Ranking Genshin Impact Characters If They Were EVIL

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in gentian impact version 2.3 there's going to be an event where it looks like albedo turns evil and we have to fight him so with that as inspiration i decided to make a tier list based on how much damage the characters would do if they were to turn evil we are assuming that if they turn evil for someone like kokomi they would not still have the following of an entire army behind them because the army would realize that their leader turned evil and wouldn't follow them so this is based on just what that character alone could do now i know a lot of these characters are strong someone like d luke someone like kaya kazuha they are very strong characters but in terms of destructive power how strong are they could they tear down an entire city with their weapons and skills alone that's what we're looking at i'm aware that these are strong characters this is not based purely on strength this is based on destructive power i just had to make that very clear but with that out of the way let's get straight into it the tears are nothing to worry about a minor nuisance some crime and vandalism destruction of property buildings will be leveled cities will fall and why do i hear boss music we're soon gonna find out just how powerful albedo is going to be when he becomes evil because that is the premise for one of the upcoming events in kitchen impact version 2.3 but for now i'm going to be putting him in the cities will fall category and this is because there's a direct quote from the game where he's afraid that if he loses control he might destroy monstat or even destroy everything eloi is a tough one to place because in genji and impact we don't learn too much about her lore and backstory and in horizon zero dawn for the most part she is a regular human being i'm not going to spoil the actual story there but she's basically a human who's very resourceful and can operate machinery well and because we don't really have that machinery in genji impact i'll put her in the some crime and vandalism category all right hear me out with this one i have not read the manga for genjin impact so there's probably some things i'm missing out on i did do a bit of research so i know some things and i saw some people saying amber in the manga was strong but just based on what i know and i couldn't find too much information on her i'm going to be putting her in the some crime and vandalism category because i mean she has pyro at her disposal but i just don't see her doing all that much damage maybe i'm alone in this but the thought of an evil barbara is just really funny to me because what is she gonna do like start singing screamo music i i just i can't picture her being evil even though that's the whole point of this tier list and i'm just going to put her as a minor nuisance beto is going to be having to go in the buildings will be leveled category and this is because when she obtained her vision it was due to the fact that she and her crew were fighting an ocean monster i believe it was called hyshon but i could be pronouncing that wrong and they fought it for four days straight until one night she took it down with one swing of her sword and according to the story she split the ocean in two of course that might be talked up a little bit but that's still how she obtained her vision now let me make it clear i am not discrediting bennett's abilities in terms of combat but if we're talking about turning these characters evil and what they are going to do how much destruction they're gonna cause bennett is very unlucky so if it is his intent to destroy something let's say he sets a city on fire sets a forest on fire whatever it might be uh i would assume it would start raining in about two minutes and just put out all of his hard work so he's going to go into the nothing to worry about category i'm just going to completely expose myself here and tell you that the some crime and vandalism category is kind of like the i don't really know and you can feel free to leave your opinion in the comments below but chung yoon is another one of those characters where like he's an exorcist so maybe he can use some spirits and turn them evil and do damage with that but in terms of destructive power i just don't see him having all that much so he'll be going into that category as well and cue all the comments of people being mad about where i'm putting d luke but hear me out here d luke is a very strong fighter and i know in the manga he is also very strong but i'm going to be putting him in the destruction of property tier and this is because i'm going based on destructive power yes he has pyro which will help him but he wields a sword and as such going around you know wiping out cities doesn't really sound feasible for him i know he's very strong in combat he took on the harbingers and whatnot but in terms of destructive power i mean i gotta make this very clear destructive power i don't think he would rank as highly as some other characters diona being evil just sounds like she's going to be trying to poison the wine and alcohol instead of you know just making it poorly which in turn would just mean she's making it even better because she's blessed by the fairy where she can only make good wine and alcohol or something along those lines and i would put her in nothing to worry about but you know she's a little cat character so maybe she'd use a building as a scratching post and just mark up all the walls eula is a very competent fighter i'm not denying that whatsoever but again we're looking at the destructive power of these characters if they turn to evil and while she would be able to take out many people in combat i don't know that she'd be destroying all that much so i'm going to be putting her just in the destruction of property because i feel like she would be above just regular crime and vandalism but i don't think she'd be you know leveling buildings per se here we have another character that is probably going to be falling in the some crime and vandalism category being official and this is just because again i don't really know where she will fall other than here because i know she has oz at her disposal which allows her to scout things out and kind of aid her in combat but in terms of destructive power i don't see that playing too much of a factor i could be completely wrong and feel free to clue me in if i am now this is a character where all of your imp no i take that back this is a character where some of your input is very welcome down in the comments because as a half adeptus ganyu has to be very strong right but at the same time i can't find too much that indicates any destructive power though i know that she did take place in the war a long time ago alongside rex lapis so as such i'm going to be putting her in the buildings will be leveled here she might go in the destruction of property but again you guys can let me know because i did do research and i couldn't find all that much who tau is a pyro character and i feel like pyro in itself is a very destructive element but at the same time she likes to play practical jokes and everything i know we're talking about evil versions and uh evil who tau just plays worse pranks maybe but i i really don't know i'm going to be putting her in these some crime and vandalism category jean is a tough one because of the fact that she is a very skilled fighter so it feels wrong to be putting her any lower than destruction of property but at the same time she just wields a sword and uses the power of wind i'm not saying wind can't be destructive obviously tornadoes are a thing but i don't know it doesn't feel like she'd be doing too much you know property damage or damaging of the terrain but again it just feels wrong to put her any lower because of how strong she is so i'm going to be putting her there next up is kazuha and he's also a sword user and wields the power of animo but the thing is i believe he is the only character we've ever seen wield the power of two different visions at once and i know you could argue you know traveler but the traveler doesn't use visions and then senora and child use delusions when they used other elements so i feel he does have the potential to do a lot of damage therefore he'll be joining the others in the destruction of property tier kaia is a similar situation to deluge where he's a very skilled fighter and he even held his own against the luke before he had a vision but again if we're talking about destructive power when these characters turn evil then i'm going to have to put him at highest in the destruction of property tier again unless i am just vastly overlooking something that happened in the manga but it i mean i played the game and i haven't read the manga so that's just my current viewpoint imagine an evil ayaka because i just can't she's such a pure and innocent character and then we're just gonna be making her evil and destroy property and it's hard to envision but if this were to happen it's honestly between destruction of property and some kind of vandalism because she's very strong and you know she has like the whole ice whirlwind thing and it's really cool so it's hard to place i think i'm going to put her in some crime and vandalism but i completely agree if you think she would fall in destruction of property instead now that we're up to kaching i think i might want to change something we just did so i'm going to take a little kaching here and i'm going to put her in the some crime and vandalism category and then i'm going to take ayaka and put her into the destruction of property category i am not saying that i think kaching is weak and i think she is a very strong character if she were to be evil but again if we're looking at the destruction of property i'm gonna keep saying this over and over the destruction of property i don't know that she would be doing all that much i mean i like her as a character i'm just going to make that clear i like her as a character i don't have her i'd like to have her but i write in shogun so i probably wouldn't use her that much but i just don't like to have her as a character but for this specific tier list i think that she would be around this tier oh boy i cannot wait to see all the angry comments on this one little birdie red girl little clee little girl who's gonna nuke the whole city and cause it to fall because clee is a very kind and you know innocent girl right now but imagine if she was actually evil maybe she is and we just don't know it but imagine she was actually evil and her intent was to destroy i don't think that's going to end very well all right kujo sara i was having a tough time with so i did some research and according to the gentian impact it's a fandom wiki but it's still the genji impact wiki as far as i'm concerned in japanese buddhism the tengu were seen as tricksters and destructive demons of war so destructive demon of war i don't think she'll be leveling bill i mean maybe she'd be leveling buildings according to that description but i'm going to stick her in the destruction of property tier lisa is another character that i personally didn't know where to place so did some research and i found out she's actually very strong she's just lazy and doesn't like to use her powers but if she was evil and fully committed herself to committing evil acts of evil destruction then i'm going to be putting her in the buildings will be leveled category and of course you're going to argue that down in the comments but that's where i'm going to put her in yeah that yeah imagine a world where all of mona's actions are fueled by pure hatred and evil and what would she do with all that hatred and evil in her heart she would go and rob banks so that no one can ever again call her poor and thus she's going in the some crime and vandalism category because it's not really destruction it's theft ning wang's actually kind of a funny one because originally i was going to put a rather low in the list but then i had to do some research as i did for most of these characters and some i still don't have a definitive answer for but that's besides the point i kept doing more and more research and she kept moving up the list because she can keep creating things with the power of geo she can summon in the ballistas which arguably you need the adept i'd actually man them but i mean she could still summon them in and then also she can eventually build herself another jade chamber and just slam it down on a city so i don't think the whole city would fall because of that but buildings will definitely be leveled noel was another character who kept moving up this list as i was making the tears and she eventually ended up in the destruction of property tier and this is because she's actually very strong there's a point in the lore where it says she lifts an entire bookshelf with all the books in it with one hand and nothing falls out also she kept getting new swords from wagner the blacksmith and they kept breaking and dulling because she was just too strong when she swung them chichi is one of the characters i'll be needing your guys's help with i'm going to be putting her in the some crime in vandalism category but the issue is i read about how when she first gained her vision and gained the powers of the adept die she went into a rage and the adept i had you seal her in amber to stop her i don't know what that rage entailed and i don't know what would happen if you took away the talisman on her head because i literally could not find anything on it i don't know if she would have a lot of destructive power so for now i have to put her in this tier the ryden shogun the one who literally carved a canyon are gorge it's a gorge she carved a gorge through part of inazuma in one blow as she was taking out a literal god mind you oribashi the giant snake and we also saw her absolutely obliterate someone in a cut scene but i won't spoil that if you haven't seen it so needless to say if she were to become evil like purely evil then uh third there'd be quite a lot of damage so she's going into the why do i hear boss music dear razer is a capable fighter he's an agile fighter and he's a wolf boy who i can't really put along the likes of some of these characters here so he's going to have to come down in the summer crime and vandalism tier i was originally going to put rosaria in the destruction of property tier because she's pretty much a trained assassin at this point but again assassinations don't really equate to large-scale destruction in a literal sense so i think she would better fit in the some crime and vandalism category because i can completely see her freezing the doors to the church shut so that she never has to go back in there or is expected to go back in there again i'm sure some people won't like this but kokomi i know she is supposed to be a military genius all right so if she were to become evil she wouldn't have the army with her because i'm assuming that the armies of respective characters realize that their leader has turned evil and don't follow them so on her own even if she's very smart she might be able to plot some things but i don't see her being able to destroy all that much therefore she'll be going in the some crime and vandalism category as well evil saiyu evil intent saiyu what is she gonna do with all those evil intents you ask probably fall asleep putting her in the minor nuisance because when she does wake up maybe she'll do something and then go back to sleep shortly after i'm aware that sucrose is very much into alchemy and if she were to use that for evil intentions perhaps she could do some damage with it but i don't think it's going to be all that much so i would put her in either some crime and vandalism or a minor nuisance and personally i think it would be more of a minor nuisance but again i could be completely wrong with that now imagine a world where tartagly is actually evil awake but imagine if he was evil all the time because outside of the time that he tried to kill us and you know the time he tried to steal the gnosis the time he tried to destroy an entire city he acts very civil and he's like ah don't bring up things in the past i'm not trying to do that right now so he's just he's a good guy right but imagine imagine he was actually all the time purely evil i i have to put him in cities will fall i was gonna do buildings will be leveled but he literally tried to destroy leewa by resurrecting the god was it a god the giant hydra water demon once again i'm not really sure what to do with this character because toma is relatively new and as far as i know he's just good at like house chores and talking to people so i'm just gonna put him in some crime and vandalism because yes he has the attribute of pyro at his disposal but i don't see him doing mass destruction as he is more of a support based character uses shields and things of that nature well we kind of know what an evil traveler looks like maybe assuming that the traveler you don't choose is innately evil or i mean we don't know the full story yet so it's hard to say but when they were at their full power i think they might go up into why do i hear boss music but after their powers got taken away they are still very strong they can use elements powers without needing visions so i don't think they would be in the top tier though because we have the power of the protagonist we're able to defeat pretty much anyone we go up against so i'm going to have to at least put them in cities will fall now i know i know some people are going to be mad venti what the animal arkhan not going up in the tear with the other archon but no because his powers have degraded over time and he's not quite at his peak performance though if he were turned purely evil i still think he can do a lot of damage and thus he's going in cities will fall jean ling i really don't have much to say unfortunately i couldn't find much on her in terms of destructive power other than her ultimate which you know i mean fair enough but other than the spinning flames i don't see her having two i mean you could you could argue both all right i'll put it that way you can argue both i'm going to put her in the some crime and vandalism but i could see an argument made for either i had to do a lot of research for xiao because i know he's very strong i know he's been around for a long time and i know he has a lot of power but i was just thinking in terms of destructive power of the environment around him how much could he actually do i know he's very skilled when it comes to combat but in terms of destruction how strong is he so i went searching and eventually i found something again from the genjin wiki stating that if he was unleashing his full strength to deal with the remnants of fallen gods it is incredibly destructive and any mortal in the vicinity would be lucky to survive the encounter so with that being said i'm going to put him up in these cities will fall maybe he should only be in buildings will be leveled but i know i know people are going to argue he is so strong so i'm putting him up and these cities will fall i genuinely don't even know what an evil shincho would do like is he going to go write books that just bad mouth other people or like i don't know i can't see him actually doing anything destructive so some crime and vandalism i guess maybe even a minor nuisance uh it's kind of the same thing with chignon honestly i mean she can write some angry songs that's not really the intent you know it's the characters evil we're assuming they are evil with the intent to you know do damage but i again just put i'm gonna put them in a minor nuisance the final character going into some crime and vandalism will be yanfei which is just kind of funny because she's a lawyer and then she's gonna be breaking the law but because she's a lawyer she knows exactly how to break the law thus if she was purely evil i feel like her first thing she'd do is just try to break every tiny little law that she could think of meaning she wouldn't really be doing all that much destruction she would just be committing very tiny crimes yoymia is going to go up in the destruction of property tier and this is because i could see her just rigging up explosives everywhere not to the extent of clee of course they're more firework based so they'd still do a lot of damage but they wouldn't level a city evil zhong li is definitely nothing to worry about though we can stick him right and need nothing to worry about no i'm not going to not doing that joke again now he's going straight up into the why do i hear boss music i mean his all is literally dropping a meteor so imagine you know he's actually evil he could probably just destroy the entire continent and there you have it if all of these characters turned evil like albedo is going to do in 2.3 then this is according to me and according to sources i found online the wikis different people's opinions lores this is what i feel they would do in terms of damage of course there are little things that you could probably tweak around and change but overall i feel this is fairly accurate though i know people in the comments all have their own opinions and they will think i'm completely wrong in the matter i do hope however that you enjoyed this and if you did feel free to subscribe for more just random gentian impact content and with that i will see you all next time
Channel: TheXade
Views: 144,060
Rating: 4.8170733 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact tier list, Genshin tier list, genshin tier list 2.2, genshin tier list 2.3, genshin impact tier list 2.3, genshin impact tier list 2.2, genshin impact albedo, genshin impact albedo evil, genshin impact albedo event, genshin impact evil albedo, genshin ranking, genshin ranking 2.2, genshin ranking 2.3, genshin impact tier list damage, genshin impact destruction, genshin impact damage tier list, genshin damage tier list, genshin best character
Id: b5oCahzaMK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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