The Fall Guy 4x21 Split Image

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I tried to go left me my date I don't know I waited for hours for and she never showed up I hope she's okay okay she stood you up I warned you not to ask her out maybe you're right it really seemed like she wanted to go out with me she was putting you on will you get wise warrant okay let me ask you something if he's got so much about women you see my make my customer right right oh right over there the the fat one I think she's coming on to me a woman like that Lauren it's a delusion this this is a very practical shoe it's a court day or evening wear see it oh you got it it gives you comfort without sacrificing style I'll take them I'll take them off don't you do you want it see them I trust your taste Oh Warren Warren yeah as long as you deliver them personally me look let's it's usually not our God you know store policy to have when I could ask the manager no come after work that will give us more time huh I don't believe it we're late do you have a ticket yeah I gotta write here great did you pack the mass in the fins in this bag right over there huh I like the fit I pick out for the trip I don't know they be a little cooler on the plane very funny it's amazing you were right this guy Warren is perfect I'm gonna believable well it took me a long enough time to find him is he coming are you kidding he was eating out of my hand what do you mean by that eating out of your hand well I had to get him interested in me didn't I I want you to remember something I worked hard and found the perfect look-alike but the guy isn't me don't get any more friendly than you have to Hey look Marty this was your idea not mine I don't even like it seems lousy to let this guy get wasted don't get dumb on me you hear me either that jerk dies as my stand-in or I do Duke but the word on the street it's time House finds out where he can reach me it'll probably take a couple of days for the word could get to him that's all right but then that stupid shoe salesman will have taken my place I was just wondering what kind of man surrender says woman as easily as you do I'm not surrendering anything sweetheart would you don't mind using me as bait no not with my lives on the line looking out for number one yeah you complaining about giving you everything money can buy right sure Marty everything that money can buy it's too bad it doesn't buy love that's enough hear me you just keep that salesman happy till Hollis's men arrive well that means I'm gonna have to stay with him night and day that's right that shouldn't be too difficult just me telling time your life why not I faked that before that's cute it's real cute listen to me you keep talking like that you our friend and I've gone on the same Joyride I'm making myself clear Hey look I'm sorry okay Oh No I might enjoy this more than I expected no peeking okay you know I've never had a woman give me clothes before and I've never had a woman give me anything honey this is just the beginning open your eyes there they're all the same I can't resist a man in a cashmere jacket try on respectable I like it why don't we go out for a bite and then I'll help you try on some slaps I'd like that taking us time with dad don't worry here they come now I got a handle to use Serena's really got this guy sold made she terrific literally forgot anything I'll need to say goodbye to me and that would be big mistake Terry we're going to st. Thomas we're not canceling for anything right I wouldn't dream of canceling your trip to st. Thomas in fact I'm gonna send you there I guess he's got a skip at st. Thomas oh don't be just ethically I don't have a skip in st. Thomas here's why I'm putting you up cottages maids and chefs oh this is a girl I'm nicer than where we were doing mm-hmm I don't know what to say just say you'll accept my hospitality sure thanks and I'm sure you won't have any trouble can't see my skip I thought you said you didn't have a skip and st. Thomas oh I don't he's in San Diego what I got to do it Oh Oh I couldn't get you into st. Thomas for three days so that'll give you plenty of time to catch my skip I knew Mike $8,000 to spend on your vacation okay his name is Martin gates and two months ago when he was out on bail he ripped off the guy who was working for some big-time dealer from New York named Hollis uh he ripped him off for a million dollars with the cocaine and weirdest hit the street that he had balance India we're trying to sell it I'm teri just where is this wonderful streets you get your information oh just suffice it to say that it's a reliable source all right how are you come with me Jody since you're already dressed for st. Thomas you own down there called this side trip to San Diego really works out great the fact it's perfect we still get our vacation slightly postponed but the trips paid for in the accommodations are fabulous you're forgetting some kids what's that that Street Terry gets their information from what do you mean look she found out where gates is don't you think that dealer he ripped off will - yeah and thinking that the guy must won his cocaine back pretty badly yeah it's not gonna want us to take gates in dealing with a guy like that we could be walking into a lot of trouble 33 Elm Street could be a very popular place by the time we get there champagne for me trust me you deserve the best really sure you want me to stick around Warren you've only been here for seven hours yeah that's day it was yesterday baby for me having started to get acquainted and I mean don't get me wrong some place else I'd rather be I just I don't want you to get tired of my pencil now you may not believe it but you know this has never happened to me before Sam not much of a ladies man these last few days have been very special for me it's really giving me something did I not only just close you don't have to say anymore I know but I want to remember that day you came in the shop and I was feeling sorry for myself down really made a difference there'd be some big changes of my life I can feel it I want to hear about it okay I've been waiting here for hours I got the word out Tolleson show I've no word about them so reading that guy and I want him dead and I want to get soon hook Hollis's guys I'll call Serena just take it easy okay hello the coming get out of there hey listen I'm having second thoughts about this get out did you hear me it's too late just get out who's that come on nobody hey listen one I've got a quick errand to run will you wait here for me anywhere well scratch one shoe salesman here's looking at you kid right there but what about it what is this that's not much of a grieving for an old friend I like your glasses nice touch wait am i I don't know you your memories now what it used to be gay we used to work together no I'm a shoe salesman what do you want with plan Yates we want the cocaine yes you see I think there's been some sort of mistake because my mind mind my name is gates Gate didn't expect anise maybe we could get in grab him and get out it could still work out we want that coke and we want it now and I'm telling it I don't know what you're talking about him is please man I need my glasses because I can't see it without them I'm gonna count to three one please two please no no my glasses I knew on mr. markey max yeah what if one is going off we're bounty hunters we're taking you back to LA who are those guys I don't know jump in the trash come on what the hell are those guys somebody please tell me what this is all about fear that games no this paste again who is this gang we weren't for Kerry Michael just to fail to remember to bail me I'm never in bedrest I've never had a Washington lose these guys hang on possible physically impossible you sure about that right all right okay all right thanks babe I owe you one checked out the license number of that truck get this belongs to a guy named Colt Seavers he's a bounty hunter from LA a bounty hunter you skipped bail remember he thinks he's got you yeah that's okay isn't it Seavers we'll take him daily how is this off your trail no it's not okay but if this guy convinces Seavers that he's not me but what if they run his prints well how's they'll find out you can bet on it we might still have time to get away you're acting real dumb you know that maybe you just don't want to see your little friend get hurt that's what the hell did you two do here for the last three days look your boss you got to put word out on the street to Hollis that uh well I'm starting to run scared see we want to make a deal we also have to make sure that this war in character doesn't convince zebras who he is until we grab them how do we do that I don't know just kind of hope that severs still has some bouncing has taken back to LA yet if that's the case my name is / / / / yeah worn / / I'm a shoe salesman I'll give it up gates taking you in and that's that I'm telling you I'm not gates I mean why does everybody think I'm gates when it'll blow out where's the words coming from huh try this you gotta sleep right I've got every I ate it isn't me I mean I mean I me but but I mean this guy just looks like me without my glasses sure happens all the time can you just take me to my house I mean I got plenty of proof there we're taking you to LA we let the DA decide I don't know cause I got a funny feeling about him kid you always have a funny feeling about something really cold haven't you ever heard of the doppelganger theory what doppelganger it means a double there's this theory that everybody's got one an identical counterpart kidding you mean there might be two of you called I'm serious what if gates found this guy who looks exactly like him and set him up to take the heat that must be it doppelganger that's crazy voltic we've got the wrong guy we could be jeopardizing his life right and that's impossible just remember if we take the wrong man and we don't collect from Terry what do you mean other way we weren't expecting gates to have a gang do you recognize him ah new faces but let me tell you they sure can't drive oh no Nate donate I just got word from gates you guys should go up pretty good watch me by Camille I'm on my way to the coast now you let him get away with this of course not I just wanted to find where he is why is the same we get the cocaine oh we kill him you're the dad but the keys are in my pocket get a room we could I know of let me check it for you where's Marty bring him in kid Syrena what are you doing here Marty where have you been I've been so worried about you what do you mean Marty it's me one remember one pumper Oh Marty are you feeling okay I think cops why are you wearing off did this didn't you set me up for this party I think you need a drink come on let's go why are you doing this to me I think you better have a drink I trusted you Serena I said let's go I trusted you Serena uh you'll take care of them won't you you won't let him get hurt sucker I was I should have known a woman like that coming on to a jerk like me just get out here all right that's the big deal nobody move there's the big deal come on boss taking you away from these bounty hunters that's great take the cuffs off how people are trying to kill him out there you save her with us take the cuffs off all right looks like the Hollis guys if you're ready to deal with the rate stuff huh hey Marty let us see finally come around did you know what I think I've changed my mind on understable you guys get in the car okay drop it okay come on get a gun why didn't you protect gates because he's not gates then you realized that was right about my doppelganger theory right what exactly was it that I said wasn't you it was them tried just a little too hard to convince us we're very pleased to bring you this year's Presidents Day parade now the marching bands and proteins are the finest in the country and the float to the most beautiful I've ever seen okay the presidential fork a lot slowly remember girls smile smile I know it's called a smile and so I pull it out slowly hey that Donovan is behind us we'll be broadcasting live you know across the United States to over 20 million viewers and many more overseas that's right Stephanie of course the Presidents Day parade is eagerly awaited all over the world and it should be starting any second I'll go out slowly now remember the Navy Band is falling in between too close I've just heard that we're going to have the briefest the very briefest of delays we're having a little trouble finding out the exact nature of the problem which I've just been told we have a very special treat for you now two great efforts on the part of our station we have secured a print and can show you at this very moment a sneak preview of the latest Claudette Colbert Phil Hou Ianto you it was nice of the police to let us go it's not the police it's a judge we got to worry about now at least we were able to stay on the case they will be able to find Serena our only shot you know cold like just imagine how you must feel I mean you know the way that you've been manipulated used on this thing tracheas sucker did they almost killed you it's humiliating fact it's downright degrading that's what he must be saying on a great deal very legitimate Aang rayji that girl thing I almost hope you you don't find you sure positive power minds you saw you're being taken into Hollis displacement I'll I hate to think what they might do this little boy before they kill him huh it won't be pretty I think this is rotten I think this really stinks yeah what's your problem that poor guy he never did anything to anybody and we've just sent him off to be tortured Oh your concern is very touching you fell for the guy didn't you just because I don't want to see him dead doesn't mean I fell for all of a sudden you got a conscience since when I've always had one you've just never noticed Martin there's a lot of things about me you've never noticed what the hell's with you a few days with a shoe salesman suddenly you're a Girl Scout hey he was a decent guy and he treated me decent which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for you is that so yeah that's you know good Marty you're no damn good at all know what and becoming a real pain plus the garage will rise up and fast hey Duke yeah boss I'm gonna try to run down our buyer you just take care with a little sweetie pie make sure she doesn't do anything stupid we seem to be running out of scotch you've had plenty I'm going to hey you're saying here where do they take him click get out of here while you can where is Warren I can't gates will kill me he'll he'll at all look I'm not gonna let Warren get wasted now you set him up where did they take it look I'm finished here will you take me with you come on where's this Marty you get me mad I'm telling you the truth my name is / / Warren / / I'm the shoe salesman plan nuts we'll help you out want white cocaine I don't have any cocaine all I got is shoes lots of shoes make it a tough it's okay I don't mind put my screws here I'll even enjoy it give him a taste it gets a lot worse compared I leave you alone for an hour look what happens let her get away huh stop bounty hunter and his friend killer what we do now Hollis has warned that's the most important thing and I'm gonna stay with the stuff to his deal goes down now I want you to stay here keep in touch with your contacts cuz I want to know what's happening on the outside Oh what if the bounty hunter and and Serena go to help Warren that'll be terrific Hollis Oh spare me the trouble of killing her myself Serena you here to join your boyfriend only to talk we'll see they're clean come on we'll tell you where the cocaine is if you let Marty go what makes you think he hasn't already told us cuz we know Marty gates he died before he tell you I only hope we're not too late you're not okay I'm a practical man with mic okay how can we be sure you'll let him go book come hold all the cards and I'm not gonna give up until I get exactly what I want what's going on seems a new yes Hodge finally a long story war another that will you believe me huh yes not me warned you come on my glasses my glasses oh yeah here here oh okay I'm really sorry bub sorry we shot at beaten kidnapped all because of you I hate you come on she brought us here we could have saved you without Elena I love you you or was it for you warned we'd be down in st. Thomas having the time of our life can I just want to thank you all and if there's anything I can do for you just let me know yeah well there is something you can do yeah we need you to bring in gate anything but that Warren getting gates is the only thing that will take the heat of you until we nail gates you're a hunted man you know what can I do and I don't even know where he is I don't either right Ashley's gonna be lying low until he sells his cocaine but you're the only man that could lead us to him how by beating him at his own game don't you want us to go after him the way you want to go till we got to do something don't worry we're gonna get him how gates just arranged with a pusher to sell occult came with eye pushers in my pocket any minute we're gonna be at the location of the score case doesn't know but he's gonna be dealing that cocaine to us yeah well I tell you yeah yeah it's me James will be waiting for me at the 15 Street warehouse Duggal never go for it you know I don't even smoke maybe we do now okay you know you're never gonna buy it huh I can hardly see you'll be perfect we'll be right behind you just remember act like I hear mm nobody's my show all right Duke I want you to step on the guy I want you to rub them out put some cement galoshes olives because anybody that double crosses me they end up sleeping with the fishes hey you Dollface come here I'm sorry are you all right look you good I like the way you kiss well I'll get this over with Knight to bishops floor I'll bury you boss all on the damn door so you forced like we got yourself big problems I thought I was supposed to wait for your phone call yeah but the Avani owner showed up at the stash yeah well good I got away before he got the stuff come on you have to drive me back how could he have found out I didn't think Serena know where it was don't ask me come on let's go this doesn't make any sense that's stupid let's go get your mind come on let's go come on take any pictures I stole are you okay with Duke anyone gave a great performance he's wonderful I gotta hand it to you CRO this is turning out perfectly we follow them and they lead us to gates in the coke what about the deal we're going through with it anybody gets in our way they sleep with the fishes get don't worry they can't lose me no problem aligned in my mind somatic doesn't something wrong with your eyes your eyes squinting I'm just checking things out let's go hey for us come on everything okay everything's fine [ __ ] let's go I get stuff stop it hey Duke the hell are you doing here I I didn't call I told you idiot you let him hear that shoe salesman killed don't move you two took me there's no time to waste kill him he's opposed go on can't you tell the cops must be on the way kill him I'm Kate I'm Kate's I'm amazed now which one of you is gates he is actually as long as my cocaine is here I couldn't care less tell us we lost on Paul poor Lauren really must be around here somewhere there's a car like my goods are all intact all right what about them kill them both better make a surprise entrance kid all right I get it but gates away you were marvelous good job you may as well copy what are you doing his eyes Warren would have never caught those this is Warren get him he sure did oh not bad huh you were terrific you a very nice choice I'll get them wrapped up for you okay okay thank you hey guys stick around I got a break coming up it's okay Warren we gotta be heading back to LA ante Thomas we just thought we'd let you know that Hollis's and the slammer so no one's gonna be coming after you anymore Wow I'm so relieved his last few days been what can I say very enlightening made me realize how nice it is to sell shoes that's great by the way how he and I would like to share our fee with you and if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have called gates no no I don't want any money come on Warren you said yourself you'd been shot at kidnapped beaten god bless that great performance you put on I mean you ought to get something for that believe me I got plenty more than I ever hoped for oh yeah where'd you get my fantasy fantasy kid money can't hold a candle to that you
Channel: Colt Seavers
Views: 77,528
Rating: 4.8058252 out of 5
Keywords: the fall guy split image, the fall guy full episodes hd, the fall guy season 4, the fall guy season 5
Id: ozjlG8e5kFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2015
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