The Enraged Rabbit Carrot Feeder - LIVESTREAM Pt1 - OpenSource MMU

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello how's everyone doing tonight it's saturday night and i feel all right we are doing some rabbit stuff tonight we are doing the enraged rabbit carrot feeder yes i know it's we've been wanting to do it for a while now it's been delayed people have been asking for it for a while but uh the kit's finally here i'm ready so tonight we will be building it um hopefully we're gonna get the plan is to get it built today and then next week we'll do the installation and the firmware stuff it's going to be going in the switch wire which is back here um so that and then probably a print on the third stream so yeah probably about three streams uh before we get this all up and running i do want to give a huge shout out to the man the legend uh mr deep fried uh for supplying the kit that i will be using today um i've printed the parts again it's a voron related thing all boron stuff you're printing your own stuff but the uh the bits and pieces and all the gubbins um all the hardware is from a dfh kit if you want to get your own link in the description and because i don't have fancy floating texts if you use code buy a hair five percent off and also um there's a draw we're giving away two kits um how many cartridges are in the kit it's random it could be four cartridges it could be twelve who knows but we're giving away two of them tonight usa only uh link in the description i'll draw by the end of the stream tonight probably around 10 10 30. um usa only if you don't see it there i just put it up live so you may have to refresh how's everyone doing tonight how is everyone doing tonight uh the ears are rubbing the mic oh no i did not think of that oh there we go no um this is for the uh we have this guy for when the doggo visits um and also um hopefully you notice it looks a little bit better i have a new lens on the camera um i've replaced the kit lens with a uh uh a fixed 24 millimeter lens because that's usually the the focal length i use i think it looks a little bit clearer um yeah so let's get to it so what is the enraged rabbit carrot feeder well let me pull up the github page which i forgot to pull up earlier because you know prep work and all that camera tilted oh yeah we're yeah we're tilted i'll fix it later we're tilted it is what it is it is what it is um i honestly i had it all set up perfect but then i had to move it at the last minute so that i could get the ears um in frame because normally it cuts off like right here um so i had to play around to get the ears in frame because you know this is um priorities yes the irkfo 1.1 is out now so what is the irkfa the irfa is a open source multi-material unit uh kristoff thank you for coming to member so for those that know what the the prusa mmu is uh prusa mmu [Music] no i don't want the prusa mark 3 i don't want to see a four-year-old printer at this point where is the mmu there's the mmu so this is the mmu okay so we're kind of familiar with this it has its issues but this is the prusa mmu i think it only does four um the irkfa on the other hand has as many as you want because you can build it however many units you want uh it's been tested up to nine um but theoretically you could build like 20 if you really wanted to we are going to be building a nine unit model tonight um and it has all kinds of extra features oh uh john clark 20 thank you appreciate it um my what a big carrot you have there nero oh it doesn't squeak i was going to squeak it uh somebody did 12. yeah you can do as many as you want the oh the mmu is five okay so the mmu is five um it has smooth gear so you only have like one feed gear this is using our good foul the uh the bond tech gears i have a whole whack load of them and it has all kinds of smart features i think there's an encoder in it uh there's an actual end stop in the tool head so it's really only compatible at this time fully compatible with two printers that use the afterburner tool head so this guy right here because there actually is an end stop in the tool head so that it detects when the filament is fully inserted and everything is good to go you're not estimating based on unknowns and i'm pretty sure there's an encoder in there at some point too um yeah so it it's it's based on the voron m4 extruder only take it up to 11. um let's get some music going uh let's do some chip tunes there we go we'll do some chip tunes uh david five dollars thank you appreciate it i have my kit on the way very excited to see you're joining the rabbit hoard it will be interested um so let's let's go over everything so i have all my printed parts um everything here is printed in sparta 3d uh sparkle abs so i have their sparkle red abs and their new obsidian black abs um i didn't print it to match the colors of the switch wire because there's a chance i may end up putting this on another printer that i may be building down the line but that's in the future uh filament runout sensor well no it's not a filament run out sensor there's sensors in the tool in the in the the carrot feeder but there's actually when you feed the filament in there's a sensor in the tool head now so that it knows when the filament is properly inserted this is a 1.1 this is a 1.1 so what else is in the kit so uh we are yoloing this i have not gone through the kit literally i just unboxed it all so we have a whack load of hardware um we've got rods and threaded rods we have these thingies we've got more stuff we got controller boards now he did uh send some extras uh i have a whole bunch of stuff there's hall effect sensors there this is a lot smarter um than it looks on paper uh a tool headboard there is the extra end stop or correction uh controller board so for installing this okay i'm taking the hat off the rabbit ears are getting hot um before installing this your printer needs to have two free stepper drivers okay so if you're you're a voron v2 okay a 2.4 you're using seven stepper motors right 4z xy extruder okay you need an additional two because you now have a stepper motor to feed filament to and from the urkfa to the tool head and then also another stepper motor to select the filament so if you're doing this on like a a trident or a legacy and you're using like an octopus and you're only using five steppers you can do this on an existing board however on my switch wire for example i have a an scar 1.4 in there right now so that's five drivers well if i go to a directv tool head i'm using four of them but i need two extras so obviously i can't do that so they have don't break that don't break that there we go you can get this on the site and it's a standalone uh little itty bitty controller board and it's got uh a seed arduino on it which is funny because actually they just sent me one um yeah i don't know which one this is if this is the uh rp 2040 or a different one so it's got like this is a little like kind of like an old-school ramp set up where you have a a board with the controller broken out to a bunch of in this case just two stepper drivers uh 22 09s and all the bits and pieces you need to run your urkfa so this makes it a lot simpler because it's clipper right you can just plug this thing in over usb and you're good to go or is it usb or can bus i can't remember but yeah pretty sure it's usb yeah i don't know we'll make it work voila and it's covered in dog hair [Music] rabbit ears are getting hot yes i i'm hopping on the the what is it the final fantasy 14 train that's the cool game right now right um a whole whack load of ptfe tube uh covered in dog hair which is to be expected um we have ourselves a stepper motor uh stepper online motor it they're fine pretty much all my printers use stepper motors except for the ldo ones what do we got what do we got what do we got that's a pancake stepper so we got a pancake stepper um a nema 14 so this uses a nema 14 and a nema 17 motor [Music] so nemo 14 uh more bits and pieces a whole whack load of bmg gears uh belts and pulleys and lmu's and a servo and a wee little endstop how many meters of ptfe uh many so that is everything in the kit now you can source all this yourself of course you can always source all this yourself you don't have to buy the kit um but if you use code buy a hair um buy a hair in chat um if you use code buy a hair you get five percent off on dfh store in the description so the word of the day is whack actually the word of the day is buckley's because i'm still getting over a cold my kid gave me so i'm kind of still stuffed up um so it's the irkfor there we go enraged rabbit carrot feeder oh wait sorry it's the irk uh what are those called not a hyphen no colon no not coolant i don't know it's the irk dot dot assembly manual there we go so enrage rabbit project project aims to bring multi-material capabilities to 3d printers using direct drive tool heads uh while this project is mainly dedicated to use on boron printers it can be used or adapted to use on any 3d printer that runs clipper and potentially reprap firmware so at this time this setup will not work on marlin printers um on paper it would work with a uh reprap firmware printer however you would need to create all the macros and everything for it whereas on clipper it's already done for the most part ellipses there you go can i show you the night up close yeah it's the uh sir layers a lot um it's the um david from printed solids uh it's the mascot for burning solid yeah he's in the printer um he happens to be in front of the tool head right now but anyways um uh now the project is composed of four different components you have the enrage rabbit carrot feeder that's the thing we're building that's the thing that pushes multiple different colors to your printer and you can print all kind of cool things that you can get used to get karma on the front page of reddit or at least r 3dp there's also the carrot patch now for those that are familiar with mmu setups like this you're constantly retracting a good length of filament from the tool head to the feeder when you do that there's a chance your spool can come unwound what the carrot patch is it basically it's like a buffer system i won't be building that i don't really have the room to build it um and my printers move around so what i will be actually doing is i move my switch wire over here so the switch wire is over there right now and notice how there's a big empty space on the wall above it um i might be bugging pooch from repcord and doing a rep box or building my own but i'm gonna wall mount um the storage for the filament and i'll do a basically a gravity buffer system of sorts um heart k five dollars thank you appreciate it finally getting to catch a stream live have a drink on me i will i have some bear face for later um so yeah you have a rep box i like it i i'm pissed a uh they had some on who's calling me oh my god why yeah okay um he had a bunch of ones on sale for like half off that were like the scratch plexiglas or something like that and i'm kicking myself for not noticing that sooner and getting one um because yes shipping to canada would have sucked but i'm it's gonna cost me as much to build one um so what else uh there's also the enrage rabbit king seat it's a pellet purge system so if you don't wanna use a white tower since i'm using the switch wire obviously i can't do that and then there's a filament sensor so that's kind of like a magic sauce thing that makes it more accurate than like a prusa mmu is the fact that there is a sensor in the tool head that detects when the filament is fully inserted um this makes it a lot more accurate when you're doing your filament changes so get one with the boron side panel i know i need i need to get a hold of pooch let's see what's going on uh i want to build a boron not a trident or switch wire price is a big factor the cheapest foreign to build would be the uh this guy a v0 but it's only 120 millimeters cube so you're kind of limiting yourself in what you can print uh the legacy um it's actually the switch wire would probably be your best bet because a switch wire will run you roughly as much as a prusa mark iii yeah what's my opinion on the rat rig that's probably a good uh it's probably a good printer it's a modern core xy i don't have one nobody i know has one so i can't form an opinion on it but it's probably okay uh the mmu has a sensor in the tool head okay so it does i don't know i i've never touched a prusa i've seen one i've finally seen a prusa live i've never seen a prusa though or up until like the other day i never saw perusa so acknowledgements uh mentions was projects are alone so this is all by et um for those that don't know et is now on the voron team um we kind of shang hide him in after we saw him working on this we're like hey this is cool um welcome to the club so that's how you get on the voron team you just make cool and we just kind of invite you in so he made this um he wants to thank tiercone uh he did all the sensor electronic stuff of this um the war on dev team especially dunar because dunar is awesome for manuals uh dustin speed cage curfew ha ha baguette people i'm pretty sure he's french um what else so sql files yadda yadda yadda this is how you print all stuff i have a box of printed parts we've already printed that [Music] so yeah let's get building so this is customizable you can build this with as many as you want so if you only want to build a three unit one you could build a three unit one if you want to build a 20 unit one because you're insane or you just want to load up all your filaments on a rack on the wall and you just never want to be arsed to change out filaments you just want to auto change between them you can do that okay no live printing the parts uh so the mmu originally didn't have okay that makes sense i remember like hearing about the mmu not having one so i guess they did update it um so that makes sense so yeah so you can update or you can uh build this with as many as you want i'm going with six so because you know computers we start at zero so i have zero to five which is six units um and there is a lot of printed parts for this honestly it doesn't take that long to print everything um i printed everything on this guy right here uh it was two days of printing which isn't bad and that's with obviously some down time because prince finished at like 2 a.m and i was sleeping um can you build a 1.37 unit one how matter potentially [Music] so we have to do some building so the first thing we got to do is put together all our filament blocks and magnets so let's get our filament blocks out so i'm hoping i don't really have a set plan or schedule i'm hoping to have this physically built by the end of the stream today or at least mostly built and then next week we'll be installing it because i have to print and build the new tool head still oh wait one two three six yeah [Music] did i print those yes i did so we're just going to try and build the unit today [Music] so we have all these little numbers here and these should slide there zero five four now a funny thing is if you're printing these there is a lot of parts that have multi-material options so you can print these parts i think as one piece with multi-material enabled if you already have a printer capable of multi-material i don't have a printer capable of multi-material that can do abs so obviously i did not do that my switch wire is unenclosed this will be strictly for pla i won't be printing um my switch wire is not an abs machine i have three fully keep four fully capable abs machines go over the numbers with a marker i could do that [Music] how much faster is v2 compared to an ender three um many uh if you go on youtube there's videos of vorons printing fast like let's be honest any good motor and good kinematics can print fast nowadays as long as you have firmware that's tuned for it i print normally in fill up to 120 millimeters a second 300 millimeters to travel i don't print i don't do stupid fast i just print fast enough so uh is this thing based off an m4 yes it is [Music] so we got that i need to put some collets in oh yeah max is here hi max oh man my voice is shot so i picked a great day to do a three hour stream because earlier today i actually spent um about two hours at a local filament manufacturer um talking to him doing like interview and whatnot so i gotta edit all that oh man i hate these i got something to make this easier you gotta put the little clip in these i believe yeah turn down the music just a hair i can do that there we go like i don't know i i put clipper on an on an ender 3 and was printing at 300 millimeters a second [Music] uh so we're streaming on the new camera actually this is the old camera this is my new camera is uh actually in its case right now because i had to go i went on an adventure with it today recorded a bunch of stuff but um this is the old camera i have a new lens on it though so with the new lens i'm hoping i don't i think it looks better on the new lens so i wish i had my vice that's the one thing i don't have set up in this new room compared to my old room i don't have my vice set up i used to do these on a vise so for those that don't know what i'm doing um these little bowden tube holders you gotta install the clip and you really got to push on it so i just use i used to use my vise but this works good enough you just kind of until they snap together it's really annoying uh did the dog here clear customs there is some dog hair on here but that does not bugger me because i don't know how much dog here is his dog and how much is my dog so [Music] now these should snap into place pretty well if these are falling out your prints are uh tolerances aren't good there we go and for those curious let's um if i can get the angle right yeah there you go right there there's your filament feed path perfect i haven't had to drill one out in ages so and now we need some magnets [Music] where are the magnets magnets put these back oh man i ripped the bag okay don't lose these you can go in here there's the magnets it's what everything else is stuck to did i catch a cold um i had a cold all week i was actually kind of pissed because i had the power went out at work i worked in a tool shop the power legit went out on tuesday night it was out most of wednesday so i had like a day and a half off work and i was gonna record a video and i literally couldn't talk for more than like five minutes without you know hacking along because my kid got me sick because these uh daycares are petri dishes so yeah so filament block numbering use a different number block to easily identify each irkfor channel and magnet orientation install the top magnets with the same polarity for all filament blocks polarity for the front magnet does not matter so that's the top one so how we're going to do this is they're all stuck together in a row so i'm just going to go down the line and install them and they should just kind of press in i'm assuming so let's get six of them let's see here dang it so that's magnetic how am i going to push these in reliably so bloody hell you stay there there we go pushing with my thumbs isn't great there we go magnets how do they work i don't know there's um i remember watching something with a clown trying to explain it i don't understand [Music] oh where'd it go and the nice thing i like about this design um there's actually a little itty bitty trench so you can get in there with a little flat head if you need to pop the magnet out so that is super handy there we go okay so these should all be the same orientation good okay so the top one orientation all have to be the same i'm assuming that's for a sensor the front one doesn't matter so let's do that so actually what i'm gonna do is update this there you go no i'm gonna keep forgetting to repeat it buy a hair check the description i wrote it in there uh it's bi as in kaching by and then a as an a and then hair as in the rabbit so h-a-r-e one word buy a hair five percent off all enrage rabbit carrot feeder products at deep fried and then if you live in usa we're drawing for two kits tonight giving away two kits um how many cartridges are there i don't know it's random he has a few of them so we're gonna give away two kits technically a hair is not a rabbit this is a bunch of plastic so technically this isn't a rabbit either okay so we gotta put a magnet in the back here which uh right there and i need something to push it with is that and all the way i can't leave it all the way oh that is it all the way i might have to put a drop of super glue in there because that is not tight enough okay yeah i'll have to put a drop of super glue in there no biggie uh once slightly and just use the table to push them fully yeah they're uh they're falling out they're not in there too tight so i'm just gonna put a drop of super glue in there just to kind of hold them in because they are sitting flush they're just uh falling out so oh well no biggie i'll keep checking there gonna keep checking chat for somebody to go don't do that [Music] uh where can we buy the stuffed carrot hat and bunny hat i don't know it came with my kit you would have to ask uh mr deep fried hero measure the height of the magnets i could do that give it one second here yeah that's one of the downsides with um buying generic magnets by the thousands off aliexpress yeah you kind of roll the dice at times unfortunately with the measurements uh these magnets don't need to be oriented according to the manual uh install the top magnets these ones all have to be installed with the same polarity but the front ones does not matter [Music] [Music] whew [Music] so these magnets are supposed to be six by three so [Music] pull up the princess auto calipers [Music] they're six millimeters across [Music] and height wise [Music] 2.67 millimeters so they're actually a little undersized that would probably be why they are not pushing in there i have ah shoot i don't know where the rest went whatever ones i used for like my hall effects were bang on yes for american translation princess auto is our equivalent of uh harbor freight only nowhere near as good so that's telling okay so the next thing is latch screw so we need to put the latches on one two three four five six and i need m three by sixteen m320 m316 by 10 ten of these okay um dfh is there any particular reason some screws are some colors and some are others and i have bags here that are individual with a whole bunch of guns and then i have individual screws um so i have a bag with a bunch of screws that are sorted by size of screws and then i have a bag here oh i think each one of these is supposed to be per cartridge maybe did i put it together wrong or am i you packed it in a hurry okay you know what i have vorons worth of screws i'll just use screws as i need them from the kit those are extra oh these are the extras okay well we'll use the extras first there we go so how does this work okay yeah they're per patch okay so we got individual per patch um it looks like which makes sense if you're selling multiple kits so yeah okay so how does this work that goes on top of oh that goes in there okay so that goes there and that screws in there and that screw is directly in the plastic don't over tighten okay uh the crappy tire yeah the good old crappy tire by the way uh this es126 i haven't charged since before i did the v0 build and it's still going so uh i like it uh which printer is this going to be installed this is going on my switch wire uh what do i like better the wow sticker this this this has much more torque like see this is screwing into plastic just fine um my wow stick it's like stalling out it's barely spinning it versus this which is just yeah [Music] uh yeah they sent me a new es126 that actually had a magnet in it so my uh my bits wouldn't fall out that was the most annoying thing i've ever had to deal with trying to use an electric screwdriver where the bits fell out that was uh super annoying okay let's turn off the chiptunes i like chiptunes but that's a little too much chiptunes there we go okay so we're done that gatekey it's right here so i have the gate key right there insert two mags in the gatekey the gate key allows you to open the magnetic gates where the selector is not in front of them and also to secure the washers and then so i am assuming how many of these gate keys were i supposed to print i think i was always supposed to print one ah double check i only have one of these i think yeah and then i got a bunch of these ones yeah okay okay so insert two magnets so i don't think it matters which orientation oh only oh i see what you did did i put the inserts in or just thread it into plastic uh yeah it just threads into plastic for these ones does the orientation matter i'm thinking they're supposed to attract to these magnets up top so i'll uh i'll put them in that way put two in there we go push stop what there we go okay so i got the gate key voila uh washer insertion so i need these guys now two three four five six david's here everyone say hi david now i need din 125 m3 steel washer which i'm assuming is these guys yeah i'm assuming it's these guys okay first check that washer has a flat surface on both sides no residue from stamping process if not use a file to fix that insert the washer from the bottom right using pitcher and push it sits into the slot um that picture doesn't really make a lot of sense how the heck first check the washer it goes in from the top that don't fit this is the right washers so the washer slides up and down in the gate the accent part okay doesn't fit in through the slot at the top like is it supposed to fit in this itty bitty slot right there on the top of the accent part oh from the side like let me get some tweezers oh i see i see i see okay i see so it kind of sits in there okay let me clean these these guys are a little messy where's my iso at and it says to check and only use ones that aren't bird and if they're bird uh stone them or whatever so focus off is this focus off or this focus off this is on fixed focus i don't have it manual focusing but it's at like f7 so it should be okay okay so oh yeah the overhead camera ain't great um because instead of running it through like 120 cam link i'm running it through like a a 15 aliexpress cam link knock off so uh yeah the overhead cam will probably never be good until i swap that out for a proper cam link just uh pretend it's an art house film and i smeared vaseline on the lens what i really need to do is actually get a proper capture card that has multiple hdmi ins the problem is like those are quite expensive and i think i would need to upgrade my computer for pci lanes i'm not 100 sure on that um because right now my computer's only got a ryzen 3100 in it so it's like down the line type thing i think is to go with like a proper capture card because i don't want to buy a bunch of cam links only for them to be out of date or useless once i switch over to using a capture card down the line if i end up going that route so what's the name of the electric screwdriver it's an es126 uh blackmagic quad hdmi i think i've looked at that but it's at the time it was like way outside my budget but that was a while ago so we'll see so now they just kind of snap in it looks like so use the gate key keep the washer in place as you slide it down oh i see oh okay so this kind of keeps the washer in place as you do that and it pulls it up so that you can feed filament through when you're lining stuff up i guess so obviously five and five uh this is one and one and um i'm noticing this already if your printer isn't very good with the tuning you're going to have a lot of issues lining all like having all these parts fit together perfectly because there is quite a lot of fitment with this thing nope that's two four that's clever that you actually have a tool to help with this three two three everything's all nice and numbered again um these are all designed to be like printed in abs everything's tested in abs if you want to use petg or pla you're on your own here be dragons your money may vary no guarantees essentially okay i think the older cam view was better too but it couldn't be like this camera this one should be better then i start at one or zero i start at zero because it's a computer right computers start at zero because if you if you look at your firmware it's extruder and then extruder one so when you have six extruders it's actually extruder zero to extruder five so okay so we have that we have that we have that now we gotta put magnets and sell the magnet so they repel from the top magnet on the filament block so let's uh get these guys get my ducks in an order here so one two zero four three five kind of line these guys up and get my uh turns out i made a poll from stars who was literally 40-0 in favor of zero okay that makes sense because you pulled smart people who knew how computers work because god knows if we started at one somebody would make their configuration wrong one two three four five six there we go okay so it's got to repel so now you're putting the magnet in here that is opposite so it repels so if i make that match and then put it in there like that okay get in your hole get in your hole get away get away nope get in your hole get it dang it aren't magnets fun kids there we go okay so now in theory this should repel i think those snapped together let me double check yeah that should repel yeah okay that propels okay we're good we're good we're good we're good because all these are the same yeah uh you have to open the latch first if you want to insert it yep okay so that's right there we go yeah okay that's repelling oh and by the way guys um if you've never used like these kinds of magnets before you really shouldn't let them clack together like if you need to bring them together bring them up together under control don't like let them fly at each other because they can't explode and they will explode if they slam into each other at speed because they're magnets are brittle so i've already chipped a few of these [Music] to insert the magnets use your black tweezers and the flat part ah this this method is kind of working so far ah till i get one that doesn't there we go last one get in your hole well while i'm shoving this into its hole make sure you guys do that youtube thing and you know like the smash button ring the bell comment i don't know youtube stuff there we go you're not my supervisor where is the bonsai um it's on the ground over there find the cardboard tada bonsai i've moved stuff around a bit okay now i need to put the bmg idlers so obviously these are going to be the bmg gears that don't have a set screw actually i need to blow my nose so i will be back in one minute my and i brought a friend oh oh what's this that's it what's this shaypaw oh he's a good boy speak speak is this a carrot oh there you go how are you going to take it now yeah he's got his treat he got what he came here for he's gonna go upstairs go on his bed and destroy it now rip carrot yep rip carrot oh where's my knife duff 69 doggo there it is there it is boys there it is so these are all generic i don't know who supplied these these aren't you could go with uh bond tech gears like legit ones if you really want to um but for this you're essentially just feeding filament to and from that would be a little bit overkill i think but some of y'all are americans it's free country you do what you want would have destroyed that in two seconds ah he he's calmed down he's starting to get i think he's eight years old now um he's starting to get up there and uh with us having a uh one two three four five six oh i got an extra um we have a three-year-old in the house now so he's been around a kid for a little bit and he's kind of he's learned to calm down because he has to thoughts on the prusa mini probably pretty good i don't have one though so i can't actually comment on the printer itself but uh considering how in my opinion the prusa mark 3 is starting to get a little old for or a little long in the tooth um i think the prusa mini is the better option now it's more featured um i don't know one day prusa will come out with the uh the xl or whatever the heck they're going to call it one day they will um somehow in the time proof has been working on that voron has come out with like six printers and we're just a bunch of guys sticking around with printer designs at our basement um i don't know but they will come out with it one day and i'm sure it'll be fine but uh at this point yeah the person of mine is probably your best bet for a prusa i think i don't know um yeah there's cheap bmg i think i don't know if these are triangle lab ones or just generic alley specials um remember this is just the feed filament from the rabbit to your extruder so you're not actually using these gears to actually push filament during printing this is just to move it back and forth and it's more grippy than like the mmu the mmu just has one gear and a smooth bearing this you know has dual gears because we like dual gears so as with all bearings you do want to use a little bit of grease you do not want your bearings dry so i just use generic i'm using super lube honestly it's a 3d printer people die go way too in depth and there's so much like tribalism over what grease to use it's a 3d printer you can almost use peanut butter half the time actually peanut butter might be a little too thick but you could probably almost use petroleum jelly half the time basically you just want the gears a little wet to don't dry out on you oh wait no you gotta put this in okay so put your gears in there we go okay go to overhead view [Music] put that in with your bearings in and then you push this through okay you know what i'm going to do i'm going to get all the gears greased up first because my fingers working with these gloves is not good so grease up all the gears grease up all the gears and they don't need to be absolutely soft and wet in grease they just need enough to wet them mostly these are very small pin bearings there's really not a lot of surface area to them try to keep grease off the actual feed gears mobile one xp yeah there's there's a few like common greases that a lot of people use um i use either white lithium or um i use either white lithium or um or that i'm sorry let me find it here yeah this is like my generic bulk grease that i use it's like i've had this stuff oh wait yeah this camera doesn't focus anymore boom i don't know i've had this stuff for ages it's just generic white grease um nlg one lgi 1.5 i don't know it's my go-to half the time what's in the ldo kit i don't know and i don't know if they're still going to be shipping grease with the kit because they had issues with customs apparently the customs people don't like random greases in their uh shipments you know what i'm gonna have to drill these out these are a little too tight for my liking and i don't want to accidentally um snap one of these so three mil let me find a three mil drill i know i have a three mil drill somewhere that's fine three milk okay so you can go there no that's the wrong one yeah it would help if i uh put the uh but help if i had bearings in these i think bearings would help a little bit there we go so you go there to go in there okay i'm wondering whether to buy a kit or self source how the new extruder um for this um i i can't say i haven't sell source like really the only reason i'm building this is because of the uh deep fried heroin kit um simply for the fact that uh i don't do a lot of multi-material it's just not something i do often so sourcing all this would have been kind of a pain for me and then all of a sudden he has a kit so i'm like okay uh which printer will the mmu uh this is going on my switch wire what do i think about the dragonfly i run the dragonfly in my switch wire and it's a good hotend honestly like there's so much hubbub about hot ends lately all hot ends are pretty much the same if they're made out of the same material like we've done internal testing like guys on the war on team have done testing comparing all the hot ends and not like the numbers they tell you like the actual like hey these are the actual real world numbers they're all pretty much the same like a a v6 with a copper block and a titanium heat break performs within margin of error as a mosquito standard flow mosquito which performs within margin of error of a standard flow dragonfly which performs within margin of error of a standard flow drag in like buy the hot end that has the features you want at the price point you want although right now i wouldn't buy any hot end because e3d is close to announcing their whole new ecosystem which considering they revolutionized everything with the v6 and uh that'd be like buying the last gasoline car then that year before everyone jumped to electric or you know what i did dropped twelve hundred dollars on a 1080p tv the year before 4ks got cheap so who knows what e3 is cooking up but right now would probably be a bad time to buy a hot end at least see what they have okay look at me i have all these extra square nuts now that i'll probably never use what do i keep hiding the godzilla's over here see he's not hiding anything so there we go check your rotation make sure all these are good that's good that's good that one's cracked put a little dab super glue on it fix it before uh anyone notices there we go nobody saw that nobody saw that nobody saw anything i see nothing i know nothing exactly saw what so um while we're waiting for no apparent reason whatsoever i just want to remind you guys that right now you have two chances of winning one of these the the kits not the printed parts you got to print your own parts but if you want a kit to build your own enraged rabbit carrot feeder check the description if you live in the u.s yankees only at this time however next week next week because we have a little bit more leeway we will be doing a draw worldwide for two of them okay so this week america only two of them enter in the link below if you win and you're not in the us he's just not going to ship it to you but next week we'll be drawing for two worldwide and i'll actually put the link up to enter when the stream goes live around four o'clock so i know this is late for a lot of the euro folk so you should be able to enter at that point so hopefully you guys will be good to go next week then also if you want to buy one and you don't you know you're like me and you know you never win anything you can't just buy one of these and if you use the code buy a hair which is also in the description you get five percent off what else i don't know nobody else is sponsoring tonight no that's it okay now i got gunk all over my hands good old iso hey that's where all the cuts are okay so where's the link it's in the description uh you might have to hit refresh if you joined earlier in the stream so slide in the top hat locker for each top hat until you hear a click the top locker values are used to adjust the pressure applied to the filament for each channel the higher the number the stronger the pressure on the filament start with all channels at one the values will be adjusted in the setup and tuning of your irk foot do not install the top hats to the panel blocks for now okay so put those over there so these right here are little adjustable clips because these adjust how much tension is actually put um on the filament and they're in different pressures from like one to five i was told not to bother printing the five because for the most part that should be way too much so it says to start at one so i gotta find all my ones and of course i keep throwing back in the same pile so it's gonna take a while hmm okay how is the v01 doing so far it's doing good um i don't use it a lot because like let's be honest i got a 250 v2 a 300 v2 um and a enclosed um v 1.8 those are my three main printers and then i got the resin printer for all the detailed stuff so this doesn't get used that much but everything i've done with it has been amazing so far so so this should just kind of click together i've been told okay it actually does click together okay and these are adjustable so if i need to adjust these in the future i can uh easily adjust it uh does this need an external well it depends on how many free stepper drivers you have on your controller you need to be running clipper um as of now technically this will this could work with uh rep firmware but somebody would have to go through and create all the macros and everything so there's no software support for rip rap firmware um marlin i i don't know maybe you can make this work with marlin but i i don't touch marlin so if your current printer is a direct feed setup so you already have direct feed tool head it has to be an afterburner at this time um or you have to mod your tool head to have a sensor in it so i think you could use a prusa tool head but uh you would need a direct feed tool head and two free stepper drivers because this uses two stepper drivers or two stepper motors so yeah you need that so we got that so weak too strong and we can adjust those later remove built-in supports so where is this nope that's not that plate that's not that plate this plate so remove built-in supports [Music] okay so remove the built-in supports install the mr85 bearing i dropped a bag mr855 mr855 oh there we go mini afterburner work uh no the the tool head on the v0 is not compatible at this time maybe in the future like smash press the button yes like the smash button folks it helps with the youtube algorithm all hail the youtube algorithm this ain't gonna fit i grabbed the wrong bearing this is a mr26z here i'll put the hat back on if you all like i'll smash the uh or like the smash button is that uh is that a deal we currently have oh my god we have 360 viewers hello everyone if you all like that smash button i'll put the rabbit hat back on for a little bit because um yeah i'm totally not bribing you with the uh me wearing a rabbit hat another fake f time honestly i need to stop doing the fake f because it's it's become too much of a joke and like i know everyone like we know the joke is overdone by this point there we go there we go it never gets old okay so we have that installed there a little bit of white stress marks but we're good oh okay so i guess we are done with this stuff that can go there um put you there and i guess we're now building the gear box so heat set time so i need to get out some pumps so i need to put some heat sets in there so i need my shitty heat set iron okay all the heat sets are individually packaged oh there we go we do have individual ones there we go there we go uh if you're still here did dunard do this manual i this looks like a dunar manual so either somebody copied him real good or he just did it which i'm assuming he didn't so we gotta install a bunch of heat sets in this guy now what time is it anyways 9 30 9 30. hot glue gun works as well for soldering iron for heat sets and abs oh you did the whole thing roman well i don't know romaine oh person who i don't know their real name he did a good job let's get manual the only thing that i've really questioned was that one area on how to install the washers that's the only thing i've come across so far that was kind of like wait what that one on the top bottom and then we have two on the back here through there now i gotta install two on an angle here this is gonna be in it's gonna be a pain because these two right here push the inserts in using the soldering iron tip from the side and take your time and make them flush with the surface and align with the screw path so i'm gonna try a trick that i used a while ago um i think this will work so what you do because there's there's hole all the way through this right you put a screw through and you screw it into your heat set so that you can pull the heat set down and then as you're pulling the heat set down heat up the uh heat it up so you kind of have to pull on it while heating it i wish i had a flat iron it would be better for this but this way it should go in um it should go in straight because the uh the screw will act as a guide yeah there we go and then that way you can pull it out before you melt the plastic there we go perfect you shouldn't be transferring that much heat through the screw at this point there we go that works perfect actually that that worked uh that worked perfectly i've done this before i can't remember when it was i think it was some shitty thingy verse design i was trying to do this with like it was like the same thing with like heat sets that you couldn't really install properly and i'm like i'll just use a screw there we go uh was the approximate price um if you go in the link in the description you can uh you can see how much this kit would be in american pesos from mr deep fried hero and if you uh you want to say five percent use code buy a hair there is a bit of heat transfer in the screw like i can feel the screws a little bit warm but it's not what i'd call owie my finger is warm there we go voila very good unplug the shitty iron okay so we did all that and then install an mrz or an mr85z whenever you're installing uh washers always try to make sure they are flush if they're on an angle you're probably gonna have a bad time once you start putting stuff through anyone else getting audio yeah there should be audio okay oh hey i'm doing some soldering now apparently um i need to install pre-wire the end stop around 10 centimeter of 24 american wire gauge will be more than enough don't crimp the wire for ends for now words are not shown in the picture but i assume present okay i hate that part when you're at the end of a cold where you feel fine except for the fact that you cough and because you've been sick all week coughs hurt okay so we need some wire did this kit come with wire i have a ton of wire so i'm just gonna grab some wire i don't know if this kit came with wire i didn't dig through everything i know i have wire there i'm assuming you have wire it'd be smart to assume you have wire so let's use wire ptfe wire because why not so 10 centimeters that looks like 10 centimeters right that's what i tell my wife that's the one thing my the room is coming together the room is coming together i've got you know i've got the island i've got the closet storage i got the resin corner that's the last thing i got to sort out is the rack of all the but i need to get a tool box to put the resin stuff on because right now it's just a shelf and once i have a tool box i can put all the small electronic stuff like stepper motors in that and wires and then i'll have the shelf clean one day just like one day i'll have a moving camera up top here so we gotta do some soldering i love me some soldering power onto this guy that's another thing i need to put a power bar over here because right now i literally have an extension cord i just gotta switch around what's plugged into it what is my solder oh and this was another thing i put in so instead of losing tools on my shelf i actually have a pegboard so now i can not put stuff away properly in a different location and lose it you know how it is i have the wrong one on here oh well this will work i need a rug i do need a rug this room is uh i actually i i'm pulling the uh the linus sebastian and wearing um sandals and socks because if i'm on my feet down here for this long i need to be like wearing something on my feet um i think i have the wrong tip on here i i was doing some uh fixing a pcb so i have my like really fine needle solder uh tip on here it's got like dope it's coming in junk yeah like the really fine tip one normally i use a uh when i'm soldering this kind of stuff i usually use this guy dc dc2 bc2 i think there we go that'll work okay change that tip next time i go to solder something uh this must get you on flow plane i tried getting on flow plane i applied and they're like nope and i'm like oh there's only like floatplane only has like 10 creators there's not a lot of creators on floatplane it's i know what they're trying to do but like it you need people on it for it to work okay uh if you're using a leopard micro switch install it as shown so if that is like here with the nubbin so it should be like so that should be like that okay so m3 m 2.8 i saw those little ones earlier what are they and two m210 where's m2 8 m2 8 and 2 8. m28 i know i have some and uh [Music] yeah just use the ones i got that'll work same thing okay well i don't know if the m210s are for something else that's the thing i got the right way around yep okay grab the other one uh 260 likes okay and we'll put the bunny ears back on one second [Music] okay there we go okay bunny ears time while we're doing that um tonight's drink of choice because i don't focus no more bareface canadian whiskey cheers i do like this new lens like it's 24 millimeter it's fixed so i'm not i don't know the lens quality looks a heck of a lot better so yes it's manual focus actually it is autofocus but i turned it off because this lens is crap for auto focus it really it punches in and out a lot so i turn that off but considering i run it like f7 because while mr tom uh he loves his depth of field and the bokeh and his stuff looks awesome i want everything in focus so you're constantly so you can actually see everything i'm doing um so everything is in view um i'm i'm running like f 7.1 right now just so everything is kind of in focus on the downside i have like eight lights on me right now so there we go so we got the switch okay more soldering for more uh heat sets okay so we need this guy and we need to install some heat sets in this guy so i need one there there there and there the ac on actually the ac is on but my room here the printer room um i have the vent plugged which normally isn't too bad in the basement but when i'm wearing a hat and all the lights are on um it is a little warm down here right now but i do keep the vents plugged in this room uh because of the fact that i print a lot of abs having uh the remnant of a cold probably doesn't help yes um the hat came with the kit i'm assuming the hat is not a normal item with the kit however some people have a sense of humor he also sent a dog toy a little carrot dog toy so the dog has that he's enjoying that upstairs right now okay and then another mz55 bearing goes in the middle there it looks like that one's gonna be fun to try and press flat oh hey the wow stick's good for something okay so that is in there of course i'm touching all these hot uh hot inserts okay so that's installed there oh another heatside insert come on enough residual heat okay so uh grub screw so now we got to put the okay so since we're using a nema 14 i need to put the i'm assuming they're all the same back those off now it actually comes with a uh this guy oh wait uh let me catch up on chat oops sorry chat let me uh i don't have no the okay i dropped the iron and the ldo tip which is brass broke i am so pissed about that um yeah i i am legit like that when that happened i almost cried um so um oh wait that's the name of seventeen i need name of 14. so this is kind of cool it's a little jig to help you line up where the uh where this is supposed to go so you know how high to set your gear right about there that one in position double check it's good a little bit there we go and now i will take the one out put the uh the best loctite in the world on it and by that i mean some uh where's my nail polish at oh there it is um the ldo tips i don't know what this is my cheap generic uh amazon soldering iron and it fits in here i think it's like a hakko tip standard i'm not don't quote me on that though don't quote me on anything that one's tight and yes if you don't want to spring for expensive purple or blue loctite go to the dollar store and buy the cheapest thing of clear nail polish it works just as good for what we need uh glue sticks work honestly you just need something to just give it a little bit of like if you torque the screw to spec it'll be fine as well i i don't have any loctite in this guy and it's been years okay so we have that so now we need to install that so m316s and some washers uh best loctite is cross running cross threading is nature's loctite and three sixteens and three sixteens and three twenty and three sixteen times 10. where did i put them then did i put my other threes where are you this is why i don't like baggies of screws i know i saw earlier i just don't know where i put them nope oh bloody hell i'll just grab him from stock i'm 316. oh great i'm out of m316 in stock cred well there's one per baggy so one know i had a bag of them oh there they are there there there and then i need my washers which i put back in a bag that's an empty bag get rid of the empty baggies get rid of the empty baggies my rabbit ears are getting in the way guys okay i'm not sure what the carrot patch uses i'm not building one um just works on the whiskey more and you need less bother about the rabbit ears yeah true give me a second i'll keep working on that and an m312 m312 so for those unfamiliar how this works uh this is for tensioning the screws or tensioning the belt so you have these two screws are kind of floater and then this is the tight one this where it pivots so when you move this it will allow you to put more tension on the belt and then you lock these tight once you're tensioned properly so for now you want it kind of loose so you can properly tension everything up later okay so we got that that that another mrz88 or mr85z these actually work really good if you have a screwdriver use that to push it into position i guess really doesn't want to fit does it there we go okay bearing position once installed the bearing will not be flush and stick out as shown uh yeah check out the bottom look on the bottom make sure it's like seated on the bottom and then that should be good motor wiring so are we are we doing crimping already where the motors are shown push the four pin microfit connector into the top left spot oh geez we're doing wiring already okay we might not get it all built tonight okay that's coming off i need to uh crimp in his serious business no i was using the wow stick to push in place the es126 i was not and technically i didn't buy either banggood sent them to me oh you got a little zip tie holder too okay so how long should these be these go into there how much like extra room do i have here like how much slack should i be giving these it always turns into a wiring stream i know i know okay so there is room for a little bit of extra okay so if i put that all through here so just to give me an idea it goes there so if i cut it right there and then that will be a little bit more in yeah right there hope i don't screw this up guys if i did that's okay i got like a half dozen other nemo 14s kicking around so and we are using a four pin female connector worst case is short that'll be fine okay i think it's a male i think the male pins go in the female connectors i'm not mistaken crimping ain't easy that you are right about but easier when you have a pa09 hey mr deep fry did you uh did you spring for legit microfits with this kit are these are these molex branded components oh these are molex i know i'm so used to the the shitty knockoffs because let's be honest i use the shitty knock-offs ooh these crimp nice yes the giveaway uh what time is it 10 at 10 30 i'll do the draw and it is for two uh kits how many cartridges is it i don't know he has several of them it'll be random you'll get either a four um what is it a four a six an eight or nine or twelve or i don't know it'll show up and then you can build it but it's free uh you might want one day to put referral links for the tools i should i'm lazy like you i don't know i'll i'll do referral links for like something in the video itself if i like the product but very rarely do i constantly spam on i'm not like one of those people i just will post something on twitter and be like hey guys you should just buy this here's a link it's like no it's gotta be content appropriate in my opinion i think the only one that i have in all my videos is like the under three one and like film it or something okay so if that is that so we got was it black green hopefully these colors are correct red blue and then that goes into should it push all the way through yeah it should push through okay let's see here um um oh yeah for those that don't know um i now have a youtube store i forgot youtube like once you get like 10 000 subscribers youtube lets you uh gives you a store and i forgot about it until like the other night when they emailed me they're like you're not using full advantage of our features so i spent like two minutes and i put up some products i need to actually sit down and do some artwork and do it properly um so if i'm gonna put a store up i'm actually gonna put like i need to do an only benchy shirt still i need to get some artwork but um yes there is a store i will be putting stuff up on it in the future right now that's just kind of placeholder stuff if you want a water bottle with my logo on it there we go oh that's perfect oh that's nice um you can go ahead and buy one if you want i know the lighting's horrible do that look at that oh that is nice that is nice okay um i do have a hoodie on the site okay threaded rod time my favorite type of rod so install the two m5 nuts tightens against each other locking mechanism at the end of each five okay so i have lock nuts here should i be using the lock nuts are they no they're just regular m5 nuts i think the the uh the only thing that's different for the different sizes is the length of the rod the length of the uh pins and then the belt so if you happen to win one of the longer kits and you don't want it you can cut it down i'm pretty sure in rodri truss yes these inanimate carbon rods that's what we trust speaking of space did anyone watch the uh the spacex landing that was cool okay so when you have um when you need to do lock nuts um do i have actual you know proper equipment list probably not but we'll make it work so these are m5 nuts what do i need i need uh yeah that'll work you basically need two uh wrenches and you put a wrench on the bottom nut and a wrench on the top nut and then you tighten them against each other and it locks them in place yep so m5 nuts you need a what i don't know i'm using a 5 16. there you go so for your metric m5 nuts you need a 5 16 wrench and a standard adjustable not a metric adjustable a standard adjustable remember a standard adjustable that the uh it opens and closes upward the metric ones it opens and closes downward don't don't get them mixed up okay then we take that and we install the rods in this plate okay um yeah exactly you may want to do some slight adjustments to the model um at simply for the fact that when you have lock nuts they don't always end up the same so the upper nut is rubbing against the plastic part so you may want it's not a huge issue like the plastic will give it's not that big but you just want to make sure there is enough clearance it's this one right here it's rubbing a little bit not that not the bottom the bottom that sits in the pocket fine but the upper nut the surfaces aren't flat to each other they're kind of off a bit and that happens sometimes when you're using lock nuts so you may want to just make sure there's a little bit more clearance that's not a major issue but that's just something that happened okay there we go uh latch preparation hinge lock use a small tool like an allen key insert it in the hinge hole to free the giant or the free the print in place mechanism and sure rotates freely do this for both latches one two okay so this right here is a print in place so it should just oh okay well dropping that worked so that is a print in place hinge nice okay so that's done uh okay so don't over tighten so that goes like that that goes like that okay there's an indexing there and then that goes downward so that goes like that okay that goes like that and then m320s right here uh remember we'll see that is actually um one of the design criteria for anything boron is basically in all cases we try to avoid using um having to use supports in any any reason so however there is certain situations like this is an example where you can't not have supports so any part that requires supports it has to be built into the model that is a requirement across the board with all anything like that wants more on branding essentially so essentially all voron parts um are supposed to be you download them you throw them on your slicer you slice no fiddling with support settings at all okay so there's that my battery finally dying on this oh the battery's finally dying on this okay let me plug it into charge hey kv3d okay motor wire okay i guess i'm wiring up the other motor so we have that select motor wire so this is the selector motor right here uh prepare the four wires for the connector don't crimp the ends for now okay typical wire lengths for each component so if this is a six um what is that chans channels is that what that is chan c-h-a-n-s so six what's chan's i'm assuming it's six unit i should have 33 33 centimeters of wire on the manual i'm assuming you have a dedicated wire that goes from the connector panel to the nema 17 motor oh so you're assuming i'm like plugging this into the controller board yeah this is like this is over 30 this is like third it's like 40 centimeters i think okay so prepare the four wire bundle encoder and end stops where the heck are these going so i'm doing these wires right now so where's my encoder okay so i'm just gonna leave this for now so leave the stepper motor for now and now okay servo okay here's my servo yeah so we have the servo which on a six it says i should have 65 centimeters of wire that seems quite long because it only comes with like 25. so do i need to extend these yeah it only comes with like 25 millimeters uh argonaut it's in the description it is a buy a hair and then the encoder i have an encoder what does the encoder look like oh i'm assuming this is the encoder i think what does the encoder look like okay well i guess i'll just leave the wires long for now yeah i won't fiddle with any of the wires okay so skip wiring we'll skip wiring for now uh wiring will be next week we'll fiddle with wiring next week okay m4 extruder gear that's right boys we printed one of these boys we're back we're back to printed gears never escape the printed gears that's the encoder okay so need to a d flange put gear on something to hold it grab flange with something and pop it off be flanged and then you take that and it should index into there pretty good and then m38s buttonheads m38 socket heads um here we go and three eight button heads no balls uh kb3d are those the lineal wire harnesses that are uh two to three weeks fleet time they will say those are some i got one of those harnesses in uh like let's be honest i haven't used a bad wiring harness yet um this one is using a fermio labs one and tallboy's using a linea and they're both excellent do you mind talking about the screwdriver for a minute yes you uh put a bit in it you make the bit touch the screw in a way that it locks and then you push a button and you go eh and it turns the problem is is uh it doesn't really have enough torque for this application so i'm gonna have to use the actual bit and yes i'm using two electric screwdrivers because i'm cool like that and uh banggood sent me two to review so i might as well use both and i already did the review on technically kind of any tips on reducing printed any tooth wobble from the gear not seeming perfectly even um make sure it's actually like when you're installing the gear are you having to really push it in there and you're pushing a lot of plastic out of the way or is it like kind of just pushing in nice and evenly and it just kind of pops into position because what can happen is if your tolerances when you're printing it aren't good um when you push the gear in you're basically deforming the plastic or shoving plastic out of the way and it might go in on an angle you basically want to go in to the point where you can pull it out and you see no damage to the plastic and then when you screw the teeth in or screw the uh the screws in don't go in like a circular pattern go like one two three four like kind of alternate side by side just so they kind of go in a little bit more evenly and it should in theory produce wobble like you can get these pretty dang accurate like the boron uh v 2.1 and 2.2 use this for your drive gear for your zed for the longest time with i used them without issue um now we use the metal ones and i i think you can use the metal ones on here but it's not really recommended because um it's more weight you do want kind of light okay so we have that so now i need to put it on insert grip screws and five millimeter d cut shaft do i have a five millimeter d cut shaft i do did you cut this by hand oh i see how they did they did it one move on a grinder just right across the whole thing there we go so i'm assuming where do we gotta locate this positioning install the bearing okay so okay so the bearing spacer on each side and then 12.7 millimeters the bearing spacers have orientation okay well let's find where i put my uh do you have any uh the extending of the wire in your loom for the tall boy no cuz okay so tall boy is not a standard size tallboy was originally a 300 by 300 by 400 v 1.5 as a v2 it's 330 by 330 by 400 or actually it's like 390 or something weird like that so i got a 350 millimeter spec wiring loom and it's long enough i actually have quite a bit of extra under the hood okay so install the printed gears or the printed spacers and now 12.7 millimeters from the end so the easiest way to do that actually um i found is you get your vernier and you scale it out and zero it scale it out to whatever your desired length is so 12.7 millimeters there we go so 12.7 it in place and then this right here is a depth mic so what you can do is you just kind of move it up until it touches and there's 12.7 millimeters and then lock it in place double check 12.7 voila uh kv3d ten dollars thank you appreciate it where is my nail polish so what i mean i have uh the new storage for everything so i don't lose anything and i'm already losing things 12.7 aka half an inch you mean 500 thou right it's it's funny i actually i i am more comfortable working with thou um than millimeter just for the fact that that's what i use at work is everything is thou which for those that don't know is thousands of an inch because tool and die trade tool and mole trade hey we're all still in uh imperial land you know [Music] it's you know i live in canada which is technically a metric country okay so just you guys know um we have three minutes on the draw so in three minutes we are gonna be drawing for one of these kits okay enraged rabbit carrot feeder you're gonna get one of i don't know what size kit it'll be a four an eight a nine or a twelve or something like that it'll be one of those but it'll be free if you live in america and you enter the contest and you happen to win um if you don't think you have a good chance of winning and just want to buy one of your own you can do that too code buy a hair and get five percent off links are in the description does it feed rabbits um you shouldn't feed rabbits pla but if you happen to have a rabbit that ate pla it probably could be used to feed a rabbit so this now goes that black diet goes through there [Music] what are you catching on [Music] okay draw time draw time we got two minutes two minutes there you go one minute to enter guys one minute i think the sign up crashed it shouldn't have crashed people are still entering and if you try to message me during a stream uh just you guys know it takes me a minute to catch up on everything ah dang it i got the wrong screen open wrong screen sorry guys that screen there you go five seconds five seconds five seconds five seconds okay there we go yeah accepting responses no longer sorry guys i had the wrong screen up great i normally have it on the wrong i'm i've moved around computer monitors i now have like proper sized monitors instead of 15 inch dinky ones that i would used to be using so um a wheel of names there we go well if honestly if somebody wants to be a dick and like literally write out everyone's email that accidentally posted that's kind of a dick move okay so how it's gonna work is i'm gonna copy all your names we're gonna put in the wheel names and we're gonna do two draws okay okay now of course you only have one chance to win um you can't win twice so once you win you are drawn out um somebody give me a number between five and ten i need a number between five and ten five and ten come on five and ten seven one two three four 5 6 7 draw hey romell romel you have one let me find you in my form here so i can forward your information there you go congratulations romell there we go okay okay now we will do draw number d somebody give me a number between zero and five zero and five zero one five come on come on come on three one two three go oh oh oh oh james l james l congratulations you two have won a enraged rabbit carrot feeder kit congratulations yay everyone round of applause for the winners round of applause um first one to reply should i give away another one yes or no should i give away another one yes or no okay everyone's saying yes so oh oh somebody who's me who's me somebody named me said no so sorry me if you uh if you win you don't win i need a number between 10 and 20 now 10 and 20. 10 and 20. this is for the bonus draw ten i can do that one two three four five six seven eight nine ten let's go oh big money come on big money come on clock big big money and it is keith congratulations keith you have won an enraged rabbit carrot feeder kit thank you for playing remove and that is it we're done we are done we are done there we go okay close that close that there we go congratulations everyone congratulations to the three winners round of applause round of applause cool there we go yeah sorry about the emails that was my bad i didn't get one of those slice stickers oh well okay back to work here comes the part where my viewers on the stream drop because i've already done the draw gear belt don't forget to install the 188 millimeter g2t belt around the m4 wheel while sliding the d cut shaft into place i can do that so we have the 188 millimeter belt goes around that that goes down there yep so that is that that was easy 420 viewers sounds about right insert the micro fit connectors okay so uh now i got to put those connectors in okay so right deck okay i got it upside down okay i'll just have to dismount okay yeah so what we're going to do i'll wire this all up later i really don't want to uh finagle with wires right now i'm trying to get it built at least so we will skip wiring some things up for now and return to it at a future date okay so what do we need here m312s speed two hundred percent five dollars thank you appreciate it but why not speed 210 percent case get soon good evening what time are we at anyways 10 30. i only got like 20 minutes left in the stream tonight anyways see how far we can get along with this closing the gearbox install the motor arm pass the belt around the g2t pulley and install make sure no wires are pinched yeah we're good there m340s m340s 340s ready the speed goes to 11. fancy i gotta remember to keep getting rid of these partially open or empty bags and then we got another latch arm just like that and then the voron logo install the plate into the slot wait seriously this is why i printed this piece off um which camera has better colors i don't know both these have crap colors so i printed off this plate specifically for uh this will fit into the slot oh it won't fit into the slot please tell me how to make a slot yeah well that's tight yeah specifically for the forum logo okay i can dig it can you dig it i can dig it that goes right through there peter thank you for becoming a member there we go oh that is that is cool latching mechanism okay so that is there i can tension the belt up you know this is going to come off there we go we got that got that got that i need to put the uh ever so important manual feed knob on the end it has a little rabbit or carrot oh don't push on that part okay shouldn't touch the motor arm okay and then top panel i'm gonna have to press that on i think yeah okay whatever that's a little snug i'll play with that later i don't want to break anything so there's a top panel here that goes like that wait don't the right one no i'm dropping that yeah okay so that goes like and then those are m38s don't know where they went okay um i'm starting with ones for the top hat lockers i think yeah i i'm building this as the manual says for everything i'm just skipping some of the wiring right now come back to it later uh [Music] okay bottom block overview okay so filament block insertion inserts slide a single bond tech here onto the d cut shaft and only slide the first filament block do not over tighten the screws yet okay so i need to put one of these doodads on so let me get the gear upward slide on a bontek gear and then i'm loosely going to tighten it just so it's kind of it'll stay on the flat at least wow these uh wow these are some really special set screws i don't know how you can oh my god okey-dokey um let me see if i have something better than that [Music] nope nope yeah that'll work that'll work that will work i'm still engaged that's good hope you're all learning something i'm just here for i don't know i'm bored on a saturday night okay so put that on and then i need block zero and then i feed that on okay slide single bond tech gear onto the d cut shaft and then only slide the first filament block do not tighten the grub screw yet every three blocks and sort of bare okay so you're just kind of putting them on and just letting them free float for now and then we will be adjusting them later and then every three blocks you put a spacer block on okay so i'm not tightening them i'm just kind of getting it so they don't move two which is one okay so that's three and that means these should be able to move yeah so that would move up okay yeah i see what you mean okay and then we put a bearing block on which i'm assuming is to help with stability um yes that helps with stability okay and then i put the other one on uh case consumed five dollars thank you appreciate it quick question how well do you 3d printed leather stamp work is it something that would work longer term um i did it what like a year ago almost and uh it's still holding up like literally like almost as good as it was the day i did it um i have a video on my channel on how i did this i know it's the old logo so that's kind of poopy now but uh it's holding up great like i'm legit surprised how well it held up so yeah it's working pretty good so okay there we go hey it kind of looks like something so i have all those on and now filament block end we need to put some stuff in wow those are really stiff opening and closing those gates okay heat up shitty soldering iron time put this over there give away the old apron i can get a new apron at some point okay so we need the end block which is what does the end block look like that bm block no that's not the end one at the end block no oh it is it is that's the end block okay [Music] that sucked yeah we're definitely gonna be ending the stream at 11 tonight i am feeling a bit under the weather uh tin knox thank you for coming remember uh dc sublime 20 thank you appreciate it uh dr mcgillighty's fine to help get that last bit of the cold away ah i got a bottle of buckley's upstairs i'm about to do some shots out of tastes awful and it works which it does okay and so two heat sets and then an mr z855 which got three left goes there okay so we are installing that like that and then m5 washers and nylocks okay now i need the m5 washers shot a rat rig helps yeah cheers and where are those night locks i saw earlier yeah there albany scotch for my rat rig cheers tonight there you go i do like my scotch i i am mostly a scotch man um but scotch is pricey so i stick with my canadian whiskies mostly my metric 5 16. because this is gonna suck getting an allen key in here all right yeah this sucks i'm tempted to go find a socket for this because there's like no room to get a wrench around these [Music] dang it they're not nozzle sized do i have any bigger sockets in here nope um i know i have a few kits a few tricks up my sleeve a few tricks up my sleeve yeah design for sockets okay 5 16 socket yeah oh when you're getting out something fresh out of a brand new kit go there we go okay um time to um channel my inner tom sandlander sandlander salamander yeah we go in there uh 11 47 greens from the double team oh this ain't deep enough it's not a bosch no it's a milfucky this ain't deep enough i gotta go find one okay well it's good enough for now i can i'll go find a deeper one and torque it properly after and i don't think i have any deeper ones yeah the other kits are the same oh well okay insert a small ptfe tube into the first channel oh i see okay so we're gonna feed some dummy filament in to uh line it up and then tighten everything it looks like and then i think we're gonna call it after that because uh or no i can't because it's not all in position because it's not fully tightened yet dang it it does look cool though oh yeah okay so i'm gonna call it there i think i think we did pretty good progress it it looks like what we expect it to look like at this point um obviously i'm gonna have to take some stuff off and do some more wiring so i'm gonna have to take this back plate off and do up some wiring um yeah let me jump ahead a bit yeah or we might come back to it next week we'll see how busy my week is i got a thing so that's part one of this stream um i was hoping to get it fully assembled but i never built one of these so i have no idea how long it would actually take to build this i'm actually really impressed on how this is coming together like this is i live oh that was a bad one okay yeah i'm calling the stream there i'm because i'm talking too much i was fine all day honestly but i'm talking that's what's doing it so uh we are getting there we are getting there this thing's almost i think mechanically done uh we just have to fill around with some wiring if your printer can print all these components and they all snap together very well um you know you have a well-tuned printer i'll give you credit for that so that was first part of the enraged rabbit carrot feeder uh if you won congratulations uh we are gonna do draws next week for two more and those will be open worldwide um i choose life yes choose life um so yes so cheers to all who enjoy the stream tonight um you want to help support the things i do the content i create links in the description shout out to for supplying the kit um he's also the guy hooking me up with that micron kit in the future which will be the next thing and then um also um i don't know when i'm gonna fit it in but i don't know if we're gonna steamroll this right through but at some point uh this is a little tease for future project um i have an osce tone this came in today um oh yeah this doesn't focus i got an osce toe oh no don't look at my address um i got an oscar tone kit that we're gonna have to uh solder up put my address on there yep god damn it now i gotta censor that ah don't look at my house guys you don't wanna know where i live poopy anyways so we'll be doing an oscar tone which is a um i got to print the parts it's like a little diy synthetic synthetic synthesizer the thing that makes the funny noises so we'll be doing that in the future wrapping this guy up micron maybe you tried it so enjoy the rest of your weekend um hope i'm feeling better next week i should be uh we shall continue on with the enrage rabbit carrot feeder if you want to get one yourself link's in the description uh make sure you like that smash button and subscribe ring the bell uh i don't know youtuber stuff enjoy the rest of your weekend guys cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 19,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voron, voron design, v2, v2.4, v2.1, v24, v2.2, v2.0, vzero, v0, v1, serial, request, cereal, overview, intro, 3d, printer, 3d printer, corexy, core, xy, abs, enclosed, ercf, enraged, rabbit, carrot, feeder, enraged rabbit carrot feeder, mmu, multi material, multi, material, printing, 3d printing, afterburner, galileo, ette
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 40sec (10960 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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