Print n Chill - Variety Stream - Dragon Install and some Idex Action

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ooh red button [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello hello hello how's it going tonight everyone it's friday night and it's a bit of a uh last minute it's been a busy day been running around out with the family all day came home stuff's not charged it it's friday it's not even friday it's saturday but we are here we're gonna have a good time tonight it's gonna be a good time saturday night i feel mostly all right it's gonna be a variety stream tonight we're gonna do a little bit of printing a little bit of building um i was hoping to do an unboxing but unfortunately yes um my [Music] did not charge unfortunately for some reason they did not decide to wirelessly charge and considering this is the only apple device i have i don't know where my lightning cable is so unfortunately i don't uh [Music] they're not charged so yes wired headphones put that in there because so that's annoying this is gonna be really annoying audio sounds weird what do you mean audio sounds weird we are oh oh okay audio better audio better i'm sorry i had i was recording stuff earlier in the week and i had all my settings were kind of yeah i had the wrong mic selected i was going off the mic on the camera there we go there we go yeah i had the wrong mic selected sorry um my setup was kind of everything was kind of tossed up um so i had to like re-enable a bunch of stuff so yeah but since when it's been a while since we've had audio issues on stream so i figured have a little bit of a throwback you know i'm going to be dancing around with a wired mic all night it's gonna be one of those nights it's gonna be one of those nights let's just go with one of these because it's really annoying put that through there and i'm gonna walk into it a million times but it is what it is so tonight's show uh we are going to play with this guy and we're going to do some idex printing and then we're going to put the uh dragon in the toasty because i've gone ahead and printed the new mount i know last week we were going to print but we had issues there but that is all resolved now so yeah so tonight's show uh sponsored by thangs things is back hey check out the link in the description because i printed this guy which is totally not in focus because again we were playing with the camera last week and would i ever remember to restore settings back to defaults no of course not why would i ever do that there we go so on thanks they have nearly three million models and it's constantly growing and this is one of those newer ones that was quite fun to print this is one of those uh ten i can never say it right tensing tencent yeah bloody hell how tencentery's 10th degree tower what is it called it's tencent degree intense i'm trying to find where the model is because it's one of those fancy ones that like on paper it doesn't work but then like it balances due to physics and science and whatnot 10 sec gritty yeah there you go but look at that and this is all print in place so there's no wires this is actually a single print and place model uh it prints like that and then you just take it off at bed and it does that so it's this is in some sparta 3d silk um i didn't have the settings dialed quite in so it's a little bit stringy no pun intended but it just kind of does that physics it does stuff so yeah so that was the fun little print and then uh as you can see we're playing with the idex so it's getting there it's getting there settings aren't perfect yet but yeah yeah that's a bridge this is a uh these are bridges so this is a single i printed it on tallboy with the 0.6 nozzle 0.3 layer height and that is one single strand right across so print it with something that has a little bit of flex to it don't print it in like polycarbonate nylon would actually probably be pretty good um but yeah if you want to print one of these of your own the link is in the descriptions so go there if you don't have a thanks account create a thanks account down some things on thanks and print it off so yeah so thanks for sponsoring the show tonight so tonight we're gonna play with this guy so this is the artist d pro from jg maker now when they sent it to me they told me not to um they didn't want they want me to do a video on it they didn't want me to unbox it on street um but i've already unboxed it so let's show it off on stream because i think i got it into a happy place now um i've printed a bunch of stuff on it over the past week and some of it was not this looks okay on camera it doesn't look good on person um hardware wise the machine is not bad it's your it's your standard affair it's got a linear mgn 12 rail i think that both these carriages ride on um but hopefully the noise canceling is still enabled it's a bedslinger it's big like it doesn't even fit in frame and me not having noise canceling is gonna suck tonight so we'll see how long the street goes tonight that's a big yeah so it's 300 by 300 by 350 um and it's a big boy so what we'll do is we'll get something printing and then once that's printing then we'll go on to toasty and we'll swap that over so we're gonna print and chill tonight tonight's just gonna be print and chill oh what torque uh the torque wrench i printed i think it's for whatever the spec the mosquito wants i'm not 100 sure um but yeah so yeah it's big so that's that's my thing personally like this big of a bedflinger is above what i would recommend going with a bedflinger for um i think prusa size like that that 250 you know like the switch wire size that's about as big as a bed flare because you got to remember like when you're printing something big and tall like this vase here um as it's moving back and forth it's going to do this and wobble so if you're just printing low small stuff all day like a benchy yeah it ain't gonna matter but the moment you start getting way up there and you start printing tall stuff on a bedflinger at high speeds the model's gonna sway and you're going to get imperfections so i don't like tall bed flares x and y honestly doesn't matter too much it's the height that i don't like and then you got to go slow so we need to find something to print in dual colors so unfortunately i'm still waiting i ordered some pva um which is the dissolvable filament so i could do it with pla i have hips but uh d luminoid or whatever liminoin or whatever the heck it's called um that stuff ain't cheap because i was gonna just print some abs and hips and try the dissolving for that but uh that stuff is not cheap so i'm just going to try pva first and see how that works and see how that is are the extruders any good so on this one i haven't taken the extruders apart yet um i'm of the let me print it let me do the testing with it first before taking apart persuasion because i'd rather uh make sure everything works and get all the content i need out of it before doing the review um before taking it apart because the last thing i want to do is take it apart and break it and then i'm screwed because i haven't finished my review so um i'm going to print a few more things on it and then i'm going to take apart the extrus i'm pretty sure though that the extruders are the um they're single gear they're single gear extruders um i had some issues at first but i think i got it fixed um so we're going to do some dual extrusion tonight so let me yeah the print's finished right i want to cancel preheat [Music] it's got a touchscreen i i am i don't like touch screens i i really don't like these touch screens that all these uh entry level printers have now because they seem to all come with touch touchscreens because it's like oh hey touchscreen is premium the problem is they're all garbage touchscreens just give me buttons we're gonna heat that up because we're not gonna print in red and green uh we're gonna go with black can i get a close-up yeah when when it's printing i'll i'll put it so what the plan is we're going to get something printing and then while that's printing we'll do the tool head swap on toasty rather spend exactly like honestly i'm on a crusade against printers coming with the cheap single gear extruder like it's current year we should be getting better extruders on our machines uh do i want elixir brass no no where's my gold do i have gold i just want to have gold i got that i got silver i don't have gold i could have sworn i had some gold pla silver silver i've got like ten spools of poly alchemy but none of them are gold unless i got another printer no i do not um that looks close enough to gold we'll go with that we'll go with silk so we'll go with black and silk um oh and i've already modded this printer i'm doing a review on a factory printer and i've already had to mod it so yeah it comes with um this was this was the annoying part so as you can see it has these purge buckets here okay these were the ones that it came with okay the problem was the way this perk bucket is is see where the nozzle is and you got this brush originally the nozzle sat over the brush so what would happen is while it was parked it would just ooze into the brush and then gum the brush up with with a glob of plastic and then it would get stuck and it would skip a step so what i ended up doing was i found um somebody had made a uh a mod to move the brush over so i've already had to do a mod to this thing to get it to function better it's honestly if you can print something out and swap it with two screws it's not that big of a deal in my opinion but still that part was annoying and it's got these filament run-outs detection sensors which are kind of annoying but they're there take the one two eight six four screen for my cool ted hands honestly i the um i got the ldo um the the the boron mini display i gotta put that in a printer and then i do have a big tree tech uh tft 50 that hopefully i'm going to put in a printer this week and i'll do a video on clipper screen because i know a bunch of people want me to take a look at clipper screen so i'll try and do that this week um i'll try and do a video on that this week or soon at least there we go okay turn both heaters off turn the printer off uh where are my tongs i don't know what model voron it's the uh off-the-shelf non-voron goron so honestly though once i so the problem i've had with this printer so far um is is pretty much lack of software um it it's kind of finicky with the slicers um at first i figured you just tell it you got two looks two extruders and you know you off it goes to the races because this is the first time i've played with an idex um [Music] but the problem i had was it it doesn't behave properly um oh david's here everyone say hi david i don't even see the name um so originally i tried super slicer because that's what i use on my boron super slicer and what happened was it's supposed to do a retraction when it switches tool heads right so when you when you switch from one tool head to the other it goes in parks and then it does it like a four millimeter retraction so that it doesn't ooze with super slicer and even prusa slicer it just didn't it didn't work it did not do it um i told it to help put in marlin and yada yada it just would not work um so i tried cura which is what they recommend the problem is it doesn't come with a profile and then somebody on twitter suggests that i use idea maker or ideal maker um and so i'm using that right now and it seems to be working okay that's what i did this uh vase with with idea maker so right now i'm just trying to find something to print um that's not what i want that's not what i want i really wanna honestly i i wanted an idex for a while um it's just not something that i could have justified um this kind of sucks because i can't enclose it properly well without a big cardboard box so it's kind of trying to find a dual extrusion what model is this this is a artist d pro we're on idex when um go bug eddie the engineer follow him on twitter you know what let's just do the the aria the good old aria everyone likes the arya dragon everyone likes the arya dragon so this is i ideal idea maker why aren't you working did i lose my stream deck how do i lose my screen come on stream deck you know you're not really a stream deck free desktop everything's broken tonight everything is broken tonight guys it's one of those nights okay so we'll do the dragon and the silk so that will be the left extruder and that will be the right extruder select those uh where is this move aligned together there we go start slicing and heat the bed up slice how do you drive the secondary carriage they are both hooked up uh they have separate motors no i don't wanna shoot wrong button [Music] yeah water dissolvable filament isn't cheap uh start slicing there we go no support so obviously this print is not going to finish on stream just so you guys know um idex is slow at least this this printer i don't have a fast profile for this oh my god no camera sucks why aren't you why is not my stream deck work oh there we go there we go okay it's working now and we're sd card in it it will take forever yeah this was a now honestly i printed this a little too solid like the um my settings were a little too heavy duty this was near a 24-hour print so this ain't boron speeds um yeah and my xy offsets are actually a little off unfortunately but good enough water to go on can be relatively cheap if you don't use it as a layer between the model yeah so you print like your cheap pla all the way up and then the actual layer that is the layer you need to dissolve away you print with that but it depends on the model because some models if you have like enclosed features that you want it to be supported um you can't do that obviously so yeah spoiled by boron speeds oh believe me i know that feel bro i know that feel so let's get this going and while it's doing that i got to get toasty heated up and remove some plastic [Music] the thing is though with the uh water soluble um here is the problem with water with the method where you just use petg okay um see if i can find the model because this is what i want to try um see if i can find it it's the model ultimaker uses for their demo hips dissolves and lie i i'm sorry i don't have bodies to hide so i don't have lies sitting around and i kind of don't want that in my house with the little guy unfortunately what is that model that ultimaker uses it's like a it's a gyroscopic gyroscope things but yeah anyways the thing is that i want to test um printing something that you literally cannot print unless you dissolve out the supports so like a bearing or something like that so that is what i want to test that's why you need the dissolvable filament idea maker works for the d pro this is the d pro this is an artist d probe [Music] uh with the spider board do you have to flash the boot loader um you flash the same thing like the sk skrs where you you flash it via an sd card and then i think once it's flashed once you can flash it over usb i believe so i haven't i've only flashed mine the ones and i haven't reflashed it since okay so heat up hot end because i got to get the filament out so the filament from um this stuff this is the uh the ultra pa that fetus sent with their engineering box and this is pa 16 nylon this stuff is rigid af um with the carbon fiber or the glass this is glass filled it's not carbon fiber it's glass filled so um this is what we're gonna be using to mount our dragon in toasty [Music] the thing is though right now there's filament in it so i gotta heat it up pa 12 yep how am i doing i'm doing good tonight other than a whole bunch of technical issues and the fact that i don't have my wireless headphones so i'm hearing really loud annoying fans all night and we spent the day out we did a little family day we did a little bit of adventuring and unfortunately um that was a long day so we're all kind of tired that's why if you notice the stream was kind of last minute um normally i'm i'm more prepared when i go live [Music] yeah the prime line is slow this is all default this is like right now this thinks it is a raised 3d pro so it's a little um funky to put it mildly oh i gotta heat that up more 300. like this this isn't abs i can't extrude it at 230. see if we can find a good spot for this camera tonight for this oh and another thing um the bed on this i'm not a huge fan of uh the bed is like a it's not a fl it is a flex plate but it's not a spring steel one or anything i have a spare 300 millimeter flex plate uh spring steel one i'm probably gonna swap it in there we go okay so retract 100 at there we go okay so now we got to let that cool off park fan at max and let that cool off because i don't feel like grabbing a 300 degree hot end uh do i know if there's a place that sells the 20 40 slot covers like the this printer um oh yeah the little slot covers you can find them on aliexpress i used to have some and i lost them i don't know where they are because i actually want to use them for something um but i believe you can find them on aliexpress they're not just look for like just search like extrusion slot cover it's not a it's not a hard item to get those mounting parts which mounting parts are you talking about switch the webcam yeah if you want uh you can't print them too familiar just kidding uh really pro five dollars thank you appreciate it just getting into 3d printing is there any recommendations you have for someone who isn't too familiar with all the ins and outs yet um in terms of like youtubers um you have well myself um and then you have joel 3d printing nerd uh staphon uh cnc kitchen um you also have tom um of tom 3d um there's a whole bunch of them um teaching tech for basic stuff um i haven't watched him in a while i know a lot of his stuff is very focused on the newbies uh chep um chuck hellebuck i think that's how you pronounce it um he does a lot of newbie stuff too so too close no um first layer is pretty good actually on this guy right now we're just waiting on toasty to uh cool down so i don't grab a 300 degree hot head chris's basement too yup makers moves um yeah maker's music he doesn't really do a lot of intro to three uh does he do i don't know it's been i don't know a lot of these guys have been sub four for a while so i don't know what their like newbie content is [Music] like i know my channel i don't do a lot of very newbie printer stuff um like tutorials on how to install clipper and whatnot there's about as newbie stuff as i get i don't go like this is how you set up a printer for the first time i i don't have a lot of that stuff on my channel i feel others have done it enough that me doing another how to put together an ender 3 isn't exactly something i want to do [Music] uh chris is building a v0 oh nice everyone's building b zeros they're fun i don't know where mine's at oh yeah mine's on the i'm starting to actually make more room in this room so mine's down here i gotta get i i want to do some resin printing but so here's my problem here's my conundrum and here's the situation i'm in right now um i want to be doing more for the channel um i've got you know i want to do a clipper screen video i want to do tutorials on how to set up like multiple different um like how in clipper how you can add you know multiple mcus that kind of thing the problem is this is all i have for workspace um the rest of the room is literally full of printers and stuff so if i already have a printer on my desk i have like a one foot area right here this is it right here this is all i have to work with um so i really need to figure like something out uh what do i i you know what i've been using clipper for a little over a year now and i was one of the late adopters of clipper on the boron team um personally i think the duet is good hardware um i like clipper because it is completely hardware agnostic you can run clipper on pretty much any 3d printer controller you don't need to buy a duet to run reprap firmware now there are um other boards now that you can run reprep on so for example um where is it where is it yeah so for example like right now you know if you want to run reprap for the longest time you needed a duet but now you have stuff like the fly board i have a a mellow flaw or mellowfly rf board in my ender three that's running uh reprap firmware that's a single board solution so there is more out there now for reprap firmware but for the longest time you had to buy duet where clipper you can run it on anything you could run clipper on a ramps and outrun reprep firmware on a duet 2 in terms of the ability to output commands fast [Music] is that part why are you not extruding [Music] you might have an issue um works on most s care i think it doesn't only work on some of the newer uh skr boards like i don't think you can run and run reprap firmware on like a a 1.4 um how did i break it i closed it um i broke the guideler on my v0 on the mini afterburner i closed it and the teeth weren't aligned and i kind of forced it close and it snapped to fix it i just printed a new one um made sure the gears were mostly lined up when i put it together and i i actually reprint it because that's what i had loaded at the time and some polycarbonate what are we doing today i'm waiting on that to cool down so that i can swap the tool head out uh to a dragon boron edition and we're doing some dual extrusion printing so print and chill and then if you're looking for something to do at home go on the link below go on things and print yourself one of these fancy tensegrity tensegrity towers table things so look physics it floats on a single strand of filament sprint in place too i love print and place models as somebody who comes from like an injection molding background print and place models are awesome uh oh it is running on skr 1.3 1.4 cool um the thing is though reprap firmware doesn't support webcams um so if you want a webcam you have to have a whole separate system whereas we're running a raspberry pi so you might you can plug a webcam in um also i found like input shaper finally now rip from where it's getting input shaper um i just i used both for years i ran reprap firmware on my v2 u226 here ran reprap firmware until late last year since switching it to clipper the moment i switched the clipper the prints got better on this machine now i was running an old version of reprap firmware from like late 2018 um but the exact same hardware with clipper literally the same controller even i installed clipper on that duet i got better prints it just the motion planner is better in my opinion the way it handles input or pressure advance is better it's got smooth pressure advance versus the more the sharper pressure advance that like marlin and firmware use um and it's easier to add stuff to it people are adding more stuff to clipper faster than rip rap and marlin so well i know you could do that too john but i'm just not saying like rep rap by itself you still need the pie and at that point if i'm adding a pie to a system i'm gonna run clipper i should probably turn this off yeah okay reach back there to turn it off without getting all awkward off oh no my glue stick unplug that unplug that now you may be asking why i'm not using the es126 the reason i'm not using the es126 is because my m3 bit i dropped and i don't know where it went [Music] damn it there we go and that is the last mosquito that i had in a printer out what dock here oh no docks here everyone hide suck the hex key in my ear why would i do that and printing problems with the bontec double gear tutor the small ones at least um nope mine are fine um i'm running lg x's in both my v2s uh tallboy has an afterburner i used to have a galileo i took it out and put the afterburner back in um just because i wanted to keep an afterburner on one of my machines i have two mosquitoes that are collecting dust right now and i bought them with my own money and i'm so annoyed with like the gunk and all that with them that i'm retiring them so instead now this is toasty so we're gonna go with a hardened steel with dlc coating nozzle while moving away from the mosquito the um personally ever since that we had a group by with them and they screwed over all the canadians out of quite a bit of money because they'd used the incorrect shipping and then when we complained they said tough luck um i've never really liked the company because they financially screwed over me myself and a few of my uh cohorts in a group buy and then they did nothing about it so there's that reason and two um i think the dragon does what the mosquito does better and cheaper and i don't have to deal with the proprietary pace and the uh the fat block that melts ducks and i can do a screw to take my heater cartridge out and having instead of having to chip out uh paste and then reapply a paste that you can buy for 20 bucks a gallon that they sell for 15 dollars or two so what's all the stuff that everyone's complaining about but that's okay on to bigger and better things i need heater cartridges where are my heater cartridges i have a whole bunch of heater cartridges where did i put i think they're in here computer cartridges heater cartridges nope nope heater cartridges here oh that too they can't invent the sock now granted i'm not going to run a sock on this machine anyways because it's a high temp machine and silicone socks i don't think do good at 320 degrees celsius um uh the dragon so i have a nozzle x i'm gonna try the the fetus um nozzle just see how it is because it came with it um but it does have that dlc coating so it should be okay um we shall see yeah so 280 yeah so i'm not going to go that hot so or i'm going to go that hot so i can't use the so we got new thermistor that's i was just waiting for somebody to pop and chat and say oh you have to support him you have to buy american you have no idea how many times i've heard that i'm not american i know the stock is a new point but i just find that a funny point it's they they don't sell their 300 hot end with a sock yeah a little allen key here's my little allen key there we go that is that that is that [Music] now where are my little screws there's the right size screws yes they are so selling socks if i ever set up a uh a merch store i'll sell um socks with mosquitoes on them just as a joke uh i wonder if you can sell some sort of hydro that would repel plastic as well oh i the slice has that but i think they had to remake it because originally they were just selling ptfe to paint on your nozzle and we all know how well ptfe does at 240 degrees celsius um how went your adventures with the bqh2 the first one that i had had issues where um it didn't work properly the second one they sent me worked fine however it is inferior to better commercial offerings at near or the same price such as the lgx um or the hamara unfortunately you know it is a more compact lighter design i cannot recommend it simply for the fact that you cannot guarantee it will function out of the box and i believe the manufacturing and steel choice for their gears which are a um it's a type of tool skill that they use that i know i don't think too highly of i've seen it in firearms and a few other components i'm familiar with and it never lasts long like they they just straight up like it's a it's a crappy material so because of that um i got to put heat sets in here crud um because of qc issues and the fact that it underperforms and by underperforms i mean it literally can't go fast um it has issues trying to extrude fast it has a very light heater block it has the same heater block that the mosquito uses or the um the dragon uses however it's machined out of aluminum and it has issues with um keeping thermal mass so i found in testing that i couldn't push filament fast um and then once you add all the fans and everything like [Music] it's not compact once you add all your fans and everything to it and it's not lighter a and a mini afterburner right here is lighter than this and you could put a full copper blocked hot end in there and what do you gain you gain a um a 20 millimeter shorter filament path whoops oh i i like the orbiter i had the or i i had the orbiter or the orbiter itself i have an orbiter i haven't put on a machine yet i don't have a machine that i can easily put it into at this time um it's it's on my list of things i want to play with but i do have one i think it's a good extruder if you're looking if you need a lightweight extruder um it is nice [Music] now you may be asking why am i not using the awesome brass heat set tool that came with my ldo v0 kit well the funny thing is i dropped it and it broke and i'm not happy about that at all believe me believe me how's this print printing yeah it's printing there we go uh is the oem bmg extruder um here's the thing uh if you're buying new i would go with the lg x the lg x isn't leaps and bounds better than a bmg however i like the larger gears better you get a better uh grip on your filament um less chance of imperfections in your extrusion because of a larger gear it's smoother contact and whatnot like the whole um issue six blah blah blah uh wood grain is apparently less on the lgx and it's a newer design so if you're buying new go with the lgx that's what i would say but if you already have a bmg and you're not having issues with it i wouldn't recommend upgrading to an lgx unless you really needed to if that makes sense yeah it's brass but unfortunately it's got a really thin um like the the pointy part that the heat set sits on is like two millimeters thick and i dropped it i had this on my table and it fell and it landed like that and the tip broke off so i don't even know where it went it went flying so unfortunately i killed it and believe me i'm not too happy about that because i really like that um yeah if you already have the bmg use it it's not outdated it's you're comparing a 2010 corolla to a 2011 corolla like yes the newer one is better but they're still good extruders right yeah i have a lathe at work like i can i can make one i can make one of these no problem it's just i didn't realize it was broken until today that's the part i didn't like it's like i'm gonna use it tonight no i'm not it's broken do bmg would be better than the 10 reality oh yeah the stock reality extruder that single single geared a single straight tooth geared extruder or um a single straight tooth feed extruder that that needs to go bye-bye that that tech is so old so need a mini lathe at home i honestly i think i'd get more out of a bridge port but every now and then i pop online the local buy sell groups to see if there is one or some sort of small manual mill of some sort i got no luck locally unfortunately which really sucks i live in a town with a lot of manufacturing like i work in the tool and mold trade you think there would be more that kind of thing available locally nothing sucks okay so both there so let me make these both the same length let me get my kit off get that gonna need my crimper a piece of bowden tube oh put that in here put my two more screws in there to hold it in place dragon or dragonfly i said it's a high flow dragon that's another reason i want to put this in here it's high flow and the mosquito i have is only standard flow so in cleveland uh the problem is cleveland's on the other side of the border wonder one extruder is worth something are you talking about like ungeared extruders personally i'm not a huge fan of ungeared extruders simply for the fact that um the heat of the stepper motor can get transferred into the feed gear which can get transferred into the filament which can cause slipping and grinding so uh where's the rabbit oh uh the low little bunny it's it's upstairs i have like um a shelf upstairs in the living room with like a whole whack load of prints and that's where that's at i posted pictures of it on reddit the amount of adult comments reddit's weird i i don't even want to say what a lot of the comments were because i had to google some things to understand what people were talking about and i'm really not happy that i now know some of those things well voron multi what is war on multi material so i hate these tables [Music] rabbit feeder the rabbit feeder is not an official voron thing but technically the rabbit feeder is compatible with any printer running clipper so yes you could put it on a v0 if you really wanted to um although to work best i do believe it has to have a standard size afterburner tool head because there's an end stop in there for measuring when the filament actually makes it into the uh the tool head so i believe it is compatible but it's not optimized [Music] the dragon high flow is the same length yes it's the same length i hate fiberglass insulation i really hate fiberglass insulation okay watch it print while i fiddle with this we go okay one do there we go oh it's shaking because the thing's sitting on the printer there you go uh the long pause is because it has to so i've tried to cheat it by telling it not to drop the temperature however it still waits for that moment for the temperature to stabilize after a tool change before moving on to the next uh before printing again so that's kind of one of the problems i'm running into like see right now it's it's at 209 210 because the temperature just happened to drop a degree and now it's got to wait for it to stabilize before it continues on you know i told it to con to keep a consistent temperature so that's like one of the things that coming from somebody who has more of a machinist background who knows a bit about cnc from you know i'm not a machinist at work i'm a tool maker but i work around cnc machines there are things that 3d printers don't do that are so common in cnc world that it's like why the heck aren't we doing this like look ahead so hey why can't the firmware look ahead to see what's coming up next so if this tool head knows that hey this tool head will be done its operation in x amount of time why don't i start heating up and start priming so that way the moment this is done as this is moving out of the way this one's ready to go and moves right in because see it's got to move out of the way this one's gotta make its way over the temperature was luckily on on the ball so i didn't have to wait for it to re-heat but it's like they can't look ahead like 3d printing firmware is so behind on features like at least with clipper we start seeing things where it's hey it's running off of a central unit with slaved controllers to it um which some people think that's backwards and that's not firmware which is hilarious because that's how multi-million dollar cnc machines are run like but we're getting there we're getting there remember like cnc machines can like judge loads on tool heads auto compensate speeds and fees for vibration and whatnot where here in 3d printing land it's like we just got input shaper did i grab the wrong ah these are the wrong [Music] ones these are the right ones yeah these are dupont why don't i have dupont connectors in here um dustin i tried super slicer originally with this however it something is weird with super slicer slicer with this machine in particular because i my i run dual extrusion on um the switch wire with prusa slicer no problem um but on here when i try it it's supposed to do a filament retraction when it docks the head with super slicer and prusa slicer you know i tell it to do a four millimeter retraction and if you look at the g code it the negative four millimeter e1 or e2 is there it just doesn't do it it does not carry out the command i don't know why um but with cura and idea maker or is it ideal maker or idea maker um it works so i got it working now so i'm just gonna stick with it because let's be honest this is running marlin i don't know which version um after the reviews done it's probably gonna get clipper yeah you could do um they could do both tool heads at the same time i've already uh if you're following me on twitter at 3dp nero um and if you're not you should be um i posted a video of it doing that and it can do the uh it could do mirrored as well so for example i printed both the uh the lucky cats at the same time and it can also do mirrored so it could print like a left hand and a right hand version uh hunches that were switched over from the t-zero when i read the retraction yeah i have a feeling it has to do something with like order of operations or something because i don't know what like the internal macro for the tool changes on this guy it's like one of those reasons i will never go back to marlin is having to compile and reflash to change anything versus hey i i oh my god what what what am i doing i want to change some firmware settings okay let me go to system oh it printer's not on there can't connect when the printer is not on there you go this printer is connected it's like oh hey i want to go to configuration printer config edit i could change anything i want in this printer right now hit save and restart and it's done rep framework can do the same thing that's awesome but i will never go back to marlin because of the inability to do that can i use the slicer on any printer yep you can i used to use prusa slicer on my vorons and then i switched to super slicer which is like a uh a more a more robust version of prusa slicer so akira has problem with the truck purge line with this printer um i remember it working okay i think but that depends on what your actual purge line g code is i think that's that is the one knock that i have against this printer it does not come with a slicer config like most printers you know you can go to their website and they'll they'll have like a default config or something this does not like the instruction manual where i have it i have the instructions yeah here it is so the manual is actually a decent manual okay i give him credit for that but the manual for the slicer just says uh create a custom printer create it at this size uh tell it has 1.75 millimeter [Music] [Music] ah sorry sorry oh and josh thank you for the five dollars i did see that uh appreciate that yeah there we go i needed to get my metrics up according to youtube the metrics weren't doing too good i had to bump them up i'm unmuted now you could stop stop with the f's stop stop with the f's the the chart is moving it's moving oh you guys uh manuel 7.99 thank you appreciate uh got your printer up and running awesome that's good to hear man that's awesome as a reality thanks to you and your videos okay so what was i saying um this printer does not ship with a profile it on their website now they have an idea maker configuration for the printer but it's a printer profile so when you load it up it tells it ideamaker okay it's a dual extrusion printer this size and whatnot but the actual slicer profile doesn't exist um printers in my opinion anything that is off the shelf should come with at least a default profile that's mostly tuned um for like at least acceptable quality doesn't have to be like a complete in-depth profile but it should be able to you know i should be able to download your profile off the site load up a file and hit print and i should get a decent print okay i shouldn't have to go through and tune it so that is something i'm going to knock against this printer because it does not have one unfortunately i didn't do it for the memes i actually i threw this on my thing and it bumped the um mute button it also changed it to the starting screen so what if you copy paste g-code from slice g-code file on the sd card and use that inside cura yeah it could do that but i don't know what version of cura they sliced it in right so it might not be the same might not be compatible so let's put this guy in i torque it heat it up and get it yep there we go um where are those long ones there uh yeah the boat is the same length i think i have 410 installed on here for cura but uh again all my other than this guy i'm using idea maker everything else i'm running super slicer because uh super slicer is my jam right now i'll say cure is not bad i ran cure for years that one is turn the printer back on reach back here feed filament back into the printer on put that in the middle close my door there we go yeah super slicer is really nice it's super slicer is basically proof's a slicer but it has some tweaks to the way certain things are operated it's more less hand holding a lot less hand holding and it opens up a lot more settings that you can play around with um so now we'll do a pid tune and we'll actually print something on this guy so you can watch that do that in the meantime so since this printer prints a lot of uh hot stuff well pid unit tune at like 260 i think is it reading temperature right yeah we're reading temperature right there we go now we're heating up so we're good there oh my god everyone's here you want to say goodnight to everyone you say good night say good night look at you good night you gonna say good night are you why are you licking your hand you got toothpaste on your hand what are you doing what are you doing did you behave for mama no yeah what are you doing still up it's nine it's 9 15. you should be sleeping say goodbye bye bye hi you go sleepy [Music] doggo kiddo uh kids kids kids i i missed some donations earlier i'm sorry uh chris thank you for coming a member uh luke five dollars thank you man appreciate it loving my 0.1 after a couple pla prints verify everything is working chewing through abs awesome uh duff 1399 kiddo and doggo combination and dustin 20 thank you man appreciate it buy that kid some candy he has enough candy he's being a butt right now he should be sleeping but no he's awake positive wave 549 thank you appreciate it thanks for the videos going to jump in sources v 2.4 to 3d print my son uh oh with my son man awesome he's 14 to take up the hobby that's awesome to hear man i'm just waiting for my little guy to get old enough that i can uh start doing stuff with him you think you'll have him help out in the print shop of course i'm gonna have help in the print shop so now i've got two skeeters i don't know what i'm gonna do with them maybe i'll put them in enders i have seen the water cool dragon uh and thank you for the two uh pounds two pounds um i'm not a huge fan of air cooled hot or correction water cooled hot ends um this guy right here i've printed 300 degrees on the hot end in a chamber that's 60 degrees celsius i'm having no issues with heat um heat creep like it's this is having no problem not being with with air cooling fully enclosed really water cooling is for guys printing peak in autumn you really should not need to water cool a hot end um on a home machine really how do i deal with ventilation i don't i plug everything up in this room like this room is fully sealed up the vents sealed up um i keep the door closed when the prints are running and even these printers um all the panels it's all closed up with gasket sealant exciting what the octopus is oh yeah i gotta give away that yeah and water cooling on moving parts i i don't trust water lines at 300 millimeters a second and 10k excel other than tinkering what do i use the 3d printers for at this point i use a lot of it for um the videos because on the youtube channel like instructionals and whatnot and like obviously i'm printing a bunch of stuff with this guy for review purposes and whatnot um but i've printed a few things around the house some mounts um toys stuff like that i print for some people at work um and a few different hobbies one guy's into rc stuff so i print a few things for him every now and then so water cold two hours of power spin see the water cooling setups on cnc's are a little bit different than 3d printers plus if it blows you don't have a mains voltage and all your electronics directly below it usually you know the spindles usually means when i do all i haven't done a lot of reviews on my channel but usually if i'm reviewing i just talk about what i like what i don't like and then if i think it's worth it or not so so far this machine isn't too bad um other than software issues and by software issues i mean lack of a proper slicer configuration because that's really the only uh thing i'm not liking about this printer so far these brake lines are fitting liquid cooling remove brake lines are meant to handle all kinds of shock and movement yeah you could i just honestly think water kill or water cooling is overkill on a 3d printer unless you are printing in an oven uh what's my favorite worm printer to build well i built v2s many times and i like my v2s like v2 is like the bread and butterball on it so when you think of voron you think of v2 um beauty tune is done let's print something let's print something let's do a carbon fiber nylon katana now this isn't working again why aren't you working there we go independent yeah idex is independent dual extruder oh uh i missed one missed one tagly uh 20 thank you bad appreciate it josh is out bye josh so this is one of those collapsing things so it's got multiple different uh layers oh it's still slicing but while it's doing that let's heat up toasty there we go [Music] matte colors i do love matte colors honestly like matte matte filaments i love [Music] printing pixel buzz to charging dock at the moment nice so we're gonna wait for that to heat up i'm gonna go get a drink so here you can enjoy this printer printing it's stringing a little bit but that's the silk filament silk filament strings i find and it's under extruding quite a bit unfortunately yeah that's the the one thing i'm knocking this printer for is it doesn't have a good profile and i'm not really um sure what's wrong with it you need a mac why would i need a mac do you have any no okay scalp so um my spider board is the very first revision one i got it when they shipped out all the uh they they expressed mine but mine is from the first batch that went out and i don't have any issues with mine i know other peoples are having issues with theirs at this point i would recommend an octopus over a spider simply for the qc issues what printer did i put the pit foot on what's a pit foot i don't know what a pit fit is a little guy's being a butt upstairs i can hear him um ever tried johnny i like johnny walker i'm not a fan of blended scotch whiskies i prefer like non-blended oh the pi tft i haven't put it on anything yet i have it um where is it yeah so this guy right here this is a uh btt tft50 um this i will be putting in a printer i think i'm going to put this because i have this and this so this will run clipper screen um and it attaches via the ribbon cable to a raspberry pi so i need to buy a longer ribbon cable because i think i think i'm going to put this guy on tallboy because right now tallboy just has a mini 12864 and then this guy which is actually usb this actually runs its own controller um this guy i think i'm gonna put on uh toasty right here we'll see or i might put this on toasty and put this on the v0 i don't know yet [Music] so i'll be back in a uh a minute or so i'm gonna go get a drink um i suggest you guys go get a drink as well so i'll be back also my little guy i can hear him being a butt upstairs so um yeah kids are fun i'll be back [Music] do i am back okay is it worth upgrading an 8-bit board printer um right now the uh knit trim is doing like four-minute benchies on an i-dex or correction with on a delta with a try gorilla 8-bit board with clipper the thing is 32-bit boards are the modern boards that have all the extra fans and features and support and they work better with the the the tmc drivers and whatnot so if you're buying a new board get a 32-bit board don't buy an 8-bit board today's day and age unless you're lulzbot but if you already have an 8-bit board in your machine and it has all the hookups that you need and you don't plan on swapping out or adding any additional hardware down the line just flash clipper on it and you're good especially on like a bedflinger machine you're not going to see any noticeable difference going to 32-bit the child still lives he is being an absolute butt though right now and not going to bed so um do i use the lgx yes so um both these two are running lg x's um i have an afterburner in tallboy i'm going to be putting a i'm going to put so okay i took the galileo out of tallboy because the galileo is going to go in switch wire with the um when i rip out the dual extrusion and put a rabbet feeder on it so the rage rabbit feeder is carrot feeder whatever the heck it's called the the six unit multi-material extruder is going on switch wire and that will get the lbo at that point um no whiskey tonight tonight we are actually i had to don't tell the wife i don't have beer and i'm out of whiskey so um we are drinking mike's high hard white freezer which tastes like white freezing it's actually delicious carrot feeder soon i am waiting on um our good friend dfh will be selling kits on his website and once all the bells and whistles are ironed out i will be using his kit um to build one so yes carrot feeder is in the lineup [Music] am i happier with the lgx i went with the lgx because this is a production machine i use the crap out of this machine um and the lgx is a commercial off-the-shelf product that has a warranty and you don't have to worry about misassembling anything is it worth the price premium your average person will not be able to tell if you if i take a print that i printed on here before i had the lgx with the afterburner and i print off here after i installed the lgx and put them side by side and didn't tell you which one was which i guarantee you 99 of people can't tell the difference um can't hear anything that's not good i thought my hearing was going can a raspberry plus clipper run uh one second here [Music] chris valerie 10 thank you man appreciate it yeah here we go oh he is being a butt upstairs i can hear him i think this is the vent no that's not the video i want yep here we go okay so this is a four minute and thirty second benchy by nitrum um on his heavily modded any cubic something um any cubic castle and he is running uh 2130s uh with a try gorilla i believe yeah try guerrilla atmega 2650 so an 8-bit board with a 2130 which is like you know they're out of date now you should be running 2209's or 2208 2209's are upgraded 2208 um so yeah so an 8-bit board with 2130s and he's doing a four-minute benchy on a delta clippers magic is there advantage to fluid pie versus mainsail go with whichever one you like the interface more personally i like fluid pie is my screen frozen uh try refreshing because i'm i'm back uh tmc 2209 verse 22 or 2226 i never use the 2226 i only use 2209s on all my machines and i don't have any issues with any of them so [Music] sculption thank you becoming a member there we go okay upload collapsing katana so this unfortunately is a 12 hour print so the collapsing katana won't be done until tomorrow [Music] derek ten dollars thank you man appreciate it i think for the under three v2 clipper videos never would have been able to install clipper without it awesome it's good to hear that it helped that's why i did it thank you for the ender 3v2 clipper video i never would have been able to install clipper without your video as youtube fixed the channel yes youtube has fixed my channel i'm hopefully you guys are seeing all them glorious ads before my videos now um so for those that were unaware my channel was kind of broken for like a year and i i turns out it was broken they told me nothing was wrong there was something wrong they told me how to fix it which was not the right way to fix it it was the easy way on their end to fix it i finally got it fixed right i'm now receiving ad revenue on my channel do you find myself resin printing a lot i it's back there um the last thing i printed with the lola bunny i'm probably gonna print something this week um for a video i don't use it anywhere as much as my other printers but for what it does it does it very well like for high detail models that especially anything with curves like you can't go wrong with a resin printer i show you the lola bunny but i don't have it in this room like it's just insane what you can do with a resin printer but it's a nightmare to work with in terms of like having to deal with all the uh the post processing and everything youtube premium books youtube premium bucks are actually pretty decent hopefully the xy uh is in the right position with this guy hey it's good we didn't crash and filament is leaking out so i did prime enough so we're good [Music] oh wait i am back i don't need to grab a drink getting a little crowded yep it is i'm running out of room in this room and it sucks because it's not like i have looked into like the problem is the channel is doing well um we'll have we're gonna have a little state of the channel meeting right now um the channel is doing well um i'm not at full time being able to do this yet um but if it continues on the growth that it has been that is a possibility in the future so i have been looking into like you know joel has a studio like a little thing because the problem is i already have like 11 10 printers now 11 printers i don't even know how many printers i have right now um and i'm running out of room um so if i ever do this full time i don't think so i wouldn't want to be doing this at home right but there is no cheap places around me to rent okay i got to watch this to make sure it works there you go there we go did i screw up and not set that for one second here i think i set the yeah every additional layer there we go this stuff loves printing at 300 there we up a go so the problem is i'm watching it print a first layer of black um plastic on a black pei uh surface so it's like uh i think it's okay jericho thank you for coming to member chris riley sells old idol so here's the thing um the a5s the a5s i gave away to a family member um that one's already gone um the ender three i'm keeping because i i need to do a video on it i've done a bunch of upgrades to it i just don't have time to wrap to finish it and record the video i'm hoping soon um so i'm going to use the ender 3 for something obviously this guy i'm going to keep because the only idex printer i have if i want to keep an idex and then my borons which i built i'm not getting rid of my borons because i built them um so it's not i don't have like a plethora of random chinese v wheel printers to give away i really only have the one and i want it because that is the one i have it's an under three like how can you be a printer reviewer without an ender three so going forward though i won't be doing printer reviews often i'm doing a review on this a video review on this that was the stipulation to get one of these is i had to do a video review on it um not just a live stream so i will be doing a video review on this printer and then i'm going to keep it because it's a nice printer um i got to work out some bugs with it but in the long term i'm sure i'll get some use out of it but i get an email every two to three days from a company trying to send me a generic v wheel i3 uh off aliexpress and uh yeah no no large shed with some insulation and a mini split i'm like i might turn my garage into one i got to figure it out my first layer is off i gotta fix it yeah that was way way off um there's my spatula so this first layer was a right off oh yeah that's way too close way too close to that yeah that was way too close so bad so that's that f offset i'm gonna have to change there we [Music] paper cow go my paper towels there they are we've got the mingdom edition live stream coming good times um so andrew and thank you for the five dollars that was the machine i'm supposed to do tonight um the minda is um on its way however um fedex is delayed so i'm waiting for it to show up so that i can review it obviously um so once it shows up i'll review it but i'm waiting for it to show up which it has not showed up however once it does show up i will review it [Music] and yes i'm using glue stick glue stick on a pei bed with nylon works beautifully in my um experience yes so the magician's on a fully plastic frame here's the thing um i am gonna give it a fair review i know um chris didn't like it joel had issues with it and let's be honest it's probably not a great printer but um i am going to give it a fair review i am going to look at it and when it comes to the plastic frame it has a plastic bed mount um and the x carriage is all plastic vorons all have plastic x carriages um a plastic bed frame can somebody tell me the uh force is exerted on the bed of a 3d printer and the tool head of a 3d printer during normal operations what is acting to push the tool ahead and the bed on a 3d printer during normal operations anyone able to tell me momentum not much exactly 3d printers do not aren't a cnc machine there is no cutting forces involved there is no tool head load involved the only forces of acting upon a 3d printer during normal operation is the increased weight of the printed object on the bed and the motion of the printer so a plastic frame isn't a problem as long as the bed doesn't move during the print so if you grab the bed and shake it yes it moves but you know what if i do that to my b0 it moves too there we go that's a much better looking first layer so it really comes down to um is it rigid enough it doesn't have to be perfectly rigid it just has to be rigid enough so concern from heat from the bed um you do know a ton of engine bay components in modern cars are made from plastic like i build the tools for them all the time i've built intake manifolds for engines out of well i built the molds that make intake manifolds for engines out of plastics they as long as they use the right type of plastic there should be no problem somebody tell me what the bed mounts for this guy are made out of it's plastic it's it's a 20 20 frame but the front is plastic the v0 the actual bed mounts the parts where the springs sit that mount the bed are plastic it's always use the right kind of plastic for the application now um after the chris video they sent me a whole little email um with talking points um they didn't tell me what kind of plastic it is however if they used a um a glass filled polypro glass filled nylon uh polycarbonate some other higher temp plastic it really shouldn't be an issue um uh tesla doesn't use a lot of uh some plastic yeah i like the bumpers and whatnot which i don't [Music] here's the problem though um i'm gonna i might make it sit down and make a video about this one day but um anytime i hear somebody complain about a cheap printer having cheap parts i have no sympathy for anyone because this is what you want people keep bitching about i want a cheaper printer i want a cheaper printer what is the cheapest printer how do i build a voron cheaper how do i do this cheaper i want the cheapest extruder i want the cheapest printer um the only reason the the aquila and the um what's the other one exist is because they're doing well because they're just cheaper under threes um if people keep wanting cheaper printers you're gonna get companies are gonna have to keep cutting corners and either they cut corners on material or they cut corners in quality so company comes out with cheap printers people are complaining that they're cheap but still want cheaper printers all the praising of plastic you know i throw we the shop by workout throws out as much plastic in a day as i will probably ever use in my entire life 3d printing so and that's a small shop the million dollar man i'd show the clip but i probably get demonetized with pa you can't cut corners ah i see what you did there like honestly you want a precision cnc machine capable of extruding molten plastic to i've seen people like who was it um i've seen people like complain to me like send questions to me my voron cube i can't get it within 0.02 millimeters how do i fix this 0.02 millimeters that's like a human hair like well human hair is like three or four thousand i think so that's point one so it's a little bit bigger than a human hair point oh or no that's point o two yeah it was complaining about point o two millimeters because 0.1 millimeters is 4 which is a human hair so it's a 10 what a quarter of a human hair like put a mill on it after it's printed yeah no thermal runaway well here's the thing thermal runaway has nothing to do with cost it's literally a line of code and marlin that all these printers just need to enable which that's another thing i'm doing on i'm doing a video on thermal runaway because i've seen a i want to do a video on uh how it's safe but not safe because i've seen fails some pretty gnarly fails even with it um do i have a voron dragon yeah you can see it right now group wrong button it's in there right now um go to i think last week's video i unboxed it or was it the week before i can't remember what is an expensive 3d hobby printer a boron and they're very good for their price i believe oh that's going to come out nice well that's gonna be a nice blade maybe i'll mall ninja uh arlo yes a lot of the heater cartridges and a lot of cheap printers are cheap but no if you haven't had a chance yet um let me see if i can find it so if you haven't had a chance yet go watch this video from maker's muse i'll put in the chat here so he did a pretty good video today um about like or not today this was a couple days ago but just talking about like 3d printing companies and like his experience with them and i i'm i see a lot of what he's talking about i get two to three emails a week from companies offering to send me stuff and a lot of the times it's it's garbage it's it i'm not gonna review i won't take a printer if it's something that i don't think i'll get anything out of um i took the magic like i'm gonna take the magician um because it's different enough um a generic v wheel i3 i won't touch anymore i got the under three why would i need another ender three i don't care if it's a little bit cheaper it's still it's going to perform exactly the same so let's be honest 99 of printer quality comes down to your slicer nowadays so but i hey we'll send you a laser engraver and all it is is just a an xy frame with a 40 watt laser diode strapped to it no enclosure nothing i'm like i ain't touching that with a 30 foot pole i have a kid in the house so uh i just bought a guideler a guider 2s which is not cheap geider2s what is a geider2s search oh that was the one um 3d print general was talking about search flash forge oh yeah flash forward yeah i want to touch flash forward guider 2s see i look at this and what i see i see a plastic box with like the frame is all plastic this looks like those dremel ones no i don't want to quote um [Music] yeah it looks like one of those dremel machines crappy touchscreen yeah see so this is the only metal in the printer and then everything else is plastic oh it's got auto bed leveling the future how are those drone printers like if you're asking how they are um i remember seeing them years ago at a canadian tire had one and i looked at i'm like wow that's cheap so yeah have i talked about upside down fdm um i took a i've seen that okay so let me let me find it here um down printer um yeah this guy so this was the printer he's talking about um i'll put the video in chat here for those that want to watch it later so the whole stick with this printer is that it fits in a box of filament okay so it folds down to a box of filament and it's got a it's got a pretty good print volume for its size i will say um so the positron is 3600 millimeters cubed and which is more than a v0 but the thing is it's got the uh i can't remember what the belts with the wires are called um apparently they i've looked into it they apparently can stretch over time um that could be an issue it's very low profile i do give this credit it's a very low profile uh kinematic system but it uses a glass bed i'm not a huge fan of glass beds because so you can see through it and watch your first layer going down um i'm i'm sorry i'm sold on pei flex plates i'll never go back but it prints upside down it it comes it's very compact and it's cool and i've seen a lot of people like oh it's the future um the thing is was it last week we printed upside down and there was no coincidence that was just hey i need something to do on stream so we print it upside down and yes the printer is very compact but the printer also is missing pretty much everything so i've got my v0 here if i remove this extrusion this extrusion this extrusion this extrusion and flip it upside down it's pretty much the same thing um so you're losing a whole enclosure you're losing a whole square box frame to shrink it so if you were to flip that printer over is it still comparable that's what i'm looking at it's like other than you you take away the stick you take away the the upside down printer that it that's what it's being sold as the upside down printer is it's still a good printer on its own um the base of it is a aluminum milled plate so it's a custom mill plate uses a custom hot end i think the bomb is out there now the bill of materials let me see if i can find it but it it it looks very custom yeah so here's the bill of materials so it uses like nema 11's brass worm gears in in uh how do i say this we've played with brass worm gears on internally in design they can be pretty dangerous if you don't know what you're doing and they can have a lot of issues um so this is cost is 480 so that's not bad but that's individual thing but there's like a whole bunch of you know a bottom machine plate uh bed support arm red aluminum bracket they're they're they're this isn't off the shelf like a boron so you're gonna have to machine stuff or buy stuff machine salvage screws does that count so yeah this it's cool don't get me wrong this is cool i think it is a cool machine um i i personally throw it in the same category as like a hang printer really cool to show off but this isn't going to be your workhorse machine this isn't going to be your everyday machine so if you need something if you need a 3d printer that can compact down that fits inside a prusa box a filament box this is pretty much your only option um but this is it if you're gonna like if this is the same as like if you're gonna have this fully assembled working on a desk all day i think there's better options this is the only reason i would see to get this is if you needed something that compacts that small because if you just needed a printer that sits on a desk i could see much better options than this it loses a lot of its appeal at that point um sen cut said yeah you can get send cuts in yeah if you're in the u.s tom's auto bed yes uh matt i've i've spoken to him about it so it's a cool thing all i will say is tom is getting his uh he's getting plenty of content out of that boron he really likes it yeah i like his video i really did enjoy his video i will say um both uh tom and joel are getting their videos are getting better i really do enjoy their current content there was a while there where i wasn't a lot watching a lot of either but both there both of them they're especially joel his current content is actually i really like um yeah do i prefer glue stick or hairspray pi man flex plate spring steel pi flex plates where it's at the only printer i use glue stick on is toasty when i'm printing nylon because nylon on a bear pi can sometimes adhere and you don't want that like bond so i use a thin layer of blue stick just for helping separate corex why is joel teaching tech no joel is 3d printing nerd teaching tech is the one i don't really watch too much of um just because his content is doesn't interest me um it's a lot of like newbie tutorial stuff uh is corex why still usable uh corex why i don't think scales well at at large sizes i think there's better kinematics than quarks right core xy is meant for a fast kinematic system and once you go big with core xy you can't go fast so at that point what's the point of using core xy uh smooth pi or textured it depends um on my workhorse machines like so toasty v226 here i like smooth pi because smooth pi is usually a sticker and you can replace it easily you you throw it in the uh freezer overnight you wake up you peel the pei off then you take the plate you put it in a shallow container with a dishwasher tab um let that dissolve for a couple hours that will dissolve the glue scrape off the glue throw a new sticker on it boom you're good to go textured pi if you ruin it and it wears out you can't really refinish it um so i like the appearance of textured so like tallboy uses a textured plate sometimes my switch wire is textured my v0 is textured but those i are my pla machines um my my workhorse abs machines are stickers um packs i don't like um i've spoken to a few people pex is not good with higher temperature materials from what i understand so what are the different kinematic with printers um i actually have plans it's on the drawing board to do a what kind of printer should i get video where i talk about you know if i need a printer for this what kind of printer should i get because it's easy for me to say you need a printer build a boron build a v2 these are awesome printers or not everyone needs that and it may not be the printer for everyone so there's different you know should i get a resin printer should i get an ender should i build one should i buy one i think i'm going to do a short video just talking about that um again once i have time i i need more time i do not have enough time to do everything i want to do uh pc works fine i print polycarbonate directly on pei um the cf nylons and whatnot though i do put a very thin layer of glue stick and it pops right off um as for petg i don't touch that so i don't have to worry about it thoughts on the rat rig it's a core xy printer that you can buy kit of beyond that i have no clue i've never touched one and i don't know anyone who personally has one probably an okay printer uh double-sided plates i have a few of those have i done a workshop video yo mtv welcome to my crib i got printers over here i got stuff on the wall over here i got filament over there and i got a closet and there's you hello um you
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 7,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: V1.8, toasty, idex, jgmaker, aurora, jgaura, artist, pro, artist d, artist d pro, phaetus, dragon, voron edition, hotend, install, demo, dual color, colour, dual extrusion
Id: xh6TqfKCQDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 55sec (11035 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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