The Fall of SSSniperWolf Ft. ColossalIsCrazy, TheRightOpinion

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Its related to Sniperwolf so its always: Thot/10

And whats with all these insecure virgins making these videos as if its super important

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cin16895 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
ss Sniper Wolf or Alysha leche is a reaction youtuber with over 13 million subscribers in fact this year alone she's gained over 5 million new subscribers nearly doubling her audience in less than 12 months which is an astonishing feat her audience adores her and actively support her content but how many of them know the real SS Sniper Wolf or better yet how many of them know who sexy sexy sniper is there are many channels that have exposed maple there are many channels dedicated to our lies and deception there's a wide array of information that's been censored to protect the image of Lea herself and there are many stories of a cynical nature behind a childish playful persona we are going to explore everything we're going to go on a journey from the past to the present we'll explore the things she's done and the people she's crossed we will question the legitimacy of her claims as well as those other people calling her out we will leave no stone unturned so get comfy and grab yourself a nice warm beverage because we're about to delve deep into the archives to find out who SS sniper wolf really is as a sniper who's the biggest home the more that you look at her history the more a pattern starts to emerge and Gordon eat your video because that's that's not cool will probably take down your video and probably get you a strike on the channel as a smoker wolf has filed a second DMCA against my video SS Michael wolf is a racist you came after me first and now you're questioning my integrity and many people don't even want to try calling her out because she's known for threatening lawsuits they've got damaged soomi so if we have a look at sniper Wolf's channel it clearly says that it was created in 2013 many people will assume that's the date she started YouTube but that isn't the case in fact Little Miss Lear isn't as innocent as a PG family-friendly content suggests before ss Sniper Wolf Lea had another channel the channel name if you've been paying attention was called sexy sexy sniper so if you're wondering what the SS means you have your answer however this channel no longer exists in facts it was completely erased from existence however like most things on the Internet there is always a trace and thanks to the wayback machine we can see snapshots into the past sexy sexy sniper was basically the precursor to what SS Naga wolf would become Call of Duty gameplay commentaries and vlogs unfortunately for us a lot of the videos weren't save but the web archive was able to capture a few of them as well as the titles and thumbnails of the others in the recommended it's quite obvious what she was trying to do a view tube and the comment sections of these videos really helped develop an idea of her motives [Music] your heart can you add my on pan I would stuck my penis between your beautiful tits holy [ __ ] you're beautiful can I make you my model I'm a photographer like seriously let me know oh my god you have a nice rack I'm a hater except I never hate I love and this makes no sense so I'm a shut up but to the video looking gorgeous as always can you make a video showing your tits say love them thumbs up so she could see it's well known that gaming is a male-dominated industry and is stereotypically populated with insecure little men and boys so when a somewhat attractive specimen like Lia comes into that community and show some interest in what she's doing there's going to be a lot of attention from these people this is how Lia started her YouTube journey she used her assets and her knowledge of video games to please this male-dominated audience throw in the fact that she also uploaded her cosplay to a channel we start to see why she was becoming popular among the so called neckbeards this trend continued through to our SS night wolf channel now I can only speculate as to why she changed her channel my initial thoughts are because of some form of hate or constant hate from the community probably due to her name but I also think it has something to do with image and general perception of her as a creator she did reveal that it would become a vlog channel in one of her early Sniper Wolf videos but it's not very clear as to why and pretty much all evidence of this has been cleansed a very common occurrence with her online activities one notable video that was removed was an expose of sorts about a much larger girl gamer called Gale gand gamer Lea pretty much gave reasoning to suggest that GGG isn't a genuine gamer and was just milking the title of a game ago for views she claimed that she was blocked for requesting a 1v1 in a Call of Duty game and that she believed this was all fishy of which it was the gains a lot of attention in fact our Lord and Savior daddy came cover this and drum roller so we know that this was something relevant about a week or two after the video the effects were noticed the olga immers videos were constantly being disliked bombed by a very large amount of people and in this time sniper wolf had gained over fifty thousand subscribers in the space of a month it's no coincidence that his rapid growth began after she called out someone who was basically her only major competition a lot of the girl GaN game audience shifted over to Sniper Wolf of whose content is pretty much identical to that of GG geez so it's kind of understandable for the very large shift of audience this early drama acted as a catalyst phileas YouTube's growth and sheer not gone for girl GaN gamer she would have been left in the dust as a creator and she wouldn't have received the attention she needed to propel her channel into the recommended she was already known for a cosplay Hunter epic Call of Duty ability but now she stands up for the people who devote their time and attention to someone else she calls them out for trying to silence their critics she calls them out for faking her ability to win the hearts and minds of every horny guy on the Internet she must be a saint and angel descended from the heavens but is she really an enigma hood now you're probably wondering who this fine gentleman with rava grandiose chest hair is and you're also questioning why he's relevant to Sniper Wolf well this man who goes by the name of enigma hood his sniper Wolf's greatest nemesis in fact their feud goes as far as a court hearing but we'll get to that in a few minutes so back in the later months of 2013 an Akuma hood made a video criticizing layer for a video titled a facebook creepers a bloggers rant that was uploaded onto a sexy sexy sniper account a whole year earlier the video was labeled as a response therefore like most of his videos he provided a commentary on the original work which is basically what we're doing with this video however Lia did not like this video at all in fact she found a DNC against this video which brought it down this is what we all know is a copyright strike the only problem is her copyright wasn't infringed this is where everything gets a little bit spicy and nygma hood appealed the strike because he had all right to do so however to appeal the strike he had to release his private details to her so he basically had to Doc's himself the video was reinstated because it didn't infringe on her rights however at the cost of revealing his private information to lea the full strikes didn't stop here though in December of the same year and they Co had made a video showing how sniper supported people sending racist enrollee hateful tweets to enigma hood just because he was criticizing her this video had no content owned by snake wolf yet she tried to take it down after this enigma had made a video asking whether or not he should sue sniper wolf because she made a false infringement under oath to which she made a response video he made a video using my content he re uploaded my video and sensually just insulted me over it and I really don't like people using my content without permission especially if it's in a negative way but if it's in a positive way and you ask me first it's fine go for it so I reported it to its video on YouTube for copyright and he made another butthurt video saying I filed a false copyright claim and that he was entitled to use my content and it gets much better a few weeks or so later he made a video about wanting to sue me and yeah you heard this guy wants to sue over the internet and that's just a supreme level of butthurt she tries hard to deny everything that Nick Berg claims but is she really going to own up to something that she had recently called Gale gand game roustabout of course not she was in a prime her growth was exponential her views were up if she had owned up to supporting the racist and hateful tweets she would have been in a negative spotlight so she outright denied knowing about the tweets because she doesn't want that bad publicity and he thought I favorited it when I went back and looked up the tweet I had never favorited it in the first place so I'm not sure what happened right there and I don't know why he was so mad the sad reality of criticism is that unless you have a similar level of influence as the person you are criticizing a general person will not side review and well will just accept whatever the person defending themselves has to say her response to this enigma hood video was to Brandon as a hater somewhat diminishing his reputation amongst her subscribers today's Peter spotlight is on this guy who has dedicated countless hours to making videos on every little thing I do he's the type of guy that if his mom got him a cheeseburger instead of a hamburger he'd go and make a 30-minute rant video after crying in his room for him the fact that a grown man went to an actual lawyer to cry about his internet issue the girl is just beyond hilarious the sole purpose of this video was to ridicule him for taking the internet too seriously yet she completely misses the point about copyright infringement calling your critics haters is an easy way of deflecting a criticism and turning the attention onto vas laws and because she's such a hot sexy cute girl gamer yeah these are the actual tags on the video the majority of our audience just gonna believe what she says and attack her hater because critics are just good fun often keyboard warriors over the next few years enigma hood would go on to make videos about sniper - no response from her however on August 10th of 2016 she released a video that would show how much of a toxic idiot she actually is my biggest hater for the past two years or so be more almost three years I haven't blocked on everything but he still continues to watch my videos stock me and make response videos talking [ __ ] about me he's a little obsessed again she's calling him a hater saying that he's obsessed with her however her biggest mistake was saying less videos and you can't just take somebody else's content and re-upload it and monetize it so I filed the copyright claim with YouTube trying to take it down and in the copyright process I got his real name so she admits to taking down his video and also having his dogs but she calls him a sex offender and of course I googled his name and it turns out he is a registered sex offender this video received half a million views in the first week this is what we call slander accusing someone of a crime of which is false to a third party who are her subscribers she can't even backed us up because if he's not on a sex offender list he obviously wasn't one in the first place which a lot of people have made the point of already she [ __ ] up but didn't accept her mistake and oh how big a mistake hit was a month later enigma had filed a lawsuit against her her network and Google he made the claim that her slanderous statement of calling him a registered sex offender caused some various mental issues as well as the receiving harassment from her audience he also made the point that she'd leaked his private details through her comment section on various Google+ account this was obtained of course from where she claimed the video we discussed before it all fits together very nicely enigma hood has a solid case now the case was just a hearing they didn't have to go to court at all and the verdict was just made by a judge Lea and the other defendants elected to dismiss the case they wanted to make it go away to sum up the case it was dismissed in September of 2017 however enigma hood was actually very close to winning the case he just couldn't prove his third prong of which was an unnecessary claim he basically asked for $300,000 because he allegedly could it get a job I mean come on man really this whole saga that was as someone with a fraction of her subscriber base shows you how toxic she is and how she can't handle any form of criticism she does what she can to belittle the people who don't agree with her and she will send her audience to attack them her methods are very clear Eva completely censoring the person criticizing her or manipulating the image of the person to make it look like they are in the wrong the sad thing is this is not the only way she deals with critics and there are more incidents that were more public image is probably one of the most important things for youtubers have cleaned YouTube channels are more of a brand than anything else and you don't want your brand to look bad but it gets a lot harder to keep a clean brand if you're always doing questionable things this is something that sniper wolf has struggled to do she's always doing something controversial most of the things she's done and has been criticized aren't really that much of a problem in the grand scheme of things the actual problem is her response to the criticism instead of accepting her mistakes she can't but help feel enraged when someone makes a negative point against her instead of accepting it as criticism she sees it as an attack so instead of directly dealing with the critique she makes sure the critique isn't actually seen the only thing is she's not very subtle about it this is where a channel called Hirata comes into play he made a video calling her out for faking her breakup with her boyfriend Evan young for a little boost in views he goes into talking about how she's actually married based upon physical evidence of her marital status this alone isn't really that much of a major issue but apparently it was so John skirts actually cover this in a video that was subsequently taken down in a very short time to which her otic made a response video about and guess what happened well as a sniper wolf saw scarce this video where he he reported on my video and she threatened to sue scarce to take legal action against scarce for that video so she threatened to take scarce to court simply because he covered her otic sideo skirts removed the segment because he just didn't want to open that can of worms he also warned that she was trying to take her otics-rio down and would you look at that where's her optics video gun you know basically I said snipe off you win this time you win you've gone away but then she had the audacity to then strike my video walk it worldwide basically he shows a message that he got from site Wharf where she tells us the reason as to why she removed my video let's see what she has to say through Sniper Wolf actually end up sending me this this is what she says about it she says there's a few things one is that he's using a copyrighted image as the thumbnail my photographer wasn't happy and wanted a premiere malicious video of her views and money and even said he made it because I blocked him the fact that she claimed this video was malicious shows how poorly she just takes criticism she's not being hated on and she's being criticized for being fake she made this video after she censored her otics-rio we were breaking up a lot the past few months I don't bring it up every day like oh we broke up oh we broke up I did that once making a video saying we broke up and then we got back together and then I got so much [ __ ] for that like oh you fake a breakup for attention oh why did you break up with him for a day then get back together that's just what people do some people just break up for a day break up for a week so you're constantly breaking up with someone why would you make a video about it if it's not actually genuine if it's not actually over if you're not sure whether this will be definite why would you make a video about they're all for money sniper will thinks that people solely criticize it for views and money and then you have people on YouTube making things worse rubbing more salt in the wound they're trying to get cheap views on their channel by making up shitty stories about me all for money no critics are important for regulating the conception of certain things they give another point of view and something that others probably can't see when you take away the critics there is mass illusion sure people are out for views but the more views you get the more your message is spread the fact that Leah couldn't publicly rebut her erotic and had to make a very indirect claim in a video titled things are falling apart shows how sensitive she is to criticism if you have to play the victim you aren't doing yourself any justice at all this is not the only case where she is censored criticism towards her remember back to the whole drama she had last year where she lied about face sensor when she said she would sue him for revealing their messages yes she's lovely isn't she so there are two points I have to make about this video the first one is about her attempt to censor censor ironic just one sweet for the time being saying the texts are fake take down the videos and then work with her lawyer on an apology video and cover the fees for this so she wants sensor to pull his videos down say he was wrong and also make a video apology about her yet only a few years ago she was laughing at enigma hood wanting to sue her remember how she laughed and said that it was sad that he wanted to take her to court over some internet issues yet here she is now doing the exact same thing that she mocked this guy wants us to eat over the Internet and it's just a supreme level of butthurt she lives in a world where only she can dictate what can and can't be said she's trying to force sensor to make an apology video well wasn't she apologized to all the people she's falsely censored because her image was at stake I would rather chop off my invisible knife and make a frickin apology letter apology video to the sky in fact the time she threatened censor hey case with enigma hood was still ongoing she was in the [ __ ] and she absolutely hated it but all of the criticism against there is all about that cash and money definitely because she's not a toxic snake so with the sense of drama she's turning out to be quite the hypocrite isn't she this feud also revealed another very despicable thing that she does in the iMessages recovered by censor there was one that mentioned removing shitty comments because it's an image thing in other words show us a sense of people from commenting negative things about her in his comment section she definitely does that herself because it's very hard to find a negative comment on one of her videos at all none of her audience gets to see the critical comments because they remove in fact I did a little experiment myself and commented a few channels that have made a video about her and well the commas just don't exist even the word fake is blacklisted she is booked certain words to make sure none of her subscribers see them you want to try this yourself comment on one of her videos with her otic for example then Evol logout or go incognito and select the newest first feature can you find it No congratulations you've been sensors so sniper Wolf's Pro censorship is very sad to say the least it shows how insecure she is and it just validates the people she is censoring what she does is very selfish because all she is doing is protecting her image at the expense of other people's legitimate work she wouldn't be criticized if she didn't do the things she does and well the things she does are just pathetic if centering people for criticizing sniper wolf isn't enough to show how much of a demon she is maybe we should actually turn our attention to some of the things that she said and what she has done to warrant criticism a lot of people have covered her shenanigans over the last six or so years and they all define who she is burping all of these videos together and watching them for this video is way to realize how she sneaked away to where she is now her career really started when she caught up girl gone gamer for being a fraud that's when her career really started to kick off she claimed to be the queen of khauran was aired as the best girl game and there is yet what does she have to actually prove that a few years later and she started to play overwatch in Heaven's behold she's in the top 500 she must be the greatest but one youtuber by the name of Silvie Bart made a very good video pretty much questioning the validity of SS Naples ability she basically exposes how Sniper Wolf possibly paid someone to boost her account into the top 500 the video itself was popular and was very very damning Sniper Wolf has been accused of faking her gameplays ever since her sexy sexy sniper days well this whole incident validates these accusations she out stood Gale gand gamer from the community for doing the exact same things that she did I mean I don't really care that she's faked a game play it's the precedent of which she acted she pretty much ruin someone else's status but was doing the same thing as well to me that reeks of sabotage and shows how much of a deceptive snake she is this video by silver but just shows how much for lying hypocrite Lear is in the comments section of Leah's video this is her pinned comment trying to hurt someone for profit is wrong I agree but when the video is an actual critique of you and a very fair and reasonable one at that it designed to hurt you that isn't the point of commentary again she plays the victim there's a fake video by a hater attempt to make me look bad and make people hate me while they get subs but it's okay for it to do the exact same thing to Gale gand gamer isn't it she don't outright lies about what Sylvie Bhatt said taking it out of context but when you actually watch the video but then I decided to look into it because of all the [ __ ] I found out about her in the past when using her as an example for my first video which by the way before making that video I didn't know anything about her and had never watched any of her videos she clearly says that she didn't know who Sniper Wolf was when she made her first video not this one so this fact right here should tell you that sniper is bullshitting you this comment doesn't even mention Sylvie but that's all so her subscribers probably don't even know what she's talking about the last few sentences just reek of rage this video is all lies meant to trick people and it's disgusting [ __ ] your whole career was built on [ __ ] lies they make it for profit and it's the only way they can get view since they can't make actual content yeah it's he recycable reacting to other people's content and guess what there's literally no effort if you fell for it if you fell for this comment and didn't actually see that she was just trying to downplay sylvie BOTS video you're an idiot what's even worse is that Lia contacted her network to try and censor this video yeah that's right another one you can't criticize sniper wolf without a visit from the YouTube email account hello mr. black wolf company your video of the fall of SS sniper wolf has been blocked in all countries for audio-visual content copyright infringement suck my left nut try me in court yours truly full screen media so let's click forward to today this yes neighbor wolf has been doing considerably well on YouTube have user up her sub growth is massive and she's avoided causing any major controversy at the start of the year nerd city made a very good video calling her out for being a hypocrite basically showing how she manipulates her photos to look better when she calls others out for doing the same thing he didn't touch much on the past but more about her forty ways this was the only major video based on her this year however very recently a girl called Gabby called-out Sniper Wolf for a video that she made on a girl you're lucky I'm strong as [ __ ] right now and on antidepressants even care to look me up before posting your video you would see that I'm a youtuber like yourself and I had recently just posted on this channel a video that I am trying to overcome depression something you like to speak about - a lot right so what are you doing bullying and bringing down young women on a platform with 11 million subscribers is that how you're gonna use your voice is that what you're trying to do with your platform or are you gonna use my face for views like seriously what's up with that my face is so much bigger than yours on your own thumbnail so to be critically honest her reasoning for making the response isn't very solid I can see how she would be upset but the criticism she addresses sniper wolf with is not as strong as it could have been the video sniper wolf made was of course one of her rubbish reaction videos it mocked this Gabby girl for being inspired by ariana grande and mimicking what she does even though she herself pretty much copies away a zeal and makes their videos and copies the way she speaks just give the benefit of the doubt to Gabby because she obviously doesn't properly know the real Sniper Wolf she hasn't seen what we've seen you see Sniper Wolf is now in the reverse position she's being called out for basically making fun of someone for profit something she accuses her haters of doing it would honestly be all fun and games if the video was actually funny but it's not it's just a [ __ ] reaction take my buddy James Merritt for example makes videos that appear to be quite similar to snipe Wolf's it's literally reacting to something however merits videos are entertaining because they are actually jokes there's an actual thought process that goes into what he says and he generally mocks himself rather than topic that is the difference between quality and quantity and you can quite clearly see that Sniper Wolf is all about that quantity given sniffles toxic personality it's kind of hard to defend her in this situation she scented people in the past were pretty much doing the exact same thing she's doing here it's just blatant hypocrisy there's a horrible feeling of disgust after what I've saw the way sniper will snaked into a community just to dump it when she can't make a profit from it anymore the amount of people she's tried to take down because they just want to call her out on a [ __ ] even the fact that for some reason people can't accept that she's not a nice person and would defend her to their graves it's infuriating that someone that's so ingenuine aslia could make it so far in a community without facing any ultimatum from the community itself she doesn't even have a community there's so much out there going against her of which she is just evaded when she addresses it she lies she never takes responsibility for anything when she gets arrested for breaking the law it's an inconvenience to her when someone criticizing her for lying it's apparently an attack on her image I didn't spend the last three weeks digging into the archives for nothing I want something from this I want her friends to remove themselves from her bubble I want them to take an objective standpoint to her in other words just take a step back and make up your own mind about her don't let what she says be your deciding factor don't devote yourself to her when she only cares about you if she can make it look good if you want an example she criticized keemstar for being keemstar on twitter to be fair it's [ __ ] hilarious this dude had it coming keemstar is well known for literally just [ __ ] posting on twitter the best part is how Lia responded I know you don't like me but this is absolutely disgusting you cold one of my fans a virgin and all your followers attacked him and now heat the activators account and you say it's a joke this is not a joke if you take keemstar seriously you're obviously very insecure his audience that attack people are just edgy kids one of my subscribers learned that the easy way by Hanoian keemstar the funny thing is what she's criticizing keemstar for is what she did in the past with enigma hood she called him a registered sex offender which is worse than being a sad no sex life grown man who watches a 26 year old woman act like a [ __ ] as she reacts to hashtag Virgin Squad she doesn't genuinely care about this guy at all her motive is look good you know make a look nice and shiny as a fan you're only useful to her if she can benefit from you and that's the sad truth the other thing I want from this video is for Sniper Wolf for Leah to hold herself accountable I wanted to actually accept the criticism and take it into her stride rather than building this giant brick wall trying to block it from affecting her she needs to learn how to be civil rather than being a snake trying to bring down whoever she needs to get past it's pathetic so this video serves as a summary for everything that she has done i really suggest watching the other videos to get a stronger idea of the things she's done I'll link them all in the description below I'd like to thank nerds City for helping with some of the information and direction of this video if you haven't watched this video yet I highly suggest that you do it for me to go deeper into what content there will be a poll appearing right about now there is a lot more information out there that I didn't include but only used to relevant stuff to keep this video within a reasonable time frame if you want to find out more yourself I'll leave all of my source in the description down below for you to have a little nice little dig into and a little departing message to Leah don't [ __ ] try anything funny so if you're watching the end of the video I'd like to thank you for sticking favorite Owens being enlightened I'd like to thank you all for the support recently as all the my subscribers know you got to keep respecting the hustle and as always go Doc's yourself [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlackWolfCompany
Views: 2,505,624
Rating: 4.6773977 out of 5
Keywords: The Fall of SSSniperWolf, faze censor, sssniperwolf, sniperwolf, the fall of sssniperwolf, sniperwolf lies, sniperwolf gabi, enigmahood, enigma hood, nerdcity, nerd city, colossaliscrazy, colossal, tro, the right opinion, therightopinion, sniperwolf rant, sniperwolf exposed, the truth about sssniperwolf, sylvibot, sylvi bot, kavos, keemstar, drama alert, dramaalert, overwatch, call of duty, girlgonegamer, raya, sausage, gabi, gabi demartino, scarce, scarce news, bwc, blackwolfcompany
Id: ivM9QcS0fzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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