The Fall Guy 3x22 Old Heroes Never Die

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well I'm not the kind to kiss and tell but I've been seen with fair up I'll never with the girl name just don't up the fine by me for living in the oh this thing is some of the I might fall from a tall building husband register I've never spent much time in school but I don't ladies playing it's true my buddy Hey it's only and drawbridge Oh the I make these worthless old okay do for you I'm looking for a present mm-hmm hey wait a minute hey that little beauty he leaps out at you didn't ya that one right there how much is it ah let's see well the best I can do on that is 460 460 no I had something much finer in mine on the other hand it does look more expensive than it cost hmm hey wait a minute aren't you the homerun King perk Perkins I can tell you a baseball and just by the way you carry mr. Perkins this is a proud moment for me you know I used to take my kids to the ball park just to watch you play thanks son no now about this bracelet I couldn't you and me horse trade a little bit to bring that 460 down well you're a nice man mr. Perkins but that's rock bottom on that that's almost what I paid for it I see well thanks anyway sorry hey wait a minute hey why don't I use these for collateral huh you know just you give me the bracelets until I can wire my bank put some cash and you hold on to these and make sure I'm good for it these are your medals Rookie of the Year Most Valuable Player comeback player so what about it oh no no no you need these medals more than I do I hear ya just take this okay but what wealth memories just call it a thank you gift so you keep your money I'm not a charity case well I didn't mean I'm up mr. mr. Perkins nettles we saw who did it it was the man in the star Bert Perkins it couldn't be Wow those old-timers still have the moves man I bet that takes a guy your age back ah these old-time big leaguers are still great aren't they cold hey there's an old timer hadn't seen in 20 years Wow get back-to-back home runs in the first game I ever saw on television when I was a kid called well he still looks like he could run down to Texas leaguer he does perk what's been happening to you since you left baseball well I've been fairly busy you know a little real estate development around the country and the usual charity welcome severs severs in the stunt unit well show time back to work kids this is the first major-league old-timers game you've been in Russ's you know it's taking me this long to admit that I am an old-time yes I can't keep fooling myself forever huh doing this movie at a university is like deja vu Col deja vu oh yeah that's that new international star in it no I mean shooting on a college campus brings back lots of memories yeah like what like varsity glee club halls of Ivy big game not graduating let's do the stunt your car rig for the explosion yeah I checked it out your bulldozers near the greenhouse all right let's make it see you later kid okay okay guys smash it up cameras are on okay start bringing on the bad guys tell me that look good get roll out of the way he's fine how are you doing I had as much fun since I build a long fly ball over my mama's kitchen window okay coming back through the greenhouse you Jody visibilities down oh stop crew to stay on their toes will do keep all your marks guys okay not gonna have the water tower I can see it from here it's sensational your turn Hallie jump fast don't worry the way I have this machine rigged I'm gonna move like lightning here we go oh there you go thanks a lot all right J what he told Ross Porter Marilla stating surely charity begins after you pay your debts come on sure thanks a lot hahaha hey perk like talk to you about going to the Hall of Fame for deadbeats I bet you Jeff 3% you boys down here well I got his check right here in my pocket sorry Perkins what takes going on Willa's guys buggers they wouldn't settle for just an autograph they took my watch my wallet oh good the airport loses my luggage the cabinet I take over to the ballpark the kid is driving it could not find the Grand Canyon with radar and now these muggers I mean all my money my credit cards with my wallet Thanks no perk we be proud to have you stay with us it's not doesn't fancy but gosh it's close to the ballpark and the couch is real comfortable it's not the Ritz but it's Keitel take the couch you have his room oh I certainly appreciate it but well my daughters getting married today and anyway I put you guys through enough already this happy it's not exactly appropriate nuptial where is it Oh can any of you appointment to a place where I can rent a dinner jacket oh no no the studio's closeby how I can run down see Jimmy George we're dividing pick you up something sure what I really appreciate that well we met I wanna I want to show you a little drinky that I picked up and in Japan oh yeah just got it for my daughter Wow that's some trinket hey I'd be glad to wrap that up for if you'd like her oh oh no no I just keep it here in my pocket it's a little game we used to play sort of a guessing game when she was just a little kid oh that's nice look I'll be right back with the cherry bye hey listen um I'll show you where you can wash up I'll get you see gels thanks Julie I'm gonna repay your coat oh forget it as a matter of fact you know I can get you in on a great deal on a condo in Dallas each is ready um cold I don't think perks is shook up as he'd like us to believe why do you say that well he seems pretty lively for someone has just been mugged well he's got a strong constitution yeah well I think judging from his clothes only real estate he owns is under his fingernails Jody look I told you he's gonna be my guest okay and I'd like you and Howie to keep that in mind Circle anything you say thank you things are working out okay cold call being mugged okay no I mean I'm just glad I met you when I did yeah why is that yeah I'm kind of nervous about seeing my daughter at her wedding and we haven't exactly kept in touch that's her mother that I got divorced well if your daughter's old enough to get married she's old enough to understand what has been nine or ten years and longer yeah well I tried but I had so many commitments me you know what it's like when your big leagues stopped I've never had that luck what are you thinking for its how nice it always was getting another chance at the plate after striking out I must have a broken taillight is up I'll just hang on take long I'll be late for Robyn's wedding yeah guys want to get out of truck let's go hey what's going on all right put your hands in the truck spread your legs hey you guys are making a mistake I'm an officer of the court the last special bounty hunt huh it's Burke Perkins right right we've done nothing illegal yeah it's pretty sure wrong buddy you're under arrest for burglary he's all yours Oh dad am I glad to see you I don't understand how the police could make a mistake like this up to women make the identification well they saw me in the store solely naturally Remember Who I am but a thief come on Colt put up bail through my office hey thanks Cota me thanks a million I just like you to know that coldest part of his truck is collateral so if you skip he both loses his truck and the thousand dollars cash he's been saving for this month's mortgage payment Terry I asked you not to say anything well I just wanted this man to know what kind of money you're betting on him I don't want to see my friends taking forever all right you said your piece all right Burke and I can handle it from here okay it's your roof and your wheels I just want to keep you rolling and dry Thanks I don't know what to say Cole well then don't what about your daughter well I called her and explain the error where she come and see I wouldn't ruin her honeymoon plans I mean I've done enough well maybe you can hit a few over the fence for hell yeah that first home runs got our name on it the next one is all yours that's where Sivas lives from the looks of the place you wouldn't think he had enough money to post bail do we hit him here mr. Draper too many witnesses you sure it's worth it to take a guy out for just fifty cheese it will be worth ten times that much to our operation when a famous celebrity like Perkins can become deceased for running out on a gambling debt to me ordinary suckers think twice before they stiffed me yeah then nobody nobody would dare hold on Amish sugar so Perkins goes it's good advertising Herc yeah doesn't it seem like an odd coincidence claiming that you stole a necklace that looks exactly like one that you bought for your daughter Howie sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction and a lot harder to swallow um a lot of places to buy pearls in Japan where's my I'm for Tokyo Osaka Kyoto matter of fact I got it from a small pearl dealer in al-qaeda you two ever been in Japan very interesting culture they don't forget their old heroes and they seem to think that age counts for something all right Burke has answered enough questions for today well Cole I just want to uh come oh we got to get you to the both you all right be with you in a hot minute that man is lying hi MA come on enough the man is a guest in my house I want him treated that way okay the cult listen will you shut up she trying to get you to be quiet like trying to sneak a sunrise past a rooster come on Burke why would he take so much interest and a washed-up ballplayer I mean it's obvious the man's lying he ever mentioned prep before no the first time you ever mentioned perk perkins was at the ball field yesterday it's not like called to act like this it's just different it's weird remember you owe me a four-bagger thanks for all your help cope forget it it was my pleasure dick now don't you worry about that bill money I'm gonna wire my business manager for the cash yes as soon as this game is history hey this old-timers game is history you and all those other players out there the part of the lives of millions of people I wonder about that sometimes it really part of their lives hey kids remember they don't forget Burke come on Schuyler play ball come on slab together make that four shut countin semi I didn't make Eagle Scout for nothing Charlie nailing damnit we're gonna make a move on the circuit damn me still honest Schaffer - there's your answer that's a mile dinner around the right hand side you are you alright yeah looks like a war zone Colt made a big mistake bailing out Perkins like what my all-around a check to verify a story about buying that necklace in Japan yeah pony right that's right Oh record a mile long small-time grifting mostly some bad checks you know shoplifting running out on some debts little here a little there nothing that an apology refine couldn't remedy yeah especially with this name you know cold put up his truck for collateral for that bail bail i guaranteed cold has to know the truth the way he feels about perk i mean i want to hear it this is the police file on your friend rod with perkins I didn't ask you to run a check I I'm a bail bondsperson cold I always want a secondary check on anybody how I'm covering know what earth-shattering new did you come up with read for yourself started nine years ago with a bad check scheme in Houston excuse me I couldn't help overhear in the beginning of a long laundry list of calamities their commander pilot think that about covers it mm-hmm Alec it's an old story kids somebody's been running around this country impersonating me running up huge bills long-distance phone calls writing bad checks look it's happened to other celebrities as long as I'm in the public eye I am a target Howie don't you have a stunt to do here plus his expenses expenses for what I know that police files legitimate are you talking about I just told you you tell me a lot of things but that bus ticket your jacket told me the truth all right I never asked you for charity I wasn't charity it was things told you got a bad case of hero worship I just take a good long look at me clay feet up to the knees nice in there what are you gonna do when those muggers come back for you again what makes you think they will because they want you for more than the cash in your wallet and they're not gonna quit until they're satisfied get off my case come on Burke who are they what it is what did I ask you to stop playing my daddy when you let me bail you out of that Jail let's win we're tied together pal real tag well I'm untying and not right now look you're not getting off that easy Jimmy I'm just an old broken-down ballplayer what does it mean to you it means a lifetime to me perk started with a smart-aleck kid back when he was 15 years old in the days when you were two in the Midwest with your ball club you stopped it I'm a small town in Oklahoma when Sonny ditch old man Johnson doesn't even have a burglar alarm come on well Jimmy open the door with this oh man I don't know come on it's a cinch we need the meds gee whiz can we save up my money or something out in time for Saturday's game come on Chuck don't do this somebody's coming let's get out of here Chuck I didn't do nothing I know you didn't I got here before you could I don't know what you're talking about look let me go hurt Perkins mm-hm you're mine who I am is what you are the counts what Hey look look at that face in there and tell me what you see me mmm a didn't what I see I see the loser of the century a chump was looking for more trouble than he can handle oh you know what you know you could be a winner yeah I mean if you want something you work for it and what were you busted in that store for anyway I need admit my mom can't afford them oh did you tell anybody was ashamed to me and boys nothing to be ashamed of stealing that that's something to be ashamed of look here's a couple of tickets to the nice exhibition game now what just happens between you and me just you and me but if I ever hear if you try to pull something like this off again I'm gonna you won't have to all right okay now get out of here so what I don't even remember that happening by duper I was that kid you turned me around if the game he even gave me a mitt well you're not that kid anymore and certainly not that ballplayer look I owe you it's not often that a person gets a chance to pay back a debt like that oh well you're gonna perk I think it's terrific yeah well he doesn't think so well the fact is there's nothing that y'all can do if you just tell us what's going on maybe we could help you nothing that $50,000 couldn't fix $50,000 I got hug in a floating crap game at the Manchester Hotel it's rigged but but I'm I found that out I was too far in to back out some guy came along and offered to bankroll yeah his name is Jeff Draper he said he was doing it cuz he used to love to watch me play ball I thought they'd make a short story even shorter I lost his stakes plus a lot more my bed this Draper arranged the whole scam this Draper sounds like a piranha waiting for a victim to step into his River yeah and his rivers the Manchester hotel huh so what well even a piranha takes notice when the shark ventures into his waters even a loan shark especially a loan shark and guess what Jody you're gonna be the minnow we're gonna use his bait thank you goodbye it's all set good well game is an operation right now yes and the bellboys been paid off that sounds like you're ending up my markers with you Terry nothing comes cheap coal after all what are friends for Terry you don't mean that I'm only kidding all right what else is going down Oh Howie you're in like the great white shark what do you think click I think I'll leave the material sharks gun Oh Jody Jody you've also been cleared now remember your story is ran out of town Deb and you're looking for some big-money action okay I got the wardrobe department working on it right now no you know the plan right now these are not make-believe hoods cold yeah well we're not playing games either okay for for a taste of fine big a dates a point okay let's get it hey hey still a boy looking for eighth place your bets plays eight the names of castle eight the hard way it's all hard way okay you guys ladies and gentlemen big aah the numbers still looking for aid but to looking for aid Aysen number roll the dice that's a win it's a big winner hey yeah good place your bets ladies and gentlemen look at that money rich rich rich rich rich I think I've had to roll again Oh roll now craps you lose house wins by on the table all bets down sure coming out that's sounding signal hmm looks like we might have a potential customer craps that's a craps it's a cute blonde doing business might be a pleasure this time check her out Sammy will do yeah this Sammy paper wants a rundown on the blonde girl at Johnny's table craps lie on the table all bets down sure coming out pass the dice ma'am huh the dice surpass them please oh yeah thank you well it seems she's a wealthy debutante from New York Westchester County she just ran through this month's allowance good sounds like a very safe risk well baby craps oh this is the worst friend of luck I've ever had excuse me down hey this my lucky spot yeah it looks like Lady Luck tickle walk what's it to you maybe there's a way I can help you I doubt that big sister I've got the bread and you need the dough we're talking money or cookies what do you say we discuss this in private look how a way to cut it out you sound like Mel Brooks's version of public enemy number one yeah well where they get loaded this woman I think the piranhas are beginning to smell blood and with a bankroll big enough to give a hernia to a weightlifter mr. creeper nobody moves in on the action let's get him in here yes sir okay place your bets ladies and gentlemen well I'm flush again put 50 on the comment and on the field I feel lucky what you sow it's not what I sold it's what I promised hey hey why not make a scene pal but like a little talking on the other room all right come easy just don't offend the merchandise place your bets please ladies and gentleman please place your bets uh this games getting a little too heavy for man new shooter coming out place your bets please laser Dillon pleasure hold it right there I wouldn't go out there unless you want to have some target practice she wouldn't shoot me with a roomful of people out there those people are involved in a very illegal activity you think they're gonna say anything to anyone you got a point on the other hand you might not want to treat a future business associate as an enemy your old barred time pal James Castle my employer is mr. Floyd ralston name ring a bell Floyd Ralston from Texas I thought the feds got him for tax evasion last month they couldn't make that stick now you boys can either play it real stupid and rough me up or you can try to be intelligent and hear me out now you're showing some sense may I use your phone huh how he did it hello mr. Austin they've got Draper here put him on we got him Ralston raiveer ah mr. Draper yeah I've heard a great deal about your operation yeah I've heard a lot about you too I don't like people invading my territory oh I wouldn't get in the way your what if I stopped you well now you try that mr. Draper you'll find yourself in a battle you can't win you see I got many friends and your city's government well the territory is a big one Amaro we talked it over like business Ben not just you and me right just the two of us all right but if you double-cross me my boys will have the last word and it goes bang why are we meeting here right next to Dodger Stadium mr. Ralston is a big-time sports fan he'll go anywhere any time for a game you're not dealing with a small-time operator I have a very long arm in a very short temper he'd better have something important to say okay crazy right over there well Hugh Jefferson Draper yes see if we have a slight problem over territorial boundaries oh we don't have a problem you do you fly much only when I have to play you should try flying it get you in touch with the elements I felt we came here to talk I see I do my best thinking when I fly look I didn't come here to play games neither did I Sammy now either you get in or he's gonna throw you in thanks Joey this remote control I can fly Colts chopper just like I was sitting at the control now isn't this much more relaxing I got nothing to say oh you will relax you're going nowhere how'd you take perf Perkins for $50,000 comment Thrall sooner whoever you are come on the game was set up set up a lot of people the same way then you put the screws - what difference does that make to you tayo ever did whether or not you stay alive according to your rap sheet you don't know how to fly that's kind of an lucky at 5,000 feet especially since I'm getting off here are you crazy I'll be killed oh it's okay it's on remote control right now now if you'll just talk into the microphone and make a full confession my friends will bring you down nice and easy by remote control from the ground oh my god you are insane yeah well you have it your way but you're not gonna make much of a landing without some outside help see you later Park oh oh Otto controls locked in Howie got him we'll take it from here I won't talk you can't make me talk I don't give a damn what you do ever talking nah sure you will was he talking now just screaming try barrel-roll gunfire all right my shirts perk up okay patch the playing my game to the PA okay save the bumpkin sorry Cole I couldn't resist easy kid we don't want to kill it oh well every story has a happy ending own way for some people Jodi only for some people wow this is incredible autograph so all the old-time ballplayers what Paola helped you guys give me I thought I was it very least that I could do by the way code I got a job offer time no more that's fantastic oh by the way that pawn shop owner was very glad to get his merchandise back so just a little souvenir for you how it souvenir / look at these signatures most of these guys are Hall of Famers Wow hey come on can you quiet down trying to watch the game can you turn in volume if I want to see the game yeah we were working well applied okay hey no play-by-play but Ross Porter doing okay Joey here comes one of the great home run gangs Herc Perkins is up to bat handsome devil indeed huh here's the pitch hey hey hey that's the perk Perkins I remember this Slugger but a pitcher
Channel: Colt Seavers
Views: 366,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fall guy season 3, the fall guy full episodes, the fall guy series 3, the fall guy tv series, the fall guy heroes never die
Id: 2-SszsZZ6Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2013
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