The Fall Guy 3x16 Rabbit's Feet [Full Episode]

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well I'm not the kind to kiss and tell but I've been seen with fair up I've never been so funny with Sally Field on past with a girl named Bo they just don't end up as mine it's a bit behind and take my chances a dark me artists never do is what you're some of the guyline I might fall from a tall building to start I've never spent much time in school but I don't ladies bloody it's true my body alpha Bay burned over Cheryl Tiegs blow up hey it's only i'ma jump open drawbridge or cousin from Eastwood just have a look on Kenny Hales face when he heard the scores the last night's game listen uncle sky Kelly's mother just called panda nice guy Kelly had a mother I thought he was hatched by the Bunco squad she's very very sick she needs to see you as soon as possible because sky is in desperate trouble oh yeah what is somebody else's money or somebody has his wife details she just said that he's an Argentine he's in jail and he's gonna be hanged and they say there's no justice I've never seen his so cold cold I'm hot I mean just a mention of Scott Kelly's name makes me hot you understand well it's been a long time maybe he's changed come on his mother's just as bad as he is I don't trust either one of them oh she called I'm really sorry you feel that way cuz I told her she could wait for you at your house Oh what alright but this better not take long I haven't where's my truck no mumbles knockbacks other Wars no scours had something extra yeah probably some other kids bicycle cold no no sweetie no us all right he's absolutely right no sky always did like to taste of life's banquet mmm never particular care who picked up a jacket Nicole I know I have absolutely no right to ask this of you but could you please go to Argentina get my boy out of jail before it's too late please go shave Mosca late that awful she croaked before she ever got a chance to tell us exactly where in Argentina to find Porto sky Borrego Gerena look you wouldn't exactly know a while with guys in the slammer there with you Oh does it really matter now it's Terry I don't believe it wow I never would have seen through that disguise you knew all along she wasn't Skye's mother was it really that bad no you were fantastic the problem is it Skye's mother weighs about 300 pounds is a blackjack dealer in Reno the last time sky visitor solder closed pay off a loan shark ha ha ha does this mean you're not going why is it so important to you that I get sky off the hook he owes me money he owes everybody buddy what's he doing in Argentina anyway I don't really know I said something about running a private charter airline service that makes sense the only thing he ever owned was a beat-up old airplane well he really is in jail he's waiting for the hangman I found that out from the American Embassy in Argentina well I wouldn't worry about him hanging he ever gets to the gallows he'd probably pound off the rope yeah what if they do hang him cold where's my money such warmth cold please got Argentina for me please give me one good reason from me I said a good reason dry money for money you're not seriously thinking about going down to Argentina to save that creeps neck are you what of course not we think I've lost all my marks cult you really have lost all your marbles why I said I wasn't going I didn't say anything about we besides friendship is thicker than IQ points well we might as well look at the bright side the jail where they're holding sky is located all right in the heart of argentina's horse country yeah what figures everybody knows that skies a genuine horses I sympathize Daniel Moreno I'm afraid that I can't release guy Kelly into your custody he has certain rights and what about my rights as a rancher whom he victimized you leave me alone with him for five minutes I will not only persuade him to tell me where he's hidden what he sold for me but deliver you his confession as well signed in blood I am sworn to uphold the law Senor and any law which protects criminals must be changed by any means necessary Senor Mourinho not do anything foolish try to be patient impatient sky Kelly's stole the embryos of my finest thoroughbred horses everything I have is invested in that breeding they must be transplanted to suitable mares quickly or I will lose everything Skye Kelly will get his just desserts at your Boudinot according to law breeding horses is ruled by the laws of nature not your laws signore see it better well I see it that means police called psychic it Oh what can I do for you the police chief of this district that's right I'm chief Sevilla and you are cold see Bertha your friend Scott Kelly he gave me a photograph why well he said he wanted to use you as a character reference we would like to see the prisoner very well your friends in trouble he has to answer some very serious charges I gusto would I lead you astray do what I tell you I never carry a visitor Jesus in time it's a miracle Oh surprise surprise and he wouldn't desert me in the pits of my despair yes let me look at your boat and drink in the savage beauty of your manly faces using my compaƱeros a pellagra that means companions in danger get away from the wall why I'll explain right after the explosion explosion come on they're gonna think you helped me escape Richard we do cold no choice break out of jail prisoner there's nothing like hot pursuit to fire up the old blood folk I want to do this right I'd like to present you see Ashley the roar I'm a Reza right my sweet little rose from Argentina send your Seavers the great pleasure to meet you you are even more handsome than your photos which sky gave to everyone why are you passing out pictures of coal I prize his friendship I want the world to share my joy well I want some straight answers or I'm gonna let the road share your face now why the con to get us down here hey I was a condemned man I need a friendly intervention yeah well she intervened a hole in your jailhouse long you didn't need us to do that for you well the truth is there are some additional circumstances oh yeah like the fact that we're now accessories to a jailbreak in a foreign country and all of our cash clothes and passports are in a car that's in the hands of the police yeah call you gotta teach the boy not to sweat the small stuff come on sky what's the story let's talk about it over a cerveza Jaime that's Spanish for beer right I expect the truth now that's English for lie to me again you'll lose your teeth a picky picky picky loosen up called hey don't be shy driving the police chief said there's serious charges against you now like what call really it's hardly worth mentioning salute that mixing it anyway it seems as a minor dispute about some personal property that some pushy character claims belongs to him there are serious charges against you by now this is a crooked force you'll be in jail for 15 years try the green ones they'll really steam clean your tongue what did you steal steal steal was such a harsh word Shh ask your leader she's gonna be hurt if you don't listen to her audition for you go honey go baby me why is she auditioning for me I told her you were producing what cult cult everyone has a dream in the morning we're taking you back to jail Howie would you talk some sense in then back at dawn by George sis what don't move Senor I told you they're crooked slip them a couple hundred it will go to jail for 50 years $200 huh no way there's a big reward my friend and all I have to do is bring back your heads now all of you stand up I'm gonna mama knows amigo my god code I was great caught will you shut up sky hey sky don't you have a plane yeah the lady Lulu had stashed outside of town come over get now this country come on Esther leader what a guy what a guy when do we get to the lady Lulu where there was solar the police what do we do a cold I'm thinking I'm thinking you are like drunken men all talk and no action look at that my angel birds gonna do the trick she's gonna get shot killed but full up better cause are you talking about getting killed over me vamonos - Scapa la mujer it worked it worked get us airborne you have to treat lady Lulu like a woman he'sjust Oh Caesar and demand action come on you okay we want engine's going calls your friend is very astute you take off and stop going side to side I can't because he shot the aileron that's not the aileron that go side-to-side then he shot the rudder how to ride oh look at the car on the rice Canales I'll take care of him this guy's sky Aurora's passed by somebody forgot to tell him that bullet is still in the aileron or runner this is maximum height it the blade must've hit something so maybe we better send out for a rewrite the writers are going to lunch pressure dropping shut it down L'Oreal brings down the school swear you were others Mama's lemon arms and then lovely today stop complaining we're alive and I'd like to stay that way let's move this way come on estrellita look at that she's here my princess you know where to find us oh we got this my first you sort of together you know we know each other very it's sort of like the court with them sisters I followed the lady Lulu from down below the way you waved and whacked was not difficult good eye he is magnifique of me I'm am fantastical I will then tastico if we can't get out Lulu's oil line fix around the altar Leto it's only way out of here when you take it easy estrellita style as the farm and the barns full of scrap parts you sure hey would I lie to you you don't have to answer that watch TV CEO Marino the main Tommy he's near Kelly has broken out of jail some of the men saw him in a cantina he's running from Sylvia's men with estrellita Ramirez and two Americans who no doubt helped him to escape Ramirez isn't he one of your tenant farmers hmm so you think to head it to his farm perhaps I want Kelly before she feta finds him you tell the men there will be a generous reward now that he's a free man he's fair game si jefe it's a bunch of junk I didn't promise an air craft supply store he's been fixing a motorcycle not an airplane your rhetoric severs so your Kelly told me have the power to make my Islita to be the next chair oh you made me very proud yeah thanks Ramirez you have to understand he's a big operator it might not be worth his while what about this here when he does he our bias at auction used only by angels of hell two years I work on it now G is ready Hey well Line tubing el Creepo comprende no sweat that can wait now called I want you to see something it is really important rabbits sky these are very special bunnies so the reason I was in the slammer you push through all of this for bunnies hey there are rabbits in there rabbits these aren't your ordinary fluffy rodents I don't think I want to hear anymore it makes two of us cold listen for the first time in my life I've committed a totally unselfish act you see I've become a godfather to an orphanage in Texas and these snowy white pink eyed little bunnies they're gonna be pets for the for the love-starved you know tiny children who live there cover the bunnies objection love it up you're kidding then you're simmered I don't know if you've heard this before you got 10 seconds to get out of there we're coming in to get you one two it's basically sky they want let's just hand him or don't listen to what I'm your friend kid I think at this point we'd like to get a noose around our necks you heard him I knew you'd stick by me buddy what are we gonna do well I guess we just have to do some improvising 9 10 come out now protect us you get up on the roof okay cool call it desire no I still got three left you're my kind of guy anyway stopping cold I'm not it is if the transmission is coming out ah hey maybe those Gauchos can give us a lift please Linda some horses huh I wouldn't mind some grubby either I'm starved come on paddy say your is me and my compadres here we sell your fire thought we might come sit a spell sit down but for water gracias nice looking horses they best imagine there's a pretty good market for those around the world like Arabian stallions Oh there could be except we have a problem exporting them they don't whinny in English just a witticism problem Colt is that there's an outbreak of fever ticks they're not allowing any new stock in the United States but I hear there's a way to get around that oh we simply ship them before they are born we remove the embryo from the mares hey what's all this talk about embryo never yeah come on trying to try eat my food we got trouble that's Marino's Foreman who's Marino he's a big horse breeder around here he's the reason I was put in jail it wasn't my fault what wasn't your vote it's a long story well Kelly how convenient for you and your friends to be asking at Marino's land so young Marino has promised to the fine reward amigos for them I will take the one call severs what's guys leaving I'm on your side cult what a team we make like a fine Swiss walkie this ought to work perfect we can fix the oil line break with this tubing but we got a bigger problem yeah like what one of the slugs severed the rudder cable which means which means we can't fly in a straight line have Colts gonna be back to the farm with the welding equipment anytime now I could have got it in a lot easier you could have also left this in the lurch hey do I sense a sense of distrust seeping in between us seeping in try a tidal wave you just want to bring those bunnies back here hey that is not true I mean how can you say that you leave me speechless I wish how can you be so cruel and hard-hearted what about those little kids in the orphanage Stewart's guy I'm not buying okay y'all gonna force me to do something I've never done before in my life Howie I am going to level with you will you give it a rest guy I swear to you I swear this to the truth I swear it on my mother's grave mothers still alive nobody lives forever remember you're talking about those horses and everything with a fever ticks what's that got to do with rabbits what about us good floor Oh Eadie steering duh all right besides that magicians like to pull them out of hats that's a good trick but I'm talking about the miracle of breeding those rabbits are carrying Marino's horse embryos I know it's hard to believe what is it I know it could be done bingo you got it that's right I had a veterinarian take every little baby horsey right and put it into every little mommy bunny I wonder it was so important for you to bring those rabbits back to the States we got two days to put the embryos back into the mares a simple but brilliant plan but that's the kind of guy I am your horse thief that's the kind of guy you are hey there's no law against stealing unborn horses besides Marino he probably stole from all his people around him just to get his millions I mean we're just evening up the score look we're all gonna get rich it's like Robin Hood that's it Robin Hood yeah let's try this in the flame Robin Hood well I am not saving is not being here you will carry with lazy nah hope you are a great producer that looks like this tubing should work y'all heck of a lot better if we had some baling wire to tie it off with got anything like that around sky sky sky that getting your doing let's look like I'm doing I thought you said the writer cable was broken well it's not broken just a little frayed that's all what about ghosts Call Mobile is the walk away from our half a million dollars in my book that makes immer a man with it that's crazy yeah well in my book that makes him an honest man kind of a shabby excuse is that let's look listen to me just you and me right will hide the plane we get the rabbits we sell them to this rancher that I got lined up in Texas will will split the booty right down the middle huh 8020 guy you give treachery a bad name okay 70/30 60/40 you think old strategist like that hey amigo will you lighten up I wouldn't really have abandoned called uh I I was just making sure you're as loyal damn his pee jump hello she fixed the rudder cable just fine a car it must be more enough man get this equipment to the plane I'll give him something to run out there it is my Jeep where is he around where'd he go okay spread out find him come on he can't get far koats gonna flip when he finds out what you've done I gotta tell you something I will tell me on the pudding of it support I go there's no time hurry me cotton you dog what's she doing on the plane that's part of what I was trying to tell you what's the other part this rabbits some people might look upon them as rabbits I see them more as two million dollars hey what's no good get him off cool I think we had to leave the rabbits where they are why well for the same reason that I let him on board in the first place listen to him cult the rabbits go with us so rabbits nuts final call to me go do not push your luck much as it pains me I wouldn't hesitate to blow your head off unfortunately I can't trust you and so now here's the plan call you fly the plane I hold the gun how about I sit here you hold the gun they come shoot us what are you talking about who's they Marino's Gauchos or some bears deputies does it matter yeah all of our j'tia hate you make that the entire United Nations stop jobs come on let's move it now hey you shoot me they should be what's the difference I think I'll just sit this one out are you crazy they're serious well you're not young mean oh well we're almost done range you know that series the guns guy I saw here holding lipstick I'm flying this great love driving it flying into the air tails chosen them we can give up we've been bolo I told you to use the throttle ah nothing to stop us now there was nothing mean trees how much gas in the wing tanks I think enough to get us airborne cross you got the ancillary tests we were level good we get airborne we got it made just past those trees different person farewell to you lounge and Tina hello y'all Texas planes because I'm gonna tell yourself it's great to be young free and guard just like me hey little lady guess we're going you're going to Texas they got carrots as a baseball bat like that it's even counting the rabbits van Arkel skies gonna convert all those little horsies in your little tummy into good old American dollars some trigger get it wrong uncle sky your buddies are going back to where they belong to Marino's Marino's are you crazy use my head for polo practice mr. leader can you see Marino's ranch from here not yet cause you can't be serious we got a word on free we get the whole enchilada by the breast free Olli I mean no more beer on trestles champagne filet mignon color TV in every room oh no not really every step Kyle please we're both rational human beings we all right we may not see eye to eye on everything there to the left his tables are over there and this private landing strip is just beyond it cold listen lady luck and gotten on your door don't spit on her tiara mr. Latta will you talk to me no no no why not I think maybe you lied to me about getting me a job singing in Hollywood I know you lied to me about the rabbits there's nothing I lied everybody here Ally keep your eye on her when moving these rabbits - where you going cold a little trick I always wanted to look at yeah yeah hey hey one of them Sydney Marina yes my name is Colt Seavers I believe this property belongs to you a rabbit horses you'll find the embryos inside the rabbits where is Kelly he's in in the plane bring Carrie to me and the rest of these rabbits is worth signorina I want you to know that me and my friend had nothing to do with this I since you returned my property I will accept that you seem like an honorable man all I want now is Kelly yeah well you cease coming I can tell you are angry with me mamacita are please believe me all my heart is old sky here he would never I would do nothing anything to hurt your boy I can't believe you you held a gun on your friend there is not a way compilers act with one another I know all that talk to about you know Hollywood and singing and Lenny sometimes I fool myself you are a fool what you are a fool if you think that is the only reason I love you it's not the only reason no I love you even if you do talk back in the staff adore an ester for which it's kinda like a swindler oh honey Swift's age gosh to think you mean are all along you knew I will see that justice is done call for the love of mercy can't leave me here with him he would be tried according to the laws of my country I am an honorable man oh I can see that but you have one big problem you'll have to ship the rabbits right away because if Silvera impounds him as evidence for Sky's trial you'll wind up with a lot of justice and no money signora you would make an excellent attorney however there is the matter of Honor the cult his honor means my head I would like to pay you and your friend for the inconvenience you have suffered five thousand dollars I'm sorry but we can't accept that ah you are also an honourable man well that's it's too bad hold them all what's next ah it's simple there can be no trial if the criminal is dead and without witnesses no one will ever know excuse me the same look familiar to you Bing and out of the whole crosby picture yeah dad hate red cape it on and flip their gourds pat-a-cake Baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can oh no not see again come on we have unloaded all the rabbits you know I knew you wouldn't leave me there to play target for those campus pirates well it took some doing but I have fought the temptation there isn't enough gasoline to get us across the border any extra gas around here sure there's plenty behind that Quonset hut all right we got to get a lady Lilo's and her last flight be talking about you see there isn't time to refuel they're going to catch us and shoot us not unless they think we're dead beforehand and everyone get ready to bail out okay get out of here they hit my gas tanks why why did you do that make them think that we're dead you deadbeat so what's our plan well we walk to Paraguay and freedom it's only 40 miles nah me I'm not going anywhere we certainly can't stay here uh-uh I'm a free man besides mean that's really got a lot of making up to do what are you talking about well cold I just can't walk away now I mean being dead is the opportunity of a lifetime come on we'll see ya see ya hi Hey Hey take care of yourself here I want you all to try this it's Argentinean wine they're starting a whole new industry down there you know well where'd you get the bottle Skyy sent it to me this guy's into wine yeah it seems that he planted ester elitist form with vines he wanted to know if I was interested in investing huh well that's one thing I like about sky he's got the gift of grab Heights me sorry we have no parts for little old ladies oh that's cute where's my money oh you'll get your money soon the sky comes back most guys never gonna pay you back I didn't say to let him go you let him go out of the goodness of your little heart well whatever it is you're up to the answer is none oh come on go I said one that was rude I know you see I had this friend who's stuck in our Volta you you
Channel: Colt Seavers
Views: 139,934
Rating: 4.7455621 out of 5
Keywords: the fall guy season 3, the fall guy full episodes, the fall guy series 3, the fall guy tv series, the fall guy rabbits feet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2013
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