I Won Fortnite in Every Country!

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today I'm traveling the world in fortnite going from all around North America to Europe South America Asia Australia and the Middle East I have to get a win in every region and it's going to go from easiest to hardest first off we're going to North America and we're starting on the west coast California baby first up we got the West Coast Vibes with Coachella and we're going to be on our best ping here 20 ping is great this should be the easiest dub but it's only going to get hard from this point forward so let's try to frag out here and have a great time grabbing this pump first and let's make our way up now I got to really really just like Embrace and enjoy the low ping here because yeah some of these other servers get really really really really really really really bad I'm talking like nearly unplayable but a challenge is a challenge all right open this up okay a pistol and what's my final weapon going to be ooh get some flow Berry Fizz celebrate good times come on I don't know why that smiley face to me represents like the West Coast but it does all right let's take out this guard wherever they may be there you are do let's move on to bigger and better opponents hello Nisha okay we got guards coming through taking that right angle oh 149 is pretty wicked 85 right Shield oh someone's coming through okay they're like right here just going to do this like on me that's like they're dropping off the side that hurt break this couch it's really messing up my flow one down oh what was that get wild where you going bro I have no materials that's a trick tricky little spot I got up there but you see I felt confident cuz I'm on my own server even when I had no builds let me take all these I don't really need an SMG since I'm rocking nisha's strike RAR which is a Mythic awesome weapon that's a big hit take this 360 oh man oh the hits don't stop coming now they hit the ground running let's get this Mythic over here need for the mobility mostly since uh who actually uses that to attack people that' be ludicrous right what's that little HIIT fire let head over to the gas station we need to get Peter Griffin's Mythic pump so I know they're chilling over here somewhere where oh where is this guy oh there they are you going dude better P than me but my mythics now we're moving I love Zer ping it's the best this thing is going Max Speed see you later man I love having low ping it's so fun it really doesn't get better like having zero ping is the best having low ping feels really really nice this person has a medallion and I want it holy smokes big hit con him got him oh man that's fun going grab that I have like a full Mythic load out now I'm hearing some people brawling I want some of that action let me have that oh look at that oh that's not a person boom goes the dynamite this person got away in a car see if I can catch up to them I can tell where they're at because they have a medallion so that's nice they don't think they're going to be getting away from me very easily like drifting midair with Boost found him no stop running what was that HS got him that got him too woo I'm on fire we when you're on low ping feels just the greatest honestly 13 O lims and there's uh there's nine people left got a Ninja Turtle as my bounty trying to figure out where they're at oh my gosh what did I just mantle off of actually what did I mantle offer sounds like they're fighting another person here ah you tried I'll give you that you did try that here oh I'm good woo okay not a lot of people left I look so cool with these swords or people I got 16 eliminations I got my eye on one of them I'm sorry I'm just going to land on you Max damage pump 160 wow like that was not Max damage might have missed about one pellet oh my gosh my cat is on my desk I must move my cat die okay say bye let's break through this wall here get ourselves a bounty and just two people left holy smokes I see one of them oh Target one person left this is it can I get my first win up the challenge oh that Lamborghini is going a different way give me a barrel two see Triple edits are easy on zero ping or not zero I have 11 ping right now but on any higher ping this is going to be near impossible to do so got to make sure to get it out now all right where's this boss oh there he is you're not done for there we go B down and now we have every medallion for real read them and weep him now this will be the easiest Fate on This Server of course every other server to do that would be uh very very difficult so got a Relish in that Victory let get the Bounty take a look at this beautiful bread and now I have my eyes on the final opponent big damage on them going up don't shoot me out pleas I don't even think they know where I am actually like looting there's the last guy flip jump at him again one more time Flippy flly 360 oh with the Thunder pump baby that was the easiest server though let's see what we get next next up we got na Central and we're rocking Travis Scott this actually going to be my second best server in terms of ping but I do get around 50 to 60 ping which is um like you're probably not going to be winning any competitive tournaments on that ping let's focus up get this the SC down it's time to open up the safe caus Jack let's get it safe is officially opened looking for minis or something all right slim Pickin it's all right we make it work I think I can get to full HP with everything around me so get this we just need to get these bars out here too we go four shock waves not too shabby I do whatever I like oh my gosh Captain America just got dropped okay so here's the play I just need to get a Ninja Turtles weapon there you go sounds like somebody is up here up easy and we hit this get out and I think I heard a few more people fighting over here yep what are they shooting at are you good all right that's a thing shock wave oh pickaxe o little sniper I'll take it oh my gosh we popping off let's go back to hazy I heard one more person fighting behind we're going to whip this Lambo around and gun it for the the hills just full on speed actually we're going to grab this board instead cuz it has a bit more Mobility there we go okay okay I can't even see myself they don't do it like this let me tell you they don't do it like this we got to oh I'm like lagging honestly have no clue where the board went oh it's on the roof wow it's actually convenient there we go and all the tricks woo oh my H loot here but nobody got it they're fighting something oh my gosh that guy's like gun in it where did this guy go oh there he is little flip oh oh my goodness I'm on one oh that's my board Galaxy skin little cone on the head this is a chunky game woo yeah I do whatever I want let's not dve a Scott that sings a song but we're moving towards The Medallion we've not gotten a single Medallion yet oh my look at that guy go what happened to the gas station head shot this is a what is that wait was that a real person I'm so confused look that Medallion there's a guy running up there I can't miss a head shot right now I'm going to be honest got to reload this thing oo oh Merry Christmas my Snipes have been wild got to reload everything 16 oims with 17 people left my first game was going to be the best one this one might just take it might just take the cake there's two people one underneath me and one over there oh no I want to get in on this got him down oh my God oh my goodness Soul Crusher six people left and I have 20 limbs the 20 bomb is complete I have three of the medallions surprisingly we're zooming and booming position myself perfectly underneath oh shoot homie stun lock got to make sure not to throw here where did my shotgun go what the heck oh my gosh I got him I forgot where my SMG was and I accidentally tried to no scope him 24ms I'm going to go ahead and use a pump from this point forward oh someone just got lost to the storm it's a 1 V one can I eliminate this person and if I do I will have beat na Central with a whopping quarter of the lobby eliminated by Yours Truly but again this is just the start because it'll only get harder and harder and harder oh I see the last guy come out come out wherever you are oh my this is probably the last region that I could still triple edit in uh which is kind of great every other region is going to be very hard to Triple Ed in there he is pop all right we got to set up a trick shot going all the way up oh my going for it oh my goodness gracious good L to see it here we've got Lady Gaga on the east coast and uh we're going to have slightly worse ping than Central but it's not by much it's by like one or two after this though it gets worse and worse and worse and worse so uh yeah let's see if Lady Gaga can get get get the job done I'm going try to get some of these Droids okay I'll take those heals thank you thank you thank you an anvil rocket launcher oh this person's moving I got an idea what are they doing rocket launcher is incredibly ineffective oh that actually might hit low key low low key that doesn't hit if I'm so mad wait there having like a fiesta over here oh oh my gosh I just watched that happen in real time oh my that actually just happened that's hilarious this person is still in the zip line oh they're not okay skills pay the bills oh shoot I hear them above me got an idea come on where you going you have no mats oh my gosh you had no mats interesting decision for you to be just driving around with no mats no NATA zilch okay one down this is not good play my angles yes sir play my angles the Lady Gaga mobile is zooming and I'm going to pop this med kit while upside down wait is this going to it sto my medkit I got zero effects from the medkit didn't even heal a little bit it's so sad I really don't want this person to get all the loot over there but I also don't have anything so uh I'm going to have to figure this out now fun fact I used to live on the east Coast actually for most of my life I used to live in Toronto Canada so this is like a throwback to go back to uh the East Coast yep I just did that to him did I out skill him I don't know if I'd call it that wow they bought all the big pots know shot you know I'm around this corner how would you know that wait I think he saw me I look like I got out of the car right my gosh they don't make him smarter than me let me tell you I I'm literally like it doesn't matter what Coast you put me on Coast to Coast I've got the moves great weapons in that I got the moves I got that lady gaga gaga goo goo oh trust me I got this oh aloop why are you emoting what the fck I will take it get a bounty I got the Bounty grab this this we're chilling honestly I think we got the Peter Griffin Medallion over here though you see me how do you see me I don't even see me wait where'd he go actually confused well okay this opponent may be a bit difficult probably just bought Med kits though yeah I can suisee that they built over there I'm having a good time honestly we got to try to jump this guy Travis Scott the other guy is the guy who has The Medallion oh my gosh got him that's actually so clutch You Live Another Day Travis I was just you actually that one guy with the Peter Griffin Medallion must be really upset honestly I I understand to like why did I go so hard after him I don't even know myself I think I just wanted The Medallion and I thought he was a good player wanted to take him out of the game early let me just make sure everything's reloaded oh this thing doesn't have a front windshield that's actually really bad give me a false sense of confidence honestly what the heck was that making a hotel a little bit bro what are you doing someone just got sniped oh boy bro what is happening here really awkward spot by those big pots holy this is weird going in guy's going Buck Wild give me that wait what that was odd okay five people left I'm kind of dominating though there's still two people with medallions as well though concerning nice Lamborghini here take that oh boy it's about to be a tussle here I'm going to keep it a buck with you guys it's about to be a tussle what is this guy doing he he's getting ready for the Zone there's one guy driving there oh what is [Music] that imagine he snip me we'll just quit I only have one Medallion the annoying part is we know one has a sniper need a little more HP oh my gosh this is a Travis got I just keep getting sniped I don't like that Vibe where I keep getting sniped I don't like that Vibe I don't like there's no mats Vibe though either it's kind of Shams I need all the mats I can get to win why is there an end game on East Coast nobody will ever know one person went down sounds like they're fighting now maybe two of them are definitely fighting that guy just jumped off oh yeah that's going to hurt me grab a little that grab a little this grab a little this no one two give me that give me all these actually oh my gosh he almost caught me with that this is the trap a Scot that I let live that hurt come on one shot let's go holy smokes East Coast went kind of crazy got that dub got every Medallion look at that on to the next one next up we got asan servers and Chan Le from China let's go ahead and see if I can grab this AR quick thank you what are you doing bro that was not a smart Mo you are done you're done oh my gosh all right you're just accepting your fate is that what's going on oh no you're going to try to loot stop there we go okay we got a pump got some materials over here what is this guy doing nope big pump okay I'm going to have to use snipers to my advantage in the regions where I'm really laggy like this one so I'm supposed to have less lag on here in terms of like how much lag I'm supposed to get this is supposed to be my fourth best server out of eight like outside of North American servers this one should be my best and it's really really laggy let's take this launch pad and let's go towards maybe Peter Griffin actually we going to wait on that sounds like they might be fighting him let's figure this out I think we should be all right let's try to heal up to near full somebody has Crown in this Lobby oh and they just took out Peter Griffin that's not great what I'm going to do is actually follow the train tracks to go get this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Mythic because if I fight someone who's really good there's zero chance I win on the server but if I have a Mythic I can try to run away especially if they don't have one this gas station is great cuz we got some heals here too there we go let's take this motorcycle we're moving Chan Le on a motorcycle going for a teenage mut Ninja Turtle Mythic fortnite is incredible let me tell you okay let's grab this Mythic and the pizza take the pizza let's see if we can get a better AR I think I heard people fighting over this hill see if we can interrupt I feel like somebody's here I'm going jump in oh I'm so laggy open the door oh my gosh I missed I'm tele I'm literally teleporting oo little shot though Chun Le strikes again got to try to play Peter Griffin guy Nisha dude everybody with Mythic is going to be so hard to take that we're driving over to the Peter Griffin Mythic we're going to be right on the border coming in hot now this is when I'm going to use my stealth tactic I see the guy 110 oh he's healing healing really bro it is so lag what he's one shot no I deserve this Elm no no he's going to get away no I see him no they've run away I'm trying to catch up oh my wait oh my gosh that person took down the dude with the Mythic yo don't mind me I will take it holy smokes what a twist of fate there's a frog so laggy it's hard to shoot the frogs you give me 100 XP I got to do it I'm like rubber banding so hard now if you don't know what that means to imagine a rubber band when you uh hit it when you stretch it goes back we know they're in that facility I went for a shot am I oh my what a shot yeah buddy give me that Medallion oh I'm getting stacked I'm getting freaking stacked at this point I kind of want to take Vehicles grab this car here kind of out of gas but we're good we're chilling we're driving in towards feding fields we got got two of the medallions which is nice and two of the strongest mythics in the game but we're still at a huge disadvantage with our Bing and there's still one Mythic arguably the best one out there Oscar's frenzy Auto oh we are out of fuel just jumped on them okay I am worried about Oscars so we're going to go over there I'm thinking they're probably going to be at that radio tower they definitely are they know that I'm coming towards them as well cuz I do have a medallion oh boy oh got him oh you're fizzing oh what a shot I missed on the trail it is so laggy o going in oh oh my gosh all the way from above a love that a love that oh I really want to grab that it's actually probably better for me to grab that but I'm going to use this instead the Peter Griffin's Hammer Pump Shotgun fun to use and I've been hitting my shots so there's only two more medallions left and they're both in this direction I actually think one of them is a bounty I don't know which one I'm going to get to oh my this so lagy I can't even build here that doesn't hit you reload this guy's going kind of ham I can't take anything there we go oh my gosh how didn't you go down yet R slam okay oh my oh man oh man oh man oh man oh I'm the best ah I'm teleporting I'm literally teleporting let me get out of here okay I couldn't get any of that loot I know they have the same thing as me probably broke me down or no I don't know if they broke me down or not I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place by that I mean two different opponents side by side can you chill coming in oh my that worked spray and prey baby okay I got four medallions five people left I'm going to head towards this Medallion the last one that I need we going to ride yeeha going all the way South oh that was a gnarly snip that didn't hit a head shot this is a risky this is Risky Business me trying to uh go for the liim here oh my gosh it's so laggy jump where did they go oh boy a no no no no no I can't use it again broken what is happening it's so bugged like brawling over here let's go that was the last two little 2v one special asent servers are complete next up we got Louis Hamilton representing Europe and with him we're going to be sitting on about 140 ping little worse than Asia servers for me but uh the tough part here is going to be that Europe has a rep for having some really really great players at the game so let's see if that's true okay getting some loot oh boy keep on lasering them oh my gosh that work oh it might be R for me somehow still alive holy smokes oh my where' you come out of yeah we're chilling we're completely chilling that was the fastest I've ever taken down that boss this eat these buy this and buy this now we're chilling wonder if Louis Hamilton actually likes Pizza somebody down here I think we're good put two cones here just in case open these up o a gold scar somebody's above me for sure if I can get a better shotgun I can has hit fire on it lot of needless aggression happening above me I can he see if I can get involved they might not think I'm here I kind of gave it away but I'll take it all right one Mythic down four more to go take this Lamborghini and just jet it actually going to make a pit stop here at Reckless Railway somebody got the Mythic already so let's show him who's boss oh a little 360 barrel roll oh not a barrel roll but okay we're chilling where are you going bud oh I just lagged through the walls what was that that was wild flying into action here I just pickax him once oh no he's going to eat the pizza dude oh my gosh that was a heck of a head shot I heard that pizza and I'm like I'm going to be at such a disadvantage if I don't take him out right now I'm actually going to pick up the hyper SMG I think that's going to help me more than anything eat this pizza get some more ready to go I don't know why I can't pick up that pizza but what's happening like two slic there we go well one thing for sure is that Louis Hamilton is looking really awesome oh there's a guy on top of the hill where you at bud oh oh my gosh accidentally flipped okay having a little fun with it it looks like we got somebody at lavish lir with Oscar's frenzy I'm going for it woo okay I think they're in the vault oh boy how do I get your wall dude wow how did I get your wall that is a great question I'm going to pick up that Mythic frenzy Auto and heal us up there we go yeah we're kind of chilling movement go crazy my favorite katas okay I don't like that sniper actually think it's an AR got some interesting holks here you know we take him out it is so laggy when I'm just moving around it's incredible it's okay cuz we got a nice Lamborghini ready to go dodging the person behind me cuz I want to out the person with the Mythic ahead of me looks like they're right in front of my face somewhere over here hitting them got him oh my gosh give me that Mythic now if you don't know the trick there when you hop into a car you just swing your pickaxe and then you'll start damaging the person in the car really helpful tip slicey dicey what the Fick okay we have four medallions which is nice we need the last one and if my eyes do not deceive me nobody's actually got it yet which I don't know if that's cap or not so we're going to head over there and find out sounds like they're fighting over there one down I think somebody's down here oh miss I ain't be playing I ain't be playing we got Peter Griffin over here for every 5 seconds I do not have Flapjacks I shall break one window what the heck rest of Peter Griffin Peter Griffin where you going stop running oh shoot there we go we got a Peter Griffin down I officially have every Medallion on European servers I'm sorry Peta I'm actually not going to pick up the Hammer Pump I think Oscar is going to be a bit better for me in my situation right now let's take it let's just keep on moving and grooving oh my gosh I did it again oh oh that was awesome that looks really cool too car ran out of fuel as well wow there's a guy over there let me see if I can do this break the Barrel in time really tried to use Rock hiss cover that did not work well ooh it's a nice color car he's got let's see if I can just roll up here why these tires look like you can like break them and use like you used to be able to they should add back to the big tires they were kind of fun six people left I got 14 limbs kind of popping off I don't know where anybody left is though where are you going dog okay having a good time driving around I like that appreciate the vi that was a good VI three people left oh oh my I'm so glitchy can we just calm down oh my gosh I got him it's a one V one situation all right here goes [Music] nothing where did they go they must have a lot of mats and stuff or else they would have gone for these loot loot piles right they must have had a lot of mats and stuff or else they would have gone for these loot piles right am I crazy yeah I have no idea where they went my best bet is to get a bounty that's what I'm going to try to get oh they're over here what the heck you good yeah let's go baby you love to see it next up we have Oceana servers and on here we get about 140 150 ping which is a whole lot it's actually the sixth worst region for Ping for me out of eight so that's kind of wild are you going to drop first oh boy oh my gosh how did I grab that lockl oh my gosh Australia's finest goodness I got him absolutely incredible I'm just literally the best I guess open these up o I got three pumps it's not going to do me much good try to get some uniqueness here there we go all right well we're definitely in the Australian servers now let me tell you I've actually been to Australia before and uh I loved it it was great I will say huntsman spiders are very very scary but apparently they don't even like hurt you so there's that that huh Looking Down Easy let's open up this Vault Australia is not ready for my skills let me tell you let's open up the Vault Let's Dance a little bit all right vault is open what are we going to get here something to help me please lock on pistol I got a gold AR baby there we go we're kind of chilling kind of chilling with this Loot and we're full HP nice okay I definitely need to get some Mobility I definitely need to find out where people are that door looks like it was opened oh there is somebody here did I just get he just tried to 360 me what was that I'm taking a hover board people are fighting over here I hear people sniping as well somebody's here 55 30 goodness my timing is impeccable even on this ping let's focus up he everybody going Buck Wild I see some builds to the left oh there we go oh my Australian swimming I am cleaning up house I need a sniper take out those that are better than me on this ping it looks like this house over here has been absolutely destroyed oh I'm seeing somebody oh go go go go oh they're hopping in a car nah you can't even handle this heat let me tell you where you going bud don't run away you should be very very scared okay they know how to build on High pink 6 7 52 I'm doing work that didn't hit him one the Australian ping oh my gosh it is so laggy you guys don't even understand o 89 get me up why would you peek that oh my gosh why would you peek that goodness gracious I'll take it I mean I will take it there's a chicken on that train they do it differently here in Australia I respect that I really do I respect that oh this train is moving what is a train in Australia faster seems uh interesting I can't catch up to it I I actually can't it's just too fast the chicken here is just piloting it sending it at maximum speeds holy smoke ah this is the fastest train ever I'm finally going to catch up to it cuz it's stopping actually don't know why I wanted the train so bad I can't really use anything from it I guess some Mobility I'm going take that pop this nothing too wild that I could use where you at buddy I hear you with your like clown shoes on I think they're right there I no they're down below all right well that's a thing oh shoot guy with the mythics coming what the this guy someone just spelled a Australia short form off for Australia they welcomed me to their server what is this oh my gosh they have bananas a circle of bananas one of the rarest pickaxes ever this is awesome wow go Australia go I've been welcomed what ah what you can't snipe it me okay we chilling I mean you sniped at me I'm going to shoot at you when I don't like this N I can't trust you I can't trust you I can't trust you I can't trust you oh my gosh it's getting aggressive it's getting Wicked This technically teaming if I shoot at that guy oh it's so laggy what am I doing wa why is he doing jumping jacks's going to no scope me okay what is happening yeah I got to take out this guy he's lost I have 10 oim though I'm kind of popping off I feel like oh one five there's no shot that doesn't hit I cannot hit this guy oh my gosh it's so laggy I cannot take your wall in this thing let's go oh my gosh holy smokes how do you lose with all these weapons I'll take that kindly everything's gold just everything all gold everything give me that now we're stacked we need to go find a car let's get our own we have the kid looy whip Tre can we just relax I don't need to do all this I don't know where he went oh he's over there oh my wait I'm not full HP I just realized oh my I heard like someone moving around rustling in the bushes I'm lucky it wasn't some sort of snake you know I'm alive I'm still alive keep on moving wow Pop Goes the Weasel we're chilling we're full HP now oh there's people with medallions over here on the top of this hill I got to use my sniper to my advantage all my good weapons okay I'm scared I'm going to get shot down I have 1 HP my fear became a reality s my gold holy smokes literally the best I'm alive oh gosh bro he has the Ping I forgot oh oh my gosh I'm him I'm him I'm him I'm him I'm him holy smokes I have four medallions the Ping is crazy like I can't hold the wall because the Ping is just so great time takes for my signal to get to fortnite for time it takes for other people's just not going to happen you know use a grapple blade here actually 121 am I I'm hitting a robot right now oh ow a rogue bullet just hit me I'm chasing him I'm full Boost I see him you will not get away from me I have traveled all the way from North America to get here that didn't hit oh my dude he's cranking I have the ability to run at him I'm in I'm in the final Medallion let's go oh my gosh I am stacked my load out is nuts okay okay oh shoot why are you wearing a Canadian skin I'm Canadian two people left we're going to see if we can grab these medkits because I have all five medallions now we can't use medallions as a way to find people now luckily there's only two more people anyhow oh and one's over here climbing up the house they're inside the house somewhere down they go One V one situation can I win in Australia this Myas to go over to where they're at see builds down there I try to see if they're in a bush or something try to risk it I'm worried I don't know where they're at oh shoot oh there goes the crank let's go Australia what the heck was that GG we have officially arrived in Brazil rocket NE Mar junor that's going to be laggy as laggy can be but I'm hoping that we can uh pull this one off where's this guy going you going for this pistol I'm going for this pistol you going Big Boy oh my you had a crown too I'm glad I took you out good news for me Anvil rocket launcher let me send a couple doozies over here take this building down we got to try to keep on getting some loot oh yeah we did proper damage over there what's that purple thing Pizza I mean worst case we could just pick up another Pizza cuz I just found one right here take some slices all right we are big chilling Miss on pistols SMGs another shotgun there we go we are jacked now fun fact for those of you who didn't know Brazilian servers here they speak Portuguese and I'm Portuguese so there's that so we'll follow Portugues which means I speak Portuguese break down in De oh they going ow oh my I feel like I took more damage much than I actually took like audio isn't working because it's so laggy I think there's just too many like NPCs in this area go she's threw a firefly on me be illegal ah bro oh my God key fireflies I don't know how I just did all that but it is what it is bur it down that was actually a person okay I'm burning it all down oh there's a guard this place looks like it got uh renovated heal up we got to go find the pizza there we go let's go to the Vault Now open up the Vault and why not just do a little sh turn into a freaking Jaguar I think this is a Jaguar HW last play more I like that oh no somebody's here we got to focus up there's a guy right above me can we go this way oh my gosh outsmarted simply outsmarted I am moving use some Shock waves get over to the Ninja Turtles thing come on there you go take some slices ah I'm him I'm grabbing this key card go up here and trade it in okay I need a better shotgun we got one of the mythics oh gosh all the other mythics are taking well except for Oscars that's good it's so laggy already started this SMG is actually so much fun to use oh there's somebody here o big hit I wonder where the guy from fencing fields from okay we're going to go in bensing fields now see a lot of builds but I don't see a lot of people see one of these flow berries and uh get moving let's actually take one of these boards so we can cover a lot of distance oh looks like the fight went this way oh oh so laggy trying to get in a build fight here is not going to work very well for me I don't know how that shot didn't hit I'm going to keep it bu just going to go in for this that hurt like spinning and like nothing's actually happening I'm so confused it's so laggy in Brazil oh oh oh oh my aim no matter what the lag is is best I'm going to take this running gun frenzy feel like my aim is better when the leg's higher okay this guy over here is doing a little waterfall off the builds going take this time to go up we know he has a sniper we got to be careful with that he's breaking metal probably in the bathroom area what was that oh my gosh I took him out I am the greatest this SMG go or try to go this way get a little bit of an angle I think they might be in the bush I'm going to be honest with you oh they're in the tree wow it looks like I teleported for a second okay there's somewhere here there they oh I just teleported back them they're one shot oh he's going to get the supply drop oh I got him let's freaking go oh my gosh give me Peter Griffin's Medallion and nisha's that's a w see I purposely chose this SMG with all the lag because it has such a high fire rate I might be able to land some shots I have three out of five medallions and it looks like uh yeah the other two should be in play take some slices I actually think I'm going to drop n's strike R which is very rare for me just for more pizza slices oh this guy had a Peter Griffin's pump I'm going to take that what is this like okay we are high up in the sky we got to look for the person with the Mythic looks like they're headed towards lavish lir oh I see some fights my opportunity truly Now or Never oh boy you cone me I'm so scared so laggy I don't like this fight I have feeling this guy's going to do the Ninja Turtles jump on me I'm out dude I don't like all that they just knock somebody oh my gosh let's go oh my gosh Medallion Medallion falion this SMG in Brazil is just absolutely insane like it is so good all right switching back to Neymar two people to go get this bounty pop and lock seven oh popping lock 7 is down R rep popping lock 7 is down check all these bushes it's one V one situation so at least that's good now I have hoverboard too absolute W oh my gosh they're a manake the pancake that's a man somewhere over here oh I'm hearing footsteps I found him oh let's go brail that's a mega W the ultimate Challenge Middle East servers with over 200 ping those are 250 can I do it to complete the Challenge from easiest to hardest Middle East servers your week 250 ping will you even get a wall I'm not going to get anything not not a like I'm not even like like people will see me 8 hours before I see them now I may be on 250 ping but I saved the best landing location for this I got sort of a plan okay we're landing at lavish layer and we're just going to have to do our best I'm landing on a blue shotgun that's a w right there anybody else Landing I got it free this is a good start but I'm going to need a lot more than luck to get this done so this actually might help an invisibility thing it is so laggy I've never had more lag than this it constantly shows the yellow down Arrow come on give me something right shield and SMG this is good this is solid stuff trust me I have an idea oh it's over for me oh it's so lagy a run T you're down dude I got to run I got to run ah okay I'm invisible I came back through I need to get it I need to go upstairs or something I'm so down Bad Bosses are already hard to fight imagine being on 250 ping I think this will be part of my rotation honestly using the rise Shield this is my forever load out I think I'm going to have to use some weird strategies to try to win I'm looking for a med kit come on give me a med kit feel a lot more comfortable no some one Med kit that's that's all I want it's not a lot to ask for bandages even I'll take bandages n Go on to the Vault will it scan me while I'm invisible oh it does see look at this it's kind of the play to walk around being unnoticed just to be literally invisible all right come on give me a med kit no I don't know if I'm finding a med kit tempted to go sniper let's do sniper oh shoot got one person just running Rogue over here I think fighting robots head shot I sniped him in like a few seconds later the head shot happened which is kind of funny seems to be the whole vibe here oh my got hit those got a med kit though my first limb on Middle East servers we're chilling you see how the pizza flew out of my hand I have the weirdest inventory will say I have to in my brain play this like it's zero build cuz I don't think my builds will matter too much somebody's fighting over here oh nice build oh no no no why you shooting that bush like that okay um I'm in no I'm not so laggy though can I take this wall oh I wouldn't I would have lost that fight actually if they didn't accidentally like Vault over their own build so there's that but I'll take those okay this has been very very rough but there's only 25 people left person's using a lock on pistol here oh yeah they're sprinting getting all that loot I I'm going to be honest with you guys I don't think that should have been the head shot but uh you know what I'm happy that I hit it somehow the Ping actually came in clutch there hit him with the roll reversal you know okay we made it over here to ruin res and I hear some people fighting on this side sniper is going to be my best tool here honestly I can one shot somebody I can hit him from a distance oh they're building I'm insane oh I don't think these should be hidden but they kind of are I'm my 250 ping Warrior okay nobody got these two medallions which is nice we got some Spectators let's hit them with it yeah yeah you would have been right oh never mind I think all my Elms have been like Snipes minus one or two oh boy a build fight that's not great to see if I'm going to be honest and they have medallions okay I have a medallion as well so they're going to know I'm here how am we going to do this oh this guy heading on the side oh my gosh I'm him I'm literally him okay wait I need to grab this AR right like it's way too good to not use I wish I could have one of the Ninja Turtle mythics there's only eight people left they have a sniper too I don't like that Holy almost lost my head I'd rather take a 50/50 here than take a 50/50 in a build fight if that makes sense if I take a 50/50 here at least I have a chance in a build fight it's over for me like there's zero chance I survived okay I got to get off of here this is risky okay come on fly okay slowly but surely making our way got one guy sniper which worries me but I think they're the only one left that has a medallion so that gives me hope I need to get this supply drop here okay let's use metal around it there we go and we have some katanas baby who what lag is different what was that I actually have genuinely no idea what that was I got to make it to the top of still and try to snipe him before he comes up I don't love this situation I think he's in the bush or something now this guy's hiding for sure in the bush I'm going to try to build a little bit I'm him I'm him oh my gosh give me that I was like playing a slide show and I still eliminated him oh my gosh start fizzing okay I kind of want to take Peter Griffin's Hammer Pump but I think the auto is going to be better for me oh there's a guy right there I can't hit him that looks like a noob Bam Bam okay somebody in this Lobby still has a crown which is very very concerning to say the least like that is the most concerning thing I wish that wasn't the case there's still four people left person with crown has Li ated yet another person there's only two other people now besides me person with the crown some other person and me this is the hardest server for me to win on red McLaren can I get a dub is this hill in is this hill over here in it is in okay we going to that Hill it's over for me what just hit me I just took damage for no reason oh building is so rough under me what are you doing they play different that's the guy with the crown why was he doing that I have no idea why he was doing that why was he just scaling my walls it's a 1 V one situation we're going to try to bait out the last person building in metal this is actually a really bad idea I'm not going to lie I could just lag to the ground instantly oh my gosh I see them let's go winning around the world is complete GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 1,988,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 19sec (3379 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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