The Every PRIME Hydration Drink 2.0 Chug

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[Applause] yes folks we are doing it again more primes have come out since the last every Prime trug and yo we are back on our grind we got the wine glass like we're supposed to and yo these are all the Primes that I can find okay a lot of new ones too so without further Ado let's do the every Prime chug 2.0 don't touch that [Music] Mouse you're watching Bad Lance chugs what's good folks and welcome back to another bad lanch chug all right and oh man a few new primes came out since I did this back in May and yo I got him and we about to do this ladies and gentlemen this right here is the every Prime chug 2.0 oh man what we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 primes all right I hope there's enough room in this glass to fill them mall but we about to find out and we Ain going all the way to the Light Side working our way to the darkest Prime all right and yo this right here is something I don't know if y'all seen this this is original Prime all right this is a energy drink okay and yo we got to try this we got to just take a sip see what this is all about oh this is good it tastes a little like grapefruity you know what I'm I'm saying and it's good I like it all right so let's top it off with this all right not too much all right because you know primes is high in caffeine please do not drink energy drinks if you're sensitive to caffeine all right next up is our old friend metam Moon all right oh man I liked it when it was pink but I guess it's white now all right and it still tastes pretty good it's good goody good all right oo next one up folks is the Dodgers Prime all right I've been looking for this for a while and I finally got my hands on it all right you can only get this at Dodger Stadium and a few spots in LA and and a bad Lance Chu soda plug all right pour that Dodgers Prime in there oh yes there it is all right next up is the lemonade Prime all right not just the regular one you know I had to get the Venice beat Edition with the boys on there Logan Paul and KSI Big Ups to them already and oh let's just see if it tastes as good as I remember it oh yeah mhm oh my goodness a okay Hip Hop's not here all right this is like his favorite Prime ever all right let's move these over here okay next up is lemon lime you know good old favorite lemon lime get in there now we move over to the orange Prime oh oh oh oh yes uh-huh that's what it's all about folks and next up oh man do y'all know what this is this right here is a billion with the B all right this is the solid gold Prime everyone's been talking about all right they celebrated their 1 billionth sale of prime all right and man this right here they released two solid gold bars one in London and one in New York and you boy got the New York one all right hold on we got a we got a oh my goodness that's the crack heard from New York to London all right Concord style if y'all remember what the Concord was let me see what this is all about oh hm oh man I can't place the flavor it's like it's like Tangerine or something like that like mandarin orange or something like that oh man maybe a little cantaloupe oh you know it's got to be special for it to be the 1 million the one billion that's what it be folks blue Rasberry okay this right here is the best seller everyone loves this Prime throw it in there strawberry watermelon pink Prime oh yes hold on y'all get the cap on this one ah there it is and yo you ever hear of cotton candy Prime well basically what it is they mix strawberry watermelon with some cotton candy all right if youall want to see me do that one cam up and do that in the Chug y'all let me know okay oh this is a rare one right here folks this is the prime Misfits flavor okay this is that Prime card that had KSI versus Tyson Fury Logan Paul and Dylan danis and you what happened October 1st to the 4th in UK oh this Prime is so so so rare all right oh we got to try this pinky up Dame drop style nice nice oh nice this this reminds me of like of like Red Starburst okay it's like a strawberry like a cherry strawberry oh man this is good so so good pour it in there ah oh oh sorry about this folks ice pop folks oh yes it's an old favorite tropical punch folks cack it then pour it and last but not least folks oh man this is that Prime glow berberry but it ain't just any old Prime glow Berry this right here is the ultra rare Holo Edition okay there only a few you made and yo man this is even rare than the two-tone ones okay but let's just see if it tastes any different from the regular glow Berry m nah it still tastes the same it's delicious though woo pour it in there and oh my goodness hold on let's move this over look at this it's all the way to the top I don't think I've ever filled this glass and completed the Chug last time I filled this glass all the way to the top I was not able to finish it but we going to see if I can put all this awesome Prime into the ingesting engine let's get it [Music] oh my goodness folks yes I'm so nervous I've never chug this much of anything in just one poll but you know what they say you got to go beyond your comfort zone all right because at the other end is greatness so on that note we are lifting the every Prime chug 13 bottles in the big old wine glass and it's time to chug 3 2 1 enough talk here it goes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] woohoo yeah that's what I'm talking about oh success great feeling so stay tuned for more folks and for bad lands chugs we are chug in the world one bottle of [Music] T badman J is back don't touch that Mouse folks it's your boy bad Lance CHS and I M1 Cameo okay you need a personalized shout out maybe a happy birthday maybe a happy anniversary congratulations on the new job the wedding anything at all and do you need it with a chug of your choice you let me know what you want me to do and I'll do it for you 24-hour delivery is available and if you want me to promote your business book your boy [Music] [Music] cheers
Channel: BadlandsChugs
Views: 3,243,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: badlands booker, badlands chugs, chug, chugging, drink, drinking, gulp, chuglife, chugmaster, badlandschugs, THICK WATER, chugs the ocean, chugging the world, thors hammer chug, thors hammer, bean chug, salsa chug, mountain dew, pepsi, coke, dont touch dat mouse, cameo, big smoke, major league eating, santa chugs, hungry, focused, okhiphop, chug zone, enough talk, das boot, chug mug, pvc straw, fridge cold, fanta, dr. pepper, mcdonalds sprite, everydew
Id: f5fZRSwgqUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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