The Fall Guy 2x11 Happy Trails

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well I'm not behind to kiss and tell but I've been seen with fair up I've never been with anything less than a nun so fun I've been on fire with Sally Field on past with a girl named Bo but somehow they just don't end up as mine it's a bit defined laughs I need I'd take my chances I've died for living in the movies and to me the hardest thing I ever do is watch my leading ladies your summer the guy wanna bandage in my knee I might fall from a tall building a brand new car cause I'm the unknown stunt man that made Redford such a star I've never spent much time in school but I don't ladies puede it's true my body alpha Bay hey hey I've gotten burned over Cheryl Tiegs blown up for Raquel Welch but when I wound up in the hey it's only hey hey hey jump and open drawbridge or Tarzan from a vine cause I'm the unknown step man and make these would look so fine you probably the most fun I had in all my years in Hollywood was getting asked to do the stunt work for one of my all-time heroes Roy Rogers in his brand-new television special haha about your backup man he all right Ali I always find just I killed the wrong horse I kill trigger not the right back up man your life could be on the line I'm at rest Halle in any emergency sure his nerves won't crack under pressure now he's got ice water in his veins cool I got to talk to you lay on a minute no it won't wait a minute this is a crisis excuse me out ice water huh kid what's wrong with you you look like you've seen a ghost oh please don't say that I didn't mean to do it do what how are you I was practicing twirling the pistol and went off so so I shot trigger you shot trigger you what am I gonna do cold must be worth millions how am I gonna pay it back at fifty bucks a week no sense putting it off we better break it to Roy no we're he's gonna hate me Roy doesn't even know that word right can we see you over here a minute sure I shot trigger the smartest horse in the movie Cowboys best friend what's happening uh Howie shot trigger it was an accident I swear it can you ever forgive me no problem I'll just have to get another horse hey that's his best trick kid laying dead on the sound of a gunshot but you never felt anything like state-of-the-art yes sir I did exactly staying in the yard you know I've sold every kind of car there is this car is superior to any of them one drive and sells itself not with a rattle like that in the back oh oh I don't hear anything are you kidding there it goes again I don't see anything let's go to the cantina you like such a fool everybody was in on this joke except me never mind that you'll get a chance to make it up are you clear on what you have to do it's your thing right after lunch I'm gonna go into town and buy the stunt car good get you back here just in time for the gang oh yeah no problem unless like I tried to jack it up like I did last time now I don't start with me Jody I bargained with the best oh I know every trick in the trade recipes business school directors remember the deal how could I forget I've seen you do it a hundred times you buy the car after we smash it up in the stunt we sell it for junk the movie company gives us $6,000 for the car in the stunt we can do it for less we get to keep the extra money trust me at all it's as good as done under control no problem why do I always feel queasy when he feels confident get to kiss me away bye Howie excuse me I don't mean to be nosy but I couldn't help overhearing you're talking to your assistant my Oh cold yeah we work together stuntmen that's what I thought but you've got yourself some stories to tell her well I've had my share of harrowing experiences I'll say that yeah yeah say did I hear right you're going to smash up a car yeah that's right isn't that awfully dangerous magic probes I'd give anything to be able to handle a car like that don't even think about it either you've got the touchy you don't reminds me of a time when I was a green kid just starting a business unit well this card be fine except for one small problem it's too good what do you mean we only use cars that have pretty much had it it's no way I could afford a favorite car in this kind of condition my friend I think you're judging a car by its cover I think this car has been through hell and back it was stolen a couple of punk kids by the time we got it back the engine was burnt out the rear end was about to fall out what's got hit the ramp going 80 oh that it can do a couple of times but after that laughter that it guess it's gonna be a pilot Chuck right all right hi I like you guys but I'm gonna have to get tough and business is business and the best I can do on this is $3,000 but I'll go 50/50 on the junk salvage rights that will come to another thousand dollars wow you are tough now he's too tough let's go come on wait wait wait wait 3,500 that's my best offer $4,000 and you keep the salvage money you got a deal I'll write you a check right now check no I can't pick it up why what's wrong I'm not nothing's wrong mopping check will be fine I've got an idea you've got a branch of your bag down a Glen or a couple of miles yeah you can take your check down there cash it will be in the clear hey let's go license number is one GL o 2:07 they run it through the stomach car let's tread away huh yeah I'm checking out every porch in the road okay q Roy Rogers I cut fret 22 big is a nice shot get the horses ready are you hurt and let's get light up for the next shot what is this thing L touch car M L should know he was the first to develop this car ramp what does it do doesn't matter we're not doing it not we me you'll be doing Roy now remember and I play the bad guy who it's the car wrapping tips Oh Roy my voters still know what it does is flip the car in the air turned around a couple of times make man on this roof when wrong movers all over for your stunt man well if it's that dangerous maybe you only listen to him colt Oh how's daddy before I won't do it now well I better handle myself Colts the stunt coordinator he has the last word a jumping cars over ramps is practically a way of life for me bingo stolen you must be one of our car thieves all right I'll stay back he could lead me to the main operation zero nine four qad one of our car thieves headed your way fast I'm on him stay back I'll watch him from here and let you know when to move in okay Jodi it's very simple what you're gonna do is ride the buckboards at the end of the street and a nice leisurely pace just be sure you don't go near the jumping ramp hurdle flip you over hang on Jody the horses are spooked we start the car round both you get the horses pocket Jody Oh for you still my hero hey AMI oh yeah don't worry Cole I'm okay no I didn't ask good you're under arrest huh under arrest for what auto theft I just bailed you out and let me tell Don say it I know how desperately worried about me you must have been but it's like everything that you ever taught me flashed before my eyes your words came tumbling out at me if something goes wrong in the middle of a stunt protect your vital organs your head your heart your I know and that's what I did like the well-oiled precision machine that you developed and taught I did everything I was supposed to just you're really steaming aren't you you noticed all right I goofed but it was an honest mistake and it could have happened to anybody if you'll just take a reasonable perspective on the situation you'll see the Poway this may be the last sane statement that I'm gonna make so listen carefully okay goldshire shut up but if I please call hmm you know I got that car for only 4000 bucks don't you I still don't know Ali suckered you out of the movie company's money well they didn't exactly you didn't pay for it no I paid him I just didn't use the movie company's money here oh no I didn't have enough well where'd you get the money us oh you mean our joint account what was a sure thing I wanted to surprise you and use our money instead of the movie companies we would have made $2,000 profit in one day do you know what that money represents 18 stitches along this elbow of mules kick in the stomach and a lot of loose teeth talk about loose teeth I almost got mine knocked out just too bad I couldn't get that telecommunications equipment out in time what are you talking about well the guy who owned the car put in some special business equipment so he could talk to his branch offices all over the world on a direct line are you responsible for that - well we are we are well when they questioned me they asked me where I got the money and I had to tell him it came from our joint account and they seem to think that makes you an accessory how much some of the equipment still good it didn't get broken indirectly much 4000 bucks four thousand four thousand plus 4000 is eight thousand I don't believe it we still have to buy a car eight thousand dollars that's it right huh eight thousand dollars there's one more small thing much well when the insurance company found out that the car had been stolen and then destroyed by the buyer they claimed that they were no longer liable well if they're not liable who is liable we are how would you know how much a car like that cost you're telling me highway robbery somehow someway cold I'm gonna get that money back trust me where's the other car right here in my pocket what the hell is that supposed to mean for $1,000 you sold it to a Motion Picture Company as a stunt car well they'll find out it's stolen hey no way they've got a totally I don't know no wait a minute wait a minute business-wise this makes sense cost us $1,200 to repaint an alter a car to make it unrecognizable transportation to Mexico is another 1,100 Commission to our representative down there is 800 we sell it for 6,000 net profit 2,900 that's 4,000 and no handling all right I get the picture anyway that's not that we can do about it now let's get back to work we got orders to fill I don't believe it that Pat Buttram forget that's part maverick yeah I thought he was killed in Tombstone I don't remember us at Virginia and he's a [ __ ] astray them Wow the hours I spent in front of the TV watching these guys so that's what the problem is are you kidding those were the days everybody knew who the heroes were there were good guys and there were bad guys and there was no in between watch the rifleman remember practice out or they're all inside of here oh I got a meaty scar um always respect a star sign okay that's not for me to outsiders oh that's what gonna raise a tan I'll call you in McClure are we using real money yeah yeah but since when is robert e lee on a $20 bill you got some more money you hear that it's a poker game I'll fit right in here and stay up kid Jack Kelly Bart maverick I used to watch you all the time when I was a girl who are you now a boy is that what I look like well hardly now you old enough to have beer later knowledge fast just don't know how to approach stars Howie come on Jackie playin poker or what God got sorry about that point yeah you're gonna be a lot sorrier wait a minute what it will wait what tell target is a better punch he's your friend I used to think I wanted everything its face it cold it wasn't your fault you were supposed to duck under that punch maybe but he was too slow it doesn't matter it does matter and I'm gonna tell Roy unforgive it nobody needs to be blamed you want to bet he's not laying it on you come on Hal forget about today let's start thinking about tomorrow's work why you were against me doing that stuff from the beginning not I guess yeah just surprised to see you want to do it well thanks a lot for the vote of confidence now I'll handle him al I saw what happened hey hit me in the mouth but your mouth shouldn't have been there you say I'm slowing down what I'm saying is get off a cold speck he's got enough problems with his own without worrying about you those car thieves have taken his partner pretty good there's only one place I can think it's dig em out text back where I met him it's them alright cold I'm sorry for all the trouble I cart it's only money I mean between you and Al - well it wasn't your fault that was strictly Al's problem what do you mean let me put it this way there's a story about Jill Lewis somebody asked him if he knew when he was finished and he said it was during the Billy Conn fight 12th rounds he saw an open and hit cone right on the jaw and knocked him out I don't get it he won but he saw the opening and then hit Collin in his prime as this was their first alright you and Roy better get back to location what are you gonna do try and get our money back well no way I lost it I should get it back hey they know you besides I need you to go back to the movie set to work with Roy on the special what are you gonna do cold I don't know play it by ear is that a good idea no but with a Howie you don't get much choice yeah we got it now it's got no place to go Oh hi fellas sure glad you happened along who is he I'm a stuntman shooting with the picture across the canyon yeah he works for the kid that bought the car get rid of him wait a minute making a big mistake I came here looking for you too bad you found us we could make a fortune together I can't play your partners not like me you don't you see I'm gonna need 23 cars in the next two weeks top dollar no questions asked that one will ask where they come from if you were looking for us why'd you run well it's a bad habit I guess I scared of bullets you do around here shoot first and ask questions later just shoot you got one minute to make your [ __ ] then we stop talking we generally process two cars a day yeah what are they worth up to six seven thousand a visa Mexico less bribes and shrinkage how many never make it all the way look what I'm offering you is a clean and safe 3,000 kid paid for all right for what about Salvage can't tell us about that too well the kid is a good bargainer that'll bring another thousand I got one problem how do I know I can trust you 12 commandment greed overcomes all doubt what do you got to lose I'm the one driving the stolen car I collect the money I take all the risk when can you stop moving right away we're getting into a show with enough stunts that have total 23 cars the salvage but the Junkers could check the cars out of stolen but where I do business we still got to check you out don't get any ideas about leaving okay let's get ready for Roy Rogers tumbling tumbleweed roll up Jim see them tumbling aah laughs to the ground I'll be fine drifting along with the tumbling Khumbu be the pastor behind where to go where the trail will drifting along with the tumbling tumbling I know when let us go was worn at all be rolling along my heart is a song here on the range I belong to drifting along with the tumbling there's something important I want you to do more important than counting our money nose around the movie location check out severs it's something wrong that's what I want you to find out listen this setup sounds perfect - perfect get going hey Virginia we got a problem try us let me tell you something kid we don't have any problems kid have you looked at me lately hold on to be Travis's father it has been a while Isaac yeah you know Jim I miss the old days fun we used to have the guys used to hang out with remember old elcome Gary combs but the Sun is doubling me I know those were great days Doug those men were real down-to-earth yeah hey hey Jean mr. O'Shea I gotta talk to you about you little mixed-up Pat I'm not your sidekick I'm The Virginian I'm the psychic oh yeah hey tell me something what's your real name that's it Virginia what are they called you for short the Birju that's the heat it's got to him you know I take it back I don't miss the old days ah come on Doug let's have a drink on today I don't drink anymore Perrier I think that turned out this fine don't you yeah it's like my youth Brayton in front of me thank you oh god what is it Sheriff's helicopter spotted Colts truck and sagebrush ravine do you think the car thieves three lives he was off the nail up and get the money back why hope not where you going cross-country it's shorter Oh what do you think you're doing checking over the cars Frank tells me you tell the mechanics not to change their parents other exactly what I need the first part of the stunt why I change them I'm only gonna wreck of anyway be on television the owners could spawn all right so you don't know much about television time the show's shot edited and gets on the air it could be months besides are not one-of-a-kind anyway what about the next batch I'll just have to judge them as they come in good enough come on he's not here that's good news footprints and some kind of car will do wheels maybe they have Colts can we follow him no our best bet is to split up we'll cover more ground okay look if you find something don't do anything to get back to me this is my home country okay I'm on your mind yeah you know something just doesn't smell right here yeah well maybe the wind changed back on you yeah well maybe you just here to collect that reward this honor but a few bucks compared to all this since 125 jeez a few bucks to bum like you Oh this one's all right I'm tryna Morgan I want to talk to you in a little while no right now I just got back from the movie location your hunch was right we got ourselves a rotten apple well snows were here nobody knows but they found the truck right over here it's kid keep your eye on him I'll get more we better have a little talk with our new friend red top I wouldn't try and think if I were you severs his pals on the way all right take care of him let me finish him off I'll take care of him let's go hi hold on Ali you when I get set hold your hand up as high as you can do I mean you want me to let go with one hand only for a second there you go hang on tight Holly this might hurt easy you that was a close one right thanks you're shot yeah it's not serious any bullet wound is serious we must be getting awful close they were anxious to keep me away right listen we've got to get you to a doctor hey check that out what about Cole he's next on the agenda you think he cried yeah let's go we'll put as many cars into the truck as we can then each one of this will drive one out a caravan out the back route that's twice as far and twice as safe and what about him we'll take him with us he can drop in on his friend how he found the car thieves somebody bring the location doctor here right away there where's colt I don't know but we know he's in trouble call the place and tell them it looks like those car thieves are holed up in the canyon about eight miles from here you've got those car rustlers so rattled it they could be on the move I'll go with you oh you go get the police how are you better set this without ever Colts in trouble this way you can help him most hi guys pumps in trouble repressor over with it hell I'm not gonna be lefty hey wait for me come on I gotta miss the big one either you're not leaving me behind fart doctor carried your series for nine years I gotta warn you fellas there could be some shooting there's gonna be some [ __ ] 20 pigs I'm a gambler not a fire hey I was born to buy bullets lead on Roy it'll be neater and cleaner where he's going you bet boy look let's get out of here now where do you think you're going drop us right to thank the members Academy oh good only see me now this is the Roy and that's 40 and this for Ronnie and this is for me you all right I never felt better watching all my heroes okay what if they considered bau-t honey sure make a hell of a team they're doing all right you don't need us in oli for the tough stunts ladies and gentlemen Thor Roy Rogers Starbuck special with James Rory Doug McClure Jack Kelly Pat Buttram and story Roy Rogers king of the Cowboys with an entourage of Hollywood's best stuntmen featuring cold sabers and Albert thought you'd enjoy the tape before the others got here for the party more important I'm glad the reward money got you even on the car I still think you and the others should have shared in it like a kid after all the fun we've had well you guys hear about the deal I just fell into I know why not I can't afford it that's a heck of an attitude Rory you look like the kind of man who pally will have to talk to my business manager yes I might as well start the party happy trails to you I do again happy trails to you keep smiling who cares about the clouds if we're together just sing a song and bring the sunny where happy to be me Oh
Channel: Colt Seavers
Views: 137,132
Rating: 4.8705201 out of 5
Keywords: the fall guy happy trails, the full guy full episodes, the full guy season 2 episode 11
Id: 4f1XJP0laCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2013
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