shoes have zero traction at all so if it's wet you're screwed if you're running along a roof that's just a little bit too slanted you're you're kind of not going to do that even if you get could get on the roof without traction on your shoes as you're doing your Volvo so let's say that our Rogue has gotten into combat and now needs to get from cover to cover uh because one cover has been blown or you just need to get a little bit closer there's a number of reasons why you'd want to get closer to your opponent especially when you're using uh shorter weapons that are going to deal as much damage as possible for that backstab or sneak attack so I'm going to go back behind that bench you'll still be able to see me it's not full cover but then I'm going to try to get to this tree right here that's behind me and I'm going to try a couple different methods just to see what makes the most sense and I have a feeling that actually rolling here is going to feel the most natural now I can just try to get up and run it took a little while now if I were super confident I could try to do the Skyrim sort of Crouch sneak take a long time and and see how far that gets me this that takes even longer and something hopefully that you'll notice that I do is I try to break the line of sight as quickly as possible rather than even if it takes a little bit longer I'm trying to put the tree in between the line of sight and me as quickly as possible even if the route is longer because then I'm not in view for as long that's like a key to stealth and now keeping that line of sight in mind I'm going to attempt to go from here to the tree with a Dodge roll and see if that makes any sense that definitely fell quicker I know I overshot it and got to the other side of the street by accident that's just a training thing but I think when you're engaged in combat that actually makes a lot of sense because if you're at distance if the most You're Expecting is an AOE attack an area of effect attack or a ranged attack what you want to do is whatever it is that your opponent isn't expecting and probably what they're not expecting is to have a very low to the ground almost snake-like position because that's where you are when you're diving rather than being upright and running or crouching low to the grounds you are actually an easier Target that way whereas if they're not expecting that sudden dive into the next position they're more likely to miss you at least I think with a rogue there's the person that you're presenting yourself as and then there's the person that you actually are and that is the person that is constantly well armed you've got weapons all over your body and every time you get rid of a weapon there's another one that comes out and then you just put it to your opponent's throat and when you finally get to the last one even this one can theoretically be concealed a little bit this one you can just sort of approach someone okay I'm dropping my weapon and then there's this one that's right here a lot of it is just masking what you are doing you're completing one action to mask the fact that you are actually completing a different action and it sounds very simple but that's exactly what deception is the simpler the deception is kind of the easier it is to buy a lot of the time I tend to talk with a lot of hand gestures a lot of these hand gestures can be moved to transfer uh one thing from one hand to another very casually just sort of stretching as I stretch out of frame very casually just sort of stretching and and reaching behind you to like to scratch your back or something easily results in you having a knife in your hand if you put them in the right spot that's why I think that deception is such an important skill for a rogue probably the most important one because it lets you get away with everything else it's where most of your actions are going to stem from is from deceiving people and in some cases yeah it's performative but I think deception pretty much covers everything that does it for this Rogue for today I'm a little out of my comfort zone I'm generally a ranger but I'm gonna go ahead and use the smoke bomb well there we go and as we're able to see the reality of Rogue slash Thief skills are a bit more complicated in real life but I was awesome to see it so I hope that's helpful and I think you could adapt certain conclusions into your own role playing and fantasy Adventures so hope you have enjoyed hope to see you on the next video here on Chad diversity and until that time farewell [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 178,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 79-19Re5YwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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