Tana Mongeau Will Never Stop Lying... *Apology Reaction*

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[Music] hi friends uh hello hi how are you today's video is just gonna kind of be a quick little um tangent i don't know tana mojo posted her apology video and i got instantly was getting like tagged and people wanted me to talk about it and it was like everybody's like we need a reaction and i see they're tagging all of these other drama and commentary channels and they're like we need a reaction and i want to just say right off the bat like part of me was kind of like no um and i will tell you why part of me was kind of like no because frankly tana to me is very quickly approaching a level of like trisha paytas where i just can't talk about it anymore because it makes me really mad i feel like it feeds into everything the more you talk about it i feel like she is a person who thrives off of drama and controversial situations and i feel like that is why she has continued to grow so steadily despite all of these scandals however i also do feel that because tana has such a young fan base and has such a younger audience that she kind of influences i do feel like it's still important to talk about bring awareness provide a different perspective other than the one that she is saying allowing them to be inquisitive about her and allowing them to you know maybe if they have doubts if they can have a place to come that's like these different not just my channel but other channels that talk about it that can shed a light on you know the actual the realities of the situation i think that's beneficial i also just want to say if you're confused about this entire situation because if you only watch tana's video you absolutely would be very confused about what's going on because she literally did not explain or go into detail about anything i have a whole video kind of recapping everything but i would also strongly encourage you to go watch nessa and colin's video on the situation colin has a bunch of videos and nessa i believe has one or two i think they're really important to watch and listen to and hear from their perspective to fully understand kind of the depths of what they were tana was being accused of i'll link all of their videos down below i think it's really important to hear their side of the story and hear where they're coming from on this situation and without further ado we're going to get into not only tana's um i don't want to call an apology video cause i didn't really feel like an apology tana's video we're gonna get into it and we're also going to get into um the kind of aftermath of that video and what happened after so i'll give you a brief rundown of the video really normally i'm like oh go watch it for yourselves like i don't really think you need to watch it for yourself to be perfectly honest i think the situation itself is fairly clear um but yeah let's get into it the video uh started with contradictions which i found i think the whole video was kind of riddled with contradictions it's like a 14 minute video and as of for right now it has 38 000 dislikes and 19 000 likes and it's just over 500 000 views which that and of itself the views are more shocking to me than the likes to dislike the likes dislikes are obviously surprising but the fact that it only has 500 000 views is definitely surprising i think to start off the beginning of the video was kind of pointless she basically said that she knows that this video took her way too long to make because it's been three months of her saying she was working on a video um only to post this video which was very obviously you can tell by like her nails and her hair uh somebody pointed this out on twitter that this video was filmed super super recently so she starts the video basically by saying that um she takes full accountability for the fact that this video took so long to get up and that is fully her fault and that her actions don't reflect change here's my thing first of all i think tana's under the impression that accountability and responsibility are the same things because i think she what she means to say is i take full responsibility for choosing to party during a pandemic go to steakhouses with my friends learn tick-tock dances instead of taking the time to create a video like this that's a responsibility that she just she blew off the responsibility to make this video there's no accountability being taken when you've been having the time of your life living in a beverly hills mansion partying constantly breaking social distancing constantly there's no accountability being had there just because you said that you're taking accountability doesn't mean you actually did what you did do was take responsibility in the sense that you're aware that you picked up and you're aware that you shouldn't have been doing that but you don't really care accountability would have just been making the video three months ago that would have been taking accountability there's also i'm not gonna go in any particular order of the video because i just kind of wrote out my notes as like a stream of consciousness but there are so many contradictions in this video because at one point in the video she goes i this is the last apology video you guys are ever going to see for me and then later in the video like two minutes later she's like i don't care if i have to start every single vlog i post with an apology i'm gonna address everything head on as soon as it happens and i'm gonna be super super responsible i'm gonna take super accountability for everything that i do and it's like which one is it are you never apologizing again because you feel this is an all-encompassing apology are you going to apologize profusely for the rest of your career which is really if that's the promise you're making you really are going to start every single vlog posting with an apology video i hope you're ready to actually do that action because you really are going to have to do that unless you actually start addressing this stuff properly and fully there's also a part where she she really the whole thing that made me frustrated was the fact that she didn't even fully address the colin and nessa situation she didn't say what microaggressive behavior she was accused of she didn't explain the situation in any way she didn't link their videos so people could be aware of what she was being accused of she didn't do any of that she basically just said she doesn't think she's micro-aggressive but how is she as a white person going to tell a black person that they she was not being microaggressive towards them literally that's it she does say she can kind of see how she was micro-aggressive towards colin um but then she and vernessa she literally says like i wasn't micro-aggressive in one sentence and then the next sentence is but i guess i was microaggressive so she doesn't actually believe anything that they're saying to her she hasn't actually internalized it or taking it to heart you've had three months to try to figure out how your behavior was microaggressive and hurtful yet you still have not done that if tana was being honest during this apology video it would literally be i made a ton of money off of ollie fans so i don't really need youtube right now which is true she's been posted on her youtube channel in three months she doesn't need the money because she's making so much money on only fans and doing like tick tock sponsorships which by the way no shade to only fans like do your thing i literally don't give a [ __ ] however be honest about it you don't need youtube as much anymore so that's why you haven't been posting and that's why this hasn't been a priority the reason all of your previous apology videos were your priority was because youtube was your main source of income and now that it's not you don't care to really do a real apology you don't really care because in my opinion i think tana is going to slowly phase out of doing youtube she didn't wait three months to post this video because she was so sad and because she was so upset and she was so hurt by everything and she was really reflecting on this she waited three months because she just wanted to party and not think about this whole situation she very obviously just wants to go out and party and be crazy and do her thing without having to feel any sort of guilt about her past actions that is the reason she waited to post this video it has literally nothing to do with her sitting and reflecting because she posted on instagram stories more than i feel like she ever has in her life the past three months i know just from watching her instagram stories so much about her life she just moved into one of those clout house mansions that are like the eight-story buildings with elevators that's where she's living now so i'm assuming she's a part of some sort of creator situation there's so many things that i know about this girl because she constantly is posting about them and never once is she posting like hey i'm reflecting the only thing that she's been posting on her instagram stories in the past i would say a few weeks that has been even slightly different from the standard partying during a pandemic pictures is that she's been working out and she she said that she has a life coach now a live-in life coach which i would love to talk about the ethics of that but we simply don't have the time she's a live-in life coach trying to help her and that she's been walking on a treadmill more that's all we know one post it down let's go to the next in the video she apologizes for some of her old tweets which frankly i literally forgot about those i forgot that she had horrific tweets that referenced her black friend amari picking cotton i forgot about that because there has been so much [ __ ] surrounding her for the past few months that i frankly didn't even remember the tweets she literally could have not mentioned to the tweets and i don't think a lot of people would have noticed because there's been so many other things to be mad at her about and again i just feel like it's bs she literally in this video i kid you not low-key shades and blames shane dawson of all people for the reason she acted this way she literally blamed shane dawson and looking up to shane dawson as a kid for thinking those things were funny she blamed shane dawson and other youtube creators for putting out such horrible apologies in the past because those were the people she was looking to i wish i were kidding she's literally this person who she's called her father she is now blaming him for all of these op problems she also says that all of her last apologies were bold and i wish she had said which ones like what which ones because you've made a thousand of them was it the mtv one that you just put out where you literally just gaslit everybody was it the one where you apologized for the jake paul wedding where again you just gaslit everybody was it the apology for racism was the apology for making the passing of mac miller about yourself which one was it truly let me know inform me which apology are you saying is both is it all of them because you claimed it was all of them but a lot of those apologies were posted incredibly recently within the past year she also gives this analogy of like what a microaggression is that in my i don't know i i guess maybe that's considered a microaggression i would consider that a racist action telling black men to move to the back of the plane yeah i would consider that just flat out racist i think that there are better analogies for microaggressions but i guess she read a book about microaggression so that's great i'm sorry can you see that i'm done honestly i wish she would just be honest but at the same time that's so damaging to be honest because to be honest would be her saying i literally do not care that i'm being accused of these things i don't care that would be her being honest but she knows she can't be honest and honestly i don't know if i want her to be honest because that's so damaging that's so damaging to say i don't care that i've severely hurt people i don't care that i have hurt my own fans i don't care that i have hurt my past friends by being racist i i can't tell if that would be better or worse honestly in the video when she talks about nessa too she you can clearly tell that she feels colin she did mess up with colin and that she did you know have i'll talk about colin in a second because i'm very mad for him um but she did she did very clearly state in the video that like she agreed with some of what colin was saying and i really think the reason for that which she failed to mention but i think the reason she knows she can't deny what colin is saying is because colin has a video recording of tana screaming at him basically saying he's trying to ruin her career because he was trying to educate her on why saying the word was so incredibly problematic and tana knows he has that video because i've watched that video because he put it in one of his live streams so i think the reason tana is being more s pandering to colin is because she knows he has that information and she knows how horrible that makes her look like she nobody can deny that that's what that is you know with the nessa situation you can tell tana doesn't think she did anything wrong she literally says that she was just being a catty 16 year olds and it had nothing to do with race which if you watch nessa's video a lot of the things she did is it's incredibly clear that a lot of tana and her manager jordan which nobody like even i forget to talk about him because he plays a huge huge role in this whole situation is tana's manager being incredibly not just micro-aggressive but right downright racist he's a huge part of the problem as well including tana and tana also low-key shades nessa and is literally like oh well i know that i have things that you couldn't even dream of having because i'm white and i'm sorry what do you know how stupid you sound when you say things like that i understand that somebody wrote this script for you and you just read it which will get into her saying that's not true i know you just read this but do you understand how absolutely ignorant you sound when you say i have things that you couldn't even dream of as a white girl to a black girl have you ever thought about that no you haven't she's clearly still pissed at nessa and clearly doesn't give a [ __ ] about nasa let's just put it that way you don't have to watch the video to understand that she literally does not care that she has hurt nasa she also randomly at the end of the video promotes joe biden um here's the thing you guys know i'm a big advocate for voting i tell you to vote at the end of every single video i love love love let's like let's get out there and vote i love it however i do think it was weird i felt it was a little bit of a kind of jeffree star maneuver because she lowkey says that she shouldn't even be making a video like this about herself given everything that's going on right now which implies that people can't care about multiple things at once if anything i think people who have been this like a racial reckoning is is needed at the moment and she does have this kind of weird moment where she's like vote for joe biden with me i'm gonna vote for joe biden which you know okay i i appreciate the fact that you're telling your young fan base to vote i wish you wouldn't be doing it at the end of a video where you so horrifically address your own racist actions but like i guess that's the one thing you did that i was like okay whatever thanks for encouraging people to vote moving on i write my notes in little sections so this is the aftermath section after i watch this video 14 minutes all 14 minutes of it i go on to twitter and i go to collins twitter because i've actually talked to him a little bit i love colin i've been following him he has new music out go stream it um and i went to collins twitter and i was like please tell me that tana mojo did not make an apology video to colin and nessa without reaching out to them first and clearing the air with them first privately please tell me this is not the first time they are really hearing from her please and guess what i found of course she hasn't reached out to them privately of course she hasn't reached out to colin of course she has not reached out to nessa colin has screenshots from three months ago where she said colin i want to get on a phone call with you i cannot wait to prove to you that i am a different person that i have changed and then she ghosted him she never answered again so this is what i got i was already like annoyed about this video but i was like whatever this is what i expected she doesn't care when i went on twitter and saw that this girl did not address colin or nessa privately at all and did not even try to speak to them privately that's when i got real pissed because now you have colin who's literally saying on twitter he's like i feel like she did this to me because she wants to hurt me more they're commenting on the video being like i don't know what to say to you tana this is so hurtful and she's deleting their comments they are still hurt and dealing with the ramifications of this and she doesn't even give enough of the sh to talk to them privately are you kidding me is this that like it has to be a sick joke at this point no i don't understand how you could ever with good faith i can't i think the reason i'm so baffled by this is because i cannot imagine treating anybody like this and i don't know anybody that would ever treat people like this i cannot imagine getting on camera and publicly apologizing to people publicly trying to clear your name with all of your fans without clearing the air with them first i like i can't fathom it it's so it's such disgusting behavior to me to not try to clear the air with them privately but try to put on this i'm doing better i'm learning i'm growing bullsh and that you haven't had time for three months to just send a dm to hop on a phone call with them colin literally said that he tried to call jordan and jordan hung up in his face also after the video dropped keemstar posted a video on twitter where he basically was like tana it's pretty obvious in this video you're not talking like yourself because she does talk like a robot in the whole video that's because she's reading a script he also says in that video it's obvious you want to tell colin and ness said it's obvious you don't care this is like verbatim what he said obviously you don't care about them which he's not wrong like that's correct that is the vibe you got from the video he goes so you should just say that to them and you should just be tanimojo because you're losing relevancy and tana who has had no time in the world to tweet to colin or nessa or any of the other people calling her out for racism she did have time to address keemstar she did have time to talk to him and she said keemstar you're so bright this is fantastic advice so my question would be if you think that's fantastic advice are you literally saying that this apology which you claimed was your last one which you claimed was the one where you were really taking full accountability and you really felt like you were wrong you are really saying that you should have just told nessa and colin to f off that's really what you're saying that's what you're saying by agreeing with keemstar that's what you actually meant you agree with him you agree that that's what you should have done because that's what you really felt which i guess we knew but at the same time hearing her like agree with it hearing her not two hours after posting this horrific apology that she claims is going to be her very last and she claims is the one that shows real growth she then goes on to instagram stories here's the t i know that she's lying about having a script writer i'm i would bet what do i love i would bet my home i would bet my home that tana mojo did not write this apology video herself at the very least she had somebody edit it for her and like put things in for her and at the very most it's completely written by somebody else and i'm leaning towards the latter i have seen what a tana mojo written apology looks like with tanacon and with her first like scandal i have seen how she talks and how she writes her own apologies before we've all seen it and this was nothing like that this was very clearly like jordan or her life coat i don't know somebody else wrote this for her and somebody else gave her a script to read off of literally just the jump cuts she was oh there were so many jump cuts because i was trying to stop myself from crying okay your makeup was flawless the entire video so no you were not crying in between takes and the takes happened to go perfectly listen i've had scripted videos in my life like as a youtuber you cannot fool me your jump cuts were perfectly timed with when you would say a sentence and then look down read the next sentence and then look back up to deliver the sentence you can't fool youtubers like i i know how this goes i know how jump cuts would be placed in videos that have scripts it was very obviously scripted by somebody that was not you you don't talk like that you don't speak with those words we all know what you sound like you've been on youtube for five years why are you still lying at this point like why are you still lying literally just be honest about it at this point i don't know what else to say this video was honestly more of the same and there's one part in the video where she goes you know i don't deserve this platform if i don't actually grow and change and you know what you are right you have not grown and changed you have not learned you do not care you are a horrible horrible horrible influence for the young people that you follow and you do not deserve your platform and honestly i'm so so happy that people are starting to see it the likes to dislikes are a great reminder of and even the comments gave me hope it was people who like have loved you and supported you for some reason despite all of this who are now finally saying hey you know what you're right you don't deserve this platform and honestly i'm so proud of those people that are saying that it's honestly either say you don't give a [ __ ] and just keep posting content and fade into a relevancy like a lot of other youtubers have or leave leave put up or shut up they're saying you need to change to keep your platform then leave because you haven't and based on everything that you have said you won't and you know what if in a year tana has owned done everything she said she do in this apology if she owns up to situations quickly if she really addresses them head on if she's really honest which based on this apology it seems like that's already been broken because she was not head-on or honest about anything but if she really does do that i will totally eat my words good for you like show that growth show that change however i don't think you will because i think you're in it too deep and i don't think you care and in order to change you have to actually care and i do not think that you do my opinion i don't know well we'll see i think i'm pretty much done with the tana situation at this point i think i'm done i know she said she's gonna make like a response to all the criticism she's been getting i'm really not gonna make reaction videos to every single time she does this i think this video serves as a very good sort of pillar of how i feel and how i know a lot of people feel which is it's just over it just done like i just am over it i also feel like since i just did like i did my evolution of video on tana where i really did a deep dive into her career and it's honestly just like what are you gonna do at this point it's just been one i said it in that video but i'll say it again like it's just been one thing after the other after the other after the other the same mistakes the same excuses the same apology and i think people are just done myself included like i'm just and it sucks because i do think at the end of the day like i think a lot of people feel this way of like kind of low-key rooting for tana like wanting her to be better and do better and earn the platform she has and like because she has such a huge influence and she was legitimately i said in my video and her old story times were legitimately entertaining like you are kind of rooting for her because she is so young and you you know but at the same time can't do it oh okay well i tried to wait to film this video so i could calm down but i feel like i just screamed for like 20 minutes but i love you guys so much if you like this video please like and subscribe or just like or just subscribe or do neither honestly just so happy you're watching me thank you so much for being here my merch my social media and everything i'm wearing on my face will be linked down below along with a link to register to vote that's right you can click on that link you can register to vote and you be part of your democracy super fun thing to do i am from rochester new york and we are currently dealing with um a social justice uprising because of the death of daniel prude and i would love it i have his gofundme is linked down there i would absolutely love it if you could donate i've already donated and if you can give anything to his family i think that would be really appreciated um so yeah i love you guys so much and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Smokey Glow
Views: 400,399
Rating: 4.954021 out of 5
Keywords: Tana Mongeau, Tana Mongeau Apology, Simplynessa15, Kahlan Barry, Keemstar, Smokey Glow, Smokey Glow Tana Mongeau
Id: zhQ1bsZb7Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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