The Falcon And The Winter Soldier - It's The Best Show Ever Made

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Lol, isn't this the same idiot who thinks that Midsommar is a movie about feminism and that its ending is an attack on men?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Blueman4783 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

The Critical Drinker shows very little critical analysis in any of his videos. He just rails that everything he doesn't like is 'woke.'

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lordjakob1993 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

oh no it's gonna be a white cishet scottish dude who thinks film criticism is angrily breaking things down in excurciating detail and getting mad about the fact that it mentioned politics isn't it

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/beekeepxr 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I didn't know Critical Drinker was still making videos! Also, his statement is incorrect. Also also, I'm 99% certain without watching the video that he's being sarcastic.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AllAfterIncinerators 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

im glad its sarcasm cause the show sucked minus a few good things but the ending really sucked major assholes..

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GilliacTrash 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
falcon and the winter soldier is a charming romantic comedy about two likeable misfits that have to learn to work together to save the family business they don't always see eye to eye but gradually they learn to appreciate each other's abilities and their plucky can-do attitude eventually inspires the whole community to lend a hand and the show ends with the two of them standing together as firm friends looking out on a job well done oh and there's a subplot about a ginger girl that likes blowing stuff up i don't know i wasn't really paying attention the point is that falcon in the winter soldier is simply the greatest show that's ever been made every aspect of it is literal perfection from start to finish from the writing to the pacing to the casting to the subtle messaging that starts important conversations without ever becoming intrusive you've got to do better senator and i can't wait to talk about it so let's dive right in shall we the show picks up about six months after the events of avengers end game sam wilson has been handed captain america's shield by steve rogers himself but he's like nah i don't want it so he hands it right back now you might think that's kind of ungrateful and disrespectful to the man who basically dedicated his entire life to his country you might even think it's weird and illogical when sam gets mad that the government decides to give the shield to someone else when he never wanted it in the first place but bear with me dear viewer because all will become clear with his work as an avenger done sam goes back to his hometown to reconnect with his sister but it turns out to be more difficult than he thought she's mad that he wasn't around to help out with the family fishing business because he literally got erased from existence for five years it's just any excuse with this guy isn't it meanwhile bucky barnes is trying to make a new life for himself and put the winter soldier behind him by going to sensitivity training and talking about his feelings thrilling stuff indeed but when a new terrorist sorry activist group called the flag smashers begins peacefully blowing up buildings and killing sorry liberating innocent people the two men are forced to work together to take them down but they can't do something like this alone so they bust baron zemo out of prison to help them out you remember him don't you the mastermind that almost tore the avengers apart through sheer cunning and intellects well now he's back and he's ready to party hard [Music] oh and the new captain america is hot on their heels only this time he's being played by a toxic white male named john walker a man who had the audacity to fight for his country in afghanistan and selfishly devoted his life to protecting america what a bastard look at the way he just marches into foreign countries to apprehend international terrorists with nothing more than an official mandate from his government to justify it of course it's totally fine when the dora mullet magi marmalade the bald black ladies from wakanda do it though because international law doesn't apply to them dora milaji have jurisdiction wherever the dora milari find themselves to be i especially love how three lightly built women armed with spears are able to subdue a cybernetically enhanced super soldier with decades of combat experience a highly trained u.s special forces operative and one of the avengers all at the same time truly there's no end to what these wakandans can do now you might be wondering what exactly does the terrorist sorry activist group in this show actually wants well the flag smashers are angry you see because they were given loads of free stuff that wasn't needed when half the world's population vanished during the blip but now that everyone's been restored they've been forced to give back the homes and positions that weren't actually theirs to begin with i know right how unfair can you get so they've done the logical thing and begun a campaign of bombings and kidnappings to force the world's governments to change things back to the way they were how exactly do they expect to make half the population of planet earth disappear again don't think about it just eat the bugs and live in the pods wait what truly the flagshmasters are a genius representation of today's culture because of course you should expect homes food money and material goods to be given to you free of charge even if they belong to someone else and you should absolutely feel entitled to blow up buildings and burn innocent civilians alive to get back the stuff that you didn't actually earn or own in the first place it just makes sense the thing that makes the flag smashers a real threat here is that they've all been dosed up with the same super soldier serum that was given to steve rogers but drinker you malefluent maestro of media manipulation i hear you say surely that serum was destroyed during the war that's why they were never able to create more super soldiers like stephen bucky ah but the show has a brilliant explanation for this inconsistency you see another guy figured out how to make it anyway moving on now another thing i really appreciate about this show is the way that it expertly subverts your expectations see when you think of super soldiers in the mcu you probably imagine tall powerful god-like beings enhanced to the very peak of human developments that's why steve went from this to this but that's where the show's genius comes into play you see giving us a short dumpy teenager with a ginger afro [Laughter] this is carly the leader of the flag smashers and what's an antagonist she is able to seamlessly deliver every line of dialogue like she's reading it off a teleprompter with no understanding of the context or emotional tone and expertly put on a mask so that a stunt woman can be conveniently subbed in for the fight scenes i mean look at this fighting technique on display but of course everyone knows that the real antagonist here is john walker the toxic white male who was unfairly given the title of captain america not only does he arrogantly offer to work with sam and bucky instead of apologizing for his existence and refuses to bow down before the bald wakandan spear ladies but he selfishly doses himself with the super soldier serum in order to fight other super soldiers on equal terms he even kills one of the peaceful protesters at one point when all they did was murder his best friend in front of his eyes can you believe this guy luckily his wife's able to steer him back to the right path now some people might think it's inconsistent and nonsensical that walker goes from psychotic vengeful murderer on the verge of complete emotional breakdown to laughing and smiling hero in the space of literally a few minutes but clearly those people are just nitpickers and toxic fanboys so we can safely ignore them the thing that really surprised me about this show is just how elegantly it works in subtle undertones and ideas in a way that feels completely natural and organic like when sam and bucky travel to a black neighborhood and sam gets into an argument with a young black girl about whether his name should be black falcon and then they meet an elderly black super soldier who got written out of the history books because he was black and then they get into an argument on the street and sam almost gets arrested for being black no you might have missed the subtle undertones here but i didn't clearly this show is exploring the growing sexual tension between sam and bucky speaking of which the development of the two main characters is one of the best emotional journeys you could ask for by the end of this epic show sam is ready to take up the mantle of captain america bucky's been rehabilitated and zemo's back in prison so basically everything's exactly as it was at the end of avengers end game the character arc in this is so strong that it actually becomes a character circle that's the hallmark of great storytelling you see where everything ends up exactly as it was before so it's like the story never actually happens also credit to the writers here sam delivers some of the best speeches ever committed to film especially in the final episode where he instructs the world's politicians to be nicer to poor people and recognize their own privilege genius stuff that's what real heroes do when faced with complex political issues in today's world you see just march right in there and tell people to do better without providing any workable solutions or ideas of their own that's something we could definitely use more of these days and when i think about it i guess that's the real purpose of this show the moral message and man did i learn some real lessons here such as it's totally okay to burn innocent civilians alive and murder u.s servicemen as long as you want free stuff national borders and international laws are bad except for wakanda rules don't apply to them never wear the stars and stripes without first asking yourself the question do i really want to be this evil we all need to do better what exactly does that mean in context and how can it be specifically measured don't know now this is all great but you may still have some lingering questions about this show such as why would a beat cop fail to recognize sam wilson literally one of the most famous people on the planets why did sam need to apply for a bank loan when a single phone call to pepper potts would have provided all the money he could ever needs why is selena meyer in this show and why does she talk like a 14 year old with adhd why did sam waste time fighting batroc during a ticking clock hostage situation when he could literally fly right out of there why do the flag smashers put on masks to fight people that have already seen their faces why did the wakandans take zemo to the raft rather than wakanda itself to face justice for murdering their king how is sam able to survive a high impact collision with solid steel pipes and lift an armored truck weighing at least 10 tonnes despite not being a super soldier why does sam struggle to use cap's shield during his training montage despite using it proficiently in his conversation with bucky just minutes earlier why did marvel keep trying to make sharon carter happen but clearly these questions are meaningless and if you find yourself asking them then you need to check your privilege and do better ultimately for me falcon and the winter soldier truly is the best show on tv and if it's any indication of where the mcu plans to go in terms of writing quality and social activism then combined with a year-long gap between movie releases and an absolutely sterling lineup of phase 4 films that everyone's excited about i just can't see this going wrong anyway that's all i've got for today go away now
Channel: The Critical Drinker
Views: 688,548
Rating: 4.8221331 out of 5
Keywords: MCU, Marvel, Bucky Barnes, John Walker, Flag Smashers, feminist, SJW, woke, review, sam wilson, karli
Id: 8e0B_7es0_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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