Dark Bramble Explained

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hello everyone I in the lower Explorer and this is the outer wild today we're going to look at dark bramble and take a crack at explaining how it works though dark bramble is far from beautiful its sight surely inspires awe and anyone who sees it from the outside it's easy to see this thing is made of wood of sorts and it's not a normal planet we can see finds with thorns on it jutting out in almost every direction dark bramble is a plant but it's not your average house plant stretching one point six meters pole to pole I think this thing would have a hard time fitting in your kitchen bramble did not originate in our solar system it traveled a long way to reach our Sun and found a home at the fifth planet from it or if we believe feldspar it just sort of appeared at its core once most likely the largest planet in the Solar System the fifth planet was brought to its knees by this this small insignificant looking seat it must be sturdy to be able to survive entry through the atmosphere of a planet then the subsequent crash and then it proceeded to grow into the abomination that is bramble so let's try to follow this process from the beginning right now let's act like we are in a bramble from another solar system not sure exactly how but a see like this one gets ejected from where it germinates or where it's been growing finding an exit the seed leaves its host the seat has to be going fast especially since it may be close to the Sun like Timbers hearth is this seed would probably travel for a few hundred years at least traveling through the vastness of space until eventually the tug of our Sun would begin to pull this sinister seed in the largest fifth planet in our solar system acted as a shield for the planets closer in to the Sun the seed would still be traveling at immense speeds likely enough to zip right on past our Sun if it didn't hit anything but we weren't so lucky the bramble seed firmly embedded itself into the surface of the planet once it had a grasp on the planet it's thorne started to dig deep so deep in fact it was able to tear the planet apart from the inside out I'm not sure how long it took but the planet basically imploded we find pieces of the planet all throughout the solar system we can head right to the outer rock to see an example of this we find a sizable crater just offset from the equator of the adil rock there are chunks of ice all throughout it and luckily some tests have been done on the crater here and the ice this is definitely in the ice we found surrounding Newark bramble and dating the crater it seems like the crater has been here for a long while for another example we can head to Giants deep it reveals a large island comprised of this ice that we find through the outskirts of dark bramble interestingly a few jellyfish are frozen in it suggesting they originated on this fifth planet but I wouldn't be surprised if all the landmasses on giants deeper rock that originated from bramble and the original fifth planet there since giants deep is so big and brambles slow it would likely be the planet that sucks up most of the debris caused by this crash and subsequent growing of this planet but that's enough for explaining this process how the hell does the seeds and the knowns work anyone who visited brambles most likely immediately confused when entering but that's quickly erased as we almost certainly get eaten by an anglerfish which I'll leave out of the video since you know who wants to see that but now we are safely around a campfire with feldspar we can think about this Dan maize that's infected by nightmares with fins so chatting with feldspar they say that the seed just appeared at the core of this fifth planet now I'm not sure I believe that it is possible anyway they go on to mention interdimensional travel as well as their theory that suggests each seed you enter the space inside grows so this small seed next to us has an interior that could house an angler or more and in fact it even houses us if we shoot our probe into it it comes directly back suggesting that if you enter this thing you would be well where the probe was inside feldspars nose so to explain this each seed entrance is connected via the fourth dimension and each seed is a door the Breville we see contains every node we encounter within yet a single node inside bramble also has other nodes inside of it each node that you go into has more space than the last one inside of it we will call each node a pocket dimension that gets bigger and bigger through each door you go through an easy way to picture this if you were a Doctor Who fan is many TARDIS inside each other with their doors leading to each other and maybe even having multiple doors these doors all lead to a different pocket dimension again through the fourth dimension this was confirmed by developer by a youtuber named a big bulldog he does some content on the outer walls you may want to check them out if you're interested I actually helped with a video that he created it maybe I'll link it at the end of this video looking at this map we can see that this way with the fourth dimensional doors the nodes can lead to each other even if they aren't adjacent and even makes it possible for a node that only leads to itself as the tunnels can bend and lead anywhere this is just a crude rudimentary map to let you visualize what I'm talking about it also makes sense of the duplicate signals we see when we shoot our probe into a node we can follow the signal in front of us but we could also go through another node to reach the same space as it contains the node that our probe is in now it does get confusing how the nodes are kind of inside each other but I don't think it's really that important another interesting factor is to exit bramble we simply have to turn around and go through the entrance we came through why does this happen well bramble is a plant after all it has to have a way to pollinate or seed itself this is how bramble shoots out the seed we see on timber hearth and we see evidence this isn't the first seed bramble shot into our solar system if we head to ember twin sunless city we can find an interesting site an overlook has been constructed for the know my to get a good view of the fossil of an anglerfish the only way I can think for the anglerfish to have gotten here is coming through a seed but wouldn't it have to have been big enough for an anglerfish to fit through we find no evidence of such seed on ember twin or any of the facts it may have had though underground and so close to the Sun may have caused this seed to wither and die it may have even drifted down here with sand from above the surface or perhaps the seed tried to appear near the core like feldspar said but this leads me to the question how does it plant like this survive anyway if the one on timber hearth died well we have little evidence for this but what if all the bramble plants throughout the universe are all connected this way all the resources the seed intakes is shared with other seeds throughout the universe this could explain how the seed survived its trip through space to reach the fifth planet if it didn't just disappear like feldspar says its mother plant could have been providing for it until it reached its destination where it can begin to expand its network by taking over a planet there actually is some evidence for this but it only makes it possible in my opinion if we make our way to the nude feldspar has set up camp in we can check out their ship the ship has made its way clear through a vine when feldspar crashed it trying to escape from an angler we can get a view of the inner workings of bramble this way even inside these vines have dimensional doorways in them the seeds from timber and feldspars node also both lead to the same node which would happen to be feldspar snowed so it would make sense there is some connection to other plants that we simply don't have access to another bit of evidence may just be dismissed since it's perceived as an easter egg but the only words I've seen the main developers speak about it were along the lines of if you look at the Easter Egg is lore meaning he doesn't straight-out dismiss it this seed here deep in dark bramble holds a secret a terrible scene with a few dead humans and just beyond the humans leonor with bramble vines surrounding it if we this is lore it's almost solid proof these seeds are all connected if not just to each other most likely to this mysterious orb here in a location we don't know but unfortunately one of these seeds has made its new home on timber hearth but I don't think this Leeds is no hope for the planet and the four-eyed species that inhabits it if the fossil on ember twin tells us anything it's these seeds can die if we severed the seed from its vine it would likely lose its connection to the others once it's lost its connection it may just wither away and die if that doesn't work we can like the SOB on fire in fact let's do both just to be sure just to be safe we should probably go get feldspars first who knows that since this seed leads to feldspar seed if they would be harmed if we burned it anyway I hope this video was able to give you an understanding of how bramble may work really I think it's just an awesome idea an interstellar plant alone you know for this reason I can't find myself or make myself hate dark bramble it's just such an awesome idea but for now this is the lore Explorer trying to explain the hell that is dark bramble
Channel: The Lore Explorer
Views: 59,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outer wilds, outer wilds dark bramble, dark bramble, dark bramble explained
Id: _WbLzeUZfCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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