The Fall Guy 2x20 P.S I Love You

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well I'm not gonna die to kiss and tell but I've been seen with fair up I've never been with anything less than a nun so fun I've been on fire with Sally Field gone past with a girl named Bo but somehow they just don't end up as mine it's a bit define take my chances I die for living in the is an to me hardest thing I ever do is watch my is his summer the guy wanna bandage in money I might fall from the top cause Pearlie register I've never spent much time in school but I don't ladies plenty it's true I'm a body of the bay I've gotten burned over Cheryl Tiegs blow up for Raquel Welch but when I wind up in hey it's only hey hey hey Eastwood was so fun let me tell you about one of the more unusual days of my life and how it led to a Lost Weekend it started with a little kid who is the kid at all I've worked with a lot of wild stuff man there's none wilder than Cassie Farraday stunt woman who only comes up to about my waist get into the tank let's get it right roll camera was playing a mugger pretending to be blind and Cassie was a kid who stole in the car and ran into the mugger just the wrong time sir I'm so sorry all right sir Jeannie dr. hood Cathy now hit for the ladder bring the other car is okay can follow them up ready go climb up there okay you do you're doing fine oh I hope you root for me too Jody oh you know I will soon it's called swings into action for you even though I know your fans are sure that you can handle anything all by yourself well that's cuz of my contracts the fine print says tab butter always wins if I don't how am I gonna shine the close-ups speaking of close-ups to have you better get ready for yours I don't want to lose any of this momentum right let's set up for the scene on the ladder wardrobe make sure bone has the right outfit yeah you're beautiful Ted but you won't be prolong that's what the hell are you doing here what do you think it's payday here oh you're overdue you're crazy I've already paid house kill girls who sent me I want money tab now one thing I'll never have to do for anything is thank me let's get out of here with the frigate she got Oh you okay Cassie the villain is still hot on your heels action me well I was the hero of course namely Tab Hunter yeah beautiful okay that works for me cold how we can see that was great recruiter sauce go then I can talk to you about the next all right ah great that was McCullar who is a coal don't lift me like I was a feather hey you're such a good stuck woman you made it look easy what about me you see the way I cut that rope face at Munson Koz in the fall is at the hard part surviving it is okay let's get tap out here it's time for him to start earning you the money no it didn't sound too happy your honor mr. hunter are you okay oh oh my head would hit alright something missing like me yeah don't sweat it it happens to us every day well what about him cold something doesn't happen to us every day this man is dead now Tab Hunter is one of my best friends we work together and more pictures and I've had broken bones so when he ended up with a dead man in his trailer and under arrest there was no question of what I had to do I had to do everything for him I could have gotten himself involved with an illegal gambling operation and even though he'd paid his debts they were still after him I had to find out why there is no bail called Tab Hunter has been charged with murder the weapon was his own knife that's why we got to help him Terry he's our friend besides if he doesn't finish the picture we're out of a job hey that's a joke see my smile yeah all right Terry level with me now come on what is the police really good Wow well according to my sources the victim was a man named Vince Allen he's a hood with a record longer than tab hunters credit what would a gun like that be doing in Tad's trailer he's not talking doesn't have to I already low you do yeah Alan was a collection man for a gambling parlor in Palm Springs Palm Springs that's where the rich people go to take off their share it's not losing gambling's illegal in California anyway cold oh come on you know hunter he liked to enjoy himself he didn't always think of the consequences have you ever actually been in that place yeah was there once he dropped a big wad but he told me he paid him off well maybe Vince Allen didn't agree well according to Hunter he was hit from behind when he was struggling with Alan for Alan's gun a gun we didn't find a gun in the trailer I know neither did the police if they had that would be evidence it was self-defense well then whoever clobbered hunter must have killed Vince Alan but who would do such a thing I mean why would well somebody that wanted to get hunter and Alan out of the way one quick move can't get in position I'll get the door oh yeah what do you call it he's dropping oh look cold I was just trying to scope everything out you can't blame me for that scope everything out for what who are you meet Cassie Farraday one of the rowdiest little stunt women in the business yeah and the woman who's gonna solve today's murk what are you talking about well I'm an eyewitness I saw a guy who didn't belong there leaving the movie location right around the time of the murder what and you didn't tell the police what for so they could draw a picture if I see that guy again I'll knowing well it looks like you just bought yourself a trip to Palm Springs with us with you guys Colt I sort of plan on crack in this case myself you can't do that can how'd a detective you're just a kid Munson for your information I'm not a kid I'm a woman I'm 21 years old and just because I'm small you put me down hey Cassie all the times we work together have I ever put you down huh Cassie no Colt you haven't you're a good guy well then you're coming with us you'll be safer and we'll try to stay out of your way a lot of people have gotten mixed up with his gambling operation in fact the game had gone in and out of all the best resort towns in the West moving on as soon as things got hot but if we were going to get to the bottom of Vince Allen's murder we had to get to his bosses before they split for parts unknown - how're you try to get a head start on a phone sprays - yeah looks like he is a hard time separating business from pleasure huh don't worry nothing a bad case of sunburn well you know I'm really glad we decided to work together it's kind of like we're Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake or Gable and Lombard no no way I got bogie and Bacall we just stick to our plan online the illegal gambling operations yelling we've we got no sweat you set up the contact with the gamblers and then I'll move in and eyeball the suspect eyeball oh it's an old detective term should be no problem the two pros like us to catch the killers last we are sweetheart right and I don't I swear remember what I was saying about Cassie being wild well this is just an example of how she managed to make my life miserable without hardly trying at all I take a look at this place Terry came through for one yeah that's cause for once she isn't paying the bill nor do the desk clerk tab hunters picking up the tab oh you go on ahead I've got tough I've been dying to do all day all right good uh cold I'm worried about Cassie I have Isis she is who knows what trouble she might call Jodi there's no reason to think that Cassie's gonna cause any trouble you are gonna leave me alone I wouldn't be too sure good you know the old saying well send Zach hey wait a minute pal it's all that you have a management issue left side thank you no children allowed come on buster I'll show you bogie and Bacall looks more like Lucy and Desi than me I'm really sorry sergeant Brooks oh yeah I promise won't happen again get better love it to see her unless you and your friends want to spend your time here in jail instead of a luxury suite wait a minute why are we supposed to do stand around and be insulted or fight back let me explain something to you about Palm Springs there are no fights here period you got that well just because all the people here are rich doesn't mean they can walk all over everybody miss Farraday nobody is gonna walk over anybody now people come here because this is a resort town they ask one thing peace and quiet and it's my job as either get it otherwise the wealthy folks who come here might go elsewhere yeah and then the whole town and go bust who would pay the police ha ha ha bad Cassie she's a real kidder she's so funny the life of every party yeah well when troublemakers try to take away my salary I don't think it's funny at all in fact I can get real unpleasant do I make myself clear oh that's as clear as Palm Springs there sergeant uh you won't have to worry about a thing boy I bet he wouldn't talk to us like that if we were all Gucci DUP oh he wouldn't talk to us like that if you had to talk to him like that let's get our bags and find our room our bags oh my god okay okay hey Cassie what are you some kind of a junkie come here I wanna talk to you sit down here cold it's not what you think yeah well what is it I'm no dope or cold I'm a diabetic and I take this daily to survive this I mean this is insulin boy is it important give never wonder why I was so small Cole I've had diabetes since I was we're a little I just didn't grow no I've never knew I never thought Cassie I'm sorry don't you dare be sorry for me Colt Seavers I'm doing fine why not you made something of myself because of all this I mean I do the half the child's don't work in town and by solving this murder I'll really prove that diabetics can do a whole lot more now eat heart I bet you're a snappy little dancer too huh I contend are you under the table come back well we managed to get away with that but we still had to do all we could for tap what's that lead give us the lay of the land we knew exactly where to go and what to do the idea was to get into the gamblers good graces then let Cassie's eagle eye do the rest couldn't wait to get a bigger truck Colt there's no way I can make a dignified entrance like this don't worry how it will make the trash magazines hey come on we got a job to do according to Tab Hunter this is where his troubles all started we serve booze seemed reasonable now hold it maybe for you but not for your kids sister Heidi I do sorry you better be Daniel you don't give an H video oh why do I couldn't take him you cook come on let's fire table that it yep that's a casino you too we'll be right back go ahead and order something oh we're a team remember the once I agree with Cathy I'd rather be in there with you come on what if something goes wrong what do I have Rebecca all right but if you need me just whistle all right sweetheart are we gonna get in Tapp told me the password now the night's young I need some air that's what reminds me of my days in the paternity what she could stick we'll check your transcripts later let's get that's what your eye Kali Gary this mr. Bester has a little problem just a little little down luck nothing I can't handle just a few bad runs a black tap tap my policies very simple mr. pester you pay your debts that's why I appeal to a better client I don't have the money pay what mr. Bester give me some time what oh that's uh that's great uh thank you of course mr. Bester tomorrow night uh be fine 103 - I don't believe it without you luck it's easy kid we're supposed to lose house we gonna get ahead of these guys sorry Paula excuse me colt hey Charlie how do you know well as a matter of fact of them better think about that series you were gonna do the one way I did that high fall oh that's the problem not only having the cards been falling right but serious didn't sell I'll see you around yeah I mean the book call me I'm Gill holder I help run things around here how I mention it is my partner called Siri hey haven't seen you before I'm gonna see us again if we keep losing like this yeah we can't have that all the funds in getting ahead huh yeah you know a friend of ours said the dude extend the first timers a little credit if we get low on cash maybe I could help you out hello me good this is mr. Jordan owner about the establishment gentlemen Jeremiah two friends here could use a little credit yeah you see we got it down over the weekend the bank's been closed all that way we sure could use a little credit I see certainly nice place you got here yeah real nice and have hunter to recommend Tab Hunter I'm afraid I can't help you oh you don't understand he's he uh he didn't mean Tab Hunter my partner just got some names mixed up with unfortunate slip you see mr. hunter doesn't exactly happen to be a good credit risk you two are gonna have to leave now and I wouldn't even think about kako well the book was better than the movie we gotta go on this more often who lets get older well kill what's name that's the guys on the movie location you sure of course I'm sure I told you I recognize me if I ever saw him again and I'm seeing him right now let's go so cool we got an Allen see any guy's driveway is not the same as seen him kill someone how he's right we gotta learn more about him first besides your Bacall I'm bogey I'll make the decision we'll wait outside for him to come out of course there's one thing about shadowing people it's mighty hard to do when they're not there we wound up driving around Palm Springs for most of the night then we went back to holders place to wait him out oh oh yeah look look it's holder he's coming out we'll go on get all after night all right I don't get too close yeah but don't go I'm going I'm going that's Cassie we were off and running whether I wanted to be or not oh great oh we made it we actually made it yeah almost in one piece except for a broken axle everybody all right oh nothing a couple of months of bed rest wouldn't cure Oh back Howie what happened you're right what ah I never thought I'd feel so good to have my feet back on the ground exactly your feet kid after that flight it's close enough excuse me time for the old insulin breakfast cat-sitting found a phone get us a tow uh yeah how can you do that huh it's only a little needle besides if you had to you do it to cool what about holder not only did he get away but he knows we're after him now yeah we're not just back to square one we're off the board completely not necessarily you mean you got an idea I knew you'd come through Cole I knew you'd think of something not something somebody Charlie said he was listed let's call it I only need the money for a little while but you helped me out before Fred you know I'll pay you back Fred agent what you need charlie is a good manager I happen to know where there's one available what do you need joey is way out of all this a problem I guess I'm getting superstitious I thought it'd have more luck on your phones and the one of my condo Charlie if you want to change your luck than here let us help you oh I appreciate your concern but you don't even know how much I owe we can imagine can you see I have trouble myself imagining that I'm in for a hundred grand a hundred grand you all those guys $100,000 to call a guy's gotta be crazy to giving over his head like that I mean a gamble away money you don't even have on those lowlifes yes II hope it's all the same with you I think I'd better go no wait a minute it's not all the same to me Charlie the minute run that casino kill are their own me and we want to put them where they belong and clear tap hunters name what are cap her toxic can he go straight to the police just to get away come on she didn't mean it did you I'm sorry I didn't mean it like it sounded honest I didn't all right God cult I'm supposed to be at the casino to pay off tonight what am I gonna do get McCall change the plan yeah but if they're capable of murder the way you said Charlie when Colt rigged the stunt on that pilot you two did he didn't let you take the fall did he no of course not well they trust him on this one he's not gonna let anything go wrong why don't you explain to me exactly what is you want me to do isn't a magnet Hank had more winters than we wanted last night uh-huh yeah all right there's better be legitimate Vesta what was that Bester trying to weasel out of pain he says he has the money but he doesn't want to bring it here what's he want us to do send a beautiful blonde over to his hotel room to collect he wants me to meet him at the lake on the back nine in Rancho Country Club at five o'clock tonight actors well I suppose you have to have a certain amount of flair for that occupation at these prices I'll play his games I don't like it first I was chased with the mountains by those friends of his no we've got a timid little mouse who wants to play hide and go seek I'll take care of Bester you messed up everything else what was I supposed to do Gary we can't stay in business by shooting at people he men nobody was hurt everyone was safe in that fall I saw myself from around the cliff hmm you saw it from around the cliff yeah silk shirts perfect creases and inside you still sloppy kill he was sloppy with Vince Vince was stealing from us he wasn't reporting half the collections I don't mind being rid of the man but I wouldn't have brought any attention on us nothing but Tab Hunter was the perfect Patsy yeah Hunter has given us a problem Seavers Munson and the women that were with him since you're so unhappy with the way I've been handling everything what are you gonna do it's being taken care of in a more subtle way our plan sounded good to me but I wasn't quite sure I gotta admit though that Cassie was kind of confident call you're a genius not even bogey ever thought anything so good Cassie it's not gonna be that easy what do you mean I've seen Bester act he's good how good he is getting Charlie to convince those gamblers he knows all about the murder that's asking a lot are you kidding I can see it all now we go down the local TV station right we promise of a great story and then they'll land us a TV camera on a microphone then we take all the stuff to the country club and well best to wait we had no brush with Howie a joke finally hole during Jordan arrived but best friend was gonna pay him off at all cuz he says that he knows that they frame camera for the murder of is out we record the whole thing right and as soon as the bad guy say something incriminating Wow oh yeah we swoop down and we nail him I'm telling you she did it again and would you know it right in front of our old friend sergeant Brooke Abner's arted I suppose you've got a good reason for what's going on we rented this car we can do whatever we want nice day isn't it uh it's about to become nicer because you're about to leave town what are you talking about that's a fair question your truck was identified as doing some very fancy driving up in the hills this morning a man almost got killed as a matter of fact that man was me funny we reported the other way around but I suppose you didn't hear about the shooting either what I heard was that one of our residents was arrest now I could lock you up or you and your sideshow can clear out right now what our friends are a mirror and you'll find them later back in LA what about our bags you can send for them look make it easy for yourself mr. severs get going now well making points don't have much choice now gamblers reported I arrived through the hills their way said there were dozens of witnesses when we supposedly attacked hope of course none of those witnesses were around when we tried to tell our side of the story Danny still behind us Cole we can't go back to LA the pastor doesn't show up at the country conference I know I know no telling what holder and Jordan are doodling didn't why'd you give it to that guy what is it you know that choice we didn't have before it's coming up now we're about to leave sergeant Brooks is jurisdiction take a look at him now well yeah but how are we going to hit back without him seeing us look at the life pass the gas station when we turn around I was thinking of another route hang on I know we were taking a big chance one back at the town and we had to goes if we didn't come through both tab honor and Charlie fetches gooses were cooked that's the nice thing about knowing all the rules you can always come into town the back way we made it back to Palm Springs just a time to get all our equipment and head out of the golf course problem now is to make sure of Buster's stayed calm enough to say what he had to and to keep Cassie jumping the gun Oh I can't see you won't have to just poke the lens to relieve there it I don't know what he's up to feedback with me I don't care maybe if I get a little high Guil mr. holder I don't see a briefcase or anything mr. Bester where's the money I was going to bring it you were going to bring it oh I had it in neat little stacks you know $100 bills but then I got to thinking it seemed to me that you should be paying me oh you're not being very smart bastard playing around with us like this but I am being smart okay I know something you guys want kept quiet I know how you killed Vince Alan Wow this is an example two things going down yeah they've been taping us cold we're bad holder I see what we can do with this guy first come on get in front there you go kid Charlie give me the keys Jody I'll take you back in the truck what are you gonna do don't worry I won't get a scratch on it listen I mean we didn't get anything on yet I yet shooting at us get out I did mine holder shooting it just added to the [ __ ] you see I figured that since we still have to get Jordan to talk best way to do it was to give him a good stunt man style scared laughing I'm good at his outrunning clothes seven out of seven to control I've got two funny-looking fellows working right through the park better send me some backup this is your track announcer checkered we welcome you to the Palm Springs International Raceway where today we've got a 40 Java no second it's a good day for my crazy without a know there was a big race that day on the motorcycle and the two cars are picking up have gone into the pets for refuge this is something that you'll never see again the track now maybe you'll get our racing underway once again the track you stay back ladies and gentleman has to be very very perilous Oh this counter just totally dumped out reason not to Cassie enjoy your quiet drive you crazy you're all crazy say that about stun people you know alright enough actually I'll bet there's one thing that might make cold stop what's that tell me who killed Vince Alan Wow if you tell me what I want to know look I was trying to stop Prince Allen from chief Gary took care of it in the best way he knew how what about ever you need somebody to pin it on that's what you'll tell all this to the police yes I will tell them anything as long as you keep your foot off that gas pedal like we always say Cassie good stunt we'll get him every time ah yeah great sweet on skin Wow with Jordan and holders gambling operation shut down and them up for murder my old Palm Springs would be a whole lot sunnier and that's all my life is going to be - what's that mean well I hope it means he's learned his lesson oh I have I have no more gambling for me cold mm-hmm Cole Kai see you for a minute next time I get a few extra bucks I'll um I know I think I'll invest in the movies I thought you said no more gambling I'm gonna I didn't mean to drag you away from your friends but I wanted to talk to you well actually Cassie I'm kind of glad you did something I've been wanting to talk to you about why no I know but it wouldn't work called not right now well what would like well I know how you feel about me cold and I've grown really fond of you too but I can't enter into a real relationship now cuz I've got a lot of growing to do I've been pretty bullheaded diving into things and make you believe that I wasn't scared of anybody because of it I almost got us all killed that's no way to treat my friends call no way to treat myself you know Cassie you you've got an awful lot of spirit believe me spirits have a lot more important in size Oh having diabetes hasn't held me back I've already shown that there's nothing else I have to prove not as long as I know that somebody like you cares about me Thank You Cole like lady said sweetheart in need me just whistle and you know how to whistle don't you you just put your lips together and blow I'll buy us you you
Channel: Colt Seavers
Views: 157,267
Rating: 4.8256273 out of 5
Keywords: the fall guy P S I love you, the fall guy full episodes, the fall guy season 2
Id: lymJvKAQWEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2013
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