The UNDEAD HORDE - BG3 Necromancer Honour Build Guide

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hello my friends and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 build guide hope you're all doing well today I've got what I believe is the most anticipated build guide for you because I am covering a necromancer wizard this is the one that I think I've gotten the most requests for so I'm very excited to be doing it necromancers are really interesting because they are in some ways more self-sufficient than other wizard classes with the exception maybe of abjuration because you generate your own front line you don't necessarily need a fighter stand in between you and the enemies because you've got zombies to do that for you on the other hand they benefit even more strongly from support from certain party members than other classes because the supporting spells that you'll be casting get multiplied out across all of their Summits so when you have a necromancer a cleric who casts Aid benefits your party significantly more than when you don't have a necromancer so even though you might be tempted to think of them as being sort of solo characters or lone wolves characters that don't play well with others necromancers actually benefit extremely strongly from Synergy with other party members some other things that you can do is for example if you knock an enemy prone or provide advantage against an enemy the additional attacks from all of your zombies get all of your summons can get Advantage because of that and that means that you're providing advantage to many more enemies similar to to many more allies similarly with debuffs like the gaping wounds attack from crossbow that adds just a flat two damage to every incoming attack if you're a necromancer whose skeletons are adding four more attacks in a round that's just eight more damage from the gaping wounds which sounds like it's not a lot but it does start to add up pretty quickly over the course of the game especially at low levels all right so let's jump in and see what what we can do to make our Necromancer as badass as possible and of course as always we have to start with the ability scores Wizard's ability scores uh I've said this before are closer to correct than almost any other of the recommended ability scores because Wizards are so single attribute dependent they really only care about intelligence and then dexterity and Constitution like every other character um but of course scale doesn't need any of this Charisma especially cuz he's going to be running around with zombies where all the NPCs are going to run away from you anyways when you have zombies out we will bump our dexterity up to 14 and Constitution to 16 drop intelligence to 16 um and then pick up two more points in wisdom for the wisdom saving throw you can of course also take 17 intelligence if you intend to pick up Ethel's hair and um that will save you an ASI later on but this is going to be the default stat spread and because wizard uh because Wizards and necromancers are pretty stat independent I actually think they're not a great candidate for using Ethel's hair on you would prefer to save that for a character that really cares more about its stats Wizards are very happy just with a normal stat spread for our canant trip selection you are going to want to pick up the normal good canant trips you are going to want minor illusion Mage hand and one combat spell which I recommend be Ray of frost Ray of frost is good for two reasons one it slows enemy movement speed which is also synergistic with a necromancer because it means that they will have a harder time escaping all of your summons um and also can be used to freeze water that's on the ground necromancers badly want a cleric Ally who comes with create water usually and so you can use that in combination with Ray of frost to spend a level one spell slot on knocking a whole bunch of enemies over which is a pretty nice use of a spell slot especially um for your cleric just very good utility overall if you prefer more damage then you can go with Firebolt for our spell selection of course we're going to pick just the standard excellent spells for level one um remember that you want want to be able you you want to be picking up as many spells as you can from Scrolls so which spells you select as you level up is less important for wizards than it is for other spellcasters because you're going to get access to all of these from Scrolls it's more about which ones you prepare but at early levels of course uh you are going to want to take it looks like I've actually left this pretty intact um magic Missile is extremely important as is Shield those are the two that I would consider mandatory for pretty much every Caster character um and then also ice knife and grease or chromatic orb instead of ice knife um if you prefer that one have special Synergy with your summons later on because knocking enemies prone will allow your summons to hit them more easily so those will end up staying relevant throughout the game sleep is just the best combat spell at level one you'll stop pairing it pretty quickly but at level one it's incredibly powerful because it just no saves knocks an enemy out of the game and then you can beat them up at your leisure um and then of course you can take you will definitely want access to Long Strider long Strider is one of the best one of the spells that benefits most from the multiplicative effect of having multiple characters in your party because it doesn't cost a resource to cast so you need to make sure that you have access to it we might drop uh ice knife here or we might drop fog Cloud something like that and if you cast it on all of your Undead then that's going to be an additional at later levels 40 extra feed of movement that you've added to your party in total which becomes incredibly powerful the more characters you have available the better uh long Strider and similar group Buffs become so let's level up and become a necromancer of course at level two we get to pick our subass which is going to be necromancy since that's the whole point um and necromancers get the Grim Harvest subclass feature once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you get hit points equal to twice the level of of the spell slot used or three times if it's a necromancy spell this unfortunately means that bone chill the necromancy cantrip does not heal you although it is still relatively useful later on um and you can't gain this hit these hit points back from Undead or constructs this class feature may as well not exist it's going to come up extremely rarely um and it even when it does it won't be prot particularly impactful you have to meet a lot of requirements in order to activate it one you have to be damaged which is something that as a squishy backliner you're trying to avoid anyways and two you have to kill an enemy with a spell meaning you have to cast a damaging spell something that Wizards typically want to avoid doing as much as possible I talk about this extensively in my evocation wizard guide but basically Wizards prefer to be casting Tempo or Battlefield control spells to straight up damage damage spells and three you have to have that hit those hit points actually matter which by the time your wizard is plinking down low Health enemies with spells um the hit points won't actually matter it does give you one cool option the the sort of most interesting option for this character is that you can act with this class feature is you can act as a discount evocation Wizard and hit yourself with AOE damaging spells so you can run into the middle of a big group of of goblins or lure enemies to towards your wizard by placing them just out of uh placing your wizard just out of movement range of a bunch of melee enemies and then hit yourself with a fireball and if you kill a few of them you heal back up um this is not a trick I would recommend trying to go for but it is kind of funny when you can pull it off because you you do gain some of those hit points back um but in general but since it only activates once per turn you won't even heal back to full so it's just not a particularly valuable class feature at all all in fact I think this might be the worst level two class feature of any wizard subass that's okay though we're going to get better stuff later on for our spell selection at this point you're going to want to look at what you uh simply pick up spells that you have not yet found as Scrolls of course uh you as a wizard you're going to be collecting all of the Spells as you go and so all of your spell selection will be dictated what by what you want um by what you find at Scrolls uh one thing that I should actually mention is that because we're a summon focused build you do want fine familiar that I I forgot to mention that at level one um but that's actually going to be pretty good for you and the special familiar that you can get access to later will become a pretty important part of your team um sometime around level two or three so that is uh an extremely valuable thing for you to have the best familiar to summon is the Raven who can blind creatures and then of course blinded creatures you have advantage to hit and so do all your summons for our spell preparation here um just ignore these extra spells these are ones that Gail has learned from Scrolls during his this playthrough um but of course at level two we can only prepare level one spells so for our prepared spells we're going to go with a pretty standard grouping of something like Shield magic Missile long Strider uh chromatic orb oh which I didn't select so we'll take ice knife and something along the lines of Grease find familiar or expeditious ret whatever you think you need more I think this is going to be a pretty good um setup for you as a default wizard level three you still have not yet come into your own as a necromancer so you're still playing as a very standard wizard um but of course you get access to level two spells which are incredibly strong and you do get to start having some major impact on the battlefield from summons even though your summons are not zombies that's because flaming sphere is secretly a summon you T you cast it in combat and then you can activate it every round um and enemies will Target it later on you're going to have to be careful not to fry your own zombies with this but flaming sphere is just an incredibly powerful spell um and something like cloud of daggers is a way to trigger the necromancy passive without having to work very hard for it so I recommend taking that um CC spells like hold person and so on are going to be incredibly strong for you as well uh later on that's funny this shows up as a prepared spell this cantrip I don't know why that's happening I guess I learned it from a scroll at some point um but something that's also worth mentioning is that when you have a bunch of allies hold person becomes more powerful if you hold an enemy in place then uh all of your summons later on are going to get automatic Critical Hits against them the skeleton summons roll lots of damage dice so critical hits are incredibly powerful for them and something that you should really look out for is ways to trigger that so we'll make sure we have hold person and we'll probably want to have Misty step prepared as well um especially if you're on honor mode because it's really important to get out of combats so I might run with something like this or if you aren't too worried then uh later or you sorry you won't you won't want hold person yet you're going to want it later on you're going to want flaming Sphere for early love and then you're definitely going to want misy step prepared so that you can get out of Dodge especially on honor mode I would go with something like this if you have another character casting long Strider you might want to prepare cloud of daggers something like that but later on we will come back and pick up hold person in our default prepared spell list remember also of course and I say this every time these prepared spells are just a guideline you can change your prepared Spells at any time out of combat and you should do that frequently the game gives you the option to do so so adjust what spells you have prepared based on the encounter that you're about to face for our Feats necromancy Wizards are actually one of the least feat dependent classes because so much of our damage is going to come from um our summons and those don't care about your stats at all and we don't particularly need [Music] to um we don't particularly need any other Feats but of course we are going to want to raise our intelligence because raising our intelligence is incredibly strong for uh CC effects which are multiplied in power crowd control effects are multiplied in power by having a bunch of allies on the field when you have something like a hypnotic pattern p uh a hold person paralyzing an enemy you really want that to land and the enemies to fail their saving throws because that's going to guarantee you a bunch of critical hits from your summon allies for our spell selection here we just pick up whatever important spells we have not yet found from Scrolls um some good ones to keep in mind are web um honestly at this point this this version of Gail has all of them so you can just pick up kind of whatever you need knock is always good utility but for prepared spells we're going to want to pick up whichever combat spell we haven't been selecting scorching Ray cloud of daggers hold person all of these are great options and it it will depend somewhat on the combat whe which of these you have pred I like cloud of daggers as a default because there's no saving throw against it and it just gives you good damage uh and then of course you can select a can trip for flavor reasons you could take bone chill or if you want to annoy people in the YouTube comments you can take true strike at wizard level five it finally happened we finally became a necromancer because we get access to animate dead now you will get animate dead from uh leveling up from the necromancy level six class feature the subass feature that you get at level six just gives you animate dead always prepared I would recommend selecting this at level five unless you've found a scroll to learn it from already um just because it's so good to start having these early um and you've presumably built your party and strategy around this if you want to play a necromancer this is when you become a necromancer so we're going to grab animate dead here anyways if you found this elsewhere then of course the normal best spells are still the best ones you will always want to pick up counter spell one because it's the best reaction in the game um preventing enemies from casting spells cost them their whole turn and is ludicrously powerful and two because uh there's no scroll to learn it from so it's very important to grab this from levels and then of course normally powerful spells like Fireball or haste uh are all always particularly good a couple other spells that are really worth mentioning at level five are include hypnotic pattern because your Undead are immune to the effects of hypnotic pattern you can cast this into a big group of enemies safely even if they're mixed up with your Undead Undead can't be hypnotized so they will they will ignore the effect of hypnotic pattern allowing you to again cosplay in some ways as an evocation Wizard and drop powerful effect on your allies learning which spells your Undead are immune to is very important most Undead are immune to poison and nausea so stinking cloud is also very powerful for our prepared spells here we're going to ditch whichever of these combat spells we're not using possibly ice knife at this point make sure we have counter spell and then of course we want to have animate dead and whichever other major combat spell we took at this level at level six we finally get to be to get our necromantic stuff that really makes us Necromancer and there are two extremely powerful features and you've noticed that I've mentioned that a lot of the stuff we're doing is kind of waiting um to come into our power level well Necromancer level six is where this build comes online these features are ridiculously powerful they might be the best level six wizard features which makes up for having the worst level two wizard features when you use animate dead you get an additional Undead so you if you cast for one skeleton or one zombie you get two skeletons or two zombies when you cast for four the normal three skeletons or three zombies with the leveled up spell you get four one thing to keep in mind is that this has a larger impact the fewer creatures you're summoning right so if you are summoning one zombie with a level three spell um then it is a 100% increase in power level to get two zombies if you're summoning three zombies with a level four spell it's only a 33% increase in power level so this is best with the ghouls because the level at level five you get the ability to summon a single Ghoul from a corpse this doubles that meaning that the highlevel minions benefit extremely powerfully from the additional summons you also get better summons which give you additional hit points to your summons equal to your wizard level one reason to continue taking levels in Wizard in for Necromancer is that this is actually a will add up plus 10 hit points or so is a lot later on and your proficiency bonus so up to at this point it's uh three and later on it will become four is added to their damage a flat plus three or four damage for all of your Undead um all of your animate animated dead is a lot of extra damage if you summon four skeletons with this that is 16 extra damage every round that your skeletons are doing that is a lot that adds up over time and when combined with additional sources of bonus damage I mentioned already the um the damage that you get from the gaping wounds effect of a the short rest crossbow shot you can add a lot of extra flat damage to all of these Undead which all adds up and stacks together to make you output significant amounts of damage having access to animate dead of course the first question that's going to be on everyone's mind is which of the two should you summon should you summon a zombie or now two zombies or should you summon a skeleton the answer is basically you should summon a skeleton um the zombies have slightly more hit points but much worse ac they have eight AC compared to the skeletons 11 and they're melee while zombies can infect living enemies with rot and spawn more zombies the skeletons are just much more reliable they are actually tankier although neither of them are winning any prizes for tankiness but you can raise the the summons HP you can't raise their AC very easily and so even though 11 AC is still not going to stop them from getting hit it is uh 8 AC means they'll get hit by pretty much everything on anything except a natural one the zombies have 8 AC and the skeletons have 11 so the skeletons are very slightly tankier but much more importantly they do more damage and much more reliably since they're ranged attackers they do a D6 plus 10 plus a d10 of necrotic damage um which is very powerful when combined with critical hits from hold person then rolling extra dice is really good so all of if you hold person in enemy and all of your skeletons surround them uh and fire shots into them each of those skeletons is doing a D6 two D6 plus 2 d10 damage plus the additional flat damage from the skeleton's dexterity and from your wizard levels that adds up to a massive amount of damage output in the mid game and necromancers are actually one of the best damaging classes for for wizards as a result of that provided that you can keep your summons alive I'll talk a little more about like which summons to summon and how to use them um at the end of the video for now we're going to go through and continue with spell selection of course at this level you're going to want the typically just very strong spells like Fireball and haste be careful with Fireball of course because you don't want to fry your own summons we're going to want to make sure now that we have multiple summons on the field we're going to want to make sure that we have hold person prepared either by us or by an ally and since I again recommend pairing this with a cleric buddy you are going to want to it's possible that you'll want your cleric to be casting hold person instead of your wizard but as long as someone has it it's very powerful to to have access to and then haste is always good one of the things that makes Necromancer Wizards good is that even when they're concentrating on a spell that doesn't do damage or whatever they're still contributing to the party's damage output because they'll have a bunch of skeletons also taking turns so you can concentrate on something like haste with a little more peace of mind than another character would and of course we now have uh animate dead always prepared so we don't need to prepare it in our Spellbook anymore because the Necromancer wizard just gets it all the time at wizard level seven we get access to fourth level slots and something that I should mention is that at this point we've gotten the best class features of necromancer wizard and so you could consider branching out into another character class at this point I think uh especially because Wizards thanks to the exploit learning spells from Scrolls thing that still exists in balers Gate 3 can continue to learn spells up to level six in Wizard even with six levels of another class for more on that uh look at my video the real best wizard in balers Gate 3 um however I think there are actually some good reasons to stay in Wizard almost all the way through through for an Necromancer one is that your Undead will continue to get HP every level you put in by itself that wouldn't be enough but the second is that one spell that we are going to want access to is the level six spell create Undead and as far as I am aware there is no scroll of create Undead available in the game maybe it can be randomly generated by certain Merchants but I don't think it's dropped uh as loot from anywhere and I wasn't able to find it in the game files so I believe the only way to learn it is to actually reach level 11 and learn it from your wizard levels it's it wouldn't be terrible to skip the mummy it's a very good summon but not the best summon um in the game or anything like that and you do have other good uses for your level six spell slot but it what kind of necromancer would we be if we didn't actually get the mummy so we want to make sure that we access that and as such I'm going to be taking this character all the way up to at least level 11 in Wizard we can add in additional summons with our level four spells conjure minor Elemental you can only have one set of animated minions at a time but as long as the minions come from different sources you can have multiple minions so condra minor Elemental can be stacked with your animate dead minions you also get access to the level four variant of animate dead that summons a gang of skeletons or zombies again you are going to want to use the the skeletons primarily four skeletons is way better than two the damage really really adds up and another spell that's particularly worth mentioning at this level is confusion just like hypnotic pattern your Undead are immune to this so you can freely cast it into a group of enemies prepared Spells at this level I think you're going to want to have confusion and you're likely going to want to have condra minor Elemental if you don't have it from another um party member although a full party of summons is probably going to get that from a druid Aly or something like that of Summoners is probably going to get that from a druid Ally or something like that at this point in the game we can maybe remove um flaming sphere it's going to come up significantly less often so I'll pick up condra minor Elemental also wall of fire normally a spell I recommend taking pretty aggressively on Wizards is pretty anti- synergistic with a lot of your summons although if you're using primarily skeletons you can still use wall of fire definitely worth keeping in mind that you want to prepare this for certain encounters blight unfortunately is a pretty bad spell it's just very inefficient damage so I don't recommend using it even though you're a necromancer wizard level eight we get another feat so we're going to max out our intelligence another option here if you find you aren't casting spells with save DCS that often is of course to take alert alert is excellent on every character that's the only other feat that I would consider um You probably won't need warter on this character because you are likely to be staying way back and not taking damage you want to be screening for your character with your summons anyways so you are less likely to have your concentration disrupted than other spellcasters if you're playing this character correctly that said of course warcaster is never a bad pick but less Synergy with Necromancer Wizards than it has with other Wizards for our spell selection here again you're just going to take whatever spells you haven't found Scrolls for um Undead are immune to to psychic damage mostly but uh fantasmal killer is only single Target and it's bad so you don't want to take that um I would recommend taking ice storm just having the access to a gigantic freezing surface is pretty good for the same reason you could have sleet storm um greater invisibility is very powerful banishment is good CC any of those are good options at wizard level 9 you get access to conjure Elemental the big one which is pretty nice as in another summon you also get access to hold monster which is the upgraded version of hold person and can be used against anything that means that you can get guaranteed critical hits from all of your summons against anything that's not an undead withhold monster you can also use cloud kill most of your later game Undead will be immune to poison um Mo most Undead are immune to poison and so those will be able to freely run into the cloud kills and fight I would say that you don't necessarily want to use cloudkill here um because it will heavily obscure enemies which will make it harder for your guys to hit uh and give them the option to hide and stuff um but it is worth mentioning that you can that your Undead will be immune to poison and so you can run in to the cloud kill I recommend taking hold monster here to guarantee critic iCal hits that's just extremely powerful again for our prepared spells we're just going to go with make sure that we have access to uh hold monster make sure we have access to condra Elemental although you'll be spending your level five spell slots mostly on animate dead at this point and then finally we just take whatever spell we think is most useful here that we didn't pick up earlier sleet storm Fireball whatever fear is also another one um that is very good that Undead are IM two and so you know you can cast this into a group without worrying about hitting your allies as [Music] well wizard level 10 you get resistance to necrotic damage and your hit point maximum cannot be reduced uh this is there's a couple Encounters in the game this is reasonable for but for the most part this is not a huge class feature really we were here for the level um six class feature and then we continue in Wizard to get access to create Undead for a can trip selection take whatever at this point um there's not a lot that will change because you you're already level 10 you at this point are not casting canant trips too often in combat and then a couple other spells that are worth picking up wall of stone is always good you can take Cloud kill now and cast it on your Undead and laugh while they take no [Music] damage at wizard level 11 we finally get access to create Undead and for our second spell here there's actually a bunch of really good options I would say um ibite is actually pretty interesting for uh a necromancer Wizard and because it has the put enemies to sleep um and fear enemies modes fearing enemies is incredibly powerful on this character and I should have mentioned this earlier with fear because your ghouls have an ability to multiattack they get to attack twice or uh your mummies have the ability to multi-attack enemies that have that are afraid so once you have access to create Undead you want to have ways to generate fear in enemies because that will let your mummy attack multiple times per round massively increasing your damage output we'll take a look at all of the the summons how they work and and things that you want to add into them um in just a second here for your second so for your second spell selection I'm going to suggest ibite although since you only get one level six spell slot without ways to restore it you're going to spend that on create Undead finally at your last level because we don't really need a feat you can dip into another character class if you feel like doing so um the best option here is going to be cleric probably and if you do so you'll want to Respec probably to put cleric at level one so that your Scrolls and items still use your wizard levels for their spell save DCS uh just that's just because of a a quirk of how balers gate is programmed um you could also take a level of sorcerer respect to put that at level one to gain Constitution save proficiencies for the sake of clarity here where just going to take our 12th level of wizard but I wanted to mention that you can definitely add in one level of another class if you feel like there's more stuff that you can get from them bless from a cleric having access to Healing word a very powerful and of course heavy armor is nothing to be sneezed at though by the late game you're going to want to be in robes most of the time anyways that being said we'll just take our last level of wizard pick up alert so that we will be winning initiative which is very important since we want to hold a monster before all of our uh all of our summoned guys go and then our summoned guys can get automatic Critical Hits against it so alert is very synergistic with this build and then we'll take spells any spells that we have not found from Scrolls at this point that we think we might want want to prepare I'm just going to grab I don't know chain lightning and disintegrate just for fun disintegrate will remove the body though so try not to kill stuff with disintegrate because then you won't be able to turn it into a zombie all right so let's take a quick look at how animating Undead actually works with animate dead you have four options as you level up you get access to more of them at level five when you get access to a level three spell you can either create a zombie or a SK and when you're a at level six you get access to the level six um wizard feature you can you get to either uh you can either create two zombies or two skeletons I've already mentioned that I think you should be making skeletons most of the time at level nine character level 9 with a fifth level spell slot you can instead make a single ghoul or because we're a necromancer two ghouls or a flying ghoul the flying ghoul here says it's special specializes in ranged combat and this is what we technically speaking call a lie it does not do that and in fact has no ranged attacks the difference between these two is that the flying ghoul has lower AC and hit points but flying movement and the ghoul um has higher AC in hit points but cannot fly of these two I recommend just the groundbased ghoul the fly the flight is not that impressive to be honest in most Arenas although if you know you're going into an arena that's very vertical um some of the late game Boss Fights may have a lot of verticality that want you to have flying movement and you could instead swap to Flying ghouls but for the most part I think you're best off just animating ghouls the real question is is it better to spend a level four spell slot on four skeletons or is it better to spend a level five spell slot on two Ghouls and the answer I think is that most of the time the ghouls are going to be better however you can gain a lot of benefit if you have um hold monster and then in that case the skeletons are going to be better finally of course you also have your uh create Undead Minion Let me actually prepare that this one we do have to prepare which does not benefit from which unfortunately does not benefit from The Necromancer class features uh it will not gain your hit points in or it will not gain your wizard level in additional hit points it will not gain your proficiency additional damage and you won't get two of them but the mummy is still just a very powerful creature so we'll summon one here that means that the the corpse is gone um but the mummy has 93 base hit points which is pretty good for a summon has 18 AC which is really not at all bad um and also has a very solid attack uh has a very solid set of attacks when the mummy attacks it does 2d6 plus 3 D6 plus three so when you critically hit an enemy that's 10 D6 of damage which is a lot of damage just from the mummy and a feared enemy you can double attack for 10 D6 or if they're Critical Hits 20 D6 of damage 20 D6 of damage is a disintegrate spell so it's uh a massive amount of bonus damage coming from these multi attacks if they are frightened The Mummy also can frighten an enemy it takes an action but uh has 60t range and just is is uh frightened for two turns on a wisdom saving throw I actually don't know what the save DC here is so let me just test that real quick the saving throw DC is 13 okay so that will not actually go off that often so you're going to want fear from your allies or uh or another source in order to regularly fear enemies but this is something that you can do with your mummy your Undead other than the Archer the skeleton archers do not typically have ranged options so having any ranged option even if it's a bad one is is still pretty good um and then once you have a frightened enemy you can deal these multi attacks which are ludicrously powerful it do massive amounts of bonus damage it's also I have mentioned this a few times but it is very very much worth mentioning that the spell Aid when you bring a cleric Ally along or have taken levels in cleric when upcast it works on all of your Undead Aid gives you five HP maximum increase for a level two cast of Aid and up to a level six cast of Aid would give you 30 HP increase when spread out across five or 10 summons that's going to be a massive amount of additional HP especially Com when combined with the single most important item for necromancers necromancers are not typically that item dependent you're just going to want items that give you spell save DC uh a decent Shield if you have Shield proficiency from being Gale and a good robe so basically you're just looking for standard wizard items with spell save DC anything that gives you additional save DC anything that gives you additional initiative all of those are very powerful but you do want the undead Ward from the circle of Bones this gives all of your Undead damage resistance which when combined with Aid and the additional hit points they get from your Necromancer levels makes them significantly tankier excuse me I had to drink some water there the doubling this effectively doubles all of the Undead's hit points except against spellcasters meaning that your skeletons which had 18 hit points or 19 hit points are getting 12 hit points just from UB being a wizard any additional hit points you get from aid from a cleric let's say you cast a level three Aid that's 10 more hit points suddenly those guys have 40 hit points and if you have the undead ward those 40 hit points take 80 points of damage to bring down you can't heal your Undead also except with Aid so it's really important that you have access to it in your party in order to maximize your um your Undead's longevity otherwise you're going to have to spend a lot of spell slots on recasting them something else that's worth mentioning is even if you start the day by casting some ghouls right level five ghouls later on you can replace those with skeletons once the ghoul's hit points start to to run down you can use your level four and level three spell slots to replace your summons as you start losing them uh in combat treat them as a very renewable resource these are dayong Buffs that you get access to throughout the entire day other than that I don't believe there's any particular items that you want um although any story event or uh there's several story events that give you access to additional summons including additional Undead all of which are extremely powerful on this character because the more summons you have the more every effect you're applying that increases the power level of your summons multiplies the power of your whole team late in the game if you have the necromancy of F and uh Conrad and the mummy and a bunch of skeletons um and maybe us and the quasit you can be running around with 15 summons in your party um especially if you have a druid Summoner or a hunter Ally who's also summoning creatures and I do recommend that this party bring multiple Summoners and a cleric and I'll I'll talk more about that full summons party in a future video but for now I hope that you have enjoyed this look at the necrom answer and as always my friends if you have do please feel free to leave a comment like the video of course both of those things help out with the algorithm and you can subscribe to my channel for more of this and other strategy game content cheers my friends I'll catch you next time
Channel: Cephalopocalypse
Views: 42,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etarran, Cephalopocalypse, Baldur's Gate 3, Larian, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Build, Guide, Strategy, Tactics, Tutorial
Id: iiZdiROhb64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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