The Fall Guy 2x09 How Do I Kill Thee , Let Me Count The Ways

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well I'm not the kind to kiss and tell but I've been seen with fair up I've never been anything less dead again so fun I've been on fire with Sally Field on past with a girl named Bo but somehow they just don't end up as mine it's a bit defined I take my chances I die for living in the movies and TV I just thing do is watch my lead is this summer the guy wanna bandage in money I might fall from the tall building brand new car cause burn no stuntmen except to star I've never spent much time in school but I don't ladies puede it's true my body of the bay hey I've gotten burned over Cheryl Tiegs full up for Raquel Welch but when I wound up in the hey it's only hey jumpin drawbridge or poison from Eastwood was so fun I'm sorry mr. dial but this is very very urgent mr. Derwood we've already been advised of your charges I'm sure that there are explanations for each amount of money which you suggest has been misappropriated yes but I don't see how you can justify the mysterious expenditures of millions of millions of dollars from the 618 account with no kind of invoices I mean I don't see that's the whole point you don't see these funds pay for the elaborate precautions we've taken all over the world to protect to protect our chief executives well I can understand sending chauffeurs to defense driving schools in order to prevent possible kidnapping do you realize the size of the intelligence network that this company supports in order that we may know when some government might be coming into power and some godforsaken place across the globe Oh mr. dialer I didn't come here to cause trouble then I would suggest that you go back to your job till Monday so that we can handle this matter or thoroughly and items to do it yeah good night mr. Dodd you handled him very well I didn't handle him I delayed him you'll handled it why don't we just control him and then easy mad mr. Derwood has learned too much too easily on the other hand he shows us how vulnerable we are we must use that information you have a CIA background and you've learned all of the little tricks surprise me coming up pressing with it get ready McNally we're ready when you hear the heart Oh tell the guys dead oh no no oh I couldn't help it okay wasn't your fault we've done the whole thing they pulled out or having so first game in the car come on oh no no it's only gonna have to stay please we witness the whole thing we gotta get you to a doctor will report to the police later clock and come on yeah I've got something for you how about a drink thank you you just killed a man I suggest you swallow some of this and try to pull yourself together what is it that you want from me what is it that you want from us the books you had are GOP corporate records I just I use the ask a few questions about certain regularity I don't I don't think this is the time or place to discuss this matter oh I think it's absolutely the time in the place I mean we can be very helpful in your ridiculous you see we witnessed everything and obviously the other driver was completely at fault do you follow me yes yes I think that I do then have this drink you just struck the bargain of your lifetime I mean I don't understand exactly what you want from me you discovered a flaw in our system and now you're going to be racist I know I can't do that there are people in my department wouldn't recognize that I was tampering with the tapes you're not going back to your department no but I have to use the same kind of computer for that kind of work and you haven't you can do that you'll find mr. do it we can do almost anything we meet all kinds of characters working in the movies we work for the courts on the side bound to have an unusual collection of friends Brewster Steele and sweets McBride fit that description a couple of ex cops who've been trying to make a go of detective business for about a year I guess their business is just about spot he's fine because whenever I get a call Terry that I can't handle they always sound really grateful for work action terrific he's not a trained psychologist I will enjoy that you're right it's good okay next set Judith whole series I thought we were the only ones to do anything for money well that was that was easy got 400 bucks late in the week we do the dangerous fall what's gonna make that one more dangerous than the one you just took well you see on Friday I don't get the air bag he's just pulling your legs boys Colton ever does anything that's not carefully planned and completely sensible that's what worries me how come you're dumped in this case on us see ya sweets isn't happy unless he's worried about something you know my eyes appreciate it will it show us a little work good now let's go meet your new boss Jerry Mike okay here's the scoop I'm a man named durwood out on a manslaughter charge he's due in court Wednesday at nine o'clock in the morning I want you two to make sure he gets there that's it gentlemen he's been staying in a motel room on Grand Avenue for two weeks his court appearance is in three days sounds good so far he's given notice to the motel that he's checking out in three days well what's the problem with his checking out it's just a hearing they can't send me to jail so where's he going why don't you ask him I did he said he'd be staying in the motel till a sentencing I know we're supposed to be the detectives but I'm not proud so I'll ask why do you think he's lying I bribed a friend of mine to check the readout on his motel phone eight calls to different airlines and four to the State Department passport issued yesterday visas who dozen different countries got a great idea why don't you just pick him up he hasn't violated any of his bail conditions and I would like to keep my fees oh I just want a guarantee from you that you will be in court I don't know it doesn't sound like something we can get our teeth into you know where's the mental challenge the game of wits we'll take it there you go sweet dinner at 7:00 sharp just like clockwork you want to follow him tonight tell you what I want to do I want to find out why he's running two rooms over there instead of one how do you know he rented two rooms well last night he came out the other door you think you can get in of course you can get in eat the door if you have to right just don't get caught okay all right but if he comes back early ring the room once and bring back two coffees make that three coffees yes ma'am two cups of coffee to go please creamer sugar sir no blacks fine what the heck's going on over here I've heard of hotels loaning out a typewriter but this is ridiculous purity I'll hear I'm still being watched now when are you going to handle it I have to make a court appearance in two days Tara what a manslaughter charge is no easy matter to sweep under the carpet and I think I can promise you that if you come through with the tapes we'll take care of partying now I still don't believe that I was responsible for that accident what's important is that you've got a job to do for the good of your country you know there are people watching me other yours no yeah well there are two of them they make me nervous we're aware of them they'll be handled as efficiently as you were how's that coffee coming along coming right up Mac here's your coffee thank you we're well they'll be handled as efficiently as you were good binder would you hear that you know the they they're talking about handling as us how doesn't that bother you no I'm the whole point and let them know we're watching him you drew it skipping town yeah but what about all those computers readout screens I don't understand why a guy sitting around waiting for a trial is in a room full of computers so he's trying to make this bigger than it is our job is to simply watch drew wood until his court appearance I forgot you're not a regular cop psychologists don't have a regular cops instincts you know you get cranky when you miss your nap once you lie down for a while I'm wide awake I'll probably be up all night worrying about those computers about an eight on the Richter scale you see you were sleeper than you thought it's lonely work being a cop who I'll take the little one no I'll take the little one you take the big we better both take the pigment we'll never get on that corporate jet in an hour you there's nothing like arising at the crack of dawn on a brand new day yes it probably can be said that man's finest tribute to Commerce great steel mills Pittsburgh Pittsburgh I'll be worth hell are you going I can't help myself call my poor to the saddle Jean I'm supposed to be the lead it may be the first time in history an Indian leapt aboard a stagecoach to shoot it out against his own people hey no one was any more surprised amazing thing I was and so will the producer be he'll just love it now go answer the phone a lady called twice before her name is teri hey give me some good news tell me how great those guys I sent over are well I might be able to answer that with a hair more accuracy if I could find them find the way to me they're at the motel oh no I'm at the motel mister durwood's at the motel they definitely are not at the motel come on they call me to tell me how great things were going well I guess the only thing going was them Oh Colt what am I gonna do the court appearance is tomorrow morning at 9:00 oh wait a minute I have an 8 o'clock call and believe me after what happened today I can't afford to be late Pope please could you just babysit until 6 o'clock and then haul him into court I'll meet you there all right I guess I can keep an eye on him but at 6 a.m. I dumped him on you at the court and head for work now is that understood right right Oh Cole thank you you're wonderful yeah I know now what rooster and sweets have disappeared where are my eyebrows is that all you can say didn't you get a good look out that window I can't see any there must have fallen asleep at night my contacts see rooster perhaps it didn't sink in we were settling in to a long winters nap in Los Angeles I didn't settle in for anything you know I never go to sleep with my contacts in well good then maybe you can explain how we got here how we got where would you take a look around please certainly made yourself comfortable didn't you I mean I've heard of tossing and turning in your sleep this is ridiculous please open up you hear that that's the police of course I heard of this my eyes that are bothering me not my ears I'll put Brutus nails everywhere Brutus come on Brutus hates uniformed dead one you sure you can't get a scene like this Rick was harmless but the little animal a real animal well you guys felt quite a party get your things together we're taking you downtown why downtown we don't want perverts from California bringing your games to Pittsburgh Pittsburgh why should you be concerned about Pittsburgh I should think you'd have your hands full trying to clean up our town rooster that's what I've been trying to tell you this isn't our town it's their town see for yourself come on well as a psychologist I have but one comment this going to be a confession well this is gonna be a scream Brutus stay put that dogs trained to go for your throat and outside it's gonna be quite unhealthy you might tidy up well you got a little time on your hands oh we don't use drugs we were given them and that's the way it starts they give them to you at first and then you have to start paying for them hope what we need a plane tickets not abuse or at the airport all right I'll front the money Terry's already pretty mad at you for running out on her what airport you had that's Berg Pittsburgh yeah Pittsburgh look would you consider first-class accommodations its Berg you dancer what why don't you guys phone to the lobby it's the same guys at shanghaied you coming back would you never die mister was still in that other room never leaves good we got some questions we'd like to ask him wait a minute fellas I promised Terry I'd have durwood in court first thing in the morning nothing's coming between me and that promise Colt the man wanted us in jail to keep us out of the way that tells me he's doing something he doesn't want us to know about it's tied into that court appearance whatever it is it's coming down today how do you know that do you think we imagine waking up with two hookers who framed us in Pittsburgh hello it's time I told you I would choose the place for the last tapes you've run out of choices just walk straight out climb into the limousine parked across the driveway suppose I don't well I've got a guy like durwood arrange to have you two sent to Pittsburgh without you even know it I don't know but there's more to this thing than meets the eye yeah well have that twerp hauled off to court Cole he's leaving well now's as good a time as any come on do something we want this track signs a complete circle there we go wait you're getting volume too the balancing out one commit what's going on that's a real s that's a Jabberwock subject has taken some kind of toy car I shouldn't be any problem he turned them back up understanding visor get your hands on me the back door is holding a gun heading for the Vine Street off-ramp you can't drive close at a distance I blind don't you don't you don't you it's higher drop the Connie it's only a movie I said drop it if check my identification with it you'll find that I'm on call as a police psychologist that's right I can vouch for that don't you listen to him it they tried to kill me they're criminals and I have the proof you'll get your chance to show you proof downtown buddy unless you want chief Coburn to use you for target practice I suggest you look at my identification I'll be damned he's a police psychologist so what does that make this guy in my opinion a nut okay steel I guess it's your ballgame let's all go downtown and get this thing straightened out well he's doing Superior Court Division 11 but if you don't mind going on ahead I got a partner that may be hurt back there yeah now pick it up on the car radio I've already ordered a backup car in an ambulance tell you what maybe a friend here could stay here with these kiddie cars until we can get a police talk back here I'll take care of it officer where are my glasses I can see what I will need them to answer questions durwood where are the tapes where she will do a man I got the limo tomato the accident that's very good direct I was also at the motel where the tapes I don't have them look all I want to do is stay alive the tapes will give you alive do it I left off the Grand Prix track I hit them in the ticket booth let's go to the track what's up suppose expose it like this for somebody stole they'll be there he'll end up we have you done Oh where in the world you get this car Jody do me a favor get it back to the amusement park I got to get to the set the amusement park there's no money in the world that'll make me drive this car in a public street uh Cole sorry have you seen cold oh yeah yeah and you know he wanted you to do him a favor or what he wants you to take this car to the amusement park well how am I gonna get back I'll call you things he makes me okay nasty things where they're gonna bounce all over the floorboards oh I'll put them in Colts trailer they weren't real cops Oh fellas come on spare me we're dead serious there's a lot more to this case than manslaughter we checked out that suite of room that durwood was living in we found enough computers to intimidate the Strategic Air Command computers in a motel room tell you'll see for yourself we didn't understand neither until we decided to broaden our investigation that's right now how is it possible for two guys just to wind up in Pittsburgh with two ladies of the evening and not remember anything about it you don't really want me to answer that we resent that implication we don't deny it well we resent in any way look Terry even if we were those kind of guys it wasn't a commercial plane that got out of here late enough last night you know the only other answer is a private jet the kind owned by the big corporations like GOP for instance which incidentally is the company where durwood was oh come on now you're talking about the American flag and apple pie Oh cherry all you have to do is pick up a telephone call the Pittsburgh International Airport find out whose corporate jet made a unscheduled stop there late last night GOP right and further checking on the part of the world's to register Texas anyone I know having to uncover the fact that plane was signed out to the special security branch special securities ex-cia X FBI dirty pool on a corporate level these guys were investigated by a special Senate committee a few months ago they play to win they play rough and they cheat oh come on guys now what does any of this have to do with durwood and my bailing him out of jail in a manslaughter charge we're gonna find out right now for matter hurry didn't last job packing computers guys ask any computers right through that door wait get a load of this fellas where are the computers could this be the wrong room after watching it a couple of days now the computers were here I believe you sweets sorry guys you had me going for a while there but it won't wash now you see if there were heavy computers in here there would be imprints on the carpet and there are none let's go look at this a remnant of fiber a remnant of fiber yeah wonderful what does it mean um tell her rooster it's very simple you were right about the the indentations in the carpet and if you had computers a lot of heavy equipment in here there'd be imprints and drag marks all over the place unless the carpeting was new in which case either be a remnants of fibers laying around are you trying to tell me that the entire hotel management is in on the conspiracy would you like to know what major corporation owns not only this motel but the one in Pittsburgh I'm afraid to ask gee l.p what'll I do who do I call this is worse than Watergate I mean you can go to jail for even suggesting something like this can go on within the ranks of a major American institution well you don't know if the whole institution it may just be the security boys at our power drop yeah or else they just learned so many bad tricks while they work for Uncle Sam now they don't know how to quit when they're back in the private sector if there's another one hey guys you can't take that what do you think you're doing and in it look clean switch back at that hotel they got juice we gotta find out where it's coming from chopper 2 security malta for mr. Dyle yellow red sports car phone 206 is standing by for an intercept go ahead set up the intercept we have the killerman simply is not bought this ticket idea Suites everything we're looking for is in that limousine and we're gonna get it that's them how do with this tapes I found in that racing car that we returned to Cole take him to Cole tossed it might be important I'll see you there later oh wait Brad a date look take him there and drop him off keep on going I gotta go hope he cares about me I'm gonna end up lonely and alone me excuse me lady I think you have some property that belongs to me I don't know what you're talking about mr. computer tapes property of GLP I'm from secure mr. know what you talk I happen to know that you have them in your possession it would be best for you just to turn them over now look mister as far as I'm concerned these tapes are property of my boss you're just gonna have to take it up at town I said I want them now Hey look there's still security on this lot and some of the crew and if I scream there's gonna be a March you won't scream you won't have a chance one lady we're gonna take you evidence you oh thank you oh thank god you're here been looking all over town for you sweets and rooster have disappeared well have you tried Cleveland it was Pittsburgh and it's not funny there was missing too we know there's a connection well now no you're crazy because I turned her went over to the police myself now if you'll excuse me I want to check my messages and take a hot bath cold those men you turned durwood over to were not real police officers that's impossible they just happen too long I know they didn't they were directed by your helicopter oh by GLP who also owns the motel durwood was staying in and the corporate jet that shanghaied rooster and sweets I mean you're making the sound like an international conspiracy apparently had to do with some computer tapes that durwood was holding and Jody's been missing since sunset the gate guard said she left in a limo limo she said she was coming here the plate number says it belongs to GLP did you call the police well they thought it was nuts and so what I except for one frightening fact yeah you're not gonna like this so far I haven't liked any of it if we're right about g-o-p grabbing people illegally they are not gonna let them hang around here for us to find them another unscheduled flight they just booked a departure window of midnight if you're right three close friends could be on their way to losing their lives I don't know how to go about finding out without tipping them off and losing any chance of seeing them again yeah well I know one way and that's to be there to see who gets on that plane let's go that's look like they're here yet come on you put that on see if there some tools in that kit don't forget to use channel 6 they fix the coffeemaker that's what I'm gonna check we didn't get the words you were going out so another one of those last-minute jobs yeah all right everybody out immediate seating think we can upgrade the first class Oh go in there oh yes you do dreamy cult yeah but I can't talk real good they're here Jodi sweets rooster door dalam and there are some guys in suits and ties it doesn't sound like friends of ours shall we go please you're going aboard called three four okay that's it let's go the ceiling in gold to think of some way for them to open it up again I'll try wait a minute guys hey you belong out here son well yeah I think I left my tools up there oh it's too bad they're on a tight schedule I'll see that you get it back right now well that's the best you can do Colt unless I get rid of fighter plane you're on your own vali what is it hey yo are you talking to so one letter you are clear to cutting the runway to warm well when you're through one-niner you are cleared for immediate takeoff things all right now I don't want to go to Cuba matter of fact is I don't want to go anywhere I just want you to slow this thing that we're alma ground rolling we got a jumbled breathing down our necks I really like to trust you fellas but I don't have time to explain if we roll this thing back to the ramp I gotta feel that be shot before I got to say my piece now you come on out of that chair be right there hey buddy have you know anything about airplanes you wouldn't be know a lot about it now slow your ground speed down to 52 we get down to the last 100 yards we can't take off in a hundred yards that's right we ain't taking off we kind of slow yes Mac we stood on the taxiway nope this is the main chute we're definitely slowing down what is going on up there now this is your pilot there's no reason for alarm we've encountered backup delays due to heavy traffic and we'll be proceeding along circus trees to an alternate Airport you what in the hell is old one-niner doors open up in there what Niner have you lost your minds keep going out if we don't start doing something you'll shoot his way in here hang a right here slow it up to 40 we're heading right out onto Sepulveda Boulevard yeah well it's nice and wide and pretty impe this time of night the rush hour Jackson what's going on in there he's armed mr. Dyle be careful don't stop for the lights they put the wing out for a left turn attention all units we've got a sir well it sir I mean it was a code for something like that sergeant Coburn LAPD what you saw a 747 driving down some public Boulevard well thank you very much yeah they're all out tonight man yeah why should tonight be any different Sarge must I tell you again officer I am NOT drunk I am NOT a drinking man okay I'm turning to free turn right at the corner to avoid it disaster nice landing a bunch of people that owe you their lives you know I don't even want to ask but just tell me is this gonna be a long story or a simple plea for mercy well you see it all started when I was jumping off of this room you know sweets for most people that's more than one swallow nerves rooster gonna take us a long time to pay for that police station get it we're off the hook DLP is so anxious to squelch any publicity about the runaway security squad that they've agreed to pay all our costs including mine no questions asked oh and it's submit our bill you might remind him that we did run into a little more than we bargained for how can you say that you got a free trip to Des Moines cancer hurt and you almost got to go to Japan how do you like a steak sweets large cook Dracula style hey guys now that everything's turned out so well can anybody tell me what it was all about changing the world how I dangerous one to a lot of the large corporations are hiring security experts to make sure that their their executives are safe when they travel you know only the guys the GOP hired are mostly ex-cia some are pretty quick on the trigger that's right and then someone in the unit got carried away in the name of protection and started using the kind of dirty tricks you can go to jail and that's where poor old durwood came in there you go sweet yeah thanks durwood had the misfortune of finding it confronting those guys well under the circumstances I mean not knowing who we're up against I think we're lucky to be alive Oh luck has nothing to do with it sweets McBride is the greatest bloodhound since Sherlock Holmes nothing aids his keen sense and his watchful eye you're the best sweets but it was my psychological profile that told us exact cut of professional we were up against yes but it was my street sense the old lies in the back of the head something that took years years Hey what happened who did that hmm did watch your luck I said rare movie time there now if something happens of this steak the next state is gonna be great day
Channel: Colt Seavers
Views: 256,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fall guy how do i kill thee let me count the ways, the fall guy season 2 episode 9, the fall guy full episodes
Id: lkz1vq8wtPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2013
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