The ENTIRE Tier 2 | ULTIMATE Unsolved Mystery Iceberg Explained

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in this video we will be exploring the entire second tier of the largest unsolved mystery Iceberg ever made the entire Iceberg has over a thousand entries and in this second TI we will explore the horrific case of a woman basically addicted to murder and insurance fraud who got away with it for way way too long to space Mysteries creepy Eerie stalkers and a serial killer crocodile we will explore missing persons serial killers hoaxes Cryptids creatures paradoxes and much much more this video contains a ton as it is a super cut minus the intros and outros of every video I've made in the second tier of this Iceberg and please bear in mind that this was from a little bit earlier on in my channel so these videos might lack some of the quality and editing that you're used to in the more recent videos but with all that being said please enjoy this super cut of the second tier of the largest unsolved mystery Iceberg without further Ado grab a drink my choice today is English breakfast tea and join me as we explore the unsolved mystery Iceberg 2007 Siberian orange snow so this was an area of about 500 square miles in Siberia where in 2007 they received an orange snowfall it affected about 27,000 residents was Oily to the touch and had about four times the normal level of iron there were many theories about its origin one of which being a massive Sandstorm in the neighboring Kazakhstan but we don't fully know what actually caused it the Abduction of VI Ripken so this was a strange Abduction of a 74-year-old lady Violet Ripken in 2012 she was the wife of a professional baseball player Cal Ripken and on the morning of July 24th at 7:00 a.m. she entered her garage to head out for breakfast when she was confronted by a man with a gun who had been waiting for her he restrained her with tape and put her in the back seat of her own car then he started to drive Violet lived alone and was quite independent so for the next few hours nobody actually knew she was missing the kidnapper kept telling Violet that he wasn't on a hurter and he kept to his word he simply kept driving and stopping off at various places to buy things with Violet's credit card soon a massive search was started but after driving around for 23 hours Violet was found in the back of her car which had been abandoned just a block from Violet's home she was perfectly fine except a little shaken and the kidnapper hadn't hurt her in any way or demanded a ransom it seemed like he just wanted to do a bit of shopping the man along with his motives has never been found and it's still a mystery how he was able to abandon the car so close to where Violet lived when by this point the area was absolutely swarming with police on the lookout for Violet and her car invisibility cloak adah Constance Kent this is a bit of a creepy one so adah constant Kent was a wealthy lady who lived alone in a cottage in Essex England and in the summer of 1939 she vanished the door to the cottage was found unlocked with the remains of a meal on the table table and an open copy of Romeo and Juliet on a chair near the fireplace the case then went completely cold until 9 years later when there was a mysterious deposit into adah's bank account so the police went back to the cottage to search for new Clues and they found a fully clothed skeleton next to the bed next to the skeleton Was An Empty Bottle marked poison they later determined that the skeleton found didn't even belong to aah and that skeleton is yet to be identified so there are possibly two two dead women one of which adah has never been found and the other the skeleton has never been identified as I said pretty creepy One agent 355 this was a code name for a female spy in the American Revolutionary War she was one of the first spies for the United States and was thought to have had a major hand in exposing Benedict Arnold as a traitor for the British her actual identity is unknown but there have been a few theories about who she might have been there are a few references to 355 in pop culture and it's a fun little topic to read into if you like this sort of thing Alexandra palace's wartime television demonstrations so after World War II started the BBC television service suspended all of its broadcasting to the public from the Alexandra Palace in London this was partly so that the German planes couldn't use the signals from the transmissions in order to help navigate around London and England but over the next 6 years two demonstrations would be recorded in Alexandra Palace in secret both of them were aired live but whereas the 1945 one was highly documented with singers comedians actors all participating the 1943 show has no official record and only very minor pieces of evidence actually exist there are photos that show BBC engineers and makeup artists filming in Alexandra Palace in 1943 but there's very little Visual Evidence of it and no documentation so what exactly was being filmed there in 1943 is is a complete mystery the alphabet murders this one is very sad this was a string of murders of three girls aged 10 to 11 in the 1970s New York they're called the alphabet murders because each girl killed had the same first and last initial and they were found in a nearby Village or town with that same letter so Caron colon was found in Churchville her two initials and the location all starting with C W valkovich was found in Webster and Michelle Mena was found in Macedon each girl was first abducted then assaulted and then strangled to death these were absolutely horrific crimes and the fact that people with this level of evil in them actually exist out there makes me both sad and angry sometimes aning ajac this is a myth of a giant werewolf in Java Indonesia it is incredibly clever and deceptive and changes from its human form into its werewolf form in order to kill and eat people the word aning actually means dog in Indonesian so I guess this is more like a wear dog doesn't seem so bad when you put it that way Asia degree this was a really sad case of a 9-year-old girl who went missing in North Carolina 2000 for unknown reasons she just packed her bag one morning and left her home she was soon spotted walking along a highway in extremely heavy wind and rain but when a motorist stopped and turned around to try and help her she immediately ran off the road into a wooded area this was the last anyone ever saw of Asia almost 2 years later her bag which was still fully packed was found in a construction site nearby it kind of looks like she was attempting to run away but nine is normally a really young age to want to do that and she seemed to have a pretty decent family life for whatever reason she seemingly left her home and neighborhood willingly and was either killed abducted or is living her life Somewhere Out There To This Day the atlas vampire this was the case of a 31-year-old prostitute named Lily Lindstrom who was found dead in her apartment in Atlas Stockholm she had been dead for 2 or 3 days and was found naked on her bed with her body completely drained of blood there was a ladle found nearby and police suspected that whoever had killed her had then drained all of her blood and then used the ladle to drink it even though this was all the way back in 1932 if it was a vampire they might still be alive today the attempted bombing of Richard singer in New Zealand 1937 prominent criminal defense lawyer Richard singer arrived home VI a taxi at around 6:00 in the evening he left the taxi and walked through his front gate when there was suddenly a huge explosion with rock metal and Flames flying everywhere Richard was badly injured but it's thought that the fact that he was swinging his arms as he walked through the gates meant that his right arm was up at the time of the explosion and this likely saved his life his arm took some of the more direct hits which had they not been blocked might very well have killed him no one not even singer himself had any real clue who the attempted killer might have been and Analysis of the bomb was done and suggested that the bomb wasn't timed or triggered but rather manually lit and then thrown at singer as he walked through the gates but neither singer nor the taxi driver saw anyone on the scene two weeks later singer received a letter saying there would be another attempt on his life he was convinced that this was a hoax and wasn't actually from the bommer there was no further attacks no one was charged for the crime and this case still remains unsolved B in the woods this phrase references a children's tale of two children who are abandoned in a woods and later die and are covered up with leaves there have been a few murder cases named after this Tale But one that I found was in 1953 Vancouver the bodies were of two boys and no one knew who they were or where they came from decades later a woman called Ali Brady discovered a photograph of her grandmother when she was young alongside two of her brothers who she never knew existed her grandmother now had dementia so in order to find out more about these brothers allies great uncles she did a 23 and me DNA test eventually through a few different channels Allie's DNA was tested against DNA of the two boys and it was a family match these were the brothers of her grandma this one is a bit unique and also a bit sad and no one to this day knows what happened to those boys or who killed them the Babushka lady this was an as of yet unidentified lady who was present during the JFK a assassination she was holding a camera and wearing a head scarf similar to that worn by babushkas or old ladies in Russia when the actual shooting starts everyone around her is panicking and running around like mad but she just stands still with the camera to her face seemingly taking photographs or footage she then crossed the street and joined the crowd on the grassy null which is an area where nothing suspicious happened at all so there is no reason for you to search for JFK assassination grassy null her and the footage from her camera were never seen again or identified although there have been a few ladies that have come forward saying it was them their legitimacy has been questioned over the years and so officially she is still unidentified the Baghdad battery this was the name of three artifacts that were found together in Iraq 1936 and some think they were used as some sort of rudimentary battery this could have been used in some sort of electrotherapy or electr plating which is a really cool method for plating one metal with another it is composed of a clay jar with an asphalt stopper a copper cylinder and an iron rod and when filled with an electrolytic solution like vinegar produces about 1.1 volts strangely this artifact went missing during the 2003 invasion of Iraq leading some people to believe that they were covering up evidence of an advanced ancient civilization this is a really cool artifact and topic that honestly shows just how ingenious some of these civilizations were Becca this was a strange case in New Mexico 1991 involving a motel room the room was booked by Eduardo Collin a local truck driver and 2 days later when Eduardo had failed to check out security went to his room which was locked from the inside they eventually made their way inside and though they didn't find Eduardo they found multiple bottles of alcohol and a dead woman hanging from the shower there was a photograph of her with a man on the table and when Motel staff was shown this photo they identified the man as Eduardo so obviously they went in search of Eduardo but after finally finding him he wasn't alive either he had apparently died from natural causes a few years back when Eduardo's family was shown this Photograph they said the man in the photograph wasn't Eduardo and they had no idea who this woman was in 2001 police received a tip saying This Woman's name was Becca but no more information was uncovered it seems to me like whoever this man was he was clearly not Eduardo but had simply used Eduardo's name and D details to book the room but whatever else happened that night and who Becca actually was remains unknown this is a bit of a long one so I hope you enjoy this semi Deep dive Bell gunnis this was a norwegian-american serial killer who killed at least 14 victims in Illinois and Indiana between 1884 and 1908 her main motive seemed to be money and the list of insurance payouts this woman had is insane in 1884 Belle married mads senson they owned a candy store together which later burned down then their home burned down and of course both of these were heavily insured then two babies in Belle's home died from inflammation of the large intestine a possible symptom of poisoning she never appeared to be pregnant and neighbors often gossiped about whether these were actually her children or not but of course she had life insurance policies on both of them and so collected a large sum after their deaths then her husband senson had on July 30th 1900 two overlapping life insurance policies one was expiring the next day and one went into effect on that day so of course he died of a brain hemorrhage that exact day Bell then collected both Insurance payouts and bought a pig farm in Indiana 2 years later she married Peter gunnis and a week after that Peter's infant daughter died of unknown causes while in Belle's care 8 months after that Peter died of a skull injury after as Bell explained it he reached for something on a high shelf and a meat grinder fell on him this is like Looney Tunes the coroner suspected murder but it didn't go any further than that and of course she collected a large insurance payout over the next few years she basically lured guy after guy to her home on the pig farm through adverts for marriage in local papers these guys would never be seen again and would sometimes take out large sums of cash just before they went missing Bell would actually go on to to keep stuff of theirs like expensive coats and Luggage trunks saying that the guys had come to stay but then just left without telling her yeah very likely a carpenter that was doing work on Belle's Farm noted that there was more than a dozen luggage trunks in Belle's home likely from the guys that she had killed in 1908 Belle's Farm burned down and the bodies of Belle and her three children were found in the fire except Belle's head had no body which isn't a common injury caused by a fire but with the technology available at the time it was a little hard at first to determine whether this was or wasn't Bell on the grounds of the farm police found burlap sacks found with dozens of legs arms torsos and heads before the fire one of the brothers of one of the victims told Bell that he would be visiting the farm very shortly to find his brother which is thought to have pushed Bell to burn down her farm and fake her death and despite the coroner declaring that the body found was 5 in shorter than Belle she was declared dead and was never seen again Bay Wolf this is a really cool very long poem and is one of the oldest surviving English language stories it tells the story of a young Warrior coming to the aid of the king of Danes to protect his kingdom from a monster called grindle he kills grindle then kills grindle's mother then returns to the kingdom with treasures and one hell of a story he is later crowned King and holds the piece for 50 years until a dragon then threatens the land beay wolf eventually slays the dragon but dies soon after it's a pretty cool archetypal story thought to be written in the 8th to 11th century but it's suspected that it was originally passed down from generation to generation with only the spoken word meaning no one really knows how far back the story of baywolf actually goes bolf is a cool name though Burma this is a phantom Island found or rather not found off the coast of Mexico Phantom islands are islands that appear in maps often older Maps but that later can't be located Bera appeared in several maps from the 16th to 20th century but in recent surveys and searches it's as if it never existed could it have sunk due to shifts on the ocean floor rising sea levels did it ever actually exist at all or as some people think did the CIA destroy the island in order to expand their rights to that area of the ocean the CIA are pretty sneaky and murderous so I wouldn't put murdering an island past them Bigfoot this creature goes by many names such as skunk ape almus yaren Yeti yahi Sasquatch but all depict the same creature a large muscular darkhaired bipedal ape bipedal bipedal ape picture a gorilla but walking upright this one has a huge following in some communities and there are so many theories and debates about whether it's all a hoax whether it's a result of government DNA splicing an ancient species that has lived in hiding a away from the humans or one of my favorites an alien species that seeded life onto Earth this species later lost its ship and as humans continued to multiply and evolve these aliens were forced into seclusion and hiding eventually devolving slightly due to their environment and lack of Technology this some people say is why Apes were chosen to receive this intelligence because we are essentially offsprings or mutations of this Bigfoot species as you can tell from just this small segment there are tons of wild theories out there and it's kind of refreshing going through all the craziest ones and imagining all the different possible scenarios but I think this one will remain with us for a long time the brain in a vat so I won't go into this one as we have done very similar ones like the boltzman brain and the simulation hypothesis in previous videos but think the Matrix it basically says that you are a brain in a vat and that this entire universe doesn't exist and is all just a result of electrodes stimulating this brain uh it's a pretty creepy one The Butcher of mons this was a serial killer in 1996 and 7 in Mons Belgium police found the dismembered bodies of five women in 12 separate plastic bags found on roadsides and embankments all the victims were of a somewhat poor background and they all frequented the area of the mons railway station the killer was never found and to this day remains unknown camera Heads This was a reference to an early Creepy Pasta before they were even popular posted on 4chan in 2009 the post read what's a camera head I was walking home through a nearby Gully and came across a weird stack of rocks and a torn envelope with some writing on it it appeared to have been written in charcoal or Ash it said I killed a camera head what's a camera head on the next line it took Trevor and the last line get help if I don't come back and there was a mini DV nearby this was all that was on it besides static though I had to watch it a few times before I found this clip who took this video a camera head sounds really silly if it's a monster moner with a camera for a head the user attached a link to a YouTube video that he had uploaded which contained the contents of the cassette that he had found after this post and this Youtube upload he is never seen from or heard from Again the video itself contains mostly static but depicts the person or thing taking the footage creeping up on these two boys and then chasing and attacking them if these camera heads exist the video seems to be its memory that was taken from the camera head after it had been killed pretty creepy stuff to add to all of this the actual story and the post were lost for quite some time until a deep search and investigation done by several forign members years later rediscovered the whole thing Cannibal Holocaust piranha scene so I won't show any photos of this one as it is truly horrific but Cannibal Holocaust was a horribly brutal bloody and taboo film released in the 1980s depicting four protagonists going into the Amazon rainforest to study a cannibalistic tribe it's honestly some truly horrible stuff but one scene in particular was extra horrible and somewhat suspicious this scene involved a member of this tribe being tied to a log by the other members he was then lowered into a body of water infested with piranhas and when they pulled him up his entire lower leg had been eaten to the Bone however this scene was never in the film with only a single still shot being in some promotional footage director rero diodato said he didn't film the entire scene but simply took a single still shot for publicity but some people have said they were actually there when the scene was being filmed so who's lying on top of this some people have questions regarding how realistic the scene actually looked leading some people to believe that the scene was actually real and filmed with a real tribesman really having his leg eaten but after realizing how real it looked the director decided to delete all evidence of it and to not include the film in the scene celebrity number six this this was a Reddit post in which the user asked a question about their curtains it was a set of curtains with illustrations of celebrities over the last 10 to 15 years slowly they were all identified except for one celebrity simply known as number six there were many many suggestions about who the celebrity might be but none of them really fit the image perfectly so this one is still unanswered Charles peek's phone calls this was a strange case where 49-year-old Charles peek was involved in the tragic Chatsworth train crash he died instantly but his phone made 35 calls after his death to his son sister brother stepmother and fiance when they answered the calls all they heard was static and after the phone call stopped Charles was found just an hour later underneath the rubble the coroners determined that he had died instantly and so wasn't alive when these phone calls were made but maybe he was trying to contact his family from the other side the Chicago Tylenol murders these were a series of poisoning deaths in in 1982 Chicago the victims had all consumed Tylenol branded capsules which had been unknowingly laced with potassium cyanide the seven victims all died shortly afterwards it is generally thought that the culprit took some pill bottles off the shelf and added the poison to some of the capsules these deaths prompted one of the largest pharmaceutical recalls ever and a push to strengthen anti-tampering laws and packaging Johnson and Johnson the manufacturers of Tylenol recalled over 31 million bottles and stated that they would exchange any bottles of Tylenol capsules with solid Tylenol tablets the killer was never identified or caught and to this day it remains a mystery the Cleveland torso murder also known as The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury run which personally I think sounds a little bit cooler I am not endorsing murder I'm just saying it sounds cool he was a serial killer active in the 1930s Ohio he killed at least 13 victims possibly up to around 20 most of whom were from the area known as hobo jungle this area was known for its gambling prostitution and drinking and all the bodies were disposed of in the neighborhood of Kingsbury run all of the victims were beheaded and most were dismembered in some way with the males often being castrated bodies were often found up to a year after they had been dumped and as with a lot of these unsolved cases sadly the killer was never found the Connecticut River Valley killer this was an unidentified serial killer there's a lot of these who killed at least seven victims in New Hampshire in the 1980s the remains of two women were found in 1985 and 6 leading police to investigate other murders and missing peoples in the area they eventually found two previous cases one in 1978 and one in 1981 that shared similarities to these killings the killings were mainly done with a knife with a few of the victims having their throat slit there were a few sketches done of potential suspects but the investigators never really got further than that the contents of the Library of Alexandria so if you like history this one is fantastic The Great Library of Alexandria was one of the largest and well-stocked libraries in the ancient world before the days of the internet I know hard to imagine libraries were immensely important if you or someone in your local Village didn't know a thing that was it you had no real way of getting other knowledge unless you visited a library just imagine 2,300 years ago these huge Chambers and rooms filled with vast amounts of books and Scrolls and Chronicles detailing and documenting everything from ancient stories to historical accounts to medical and Engineering notes and techniques I mean it's basically like the internet but worse but for those days it was incredible it contains an estimated 400,000 Scrolls at its height and Alexandria soon became known as the capital of knowledge and learning many many great and ancient philosophers doctors poets Scholars either moved to knew or worked in Alexandria simply to have access to all of this knowledge and despite many people's beliefs that the Library of Alexandria was burnt down in a great fire it likely just slowly declined as during the reign of Tommy VII fiskin intellectuals were purged from Alexandria and never really went back in the numbers that they had before Julius Caesar accidentally burned part of it during his Civil War but it was likely quickly repaired and over the period of Roman rule just slowly contined to decline in popularity and membership but with all of the contents that were removed burnt or stolen we don't even know half of the stuff that was housed in this library or what ancient Secrets or knowledge it held corpse Quakes this is a mental Affliction that has been found to affect graved diggers one story tells of a Gravedigger in the 1900s who one day while on his job suddenly became quiet and started to shake the other graved diggers in the cemetery started to make fun of him until they realized I that he was serious they suggested that he should just go home but he insisted on staying and digging the graves as he was digging he was shaking constantly a few days later these other workers had the corpse Quake too and a week later they all stopped work entirely he couldn't do his job as he was constantly affected by this every time he went to dig and after being home for more than a week he seemed to be getting his spirits back until his son randomly said the word Spade just seemed like his son hated him and he suddenly went back to being quiet and shaking eventually The Man became sick and died and the other two men eventually moved away so they never found out what caused it Cosmic string so this is a complex topic to fully explore and understand but imagine the early universe as water in an ice cube tray now imagine when the Big Bang happens that the ice cube tray is immediately flash frozen often you would find cracks in this ice due to the rapid change of state so this is essentially what cosmic strings are they are a a theorized crack if you will in space caused by the immense heat and energy during the big bang these are theoretical extremely thin or one-dimensional and have an incredible Mass relative to their size it is thought that these cosmic strings may have caused early galaxies and solar systems to Clump together and form this topic is very Advanced and goes way into the depths of quantum physics and astrophysics but as always if you want to learn more check it out Dale Williams so this is a long one but I felt like I needed to explore it a bit more in order to do it justice in 1999 a family was swimming in the waters of the San Miguel and Dolores Rivers while swimming they spotted a white pickup truck underneath the water they called the authorities who quickly linked this truck to a man who had gone missing 6 weeks earlier Dale Williams however when they searched the truck they found no sign of Dale 6 weeks earlier Dale was reported missing by his wife he hadn't come home one night and the next morning she she drove down to his auto shop and found no sign of Dale she found a car with its Bonnet still open and tools on the side with the front door unlocked almost like he was working on a car and then stepped away for just a few moments very strange it was later confirmed that Dale had been to see a local member of his church and while he was there received a phone call from an anonymous woman claiming to require roadside assistance and being an auto repair shop Dale didn't actually do roadside assistance but he was always willing to help out people in need after this he left to go help this woman with her car and that was the last anyone ever saw of him it was later determined that Dale's car didn't accidentally go into the river as there was no skid marks but that the truck was slowly pushed and steered into the river the family put up missing posters over the next few weeks but found that just a few days later the posters were torn down so they put them up again and again they were removed so police put up CCTV camera next to one of the the posters they found that the culprit was a local man and former friend of Dale and his wife 12 months earlier Dale had helped this man's exwife moved to another state without telling him this obviously angered him and a month after this incident Dale kept finding strange things outside of his auto repair shop like torn up photographs that were actually stolen from inside his repair shop and several 22 caliber bullets and a 22 caliber revolver that were both stolen from inside the repair shop this man was obviously questioned about Dale's disappearance but had somewhat of a solid Alibi for that day but to add to all that the lady who called Dale for the roadside assistance has never come forward nor has she been identified and the call was made from a stolen phone so it's likely in my opinion that this Anonymous lady set some sort of a trap for Dale but whether she acted alone or what eventually became of Dale is still a mystery Darwin Scott this was actually the uncle of famous cult leader and murderer Charles Manson he was found dead stabbed 19 times and pinned to the floor with a butcher knife in 1969 his killer is still unknown and with Darwin Scott having a long rap sheet being in and out of prison multiple times over the years it was always hotly debated whether this was the work of his nephew who was clearly capable of it or of his criminal lifestyle catching up to him David chase this one is kind of spooky on October the 15th 1995 Phil Harris a private investigator apparently Heard a Voice in his sleep this voice said I'm David Chase I was murdered I want you to investigate my murder go by the Sunday paper Phil woke up and was in disbelief David Chase had died 4 months earlier he was found having drowned in a nearby River and Judy his wife had always suspected that he was murdered Phil then met with Judy and he apparently had knowledge of David and Judy's relationship that was super personal and that no one else knew besides David and Judy this convinced Judy that David was in fact contacting them from the other side David had apparently said that he was going off for a swim with a raft in the river most of his clothes were seemingly ripped off and he had suspicious cuts on his legs his wife was convinced that his clothes were actually cut off to remove some evidence and that the cuts were from the knife used to cut off the clothes Phil apparently said that David had been speaking to him on a regular basis and told him of the entire plot David had met up with a colleague at a Bar for a drink he detailed how he died how David and this man had got into a fight how his clothes were removed the surrounding scenery and the fact that there was a witness at the scene this of course isn't evidence that would hold up in a court of law and I call ghost to the stand and soon after Phil died of a heart attack essentially freezing the case and leaving it up in the air no one has been arrested for David's death and we don't know if Phil was just a bit loopy or if David really was contacting him from Beyond the grave David foron was a 14-year-old boy who went missing in Quebec 2009 around 9:00 a.m. on February 10th David left on foot to the bus stop that would eventually take him to school but that was the last anyone ever saw of him his mother suggested he might have run away as he was being bullied in school but there's no evidence for his running away or his abduction he seemingly just vanished Without a Trace Dian Suzuki this was a 19-year-old student in the University of Hawaii at manowa she did disappeared on July 6th 1985 this case was one of the most notorious criminal cases in Hawaii and was the first time the Honolulu Police Department used Advanced for the time Technologies like luminol the case eventually when cold and her killer was never found the doodler this was an unidentified serial killer believed to have been responsible for between 6 and 16 deaths in 1974 and five San Francisco the killer was a young 6-foot black man of slender build who would me meet his victims at gay bars and clubs and would sketch his victims before stabbing them to death there was an unidentified man who was questioned by the police and they considered charging him as they were fairly sure that he was guilty but the three surviving victims didn't want to appear in court in order to testy against him they wanted to keep their identities unknown likely out of fear but we don't know the name of the suspect or the survivors and very little is actually known about this case publicly but the likely suspect for these crimes did walk free and was never charged doomsday Stonehenge this one is pretty strange these were a set of slabs that appeared in Albert County Georgia they were found in 1979 and are set up like a Stonehenge of sorts carved onto them are 10 guidelines or rules in eight modern languages and four dead languages no one knows who carved them or put them there but the guidelines read as follows maintain Humanity under 500 million In Perpetual balance with nature guide reproduction wisely improving Fitness and diversity unite Humanity with a living new language rule passion Faith tradition and all things with tempered reason protect people and nations with Fair laws and just courts let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world Court avoid Petty laws and useless officials balance personal rights with social duties prize truth beauty love seeking harmony with the infinite be not a cancer on the earth leave room for nature theories about these Stones range from a new world order calling for the culling of humanity down to 500 million to them being of satanic or extraterrestrial origin the dra and Josh pilot this was the lost and partially found original pilot of dra Josh this was filmed before the series was greenlit by Nickelodeon and some of the events in the episode were written slightly differently to how they came out in the later pilot the Lost pilot had Steven first playing the Dad instead of the later Jonathan Goldstein and since we only have the partial footage released we don't fully know what the other differences might be dur icer man or the Iron Man this is an old iron pillar partially buried in the ground it is located in a German forest near dunov the pillar stands just over 1 M high and goes about a meter into the ground it is a popular meeting place for people to just stand around and drink coffee next to and it was first mentioned in the 17th century as being a dividing point between two areas but it was thought to have been created sometime in the 1400s though no reference to it from that age exists it was originally placed somewhere else but was moved to its current location in 1727 El FAO this was a strange one on July 21st 1968 Alo a 14 M cargo boat and her crew three men from the Hernandez Family left from El hio to La Palma two Canary Islands in the Atlantic just before they left they took on board Julio Garcia Pino who asked if he could get a lift to see his sick daughter in La Palma so the crew obliged and at 2:30 a.m. set out on their 61 mile Journey when they failed to arrive at their estimated time of 10:00 a.m. the owner of eler sent out an emergency message that the boat was missing 4 days later a British ship traveling from South America to the Netherlands found them in the Atlantic 108 mi from La Palma they reported that the crew was well and they accepted food Fuel and cigarettes but they refused the British ship's offer to tow them to a nearby Island which is a bit odd but one Theory suggests that the British ship wasn't entirely honest with their account and maybe knew more than they were letting on so given this new information a new arrival time was set and once again they failed to make it so a new search was started and once again nobody could find this boat it was declared missing for a second time 2 months later on October 9th and an Italian ship reported finding El FAO in the middle of the ocean more than 620 M from La Palma when they boarded the ship they found a dead man who was partly mummified this was Julio and there was no trace of the other men there was no evidence of violence or damage on board and Julio had actually kept a diary which the first mate actually handed over to Spanish authorities but only received back a page or two from the diary the crew attached a cable to the the boat to tow it to Venezuela but that night the boat suddenly sunk snapping the toe cable now there is a bunch of detail in this case firstly the toe cable snapping which takes a considerable amount of force and theories for this range from it being sunk by a submarine in order to hide some evidence or an attack by a large sea creature to add to this the entries into the journal that we do know of ended with Julia writing don't ever tell our son what happened to me you know that God wanted this fate for me I love you but we have no idea what he wrote in the rest of the journal some context for all of this is that at the time Spain was under a fascist dictatorship wasn't aligned with NATO or The warsa Pact and the Canary Islands were a poor region that often housed prisoners did the men aboard ELO genuinely go off course resulting in them seeing something they shouldn't have seen were the crew of the British ship being fully truthful about their encounter with El fer and what was written in the rest of Julio's Journal these are all very good questions with sadly very limited answers the alanin antenna this was an object taken in a deep sea photograph in 1964 Antarctica as you can see the object is standing upright and looks very solid and straight not what you'd usually expect from something in nature especially this deep underwater this has led some people to think that it is either alien technology or Advanced ancient technology from A Lost Civilization some people have suggested that it is actually this a type of carnivorous sponge but I don't buy it it was definitely aliens entombed animals these are stories of animals mostly frogs and toads being found in intmed stuff like stone or concrete and being alive after being trapped in there for huge periods of time these reports go back a long time all over the world and the idea of freeing a frog from its tomb got weaved into some stories and tales but supposedly this was debunked in 1820 when an English geolog just encased several toads in Limestone and buried them in his garden because that's something that normal people do a year later he found that most of them were dead but some were alive so what does he do next obviously he buries them for another year and unsurprisingly this time they were all dead I think this guy just likes murdering frogs existence of aliens now this more than any time I've said this is one that I could definitely make hourlong videos on the evidence is so plentiful and wide and varied and we've actually gone over a bunch of them in previous videos in this Iceberg including logical arguments for aliens like the fmy Paradox to physical evidence such as crafts and tools to potential sightings I think this would be a really fun one to either do a live stream on or a deep dive video and just explore it a little bit one of my theories is that life was seeded here by aliens and that they now live in colonies deep underneath the ocean they mostly just observe us but occasionally do come up to interact with us and that is my theory so without further Ado grab a drink my choice today is oong tea with milk and join me as we explore the unsolved mystery Iceberg so to start off with we have Flight 19 this was a group of five torpedo bombers that were missing in the Bermuda Triangle 1945 they lost contact with the US Navy and all 14 Airmen on the planes were sadly lost the search boat that went out to look for them was also lost as were the 13 crew members aboard this one it is thought that the group leader mistook some small Islands offshore for the Florida Keys after his Compass had stopped working resulting in them heading straight out into the Atlantic Ocean into the Bermuda Triangle and they were never seen again them getting lost seems to be somewhat figured out but the fact that so many ships and planes go missing in the Bermuda Triangle is kind of strange exotic matter so this one covers a wide array of topics some we've discussed already like dark matter and some we may explore further down the iceberg exotic matter is basically unusual matter found in physics this could be matter that's poorly understood matter that's purely theoretical matter that would violate the laws of physics or the highly technical term for all of this just a bunch of weird stuff first legitimate 3DS SD card hack so this was a screamer video uploaded to YouTube in 2012 the video no longer exists but as you can tell from its title it was a jump scare video that lured people in with the promise of free unlimited 3DS games which at the end of the day is all any of us really want and after turning on his 3DS and clicking more images there is a jump scare with loud noises and a flashing image of Jeff the Killer I actually just love this old internet stuff fluorescent Freddy this was a humanoid creature that has only been spotted once ever it was in Indiana 1965 by a group of teenagers in a wooded area the creature was around 10 ft tall covered in bright green hair and had red glowing eyes the sighting was reported in a local newspaper and then never covered again Frankfurt Jane Doe this was a woman's skull found wrapped in tinfoil in 2004 Frankfurt no other body parts were discovered but the main suspect Manfred seal died in 2004 he actually died before he could be arrested and was thought to have committed 10 or more murders between 1971 and 2004 Jane do being unfortunately one of those victims Jeff this was a talking Mongoose I swear stay with me here that lived on the farm of the Irving family on the Isle of Man England this was in 1931 and Jeff told the family that he was a mongoose born in New Delhi India in 1852 they said that Jeff communicated to them that he was an extra extra clever mongus and a ghost in a mongoose form he would supposedly guard their house put out their Stove fire if they forgot to put it out before going bed catch mice and wake the family up if they overslept although there were some accusations of Jeff being the clever ventriloquist work of the daughter she maintained that Jeff was absolutely real until her death in 2004 we all need someone like Jeff in our lives just a quick word from our sponsor who is me as let's be real nobody is sponsoring these videos but if you are enjoying it so far hit the like button subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this and let me know down below what you think of the video but for now let's get back to the list the great unconformity this is one of geology's greatest Mysteries it is a gap in the geological record of between 100 million and 1 billion years the smooth rock below is Precambrian rly around 1.4 billion years old and The jaggedy Rock above is Cambrian Stone around 500 billion years old this is a huge gap in time for two Rock lays that are this close together this discrepancy occurs all over the world and there have been many theories some of them pretty complex about why this might have happened one Theory suggests that there was a massive uplifting of the Earth's plates and of the supercontinent that existed before Pangia rodia caused the entire layer to be eroded much faster than would normally happen causing this large gap that's one Theory anyway another theory that I just made up is that aliens came down and stole 1 billion bloody years of our bloody Rock and we wanted back cave the crocodile this is is a terrifying crocodile named Gustave he is nicknamed the Maneater lives in Burundi and is thought to have killed up to 200 people since being born in 1955 it is more than 20 ft long and weighs more than 2,000 lb he was thought to be around 100 years old just because of his huge size but apparently 100-year-old crocodiles are almost entirely Toothless and Gustave had a full set of teeth at the time so it is thought that he is instead around 70 years old and likely still growing and still chomping the hall Mills murders these were the murders of Episcopal preacher Edward Hall and a member of his choir Ellena Mills both were killed on September 14th 1922 New Jersey and both were having an affair with each other the wife of Edward and her brothers were accused of committing these murders but were acquitted in 1926 this case was largely remembered for its huge newspaper coverage making this the most extensive high-profile case in that time period the wife and brothers were thought very likely to have committed these murders but there was very little non- circumstantial evidence to convince a jury so they were acquitted the highway of Tears this is a stretch of highway in British Columbia Canada that has been the location of 80 plus missing persons and murder cases since the 1970s mostly of indigenous women most of these cases are unsolved and with the surrounding area being quite large and remote the chances of finding manyu of these victims is sadly very small Hilbert's Paradox of the Grand Hotel so this is a mind-blowing experiment with infinite numbers so imagine you had a hotel with infinite rooms and you have an infinite amount of guests one for each room so your hotel is full right well if you wanted to invite another guest you could simply move the guest in room one up to room two the one in room two up to room three and all the way up then room one would be open for a new guest so you've kind of technically added to Infinity in a way stuff gets really weird when thinking about and dealing with infinity like think about how many whole numbers exist in the world there is an infinite amount because it never stops you can always just add one to whatever number you think of so how many odd numbers are there well there is also an infinite amount of odd numbers even though it seems like there should be half the amount compared to the whole numbers and if you take each number in that set and break it down into decimals so you have 1.1 1.2 1 . 3 Etc how many numbers would be in this new set still Infinity you would think that there would be 10 times infinity but really it's just Infinity maths is really fun and maybe slightly scary but it's a cool topic to get into nonetheless how to basic this is a YouTube channel that posts how- to videos except they're insane it starts off fairly tame and normal then just gets more and more extreme violent and messy a common trend on the videos is just to smash like a 100 eggs into whatever they're making but originally the videos were just tutorials on how to do extremely basic things like pick up an umbrella or pour a drink hence the channel name but over time they just evolved or devolved into madness the creator of the channel doesn't speak or show his face so as of today he remains Anonymous human bone in Primark socks this was the case of a human bone found in a pair of socks in a Primark clothes store in England this was in 2019 and police say they don't believe this was the result of a crime but brother this was an unusual terrifying and maybe illegal prank done by someone in the third world Factory where these socks were made I don't know about you but finding something like this would be somewhat traumatizing inured cold this was a terrifying encounter with a creature in 1966 West Virginia woodro darrenb Burger a man living in Mineral Wells was returning from a business trip in Ohio when he stopped to check something in his truck after he pulled off again he noticed there were lights behind him and he thought maybe these were police officers so he pulled over he discovered that the lights didn't belong to a car but belonged to an aircraft that looked like a kerosene lamp chimney a man then stepped out of this craft and approached wood R's truck quote he looked Perfectly Natural and normal as any human being his face looked like he had a good tan his hair was ComEd straight back and it was dark brown and he seemed to have a good thick head of hair his features were very normal I don't believe he looked any different from any man you would see on the street but he wasn't normal he had a large grin and kept his arms folded up under his armpits and as he spoke to woodro his smile never moved he was speaking telepathically he asked wood R to roll down the window then asked his name and then said why are you frightened don't be frightened we wish you no harm we wish you only happiness he then introduced himself simply as cold other people including Woodrow's own family have reported seeing inured cold the grinning manlike creature and the sightings of injured cold eventually caused Woodrow to go completely crazy hiding behind curtains in his house and claiming that UFOs were coming to get him they are coming to get us all eventually his wife divorced him and he died never making a massive breakthrough on who or what this injured cold was Jr ratray JN Rose ratr was a 6-year-old girl murdered in 1935 Hastings she was on her way home from school when she was attacked and strangled to death in a nearby Creek there's not much material for this one but an eerie quotee from the end of this article reads there was no evidence of an outrage on the child and no motive or meaning for the crime was ever established the killer had killed and gone on his way and to this day he has never been found the Jameson family these were the deaths of Bobby cherylyn and their daughter Madison of the Jameson family in Oklahoma they disappeared in 2009 and their suspected bodies were found and identified 5 years later no cause of death was ever determined and no one knows who killed them or why at the time of their disappearance the family's truck was found abandoned a short distance from where they lived a few days after their disappearance the Jamesons were not found but their dog was found and it was thankfully still alive in the truck they found their ID cards their wallets their phones a GPS system and $32,000 cash this amount of cash was weird for the Jamesons and led to some theories involving drugs and witness protection footage of the their home from the day they disappeared shows the family in a trans-like state packing things into their truck and one item a brown briefcase was never found there's a few theories about this one but the outcome either way is that this family including their six-year-old daughter all sadly died and whoever killed them has never been brought to Justice Jennifer fairgate this was a woman who died mysteriously in 1995 Oslo she checked into a hotel room under the fake name Jennifer fargate along with a man who listed his name as Lewis fargate this man has never been identified and her death was ruled a suicide by the 9mm pistol found in her hand at the scene but there was a lack of gunshot residue and blood on her hand which has led some people to question the suicide ruling there are some theories to suggest that she was an undercover operative as there was no identification found in the room the pistol's serial number was scratched off and most of her clothes had their tags removed which are all common practices of intelligence agents Jerome of Sandy Cove this is a mysterious one Jerome was a man found on the beach of Sandy coov Canada in 1863 he was found with both of his legs cut off above the knees and did not speak either English or French when the locals found him when he was asked for his name he mumbled something like Jerome so that's what he became known as he was found on the beach by an 8-year-old boy and his amputations still had bandages on that were only partly healed he was suffering from the cold and exposure and no one knew where he came from he got taken in by a local family to be looked after and many people tried speaking to him in many different languages French Italian Latin Spanish but he didn't seem to or didn't want to understand or respond they kept him within the community feeding him taking care of him staying with many families for years at a time and the government of Nova Scotia actually voted in favor of a stip of $2 a week to support Jerome he would often growl like a dog at people he didn't like so it's thought that maybe he had some sort of a brain injury that affected his speech which would explain him not really understanding languages as well he became somewhat of a mini celebrity in the community and was well-liked by a lot of people later on the Kumo family who Jerome was staying with would charge people admissions to see this mysterious man and they lived quite well off of that income which seems a bit in bad tastes but apparently Jerome didn't mind it he was thought to be in his late 20s when he was found and died in 1912 in his late' 70s theories of his story rang from him being a sailor who attempted a mutiny and got punished with amputation and desertion two him being an heir to a fortune and subsequently being gotten rid of by someone else who wanted to inherit this Fortune but one historian notes in his book that a few years before Jerome's appearance there was a report of a young young Foreigner who fell through some River ice this was in New Brunswick and apparently he developed Gang Green in both of his legs and had to have them amputated this young Foreigner became known as gambi as he kept waking up and calling for Gamba which is leg in Italian gambi apparently proved to be a burden for the local people and it was rumored that a passing Captain was paid to take him away it's possible that this Captain just took gambi to the other side of the bay to Nova Scotia and left him at Sandy Cove whichever story is true it's kind of a sad Tale But it was incredibly heartwarming to read about all the communities and families that took Jerome in loved him and cared for him we need more of that in this world John Doe number 24 this was a sad case of a black teenager found wandering the streets in Illinois 1945 he was quickly determined to be deaf and could not communicate other than writing his name which was apparently Lewis no information could be found about him his family or where he came from so a judge placed him in the Illinois mental health system where he became known as John Doe number 24 his name was later changed to John do Boyd to allow him to claim Social Security he later went blind as well and died in 1993 at the rough age of 64 and no more details were ever uncovered about his life or his Origins Johnny Joe Shields this was The Disappearance of a 32-year-old man in Iowa who was heard leaving his home at 2:00 a.m. December the 15th 1988 and he was never seen again he left all of his personal belongings behind including his truck and there has been no activity in his bank account since the day he left so apologies if I mispronounce some of these names jenel habari mana and siprian nataria miror these were the assassinations of the then Rwandan and burundian presidents in 1994 both were aboard the same aircraft which was shut down by ground to- a missiles as they prepare to land in KAG Rwanda the culprit for this attack still hasn't been determined and it led to one of the bloodiest events in recent years the Rwandan Genocide this was probably a long time coming and involved two ethnic groups within Rwanda both fighting for power the tosti and the Hutu this attack on the two presidents both of whom were Hutu seemingly reinforced the argument that the Hutu Elite had been making for years that the tootsie were a foreign people looking to overthrow and enslave the Hutu people really neither side was better orse worse than the other but this led to the hu military feeling they were justified in retaliation and so starting the next day they killed an estimated 5 to 600,000 Tootsie citizens and Tootsie political and military leaders Karen silkwood this was an activist in the 1960s and70s she raised concerns around corporate practices regarding health and safety in nuclear facilities she worked making plutonium pellets and one day after a routine selfcheck she found that her body had almost 400 times the legal limit of plutonium she was decontaminated and then sent home but when she came in for a meeting the next day she again tested positive even being found to expel contaminated air from her lungs so they decontaminated her again and went with a team back to her house there they found that several surfaces and items in her home were contaminated too and a lot of it had to be destroyed a while before this Karen argued that the lack of sh to facilities in the place she was working could lead to unnecessary contamination which she was apparently right about Karen testified to the atomic energy commission about her concerns then a while later while driving to meet with a New York Times journalist to Spill the Beans about everything she died in a car crash of unclear circumstances firstly all the documents and notes that she was taking to this journalist weren't found in the car at all and she had twice the recommended dose for a sedative found in her blood she apparently had the sedative while driving fell asleep at the wheel then drove off the road crashing into a wall she was pronounced dead at the scene and the documents that she likely had on her as she was bringing them to the journalist have never been found so it seems like whatever was in those documents and inside Karen's head someone didn't want the world to know Caspar Hower so this was a teenage boy in 1828 found wandering the streets of nurburg Germany he said he had lived his entire life lock locked in a dungeon and survived of only bread and water he carried a letter with him addressed to the captain of the sixth Cavalry Regiment the letter basically said that this boy was given into the author as an infant and he taught him to read and write but never let him take a step outside of the house it said that the boy wanted to be a cavalryman like his father was and asked the captain to either take him in or to hang him I don't know if those are the only choices there was also another short letter that was enclosed that supposedly came from his mother this was written to his prior caretaker the author of the first letter it said that the boy's name was Casper he was born on 30th of April 1812 and it said that his father was a cavalryman of the sixth regiment but was now dead however analysis of both of these letters found the handwriting to be from the same person leading people to believe that Casper had written both of them himself and if that is the case we have even less of a clue as to where he came from when he was eventually taken to the captain he can only repeat the words I want to be a cavalryman as my father was and horse horse he was taken to a police station and because he couldn't prove who he was he was imprisoned as a vagabond over the years Caspar seemed to enjoy telling lies for attention and injuring himself for sympathy a gunshot wound to the Head a slice to his forehead being attacked and bribed by mysterious hooded figures that no one ever saw so when he was stabbed to death by a hooded figure in town in 18 33 everyone just believed that he had stabbed himself to gain sympathy but accidentally stabbed himself too deep he had a note from this figure which basically read haha you'll never catch me but it had some spelling errors in it that Caspar was known to make and the note was folded in triangles which is something that Caspar apparently liked to do so it's hard to say really where he came from or who he was theories range from him just being a young kid with no home so he wanted people to worry and care about him two him being a royal a a to a throne but was locked away as a child by someone else who wanted the throne eventually he was let loose not knowing who he was or where he came from but that's the story of Caspar Hower Cathy pagee this was the suspicious death of a 34-year-old woman in Texas 1991 she was found dead in an apparent car crash just a 100 yards from her home she had no obvious wounds or injuries on her body and her car was barely damaged the drinks that were in the front seat weren't even spilled she wasn't wearing a seat belt and yet she remained in a reclined position something was off her husband Steve who was home at the time was informed of her death and he apparently seemed upset at first then would kind of fluctuate between being upset and crying and acting like nothing was wrong this was apparently a failed marriage that was soon going to end in a divorce and that night Kathy told Steve that she was going out to meet her friend Charlotte according to Steve she left at around 11:00 p.m. and the police found her her dad at 4:00 a.m. but she had actually met up with her boyfriend in a motel and they did stuff there were actually two phone calls made by Steve that night one to Cathy's friend Charlotte and one to the motel so it seems like Steve had made some calls that night found out Kathy had lied to him about who she was seeing and then when she came home he demanded sex from her as there was evidence that the two had had sex in the last 24 hours she must have refused and he eventually assaulted her and strangled her to death then he dressed her up put her in the car and staged the crash this one seems fairly straightforward to me and with all the evidence it's insane to me that Steve hasn't been charged yet but that technically means that this case remains unsolved kener Jenkins so this was the sad case of an 18-year-old girl who went missing in Chicago 2017 she had told her mom that she was going bowling with some friends but they actually went to a party on the ninth floor of the Crown Plaza Chicago hotel her and her friends arrived at the party at around 1:00 a.m. and at 1:30 she sent a text to her sister this would be the last time her family would hear from her again Snapchat videos that they made at the time clearly showed that these girls were unhappy and uncomfortable as several males at the party were flirting aggressively with them even after the girls told them to back off at around 3:00 a.m. the girls left the party and headed to the hotel lobby Kena had left all of her belongings in the room so the girls left Kena in the Lobby and went to the room to get her stuffed when they came back down 20 minutes later she was nowhere to be seen they checked around for Kena even driving to her mom's house to see if she somehow made it home but she wasn't there so they drove back to the hotel with her mom to continue the search the hotel staff originally refused to show the mom any of the security footage then when a missing person's case was started with the police involved the staff assured the police that they had checked the footage and found no evidence of Kena so later that night and officer decided to check the footage himself and lo and behold he found Kena interesting she was stumbling around the hallways of the hotel and using the footage they tracked her movements she went into an elevator and down to the lower floor then eventually walking upstairs and into a men's bathroom she eventually finds her way to an unused kitchen that was under renovation and finds her way to the back of the kitchen towards a large double freezer so police went to check the freezers and there was Kena frozen solid and dead this was a bit of a sad case and it seems likely that she had a drink too many and simply lost her way through the hotel eventually passing out in the freezer the actions of the hotel with the security footage seem a little bit suspicious and some people suspect the males at the party to have spiked her drink or something but to this day no one has been charged and her death is still ruled an accident Kirsty Bentley this is one of the highest profile unsolved murders in New Zealand Kirsty Bentley was was a 15-year-old who went missing in 1998 she was walking her dog along a regular route and didn't return home after a huge search that lasted several weeks her body was found in a dense scrub roughly 40 km away her dog tied to a tree and her underwear were found near where she was walking so whatever happened must have happened here she was killed by a sudden Blow To The Head and taken to where she was found as I said this was a huge profile case with tons of media coverage but sadly to this day no killer has been found no one has been charged but this case Still Remains open Kurt Cain's renan Stimpy song So Kurt Cain of Nana allegedly wrote an early theme song for renan Stimpy in 1990 but Executives apparently didn't like it and so they threw it out this claim was from a podcast with one of the main characters of the show's voice actors Billy West no copies of this alleged song have ever been found and there's very little evidence to prove it ever existed so who knows LW right so in the sport of NASCAR basically zoom zoom go fast it is fiercely competitive and you need all of these sponsors money a competitive license all of this stuff but LW Wright was a man who entered and raced without any of that in 1982 a man approached Bernie Terrell who was the head of a marketing firm this man claimed he was an experienced NASCAR driver and wanted some money to sponsor him in an upcoming race somehow this worked and Terell offered him the money this was for a car truck a team weekly expenses the huler bank he then bought a car from another racer who he convinced well enough that this other man offered to join his team so right accepted then he told the press that his car was sponsored by TG Shephard and Merl Haggard two huge country stars this was complete [ __ ] and after the stories were published Wright was called out on this but he just danced around the claim saying that okay technically the claims were premature and he was still in some talks about the sponsorship TG Shepard had never heard of this guy then came the problem of the license which Wright didn't have but Wright simply walked into the office responsible for issuing these licenses and without any evidence of his racing history or ability somehow managed to convince them to Grant him a license so that was everything he needed he did the race coming 36th out of 40th then simply walked away from his car and was never seen again it's likely that LW Wright wasn't even his real name and he has often been called the DB Cooper of NASCAR which if you've seen my previous videos you'll know that I am a big fan of the DB Cooper mystery but I think he is closer to a Frank abigil sort of character who is actually my all-time favorite con man so without further Ado grab a drink my choice today is black coffee and join me as we explore the unsolved mystery Iceberg starting off we have La Mancha Negra or the black stain this is a mysterious black substance that has oozed out of roads in Venezuela since 1986 this ooze is super slick and slippery and has actually caused multiple car accidents and deaths over the years there have been studies done and millions of dollars of research into it for almost 20 years and they still haven't figured out what it is or where it came from Lane Bryant shooting this was an armed robbery which turned into a mass shooting in 2008 Chicago four customers one part-time worker and one store manager were taken to the back of the store at gunpoint and all shot everyone except the part-time worker was killed and the gunman was described as a black man with thick cornr hair and a receding hairline there was no motive found for the killings except maybe a robbery gone wrong and there was a $100,000 reward set for anyone with information on the shooter almost two dozen leads were called in but none really fully panned out and so the shooter is still unidentified large Antarctic sea mammal this was a large sea creature spotted by a Japanese research ship in Antarctica the captain of the ship nicknamed The Creature the Antarctic Godzilla some people suggest that this creature is of the same species as another sighting the cabigon also spotted by someone from Japan there's not much evidence for this one besides their word but I'm telling you the ocean is crazily deep and dark and it wouldn't surprise me if there were many many unknown creatures roaming around down there last Noz Del ombre or the Knights of the Wolfman this was a 1968 Spanish horror film about a werewolf named count valdemar daninsky it starred Paul nashy but there were doubts as to whether the film was ever actually made nashy is the only person that claims that this movie was ever even filmed he said he wrote the film and filmed his scenes in Paris but he says the director renie goar was killed in a car accident a week after the film was sent off to a lab to be processed and since no one paid the fees for these negatives to be processed the lab held on to them and then just later discarded them the director and the two other people starring in this film have never been proven to exist and their names don't turn up on any records so many people regard this movie claim as a hoax or as Paul nashy simply trying to Big up his acting career early on by adding in this fake film to his resume and he eventually just got caught up in the lie and couldn't stop but till the day he died nashy insisted this film was real and did at one point exist Lon this was a humanoid figure also known as the ghost of Ms who is said to haunt the woodlands in a small town in Switzerland it is described as a tall humanoid creature dressed in a [ __ ] suit and wearing a full gas mask this figure was rarely seen but a photograph captured of it was posted in the ltin newspaper and a while after this the Beast allegedly committed suicide it's clothed were found in the Woodlands with a cryptic note reading L Donas alest which translates to the risk of a hunt for the Beast the note accused Laton of murdering a harmless Beast by revealing its existence the Phantom disappears the risk of a beast Hunt is too great it will come back to haunt the narrow minds of your kind for ultimately a ghost Never Dies pretty creepy and interesting but it's a great one to check out and I will leave the fully translated note in a comment below the lead mask case this was a series of events that led to the death of two Brazilian technicians in 1966 Brazil the two bodies were found by a boy flying a kite in Rio de Janeiro the bodies rested next to each other partly covered in grass and each wore a full formal suit an eye mask made of lead and a waterproof coat there were no signs of any injuries or a struggle and next to the bodies the police found an empty water bottle and a packet containing two wet towels also found was a notebook that contained notes in Portuguese 1630 be at the specified location 1830 ingest capsules after the effect protect Metals await signal mask police traced the men's last few days as they left their Town got on a bus to Ria de Janeiro bought the waterproof coats and then a bottle of water from a local bar then they just apparently went straight to the area that they were found in and eventually died because of how badly decomposed the or were a test for toxic substances was never done it's unclear why they were dressed the way that they were or who or where the notes and instructions came from what capsule were they ingesting and why and how did they die theories range from them being spies to it being some sort of Brazilian government experiment to a cult ritual involving psychedelics to some sort of alien interference but it's a very mysterious one all around Lewis Hamilton's 2007 title choke so Lewis Hamilton at the time was a rookie Formula 1 racer who was actually doing incredibly well and was in line to win his first Formula 1 championship in 2007 with only two races left he was at a 12-point lead and if he could perform even decently well he would win the championship but these last two races were a complete disaster with multiple personal and team mistakes occurring eventually putting him just one point behind the winners and losing him the championship 5 years later he was asked what exactly happened at that champ ionship and he said I didn't know at the time but I do now and it's not something that I can talk about that year Hamilton's team was finded a massive $100 million this was for industrial Espionage where they had over 680 pages of information on the car of their rival Ferrari it was decided at the time that the races of the team Hamilton and Alonzo were allowed to keep their points so that the upcoming races would still be competitive there were quite a few political issues and motives in the team at the time which may have led to them either sabotaging or putting pressure on Hamilton to throw the race as the powers behind Formula 1 might have said to the team leaders okay we'll let your drivers keep the points so that the viewers are still invested in the race but we can't allow you to win and maybe the team managers were in agreement as maybe they offered them some sort of a deal and it looked better than being disqualified maybe so they threw the race but it's never been confirmed and so the true reason for this absolute choke and disaster is still a mystery Lisa Marie young this was a 21-year-old woman who disappeared in 2002 British Columbia Canada she had been out partying before accepting a ride to get some food from a man she had just met and she was never seen again Lisa and her friend Dallas were at a nightclub when they were approached by a man who invited them to a house party they accepted and he drove them there in his red Jaguar then they went to a second house party and after that Lisa said she was hungry and this man offered to take her to get some food at around 4:00 a.m. Dallas got a call from Lisa saying Dallas I don't know what's going on this guy won't bring me back we're sitting in a driveway on Bowen Road and he won't bring me back I'm bored and I'm getting pissed off Lisa was never seen or heard from again and her phone soon stopped pinging its signal there was a large search done but Lisa this mysterious man and his red Jaguar were never found Lord Lucan this was a British man who disappeared after being accused of murder in 1974 he was a rich splashy guy who is actually considered for the role of James Bond in some of the Cinematic adaptations because of how much like James Bond he actually was although if he was really like James Bond he would have got away with this but what do I know I'm not a spy I'm just a guy with a microphone after a failed marriage and vicious custody battle the nanny of lucan's children was bludgeon to death on November 7th 1974 in the kitchen of their family home the wife was also attacked when she went to investigate and and she identified the attacker as Lord Lucan the killer fled and was last seen in his car which was later found abandoned with a bloody pipe and bandages so with this much evidence against him he was named as the killer but was never seen after this to serve his time there were no clues as to where he went or how he avoided being caught for this amount of time but he was legally declared dead in 1999 Man in the Iron Mask this was an unidentified prisoner during the reign of King Louis the 14 of France in the 1600s he was serving a life sentence but only served 34 years before dying in prison he was forced to wear a full Iron Mask at all times so questions as to who he really was have naturally circulated over the years there were many theories of claims that rang from him being an Italian Diplomat that had upset King Louie so he had them imprisoned to it being King Lou's older twin brother who Louie had stolen the rightful Throne from and imprisoned with a mask so no one could see the they were related or to it just being someone with a hideous facial deformity so they used it to hide their face as I said his identity has never been confirmed so it makes for some great speculation Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion this happened in 1987 when the television signals of two stations in Illinois were hijacked the broadcast was of someone in a Max hedr mask and sunglasses with a weird rotating backdrop and distorted audio they act a bit erratic for a while with one of the interruptions lasting only 17 seconds and the other 2 hours later lasting a minute and a half to this day no one knows who this person was and no one has ever come forward for it so it remains a mystery Miss X this is an unidentified woman who was found in Delaware in 1967 she was originally thought to have died in an illegal at the time failed abortion but evidence that came out later leaned law enforcement towards Foul Play and so her death is officially listed as a homicide her body was found on the the side of a road wearing only a pair of blue bikini bottoms and she officially died of sepsis or blood poisoning but the circumstances surrounding her death and dumping are unclear hence the homicide status she was eventually marked as identified by an unofficial missing person's website claiming that her identity was Patrona Patmos of Greek origin but since law enforcement hasn't officially confirmed this she officially remains unidentified MOA MOA this is lap tell me it's not Lapras the Moa MOA is a giant turtle-like sea creature that reportedly lives in the Great Barrier Reef near Australia it is 8 ft wide and 5 ft tall and was first botted by a school teacher Miss s Lovel in Queensland 1890 since then there have been nine different sightings and the sightings were attributed to the Moa MOA a beast that the Australian natives had known and encountered for hundreds of years this Beast would attack their villagers and kill members of their tribe and there were actually reports of similar creatures going back as far as the 1700s with British Explorer James Cook M Meo this is lingala a language spoken in the Congo for one who stops the flow of rivers this name is assigned to a water dwelling creature that supposedly lives in the Congo River Basin the locals are undecided on whether this creature is a living creature a spirit or something else entirely it is often described as a large quadrupedal herbivore with smooth skin a long neck and a single tooth or horn apparently there was actually a big Push by creationists to find this Beast as they believed that finding it would disprove the theory of evolution but they could never quite find or capture the legendary Mel MBE Morgan Nick this was a 6-year-old girl who was kidnapped from a little league ball game in 1995 Arkansas she had gone to the game with her mother and had gone off to catch lightning bugs with some of her friends she was last seen around the back of her mom's car emptying sand from her shoes near by Witnesses did see a man watching her as she played with her friends and there was a red pickup truck parked nearby that disappeared around the same time that Morgan did so that was what they had to go off the man was described as white 6 ft tall with a mustache which could he be any more obvious there were searches done a $660,000 reward set the FBI got involved but to this day sadly Morgan hasn't been found though her parents still adamantly believe that she's still alive somewhere out there and will eventually return home Mount asahidake SOS incident in 1989 on the island of hakao Japan a police helicopter was out searching a mountain trail for two missing hikers after hours of searching the police eventually spotted a SOS sign made from birch logs on the side of this Trail the helicopter landed found the two hikers rescued them then in the helicopter the hikers were given food and water one of the officers said to them how clever it was to make a SOS sign as the helicopter probably wouldn't have spotted them without it the two hikers looked at each other completely confused and said they had no idea what the officers were talking about so the helicopter quickly flew back over to the SOS sign and the two hikers said they didn't even notice it when they were on the ground and they certainly didn't build it so who did and was there someone else on the trail that desperately needed help as it was the end of the day and the light was fading the helicopter return to base but set out the next morning over the trail they went to the site of the SOS and what they found was heartbreaking human bones scattered and with teeth marks in suggesting that animals had Disturbed them over the years the bones were completely void of skin or muscle suggesting that this happened a while ago and one of the leg bones were broken as were some bones in the upper body a few hundred meters from the site the search team discovered a backpack with a whole list of personal belongings in it there was toothpaste soap a towel but most strikingly there was a tape recorder with with four tapes containing some theme songs from popular anime shows at the time they played some of the tapes and found that one of them was actually recorded over the entire recording lasts 2 minutes 17 seconds but it's hard to find any full recordings of the tape but I'll include a link to a short one I found in the description be warned it is a bit heartbreaking to listen to but the full translated Message is I'm on a cliff and can't move SOS help me I'm on a cliff and can't move SOS help me I'm at the spot where I first saw the helicopter the bamboo grass is too deep and I can't go anywhere please lift me up from here they later found more items hidden in a hole in a nearby tree two cameras a notebook and a driving license belonging to Kenji iwamura of Conan City this was a hiker who had gone missing 5 years ago what likely happened is Kenji got stuck on a cliff and couldn't get down this is when he made the recording then later when no help came he tried to climb down fell and broke one of his legs what's insane though is how he managed with one broken leg and several broken bones to cut down this many tree logs to create this SOS signal and there was no axe or knife found on Kenji or anywhere nearby and the sheer amount of pain he must have been in while doing all this is unfathomable his efforts in building the signal actually ended up saving two hikers 5 years later who would probably be dead without him so even though Kenji didn't make his last actions ended up being heroic and did more good than he maybe would have thought music on the moon this was a mysterious music that was heard by the Apollo 10 astronauts on the dark side of the moon in 1969 NASA technicians apparently warned one of the astronauts about this whistling music and all records of this were classified up till 2008 when they were released the official explanation was that this was interference between two NASA radios but space especially deep space is somewhat unknown to us it might have been a cover up and they might have discovered some other form of life when they visited the moon the New Bedford highway killer this was a serial killer in 1988 and 9 who was responsible for the deaths of at least nine women and The Disappearance of two more all of the victims were either sex workers or had struggles with addiction and all were taken from New Bedford and found in different nearby towns one main suspect was Anthony De Gracia he was never positively identified by any of the surviving victims but one of the victims said that he had a similar build to the man who attacked her he was brought in for questioning but not indicted then he was formally charged for separate attacks and rapes on various sex workers he was put in jail on a million doll shity Bond he had 18 court cases over the next 13 months all while being in jail and this just went back and forth with filing different motions the Motions being rejected hiring and firing different attorneys until eventually his bail was lowered and he was released on July 27th 1990 he was then immediately rearrested for threatening a district attorney digia again posted bail and was released but was found dead only a month later the police an autopsy ruled it a homicide but the district's attorney suspiciously later ruled it a suicide there were a few other suspects but this case just seems to be quite messy all around with maybe a potential cover up and framing but to this day no one has been officially charged for these murders so it remains unsolved ningan this is a creature in Japanese folklore the ningan is an aquatic humanoid whike creature that apparently inhabits these subantarctic oceans some people believe it to be a myth made up by users on a Japanese Forum but there have been various sightings of it since 2002 odd radio Circle this one is a cool space mystery an odd radio Circle or o RC is a huge astronomical IAL object that is circular and bright at its edges for some idea of how big this thing is they are over 50,000 times the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy again for more comparisons the Milky Way galaxy is roughly 3 trillion times the size of our Earth and these radio circles are 50,000 times bigger than that these are only visible at Radio wavelengths not regular infrared or x-ray wavelengths and three of these orc's contain galaxies in their Center suggesting that whatever is in in these galaxies might have formed these orc's I just love space stuff they are thought to have originated around a billion years ago so ancient space civilizations what more proof do you need the Ohio city serial poopa there are a few pooping related mysteries on this list and I will be covering none of them in fact I'm not even going to be covering this one as no one myself included wants to take a deep dive into these kinds of mysteries they're basically all the same and they're not EXC exciting or entertaining in any way basically some city or town finds that someone has been defecating where they shouldn't have been and that's the entire mystery old Craigslist Satanic ritual post so this one was a little hard to find evidence for it was apparently a Craigslist post that was titled donate blood to Satanic ritual the group that posted it had already taken five lives and the blood of 10 others before another victim was claimed police showed up mid ritual and found four men standing over a pentagram covered in blood as I said this was a little hard to find actual evidence of but it's likely based on some very easy to find evidence of killings like a light and Miranda Barber a newly married couple who lured a man to their home on Craigslist and stabbed him 20 times to death they were both charged with the man's murder so horrific stuff like this does occur apparently the origins of golf so for such a popular game no one really knows who invented golf or where it is widely thought that the Scots invented golf which was almost exclusively a Scottish sport up until the 19th century when it spread to the rest of the United Kingdom and then to the world but the earliest documented mention of golf in Scotland was in the 1457 Act of Scottish Parliament this prohibited the playing of the games of golf and football as they were apparently distractions from the archery practice for members of the military even 600 years ago people got distracted playing games we haven't changed much but there is evidence of a golf likee game being played in the Netherlands as far back as 1297 and in fact the name golf is widely thought to be derived from the Dutch word Kul or Kul meaning stick or Club so it seems like it maybe started in the Netherlands then somehow made its way up to Scotland and was quite popular up there but maybe it didn't even originate in the Netherlands it's hard to say exactly where it came from but at the end of the day it's just hitting a small ball with a Crooked Stick so honestly it could have been anywhere the oven homicide this was the unusual homicide of a woman called hilka in Finland 1960 she was married to penty sarin who apparently was violent and threatening towards hilka when he had had a few drinks one time he even threatened to kill her in a way that couldn't be traced so on December the 25th 1960 the couple's eldest son arrived home for Christmas one day earlier than expected the front door was unlocked and penty came out of the kitchen and locked the door behind him he blocked his son's path into the kitchen trying not to be suspicious and gave excuses as to why his mother wasn't there he said she had just gone out and didn't tell him and he didn't know where she was during his son's stay penty would watch him very closely whenever he was anywhere near the kitchen and would act extremely nervous and paranoid that night his son went downstairs to get extra sheets and he noticed his dad in the kitchen in the pitch black cleaning something up years passed and with every visit that his son made made to the house he suspected more and more that his father had killed his mother he would check different parts of the house like the floorboards and the attic but over the years he didn't find anything then he remembered that first night in 1960 when he arrived home how his father would act extremely suspicious around the kitchen and the large family oven and it struck him that's where she must be so he wrote a letter to the police that read I suspect that my father knows more about The Disappearance of my mother than he has told me he has clearly opened the oven and shut it again however the oven has not been used in 7 to 8 years before this my father was cleaning in the dark even though another room was lit when I arrived I think the oven should be dismantled my father could do anything the letter wasn't noted and so a year later he wrote an article in the Alama magazine titled where do they disappear SL I suspect my father is a murderer his father met with him sometime after this and said let's just both mind our own business yeah that's not suspicious at all 5 years years after this and 12 years after the mother's disappearance police eventually came to the house moved penty to a police station and began dismantling the oven they found it filled with sand and in the sand was the mummified head of a woman a foot and eventually an entire body this was hilka in court they found that penty had borrowed 75 crime novels from the local library between April and December 1960 which that's that's a lot of books to read and many of them were about murder including murdering one's wife but I'm I'm sure that was just a coincidence penty pleaded not guilty and the court decided that he hadn't caused hilker's death on purpose and so sentenced him to only 8 years which I don't know how you can determine that but okay however penty only served one of those eight years as he was released after the Supreme Court of Finland said that neither the cause or the manner of hilker's death was known and that one could no longer be sentenced for an accidental killing after 12 years which is just insane so penty returned to the house and he lived there until his death in 1986 this case is just Bonkers and it's fairly obvious to me that he was guilty and to serve only one year of an already way too short sentence just seems like hilka wasn't given the full justice that she deserved if you are liking the video so far guys do hit the like button and if you don't want to miss the future videos you can always subscribe if you want but let's get back to the video Buckley and James frund these were the deaths of two previously unidentified victims in South Carolina 1976 they were originally referred to as jock and Jane Doe but in 2021 they were identified as James frund and Pamela Buckley this was almost 45 years after they had been found they were found on a secluded dirt road being shot a total of five times in the chest and neck with a 357 revolver it was thought that maybe they had stopped to pick up a hitchhiker who then pulled a gun on them forced them to get out of the car and then shot them both before driving off the only suspects for the murders have since died and so to this day this sad case remains unsolved the Paradox of tolerance so this is an interesting philosophical one the Paradox of Tolerance basically says that an individual or Society can't be completely tolerant or peaceful because then its ability to be tolerant will eventually be destroyed by the intolerant it's one reason why being completely passive and peaceful just doesn't work because if everyone was like that it would be lovely but if everyone is like that then the first person who comes along who's not passive and peaceful will just completely take over and they will win because the peaceful people like the dodos who didn't run away or fight back will be like sitting ducks there's a lot of bird analogies in this one if you're faced with someone who is intolerant your only options are to maintain your tolerance in which case you just lose or to become become intolerant of their intolerance in which case you might win but then you've introduced intolerance into the system it's a bit sad that we can't have absolute peace and tolerance but by its very nature it seems like peace just tends to attract the unpeaceful like a vacuum and so one way or the other there will be aggression and intolerance it's just a question of whether it's on the side of good or the side of evil the Pomsky crater this is a large rock formation that was discovered in 1949 Russia it was originally thought to be a crater from a meteorite but since then that theory has been questioned a little bit other theories have popped up involving Deep Pockets of gas and Volcanic activities but none have actually been agreed upon as the cause for this crater so this one remains a mystery phone calls made from Beyond the Grave so this one is just a general mystery of phone calls or messages left from people who had already died for some people this provides proof of an afterlife whether it's through ghosts or a spiritual realm or something like heaven and hell but a lot of people swear that it happens and they are able to hear their loved ones say goodbye One Last Time Playboy channel religious message this one was like an UNO reverse card where Thomas Haney of the Christian Broadcasting Network hijacked the broadcast of the Playboy Channel during the Airing of the film three daughters which I'll let you figure out what type of film that is he broadcast religious messages and preaching such as this one and police eventually traced the hacking back to the Christian Broadcasting Network and finally to Thomas Haney he was eventually charged and sentenced to a $1,000 fine 150 hours community service and 3 years probation for satellite piracy if you're watching the Playboy Channel and quotes from the Bible come up you have got to think that that's a sign from God so without further Ado grab a drink my choice today is just plain water and join me as we explore the unsolved mystery Iceberg the poison pen murders was actually just one suspected murder and one attempted murder this was in 1976 Ohio and it all started with an ominous letter this letter was sent to Mary Gillespie who was a school bus driver the letter said that the writer was aware of an affair that she was having this letter had no return address inside and no signature and the letters were all capitalized with the handwriting looking fairly generic so at the time there was very little they could do to figure out who wrote it then a week later she received a similar letter in the same vein she kept these to herself until soon after her husband Ron received one and this one said that if he didn't stop the affair his life was in danger the next letter Ron received said jalisi you have had two weeks and you have done nothing make her admit the truth and inform the school board if not I will broadcast it on CBS posters signs and billboards until the truth comes out Mary and Ron apparently had some idea of who was sending the letters and they had a plan Paul fresher Mary's brother-in-law said that they planned to scare the guy who was sending these letters by sending some letters of their own in the letters apparently they said we know who you are and we know what you're doing sort of thing and that he had better stop and so the letters stopped for a year then rules be Mary's husband received a phone call after this phone call he told his kids he loved them and said he was going out to confront the letter writer he took his gun with him and he left the house he got got into his truck and just a short distance from his house he lost control of his vehicle crashed into a tree and was killed strangely his gun was missing one bullet which means between him leaving the house and crashing into the tree he somehow for some reason fired a shot at someone or something the reason for this shot was never determined and they eventually marked his death as an accident around this time local residents started receiving Anonymous letters saying stuff like the sheriff was involved in a cover up and it was a while after this that Mary actually admitted to having an affair but she said that it only started after the letters were being sent yep absolutely then all went quiet for 5 years until several signs were put up along Mary's bus route she ignored them at first but after a while decided to stop ignoring them and went to tear one of them down she found that the sign was attached by a string to a box behind the post and in this box was a small pistol someone had booby trapped this sign so that when whoever went to tear it down likely Mary the sign would trigger the pistol and fire at whoever was in front of it luckily this booby trap actually failed to Fire and after tracing the serial number on the gun they determined that the gun belonged to Mary's brother-in-law all fresher the serial number on the gun had also been attempted to been scratched off but they were able bble to bring it to a lab and actually read the scratched off serial number he apparently didn't like Mary too much and he knew about the affair but he said he didn't have anything to do with it even though he had a fairly solid Alibi for the day that the booby trap was found Paul was tried and convicted of the attempted murder of Mary and was sentenced to the maximum sentence of 7 to 25 years and then the letters just stopped for a month and then more letters were sent than ever before they were all Anonymous just like before and Paul was even put into solitary confinement several times but the letters never stopped after a few years the letters eventually did stop and after serving 10 years Paul was released he maintains to this day that he was innocent and I guess the question comes up of who was writing these letters even while Paul was in solitary confinement also who placed the booby trap and was Ron's death really an accident or something more sinister nobody really knows the Popeye and Betty Boop sex tape is a reference to an apparent sex tape short made in 1938 involving popey and Betty Boop this was apparently shown once and then never again it was made as a thank you to the animators who had moved from New York to their new offices in Miami it apparently involved popey visiting Betty Boop in Miami where Betty gives him a very warm welcome apparently they're going at it and then in in classic popey fashion he has to down a can of spinach to finish the job there's no surviving evidence of this type but many people including people who worked at the studios swore that they saw it primordial black holes so these are hypothetical black holes that formed soon after the big bang this one gets really really complicated but they have been theorized to be the cause of some early Galaxy formations and could be the potential culprit behind dark matter that lovely mysterious thing responsible for 85% of the matter in the universe this was covered in episode 2 so check it out as I said these topics are relatively unexplained and Incredibly complex but if you want to take a little dive into this one it is super interesting and I definitely wouldn't stop you the princes in the tower were the two princes and Sons of king Edward IV of England in 1483 they were King Edward V and his younger brother Richard of shrewbury some of these titles are just amazing they were aged 12 and 9 respectively and when their father Edward IV died unexpectedly Edward V was set to be king in preparation for his coronation their Uncle Richard lodged them in the Tower of London but before the young king could be crowned both he and his brother were declared illegitimate and soon after their Uncle became King Richard III there is no record of what happened to the boys after this but it is thought that they were like killed in some way by their uncle and there were several people who claimed to be one of the Two Princes this was years after their disappearance but these claims were largely dismissed as fakes in 1674 while working on the Tower of London workmen found a wooden box underneath a staircase that contained two small human skeletons these are widely accepted to be the bones of the Two Princes but this is not proven so to this day the fate of the Two Princes in the tower remained means a mystery pseudo neros so this one is kind of odd in 68 ad the emperor Nero of Rome committed suicide then for the next dozen or so years several Impostors popped up there were apparently also Imperial edicts that were written in the dead Nero's name that encouraged his followers to stay strong and promised his imminent return to take revenge on his enemies there were prophecies before his death that said that he would regain his kingdom in the East and this may have after his his death led to the legends of his resurrection there are also ideas that Nero was the inspiration for the beast in the Book of Revelations as the Beast is mortally wounded and then miraculously heals himself and the number of the Beast 666 has been identified by some as the numerical value of the letters in Nero's name apparently Nero was long thought to be the Antichrist by some which would make the whole Beast thing make a little more sense uh that's a pretty strange one but times were crazy Quantum immortality is a fun and completely terrifying one that will likely keep you up for many many nights so this Theory combines Quantum uncertainty which is showcased in experiments like Schrodinger cats which we covered in episode three with the many worlds or Multiverse Theory before we get into this one I have to say don't try this at home and if you are feeling down please do always try and talk to someone and I will try to summarize here but it basically says that our consciousness always exists in a universe in which we're alive so it says that no being can ever witness their own death as the moment one is set to die they are instantly conscious in Another Universe and so they never witness their death in the current universe so the idea is that all of the near-death experiences that people have were maybe actual death experiences in another universe so you were conscious in this other Universe something dangerous was about to happen and in that Universe it actually did happen but your Consciousness instantly jumped to another Universe where things went slightly differently and it actually worked out so from your perspective it never actually happened but from the perspective of anyone else in that Universe it was a tragic event of course this is the kind of crazy theory that you can expect to get when you combine Quantum uncertainty with a theory that says there are an infinite amount of universes and an infinite amount of possible different outcomes bit of a wild one to think about but I did warn you the Queensland tiger is a a creature that is said to live in Queensland Australia it is described as a dog-sized feline with stripes and a long tail it is said to be extremely vicious and some people think it is the last survivor of the officially extinct thilak Leo it is known by the natives as Yari with the earliest recorded sighting being in 1871 but according to the natives it goes back a lot further than that red rain in carala this was what was called a blood rain event that occurred in 1957 and 2001 in Cala India as you can see the rain collected was very blood-like but thankfully it wasn't actually blood or so they say no but for real though it wasn't blood it was initially thought that the rain was colored by radioactive fallout but they later found out that this likely wasn't the cause of the color the official Theory said that the rain had been colored by Airborne spores of green algae which honestly sounds less believable than it actually being blood the rain wasn't found to be particularly dangerous and there are still quite a few theories as to what actually caused it the St Valentine's Day Massacre this was the brutal murder of seven members of Chicago's Irish North Side gang on Valentine's Day 1929 I can't show you any of the images from this one as they're just incredibly brutal but feel free to look them up yourself the seven men were gathered in a garage in Lincoln Park on the morning of February the 14th they were all lined up against a wall and they were all shot dead the shooters were four unknown asants two of whom were actually dressed as police officers and they were never caught or identified this event likely stemmed from the Rivalry between the Irish gang in the north which was led by George Bugs Moran and their Italian Rivals led by Al Capone Al Capone was largely thought to be responsible for these killings but he was never convicted of them the gang members that died were lured to the garage with the LIE of purchasing several shipments of illegal whiskey Al Capone likely planned on killing bugs Miranda but only his subordinates showed up for the deal this is a really brutal one but it is Gang life I suppose Seth Rich this was the murder of Seth rich in 2016 Washington DC he was shot twice in the back and died an hour later there were a few theories about this one one of which stemmed from the fact that Seth was an employee of the DNC or Democratic National Committee for those who don't know this is the committee or company behind the Democratic party so there were people saying that the Republican killed him in this crazy plot there were others saying that the Democrats killed him because maybe he had information about the party that he was going to leak but from what I can tell these theories are all just likely nonsense and Seth was likely just killed in a robbery gone wrong but if it was a targeted killing maybe that's what they'd make it look like but who knows Steven Smith this was the murder of 19-year-old Steven Smith in 2015 in the middle of a road in Hampton County South Carolina Steven was found dead at 3 3:00 a.m. and it's still undetermined whether he was shot or was the victim of a hit and run the case largely went cold on this one for a while but after the murders of Maggie and Paul Murdoch in 2021 there were some rumors that their son might have been in a secret relationship with Steven Smith in 2015 this reopened the case but not much is known to the public about how legitimate this claim actually was or what other evidence they have regarding Steven Smith's death the Stone Chambers of New England so new England is somewhat known for its old stone walls and stone structures just to name a few there is the America's Stonehenge in New Hampshire calendar 2 in Vermont Gangi wump in Connecticut Queens fort in Rhode Island and the Upton chamber in Massachusetts there are roughly 700 Stone Chambers spread out all across New England and they aren't really found anywhere else in North America these are incredibly wellb built if you look into the details of them and they often contain features like ventilation holes for smoke and shelves and benches built directly into the stone no one fully knows who built them and although European settlers kind of make sense many of the early text from the settlers describes finding these structures when they arrived so it may have been the Native Americans but there's little evidence for that either as typically they don't tend to build structures like this one other theory is that they were built by traveling Kelts way back in the Bronze Age as the Celtic Europeans are well known for their stone structures but this one is still a mystery Tara Kiko was a 19-year-old American woman who went missing near her home in New Mexico 1988 she was out on her daily bike ride at 9:30 a.m. when she failed to return home her mom went out to look for her but after finding nothing she called the police her and her bike were never found and sadly no one witnessed the abduction almost a year later a Polaroid was found in the parking lot of a convenience store I don't think I can show the photograph on YouTube but if you want to see it just search for it I'm sure it'll pop up the photo basically shows a woman and a boy bound and gagged with black tape in the back of a van the woman while not obviously Tara could potentially be her as they do bear a fair bit of resemblance the woman and the boy in the Polaroid were never identified but Tara's mother strongly believes this to be her she was never found and was declared dead by homicide in 1998 eight but just last month the Sheriff's Office announced a breakthrough in the case and they were submitting a review to move forward with potential charges but the identity of the suspect involved is remaining Anonymous until the charges go through there are a lot of these being solved just as I make a video which is a good thing the tanom is a Japanese Spirit or Yokai that appears and often scares or attacks people its eyes are not on its face but rather on the palms of its hands they first first appeared in gazu hyaki Yago by Toriyama sakin in 1776 but they have been scaring children and me ever since the most mysterious song on the internet this was a song likely recorded in 1984 but who the artist is is completely unknown it was recorded from a radio program in Germany by Darius s all the other songs on the tape that he recorded that day have been identified except for this one over 20 years later his sister for whatever reason was hellbent on finding the artist of this song so she posted a digitalized version online and dozens of users got to work trying to find the song's author in the process of this they actually found many other hidden songs but they never actually found out who made this one I'll include a link to the song in the description if you want to check it out maybe you can solve the puzzle of the most mysterious song on the internet the Westfield Watcher this is a creepy one in June 200 14 Derek and Maria broos bought a family home in Westfield New Jersey this was an expensive home in a pretty rich safe neighborhood and they moved in with their three children 3 days after buying the house a strange letter appeared in the mailbox the letter read 657 Boulevard has been the subject of my family for decades now and as it approaches its 110th birthday I have been put in charge of watching and waiting for its second coming it is now my time do do you know the history of the house do you know what lies behind the walls of 657 Boulevard why are you here I will find out it creepily went on to mention details about the family's minivan their renovation plans and even their children it was signatured at the bottom The Watcher so Derek of course called the police and after contacting the previous owners of the house they too said they had received a similar letter just days before they moved out but since they were moving out anyway they just disregarded and threw away the letter so the broaders family went on high alert for a few weeks but eventually another letter came through this time addressing the broadest family by name it even listed changes that they had made to the house and listed their children by their nicknames and their birth dates super creepy it went on to ask about one child who often painted on the porch is she the artist in the family the letter asked all of the windows and doors in 657 Boulevard allow me to watch you and track you as you move through the house who am I I am the Watcher and have been in control of 657 Boulevard for the better part of two decades now the woods family turned it over to you as it was their time to move on and they kindly sold it when I asked them to they eventually got the FBI involved but there was very little evidence to actually go off anywhere the broadest Family actually considered tearing the house down and just building a new one but this prompted a rather threatening letter from The Watcher maybe a car accident Maybe a fire maybe something as simple as a mild illness that never seems to go away but makes you feel sick day after day after day after day after day maybe the mysterious death of a pet loved ones suddenly die planes and cars and bicycles crash bones break you wonder who the Watcher is turn around idiots So eventually in 2019 they sold the house at a $500,000 loss this story was apparently so interesting that Netflix won the rights to make a series out of it after a bidding war between six other Studios The Watcher was never identified and to this day this mysterious figure remains a mystery the tomb of genghiskhan has been the subject of speculation for many many years he was one of the greatest most brutal violent leaders in all of history in his lifetime in the 13th century his Mongol Empire invaded and ruled most of Asia and a good chunk of Europe he died in 1227 but he asked to be buried without markings or signs so where his body is actually buried we have no idea The Uncanny Valley Origins this is the relationship between how much an object resembles a human being and our emotional response to that object for example fully natural humans are quite normal to us and obviously inhuman things like fluffy toys dogs and rocks are quite normal to us as well but the weird part is when we get things that act or look Almost Human like AI robots or creepy dolls that things start to seem creepy and terrifying this hypothesis was first introduced by robotics Professor Masahiro Mori this was in 1970 and it has been picking up support ever since I think it's quite a sound Theory as this really creeps me out the V incident was a double flash of light detected by an American V satellite system in 1979 this was in the Indian Ocean and the cause of this double flash is officially unknown but we all know what officially unknown means aliens it is thought by some to be an Undeclared nuclear test carried out by South Africa and Israel as the previous 41 double flashes detected by the V satellite were all caused by nuclear tests the officials say they don't know what caused it maybe it was a nuclear test and maybe it was a small piece of rock hitting into the satellite which yeah that totally sounds credible but the details of this case are still classified by the United States government why Cracker Barrel fired Brad's wife this one's kind of hilarious after Bradley Reed's wife was fired by Cracker Barrel which is a food place I guess Bradley posted on the Cracker Barrel's Facebook page asking why they had fired her this led to a internet meme of some sort and soon there were hundreds of people online asking why they had fired her there were dozens of posts on all of their Pages saying stuff like we demand answers for Brad and his wife and # Justice for Brad's wife soon there was a petition started that amassed over 17,000 signatures and various other restaurants chimed in saying they would hire Brad's wife eventually after realizing he had started something that he kind of wish he hadn't Brad asked everyone to stop harassing the restaurant and it just kind of died out from there no one to this day Knows Why Cracker Barrel fired Brad's wife but this was still a fun one why the Tyrannosaurus Rex had tiny arms this sounds like the first line to a joke so the T-Rex that was one of the most fearsome dinosaurs to ever live had strangely hilariously really tiny arms this was one of the more aggressive and terrifying beasts but had one of the smallest armt body ratios of any dinosaur in the mesaric era it's not entirely clear why their arms were so small what they even used them for or whether given a few more million years of evolution their arms would have disappeared entirely as they did with snakes but I suppose when you've got a jaw like this you don't really need arms The Willpower Paradox is a really interesting one if you've ever tried to do something you really want to do but for some reason you just can't will yourself to do it maybe it's going gym maybe it's studying when you know you should maybe it's giving up or even taking up a habit it's kind of a tricky one because it's often said that you can't for instance will yourself out of an addiction or will your mental health health problems away yet often to cure these ills it requires the person to be willing therapy for instance often doesn't work if the person just doesn't want to be there you kind of have to be willing to trust that certain methods will work without really using will in those methods themselves you have to set up the space and environment with will but then kind of trust that the environment will fix your problems without you hard forcing them it's a very strange Dynamic and it is often confused many people myself included who honestly try to do their best with sheer will but fall short of their will and it's something we are all getting better at the Wormhole Theory says that there are theoretical passages through SpaceTime that could lead to shortcuts Across the Universe the general idea I will expertly demonstrate on this piece of paper here so say this is the universe for these purposes it is on a 2d plane and to get from point A to point B requires you to travel this distance to get there but in theory if you are able to bend space time instead of having to travel this entire distance you would only have to travel this small distance between the two wormholes and you would come out on the opposite end of the universe they were first theorized in 1916 and over the years Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen expanded on this idea these were Bridges possibly between black holes and newly theorized white holes the black holes would be the entrance sucking everything in and the exit would be these white holes and between them they would allow travel across the universe they became known as as Einstein Rosen Bridges or wormholes this is still purely theoretical and although the theory of relativity does predict these we haven't observed one yet there are also other complications in this like needing a certain amount of anti-gravity matter in order to keep the Wormhole from collapsing in on itself but that's a whole another story for a whole another Star Trek episode yeah yeah bbus one this was an NES game first mentioned in June 1989 in an issue of video games and Computer Entertainment there doesn't actually seem to be any evidence that this game existed even after being mentioned three more times in later issues of the magazine it is thought that maybe they put the game in there to take up some white space on the page or they put it in there to catch anyone who is copying their list as since the game was entirely made up it would catch anyone who is plagiarizing it or maybe it was just a joke by someone at the company but to this day the game's existence remains unconfirmed Yeti so I've covered the North American version of this one the Bigfoot in previous episodes and the yeti is very similar in appearances to Bigfoot but often just a little shorter at around 6t it is a character in ancient legends and folklore of the Himalayan people and all throughout Asia and funnily enough Alexander the Great apparently demanded to see a Yeti when he conquered the indis valley this was all the way back in 326 BC but the locals told him they were unable to present him with one as the yeti could not survive at such low altitudes the name the Abominable Snowman came from a 1921 journalist who mistranslated the local name for the legend it correctly translates as man bear snowman but he translated it as filthy Snowman and he thought abominable sounded better than filthy so he posted the legend as the Abominable Snowman and thus the name was born there have been many sightings over the years of the apparent Yeti roaming around various mountain ranges all throughout Asia but to this day none have been captured the zombie EAS hijacking was a suspicious local area emergency message that went out in 2013 in several stations in Montana and Michigan they displayed a warning of a zombie apocalypse and the message seemed pretty legit I'll leave the full text of the message in a comment below but apparently it was a hijack apparently and the hacker was caught the next day or it was a cover up and everyone involved was silenced which is totally possible B seals are these super cute seals although let's be real all seals are super cute who only live in the waters of Lake B in southern Siberia these seals are thought to have inhabited the lake for roughly 2 million years but it's still a mystery as to how they got there theories range from them swimming Upstream from the Arctic over many many years eventually ending up in the lake to the lake once being directly connected to the ocean which formed as a lake after it was disconnected from the AR IC and after these seals had made their home there but the mystery of these cute little seals still today remains a mystery Michaela barley this was the sad case of a 16-year-old girl who went missing in Saskatchewan Canada in 2016 she was last seen at a bus stop but no clues as to her whereabouts have been found since almost her entire day up to her disappearance has been tracked and documented and theories of her disappearance range from her running away which didn't seem likely as she left a bunch of her emergency money and medication behind to her being kidnapped by someone she met online as she often used a bunch of different apps to connect with new people and make new friends and although there have been quite a few tips and sightings over the years none of them panned out and to this day Michaela Bali is still missing and that is all we have time for I really hope you enjoyed exploring the second tier of the unsolved mystery Iceberg with me feel free to check out each new video as they are released weekly as they are jam-packed with new and exciting Mysteries and if you'd like to watch every single episode released so far I have a great playlist down in the description below with every episode from this entire Iceberg just sitting there ready for you to binge or fall asleep to stay safe stay curious and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Connor's Curiosities
Views: 38,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery, horror story, scary story, scary stories, spooky story, scary dark web, scary internet story, mystery story, unsolved mystery, unexplained mysteries, iceberg, unexplained mysteries new, unexplained mysteries iceberg, best iceberg list, mystery iceberg, breakdown, horror, unknown facts, iceberg explained, theories, disturbing things from around the internet, unsolved, scary 4chan posts, aliens, scary reddit posts, unexplained mystery, fbi mystery, mrballen, scary, wendigoon
Id: ucs0JF2jQm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 18sec (7458 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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